Menu Plan Week 2 Happy Shrinkers

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Not too sure what to prepare

on phase 2 of the HCG diet?

Use this meal planner as a
guide to preparing your
meals for week 2.
Keep in mind the meal plan is
simply examples of meals that can
be followed. This is not the actual
diet (Please see the booklet you
received with your package for diet
rules, allowed lists and guidelines).
Use this for inspiration and ideas!

©2018 Happy Shrinkers

Mini Chicken Fillets
Make the shake (as instructed on the
Tuna 100g 4 Mushrooms
Coconut Oil Mayo 1 Tbsp Baby Marrow
Click here to see Recommended Shakes Onion, Cabbage
Tomato, Coconut Oil Mayo 1 Tbsp
Celery, Garlic
Shredded Lettuce, Salt
Shredded Purple Cabbage
Mini chicken fillets pan fried with 4
Mix All Together mushrooms, salt and garlic,
Baby marrow rosti (grated baby marrow
(Please note you are using your snack and garlic pressed down in the pan and
portion in this meal) fried,
Cabbage slaw 1/2 tsp coconut oil mayo.

©2018 Happy Shrinkers

115g chicken breast Garlic powder 140g chicken breast
Paprika Cherry tomatoes
Two eggs scrambled Baby spinach Two slivers of onion Ginger
One cracker bread Chili
Thinly sliced tomato Chicken breast flattened in cling wrap
Super quick and easy. with a rolling pin( bash it until it’s all one Take one chicken breast and slice about 4
thickness) thin slivers from the top then pop them
(Please note you are using half your snack Pan fry chicken breast on the one side on to medium size sticks (they should be
portion in this meal) until golden about half a cm in thickness) then
Then add tomatoes and baby spinach
marinade with grated garlic, ginger and
around the chicken then flip and cook the chili. Then straight on the braai for about
other side 2 mins a side
Once the chicken is golden on both sides
Turn off the stove place a lid on the pan
and let it rest for 2 mins
©2018 Happy Shrinkers
Make the shake (as instructed on the
packaging) 140g chicken mince
Chopped coriander
Fine Grate one medium size courgette Click here to see Recommended Shakes Half a small onion diced
Add a pinch of salt
Chives chopped Dried garlic
1tbs beaten egg
Paprika Cumin
1 tbs fine sliced onion
Salt 1 small egg
Place in a hot non stick pan with a little
Mix it all up and roll into 40g balls
coconut oil into a 1 cm thick circle Don’t
Cover and pop in the fridge
fiddle with it. Wait till it’s golden on the
Then you can either pan fry or bake in the
bottom then flip and crisp the other side
oven as meat balls or flatten them and
Use the rest of your beaten egg to make
make patties
scrambled egg and then plate it with
They take about 7 mins to cook
smoked Trout and cherry tomatoes
Add one gem squash
©2018 Happy Shrinkers
6 Large cubes of ice 140g chicken breast
Two medium boiled eggs peeled and
1 tsp coffee (dry) Chinese cabbage Purple cabbage
175ml fat free vanilla yogurt 1 black mushroom Lemon
1 teaspoon home made mayo
1tsp xylotol 1/2 cup veg noodles Coconut oil
1 tiny pinch salt
Throw all in the blender and blitz until ice 1/4 tsp in 20m water 1/4 tsp xylotol
3 chopped chives
is fully crushed 1/2 tsp Chinese five spice Ginger
1 or two cracker breads
Serve in a beer glass as it makes the
Big mug for green tea with mint
perfect amount. Rub chicken in the five spice and fresh
Boil your eggs, mash and mix with mayo, ginger. Pan fry in one half of your pan and
This will replace a meal as it’s a full on the other side stir fry your veggies
chives and salt to taste
portion of protein and you can only have with the water mixture. Once chicken is
Serve with cracker bread as it gives you
two per week max, however you can ready remove and let rest. Then rinse and
more of a toast feel and a big mug of
replace the yogurt with your meal add your noodles with any juice that has
