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Sec: JR_*CO-SC Date: 16-11-20

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks:180


PHYSICS: PRESENT WEEK (80%):Simple Harmonic Motion : Kinematics and

Energy of a general Simple Harmonic oscillator,Time period of spring-
block system and related problems including superposition of SHM'S,
Finding Time period of SHM
PREVIOUS WEEK (20%):Error Analysis of Physical quantities,
Experiment involving estimation of g using a simple pendulum,
Significent figure, Rounding off of numbers, Accuracy, Precision (All
rules pertaining to above topics only as per NCERT text book)
CHEMISTRY: PRESENT WEEK (80%):Oxides and oxo acids of nitrogen, allotropes
of phosphorus, preparation & properties of Phosphine, Oxides,
chlorides and oxoacids of phosporus
PREVIOUS WEEK (20%): Structure and properties of silicates
,preparation of silicones ,uses .
GROUP 15 : General characteristics of elements and their
compounds, Preparation & properties of Nitrogen & Ammonia
MATHEMATICS: PRESENT WEEK (80%):Revision of functions,limits, continuity &
PREVIOUS WEEK (20%): Maximum / Minimum values of a function
Narayana IIT Academy 16-11-20_ Jr.IIT_*CO-SC _JEE-ADV_WAT-24_Q’P
Time: 3:00Hour’s IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS Max Marks: 180
+Ve - Ve
Section Question Type No.of Qs Total marks
Marks Marks
Questions with Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – I(Q.N : 1 – 6) +4 -2 6 24
(partial marking scheme) (+1,0)
Questions with Numerical Value Type
Sec – II(Q.N : 7 – 14) +3 0 8 24
(e.g. 6.25, 7.00, ‐0.33, ‐.30, 30.27, ‐127.30)
Questions with Comprehension Type
Sec – III(Q.N : 15-18) +3 -1 4 12
(2 Comprehensions – 2 +2 = 4Q)
Total 18 60

+Ve - Ve
Section Question Type No.of Qs Total marks
Marks Marks
Questions with Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – I(Q.N :19 – 24) +4 -2 6 24
(partial marking scheme) (+1,0)
Questions with Numerical Value Type
Sec – II(Q.N : 25 –32) +3 0 8 24
(e.g. 6.25, 7.00, ‐0.33, ‐.30, 30.27, ‐127.30)
Questions with Comprehension Type
Sec – III(Q.N : 33-36) +3 -1 4 12
(2 Comprehensions – 2 +2 = 4Q)
Total 18 60

+Ve - Ve
Section Question Type No.of Qs Total marks
Marks Marks
Questions with Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – I(Q.N:37 – 42) +4 -2 6 24
(partial marking scheme) (+1,0)
Questions with Numerical Value Type
Sec – II(Q.N :43–50) +3 0 8 24
(e.g. 6.25, 7.00, ‐0.33, ‐.30, 30.27, ‐127.30)
Questions with Comprehension Type
Sec –III(Q.N : 51-54) +3 -1 4 12
(2 Comprehensions – 2 +2 = 4Q)
Total 18 60

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(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains SIX (06) questions.
Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is
(are) correct option(s).
For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen.
Partial Marks: +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen.
Partial Marks: +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which
are correct options.
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks: -2 In all other cases.
1. A vertical spring-mass system executes simple harmonic oscillations with a period of
2 s. A quantity of this system which exhibits simple harmonic variation with a period
of 1 s is

A) Velocity

B) Potential energy

C) Phase difference between acceleration and displacement

D) Difference between kinetic energy and potential energy

2. A linear harmonic oscillator of force constant 2  106 N / m and amplitude 0.01 m has
a total mechanical energy of 160 joules. Its

A) Maximum potential energy is 100 J.

B) Maximum Kinetic energy is 160 J.

C) Maximum Potential energy is 160 J.

D) Minimum Potential energy is zero.

