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abulia - Loss of will power or ability to make decisions.

acataphasia - Inability to formulate a statement or expression in an organized manner.

acoria (syn: akoria) - Inability to feel satiated, regardless of how much is eaten.

adiadochokinesia (syn: dysdiadocchokinesia) - Inability to perform rapidly alternating

movements, that is to stop a movement and follow it with another in an opposite

ageusia - Impaired sense of taste.

agnosia -A general term for a loss of ability to recognize objects, people, sounds,
shapes, or smells; that is, the inability to attach appropriate meaning to objective sense-
data. It usually is used when the primary sense organ involved is not impaired.

agraphia - Inability to express thought in written language (usually not due to

mechanical disfunction), (synonym dysgraphia).

agraphesthesia - Inability to identify a letter or number being written on some part of

the body.

akathisia - Motor restlessness; an inability to sit still. Often caused by defects in the
extrapyramidal system.

akinesia (syn: dyskinesia) - Unresponsiveness, with extreme reluctance to perform

elementary motor activities. A form of apraxia.

alalia - Loss of ability to speak.

alexia - Loss of the ability to understand written language, i.e., to read. A subform

allesthesia - Perception in a limb opposite to the one stimulated. Related todyschiria.

alliesthesia - Perception of the same external stimulus as sometimes pleasant and

sometimes unpleasant.

amentia - Extreme mental retardation.

amnesia (syn: dysmnesia) - Total or partial loss of memory. Numerous subcategories

and causes exist.

amelodia (syn: aprosodia) - Absence of normal variations of pitch, rhythm and stress in
amusia - Inability to produce and/or appreciate musical sounds.

anacusia - Deafness.

analgesia - Absence of a normal sense of pain.

anarthria - A general term that includes either aphonia or aprosodia.

anarithmetria (syn: dyscalcula) - Inability to use mathematics.

anergia - Listless or lacking in energy.

anhedonia - Inability to experience pleasure.

anomia (syn: dysnomia) - General term for the inability to name objects. This can be
limited to inability to name objects in semantic categories such as living things,
inanimate things, fruits and vegetables, colors, animals, body parts, furniture, etc. Many
of these limited conditions are given special names. (A related condition is a failure to
comprehend syntactical structures, but this has no specific name.)

anopsia - Blindness.

anorexia - Loss or appetite. A pathological fear of eating, in order to avoid weight gain.

anosmia (syn: anosphrasia) - Loss of the sense of smell.

anosognosia - Unawareness of, denial of, or failure to recognize one's own

neurological deficit. For example someone paralyzed on their left side may claim they
can move their left arm normally.

anosphrasia (syn: anosmia) - Loss of the sense of smell.

apastia - Refusal to eat.

apathy - Lack of interest or concern.

aphasia (syn: dysphasis) - This is the general term that literally means "no speech." It
refers to any impairment of the ability to use and/or understand words and can be used
to describe loss of one or more of the following abilities: ability to speak; ability to write;
understand speech; understand written words. Major subcategories include:Broca's
aphasia, in which one can comprehend speech, but not produce it; and,Wernicke's
aphasia in which one can produce speech but not comprehend speech.

aphemia - Inability to speak words, but able to make other sounds.

aphonia (dysphonia) - Loss of ability to speak; inability to produce speech sounds.
Distinguished from the motor defect called dysarthria, which is imperfect articulation of
speech due to disturbances of muscular control.

apraxia (syn: dyspraxia)- Difficulty in performing a learned movement or coordinated

motor activity even though understanding, motor function coordination, and sensation
are intact. Specific apraxias may be limited to a certain group of functions, such as
inability to construct a simple structure from blocks, or inability to dress oneself. Related
to akinesia.

aprosodia (syn: amelodia)- Absence of normal variations of pitch, rhythm and stress in

asemia - Loss or ability to express or understand symbols or signs of thought.

asitia - Lack of appetite or loathing of food.

astasis - Inability to stand due to lack of motor coordination in the presence of normal

astereognosia - Inability to identify palpated objects.

asthenia - General weakness or debilitation.

asynergia - Loss of coordination of motor movement.

ataxia - Poor coordination and unsteadiness due to failure to regulate the body's
posture, and strength and direction of limb movements. Often a consequence of a
disorder in the cerebellum.

atonia - Lack of muscle tension or tone.

circumlocution - Evasive speech or use of unusual definitional terms.

confabulation - Answering of questions by an inappropriate, made-up attempt to


dementia - General term for loss of intellectual or cognitive abilities. Many psychiatric
diagnoses are in this category.

dysacusis - Distortion of sound frequency or intensity, often painful.

dysantigraphia - Inability to copy writing or printed letters.

dysaphia - Impaired sense of touch. Related to dysesthesia.

dysarthria - Imperfect articulation of speech due to disturbances of muscular control.
This is distinguished from aphonia.

dysbasia (syn: abasia) - Difficulty walking, usually taking steps that are too big or too

dyscalcula (syn: anarithmetria)- Inability to use mathematics.

dyschiria - Inability to tell which side of the body has been touched. Related

dyschronation - Lack of a sense of relativity in the consciousness of time.

dysergia - Motor impairment due to axonal transmission failure.

dyslexia - A condition in which an individual with normal vision is unable to properly

interpret or produce written language. Individuals can see and recognize letters but
have difficulty spelling and writing words. They have no impairment of object or picture
identification. Dyslexia may have distinguishable subforms (such as alexia), and is not
related to intelligence. Dyslexia is more common in males and is often first recognized
as a reading difficulty in the early school grade.

dysesthesia (syn:dysaesthesia) - Abnormal sensations of the skin. Somtimes used

more generally for the impairment of any of the senses. Related to dysaphia.

dyslogia - Difficulty in expressing ideas.

dysmetria - Uncoordinated movement that misses its target.

dysmimia - Inability to express oneself by gestures or signs. Inability to physically


dysmorphophobia - Obsession that a normal body part is malformed or defective in


dysorexia - Failure of appetite.

dysphagia (syn: aphagia, dysthagia) - Difficulty in swallowing.

dysreflexia (syn: areflexia) - Abnormal reflex in response to a stimulus.

dyssynergia - Disorganized muscle movement.

dysthagia (syn: aphagia, dysphagia) - Difficulty in swallowing.

dystonia - Maintenance of a persistant posture or position.

echolalia - Imitation of sounds without comprehension of their meaning. A normal
developmental stage in children, but an abnormality in adults.

environmental agnosia - Inability to orient to physically familiar places but nonetheless

able to orient to an abstract representation such as a map or floor plan. Related
to topographagnosia.

hyperpathia - Increased reaction to a stimulus, especially a repetitive stimulus, as well

as an increased threshold. This sensation is often inappropriately painful.

jargon - Normal sounding speech but made up of nonsense words.

palinopsia - Apparently seeing in a blind portion of the visual field, often a completion
of an object in the adjacent normal visual field.

paragraphia - Miswriting when responding to a spoken word or number.

paraphasia - Misreading of a written word or number.

parapnasia - Use or incorrect words or word combinations.

paresis - Partial or incomplete paralysis.

phantom limb - Sensation of a missing limb still being present.

prosopagnosia - Inability to recognize faces, including one's own.

somesthesia - General term for a somesthetic (tactile) disorder.

synesthesia - An inappropriate sensory perception, such as perceiving a color in

response to a particular odor.

topagnosis - Inability to localize the site of tactile stimulation.

topographagnosia - Disability to orient to an abstract spatial representation such as a

map or floor plan. Related to environmental agnosia.

verbal dysdecorum - Inability to self-monitor the appropriateness of speech in social


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