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* Francis Burton Harrison- new governor-general

who was appointed in the Phil with a new policy as

LIFE AND POLITICS DURING AMERICAN PERIOD embodied in the term Filipinization--(place more
Filipinos in government service, both elected and
The Filipino were only relegated as onlookers to the
Americans and Spaniards. *William Atkinson Jones- Democrat Congressman,
authored a law which would later be known as the
*August 18, 1898- Withdrawal of the Spaniards, Philippine Autonomy act or Jones Law of 1916
Gen. Wesley Merritt entered Intramuros. (August 1916).
*Dec 10, 1898- Paris Peace Treaty was signed, -The Jones law provided for the organic law
President Mckinley issued his Benevolent or the constitution of the Phil Islands succeeding the
Assimilation policy over the Philippines. Philippine Bill of 1902. (“Vivid in the wordings of
the law’s perambulatory clause was the assurance of
*April 1900- Military Government of Meritt was
the US to grants us our independence”)
replaced by a civilian government structured under
the Second Philippine commission headed by -Pres Wilson wrote to the Us Congress about
William Howard Taft granting independence to the Phil before his term
*Malolos Constitution 1899- it was not implemented
because of the outbreak of the Filipino American *House of Representatives- the re-named of the Phil
war. The democratic system which the Americans Assembly acting as the lower chamber.
promised they will teach us to organize that would
mean the Filipinos should be educated . *Tuesday of Oct 1916- when the election was held

*The problem with the Spaniards educ system is the *Oct 16, 1916- The new Legislature was inaugurated.
lack of an overall standard were left to the religious *January 11, 1917- Creation of the Cabinet
orders that established them.
*Oct 16,1918- an advisory body called the Council of
*Philippine Bill Of 1902-Before wide literacy needed State.
for the people to vote or be voted, the establishment
of a legislature composed of 100% elected Filipino *By the end of Pres Wilson’s term in 1921, 96% of
was already plan under this bill. Also This law Filipinos were already in government posts.
provided for the certification that peace had been *Alfred Mccoy- analyzed the editorial cartoons in
attained for the colony had undergone insurrection. order to depict issues during American Period. He
*5 year duration before national election would be wrote a book entitled Philippine Cartoons:
held to elect the representatives of ever provinces in Caricatures of the American Era 1900-1941.
Phil. *Alfredo Roces co-authored this book
*July 30,1907- The first national election for the *three publications: the weekly newspapers The
legislature. Independent founded and edited by the hard-hitting
6*October 16, 1907- The Philippines Assembly was critic Vicente Sotto of Cebu, the Bag-ong
inaugurated. Kusog(New Force) was a Cebuano newspaper that
drew the pre-war social life and criticized the
*Unicameral Colonial Government under the Second degradation of morals
Philippine Commission into a bicameral system with
the Philippine Assembly being the lower chamber *Philippine Free Press founded by Judge W.A
and the Second Commission as the Upper Chamber. Kincaid and taken over by Dick McCullogh because
of bankruptcy.
*The Philippine Assembly was swept by The
Nacionalist Party against the Progressive Party. THE AUTHORS AND EDITOR

*Pres of Nacionalist Party -Sergio Osmena of Cebu Alfred McCoy – is an expert of Southeast Asian

*W. Cameron Forbes- new governor-general. -He Earned his Bachelor of Arts in
European History from Columbia University in 1968.
*1912- Woodrow Wilson of the Democratic Party as He is a professor at the University of Winconsin-
the new US President. Madison.
Alfredo Roces- was an art historian , an essayist and In 1921, former military governor of Mindanao,
painter. Leonard Wood and Former Gov. Gen. W. Cameron
was sent to the Philippines by the newly elected
-in 1979, he is editor of GEO, Australia’s g-
President of the US.
Geographical Magazine. He was chosen as one od the
Ten Outstanding Young Men in 1961.

