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From: vivek meena ‘Sent; Thursday, May 16, 2024 10:11. AM ‘To: Maanya Bhatnagar anya Bhatnagar Thu, May 23, 2024 at 12:18 PM “To: Vivek meena ,“anup!" aie Poe ‘>, Sachin Deshmukh , Basant Kishore Mahanta F hanta@vedanta‘o n>, Moharnmad Al , Alok Jain fammad Ali@vedanta.0 n>, Alok Jan Date: Tuo, Mar 19, 2024 at 1:51PM ‘Subject: FW: (Reminder) Practical Training for our Ill year Sut (Reminder) Practical Training for our Il year B. Tech, Mining students in your organisation during 15th June to 15th July, Te sinen09209Mal con Khor S, Meharma Al cchonmaAl@vedana . i , Juned Ahmad , Maanya Bhatnagar fe Dear Mr. Vivek Looping ++ Ms. Maanya for further coordination. She will confirm the list of documents required for training, Meanwhile you can share the ist of 2-3 students who wilbe doing practical Summer training at Agucha mines, Basis on the lst provided, we will eek internal approvals and will canfim you accordingly Regards Alok Jain From: vivek meena ‘Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2024 11:59 To: Juned Ahmad Ce: Kishore S ; Dr. Anupam Bhatnagar ‘Subject: (Reminder) Practical Training or our Il year B. Tech, Mining students in your organisation during 15th June to ‘Sth July, 2024 CAUTION:- Email originated from oulside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Rof.: Our trailing mail and telephonic conversation of Dr. Anupam Bhatnagar with Mr. Kishore S. Dear sir, hope this email finds you well. ! am writing to remind you about the permission of practical training for our third-year students(5 students each) at Rampura Agucha Mines and Kayad Mines during 15th .une to 15th July, 2024 as discussed with Mr. Kishore, On behalf of Dr. Anupam Bhatnagar(HOD) & As an Incharge for this practical training program, | kindly request your cooperation in this regard and request for permission for the practical tai ‘Omad - Acceptance letter: Buyer tnarnship at RA Mines, ZL Meena Assistant Professor Department of Mining Engineering College of technology and Engineering MPUAT, Udaipur Mob. 7976798781 Email: vivekmeena’ —— Forwarded message — From: Or, Anupam Bhatnagar jon during 16th June to 15th July 2024 To: Kishore , In <>, juned.alvnad@vedanta con -, vivek meena , Dr Vinod Me. Kishore S. BU-CEO Hindustan Zinc Lid. Rampura Agucha Mines and Kayad Mines Sub. : Practical Training for our Ill year B. Tech. Mining students in your organisation during 15" june to 15° July, 2024 Ref. : The Telephonic conversation with Sh. Kishore on 12.03.2024 Dear Sir, Wi) above subject we request you to give the permission for practical training for our Il year B. Tach. (Mining) students 05 (Five) in your ‘Rampura Aguchs Mines and 05 (Five) n your Kayad Mines each, Practical training ls requested for during 48th June to 45th July, 2024, rmination and have basic knowledge for learning mining operations, ‘The students have completed tho Third yea J once again request you to extend the permission for the same as every year and oblige. Thanking you, Yours sincerely, Dr. Anupam Bhatnagar Professor & Head - Mining Engineering Department Callege Of Technology And Engineering Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology LUDAIPUR-313001(RAL,) ‘Mob -09413318918, 07976719557 Phone: 0284- 2471379 Fax (0) 0294-2471056 Email: Websites: College:, University: www.mpual.acin Gmail - Acceptance ltter- Summer Internship at RA Mnes, HZL. game A GET aaah) ae? con ee Nand Ghar Movement ‘Dr. Anupam Bhatnagar ‘Thu, May 23, 2024 at 4:22 PM “To: Maanya Bhatnagar Co; vivek meena , Kishore S , Sachin Deshmukh +, Basant Kishore Mahanta , Mohammad Ali «, Alok Jain , Juned Ahmad Thanks We will do the needful TA [voted text nso) | | | fos Phone: 9419318918 (nat nap (EB oe oa eo) PARTMENT OF MINING ENGINEERIN ors Rae College of Technology & Engineering Profesor & HEAD, Maharang Pratap University of Apr. & Technology No. CTAE/Min/20D47 wy jut 313001 Date: 29.04.2024 Mr. Kishore s, 1.B.U.-CEO Hindustan Zine Ltd, Rampura Agucha Kishore.S Mobile 9829356444 Sub. : Practical Training for our III year B, Tech. Mining students in your organization during 15.06.2024 to 15.07.2024 Ref.: Email of Aalok Jain ji dated 19.03.2024 to Er. Vivek Meena and copy given to you (in trailing mail/ enclosed) Dear Sir, With above subject, we are thankful to HZL administration for permitting our THREE students for Practical Training at your organization. Accordingly we have allotted following students of III year B.Tech. (Mining) for practical training from 15" June 2024 to 15" July 2024 at your Underground ‘Lead~Zine Min SN | NAME OF STUDENTS [Gen | Fathers Name [Date of | Age | ADHARNO. ‘Moile No. der birth [| SUMIT PRASAPAT M | SOHANTAL —[09.052002 | 22yrs | 304Si7308889 | 8070728003 PRAJAPAT 2 | BABLI F_| GOPAL ‘OE07.2002 | Ziyrs | OSTETSHAGAOD | BADAIIOIST CHOUDHARY.MISS CHOUDHARY, 3. | ANIRUDHA SINGH M | GOPALSINGH [13.11.2003 | 20yrs | 2o1S#1858325 | ST66555467 BHAT! BHATI ‘The students have completed the third year examinations and have basic knowledge of mining operations, Kindly convey the final permission for the same which can be carried by students atthe time of joining. Thanking you, BK Head Department of Mining Engineering HEAD apartment of Mining Engineering ge of Tech. & Engineering JOINING REPORT ‘Sub. : Joining Repor for Practical