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Contents 目录 Profile of Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd.

GO electrical steel profile

Baoshan Base products characteristics

Preface 前 言

广泛应用于变压器、电抗器、互感器、电机等行业。同时还可 Qingshan Base products characteristics


Electrical steel, usually referring to cold rolled electrical steel, can be

divided into two major categories including grain-oriented electrical
steel and non-oriented electrical steel. Grain-oriented electrical steel,
with its easy magnetization direction parallel to the rolling direction,
has excellent magnetic properties in this direction including low
core loss, high permeability and low magnetostriction and is widely
used in the transformer, reactor, mutual inductor, motor and other
Application performance of Baoshan
industries. Meanwhile it can obtain lower core loss by domain Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. GO electrical steel
refinement treatment.

This brochure presents the overview of Baoshan Iron & Steel Co.,Ltd.
grain-oriented electrical steel grade specification,application,me-
chanical properties,magnetic properties,magnetization data and
curves. Customers can take this brochure as an important reference
handbook when using our grain-oriented electrical steel products.
We believe it will be helpful for customers to take advantages of
our products so as to design and manufacture excellent electrical Service guide
宝钢股份简介 01~02

取向电工钢简介 03~12
05 发展历程 Development history
07 牌号表示方法 Designation method
11 生产工艺流程 Production flow
12 产品特点 Features of products

宝山基地取向电工钢产品特性 13~22
15 产品规格 Specifications of products
15 产品标准尺寸 Standard dimensions
15 尺寸及板形公差 Dimension and shape tolerances
16 产品性能 Properties
16 涂层性能 Properties of coating
17 电磁性能标准 Standard electromagnetic properties
19 典型电磁性能 Typical electromagnetic properties
21 典型机械性能 Typical mechanical properties
22 各牌号电磁性能曲线 Typical electromagnetic property curves

青山基地取向电工钢产品特性 23~32
25 产品规格 Specifications of products
25 产品标准尺寸 Standard dimensions of products
25 尺寸及板形公差 Dimension and shape tolerances
26 产品性能 Properties
26 涂层性能 Properties of coating
27 电磁性能标准 Standard electromagnetic properties
29 典型电磁性能 Typical electromagnetic properties
31 典型机械性能 Typical mechanical properties
32 各牌号电磁性能曲线 Typical electromagnetic property curves

宝钢股份取向电工钢应用实绩 33~40
35 应用领域 Application fields
36 应用实绩 Application performance

取向电工钢产品服务指南 41~51
43 产品包装 Product packing
47 产品标签 Product label
47 产品质量证明书 Product inspection certificate
51 常用单位及换算表 Units commonly used and conversion table
Cold-rolled Grain-oriented Electrical Steel 02

Profile of Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd.




Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Baosteel”), is a globally leading modernized
integrated iron and steel company and the core enterprise of China Baowu Steel Group Corporation,
which is listed in Fortune's Global 500. With a strategic objective to build itself into the most globally
competitive iron and steel enterprise and a listed company with the greatest investment value,
Baosteel devotes to providing prominent products and services to customers, creating best value for
shareholders and the society, and achieving the joint development with stakeholders.

In February 2000, Baosteel was founded by Shanghai Baosteel Group Corporation , and was listed
on Shanghai Stock Exchange (stock code: 600019) in December of the same year . In February 2017,
Baosteel merged Wuhan Iron & Steel by absorption, which turns Baosteel into a company that owns
such main manufacturing bases as Shanghai Baoshan, Wuhan Qingshan, Nanjing Meishan and
Zhanjiang Dongshan. The company ranks 2nd in the crude steel production, 3rd in the automotive
sheet output and 1st in the electrical steel output among all the global listed steel companies. The
company is also one of the global steel enterprises with the most complete carbon steel products.

Baosteel Co., Ltd. sticks to the development road of “innovation, coordination, green, openness and
inclusiveness”, and possesses the world-renowned brands and the world first class manufacturing
and service capability. The company attaches great emphasis to cultivating its innovation capacity,
actively develops and deploys advanced technologies of manufacturing, energy-conservation and
environmental protection, and has established the marketing, processing and service network with
nationwide coverage and worldwide involvement. Its independently developed high-end products,
such as the new generation high strength automotive steel, grain-oriented electrical steel, high grade
steel for household appliances, steel for energy and marine engineering, steel for bridges, hot-rolled
heavy rail and etc, all reached the world's advanced level.

Facing the future, Baosteel will inherit and carry out China Baowu's vision of “becoming a leader in
global steel industry”and mission of “building a high-quality steel ecosphere”. Adhering to quality
development, green transformation and intelligent upgrade, Baosteel thoroughly explores the joint
growth of steel companies and modern cities, actively shares fruitful achievement with employees,
customers, investors and the public, and courageously writes the new chapter of a stronger steel
industry and steel country.
Cold-rolled Grain-oriented Electrical Steel 04

GO electrical steel profile


05 发展历程
Development history

07 牌号表示方法
Designation method

11 生产工艺流程
Production flow

12 产品特点
Features of products
05 GO electrical steel profile 取向电工钢简介
Development history 发展历程
GO electrical steel profile 06
07 GO electrical steel profile 取向电工钢简介
Designation method 牌号表示方法
Baoshan 宝山

Designation method

如有,则为产品特性代表性字符, If any, represent the characteristics of product,

其中 such as
LM:低噪声系列 LM: Low magnetostriction
NC:无涂层系列 NC: Non-coated

该牌号最大比总损耗名义值 100 times of nominal maximum

P1.7/50(W/kg)100倍 P1.7/50(W/kg)

用于表示取向电工钢的类型的字符, Characteristics of steel grade type,

其中 such as:
G:普通型 G: Conventional Grain-oriented grades
P:高磁极化强度型 P: High Permeability grades
R:磁畴细化型 R: Domain-Refined grades

公称厚度(mm)的100倍。 100 times the nominal thickness , in


宝钢英文名称Baosteel的首字母。 Initial of Baosteel

GO electrical steel profile 08

示 例: Examples:

B23G110表示公称厚度为0.23mm的普通型取向电工钢, B23G110 means conventional type cold rolled grain-oriented

牌号最大比总损耗名义值P1.7/50为1.10W/kg; electrical steel strip, with a nominal maximum specific total loss
P1.7/50 of 1.10W/kg, nominal thickness is 0.23mm, supplied in the
fully processed state.