3. A particle is executing SHM with amplitude A, time period T, maximum acceleration

a0 and maximum velocity v0 . Its starts from mean position at t  0 and at time t , it
has the displacement A / 2 , acceleration a and velocity v then(possible options)

A) t  T / 12 B) a  a0 / 2 C) v  v0 / 2 D) t  T / 8

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4. The speed v of a particle moving along a straight line, when it is at a distance  x 

from a fixed point of the line is given by v 2  108  9 x 2 (all quantities are in cgs units)

A) the motion is uniformly accelerated along the straight line

B) the magnitude of the acceleration at a distance 3 cm from the point is 27 cm / sec 2

C) the motion is simple harmonic about the given fixed point

D) the maximum displacement from the fixed point is 4 cm

5. The x-coordinate of a particle moving on x-axis is given by x  3sin100t  8cos 2 50t

where x is in cm and t is time in seconds. Which of the following is correct about this

A) The motion of the particle is not S.H.M

B) The amplitude of the S.H.M of the particle is 5 cm

C) The amplitude of the resultant S.H.M is 73 cm

D) The maximum X-coordinate of the particle is 9 cm

6. A standard meter scale of mass 0.50 g is placed on smooth horizontal surface. The
least count of scale is 0.1 cm. An earthworm of mass 0.25 g is on scale such that
length of earthworm is between mark of 4.4 cm and 16.1 cm. The earthworm crawl
along the length of meter scale such that its length changes during crawling (but centre
of mass remains at geometrical centre of its body). Finally its length is between mark
20.0 cm and 36.5cm. Then choose the CORRECT statement (s):-

A) With respect to ground magnitude of displacement of meter scale is 6.0 cm

B) Change in length of the earthworm is 4.8 cm

C) With respect to meter scale maximum error in measurement of change in length of

the earthworm is 0.2cm

D) With respect to meter scale maximum error in measurement of change in length of

the earthworm is 0.4cm

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(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains EIGHT (08) questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE
For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded off to the
second decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, -0.33, -.30, 30.27, -127.30) designated to enter the answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +3 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer.
Zero Marks: 0 In all other cases.
7. In an At wood’s machine setup, the data is given by m1  103.5  0.2  gram and
m2   43.5  0.2  gram are the masses of the two blocks, and g  10.00  0.01 m / s 2 is the

acceleration due to gravity. The maximum percentage error in calculation of the

acceleration of blocks is x. Find x?

8. The relative density of a material is found by weighing it first in air and then in water.
If the weight in air is 10.0  0.1 g and in water is  5.0  0.1 g, find the maximum
possible percentage error in the calculation of relative density is.

1 xK
9. The natural frequency of the system shown in the figure is f  . The value of x
 M



Assume pulleys
are smooth & massless;

( block M is freely oscillating in vertical plane)

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10. The period of oscillations of mercury of mass m , density  poured into a uniform
bent tube, as shown in figure, whose right arm forms an angle   300 with the vertical
and whose left arm is vertical is T seconds. The cross – sectional area of the tube is S.
The viscosity of mercury is to be neglected. If T is 2 , then value of x is
 gs  x 

( assume g = acceleration due to gravity & all parameters in S.I. units)

11. If a particle of mass (m) moves in a potential energy filed U  U 0  ax  bx 2 , where U 0 , a

and b are positive constants. Then natural frequency of small oscillations of this
1 b
particle about stable equilibrium point is . The value of x is
x m

12. Two particles are oscillating about same mean position with same amplitude (A) and
same frequency. If maximum distance between them is A 2 , & phase difference
 
between them is   . The value of n in_________ (Motion of both particles is

13. A rough tray is moving horizontally back and forth in simple harmonic motion at a
frequency of f  2 Hz . A small block is placed on this horizontal tray. If the block
begins slipping when amplitude of motion is 5 102 m , then coefficient of friction
between block and tray is [ take g  10m / sec2 ;  2  10 ]

14. A block is resting on a piston which executes simple harmonic motion in vertical
plane with a period of 2.0 sec at an amplitude just sufficient for the block to separate
from the piston. The maximum velocity of the piston is ( take g = acceleration due
to gravity   2 m / sec2 )

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This section contains 2Paragraphs. Based on each paragraph, there are 2 questions. Each question has 4
options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
Paragraph for Question Nos. 15 to 16:
A body of mass 100g hangs from a long spiral spring. When pulled down 10 cm
below its equilibrium position and released, it vibrates with period of 2s.

