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Global Markets Research

Asia Insights 14 February 2024

Economics - Asia ex-Japan

Indonesia: Third time’s a charm for Prabowo with Research Analysts

a strong first-round win Asia Economics

Euben Paracuelles - NSL
Election Watch Series #8 +65 6433 6956

• According to unofficial quick counts which tend to be accurate early indicators, Nabila Amani - NSL
Prabowo is set to be Indonesia’s next president, garnering a first-round victory with
+65 6433 6409
58.2% of the vote, well ahead of pre-election surveys.
Asia FX Strategy
• In the short-run, this win would reduce the uncertainty from a long drawn-out process
Craig Chan - NSL
in a run-off scenario. However, we retain our cautious view over Prabowo’s more
nationalist and populist stance, which could contribute to balance of payments +65 6433 6106
pressures and raise some fiscal risks.
Wee Choon Teo - NSL
• FX strategy: Reduced local political risk premium in the near-term and global
developments are likely to be dominant drivers of IDR spot and forwards; we lower the +65 6433 6107

conviction level on our long 3x12M USD/IDR spread position to 2/5 (from 3). Vicky Chen - NSL
• Rates strategy: We retain our long 15y IndoGB position for some near-term
+65 6433 6540
• Equity strategy: A relief rally in stocks is likely on reduced political uncertainty. We Asia Rates Strategy
turn Neutral on Indonesia stocks (from Underweight) in our AeJ allocation strategy. Nathan Sribalasundaram - NSL
+65 6433 9707

A big win for the Prabowo-Gibran ticket Asia ex-Japan Equity Strategy
According to the quick counts by several credible pollsters, Prabowo Subianto and his Chetan Seth, CFA - NSL
running mate Gibran Rakabuming, President Jokowi’s eldest son, have won the
+65 6433 6986
presidential election with a landslide 58.2% of the vote on average (Figure 1). This is
Prabowo’s third attempt for the presidency (he lost to Jokowi in both 2014 and 2019), and
got an even stronger mandate than President Jokowi in the 2019 election, when he won
54.8% of the vote (see Asia Insights - Indonesia: A clear win for Jokowi , 17 April 2019).
The average of the quick counts is also about 6pp higher than that of the latest available
surveys at 51.9%, indicating that many of the undecided voters likely shifted to the
Prabowo-Gibran ticket. In addition, the Ganjar-Mahfud ticket garnered 16.6%, which was
lower than pre-election surveys of around 20%, suggesting some of their supporters also
voted for Prabowo-Gibran. The opposition pair Anies-Muhaimin received 25.2% which was
slightly above survey ratings. Quick counts are unofficial surveys based on a sampling of
ballot stations across the country, and tend to be accurate early indicators of the official
result, which is set to be released by the election commission KPU at the latest 20 March
2024. The large margins also suggest there is limited scope for disputes by the losing
candidates, in our view.
For the parliamentary election, the Lembaga Survei Indonesia’s (LSI) quick count with
76% of the data gathered showed that the PDI-P continues to have the largest support in
parliament at 18.2% (versus currently at 22.3%). Prabowo’s party Gerindra received
11.6%, while the PSI, which is now led by President Jokowi’s youngest son, Kaesang
Pangarep, did not reach the 4% threshold for representation in parliament.

Production Complete: 2024-02-14 15:08 UTC

See Appendix A-1 for analyst certification, important disclosures and the status of non-US analysts.
Nomura | Asia Insights 14 February 2024

Fig. 1: Indonesia - Quick count results

% Prabowo - Anies - Ganjar - % Data
Gibran Muhaimin Mahfud Gathered
LSI 57.4 25.4 17.3 73.8
Indikator 57.9 25.6 16.5 83.3
SMRC 58.3 25.1 16.6 82.3
CSIS 58.2 25.0 16.7 89.7
Charta Politika 57.7 25.7 16.6 83.8
LSI DJA 58.4 25.0 16.6 92.3
Poltracking 59.2 24.4 16.4 84.0
Kompas 58.7 25.3 16.0 82.6
Average - Quick
58.2 25.2 16.6 84.0

