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Health, Wellbeing and Happiness - Interview

Celebi Halil Hoca - 230102073

Associate Professor Selvira Draganović

Sarajevo 2024
Interview Topic: Measuring Happiness and Well-being


Age: 32

Gender: Female

Marital Status: Single

Interviewer: Could you tell me a little about yourself? Your name, age, occupation, and any other
relevant information you'd like to share.

Person: My name is Sarah, I'm 32 years old, and I work as a graphic designer. I enjoy spending time
outdoors, painting, and traveling whenever I get the chance.

General Wellbeing:

Interviewer: On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your overall happiness and satisfaction with life
at this moment? Could you briefly explain why you chose that rating?

Person: I would rate my overall happiness at about a 7 right now. I've been feeling pretty content lately
because I've been able to spend more time with my family and pursue some creative projects that I'm
passionate about.

Interviewer: What are the main sources of joy and fulfillment in your life right now?

Person: Spending quality time with my loved ones and being able to express myself creatively through
my artwork brings me a lot of joy and fulfillment.

Interviewer: Conversely, what are the biggest sources of stress or dissatisfaction in your life currently?

Person: The biggest source of stress for me right now is probably work-related deadlines and trying to
juggle multiple projects at once.

Personal Relationships:

Interviewer: How would you describe the quality of your relationships with friends and family?

Person: I have a close-knit group of friends and a supportive family, so I would say the quality of my
relationships is pretty high.
Interviewer: Have you experienced any significant changes in your personal relationships recently? If
so, how have they impacted your overall wellbeing?

Person: Recently, I had a falling out with one of my closest friends, which has been difficult to navigate
and has definitely impacted my overall wellbeing.

Interviewer: How do you handle conflicts or disagreements within your relationships?

Person: I try to address conflicts or disagreements in my relationships by being open and honest in
communication and being willing to listen and compromise.

Work and Career:

Interviewer: How do you feel about your current job or career path?

Person: Overall, I'm happy with my job as a graphic designer. I enjoy the creative aspect of it and the
opportunity to bring my ideas to life.

Interviewer: Are you satisfied with your work-life balance? If not, what changes would you like to

Person: I think I could improve my work-life balance a bit. I tend to get caught up in my projects and
sometimes neglect other aspects of my life.

Interviewer: Do you feel that your job aligns with your personal values and goals? Why or why not?

Person: My job allows me to express myself creatively, which aligns with my personal values, but I do
wish I had more opportunities for growth and advancement within my company.


Interviewer: How would you rate your physical health, and what steps do you take to maintain or
improve it?

Person: I would rate my physical health as decent, but there's definitely room for improvement. I try to
eat healthily and exercise regularly, but it's something I could be more consistent with.

Interviewer: Similarly, how would you rate your mental and emotional wellbeing, and what strategies do
you use to support your mental health?

Person: My mental and emotional wellbeing fluctuates, but overall, I try to prioritize self-care activities
like meditation and journaling to support my mental health.

Interviewer: What role does exercise, diet, and sleep play in your overall happiness and wellbeing?
Person: Exercise, diet, and sleep play a significant role in my overall happiness and wellbeing. When I
take care of my body, I feel more energized and able to tackle whatever life throws my way.


Interviewer: Do you feel a sense of purpose or meaning in your life? If so, what contributes to that

Person: I do feel a sense of purpose in my life, especially when I'm able to use my talents to create
something meaningful and impactful.

Interviewer: Are there any activities or hobbies that bring you a sense of fulfillment or satisfaction?

Person: Spending time in nature bring me a sense of fulfillment and purpose. They allow me to
disconnect from the stresses of daily life and reconnect with myself.

Interviewer: How do you nurture your spiritual or existential needs, if applicable?

Person: I'm not particularly religious, but I do find solace in nature and the beauty of the world around

Coping Mechanisms:

Interviewer: When faced with challenges or setbacks, how do you typically cope or bounce back?

Person: When faced with challenges or setbacks, I try to remind myself that it's temporary and focus on
finding solutions rather than dwelling on the problem.

Interviewer: Do you have any specific strategies or practices for managing stress or negative emotions?

Person: I find that practicing mindfulness and deep breathing helps me manage stress and negative
emotions more effectively.

Interviewer: How do you cultivate resilience and optimism in your life?

Person: Cultivating resilience and optimism is an ongoing process for me. I try to focus on the positives
and find gratitude in even the smallest things.


Interviewer: How connected do you feel to your community or social circles?

Person:I feel fairly connected to my community through volunteering and participating in local events.

Interviewer: Are there any volunteer or community activities that you participate in? If so, how do they
contribute to your overall wellbeing?

Person:I volunteer at a local animal shelter, which brings me a lot of joy and fulfillment. It's rewarding to
know that I'm making a positive impact on the lives of animals in need.

Interviewer: How do you nurture and maintain meaningful connections with others?

Person:I nurture meaningful connections with others by making an effort to stay in touch, spending
quality time together, and being there for them when they need support.

Interviewer: In what ways do you seek personal growth and development?

Person:I seek personal growth and development by challenging myself to step outside of my comfort
zone and try new things.

Interviewer: Do you have any long-term goals or aspirations that you're working towards?

Person:My long-term goal is to start my own creative business and turn my passion for art into a full-
time career.

Interviewer: How do you envision your ideal life in terms of happiness and wellbeing, and what steps are
you taking to move closer to that vision?

Person:My ideal life involves having a healthy balance between work and personal life, surrounded by
loved ones, and pursuing my passions every day.

Interviewer: Finally, is there anything else you would like to share about your journey towards happiness
and wellbeing, or any advice you would offer to others seeking to enhance their own lives in these areas?

Person:I would just encourage others to prioritize their own happiness and wellbeing, even when life gets
busy or stressful. Taking care of yourself and nurturing your relationships and passions can make all the
difference in living a fulfilling life.

My notes

Sarah's introspective responses provide a comprehensive glimpse into her holistic approach to happiness
and wellbeing. She exhibits a commendable level of self-awareness, readily acknowledging both the joys
and stressors in her life. Despite rating her current happiness at a solid 7 out of 10, she remains cognizant
of areas she wishes to improve upon, particularly in achieving a better work-life balance and enhancing
her physical health routines.

What truly sets Sarah apart is her resilient mindset and proactive attitude towards personal growth. She
approaches challenges with a problem-solving mentality, leveraging mindfulness practices and gratitude
to navigate life's complexities. By prioritizing meaningful relationships and community engagement,
Sarah fosters a sense of connection and purpose that enriches her overall wellbeing.

Moreover, Sarah's clear long-term goals, such as establishing her own creative business, showcase her
ambition and vision for the future. She actively seeks opportunities for growth and fulfillment, embracing
challenges as stepping stones towards her aspirations.

In summary, Sarah's narrative reflects a balanced and deliberate pursuit of happiness. Grounded in self-
awareness and resilience, she navigates life's ebbs and flows with grace, all while fostering meaningful
connections and striving towards her dreams.

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