Training of your students at our mines. Ref: Your leter No. CTAE/Min20... Dated: Dear Sir, ‘The following students have reported for Practical Talning at our mins as follows: ‘Name of Students Date of Reporting at Mines: Pye wy ol DEPARTM! ENT OF MINING ENGINEERING ology & Engin ‘eering, Maharana Pratap Uni. of ‘Technology & Engincering UDAIPUR, RAJASTHAN College of Techn SCHEDULE OF TRAINING FOR B.TECH. MINING STUDENTS dg ti acens ottb Dept of Ming ExghesingCTAE Vldpor arated tons evog sinc nd stele utng thei practical raining at vaio een CTAE Udaipur are advised to follow, flowing instruction ands 1 The total training of 60 days will be di ined tion at Underground is will be distributed in minimum two segments each of equal duration at Undergr (Coal/Underground Metal and/ Opencast (Coal/Metal) respectively, the sequence may be different. 2. After allotment of ‘training place, they are advised to take permission letter of training and detail about training places from the dept. and concession from student section, Students must reach to their respective training places in time (date mentioned in the training letter) and contact the Berson concemed to whom the letter is addressed. The students are bound to obey all the instructions of the taining in ‘harge/mines manager during their training. The students are required to send joining report by registered eae Drescribed format very same day of joining the training and they also have to send weekly report oftheir progress in the Described format to the head of department 4 Generally voy fat dy at mins, autos pepe te tng ace thu tudes ae advised colest information about the mine eccording to that schedule, Here are the guide lines on which stunts ha information. (A) Underground Mines (Coal/Metal) iderati ‘Underground ‘General consideration Surface dergro x ion of the mine fainienance shop (Workshoy Method of work : development; driving oo Ae a a raising, winning, cross cutting etc. stoping / epillaring “Type of deposit ‘Air Compresior Drillin/outting “Available Minerals with grade and_ | Winding engine house: type of Blasting ‘chemical composition winder, controls, ropes & guides E | Mode of entries Pit top arrangement Mucking; Haulage, transportation, conveyor etc. Organisation ‘Mil, smelting Filling stowing “Sala Ce ne aa r Props, self advancing supports, Hydraulic support, Shield support - Markeling of product & revenue | Geolog ‘Vent ie Use of Comper in various mining | Rock mechanic cll Machinery: development & production mies activities CI Flow - chari of operations Mine drainage and Sump (Location & design) ia Safely & Rescue Special problems & their remedial measures, rf iffany. fai Vocational traning entre ra ‘Nearby mines ~ ‘Any other important aspect ci. LL (B) Opencast mines (coaV/metal) General consideration (Opencast Mining Location of the mine Method of work : Drilling, Blasting, Transportation, Nor Type of deposit ‘Heavy earth moving machineries cen Shovel(Hiydraulicope), Dozer, Road grader, Dumper, Drill Machines, Any other machines Best Available Minerals with grade and chemical composition | Pit working plan Tear Organisation Slope stabil Ram Company structure Water sprayi ing Marketing of product & revenue. Specific problems & their remedial measures, Wrany. ‘Use of Computer in various mining activities ‘Water problem Flow - chart of operation gfe [Satay Re Vocational raining sete pea : sed to collect some plans ‘The students are advised to collet authentic details on above points (Para 4). Also they are advised ans from, i rt if needed such as: tury ston ih pemision fom content ur ose them nt ting report } = gan Sur par, Von plan, Pang os Ree plan Croton Gr, Sens po pa Mine working plan, Surface plan, Ae ate c lace by including all the details about . students are advised to prepare the train individually foreach training place by in © eee pes agin ly age eg eport for every training should be prepared on following heading: General information about mine Organisation: Central (Company level), Unit level, Mines level Geology Method of work (Development & Production) Drilling/euting Blasting Loading/Mucking Transportation Haulage Filling Dewatering /pumping ‘Support Ventilation Drainage Survey Mining Machinery (with sketohes & speciftations) Evironment Aspects; slope stably water spraying; vibration study, fly rock study; Environmental Management Plan(EMP) Beneficiation & Smelting Safety and training Nearby mines Special heading, if any should be included additionally 7 After completion of training, two copes of certificates of tning should be bined from statutory mines manager in Preseribed form and one copy of which shouldbe submited immediatly inthe epartment along with traning report %. Fail mpgs e® te es of tsng Grain eng ar ome she ineun 5 ys or training is compulsory. the whole training will be of great help for the coming 12, The Head Department of Mining Engineering College of Technology & Engineering UDAIPUR 313 001 (Raj .) Sub. : Weekly report, Dear Sir, With reference to above subject, I am sending this Weekiy report of duration from _to with detail as follows: ‘Remarks SN. | Date Type of training taken fe Your faithfully Signature of Training Incharge (Name & address of student) This report should be filled by each student ‘

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