Vicente Sotto- was a newspaper man, editor and

publisher of The Independent. He was a political and
social critic who tackled political and agrarian
problems. After Second World War, Filipino politicians
were insinuating the Americans to leave the country
Fernando Amorsolo- First launched his career as
and grant us our independence in the 1920 and 1930.
political cartoonist who lampooned the government
*Marcos was a senator before he became a Pres
*Manuel Roxas- a contemporary of Manuel Quezon
Editorial Cartoon 11.1
and Sergio Osmenia during the American period,
WHEREVER YOU GO, WE WILL FOLLOW became president after the war in 1946. He only had
2 years because he died of heart attack in 1948.
The Independent (April 14, 1917)
*Elpidio Quirino- vice pres, took over and won the
-The First World War commenced on June 28, 1914
presidency in 1949.
upon the assassination of Austrian Archduke Francis
Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist. In this cartoon *Ramon Magsaysay- beat him in re-election bid in
drawn by Fernando Amorsolo, it shows Uncle Sam 1953 and became pres but dies in a plane crash in
taking Little Juan by the Hand. 1956.
The reason is that the American colonial *Carlos Garcia= his vice- press , replaced him and
government enacted the Flag Law in 1907 won the presidency in 1957.
E.C 11.2 *Diosdado Macapagal- he won against Garcia in
*Hartzell Spence- wrote a biographical book For
The independence (June 9, 1917)
every tear a Victory: The Story of Ferdinand
Gambling was a serious Crime in Manila E. Marcos and it went on the market at 1964.
EC 11.3
*It had a companion movie, “Iginuhit na Tadhana”,
Lording It Over Us which also showed the young Lt. in action in the
Battlefield. It was starred by Luis Gonzales ad
The Philippines Free Press (Feb 12, 1921) Gloria Romero
The Philippine Assembly passed a law in 1912, *Marco’s biography was countered by Macapagal
authorizing legislators wether incumbent or retired to with his book “Macapagal The Incorruptible” starred
bear firearms. authored by Quentin Reynolds, The book was
E.C 11.4 finished by Geoffrey Bocca and published in 1965

FIFTEEN YEARS OF PARTY POLITICS *Henry Stonehill was a businessman engaged in the
import and export of tobacco which he got a
Philippine Free Press (May 20, 1922) monopoly through legislators who provided him with
permit. And deposited his money in Switzeland.
Fifteen years since the first nationalist election in
1907, the evils of politics had well take a root. *Blue Book- contained the names of his benefactors.
E.C 11.5 *August 21, 1971, at Plaza Miranda in Quiapo,
Manila- during the miting de avance of the Liberal
Party in time for senatorial midterm, election, a
grenade was lobbed during the rally.
Bag-ong Kusog(Sep 10, 1926)
*First Quarter Storm- several riotous students *The arrival of General Izquierdo (1871-1873) was
demonstrations were mounted demanding the the signal for a complete change in the aspect of
resignation of Marcos. affairs. “with a crucifix in one hand and a sword in
the other”.
*Sept 21, 1972- Marcos issued Proclamation 1081,
placing the entire archipelago under martial law and -His first official act was to prohibit the
suspending the writ of habeas corpus. founding a school of arts and trades, which was being
organized by the efforts and funds raised by natives
*His nemesis that had bluntly criticized him on the
of standing community.
senate floor and exposed him in Tv was Sen. Benigno
“Ninoy” Aquino. -He believed that the establishment of the
new school was merely a pretext for the organization
*He introduced the New Society with its jingle
of a political club
Bagong Lipunan, its slogan “Sa Ikauunlad ng Bayan
Disiplina ang Kailangan,” and its supposed ideology. *Personas Sospechosas (suspects)- term for people
who offered their support to ex-Governor La Torre.
Also persons who refused to servilely obey the
wishes and whims of the authorities.