Source: Bisnis, Kompas,, Nomura Global Economics

Maintaining our cautious view due to Prabowo’s more nationalist and populist
As we have argued before, this first-round win will likely be welcomed by markets, more so
because of the sizeable margin (more below), as it removes the uncertainty of a second-
round and prospects of a more heated race (see Asia Insights - Indonesia: A rising
likelihood of a Prabowo first-round win, but still a close call , 13 February). Beyond that, we
maintain our cautious medium-term view on Prabowo’s more nationalist and populist
stance, which was a key differentiating factor with other candidates since the start of the
campaign and became more evident in the last few months (see Asia Insights - Indonesia:
Election watch series #1 - The ( long) race is on , 1 November 2023).
We still believe this stance from Prabowo could contribute to balance of payments
pressures (via weaker FDI) with the current account deficit having returned, and further
out, could raise fiscal risk if he tries to implement his key campaign pledges early on,
including higher subsidy spending and the free lunch program, which according to his
campaign team could cost an estimated 2% of GDP per year. We believe Prabowo might
have a strong political incentive to implement some of these measures, particularly the
free lunch program, which he was widely campaigning for.
Watch cabinet appointments and formulation of Budget 2025
We therefore believe cabinet appointments will be key to watch, particularly the Finance
Minister, for which his campaign did not give clear hints and so is still uncertain at this
stage. In terms of timing, the appointments could be made as late as October, going by
the similar timeframe of President Jokowi in both 2014 and 2019 (see Asia Insights -
Indonesia: A mixed new cabinet , 23 October 2019), although we think it is also possible
that these appointments might be earlier, i.e. in Q3 2024. More broadly, the composition
of the cabinet, in our view, looks likely to be mixed, with cabinet appointments from the
political parties that supported Prabowo potentially getting a relatively large number of
seats, in line with the size of the coalition of parties backing him in the campaign.
In addition, we think the formulation of Budget 2025 will be an important signpost, not just
in terms of the new allocations to support his key fiscal measures, but also whether the
fiscal deficit might widen towards the 3% of GDP ceiling to accommodate these measures
(from 1.8% last year and our forecast of 2.3% for this year). We understand the MOF will
table a baseline budget in August/September, but this will subject to revisions, which might
already take into account the priorities of the incoming government even if inauguration
day is only on 20 October 2024 (see Asia Insights - Indonesia: Postcard from Jakarta , 23
January 2024).
Monetary policy outlook remains intact for now
In terms of monetary policy, we expect Bank Indonesia (BI) to continue to err on the side
of caution in terms of when it begins its rate cutting cycle despite inflation stabilizing within
its 1.5-3.5% target. At its board of governor’s meeting next week (21 February), we expect
BI to leave its policy rate unchanged at 6%, owing to still-elevated external risks and
domestic political uncertainty that might undermine its main policy priority of promoting FX
stability. As mentioned above, declining FDI due to election uncertainty at a time when
the current account deficit has returned could cause some balance of payments
pressures, keeping BI vigilant. With the Fed’s higher-for-longer narrative, we also expect