B30P105表示公称厚度为0.30mm的高磁极化强度型取向 B30P105 means high permeability type cold rolled grain-oriented

电工钢,牌号最大比总损耗名义值P1.7/50为1.05W/kg; electrical steel strip, with a nominal maximum specific total loss
P1.7/50 of 1.05W/kg, nominal thickness is 0.30mm, supplied in the
fully processed state.

B27R090表示公称厚度为0.27mm的磁畴细化型取向电工 B27R090 means domain refined type high permeability cold rolled
钢,牌号最大比总损耗名义值P1.7/50为0.90W/kg; grain-oriented electrical steel strip, with a nominal maximum
specific total loss P1.7/50 of 0.90W/kg, nominal thickness is 0.27mm,
supplied in the fully processed state.

B27P100-LM表示公称厚度为0.27mm的高磁极化强度 B27P100-LM means low magnetostriction high permeability type

grain-oriented electrical steel strip ,with a nominal maximum

specific total loss P1.7/50 of 1.00W/kg, nominal thickness is 0.27mm,
supplied in the fully processed state.

B27G140-NC表示公称厚度为0.27mm的普通型无涂层取 B27G140-NC means non-coated conventional type cold rolled

向电工钢,牌号最大比总损耗名义值P1.7/50为1.40W/kg 。
grain-oriented electrical steel strip ,with a nominal maximum
specific total loss P1.7/50 of 1.40W/kg, nominal thickness is 0.27mm,
supplied in the fully processed state.
09 GO electrical steel profile 取向电工钢简介
Designation method 牌号表示方法
Qingshan 青山

Designation method

如有,则为产品特性代表性字符, If any, represent the characteristics of product,

其中 such as
LN:低噪声系列 LN : Low noise
W :无底层系列 W : No-glass-flim

该牌号最大比总损耗名义值 100 times of nominal maximum

P1.7/50(W/kg)100倍 P1.7/50(W/kg)

用于表示取向电工钢的类型的字符, Characteristics of steel grade type,

其中 such as:
Q :普通型 Q : Conventional Grain-oriented grades
QG:高磁极化强度型 QG : High Permeability grades
RK :磁畴细化型 RK : Domain-Refined grades

公称厚度(mm)的100倍 100 times the nominal thickness , in millimeters

GO electrical steel profile 10

示 例: Examples:

30Q120表示公称厚度为0.30mm的普通型取向电工钢,牌 30Q120 means conventional type cold rolled grain-oriented

号最大比总损耗名义值P1.7/50为1.20W/kg; electrical steel strip, with a nominal maximum specific total loss
P1.7/50 of 1.20W/kg, nominal thickness is 0.30mm, supplied in the
fully processed state.

30QG120表示公称厚度为0.30mm的高磁极化强度型取向 30QG120 means high permeability type cold rolled grain-oriented

电工钢,牌号最大比总损耗名义值P1.7/50为1.20W/kg; electrical steel strip, with a nominal maximum specific total loss
P1.7/50 of 1.20W/kg, nominal thickness is 0.30mm, supplied in the
fully processed state.

27RK090表示公称厚度为0.27mm的磁畴细化型取向电工 27RK090 means domain refined type high permeability cold rolled
钢,牌号最大比总损耗名义值P1.7/50为0.90W/kg; grain-oriented electrical steel strip, with a nominal maximum
specific total loss P1.7/50 of 0.90W/kg, nominal thickness is 0.27mm,
supplied in the fully processed state.

27QG100-LN表示公称厚度为0.27mm的高磁极化强度型低 27QG100-LN means low magnetostriction high permeability type

噪声取向电工钢,牌号最大比总损耗名义值P1.7/50为1.00W/kg; grain-oriented electrical steel strip ,with a nominal maximum
specific total loss P1.7/50 of 1.00W/kg, nominal thickness is 0.27mm,
supplied in the fully processed state.

35Q155-W表示公称厚度为0.35mm的普通型无底层取向电 35Q155-W means no-glass-flim conventional type cold rolled

工钢,牌号最大比总损耗名义值P1.7/50为1.55W/kg; grain-oriented electrical steel strip ,with a nominal maximum
specific total loss P1.7/50 of 1.55W/kg, nominal thickness is 0.35mm,
supplied in the fully processed state.
11 GO electrical steel profile 取向电工钢简介
Production flow 生产工艺流程

生产工艺流程/Production flow
GO electrical steel profile 12

Features of products 产品特点

优异的电磁性能 Excellent electromagnetic properties

一流的设备、先进的制造工艺以及严格的管理确保了宝钢取 First class equipment, leading manufacturing process and strict
management ensure the excellent and stable electromagnetic
properties of Baosteel GO electrical steel.

出色的加工性能 Excellent processing performance

高精度尺寸与优异的力学性能便于用户分条、剪切与叠片。 High accuracy dimension and excellent mechanical property are
convenient for the users to slit, cut and laminate.

