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I. Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete
statements. Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along
with the correct option for question number 1 to 12. 1x12=12

1. Recently doctors are suggesting to use more cereals

a) These are the most nutritious grains
b) These can be grown without using any chemical fertilizers and
c) These are called the friends of famine
d) All of the above
2. Which of the following is not a plant source?
a) Oilseeds
b) Vegetables
c) Fish oil
d) Fruits
3. A) many families live together in community houses.
B) Houses in multi-storeyed buildings are constructed and are suitable
for the residence of a single family.
a) A is correct
b) B is correct
c) Both A and B are correct
d) Both A and B are wrong
4. The smallest unit of a matter is called as
a) Liquids
b) Gases
c) Particles
d) Mixtures
5. The below image indicates that,
a) Air has weight
b) Air do not has weight
c) The balloon cannot be filled with air
d) None of the above
6. The following image show that

a) Effect of pressure on matter

b) Effect of heat on matter
c) Effect of weight on matter
d) None of the above
7. The following materials are used in sublimation process
a) Camphor , Iodine
b) Camphor , Brick
c) Candle , Iodine
d) Naphthalene balls, brick
8. The type of gas produced in the absence of air
a) Chemical substance
b) Bio gas
c) Food
d) All of the above
9. If the upward force exerted on the object is more than the downward
force, then the object
a) Floats
b) Sinks
c) Do not floats
d) None of the above
10. Earth’s natural satellite
a) Venus
b) Uranus
c) Ganymede
d) Moon
11. The highest mountain in India
a) Baba budangiri
b) mullayyangiri
c) Mt. Everest
d) Kundadri
12. _______is needed to work
a) Energy
b) Water
c) Food
d) All of the above
II. Answer the following questions from 13 to 24 in the space provided :
13.Food is wasted in many situations. Explain the 2 situations and 2 actions
you will take .2M
14.Write any two characteristics of rural areas ? 2M
15. Write 2 examples each for the following, 2M
Solid: _______,_______
Liquid: ________,_______
Gases: _________,_______
16. Explain how heat effects on matter ? 2M
17. Write the difference between compounds and mixtures ? 2M
18. How can mechanical energy can be converted into heat energy ? Explain with
some examples . 2M
19. Write the uses of bio energy ?2M
20. Draw the diagram of solar system, mark the following celestial bodies . 2M
A) unique planet B) biggest planet
21. Write the characteristics of desert.2M
22. Which are the neighbouring states of Karnataka . 2M
23. How the rivers are polluted ? 4M
24. In the given outline map of India ,mark and name the following :- 4M
a. Western and eastern Coasts
b. Arabian sea
c. Delhi
d. Tamil Nadu

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