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Test 3 : Systems Software, Software Development, Programming

Time: 35 minutes
Total Marks: 27
Refer to the insert for the list of pseudocode functions and operators.
1. A programmer uses an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to develop a program.
(a) Draw one line from each IDE feature to its correct description.


(b) The programmer wants to allow users to edit, improve and redistribute the program.
Identify two different types of software licence that the programmer could use.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................

(c) Explain the benefits to the programmer of using program libraries. [2]
2. The table lists some of the variables used in a program.
(a) Complete the table by writing the most appropriate data type for each variable.

(b) One of the names used for a variable in the table in part 1(b)(i) is not an example of
good practice.
Identify the variable and give a reason why it is not good practice to use that name.
Variable .............................................................................................................................
Reason ..............................................................................................................................
(c) Complete the table by evaluating each expression.

3. A software company is working on a project to develop a website for a school.
The school principal has some ideas about the appearance of the website but is unclear
about all the details of the solution. The principal would like to see an initial version of the
(a) Identify a life cycle method that would be appropriate in this case.
Give a reason for your choice. [2]
(b) Name one other life cycle methods besides the one you mentioned in part (a).
Describe one advantage and one disadvantage of the method.
Life Cycle………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Tick (✓) one box in each row to identify the logic gate that each statement describes.


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