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Secrets and strategies from
design to production
Choosing the appropriate core type for a particular production process................. 4

Calculation of the mechanical properties of the material to ensure the quality of

the produced parts ........................................................................................................................... 6

Selecting the optimal process parameters to achieve the desired quality

specifications ...................................................................................................................................... 8

How painting affects the quality of the casting, both positively and negatively? ...10

How can the use of additives in castings positively and negatively affect the
quality of the casting? ................................................................................................................... 12

Optimization of production costs .............................................................................................. 14

Evaluation of the thermal stability of the core to prevent deformations during


Minimizing inclusions and defects in core materials to ensure casting quality .....18

Reduction of gas porosity in core materials to improve the quality and durability
of molds ............................................................................................................................................... 20

Optimization of production times to increase efficiency and profitability ................ 22

Primafond Srl
Viale del Lavoro 36/38, 36016 Thiene (VI) - Italy
Tel: +39 0445 361759

Choosing the appropriate core type for a particular
production process

The choice of the appropriate type of binder system and refractory material for
molding the core for the production of metal castings such as aluminum, cast
iron, and steel is fundamental to obtaining a high-quality final product. Silica sand
is a common material used for core production because of its good temperature
resistance, thermal stability, and smooth surface. It is important to choose a core
with good dimensional stability at high temperatures, erosion resistance, and a
smooth surface. Additionally, working with a specialized supplier can provide
customized solutions and specific technical advice based on your specific needs.
Aluminum is a lightweight material with good heat dissipation and electrical
conductivity properties, but it has poor mechanical strength. Cast iron, on the
other hand, has good mechanical strength but is heavy and has poor thermal and
electrical conductivity. Steel presents a balanced combination of mechanical,
thermal, and electrical properties, but its density makes it heavier than aluminum.
The choice of core depends on the specific project requirements, such as the need
for mechanical strength or heat dissipation, and the ability to withstand thermal
and current loads. Generally, the choice of core is made based on desired
properties and the trade-off between weight, strength, thermal conductivity, and
electrical conductivity.
For aluminum castings, it is not important to choose a core with high dimensional
stability to avoid deformation during the casting process as the pouring
temperature is relatively low. Erosion resistance is another factor that is not
particularly important, except for large castings. The major problem for aluminum
castings is the possible formation of porosity (blowholes) due to the low specific
weight of aluminum, which promotes the escape of gas from the molding. It
becomes essential to choose a low gas development binder system and dose it at
a minimum.

In iron castings, the choice of a core with good resistance to high temperatures is
essential to avoid erosion that can lead to the appearance of inclusions and
ensure good surface quality.
For steel castings, the choice of the right core depends on the required
mechanical properties and quality of the casting to be produced. For example, for
the production of high-strength steel that requires very high pouring
temperatures, it is necessary to use a core with good dimensional stability at high
temperatures and sufficient erosion resistance. In the most critical cases of steel
castings, silica sand is inadequate and chromite sand must be used, which has the
ability to cool the surface of the casting more quickly and thus avoid any metal-
form reactions.
In general, the choice of binder system and refractory sand for forming the
suitable core for aluminum, iron, and steel castings requires careful evaluation of
the specific production process needs and the characteristics of the casting to be
produced. It is important to work with a specialized core supplier who can provide
technical advice and customized solutions to meet the specific needs of the

Calculation of the mechanical properties of the
material to ensure the quality of the produced parts

To ensure the quality of the casting, the properties of the cores must meet
specific project and application requirements. Here are some of the material
properties that will make up the casting that must be considered:
• Strength: This is a fundamental property of the cores and depends on the
material's chemical composition, microstructure, and processing. Strength
can be measured through mechanical tests such as tension, compression,
bending, and torsion tests
• Hardness: This is the material's ability to resist permanent deformation
under load. Hardness is typically measured using tests such as the Rockwell
test or microhardness test
• Toughness: This is the material's ability to resist fracture when subjected to
mechanical stress. Toughness can be measured through fracture tests such
as tension, compression, or bending tests
• Elasticity: This is the material's ability to return to its original shape after
the load is removed. Elasticity is an important property for applications that
require precise repeatability of shapes and dimensions
• Wear: This is the loss of material due to friction, corrosion, or other
mechanical phenomena. Wear resistance is an important property for
applications that require long durability and high reliability
• Thermal conductivity: This is the material's ability to transmit heat. This
property is important for applications that require precise temperature
control or rapid dissipation of heat
• Electrical conductivity: This is the material's ability to conduct electric
current. This property is important for applications that require precise
electrical current conduction, such as electronic components

In summary, calculating the properties of the cores to ensure the quality of the
casting involves checking these and other important parameters, to ensure that
the material meets the project requirements and application specifications.