卓越的尺寸精度 Preeminent dimensional accuracy

宝钢先进的设备和制造技术,确保取向电工钢良好的板形,表 Leading equipment and manufacturing technology ensure the
面平滑、厚度均匀、同板差小、叠片系数高。 good shape, smooth surface, uniform thickness, small transverse
thickness deviation and high lamination factor.
优良的表面涂层性能 Excellent surface coating properties
Baosteel GO electrical steel has uniform surface coating with good
加工时的涂层脱落;层间绝缘性能良好。 adhesion, which can prevent peeling off during processing. The
interlaminar insulation property is good.
More width options
The width of Baosteel's GO electrical steel is 850-1270mm, and users
can choose from them to improve material utilization.
Cold-rolled Grain-oriented Electrical Steel 14

Baoshan Base products


15 产品规格
Specifications of products
Standard dimensions

Dimension and shape tolerances

16 产品性能
Properties of coating

Standard electromagnetic properties

Typical electromagnetic properties

Typical mechanical properties

Typical electromagnetic property curves
15 Baoshan Base products characteristics 宝山基地取向电工钢产品特性
Specifications of products 产品规格

Standard dimensions

公称厚度 公称宽度 内径
Nominal thickness Nominal width Inner diameter
(mm) (mm) (mm)

0.18、0.20、0.23、0.27、0.30、0.35 900~1270 508 +12


Dimension and shape tolerances

公称厚度 公称厚度允许偏差 纵向厚度偏差 横向厚度偏差 宽度允许偏差(切边) 不平度 浪高 2m内镰刀弯

Nominal Nominal thickness Longitudinal Transverse Width tolerance (波浪度) Wave Camber
thickness tolerance thickness deviation thickness deviation (cut edge) Flatness height within
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) 2m(mm)

0.18 +0.010
+0.012 +0.010
0.20 -0.015
0 0
0.23 +0.010 +0.5
≤1.0 ≤3.0 ≤0.9
0.27 -0.020 0
+0.015 +0.012
0.30 +0.010
0 0
0.35 -0.025

注: Note:
a.纵向厚度偏差是指平行于轧制方向(即钢带长度方向)的一定长度 a. Longitudinal thickness deviation refers to the difference in thickness within
(2000mm±200mm)范围内,钢带纵向上各点的实际厚度之间的 a length of strip(2000±200mm) in a direction parallel to the direction of rolling.
b. Transverse thickness deviation refers to the difference in thickness in a
b.横向厚度偏差是指垂直于轧制方向(即沿着钢带宽度方向),钢带 direction perpendicular to the direction of rolling, the measurements shall be
made at least 15 mm from the edges.

c. If delivery without trimming is allowed, the allowable width deviation is
d. Please consult us if you have special requirements.
Baoshan Base products characteristics 16

Properties 产品性能

Properties of coating

用户可根据层间电阻、耐蚀性、耐热性、冲片性以及其他特 Different insulation coatings are available to meet a range of customer

性,选择符合使用要求的表面绝缘涂层。 requirements according to interlaminar resistance, corrosion resistance,
punchability, weldability and so on.

Coating code

组分 无机 无涂层
Component Inorganic Non-coated

叠装系数 高
Lamination factor High

层间电阻 大 很小
Interlaminar resistance High Very low

附着性 好
Adhesion Good

耐蚀性 很好
Corrosion resistance Very good

Withstands stress-relief annealing ≤820℃ in inert

冲片性 好 用于极薄材生产
Punchability Good For the production of extremely thin materials
17 Baoshan Base products characteristics 宝山基地取向电工钢产品特性
Properties 产品性能

Standard electromagnetic properties

公称厚度 最大铁耗P1.7/50 最小磁感J800 最小叠装系数

类型 牌号
Thickness Max.Core loss Min. Induction Min.Lamination
Type Grade
(mm) (W/kg) (T) factor

B23G110 0.23 1.08 1.85 0.950

B27G120 0.27 1.15 1.85 0.955

普通型 B30G120 1.15 1.86

0.30 0.960
Conventional B30G130 1.20 1.85
B35G135 1.20 1.86
0.35 0.965
B35G145 1.25 1.86
B18P075 0.75 1.89
0.18 0.940
B18P080 0.80 1.88
B20P075 0.75 1.88
B20P080 0.20 0.80 1.89 0.945
B20P085 0.85 1.88
B23P085 0.85 1.89
B23P090 0.88 1.89
0.23 0.950
B23P095 0.92 1.89
B23P100 0.96 1.88

高磁感型 B27P090 0.90 1.90

High permeability B27P095 0.93 1.90
0.27 0.955
B27P100 0.96 1.90
B27P110 1.03 1.89
B30P095 0.95 1.90
B30P100 0.98 1.90
0.30 0.960
B30P105 1.01 1.90
B30P120 1.05 1.89
B35P115 1.12 1.90
B35P125 0.35 1.15 1.90 0.965
B35P135 1.20 1.89
B18R055 0.55 1.88
B18R060 0.60 1.88
B18R065 0.18 0.65 1.88 0.940
B18R070 0.69 1.88
B18R075 0.74 1.88
B20R060 0.60 1.88
B20R065 0.65 1.88
B20R070 0.20 0.70 1.88 0.945
Domain refined B20R075 0.74 1.88
B20R080 0.78 1.88
B23R070 0.70 1.88
B23R075 0.75 1.88
B23R080 0.23 0.79 1.88 0.950
B23R085 0.82 1.88
B23R090 0.88 1.88
B27R080 0.27 0.80 1.89 0.955
Baoshan Base products characteristics 18