15 The velocity of the body as it passes through equilibrium position is

A) 31.4 cm/s B) 35.4 cm/s C) 40.0 cm/s D) 44.6 cm/s

16. The acceleration of the body when it is 5 cm above the equilibrium position is

A) 43.9 cm / s 2 B) 37.8 cm / s 2 C) 49.3 cm / s 2 D) 54.6 cm / s 2

Paragraph for Question Nos. 17 to 18:

A force F is applied on a spring block system as shown in fig.

17. If F is constant, the amplitude of oscillation will be

F F F 2F
A) B) C) D)
k 2k 3k k
 k
18. If F  x the time period of oscillation is

m 2m m m
A) 2 B) 2 C) 2 D) 2
k k 2k 3k

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(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains SIX (06) questions.
Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is
(are) correct option(s).
For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen.
Partial Marks: +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen.
Partial Marks: +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which
are correct options.
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks: -2 In all other cases.
19. A part of three silicates A, B and C given below.

Silicate – B Silicate – C
Silicate – A

Correct statement(s) among the following is/are

A) All the three A, B and C are amphiboles

B) Repeating until of silicate ‘C’ is Si6O1710

C) In silicate ‘B’, in half of tetrahedral units two Oxygens and in the remaining half of
tetrahedral units three Oxygens shared by other tetrahedral units.

D) Repeating until of silicate ‘B’ is Si4O116

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20. Among the following correct statement is/are

A) Due to the presence of empty 3d-orbitals at phosphorous, it can form pentahydride

B) Due to the lack d-orbitals in the valence shell of Nitrogen, it can’t form pentoxide

C) Stability order of pentahalides is PCl5  AsCl5  SbCl5

D) In the solid PBr5 , hybridization of phosphorous is sp3 and sp3d 2

21. The hydrolysis of P4O10 proceeds in stages and an understanding of these stages leads
to an understanding of the wide range of phosphoric acids. Among the following
which are correct regarding this.

A) When each P4O10 take one H 2O molecule, tetrametaphosphoric acid formed

B) When each P4O10 takes three H 2O molecules,tetrapolyphosphoric acid may be


C) When each P4O10 takes four H 2O molecules,pyrophosphoric acid may be formed

D) When each P4O10 takes five H 2O molecules, onlyorthophosphoric acid formed

22. Normal salt among the following is/are

A) Phosphate rock B) NaH 2 PO2

C) Na2 HPO3 D) Na2 H 2 P2O7

23. Correct statement(s) about the allotropic forms of phosphorous is/are

A) White phosphorous is least stable and most reactive allotropic form of

phosphorous due to high angle strain

B) White phosphorous glow in dark but red phosphorous do not glow in dark.

C) Red phosphorous is polymeric

D) Thermodynamically most stable allotropic form of phosphorous is black


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24. Correct statement(s) about phosphine is/are
A) Pure phosphine is inflammable
B) It explodes in contact with traces of oxidizing agents like HNO3 , Cl2 & Br2 Vapours.
C) In phosphine lone pair is present in non-directional s-orbital of phosphorous but in
NH 3 lone pair is present in directional sp3 -hybrid orbital, thus PH 3 less basic than
NH 3

D) When phosphine gas passed through CuSO4 solution, Cu2O precipitated.

