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Worksheet -3. Page

Fll in he blanks.

Malware s the sht fonm ef malclous sestware

2.| WoYms aYe a cemmen thret to cemputer.
A cookìe îs a text. messge given to a. cwe
brewser by a web serVer

4 Paul Buchheit Created GmTL and it is eored

by Google.
s Bce stands fen Bind Carben opy.
6 An email addeSS censists ef a User name
Qnd lemaun na me.

Maltiple-cheice Questens .
To whi ch of the given fiel ds oill emal
net be vsible
addessesemall2 to ether vecipients
Df the
a) To b) Cc )8cc
Ans- c)Bcc

2denit the wreng emn ai I

erm a ID

a) a phadech @gmail.Com b) Yeach In dia@ahoeem

emergen ce @Todla
3The emails ttht yeu delete Mem yeoY Jab
are meved to he. folder
a)Iabox bTrash ) SpaM
Ansi- Tsash

4Which feld er in email ke eps a Te cord

o all
the mails that ave wwating to be sent!
a)set mail b)Tras h

Ans o Drats
Define the follooing.
E- Sheppiag
The prOCeSs of selling and
products evesthe isteroet is calle
E- sheppig
2. Usernamne
A uSeroa me fs Hhe name
ofa pers en's
acceunt by which the seYVer ideik'es hian
on he wobsite
(vnswer fn Bne wor d.

1, what is the process ef sseling and buying

poducts over the Pteroet
Dnline sheppicg n - E- Sheppina
2NaMe the card tht allws to boxO
mene em bus bank to niake puschaes
redt card

sheping website
3. Name a en ne
=) Wh aMazen" Cern

H Name ae-maiI sexv ce providex

S. hich program Te cords every
yBA make en 4eur cemputer?


G hat does Ce fn e-mail stand so9

Carben Copy
1.1 Who et he rst ever email Pn 19 1 9

Ruym end Samvel Tomlinsen

Norksheet -4
IENI in he blanks.
Extensien df a HTML ile Ps htrl
2 A) HTML progsags must have <HTMLS tag
at the be gining of progsam.
3. A empty tag doesn't have a clesing end.
A tezt hat is displaed în Smaler sine
belethe baseline e the emal text is
called suoscript
S.he HTML> tag fs also ko COn aS the
reet element
Mulhpe chefe Questions
taq daos
acYDSS the web page
a bori2e0ta 0o
Ans' b<hr

2. dhich ef the
displays Largestfolleuoing heackng
hea ing size tags oill
a)H1 C) H4
Ans- a)H1
3An HTML ile fs
generally creded enBh
a)Netepad b)Ms wDr d Nene these
Ansi a) Netepad
tag belps Dreteghe tert
and dis playiag Ptio a presentasle manner
a) <font > b) center>

Aos:- a <fent>

ses ef headers are availatle

o Ht M
byf de faut?9
a b 3
Ans: 5) 6.
tate t1ue en alse
IWYSI wYG stands fen What You See Is What
You Got -19ye

tag .- Pals
tags have only the epenig
3The csabs fs ued to mark the text
a 8 itale False

tags are empty tags.

s HTMLs platfonm dependet language

Answer în Ne wend
I. Who in verted 4TN L?
Tmn Berers -Lee n 1qqo
2 Wh at is the shortct Keg
key fen opening an
HTML decument?
3. Name the tag thot can be used to urderine
he text

4 Which tag îs the Yoet element of an

HTML Page?

5.Whch ottribde of the <body> tag charges

the backgrtund Celeur of the Paqe?

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