公称厚度 最大铁耗P1.7/50 最小磁感J800 最小叠装系数

类型 牌号
Thickness Max.Core loss Min. Induction Min.Lamination
Type Grade
(mm) (W/kg) (T) factor

B27R085 0.84 1.89

B27R090 0.27 0.87 1.89 0.955
B27R095 0.92 1.88
磁畴细化型 B30R090 0.89 1.90
Domain refined
B30R095 0.92 1.90
0.30 0.960
B30R100 0.96 1.89
B30R105 1.00 1.89
B23R080-LM 0.79 1.88
0.23 0.950
B23R085-LM 0.82 1.88
B27P100-LM 0.96 1.90

低噪声系列 B27R090-LM 0.27 0.90 1.90 0.955

Low magnetostriction B27R095-LM 0.94 1.90
B30P100-LM 0.98 1.90
B30P105-LM 0.30 1.03 1.90 0.960
B30P120-LM 1.06 1.90

B27G140-NC 0.27 1.38 1.90 0.955

B23RT080 0.79 1.90

B23RT085 0.23 0.82 1.90 0.955
B23RT090 0.88 1.90
B27RT085 0.84 1.90
B27RT090 0.27 0.87 1.90 0.960
B27RT095 0.92 1.90
B30RT090 0.89 1.90
B30RT095 0.30 0.92 1.90 0.965
B30RT100 0.95 1.90
Ultra high voltage
B23PT085 0.85 1.90
0.23 0.955
B23PT090 0.88 1.90
B27PT090 0.89 1.90
B27PT095 0.27 0.93 1.90 0.960
B27PT100 0.96 1.90
B30PT095 0.95 1.90
B30PT100 0.30 0.98 1.90 0.965
B30PT105 1.01 1.90

注: Note:
P1.7/50 表示在磁极化强度在1.7T,频率在50Hz下测得的单位kg试样的 P1.7/50 means the specific total loss of the sample per kg measured at the
比总损耗。 magnetic polarization intensity of 1.7T and the frequency of 50 Hz.
J800 表示对应于磁场强度H为800A/m时的磁极化强度。 J800 means the magnetic polarization intensity corresponding to the magnetic
特高压系列:适用于1000kV及以上特高压交流变压器、±800kV及相 field intensity H of 800A/m.
关直流换流变压器。 UHV types are suitable for 1000kV and above UHV AC transformer, ± 800kV
RT:磁畴细化型特高压系列。 and related DC converter transformer.
PT:高磁极化强度型特高压系列。 RT: Ultra high voltage series with domain refinement.
PT: Ultra high voltage series with high magnetic polarization.
19 Baoshan Base products characteristics 宝山基地取向电工钢产品特性
Properties 产品性能

Typical electromagnetic properties

铁损 Core loss(W/kg) 磁感J800

类型 牌号
Grade Induction
P1.7/50 P1.7/60 P1.5/50 P1.5/60 (T)

B23G110 0.99 1.29 0.71 0.93 1.89

B27G120 1.04 1.37 0.76 1.01 1.89
B30G120 1.08 1.43 0.79 1.05 1.89
Conventional B30G130 1.13 1.49 0.81 1.08 1.88
B35G135 1.18 1.58 0.90 1.21 1.89
B35G145 1.23 1.64 0.93 1.25 1.89
B18P075 0.74 0.96 0.55 0.73 1.89
B18P080 0.79 1.02 0.58 0.76 1.89
B20P075 0.74 0.96 0.56 0.73 1.91
B20P080 0.79 1.03 0.59 0.78 1.89
B20P085 0.83 1.08 0.60 0.80 1.91
B23P085 0.83 1.09 0.62 0.81 1.92
B23P090 0.87 1.14 0.64 0.85 1.91
B23P095 0.90 1.18 0.66 0.86 1.91
B23P100 0.93 1.21 0.67 0.88 1.91
B27P090 0.88 1.16 0.66 0.88 1.92
B27P095 0.92 1.21 0.68 0.91 1.91
高磁感型 B27P100 0.94 1.24 0.69 0.92 1.91
High permeability
B27P110 0.97 1.28 0.72 0.95 1.91
B30P095 0.94 1.25 0.71 0.95 1.92
B30P100 0.97 1.29 0.73 0.98 1.92
B30P105 0.99 1.31 0.74 0.99 1.91
B30P120 1.02 1.35 0.76 1.01 1.91
B35P115 1.11 1.48 0.85 1.14 1.92
B35P125 1.14 1.52 0.86 1.16 1.91
B35P135 1.18 1.55 0.89 1.18 1.91
B18R055 0.54 0.70 0.41 0.54 1.91
B18R060 0.59 0.76 0.44 0.58 1.92
B18R065 0.64 0.83 0.48 0.63 1.91
B18R070 0.68 0.88 0.50 0.65 1.90
B18R075 0.73 0.94 0.52 0.68 1.88
B20R060 0.59 0.75 0.44 0.59 1.92
B20R065 0.63 0.83 0.49 0.64 1.92
B20R070 0.68 0.89 0.51 0.67 1.91
B20R075 0.73 0.95 0.53 0.70 1.90
Domain refined B20R080 0.77 0.99 0.55 0.72 1.89
B23R070 0.69 0.92 0.53 0.70 1.90
B23R075 0.74 0.97 0.56 0.74 1.92
B23R080 0.77 1.01 0.57 0.76 1.91
B23R085 0.80 1.04 0.59 0.78 1.91
B23R090 0.85 1.11 0.62 0.81 1.90
B27R080 0.78 1.02 0.59 0.78 1.92
Baoshan Base products characteristics 20