(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains EIGHT (08) questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE
For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded off to the
second decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, -0.33, -.30, 30.27, -127.30) designated to enter the answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +3 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer.
Zero Marks: 0 In all other cases.
25. Among the following how many ammonium salts on warming with alkali liberates
nitrogen gas

a) NH 4 NO2 b) NH 4 NO3 c) NH 4ClO4 d)  NH 4 2 Cr2O7

e) NH 4Cl f) NH 4 Br g)  NH 4 2 SO4 h) Mg  NH 4  PO4

i) Na  NH 4  HPO4 j)  NH 4 2 CO3 k) NH 4 F l) NH 4 I

26. In the reaction zinc with dilute (not very dilute) HNO3 , gram equivalent weight of
nitric acid (in gram) is

27. Sum of non-bonding electron pairs present at Oxygens in the Lewis dot structures of
N 2O3 (symmetrical), N 2O4 and N 2O5 are (Consider covalent molecules only)

 SOCl2
28. P4  A B C

 SO2Cl2
P4  D B

One mole of ‘D’ can react maximumly ‘x’ moles of NaOH. One mole of ‘D’ can react
maximumly ‘y’ moles of C2 H 5OH . One mole of ‘A’ (Phosphorous halide) can react
with ‘z’ moles of CH 3COOH .
Product of ‘x’, ‘y’ and ‘z’ is

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29. A sample of apolyphosphoric acid was dissolved in water and titrated with dilute
NaOH  aq  solution. Two stoichiometric points were observed at 50.4 ml and 61.6 ml.

What is the chain length of polyphosphate (means how many phosphates condensed)?

30. Phosphonic acid on heating undergo disproportionation reaction. In this reaction gram
equivalent weight (in g) of phosphonic acid is (atomic weight of P is31, H is 1 and
Oxygen is 16)

31. In Cyclotrimetaphosphoric acid, number of p  p bonds are

32. To oxidise one mole of white phosphorous completely how many moles of conc.
HNO3 is required?

This section contains 2Paragraphs. Based on each paragraph, there are 2 questions. Each question has 4
options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
Paragraph for Question Nos. 33 to 34:
Nitric acid is good oxidizing agent. Nitric acid reacts with metals differently. The
metals are oxidized to their corresponding positive ions where as nitric acid reduced to
NH 4 , N 2O, NO, NH 2OH or NO2 depending on the nature of metal, concentration and
temperature of nitric acid. When conc. HNO3 mixed with conc. HCl then its oxidising
power increased and now in this mixture noble metals are also soluble.
33. When gold dissolved in aquaregia products formed are
(P)  AuCl4  (Q)  AuCl4 
 3
(R) NO (S) NO2
The correct answer is
A) P and R B) P and S C) Q and R D) Q and S
34. In which of the following reactions products are correctly given (equations are not
A) I 2  HNO3  conc   HIO4  NO2  H 2O

B) Hg  HNO3  dil   Hg  NO3 2  NO  H 2O

C) Pb  HNO3  conc   Pb  NO3 4  NO2  H 2O

D) Sn  HNO3  conc   H 2 SnO3  NO2  H 2O

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Paragraph for Question Nos. 35 to 36:
Brown ring test used as confirmation test for nitrate ion. This test also given by some

other ions and compounds of nitrogen. Freshly prepared saturated solution FeSO4 is

added to nitrate solution in a test tube. Now test tube placed at inclined position and

conc. H 2 SO4 added slowly from the walls of test tube. Now at the junction of two

layers a brown ring will be observed. It is the brown ring test for nitrate ion. For

remaining ions of ‘N’ some small modifications we do

35. Which one of the following do not give brown ring test

A) NO2 B) N2O5 C) N 2O D) N2O3

36. Incorrect statement about the brown ring test for nitrate ion is

A) In this test Fe 2 reduces NO3 to NO

B) When brown ring formed bottom layer is majorly conc. H 2 SO4

C) After getting the brown ring, on shaking and warming the mixture the brown

colour disappears, ‘NO’ gas evolved and a yellow solution of Fe(III) ions remains.

