(NAV 6 Mix

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(Exam 11)

Q : A great circle track joins position A (59°S 141°W) and B (61°S 148°W). What is the difference between
the great circle track at A and B?

Ans : It increases by 6°
Ques. 40
(Exam 11)

Q : If you are flying along a parallel of latitude, you are flying?

Ans : a rhumb line track

Ques. 83
(Exam 11)

Q : What is the final position after the following rhumb line tracks and distances have been followed from position 60°00'N
South for 3600 NM,
East for 3600 NM,
North for 3600 NM,
West for 3600 NM.
The final position of the aircraft is:

Ans : 60°00'N 090°00'W

Ques. 82
(Exam 11)

Q :An aircraft departing A(N40º 00´ E080º 00´) flies a

constant true track of 270º at a ground speed of 120 kt.
What are the coordinates of the position reached in 6

Ans : N40º 00´ E064º 20´

Ques. 432
(Exam 11)

Q : 730 FT/MIN equals:

Ans : 3.7 m/sec

Ques. 156
(Exam 11)

Q : Isogonic lines connect positions that have:

Ans : the same variation

Ques. 151
(Exam 11)

Q : Deviation on the standby compass is?

Ans : dependent on the heading of the aircraft

Ques. 399
(Exam 11)

Q : Given:
True track 180°
Drift 8°R
Compass heading 195°
Deviation -2°
Calculate the variation?

Ans : 21°W
Ques. 7
(Exam 11)

Q : At what approximate date is the earth closest to the sun (perihelion)?

Ans : Beginning of January

Ques. 118
(Exam 11)

Q : Which statement about the duration of daylight is true?

Ans : Close to the equinoxes the influence of latitude on the duration of daylight is at its smallest
Ques. 212
(Exam 11)

Q : The distance measured between two points on a navigation map is 42 mm (millimetres). The scale of
the chart is 1:1 600 000.
The actual distance between these two point is approximately:

Ans : 36.30 NM
Ques. 256
(Exam 11)

Q : The constant of the cone, which is also known as convergence factor, of a Lambert conformal conic
chart, is quoted as 0.78535.
At what latitude on the chart is earth convergency correctly represented?

Ans : 51 45’
Ques. 242
(Exam 11)

Q : The parallels on a Lambert Conformal Conic chart are represented by:

Ans : arcs of concentric circles

Ques. 218
(Exam 11)

Q : On a chart, the distance along a meridian between latitudes 45°N and 46°N is 6 cm. The scale of the
chart is approximately:

Ans : 1 : 1 850 000

Ques. 579
(Exam 11)

Q : An aircraft at FL140, IAS 210 kt, OAT -5°C and wind component minus 35 kt, is required to reduce
speed in order to cross a reporting point 5 MIN later than planned. Assuming that flight conditions do not
change, when 150 NM from the reporting point the IAS should be reduced by:

Ans : 20 kt
Ques. 471
(Exam 11)

Q : Given:
TAS = 200 kt,
Track (T) = 110°,
W/V = 015/40kt.
Calculate the HDG (°T) and GS?

Ans : 099 - 199 kt

Ques. 494
(Exam 11)

Q : Given:
TAS = 270 kt,
True HDG = 270°,
Actual wind 205°(T)/30kt,
Calculate the drift angle and GS?

Ans : 6R - 259kt
Ques. 450
(Exam 11)

Q : Given:
TAS = 225 kt,
HDG (°T) = 123°,
W/V = 090/60kt.
Calculate the Track (°T) and GS?

Ans : 134 - 178 kt

Ques. 477
(Exam 11)

Q : Given:
True HDG = 206°,
TAS = 140 kt,
Track (T) = 207°,
GS = 135 kt.
Calculate the W/V?

Ans : 180/05kt
Ques. 489
(Exam 11)

Q : Given:
Runway direction 230°(T),
Surface W/V 280°(T)/40 kt.
Calculate the effective cross-wind component?

Ans : 31 kt
Ques. 557
(Exam 11)

Q : An aircraft at FL290 is required to commence descent when 50 NM from a VOR and to cross that VOR
at FL80. Mean GS during descent is 271kt. What is the minimum rate of descent required?

Ans : 1900 FT/MIN

Ques. 567
(Exam 11)

Q : An aircraft is departing from an airport which has an elevation of 2000 ft and the QNH is 1003 hPa. The
TAS is 100 kt, the head wind component is 20 kt and the rate of climg is 1000 ft/min. Top of climb is FL 100.
At what distance from the airport will this be achieved?

Ans : 10.3 NM
Ques. 575
(Exam 11)

Q : An aircraft is descending down a 6% slope whilst maintaining a GS of 300kt?

Ans : 1800 ft/min

Ques. 574
(Exam 11)

Q : Given:
ILS GP angle = 3.5 DEG,
GS = 150 kt.
What is the approximate rate of descent?

Ans : 900 FT/MIN or 930 FT/MIN

Ques. 594
(Exam 11)

Q : Given:
Distance 'A' to 'B' is 100 NM,
Fix obtained 40 NM along and 6 NM to the left of course.
What heading alteration must be made to reach 'B'?

Ans : 15° Right

Ques. 595
(Exam 11)

Q : Given:
Distance 'A' to 'B' is 90 NM,
Fix obtained 60 NM along and 4 NM to the right of course.
What heading alteration must be made to reach 'B'?

Ans : 12° Left

Q : What is the initial Magnetic Heading and DME distance from Nelspruit S25 30’ E030 55’ to position S24 30’ E027 40’?

Ans : 288 – 185 NM

Plotting questions done with the Map. Finding Magnetic Heading and DME distance
Q : Given:
Port Elizabeth S34 00’ E025 35’ radial 316
Overberg S34 33’ E020 15’ radial 086
What is the aircraft position?

Ans: S33°15 E023°08

Plotting questions done with the Map. Finding aircraft’s position

Ques. 513
(Exam 11)

Q : Given:
Required course 045 M)
Variation is 15 E
W/V is 190 (T)/30 kt
CAS is 120 kt at FL 55 in standard atmosphere. What are the heading (M) and GS?

Ans : 055 and 147 kt

Q : An aircraft takes-off from an airport 2 hours before sunset. The pilot flies a track of 090°(T), W/V 130°/
20 kt, TAS 100 kt. In order to return to the point of departure before sunset, the furthest distance which
may be travelled is:

Ans : 97 NM
Q : What is the Track(T) and DME distance from Durban S29°57 E030°58 to position S28°00 E027°00?

Ans : 299° - 237 NM

Plotting questions done with the Map. Finding Track(M) and DME distance
Q : What is the Track(T) and distance from Johannesburg S26°10 E028°15 to position S27°30 E023°15?

Ans : 253° - 270 NM

Plotting questions done with the Map. Finding Track(T) and distance
Q : Given:
Victoria S31°25 E023°05
Sutherland S32°25 E020°37
Which of the following lists two radials that are applicable to the aircraft position?
Aircraft position: S30°20 E020°12

Ans : VWV 292° SLV 350

Plotting questions done with the Map. Finding aircraft’s position

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