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a DOON INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL CITY CAMPUS, DALANWALA, DEHRADUN Unit Test-1 (May- 2024) CLASS - XII- BUSINESS STUDIES (Code:054) . GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: © Thisisa Subjective Question Paper containing 08 questions. + This paper contains three questions of2 marks each, three questions of 3 marks each and two questions of § marks each * 2 mete questions are Very Short Answer Type Questions and are to be answered in 30-50 wor + 3marks questions are Short Answer Type Questions and are to be answered in SO-B) words: © Simarks questions are Long Answer Type Questions and ae to be answered in 80-120 words (SECTION: A-2MKS) Q1:A production manager at top level in a reputed corporateoffice MrSSolanki holds the responsibility for ordering raw material for the business, While deciding on the supplier for the financial year, ‘he gave the order to his cousin at a higher price per unit instead of the firm’s usual supplier who was wiling to lower the rates for the order. Which principe of management was violajed by MeSplank{? What are the nosiive impacts of the given principle? sl ee ea Q2: Fxplain how the understanding of the business environment helps the management in the following: Tapping useful resources,Goping of rapid changes. Q3:Gemini Circus has been organising shows internationally for the last thirty years, Their shows have been successful across the globe. Of late, their shows are not as popular as they were in the past. After analysing, they are thinking of bringing necessary changes in their shows to gain popularity. Identify and explain which characteristics of management are reflected in the above situation? (SECTION: B-3MKS) 4: A company wants to modify its existing product in the market due to decrease in sales. You can imagine any product about which you are familiar. What decisions should each level of management take to give effect to these decisions? 5: Attitude Pvt.Ltd, is an organisation which is governed by people who are egoistc and consider hemselves as the most intelligent. All suggestions made by the workers are not even attended which has resulted in many strikes during the last couple of months. The result is lack of productivity. However, recent reports on for the “em 2 ‘ake place tothe maximum{Some traning mocies -are thought of being implemented) This may take the organ! jon out of its current bad performance. ‘This timing module-which is now to be followed at the main branch will be later given uniform Format and will be applied to all branches of the organisation. * a) By quoting lines, identify the princi ie Ee itially and : | ple of management which is being violated initially by pyneible of scientific management which ig being followed later. }) Which concept of scientific ‘management is being discussed in the last part of the above case? Q6: How isa business influenced by apolitical and legal environment? persons} Both of them have to perform a series of continuous, composite but separate function370n some days{Brijesh may spend more time in planning a future display layout and on another day, he may spend time in sorting out an employee's problem] Both of them make conscious efforts to build a feeling of team spirit and coordination among diverse individuals with different needs who work under them. The effect of their management is noticeable in their respective departments as the targets are met according to their plans, employees are happy and satisfied, There is orderliness in its functioning rather than chaos, Identify the various features of management highlighted in the above paragraph by quoting lines from it f Explain any five reasons why proper understanding of management principle isimportant?- a 7 2|Page

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