铁损 Core loss(W/kg) 磁感J800

类型 牌号
Type Grade
P1.7/50 P1.7/60 P1.5/50 P1.5/60 (T)

B27R085 0.82 1.08 0.62 0.82 1.91

B27R090 0.86 1.13 0.64 0.86 1.90
B27R095 0.89 1.17 0.66 0.88 1.90
B30R090 0.88 1.16 0.68 0.90 1.92
Domain refined
B30R095 0.91 1.20 0.70 0.93 1.92
B30R100 0.94 1.24 0.71 0.95 1.91
B30R105 0.97 1.28 0.74 0.98 1.90
B23R080-LM 0.77 1.01 0.57 0.77 1.91
B23R085-LM 0.80 1.05 0.59 0.79 1.91
B27P100-LM 0.92 1.21 0.68 0.91 1.91
低噪声系列 B27R090-LM 0.85 1.12 0.63 0.85 1.91
magnetostriction B27R095-LM 0.90 1.19 0.68 0.90 1.91
B30P100-LM 0.97 1.29 0.73 0.98 1.92
B30P105-LM 1.01 1.34 0.76 1.01 1.91
B30P120-LM 1.04 1.38 0.78 1.04 1.91

B27G140-NC 1.29 1.65 1.02 1.31 1.92

B23RT080 0.77 1.01 0.57 0.76 1.91

B23RT085 0.80 1.04 0.59 0.78 1.91
B23RT090 0.85 1.11 0.62 0.81 1.91
B27RT085 0.82 1.08 0.62 0.82 1.91
B27RT090 0.86 1.13 0.64 0.86 1.91
B27RT095 0.89 1.17 0.66 0.88 1.91
B30RT090 0.88 1.16 0.68 0.90 1.92
B30RT095 0.91 1.20 0.70 0.93 1.92
B30RT100 0.94 1.24 0.71 0.95 1.91
Ultra high voltage
B23PT085 0.83 1.09 0.62 0.81 1.92
B23PT090 0.87 1.14 0.64 0.85 1.91
B27PT090 0.88 1.16 0.66 0.88 1.92
B27PT095 0.92 1.21 0.68 0.91 1.91
B27PT100 0.94 1.24 0.69 0.92 1.91
B30PT095 0.94 1.25 0.71 0.95 1.92
B30PT100 0.97 1.29 0.73 0.98 1.92
B30PT105 1.00 1.32 0.75 1.00 1.92

注: Note:
P1.7/50 表示在磁极化强度在1.7T,频率在50Hz下测得的单位kg试样的 P1.7/50 means the specific total loss of the sample per kg measured at the
比总损耗。 magnetic polarization intensity of 1.7T and the frequency of 50 Hz.
J800 表示对应于磁场强度H为800A/m时的磁极化强度。 J800 means the magnetic polarization intensity corresponding to the magnetic
特高压系列:适用于1000kV及以上特高压交流变压器、±800kV及相 field intensity H of 800A/m.
关直流换流变压器。 UHV types are suitable for 1000kV and above UHV AC transformer, ± 800kV
RT:磁畴细化型特高压系列。 and related DC converter transformer.
PT:高磁极化强度型特高压系列。 RT: Ultra high voltage series with domain refinement.
PT: Ultra high voltage series with high magnetic polarization.
21 Baoshan Base products characteristics 宝山基地取向电工钢产品特性
Properties 产品性能

Typical mechanical properties
抗拉强度 屈服强度 延伸率 叠装系数 电阻率
公称厚度 反复弯曲次数 维氏硬度
Tensile strength Yield strength Elongation Stacking Resistivity
Thickness Number of bends Vickers Hardness
(MPa) (MPa) (%) factor (x10-8)
L C L C L C L C HV1 (%) Ω·m

0.18 345 402 324 342 13 42 44 14 201 95.3 52

0.20 349 405 326 346 13 42 41 12 202 95.8 52

0.23 354 401 331 346 14 42 32 11 205 96.3 53

0.27 378 438 360 380 10 39 30 9 220 96.8 54

0.30 372 408 346 367 14 44 23 7 208 97.3 53

0.35 369 405 347 365 13 42 20 6 209 98.0 53

注: Note:
L 表示试验方向为纵向。 L represents the test piece shall be taken longitudinal to the rolling direction.
C表示试验方向为横向。 C represents the test piece shall be taken transverse to the rolling direction.
以上为典型值,仅作参考不作保证。 The above values are typical values , only for reference and not guaranteed.
检测依据GB/T4340、GB/T228、GB/T2522。 Tests are based on GB / T4340、GB / T228 and GB / T2522
Baoshan Base products characteristics 22

Typical electromagnetic property curves
Cold-rolled Grain-oriented Electrical Steel 24

Qingshan Base products


25 产品规格
Specifications of products
Standard dimensions

Dimension and shape tolerances

26 产品性能
Properties of coating

Standard electromagnetic properties

Typical electromagnetic properties

Typical mechanical properties

Typical electromagnetic property curves
25 Qingshan Base products characteristics 青山基地取向电工钢产品特性
Specifications of products 产品规格

Standard dimensions

公称厚度 公称宽度 内径
Nominal thickness Nominal width Inner diameter
(mm) (mm) (mm)

0.18、0.20、0.23、0.27、0.30、0.35 850~1200 508

- 10

Dimension and shape tolerances

公称厚度 公称厚度允许偏差 纵向厚度偏差 横向厚度偏差 宽度允许偏差(切边) 不平度 浪高 2m内镰刀弯

Nominal Nominal thickness Longitudinal Transverse Width tolerance (波浪度) Wave Camber
thickness tolerance thickness deviation thickness deviation (cut edge) Flatness height within
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (%) (mm) 2m(mm)