Nomura | Asia Insights 14 February 2024

the tone of the policy statement to remain unchanged and unlikely to turn less hawkish.
Further out, we still expect BI will not start cutting its policy rate before June 2024, in line
with our Fed call. However, we see a rising risk that BI may deliver less than our current
forecast of a total of 100bp in cuts this year, taking into account our US team’s view that
the Fed will cut by 75bp in 2024 versus its earlier forecast of 100bp (see Policy Watch -
CPI surprise likely pushes back rate cuts , 13 February 2024). This reflects our view that
BI will likely look to maintain stable interest rate differentials with the US to support its FX
stability objective.
FX strategy: Reduced local political risk premium in the near-term, and global
developments are likely to be the dominant drivers of IDR spot and forwards
With quick counts (Bloomberg, 14 February) suggesting that the Prabowo-Gibran ticket
has likely won the president election in the first round, we have seen a slight relief rally for
IDR (as much as ~60bp against USD thus far, as previously expected ) owing to the
removal of election-related uncertainty. Looking at the 8 July 2009 election
when President SBY won in the first round (60.8%; against Megawati and Kalla), the
IDR rally continued after the election, gaining 3.7% against USD in the 20 sessions after
the first round election. While DXY weakness (-3.5% in the same period) had likely
contributed to the lower spot USD/IDR then, IDR also outperformed its NEER basket by
2.3% over the same period.
That said, we would caution against making parallels with the 2009 scenario as: 1) SBY
was widely perceived to be the more market-friendly candidate then; 2) following
Prabowo’s likely election win and relatively strong mandate, the market might focus on
whether Prabowo sticks to continuing Jokowi’s key policies or further intensifies his
populist/nationalistic stance in the months leading upto the inauguration (20 October); 3)
whether President Jokowi might face renewed pressure from potential cabinet
resignations (including the well-respected finance minister Sri Mulyani) as previously
reported (Bloomberg, 25 January). While the finance minister is not widely expected to
continue in her role under Prabowo’s new administration, a premature resignation might
still feed market concerns, and spur investor FX hedging (i.e., buy USD/IDR NDF); and
4) we believe near-term risks remain skewed towards USD strength and higher global
yields following the hawkish January FOMC meeting, and stronger-than-expected January
employment and CPI reports.
Nonetheless, we acknowledge that Prabowo’s likely first round win has reduced the
political risk premium, which should support local market sentiment at the margin in the
near-term, and as a result, we lower the conviction level on our long 3x12M USD/IDR
spread position to 2/5 (from 3; i.e., exiting the position but keeping a close watch). In the
nearer-term, we believe global developments are likely to be the dominant drivers of IDR
spot and forwards (e.g., Fed expectations and China stimulus).
Please see Strategy portfolio update (17 January 2024) for our full portfolio.
Rates strategy: Retain long 15y IndoGB position for some near-term
Prabowo’s landslide victory is a clear positive for the market and in line with our view that
a first round win was likely. The bond market has been cautious over the previous weeks
owing to election risk and the possibility that this could drag on for the next few months
into a second round. With this risk removed, we expect election premia, which has been
somewhat built up, to be unwound. We note the somewhat lagging performance of bonds
compared with IDR, which we believe is unwarranted.
Flows into the bond market have been negative, with -USD3m of outflows so far in 2024.
With the election risks out of the way, we expect non-resident investors to start dipping
their toes back into the bond market owing to relatively attractive real yields, light
positioning and favourable supply/demand dynamics.
We do not expect a large rally, likely just 20-25bp, as the global backdrop remains
uncertain and USD/IDR is unlikely to see a big move. Our US team has pushed back its
expectations for the first rate cut to June from May, which does make the narrative of
inflows into EM somewhat less certain. However, Indonesia would be one of the prime
candidates to hold a long bond position when the global environment turns more
conducive for EM duration.
Equity strategy: Relief rally in stocks likely; raising Indonesia to Neutral from
As noted previously , we think a Prabowo victory in the first round is positive for

Nomura | Asia Insights 14 February 2024

Indonesian stocks, as it reduces the risk of prolonged election-related uncertainty.

Prabowo’s likely expansionary fiscal/populist stance should also be generally supportive of
economic and earnings growth, in our view.
We expect a +1-2% immediate move higher in local indices (and likely outperformance
over regional indices like MSCI ASEAN and MSCI Asia-ex-Japan). This would be in line
with the 2014 and 2019 election results, when MSCI Indonesia stocks gained by a similar
amount after reopening after elections. Sector wise, we think large cap- liquid banking
stocks are likely to see greater interest from foreign investors - the regional Asia equity
strategy team particularly favors BBCA IJ as a core holding (refer AeJ model portfolio
here ). We also think Prabowo’s likely push for a national school lunch program (~2% of
GDP) should fundamentally benefit some consumer names such as ICBP IJ and ULTJ IJ .
We have been Underweight on the market largely due to election-related uncertainty –
however, a likely first-round victory for Prabowo no longer justifies an Underweight stance.
Nevertheless, some of our fundamental concerns remain that also do not justify an
Overweight stance on the market, e.g. (a) tightening banking sector liquidity and ending of
the BI rate hiking cycle that no longer supports index-heavy banks, which we think are
well-held by both foreign and local investors; (b) subdued terms of trade against a
backdrop of concerns over slower global demand for EVs and tepid economic activity in
China. Moreover, we think there is still some lingering uncertainty over key cabinet
appointments and spending priorities, including budget deliberations. All in all, we turn
Neutral on Indonesia (from Underweight) in our AeJ allocation and fund this upgrade
by modestly reducing current overweights from other larger markets in the region (i.e
India, Korea and China). Indonesia is now our preferred market within ASEAN equities -
while we maintain a Neutral stance on both Malaysia and Thailand stocks, within our
regional AeJ allocation strategy.

