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Unit 36

1.1 Recall the story

Marco was offered a promotion. His boss wants to open a new branch in Ohio with his business partner
and Marco would be head of marketing. However, Marco doesn’t want
to move to Ohio because it’s boring. Marco came up with a plan/scheme to send Todd to Ohio in his
place. He recommends Todd as a better candidate for the promotion, and he hopes to get rid of him.
Marco’s plan backfires and Todd gets a promotion and stays in NYC because the business partner in
Ohio was arrested for embezzlement.

Come up with = to invent/imagine something

Get rid of = throw away, give away, go away, move away (se débarrasser de quelqu'un)
Backfire = a plan or strategy has the opposite effect (se retourne contre lui)
Embezzlement = stealing money from one’s company (détournement)
Stealing / theft = a person who steals is a thief

Crime: robbery = a person who robs is a robber

- theft with violence or threat of violence
- stealing large amounts of money with force or violence from a bank, store, etc.
- Pronunciation: thief [ theef ]
Crime: burglary = a person who commits burglary is a burglar
- breaking into a house to steal something
- home burglary
Crime: breaking and entering = entering private property illegally
Expression: “Freeze! Put your hands in the air!”

2.1 Describe the story:

A man is breaking and entering into a shop. He steals money from the till/cash register.
Two police officers stop him as he’s leaving the shop.
The thief resists arrest and tries to escape on foot and runs away.
The officers run after him/chase him/pursue him.
to run away/escape v’s to run after/chase.
The police catch him and put him in handcuffs.
The thief sits in jail waiting to see a judge.
The next day, he goes to court for his plea hearing.
In the courtroom, we can see the judge, a stenographer, the accused, and his lawyer.

Will he go quietly, or will he resist arrest?

If you were the judge, what sentence (punishment) would you give him?
- to pay a fine
- (go to prison for / have a jail sentence of) 7 months
- court-ordered community service and wearing an ankle tracker
- to pay bail money (to go out straight away)

When someone is caught in the middle of a crime, they’ve been caught red-handed.
-To catch them red-handed

- I disagree (with you)
- I don’t think so
- It’s not my opinion
- I’m not sure about that
- I don’t agree
- That’s wrong / That’s not true
- I’m not okay with that (in a situation where you are uncomfortable)
- I don’t really agree => NOT I not (very) agree

In partial disagreement:
- Let’s agree to disagree
- We just don’t see eye to eye
- We seem to have different points of view/opinions on this question.


I think/believe = giving opinion, not completely certain, the same
I know = you’re sure/certain
I hope/wish = what you want/desire

To have a sense of humour v’s he’s funnier than => To be laughing at someone

3.2 Giving 2 sides of an argument Remember to use

- THOUGH/ALTHOUGH in a way to contrast ideas.

- People who steal should be punished, but I don’t think they should go to prison.
- People who steal should be punished. However, jail is not the only solution.
- People who steal should be punished, but actually/in fact, …

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