0.18 +0.010
+0.012 +0.010
0.20 -0.015
0 0
0.23 +0.010
+1.0 ≤1.2 ≤3.0 ≤0.9
0.27 -0.020
+0.015 +0.012
0.30 +0.010
0 0
0.35 -0.025

注: Note:
a. 纵向厚度偏差是指平行于轧制方向(即钢带长度方向)的一定长度 a. Longitudinal thickness deviation refers to the difference in thickness within
(2000mm±200mm)范围内,钢带纵向上各点的实际厚度之间的 a length of strip(2000±200mm) in a direction parallel to the direction of
b. 横向厚度偏差是指垂直于轧制方向(即沿着钢带宽度方向),钢带
b. Transverse thickness deviation refers to the difference in thickness in a
之间的偏差。 direction perpendicular to the direction of rolling, the measurements shall be

c. 若允许以不切边状态交货,其宽度允许偏差为0~+20mm。
made at least 15 mm from the edges.

d. 对于有特殊要求的用户可以协议供货。
c. If delivery without trimming is allowed, the allowable width deviation is
d. Please consult us if you have special requirements.
Qingshan Base products characteristics 26

Properties 产品性能

Properties of coating

用户可根据层间电阻、耐蚀性、耐热性、冲片性以及其他特 Different insulation coatings are available to meet a range of customer

性,选择符合使用要求的表面绝缘涂层。 requirements according to interlaminar resistance, corrosion resistance,
punchability, weldability and so on.

T2 H W
Coating code

组分 无机 无机(不含Cr) 无底层
Component Inorganic Inorganic(Cr free) No-glass-film

叠装系数 高 高
Lamination factor High High

层间电阻 大 大 很小
Interlaminar resistance High High Very low

附着性 好 好
Adhesion Good Good

耐蚀性 很好 很好
Corrosion resistance Very good Very good

在非氧化性环境下,可耐820℃消除 在非氧化性环境下,可耐820℃消除
耐热性 应力退火 应力退火
Heat-resistance Withstands stress-relief annealing Withstands stress-relief annealing
≤820℃ in inert gas ≤820℃ in inert gas
冲片性 好 好
For the production of extremely
Punchability Good Good
thin materials
27 Qingshan Base products characteristics 青山基地取向电工钢产品特性
Properties 产品性能

Standard electromagnetic properties

公称厚度 最大铁耗P1.7/50 最小磁感J800 最小叠装系数

类型 牌号
Thickness Max.Core loss Min. Induction Min.Lamination
Type Grade
(mm) (W/kg) (T) factor

23Q110 0.23 1.08 1.85 0.950

27Q120 0.27 1.15 1.85 0.955
30Q120 1.15 1.86
普通型 0.30 0.960
Conventional 30Q130 1.20 1.85
35Q145 1.25 1.86
0.35 0.965
35Q155 1.35 1.85
18QG080 0.80 1.86
0.18 0.920
18QG085 0.85 1.86
20QG080 0.80 1.86
0.20 0.930
20QG085 0.85 1.86
23QG085 0.85 1.89
23QG090 0.88 1.89
0.23 0.950
23QG095 0.92 1.89
23QG100 0.96 1.88
High permeability 27QG090 0.90 1.90
27QG095 0.93 1.90
0.27 0.955
27QG100 0.96 1.90
27QG120 1.10 1.89
30QG100 0.98 1.90
30QG105 0.30 1.01 1.90 0.960
30QG120 1.05 1.89
35QG135 0.35 1.35 1.89 0.960
18RK065 0.65 1.86
18RK070 0.18 0.70 1.86 0.920
18RK075 0.75 1.86
20RK070 0.70 1.86
0.20 0.930
20RK075 0.75 1.86
23RK075 0.75 1.88
23RK080 0.79 1.88
0.23 0.950
磁畴细化型 23RK085 0.82 1.88
Domain refined 23RK090 0.88 1.88
27RK085 0.84 1.89
27RK090 0.87 1.89
0.27 0.955
27RK095 0.92 1.88
27RK100 1.00 1.88
30RK095 0.92 1.90
30RK100 0.30 0.96 1.89 0.960
30RK105 1.00 1.89
Qingshan Base products characteristics 28

公称厚度 最大铁耗P1.7/50 最小磁感J800 最小叠装系数

类型 牌号
Thickness Max.Core loss Min. Induction Min.Lamination
Type Grade
(mm) (W/kg) (T) factor

27QG100-LN 1.00 1.91

0.27 0.950
27QG120-LN 1.20 1.91
30QG105-LN 1.05 1.91
Low magnetostriction
30QG120-LN 0.30 1.20 1.91 0.955
30RK100-LN 1.00 1.91
35Q155-W 1.45 1.82 0.970
特殊涂层 35Q155-Y 1.45 1.86
Special coating 0.960
35Q155-Z 1.45 1.82

注: Note:
P1.7/50 表示在磁极化强度在1.7T,频率在50Hz下测得的单位kg试样的 P1.7/50 means the specific total loss of the sample per kg measured at the
比总损耗。 magnetic polarization intensity of 1.7T and the frequency of 50 Hz.
J800 表示对应于磁场强度H为800A/m时的磁极化强度。 J800 means the magnetic polarization intensity corresponding to the magnetic
“-W”代表无底层系列产品; field intensity H of 800A/m.
“-Y”代表C6涂层系列产品; - W stands for no - glass - film products;
“-Z”代表自粘接涂层系列产品。 - Z stands for self-adhesive coating series products.
- Y stands for C6 coating series products;
29 Qingshan Base products characteristics 青山基地取向电工钢产品特性
Properties 产品性能