Selecting the optimal process parameters to
achieve the desired quality specifications

To achieve the desired quality specifications in the production of cores, the choice
of process parameters is crucial. Here are some of the most important process
• Material: when choosing the material for core production, it is important to
consider the required mechanical properties to ensure that the core has
the necessary strength, hardness, and toughness for the intended
application. For example, if the core will be subject to high stress, it is
important to choose a binder system and refractory sand that meets the
strength requirements
• Design: the design must be precise and consistent to ensure that the core
meets the project requirements and application specifications. For
example, if the core will be subject to thermal stress, it is important to
design it to meet the thermal conductivity requirements
• Production process: the production process must be chosen based on the
desired properties and project specifications. For example, if a high-quality
surface finish is required, the production process may be different from
when priority is given to strength. The chosen production process will affect
the mechanical and physical properties of the core, so it is important to
choose it carefully
• Quality control: careful quality control must be carried out throughout the
production process to ensure that the core consistently meets the required
specifications. This may include checking the chemical composition of the
binder system, the grain size of the refractory sand, the geometry, the
strength of the forming, and any additional mechanical and physical
parameters. Quality control will ensure that the core meets the project
requirements and application specifications

• Processing conditions: the temperature and forming times are important
parameters to ensure the quality of core production. For example, a
temperature that is too high or a forming speed that is too slow may cause
defects in the core, such as the loss of mechanical properties or
deformation. It is important to adjust the temperature and processing
speed to achieve high-quality core production
• Tolerance control: tolerance control is crucial to ensure that the core meets
project and application specifications. For example, if the dimension
tolerance is too high, it may not be possible to properly ram the core
These are just some of the most important process parameters to consider in core
production. The optimal choice of these parameters requires a thorough
understanding of the required mechanical and physical properties, available
production processes, and processing conditions.

How painting affects the quality of the casting, both
positively and negatively?

In foundry, refractory coatings are those products that are applied to molds and
cores to increase the thermal resistance of the molding and to even out the
porous surface of the mold. Finely ground refractory materials are used as raw
materials. The layer of coating insulates the mold and protects it from the thermal
stress of the molten metal and the development of gas, avoiding blowholes in the
castings. Coating can have positive and negative effects on the quality of the core
depending on its application and the quality of the coating used.
Positive effects:
• Protection against erosion: coating provides effective protection against
erosion, keeping the cores intact throughout the entire casting (filling)
• Improvement of appearance: coating can improve the aesthetic
appearance of cores, especially when high-grain refractory sands are used
• Protection against atmospheric agents: coating can protect cores from
damage caused by moisture during storage in warehouses
• Allows control/slowing down of gas development during casting
• Improvement of surface properties: coating can improve surface properties
such as erosion resistance, hardness, and stability at high temperatures of
the molding material
• Prevention of foundry defects: coating helps to prevent the formation of
foundry defects such as fins

• Possibility of deformation: if the coating is not applied correctly, it may be
necessary to heat the core at high temperatures, which can cause
• Higher cost: the coating can be a costly process, requiring the use of
specific materials and technologies
• Possibility of damage during transport: if the coated cores are not
adequately protected during transport, damage to the coating may occur,
affecting the quality of the core
Coating a core may seem simple but it requires in-depth knowledge of both the
production process and the coating itself, and must be carried out by hand. Not
all parts of the core need to be coated and the support areas, known as bearing
surfaces, should not be coated for proper gas evacuation during casting. In
addition, the coating creates a layer that increases the size of the bearing surfaces
and reduces or eliminates the gaps between the core bearing surfaces and the
model bearing surfaces. These dimensions should be considered during the design
stage to avoid problems.
Coating with iron oxide or zirconium is used to provide more heat resistance. Iron
oxide can be red (hematite) with an oxidizing effect on gases, or black (magnetite)
with an anti-fins effect for better thermal conductivity.

How can the use of additives in castings positively and
negatively affect the quality of the casting?

The use of additives is important both to improve the chemical/physical

characteristics of the molds and to obtain specific mechanical properties.
Additives can be classified as organic, inorganic, or a combination of the two. The
use of inorganic additives can have a significant impact on reducing emissions
produced by the foundry in terms of CO2, pollutants, odor, and smoke. Their use
can have both positive and negative effects:
• Improvement of mechanical properties: some additives can improve the
high-temperature strength of castings, making them more suitable for the
required applications
• Prevention of defects: other additives can prevent the formation of defects
such as inclusions or porosity, making them excellent anti-cracking agents
and minimizing gas formation
• Erosion protection: additives can also be used to protect castings from
erosion, improving their thermal stability
• Painting: in many cases, the use of additives can eliminate the need for
painting the castings
• Influence on mechanical properties: if additives are not selected and dosed
correctly, they can negatively affect the mechanical properties of the
casting, making it unsuitable for the required applications
• Quality defects: the use of low-quality additives or the presence of
impurities in the additive can cause quality defects such as inclusions or
• Negative effects on erosion resistance: the use of inappropriate additives
can also increase the vulnerability of the casting to erosion