D) Formula of brown compound is  Fe  H 2O 5  NO  

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(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains SIX (06) questions.
Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is
(are) correct option(s).
For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen.
Partial Marks: +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen.
Partial Marks: +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which
are correct options.
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks: -2 In all other cases.
 
37. Let f  x   cos 2 x .e tan x , x   ,  then
 2 2

A) f '  x  has a point of local minima at x 
B) f '  x  has a point of local maxima in  , 0 
 4 

 
C) f '  x  has exactly two points of local maxima / minimum in  , 
 2 2

 
D) f ''  x   0 has no root in  , 
 2 2

 x  1
.e x
38. Let f  x   , then which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct ?
1  x  2 2

A) f(x) is strictly increasing in  , 1

B) f(x) is strictly decreasing in 1,  

C) f(x) has two points of local extremum

D) f(x) has a point of local minimum at some x   1, 0 

39. Let f  x   cos 1  2x 2  1 then

A) f(x) is continuous in [-1, 1] B) f(x) is derivable in (-1, 1)

C) range of f(x) is  0,  D) derivative of f(x) w.r.t. sin 1 x at x  is 2

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   
2 3
40. If f  x   4  x2  3  4  x 2  1 , then the maximum value of f(x), is

A) 25 B) 28 C) 36 D) 40

 x  3 if x  [4, 2)
 x  6, x  0
41. Let f  x    1 if x  [2, 2) , g(x) =  then
3  x  2x  6, x  0
 if x  [2, 4]

A) gof (x) = k will have one atleast solution if k  [5,8]

B) Range of fog (x) is [-1, 1]

C) lim fog(x) = -1
x  2

D) gof(x) is an even function

42. If lim f  x   lim f  x   (a is a finite quantity), where [.] denotes greatest integer
x a x a

function and f(x) is a non constant continuous function, then

A) lim f  x  is an integer B) lim f  x  need not be an integer

x a x a

C) f(x) has a local minimum at x = a D) f(x) has a local maximum at a x = a

(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains EIGHT (08) questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE
For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded off to the
second decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, -0.33, -.30, 30.27, -127.30) designated to enter the answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +3 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer.
Zero Marks: 0 In all other cases.
43. Let g(x) is the only invertible function from R  R which satisfy the equation
g 3  x    x 3  2  g 2  x    2x 3  1 g  x   x 3  0 . then the value of g '  8  .  g 1  '  8  .

r4 n 3 n 2 5n f  n 
44. Let 
r 1  2r  1 2r  1
  

(A, B, C, D  N), where f(n) is the ratio of

two linear polynomials such that nlim f  n   . then the value of (A + B + C + D).
 2

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 tan  x 2  
 
If f  x    ax 2  ax  b, 0  x  1 is differentiable in x  (0, 2] . Then a  and
 2 cos x  tan 1 x, 1  x  2 k

 26
b  . Then find the value of  k 2  k 
4 k2

[Note : [y] denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to y]

1  x  e
1/ x

46. If the value limit, lim 2  Ae where A and B are coprime, then the value
x 0 x2 B
of (A + B).

x4  x2 p
47. If the maximum value of the expression y  6 for x  1 , is and it occurs at
x  2x  1

a b
x where p and q are in their lowest term and a, b, c are pair wise relatively
prime positive numbers, then the value of (a + b + c + p + q).

48. The sequence a n 1 , n  N is an arithmetical progression and d is its common

 d2   d2   d2  1
difference. If nlim
1  2  1  2  ....  1  2  converges to and a1  8 , then find the
 a1   a 2   a n  4

value of d.

