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Respiratory Protection Device

Finn Somers
Student Number : 9739629
PDE40002 : Professional Project
June 2017
Executive Summary
The following report documents the research and design process of a respirator for protection
against ultra-fine particles. The aim of this project is to design a new type of respirator that will
improve and promote respiratory protection in Australian workplaces.

Research documented within the literature review outlines how rates for debilitating lung diseases
such as silicosis, asbestosis, pneumoconiosis and occupational asthma are no longer declining in
Australia. This is an issue worth addressing because these diseases are preventable if the current
dust filtering technology is applied correctly. The prevalence of these diseases in modern society
highlights a disconnect between the available protective technologies and their applications in
workplace environments.

Further research conducted through interviews and surveys provided explanation for circumstances
regarding workers abandoning respiratory protection being linked to inconvenience, discomfort and
not having the equipment readily accessible.

Market analysis also provided great insight into predicted growth in the global respiratory protection
device industry which is expected to almost double by 2022, reaching 8.53 billion U.S (Grandview,
2016). These growth figures are positive data highlighting potential for new products in this market,
especially predicted growth in Australia’s construction industry over the next few years which is
intended to be a key demand source for this product. This was backed up by an analysis into
competitor products that presented a market gap between compact disposable dust masks and re-
usable respirator styles.

Through this research and an in depth product development process a design direction was
established. The process was heavily influenced by user needs which displayed demand for a
product that included robust features of a re-usable respirator alongside the compact and
convenient design of disposable dust masks.
Key elements to this design are as follows:
Superior facial seal providing comfort and fit
- Folding design for compact portability and contamination prevention
- Replaceable filters

The combination of these design features within a single product present a unique design solution
that is made to promote respiratory protection and health within Australian occupational

Teaching Staff
Mark Strachan
Jacqueline Savage
Peter Hvala

Jacob Ramia
Construction Business Owner

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................. 2

Acknowledgements................................................................................................................................. 3

Content ........................................................................................................................................... 4

Table of figures ....................................................................................................................................... 8

1.Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 9

1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................... 9

1.3 Project Milestones ........................................................................................................................ 9

1.4 Gantt Chart.................................................................................................................................. 10

2. Literature review ............................................................................................................................... 11

2.1 Occupational respiratory diseases .............................................................................................. 11

2.1.1 Interstitial lung disease (ILD)................................................................................................ 11 Asbestosis ..................................................................................................................... 11 Silicosis .......................................................................................................................... 12 Coal miners pneumoconiosis ........................................................................................ 12

2.1.2 Chronic obstructive pulmonary lung disease (COPD) .......................................................... 12 Occupational Asthma .................................................................................................... 13

2.1.3 Hazardous particle size, risk materials and associated diseases ............................................. 13

2.2 Respiratory protection in the workplace .................................................................................... 14

2.2.1 Safe work Australia - Exposure standards............................................................................ 14

2.2.2 Air monitoring ...................................................................................................................... 15

2.2.3 Basic control Process ........................................................................................................... 16

2.2.4 PPE ....................................................................................................................................... 16

2.3 Current, emerging and advanced technologies .......................................................................... 17

2.3.1 Existing Technologies ........................................................................................................... 17 Disposable respirators .................................................................................................. 17 Current Materials Disposable Respirators .................................................................... 17

.................................................................................................................................................. 17

.................................................................................................................................................. 18

.................................................................................................................................................. 18 Fitting the respirator ..................................................................................................... 18 When to throw out the respirator ................................................................................ 18

2.3.2 Re-usable respirators ........................................................................................................... 19 Current Materials Reusable respirators ....................................................................... 19 Respirator maintenance................................................................................................ 20

2.3.2 Summary of current technologies ....................................................................................... 20

2.4 Manufacturing consideration ..................................................................................................... 21

2.4.1 Press Forming and cutting ................................................................................................... 21

2.4.2 Ultrasonic welding ............................................................................................................... 22

2.4.3 Injection Moulding ............................................................................................................... 22

2.5 New technologies........................................................................................................................ 22

2.5.1 Exhale valves ........................................................................................................................ 22

2.5.2 Skin Adhesives...................................................................................................................... 23

2.5.3 Nano filtration ...................................................................................................................... 24

2.5.4 Electrostatic Charge ............................................................................................................. 25

2.5.5 Filter Treatments................................................................................................................. 26

2.6 Australian standards ................................................................................................................... 26

2.6.1 Assembled respirators ......................................................................................................... 26

2.6.2 Materials ....................................................................................................................... 26

2.6.3 Filters............................................................................................................................. 27

2.6.4 Shelf life......................................................................................................................... 27

2.6.5 Facial fit ......................................................................................................................... 27

2.6.6 Design Requirements .................................................................................................... 27

2.6.7 Exhalation valve assembly ................................................................................................... 28

2.6.8 Mouthpiece and nose clip ............................................................................................. 28

2.6.9 Classes ................................................................................................................................. 28

2.7 International Standards .............................................................................................................. 29