One of the possible additives is iron oxide and it can be:
• Red: very fine with difficulties in mixing and with a decrease in the
mechanical properties of the mold
• Black (magnetite): more granular, less hygroscopic, easier to mix
Another anti-cracking additive used in molding is coke, which is used in the form
of fine sand but with a low powder content.
Additives used to reduce the formation of cracks require an increase in the % of
resin dosage.
In general, the use of additives in the production of castings can have both
positive and negative effects on the quality of the parts, depending on the correct
choice and use of the additives.

Optimization of production costs

Reducing costs is an important factor to consider in every industrial sector, and

the design and production of foundry cores is no exception. Producing high-
quality cores that meet the required specifications can be expensive, but there
are several strategies that can be used to reduce costs without compromising the
quality of the final product.
• Efficient design: Efficient design is key to cost reduction in the design and
production of foundry cores. Efficient design involves choosing low-cost
materials that still meet the required specifications. For example, a less
expensive material could be used for the main structure of the core, while
more expensive materials are reserved for parts that require specific
mechanical properties
• Production process optimization: Efficient production is essential for
reducing costs in core production. For example, the use of more efficient
production technologies or process automation can reduce labor costs.
Additionally, process optimization can reduce processing times and
associated costs
• Quality control: Quality control is essential for reducing costs associated
with producing low-quality cores. For example, the use of advanced quality
control technologies and training personnel on quality control methods can
ensure that the cores produced meet the required specifications
• Collaboration with suppliers: Collaboration with reliable, high-quality
suppliers can help reduce costs in the design and production of foundry
cores. For example, a supplier that offers low-cost but high-quality
materials can help reduce production costs.

• Staff training: Staff training is essential to ensure that the design and
production of foundry cores are carried out efficiently and at a low cost. For
example, educating staff on more efficient technologies or quality control
methods can help reduce costs associated with core production
• Energy and resources: It is possible to optimize energy use to reduce costs.
For example, more energy-efficient technologies can be used, or energy
conservation practices can be adopted. Using lower quality raw materials
can also reduce costs, but it can negatively affect the quality of the final
product. It is important to find a balance between the costs and quality of
the raw materials used
In conclusion, cost reduction in the design and production of foundry cores is an
important objective for many companies. However, it is important to note that
cost reduction should not be the only goal in the design and production of
foundry cores. The quality and safety of the final product should always be the
top priority.

Evaluation of the thermal stability of the core to
prevent deformations during production

The thermal stability in the production of foundry cores is a critical factor in

ensuring the quality and precision of produced parts. Deformation due to poor
thermal stability of the binder system can occur due to temperature variations
during the production process, which can result in parts with poor quality and
To prevent this problem, it is necessary to evaluate the thermal stability of the
core using techniques such as:
• Thermography: a evaluation technique that uses a thermal camera to
visualize and analyze the heat distribution on the surface of the core. This
allows for identifying any problems with heat distribution during the
production process, such as hot or cold spots, which can affect the thermal
stability of the core
• Microtomography: a three-dimensional evaluation technique that uses an
X-ray beam to scan the core and create a 3D image of its interior. This
technique is useful for identifying any problems within the core, such as
inclusions or discontinuities, which can affect thermal stability and the
quality of the produced part
• Numerical simulation: a thermal behavior evaluation technique that uses a
mathematical model to simulate the thermal behavior of the core during
the production process. This allows for identifying any problems with heat
distribution and developing solutions to correct them before problems
occur in actual production

The evaluation of thermal stability is also an important factor to consider in
deciding on process parameters. For example, if the evaluation shows that a core
tends to deform at high temperatures, it may be necessary to modify the process
to maintain a lower temperature during melting. This can be achieved through
control of cooling rate or the use of thermal insulation materials. Thermal stability
has an impact on many other characteristics of the produced parts, such as the
shape and dimensions of the part, distribution of internal stresses, fracture
resistance, and workability of the material. Therefore, adequate evaluation of
thermal stability is crucial to ensure that the produced cores meet the desired
quality specifications.
In summary, thermal stability is a critical factor in the production of foundry cores
and should be considered from the design stage of the production process to
reliably ensure quality and precision of the produced parts. The evaluation of
thermal stability, selection of appropriate material (such as the use of silica sand),
and the use of efficient cooling techniques can all contribute to ensuring thermal
stability and quality of the produced parts. Thermal stability is a key factor that
must be considered from the design stage of the production process to reliably
ensure quality and precision of the produced parts.