49. Let the equations x 3  2x 2  px  q  0 and x 3  x 2  px  r  0 have two roots in common

and the third root of each equation are represented by  and  respectively. If

 e x log1x  , 1  x  0

f x   a, x  0 is continuous at x = 0, then the value of 2(a + b).

 ln e   x
x 2

 , 0  x 1
 tan x

50. Let f(x) = ax 2  bx  c  a  b  and f  x   0  x  R . Find the minimum value of .

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Narayana IIT Academy 16-11-20_ Jr.IIT_*CO-SC _JEE-ADV_WAT-24_Q’P
This section contains 2Paragraphs. Based on each paragraph, there are 2 questions. Each question has 4
options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
Paragraph for Question Nos. 51 to 52:
Let f : R  R be a differentiable function such that f(1) = 1, f(2) = 20, f(-4) = -4,
f '  0   0 and f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y) + 3xy (x + y) + bxy + c(x + y) + 4  x, y  R ,

where b, c are constants.

5 1. Number of solutions of the equation f  x   x 3  4e x is equal to

A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3

52. If f  x   mx 2   5m  1 x  4m  x  0 , then the maximum value of m is equal to

A) 1 B) -1 C) 0 D) 2

Paragraph for Question Nos. 53 to 54:

  px n  r 2  e  x  r  1 
 lim       , x  0
 n  

n r 1 r   
r  1

Let f  x    q, x  0 is differentiable in R (the set of all real

 lim 
 r 2  r  e  x  1
, x0
 n  r  r  1
r 1


[Note : [y] and {y} denote greatest integer and fractional part function of y]

53. The value of p + q +  is equal to

A) -2 B) 2 C) 1 D) 3

The value of f '  ln 2   f '  ln   f '  ln 2   f '  ln 3   ... is equal to

1 3 5
 2  2   2 

A) 3 B) 4 C) 6 D) 2

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Sec: JR.IIT_*CO SC WAT-24 Date: 16-11-20
Time: 3HRS 2018_P1 Max.Marks: 180


1 BD 2 BC 3 AB 4 BC 5 BD

6 ABD 7 0.77 8 5 9 2.00 10 1.87

11 1.41 12 2 13 0.80 14 3.14 15 A

16 C 17 A 18 B

19 ABCD 20 C 21 BC 22 ABC 23 ABCD

24 BC 25 0 26 78.75 27 28 28 24

29 9 30 to 31 0 32 20 33 A
34 D 35 C 36 D

37 ABC 38 AC 39 AC 40 B 41 ABCD

42 AC 43 16.00 44 84.00 45 6.00 46 35.00

47 15.00 48 6.00 49 9.00 50 3.00 51 B

52 B 53 D 54 B
Narayana IIT Academy 16-11-20_ Jr.IIT_*CO-SC _JEE-ADV_WAT-24_KEY&SOL
1. Conceptual.
2. Conceptual.
3. x  A sin t
A  2 A
 A sin t a   2 x a
2 2
t  T / 12 a   2 x a 0
4. v  3 12  x 2
  3 rad / s
A  12  2 3 cm
a   2 x  g  3  27 cm / s 2
5. x  3sin100t  4  cos100t  1
A  32  42  5
xmax  9 units
6. Conceptual.
 m  m2 
7. a 1 g
 1
m  m 2 

a   m1  m2  g   m1  m2 
  
a m1  m2 g m1  m2
 1 1   1 1 
 m1     m2   
 m1  m2 m1  m2   m1  m2 m1  m2 
 2m   2m  g
m1  2 2 2   m2  2 1 2  
 m1  m2   m1  m2  g
8. S .G 
W1  W2
S W1  W1  W2 
 
S W1 W1  W2
1 1  W2
 W1   
W1 W1  W2  W1  W2
  1 1  0.1 
 0.1      100
  10 5  5 
 1  2  2  5%
1 8K 1 2K
9. f  
2 M  M

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m m
10. T  2  2
 gs  sin 1  sin  2   3
 gs 1  
 2 
11. Stable point is ; x  ;
1 K 1 2b
f   ;
2 m 2 m