green mint tea.
replacement shake and a bit of water and come out of the chicken while resting
(Please note you are using your snack
have it daily in place of a meal too. Plate up veg.
portion in this meal)
©2018 Happy Shrinkers
175ml plain yogurt Cinnamon 100 g chicken breast sliced and rubbed 140g Fish 4 Provitas, Garlic
Xylitol/ stevia to taste 50ml water with garlic powder Lemon Zest Mixed Herbs Dried Garlic
2ml vanilla 15g feta ( limited)
1/4 chopped tomato Press fish down on both sides and pop in
The night before place in a Tupperware. Salad leaves the fridge for 5 mins
Mix well then place a rice cake in the Shredded purple cabbage Shred green and purple cabbage and mix
centre and cover with the mixture Small orange segmented with 1/2 tsp coconut oil mayo.
completely . Squeeze of orange juice Make a green salad
Place the lid on and place in the fridge. Pan fry in 1/2 tsp coconut oil or grill your
In the morning slice up some apple and In a dry non stick pan, fry the chicken fish until golden then hit it with a squeeze
pan fry with cinnamon and a pinch of breast slices. While those cook make the of lemon juice and serve.
xylitol or stevia. salad. Just as chicken is ready squeeze the
Dish up and stir your “porridge” place orange juice over the chicken and it will (Please note you are using your snack
warm apples on top and enjoy. sizzle and almost disappear. Pop chicken portion in this meal)
on salad and add feta if desired (limited)
©2018 Happy Shrinkers
Make the shake (as instructed on the Mixed leaves
100 g shrimp
packaging) Baby spinach
1⁄2 cup vegetable broth or water
Click here to see Recommended Shakes 1 tbsp minced onion
1 clove garlic crushed
115g Lean ham
1/8 tsp curry or to taste
1/8 tsp onion powder Stevia to taste
1/8 tsp garlic powder Pinch of allspice
Lemon juice sauté the shrimp with the onion and
Balsamic vinegar garlic for about 3 minutes or until cooked.
Pinch of xylitol if you like it a bit sweet Add vegetable broth, curry and stevia.
Add garlic and onion powder to thicken
the mixture. Cook for 5-10 minutes on
medium heat. Add or reduce liquid until
desired consistency is reached.
©2018 Happy Shrinkers
140g white fish 1 tbsp onion mince
1 Big Tomato 115g lean beef mince 1/2 tsp chili flakes oregano garlic powder
2 Eggs Cauliflower noodles 2 tbsp onions smoked paprika 1 tomato chopped
2 Handfuls Spinach 1 baby marrow chopped 170 ml vegetable broth
4 mushrooms chopped In a small bowl, stir together lemon juice,
Cut 2 thick slices of tomato add a tiny bit 1 tomato chopped 1 tsp tomato paste oregano, and garlic powder. Add onion to
salt, pepper and a sprinkle of xylitol/ 3 tbsp tin tomatoes 1/2 tsp dried garlic a medium saucepan and top with 1/4 cup
stevia. 1/2 tsp cumin 1/2 tsp coriander vegetable broth. Cook for 5 minutes until
Pan fry till golden brown and soft. 1/2 tsp paprika 1/2 an apple grated onion is softened. Add herb lemon
Move over and fry two eggs.
Fry all spices in coconut oil. Add onions mixture and cook another 2 minutes. Stir
Just before eggs are ready throw in two
and mince. Add the grated apple and the in paprika, salt, pepper, tomatoes, and
handfuls of baby spinach and let it wilt in
veggies. Then the tomato paste and remaining vegetable broth. Simmer for 15
the tomato juices.
tinned tomatoes. Simmer for about 15 to 20 minutes until reduced slightly.
Place spinach on plate and squeeze a
mins. Put veg noodles in a coffee mug Nestle fish chunks into the stew. Reduce
little lemon and a bit of salt and pepper if
with boiling water to heat then drain and heat to low and cover. Cook 8-10 min
you like.
serve in a bowl with the bolognaise until fish is cooked. Remove from heat
©2018 Happy Shrinkers sauce. and serve.

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