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In my opinion, good customer service should prioritize the needs and satisfaction of the customers.

should be friendly, efficient, and responsive to customers' requests and complaints. Good customer
service should also provide clear and accurate information about the product or service, and ensure
that customers feel valued and appreciated. Finally, good customer service should aim to build long-
term relationships with customers, by providing personalized and customized services that meet their
specific preferences and needs.


Breakfast is arguably the most important meal of the day. It's the first meal a
person consumes. Moreover, children should have easy access to breakfast. It is essential for their
growth and gives them the energy to focus on studying. So, should schools provide breakfast for their
students? We'll explore both sides of the question in this essay.

Teachers said children who consume breakfast regularly perform better in class. They can concentrate
on studying rather than hunger. They also have more stamina throughout the day. Recent studies also
show that breakfast helps with child growth, providing them with vital nutrients. Moreover, schools
providing breakfast also helps the parents, as they will not have to worry about their child's diet.
Therefore, schools should provide their students with breakfast.

In contrast, providing breakfast brings the school several problems. Some students do not eat
breakfast, which could lead to wasted leftovers. Students have diverse appetites, and it is impossible
to please every student. Lastly, this could increase the school's expenses exponentially. They would
have to pay for the food, as well as for staff and waste management.

To sum up, there's no denying that breakfast is the most important meal for children. However,
schools will have to deal with extra work. Therefore, in my opinion, schools should provide students
with a choice. They should also encourage their students to have breakfast.

Despite the truth that a balanced diet is essential for children's development, a lot of
parents have difficulties to spare their energy and time to provide their children breakfast. However,
some people believe that schools should provide students balanced breakfast, I believe that it is not
the school's responsibility to feed them in the morning.

To begin with, it is said that breakfast is the most important meal for pupils and should be given fairly
in the schools. While I concede that most of both parents tend to work today and they don't have
enough time to give their children a meal in the morning, but the problem is that each school does
not have a capacity to manage to feed more than 100 students. In fact, giving food must be done
properly that schools sometimes fail. Taking care of children who have allergies, for instance, should
be monitored carefully what to feed with a professional nutritionist, because an allergic reaction
could kill a person in worst case.

Another concern of feeding school children is that mass outbreak of food poisoning. Although
supporters of school feeding often argue that providing nutritious food for students might improve
their academic performance drastically, I argue that the risk of a mass outbreak of food poisoning can
be very injurious to children. Not all schools are capable of restoring food under the appropriate
environment and tend to bring about the food poisoning to the mass population, which I personally
believe that feeding food could be risky for children.

Finally, probably my strongest argument to disagree with the idea of offering breakfast in school is
that the cost schools have to manage. A lot of schools face a financial difficulty and tend to cut the
salary of teachers now. Giving breakfast for children, in fact, means that schools must hire cooks and
a professional nutritionist that can cost a fortune, which I do not believe that the idea of school
offering a meal in the morning.

To sum up, not only a school feeding system is unfeasible financially, but it also could give an
outbreak of food poisoning. Therefore, I disagree with those who believe in school breakfast.

There is no doubt that smoking is injurious to health. While one can argue that, it is
someone's choice to smoke, I completely agree that people should be careful who are they smoking
in front of, and it should be prohibited in public areas.

Firstly, if there are children present in common areas such as parks and malls, smoking can do
damage. This is because their lungs and brain are in the developing stage, and should not come in
contact with any pollutant. In addition, It is possible a kid might pick up the habit after watching
someone do it. For instance, if a child's parents smoke, they are at a greater risk of becoming smokers
later in life. The possible solution to this would be, to ban it in all public spots, especially when kids
are present.

Secondly, people get influenced easily by any bad habit. If we see anyone of status and power
performing it, we are more likely to repeat it. For example, usually young individuals start smoking in
their teenage, due to the fact that, they saw one of their friends do it. Furthermore, one more factor
is, peer pressure in the office environment. If you saw your boos smoking, you feel the social pressure
and start doing the same to impress them. Adults should realise that, they might be a role model to
someone, and it is their responsibility to behave appropriately.

To conclude, smoking kills more people than air pollution, or any other type of pollution. Unless strict
rules are made with regards to public smoking, this problem will only escalate. I feel, it should be a
combined effort of individuals and governments, to take responsibility, and educate children about
this in order to spread awareness.

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