Typical electromagnetic properties

铁损 Core loss(W/kg) 磁感J800

类型 牌号
Type Grade
P1.7/50 P1.7/60 P1.5/50 P1.5/60 (T)

23Q110 1.00 1.29 0.72 0.93 1.89

27Q120 1.07 1.39 0.77 1.01 1.87

普通型 30Q120 1.08 1.40 0.78 1.02 1.89

Conventional 30Q130 1.14 1.48 0.82 1.07 1.88
35Q145 1.24 1.65 0.91 1.23 1.88
35Q155 1.30 1.71 0.97 1.29 1.86
18QG080 0.78 1.00 0.58 0.74 1.90
18QG085 0.83 1.08 0.61 0.79 1.90
20QG080 0.78 1.02 0.59 0.76 1.90
20QG085 0.84 1.09 0.62 0.81 1.90
23QG085 0.84 1.08 0.63 0.81 1.92
23QG090 0.87 1.15 0.64 0.85 1.91
23QG095 0.91 1.20 0.66 0.87 1.90

高磁感型 23QG100 0.95 1.24 0.68 0.89 1.90

High permeability 27QG090 0.89 1.18 0.67 0.87 1.91
27QG095 0.92 1.22 0.69 0.91 1.91
27QG100 0.95 1.25 0.70 0.92 1.91
27QG120 1.00 1.31 0.72 0.95 1.90
30QG100 0.97 1.29 0.73 0.98 1.92
30QG105 1.00 1.31 0.75 1.01 1.91
30QG120 1.04 1.36 0.74 0.98 1.91
35QG135 1.18 1.55 0.89 1.18 1.90
18RK065 0.64 0.85 0.48 0.64 1.90
18RK070 0.68 0.88 0.50 0.64 1.91
18RK075 0.73 0.93 0.51 0.67 1.88
20RK070 0.68 0.88 0.50 0.66 1.91
20RK075 0.74 0.95 0.52 0.68 1.90
23RK075 0.74 0.98 0.56 0.74 1.91
23RK080 0.78 1.03 0.57 0.76 1.91

磁畴细化型 23RK085 0.81 1.08 0.59 0.79 1.91

Domain refined 23RK090 0.87 1.12 0.62 0.82 1.90
27RK085 0.83 1.09 0.62 0.82 1.91
27RK090 0.86 1.13 0.64 0.86 1.91
27RK095 0.91 1.19 0.66 0.88 1.90
27RK100 0.95 1.25 0.69 0.91 1.89
30RK095 0.91 1.24 0.70 0.94 1.91
30RK100 0.95 1.29 0.71 0.96 1.90
30RK105 0.98 1.28 0.73 0.97 1.89
Qingshan Base products characteristics 30

铁损 Core loss(W/kg) 磁感J800

类型 牌号
Type Grade
P1.7/50 P1.7/60 P1.5/50 P1.5/60 (T)

27QG100-LN 0.96 1.25 0.70 0.92 1.92

27QG120-LN 1.00 1.31 0.72 0.95 1.92
Low 30QG105-LN 1.00 1.31 0.75 1.01 1.92
30QG120-LN 1.10 1.37 0.78 1.05 1.92
30RK100-LN 0.98 1.26 0.71 0.95 1.92
35Q155-W 1.25 1.68 1.00 1.30 1.91
特殊涂层 35Q155-Y 1.33 1.82 1.05 1.35 1.89
Special coating
35Q155-Z 1.30 1.82 1.02 1.32 1.90

注: Note:
P1.7/50 表示在磁极化强度在1.7T,频率在50Hz下测得的单位kg试样的 P1.7/50 means the specific total loss of the sample per kg measured at the
比总损耗。 magnetic polarization intensity of 1.7T and the frequency of 50 Hz.
J800 表示对应于磁场强度H为800A/m时的磁极化强度。 J800 means the magnetic polarization intensity corresponding to the magnetic
“-W”代表无底层系列产品; field intensity H of 800A/m.
“-Y”代表C6涂层系列产品; - W stands for no - glass - film products;
“-Z”代表自粘接涂层系列产品。 - Z stands for self-adhesive coating series products.
- Y stands for C6 coating series products;
31 Qingshan Base products characteristics 青山基地取向电工钢产品特性
Properties 产品性能

Typical mechanical properties
抗拉强度 延伸率 叠装系数
公称厚度 维氏硬度
Tensile strength Elongation Lamination
Thickness Vickers Hardness
(MPa) (%) factor
L C L HV5 HV1 (%)

0.18 365 417 13 160 200 96.5

0.20 367 423 13 161 199 97.0

0.23 347 422 6 159 197 97.2

0.27 357 427 8 165 204 97.5

0.30 347 431 10 160 199 98.0

0.35 356 425 9 162 201 98.5

注: Note:
L 表示试验方向为纵向。 L represents the test piece shall be taken longitudinal to the rolling direction.
C表示试验方向为横向。 C represents the test piece shall be taken transverse to the rolling direction.
以上为典型值,仅作参考不作保证。 The above values are typical values , only for reference and not guaranteed.
检测依据GB/T4340、GB/T228、GB/T2522。 Tests are based on GB / T4340、GB / T228 and GB / T2522.
Qingshan Base products characteristics 32

Typical electromagnetic property curves
Cold-rolled Grain-oriented Electrical Steel 34

Application performance of Baoshan

Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. GO electrical steel

35 应用领域
Application fields

36 应用实绩
Application performance
35 Application performance of Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. GO electrical steel 宝钢股份取向电工钢应用实绩
Application fields 应用领域