Minimizing inclusions and defects in core materials
to ensure casting quality

The minimization of inclusions and defects in core materials is essential to ensure

the quality of castings.
The presence of inclusions or defects in core materials can compromise product
safety. To ensure the quality of parts, it is necessary to use high-quality materials
and carefully monitor the production process to identify and correct any issues.
When selecting suitable core materials, it is important to consider their purity,
which must meet rigorous standards. The choice of suitable materials helps to
minimize the presence of impurities that could cause inclusions or defects. During
production, it is important to avoid excessive temperatures or exposure to
combustion gases, which could cause gas defects or inclusions.
To detect any inclusions or defects in core materials, it is necessary to use
advanced technologies such as computerized tomography (CT). CT works by
sending X-rays through the object being examined and recording the amount of
radiation that emerges from the other side. This information is then used to
create a series of three-dimensional images that show the internal distribution of
materials. Thanks to its ability to create detailed images, CT is able to detect
defects that might otherwise be difficult to detect with other inspection
techniques. This information can then be used to correct issues during the
production process and ensure the quality of parts.
Moreover, it is important to follow a series of quality control procedures during
production to ensure that the parts are safe and reliable. For example, visual
inspections, mechanical tests, chemical analyses, and other verification
techniques can be used to ensure that the parts meet quality requirements.

In conclusion, minimizing inclusions and defects in core materials is crucial to
ensure the quality of parts and the safety of consumers. The choice of high-quality
materials, careful monitoring of the production process, the use of advanced
technologies to detect any issues, and conducting quality control procedures are
all key elements to ensure that the parts are reliable and safe. In this way, it is
possible to ensure that finished products are of high quality and that consumer
safety is always a top priority.

Reduction of gas porosity in core materials to
improve the quality and durability of molds

The quality and durability of molds are critical factors in the production of metal
components and other materials. The presence of porosity in the core materials
can compromise the quality and durability of the molds, increasing the risk of
fractures and failures. Porosity refers to internal cavities that can be caused by
impurities, gas formation during the production process, and other factors.
To reduce the formation of porosity in the core materials, it is important to follow
a series of preventive measures during the production process. First, it is
necessary to use high-quality materials and identify the most suitable production
processes. Gravity casting is a production process that uses the force of gravity to
allow the molten metal to flow into the mold. Low-pressure casting, on the other
hand, is a process that uses pressure to help the molten metal fill the mold. In
both cases, the goal is to ensure a uniform distribution of the molten material
inside the mold and prevent the formation of porosity or defects in the casting.
Second, careful monitoring of the production process is crucial to identifying any
problems and correcting them promptly. For example, excessive temperature or
exposure to combustion gas during the production process can cause the
formation of porosity. To prevent this, it is important to use advanced
technologies, such as computed tomography (CT) or laboratory analysis, to
monitor the production process and identify any problems.
Additionally, heat treatment and coatings are processes that can be applied to
foundry molds to improve their quality and durability. These processes can help
prevent the formation of porosity, a problem that could compromise the
functionality and durability of the molds.

In summary, the reduction of porosity in the core materials is a critical step in
ensuring that molds are of high quality and durable. To achieve this goal, it is
necessary to follow a series of preventive measures, such as the use of high-
quality materials, careful monitoring of the production process, the use of
advanced technologies, and appropriate surface treatments. These measures can
help prevent the formation of porosity and ensure that the molds are of high
quality and durable.

Optimization of production times to increase
efficiency and profitability

Optimizing production times is a critical aspect to increase efficiency and

profitability in the production of foundry cores. Managing production times is a
determining factor for cost management and customer satisfaction, who require
fast and accurate deliveries. To achieve optimal production, it is necessary to
implement a series of technological and strategic solutions.
Firstly, the use of advanced production technologies is essential. For example,
three-dimensional modeling, simulation of the production process, and
production data management allow predicting and correcting any problems
before they occur, reducing machine downtime and increasing process efficiency.
In addition, the use of advanced production technologies increases the precision
and quality of the final product.
Secondly, it is necessary to optimize workflow and resource management. An
efficient production planning and management system allows identifying and
resolving any issues promptly, avoiding delays and interruptions in the production
process. Furthermore, investing in automation technologies increases production
process efficiency and reduces manual labor times.
Thirdly, staff training and development are crucial to increase the efficiency and
quality of the production process. Staff training increases the skills and knowledge
of operators, improving the production process. Additionally, it is important to
invest in monitoring and evaluating staff performance technologies to identify
and resolve any issues promptly.

In conclusion, optimizing production times is critical to increasing efficiency and
profitability in the production of foundry cores. The use of advanced production
technologies, workflow optimization, investment in staff training and
development, and ongoing performance evaluation are key elements in improving
product quality, customer satisfaction, and business competitiveness.
Collaboration between departments and efficient resource management are
essential to ensuring efficient production processes and optimized production


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