1  
2  
 
 2 f 
13.  mg  mw A 2
14.  A g

vmax  A  ?
2 2
15. T  2 s,  
   rad / s
T 2
Velocity, v   A    0.1  0.314 m / s
16. a   2 x   2  0.05  0.493 m / s 2
17. If A be the amplitude of motion, then kA  F or A
m 2m
18. Time period, T  2  2
k/2 k

19. A is  Si2O 2
5  , B is  Si4O
11 n  and C is  Si6O1710  
n n

All the three are double chain silicates (amphiboles)

20. P can’t form pentahydrides due to loss E.N of H, N can form pentoxide because in the pentoxide
formation no need of d-orbitals.
c) AsCl5 is less stable due to middle row anomaly.

d) PBr5  solid   PBr4 Br 

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24. NCERT P. No. 176
25. Any ammonium salt on warming with alkali liberate NH 3 gas but not N2 gas.
26. 4Zn  10 HNO3  4Zn  NO3 2  NO2  5H 2O
8 4
n  factor for HNO3  
10 5
63 63  5
G.E.W. of HNO3    78.75 g
4/5 4

28. x  8, y  1, z  3
NCERT P. No. 177, 178.

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These are all nearly equally acidic and more acidic than the remaining two terminal OH .
61.6  50.4  11.2 ml used by two terminal OH
  5.6ml per  OH
4 H 3 PO3   PH 3  3H 3 PO4
200 C
 3  3  5
4  82
G.E.W. of H 3 PO3   54.67
31. All the pi bonds present are p  d
32. NCERT P. No. 175
34. I 2  HNO3  conc   HIO3  NO2  H 2O
Hg  HNO3  dil   Hg 2  NO3 2  NO  H 2O
Pb  HNO3  conc   Pb  NO3 2  NO2  H 2O
35. A) In case of NO2 , if we take dil. H 2 SO4 we get this test
B) N 2O5 gives NO3 ions
C) N 2O3 gives NO2 ions
36.  Fe  H 2O 5  NO   is the correct formula.

37. f  x   cos x .e
2 Tan x

f '  x   eTan x 1  sin 2x  ,

f ''  x   f  x  .  Tan x  1  Tan 3 x  Tan 2 x  3Tan x  1

 x  1
38. f x 
1  x 
2 2

 x  1  x 3  3x 2  5x  1
f ' x   ex
x  1
2 3

f(x) has two points of extremum, maxima at x   1, 0  and minimum at x = 1

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1 0 1

Differential coefficient of (x) sin 1 x  2

at x  , it is -2
f '  0   2, f '  0   2

f is not derivable at x = 0

   
2 3
40. f x  4  x2  3  4  x2 1

4  x 2  a, a   0, 2 for x   2, 2

f  a    a  3   a  1
2 3

f a  max
 28; at a =0

 x  9,  4, 3

2x  12, [3, 2)
41.  gof  x   8, [2, 2)
12  2x, [2,3)

9  x, 3, 4

 x  9,  10, 8

 fog  x   1, [8, 4)
3  x, [4, 2]

42. Conceptual
43. g 3  x    x 3  2  g 2  x    2x 3  1 g  x   x 3  0

 g  x   1  g  x   x   0
2 3

g  x   x3

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1  2 1 1 1 
44. T   4r  1    
16  2  2r  1 2r  1  

1 1 1  1 1 
Sn  r 2  1     
4 16 32  2r  1 2r  1 

n 3 n 2 5n 1  n 
     
12 8 48 16  2n  1 
A = 12, B = 8, C = 48, D = 16
 ax 3  b, 0  x 1
45. f x   1
2 cos x  tan x, 1  x  2
 3ax 2 , 0  x 1

f ' x    1
2 sin x  , 1 x  2
 1 x2
46. Conceptual
x 1
47. y 3

 1  1 6
 x    3 x    2
 x  x
Let x   t at t = 1, maximum
x 1
x2  x 1  0

1 5
x ,x 1
p + q + a + b + c = 15

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