Application fields

普通型 高磁极化强度型 磁畴细化型 特殊涂层
品种 Low
Conventional High Permeability Domain-Refined Special coating
Varieties magnetostriction
grades grades grades grades

Large motors

Large transformers

Medium and small transformers

Distributing transformers

Voltage regulator

Reactor and magnetic amplifier

IF transformer

Mutual inductor
Application performance of Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. GO electrical steel 36

Application performance 应用实绩

昌吉-古泉 Changji-Guquan

37 Application performance of Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. GO electrical steel 宝钢股份取向电工钢应用实绩
Application performance 应用实绩

淮南-浙北-上海 Huainan-Zhebei-Shanghai

三峡水电 Three Gorges Hydropower

Application performance of Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. GO electrical steel 38

福清核电 Fuqing Nuclear Power


低噪音变压器 Low noise transformer

39 Application performance of Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. GO electrical steel 宝钢股份取向电工钢应用实绩
Application performance 应用实绩

低损耗电力变压器 Low loss transformer

应用于宝钢2030冷轧 Applied to Baosteel 2030 Cold Rolling Mill

一级能效卷铁心变压器 Energy efficiency grade 1 distribution transformer with tridimensional wound core
Application performance of Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. GO electrical steel 40

一级能效叠铁心配电变压器 Energy efficiency grade 1 distribution transformer with laminated core

Cold-rolled Grain-oriented Electrical Steel 42

Service guide

43 产品包装
Product packing

47 产品标签
Product label

47 产品质量证明书
Product inspection certificate

51 常用单位及换算表
Units commonly used and conversion table
43 Service guide 取向电工钢产品服务指南
Product packing 产品包装
Baoshan 宝山

卧式包装/Horizontal packing

1. 钢卷 2. 外周防锈纸 3. 内芯防锈纸
4. 纸内护角 5. 纸外护角 6. 塑料套
7. 外周平板纸 8. 端面圆护平板纸 9. 外周包板
10. 内周护板 11. 端面圆护板 12. 铁外护角
13. 铁内护角 14. 周向捆带 15. 径向捆带
16. 锁扣垫片 17. 锁扣

1-Steel coil 2-Peripheral anti-rust paper 3-Peripheral anti-rust paper

4-Inner paper corner protector 5-Outer paper corner protector 6-Plastic sleeve
7-Peripheral sheet paper 8-End surface circular protecting sheet paper 9-Peripheral protecting plate
10-Inner circumference protecting plate 11-End surface circular protecting plate 12-Outer iron corner protector
13-Inner iron corner protector 14-Strap in circumferential direction 15-Strap in radial direction
16-Buckle shim 17-Buckle
Service guide 44

立式包装/Vertical packaging

1. 钢卷 2. 外周防锈纸 3. 内芯防锈纸
4. 塑料套 5. 纸外护角 6. 纸内护角
7. 外周包板 8. 铁外护角 9. 端面圆护板
10. 圆盒盖 11. 十字锁扣 12. 周向捆带
13.十字捆带 14. 锁扣垫片 15. 立式木托架
16. 锁扣

1-Steel coil 2-Peripheral anti-rust paper 3-Inner core anti-rust paper

4-Plastic sleeve 5-Outer paper corner protector 6-Inner paper corner protector
7-Peripheral protecting plate 8-Outer iron corner protector 9-End surface circular protecting plate
10-Circular box cap 11-Cross buckle 12-Strap in circumferential direction
13-Cross strap 14-Buckle shim 15-Vertical wooden bracket
45 Service guide 取向电工钢产品服务指南
Product packing 产品包装
Qingshan 青山

卧式包装/Horizontal packing

1. 锁扣(点焊式可省) 8. 铁外护角
2. 捆带 9. 端面圆护板(铁质)
3. 外周包板(铁质) 10. 内周护板(铁质)
4. 外周平板纸 11. 铁内护角
5. 塑料套 12. 纸内护角
6.专用气相防锈纸 13. 纸外护角
7. 钢卷

1-Buckle (no buckle if the strap is welded) 8-Outer iron corner protector
2-Strap 9-End surface circular protecting plate (iron)
3-Peripheral protecting plate (iron) 10-Inner circumference protecting plate (iron)
4-Peripheral sheet paper 11-Inner iron corner protector
5-Plastic sleeve 12-Inner paper corner protector
6-Anti-rust paper 13-Outer paper corner protector
7-Steel coil
Service guide 46

立式包装/Vertical packaging

1. 锁扣(点焊式可省) 8. 铁外护角
2. 捆带 9. 端面圆护板(铁质)
3. 外周包板(铁质) 10. 内周护板(铁质)
4. 外周平板纸 11. 铁内护角
5. 塑料套 12. 纸内护角
6.专用气相防锈纸 13. 纸外护角
7. 钢卷 14.立式木托架

1-Buckle (no buckle if the strap is welded) 8-Outer iron corner protector
2-Strap 9-End surface circular protecting plate (iron)
3-Peripheral protecting plate (iron) 10-Inner circumference protecting plate (iron)
4-Peripheral sheet paper 11-Inner iron corner protector
5-Plastic sleeve 12-Inner paper corner protector
6-Anti-rust paper 13-Outer paper corner protector
7-Steel coil 14-Vertical wooden bracket
47 Service guide 取向电工钢产品服务指南
Product label and inspection certificate 产品标签和说明书
Baoshan 宝山

Product label

Product inspection certificate
Service guide 48
49 Service guide 取向电工钢产品服务指南
Product label and inspection certificate 产品标签和说明书
Qingshan 青山

Product label

Product inspection certificate
Service guide 50
51 Service guide 取向电工钢产品服务指南
Units commonly used and conversion table 常用单位及换算表

Units commonly used and conversion table

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