Geography Micro Reviewer

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TRUE--- term… resource depletion

 Multiple choice-20 4. FALSE--- natural resources… non-existing
1. CAUSE BY LIMITED RESOURCES TO SUPPORT OVERPOPULATION--- situation: 5. TRUE--- depletion occur resources fastest
undesirable condition…. Number of population exceed the actual carrying 6. FALSE--- land is non-vital
capacity. 7. FALSE--- land degradation least
2. NEWBORN ARE NOT RECEIVING THE HEALTH SUPPORT THEY NEED--- mortality 8. FALSE--- soil degradation… quality of increased
rate decrease… newborns 9. TRUE--- top soil… wind erosion
3. FIGHTING AMONG OURSELVES FOR NEEDED COMMODITIES--- limited resources 10. FALSE--- soil degradation… artificial process
and increasing depletion result 11. FALSE--- urbanization pattern… fertile land
4. OVERPOPULATED--- explosion of numbers or organisms… mammals 12. FALSE--- sewage system
5. THROW IT IN COMPLETE DEPLETION--- increase of number of population… 13. FALSE--- Americas (EUROPE)
downside 14. TRUE--- industrialization… giving people a chance
6. INCREASE OF POLLUTANTS--- raise of human/ contribute to what 15. TRUE--- industrialization is a process
7. RAISE OF SEA LEVEL--- except…. All are affected to human act and population  Identification- 15
8. (BONUS) DISRUPTION--- undesirable exceed 1. OVERPOPULATION--- increase in the population
9. DUE TO EXCESSIVE HUMAN INTERVENTION--- passenger pigeon… loss of habitat 2. POOR FARMING PRACTICES--- poor soil management
attributed to what 3. WATER SHORTAGES--- poor farming practices, deforestation… depletion due to
EQUIPMENT--- advancements of agriculture cause 4. OIL DEPLETION--- non-renewable resource… roughly 40%
11. SMALL WAYS --- UN, Green pace… example that 5. MINERAL DEPLETION--- increase in phosphorous, copper… sustain 7 billion
12. FINANCIAL CRISIS--- Justine 6 years old…. Force to work mining people on earth
13. IVF- not all couples… unable to reproduce 6. MANUFACTURING--- urbanization begins… one factory in a certain region
14. POLLUTION IN THE GUTTERS--- slums areas… this settlements cause what kind of 7. COMMERCIALIZATION---unset of production… sells goods directly to public
pollution market
15. DEPORTATION FACILITY TO BE CROWDED--- financial reason… migrate to other 8. SOCIAL BENEFITS AND SERVICES--- social benefits to life and city
for work illegally enter a country 9. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES --- ample job opportunities
16. DUE TO THE NUMBER OF VACANCY LIMITED--- Anna fresh out of college… unable 10. HOUSING PROBLEM--- leads to higher… scarcity of houses
to land a job for a year 11. OVERCROWDING--- congestion in urban area
17. INCREASE OF STANDARD OF LIVING--- as a country economy progress… 12. UNEMPLOYMENT--- problem of joblessness … higher among educated people
advancement but also 13. DEVELOPMENT OF SLUMS--- cause of high living in urban area is high… slums/
COVID-19… lockdown 14. TRAFFIC CONGESTION--- more people/ transport system
19. POLLUTING ANY OF THE FOUR SELECTION--- industry.. fluid waste 15. URBAN CRIME--- issues of lack of resources… poverty … drug abuse…. Violence
20. CONTRACEPTIVE--- controlling over population(step)  Essay
 True or False-15 --- wa gahatag si sir
1. FALSE--- only the renewable
2. TRUE--- resources that is rare on the earth due to depletion
MICROECONOMICS-REVIEWER 15. TRUE--- the substitution effect replaces
 Multiple choice- 20  Identification- 15
1. CONSUMER BEHAVIOR--- action and decision by the household 1. MARKET--- place where exchange of goods and services
2. CONSUMER BEHAVIOR THEORY--- study of how people make decision when 2. MARKET STRUCTURE--- how different industry…. are classified and competition
make a purchase for goods and services
3. CONSUMER BEHAVIOR--- essential for business… wants and needs 3. LEGAL TENDERS--- market is a place where… economic transaction… without the
4. CONSUMER BEHAVIOR THEORY--- allows business to understand… target exchange of…
market/ influence buying habits 4. MARKET ECONOMY--- economic system
5. ROUTINE RESPONES--- brand recognition/repetition 5. ARENA--- platform transaction between buyer and seller
6. LIMITED DECISION MAKING--- require research before making a choice… often 6. BUYER AND SELLER--- market can’t exist without this two
mid level 7. PERFECT COMPETITION--- large occurs number of small companies…
7. LIMITED DECISION MAKING--- say that you pick… within your budget homogenous
8. ROUTINE RESPONSE--- loaf slice bread… have a favorite more often 8. MONOPOLISTIC COMPETITION--- imperfectly competition market… monopolic
9. EXTENSIVE DECISION MAKING--- extensive amount of time researching before 9. OLIGOPOLY—consist of small number of large companies… identical products
buying 10. MONOPOLY MARKET--- single company represent the whole… sole seller
10. EXTENSIVE DECISION MAKING--- research thoroughly 11. DOUPOLY--- market: 2 seller who work unanimously
11. IMPULSE BUYING--- irrational moment… purchase made on a whim 12. MONOPSONY--- market: opposite of monopoly market
12. IMPULSE BUYING--- waiting in a line to buy… without consideration 13. BLACK MARKET/ UNDERGROUND MARKET--- illegal market
13. UTILITY--- term worth of value of goods and services 14. AUCTION MARKET--- bidder
14. UTILITY THEORY--- theory postulated… preferences 15. FINANCIAL MARKET--- capitalist… society/ physical or virtual… liquidity for
15. UTILITY THEORY--- mathematical…. Preferences business
16. NORMATIVE THEORY--- dictate people should buy it/ manner prescribe  Essay
17. GOODS AND SERVICES--- economic utility of____ is important --- wa gahatag si sir
18. POSITIVE THEORY--- utility is a theory that seeks to explain… behavior and
19. ORDINAL UTILITY--- design to study… satisfaction level
20. CARDINAL THEORY--- ability to represent… absolute level of satisfaction
1. FALSE--- more is better in utility theory
2. FALSE--- completeness in utility theory
3. TRUE—one week of clothing… mix is better
4. TRUE--- most important… all of utility theory rationality
5. FALSE--- consumption is defined… national domestic product (NDP)(gdp)
6. TRUE--- helps the analyst… financial model
7. TRUE--- macroeconomist (proxy)
8. FALSE--- classical economist
9. FALSE--- desire is a set… (wants)
10. FALSE--- utility theory (government)
11. FALSE--- economic theory … minimum wage/ tax rate determine
12. TRUE--- budget allocation
13. TRUE---input decreasation
14. TRUE---the income effect is the change

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