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(Exam 11)

Q : Consider the positions (00N/S, 000E/W) and (00N/S, 180E/W) on the ellipsoid. Which statement about the
distances between these positions is correct?

Ans : The route via the North Pole is shorter than the route along the equator
Ques. 30
(Exam 11)

Q : Which definition of the equator is correct?

Ans : The equator is a great circle with its plane perpendicular to the earth rotational axis
Ques. 86
(Exam 11)

Q : The circumference of the parallel of latitude at 60°N is approximately:

Ans : 10 800 NM
Ques. 75
(Exam 11)

Q : The great circle distance between position A (59°34.1'N 008°08.4'E) and B (30°25.9'N 171°51.6'W) is:

Ans : 5 400 NM
Ques. 177
(Exam 11)

Q : A nautical mile is equivalent to?

Ans : 1852 m
Ques. 152
(Exam 11)

Q : Compass deviation is defined as the angle between:

Ans : Magnetic North and Compass North

Ques. 441
(Exam 11)

Q : Given the following:

Magnetic heading: 060°
Magnetic variation: 8°W
Drift angle: 4° right
What is the true track?

Ans : 056°
Ques. 401
(Exam 11)

Q : Given:
true track 352°
variation 11° W
deviation is -5°
drift 10°R.
Calculate the compass heading?

Ans : 358°
Ques. 8
(Exam 11)

Q : At what approximate date is the earth furthest from the sun (aphelion)?

Ans : Beginning of July

Ques. 12
(Exam 11)

Q : What is the highest latitude listed below at which the sun will reach an altitude of 90° above the horizon
some time during the year?

Ans : 23,5°
Ques. 261
(Exam 11)

Q : The standard parallels of a Lambert's conical orthomorphic projection are 07°40'N and 38°20' N.
The constant of the cone for this chart is approximately:

Ans : 0.39
Ques. 383
(Exam 11)

Q : Given:
DR Position (54 53’N, 009 58’E)
NDB on the RMI reads 090
Magnetic variation = 10 W
The position line has to be plotted on a Lamberts conformal chart with standard parallels at 40 N and 48 N. Calculate the
direction (T) of the bearing to be plotted from the NDB.

Ans : 262
Ques. 222
(Exam 11)

Q : A straight line on a chart 4.89 cm long represents 185NM.

The scale of this chart is approximately :

Ans : 1 : 7 000 000

Ques. 227
(Exam 11)

Q : On a chart a straight line drawn between two points and has a length of 4.63 cm. What is the chart
scale if the line represents 150NM?

Ans : 1 : 6 000 000

Ques. 579
(Exam 11)

Q : An aircraft at FL140, IAS 210 kt, OAT -5°C and wind component minus 35 kt, is required to reduce
speed in order to cross a reporting point 5 MIN later than planned. Assuming that flight conditions do not
change, when 150 NM from the reporting point the IAS should be reduced by:

Ans : 20 kt
Ques. 606
(Exam 11)

Q : At 10:15 the reading from a VOR/DME station is 211/90NM, at 10:20 the reading from the same VOR/DME station is
Compass Heading = 200
Variation in the area = 31W
Deviation = +1
TAS = 390 kt
The wind vector (T) is approximately?

Ans : 110/70kt
Ques. 451
(Exam 11)

Q : Given:
TAS = 480 kt,
HDG (°T) = 040°,
W/V = 090/60kt.
Calculate the Track (°T) and GS?

Ans : 034 - 445 kt

Ques. 504
(Exam 11)

Q : Given:
TAS = 375 kt,
True HDG = 124°,
W/V = 130°(T)/55kt.
Calculate the true track and GS?

Ans : 123 - 320 kt

Ques. 474
(Exam 11)

Q : Given:
True HDG = 233°,
TAS = 480 kt,
Track (T) = 240°,
GS = 523 kt.
Calculate the W/V?

Ans : 110/75kt
Ques. 415
(Exam 11)

Q : Given: GS = 480 kt.

Distance from A to B = 5360 NM.
What is the time from A to B?

Ans : 11 HR 10 MIN
Ques. 561
(Exam 11)

Q : An aircraft at FL390 is required to descend to cross a DME facility at FL70. Maximum rate of descent is
2500 FT/MIN, mean GS during descent is 248 kt. What is the minimum range from the DME at which
descent should commence?

Ans : 53 NM
Ques. 554
(Exam 11)

Q : An aircraft at FL350 is required to cross a VOR/DME facility at FL110 and to commence descent when
100 NM from the facility. If the mean GS for the descent is 335 kt, the minimum rate of descent required is:

Ans : 1340 FT/MIN

Ques. 571
(Exam 11)

Q : You are departing from an airport which has an elevation of 1500 ft. The QNH is 1003 hPa. 15 NM away
there is a waypoint you are required to pass at an altitude of 7500 ft. Given a groundspeed of 120 kt, what
is the minimum rate of climb?

Ans : 800 ft/min

Ques. 557
(Exam 11)

Q :An aircraft at FL290 is required to commence descent when 50 NM from a VOR and to cross that VOR at
FL80. Mean GS during descent is 271kt. What is the minimum rate of descent required?

Ans : 1900 FT/MIN

Ques. 588
(Exam 11)

Q : An aircraft flies from waypoint 7 (63 00’ N, 073 00’W) to waypoint 8 (62 00’N, 073 00’W). The aircraft
position is (62 00’N, 073 10’W). The cross track distance in relation to the planned track is ?

Ans : 4,7 NM R
Ques. 595
(Exam 11)

Q : Given:
Distance 'A' to 'B' is 90 NM,
Fix obtained 60 NM along and 4 NM to the right of course.
What heading alteration must be made to reach 'B'?

Ans : 12° Left

Q : Given:
Cape Town S33°57 E018°35 radial 056°
Sutherland S32°25 E020°37 radial 013°
What is the aircraft position?

Ans : S32°31 E019°32

Plotting questions done with the Map. Finding the aircraft’s position
Q : What is the radial and DME Distance from Cape Town S33°57 E018°35 from position S29°30 E019°30?

Ans : 207° - 271 NM

Plotting questions done with the Map. Finding radial and DME distance
Q : Given:
Overberg S34°33 E020°15 DME 70 NM
Sutherland VOR S32°25 E020°37 DME 70 NM

Plotting questions done with the Map. Finding the aircraft’s position
Q : What is the track (°M) and distance between Nelspruit S25°30 E030°55 and Johannesburg S26°10 E028°15?

Ans : 255° - 152 NM

Plotting questions done with the Map. Finding Track(M) and distance
Q : What is the initial True Heading and DME distance of Nelspruit S25°30 E030°45 to position S24°30 E027°40?

Ans : 130° - 188 NM

Plotting questions done with the Map. Finding True Heading and DME distance
Q : What is the track (°T) and distance between Cape Town S33°57 E018°35 and Durban S29°57 E030°58?

Ans : 096° - 676 NM

Plotting questions done with the Map. Finding Track and distance
Q : Given:
Sutherland S32°25 E020°37 radial 113°/36 NM
What is the aircraft position?

Ans : S32°28 E021°17

Plotting questions done with the Map. Finding aircraft’s position

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