Animals - Quizizz2

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5/31/24, 11:39 AM Animals | Quizizz

Worksheets Name

Total questions: 17
Worksheet time: 17mins
Instructor name: Saskia Azizah

1. How many legs does a bird have?

a) one b) two
c) four d) three

2. Rhinoceros is a ……... animal

a) tame b) pet
c) kind d) wild

3. A giraffe has a long ...

a) ears b) neck
c) mouth d) stomach

4. Fish live in the ....

a) water b) air
c) house d) land

This is a ….. it has black and white color

a) zebra b) kangaroo
c) panda d) cow

6. A ... has beautiful wings

a) bee b) fly
c) dragonfly d) butterfly

7. Monkey likes to eat

a) watermelon b) mango
c) pineapple d) banana 1/3
5/31/24, 11:39 AM Animals | Quizizz

Snake is a wild animal. it is ....

a) fly b) strong
c) big d) poisonous

9. Tiger live in the ...

a) hospital b) farm
c) river d) forest

This animal has beautiful

a) body b) fur
c) legs d) neck

11. Read the text below to answer question no. 11-13

I want to tell you about my lovely pet. I call him pimpoom because it is a Pomerania breed dog. It is a
small dog, only 3 kg. pimpoom’s fur color is brownish yellow. It has four legs. It eyes are black. It has
white short tail. It has cute paws. I got pimpoom from a petshop when he was one month old. Now he
is 2 years old.
Pimpoom likes to eat sausage. We rarely give him dog’s food. It also likes to drink milk. My pet is very
cute. It always wait for me at the front of the door when I come home. It will run and jump to me
excitedly. We build him a house, but he likes to sleep on the chair instead. I love my pet very much. I
always play with pimpoom everyday.

What kind of animal is Pimpoom?

a) a mouse b) a horse
c) a dog d) a cat

12. What is the pet color ?

a) yellow b) brownish yellow
c) purple d) blue

13. How old is the pet ?

a) 2 month b) 2 years
c) 1 month d) 1 year

14. What is pimpoom's favorite food ?

a) sausage b) milk
c) kwetiau d) dog food 2/3
5/31/24, 11:39 AM Animals | Quizizz

15. What is the meaning of Pet in bahasa ?

a) binatang ternak b) binatang ternak
c) binatang peliharaan d) binatang qurban

Essay Sheet

Describe this animal please ! (min 5 sentences)


Describe this animal please ... ! (min 5 sentences)

17. 3/3

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