Nomura | Asia Insights 14 February 2024

Appendix A-1
Analyst Certification
Each research analyst identified herein certifies that all of the views expressed in this report by such analyst accurately reflect
his or her personal views about the subject securities and issuers. In addition, each research analyst identified in this report
hereby certifies that no part of his or her compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly related to the specific
recommendations or views that he or she has expressed in this research report, nor is it tied to any specific investment banking
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Issuer Specific Regulatory Disclosures

The terms "Nomura" and "Nomura Group" used herein refer to Nomura Holdings, Inc. and its affiliates and subsidiaries, including Nomura
Securities International, Inc. ('NSI') and Instinet, LLC ('ILLC'), U. S. registered broker dealers and members of SIPC.

Materially mentioned issuers

Issuer Ticker Price Price date Stock rating Sector rating Disclosures
Bank Central Asia BBCA IJ IDR 9,725 13-Feb-2024 Buy N/A A1,A2,A3
Indofood CBP Sukses
Makmur ICBP IJ IDR 11,375 13-Feb-2024 Buy N/A
Ultrajaya Milk Industry &
Trading ULTJ IJ IDR 1,755 13-Feb-2024 Buy N/A

A1 The Nomura Group has received compensation for non-investment banking products or services from the subject company in the past 12
A2 The Nomura Group has had a non-investment banking securities related services client relationship with the subject company during the
past 12 months.
A3 The Nomura Group has had a non-securities related services client relationship with the subject company during the past 12 months.

Bank Central Asia (BBCA IJ) IDR 9,725 (13-Feb-2024) Buy (Sector rating: N/A)
Rating and target price chart (three year history)
Date Rating Target price Closing price
03-Feb-23 11,500.00 8,700.00
19-Sep-22 11,200.00 8,650.00
18-Aug-22 10,500.00 8,000.00
07-Feb-22 9,900.00 7,800.00
15-Oct-21 9,600.00 7,650.00
16-Aug-21 9,200.00 6,420.00

For explanation of ratings refer to the stock rating keys located after chart(s)

Valuation Methodology We derive our TP of IDR11,500 using DuPont methodology, with key parameters as follows: a risk-free
rate of 6.5%, an equity risk premium of 7.8%, beta of 0.8x, and a CAR-adjusted ROAE of 24.5%. Our TP implies 5.4x FY24F
P/B and 27.4x FY24F P/E. The benchmark for this stock is the JCI.
Risks that may impede the achievement of the target price Risks are worsening economic trends, tighter liquidity
competition, and/or higher credit cost and opex growth.

Nomura | Asia Insights 14 February 2024

Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur (ICBP IJ) IDR 11,375 (13-Feb-2024) Buy (Sector rating: N/A)
Rating and target price chart (three year history)
Date Rating Target price Closing price
01-Aug-23 16,500.00 11,075.00
06-Mar-23 13,600.00 9,750.00
28-Jan-23 13,000.00 10,000.00
27-Jun-22 12,000.00 9,500.00
15-Mar-22 9,600.00 7,425.00
11-Aug-21 Buy 8,050.00
11-Aug-21 11,600.00 8,050.00

For explanation of ratings refer to the stock rating keys located after chart(s)

Valuation Methodology We derived our TP of IDR16,500 based on 20.0x 2023F P/E. We use JCI as our benchmark index.
Risks that may impede the achievement of the target price A downside risks would be potential affiliated transaction.

Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading (ULTJ IJ) IDR 1,755 (13-Feb-2024) Buy (Sector rating: N/A)
Rating and target price chart (three year history)
Date Rating Target price Closing price
18-Oct-23 2,150.00 1,635.00
16-Jun-23 2,450.00 1,845.00
28-Jan-23 Buy 1,470.00
28-Jan-23 1,780.00 1,470.00
11-Aug-21 Neutral 1,520.00
11-Aug-21 1,470.00 1,520.00

For explanation of ratings refer to the stock rating keys located after chart(s)

Valuation Methodology We derive our TP of IDR2,150 based on 18.8x 2023F P/E (+1SD of 5-year-historical average). We use
JCI as our benchmark index.
Risks that may impede the achievement of the target price Downside risks include tougher-than-expected competition.

Issuer Disclosures

A4 The Nomura Group has had an investment banking services client relationship with the subject company during the past 12 months.
A5 The Nomura Group has received compensation for investment banking services from the subject company in the past 12 months.
A6 The Nomura Group expects to receive or intends to seek compensation for investment banking services from the subject company in the
next three months.
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Nomura | Asia Insights 14 February 2024

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Nomura | Asia Insights 14 February 2024

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