*Marcos was convicted for the murder of *From time immemorial the workmen in the arsenal
Congressman Julio Nalundasan, an arch political at Cavite and the barracks of the artillery and
rival of his father engineer corps had been exempt from the payment of
the tribute tax and from obligation to work certain
*Pete Lacaba- is a journalist, poet and screen writer.
*Gen. Izquierdo, believed the time opportune for
He was an activist who opposed the manipulation of
abolishing these privileges and ordered that in the
Marcos in 1973 where he gave a vivid account of the
future all such workmen should pay tribute and labor
First Quarter Storm. He fought against the
on public improvements.
declaration of Martial Law, but was later imprisoned
and imprisoned. His friend Nick Joaquin who *January 20, 1872- there was an uprising among the
received the National Artist Award request for his soldiers in the San Felipe fort, in cavite and the
freedom in 1975. commanding officer and other Spanish were
*40 marines attached to the arsenal and 22
artillerymen under Sergeant La Madrid.
April 25, 1974, Pete was awakened by shouts of :
-He was blinded badly burned by explosion
Buksan nyo ang pinot Awtoridad ito!
of a sack of powder and, being unable to escape, was
*He was take in Camp Crame in Quezon City, to the also cut down
headquarters of the 5th Constabulary Security
*During the time that General dela Torre was a chief
executive in the Philippine Islands the Influential
Filipinos did not hesitate to announce their hostility

*The Filipino version of the Bloody incident of *Central Government in Madrid had announced its
Cavite in 1872 was writ by Dr. Trinidad H. Pardo de intention to deprive the friars in these islands of all
Tavera, Filipino scholar, scientist, and historical powers on intervention
*Colonial Minister- had drawn up a scheme of
*Cavite Arsenal against the harsh policy of despotic reforms by which he proposed to make a radical
Governor and captain-general Rafael de Izquierdo change in the colonial system of government which
(1871-1873). Which abolished their old-time was to harmonize with the principles for which the
privileges of exemption from paying the annual revolution in Spain had been fought.
tribute and from rendering the polo(forced labor).
*The mutiny in Cavite gave the conservative
*Pardo de Tavera- the one who narrated the element-that is, those who favored a continuation of
Turbulent Cavite Incident which was magnified by the colonial modus vivendi- an opportunity to
the Spanish officials and friars into a revolt.
represent Spanish Government with the object of *To seduce tha native troops, they resorted to
destroying Spanish Sovereignty. superstitions with which the indios are so prone to
believe ; persuading that he Chief of State (hari).
*They stated that the Spanish Government was to
blame for the propagation of pernicious doctrines. *Thus the rebellion could not fail because God was
with them; and those who would not revolt they
*The claims made by conservative element in the
would kill immediately.
Phil islands regarding the peril which threatened
Spanish sovereignty in the islands. *
*Madrid authorities were not be able to combat .
public opinion in the country; “no opportunity was
given nor time taken to make a thorough
investigation of the real facts or extent of the alleged
*Many of the best known Filipinos were denounced
to military authorities
*Those who dared to oppose themselves to the friars
were punished with special severity; among others
may be mentioned the priests Burgos- a half-blood
Spaniard, Zamora-a half-blood Chinaman and
Gomez- a pure-blood Tagalog. They were
condemned to death.
*And many others were sentence to life
imprisonment on Marianas Islands
*Government had awakened the breasts of the
Filipinos a lively friendship for the home
government, in the name of the home government
was guilty of the atrocities.
*One of the results of the so-called revolution of
Cavite was to “strengthen the power of the friars in
the Philippines Islands in such manner that the
Madrid Government had time contemplated reducing
the power of religious orders
*The persecution which began under Governor
Izquierdo were based on the false assumption that the
Filipino People were desirous of independence.
*Governor General Rafael Izquierdo reported to the
Spanish Minister of War, dated manila, January 23,
*El Eco Filipino- a Madrid -based reformist
newspaper. He calls the military mutiny an
insurrection, an uprising and a revolution.
*Abogadillos-it was known as a definite that the
insurrection was motivated and prepared by the
native clergy, by the mestizos, and native lawyers.
*Instigators- They encouraged the rebellion by
protesting what they called the injustice of having
obliged the works in the Cavite arsenal to pay tribute
January 1, 1871.

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