2.8 Anthropometric data and Ergonomics........................................................................................ 29

2.8.1 Measuring ............................................................................................................................ 30

2.8.2 Data and figures ................................................................................................................... 31

2.8.3 Design considerations .......................................................................................................... 32

2.9 Patents and prior art research .................................................................................................... 33

2.9.1 Summary of Patent and prior art research findings ............................................................ 34

2.10 Summary of Literature research and findings .......................................................................... 34

3. Market Analysis ................................................................................................................................. 35

3.1 Global Market ............................................................................................................................. 35

3.2 Local Market ............................................................................................................................... 36

3.1.1 Key Demand Industries ........................................................................................................ 36

3.1.2 Market influences from demand sectors ............................................................................. 37

3.1.3 Expected growth in local market ......................................................................................... 39

3.1.4 Market potential .................................................................................................................. 39

3.2 Competitor Product Analysis ...................................................................................................... 40

3.3 Competitor Product Benchmarking ............................................................................................ 40

3.4 Reflection of Benchmarking ........................................................................................................ 41

3.4.1 PESTE Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 42

3.4.2 PESTE Analysis Findings........................................................................................................ 42

3.4.3 SWOT Analysis...................................................................................................................... 43

3.4.5 SWOT Analysis findings ........................................................................................................ 43

3.5 Product life cycle ......................................................................................................................... 43

3.6 Government Regulations ............................................................................................................ 44

3.7 Customer Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 44

3.7.1 Customer demographic ....................................................................................................... 44

3.7.2 Customer Needs Survey ....................................................................................................... 44

3.7.3 Survey Results ...................................................................................................................... 45

3.7.4 Summary of Survey findings ................................................................................................ 48

3.7.5 Customer Needs from interview findings ............................................................................ 48

3.7.6 Customer Needs metrics ...................................................................................................... 49

3.7.7 Customers Needs metrics matrix ......................................................................................... 49

4. Design Details, Development and Methodology .............................................................................. 49

4.1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................... 49

4.1.1 Target Market and Customer needs .................................................................................... 50

4.1.2 User considerations ............................................................................................................. 50

4.1.3 Product Performance ........................................................................................................... 50

4.1.4 Human factors and ergonomics ........................................................................................... 50

4.1.5 Manufacture ........................................................................................................................ 51

4.1.6 Materials .............................................................................................................................. 51

4.1.7 Standards ............................................................................................................................. 51

4.2 Concept Generation .............................................................................................................. 51

4.2.1 Ideation sketching ................................................................................................................ 52

4.2.2 Initial Concepts..................................................................................................................... 53

4.3 Concept Selection ................................................................................................................. 55

4.3.1 Concept selection Matrix ..................................................................................................... 56

4.3.2 Concept Direction ................................................................................................................ 56

4.4 Design Development ............................................................................................................. 56

4.4.1 Reflection of prototyping ..................................................................................................... 58

4.5 Design Direction .................................................................................................................... 58

4.6 Summary and Reflection ....................................................................................................... 59

6. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 59

6.1 Future Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 60

7. CLIENT LIASON LOG........................................................................................................................... 60

Bibliography .......................................................................................................................................... 61

Table of figures
Figure 1 : exposure limits crystalline silica (Safe work Australia, 2011) ............................................... 15
Figure 2 : Disposable respirator examples from 3M ............................................................................. 19
Figure 3 : reusable respirator types from 3M ....................................................................................... 20
Figure 4 : Forming machine (HT Tech, 2017) ........................................................................................ 21
Figure 5 : Ultrasonic welding (Fruedenrich, 2011) ................................................................................ 22
Figure 6 : Patent - exhalation valve....................................................................................................... 23
Figure 7 : Silicone adhesive strip (Silbione 2014).................................................................................. 24
Figure 8 : Filer layers ............................................................................................................................. 25
Figure 9 : electrostatically charged microfibers.................................................................................... 25
Figure 10 : activated carbon filtration .................................................................................................. 26
Figure 11 : Facial dimensions table and corresponding diagrams ........................................................ 30
Figure 13 : Facial data for men and women (SAI global, 2017) ............................................................ 31
Figure 14 : Face length vs face width bivariate panel ........................................................................... 32
Figure 15 : Silicosis mortality rate Australia (Health Grove, 2014) ....................................................... 35
Figure 16 : 36
Figure 17 : survey results ..................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 18 : Survey results ...................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 19 : Survey Results ..................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 20 : Survey Results ..................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 21 : Survey Results ..................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 22 : Survey Results ..................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 23 : Survey Results ..................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 26 : respirator final concept ....................................................................................................... 58


1.1 Background
In many industry environments there are deficiencies in the way respiratory protection is addressed
in comparison to other styles of diligently worn protective equipment such as safety glasses, boots
and hi vis. In particular when workers may be exposed to potentially hazardous particles for very
short amounts time they tend to avoid using respiratory protection. Although the exposure times
are short, the instances are frequent, up to several times per day. It is likely that such frequent
inhalation of the particles in small doses could still lead to a number of potentially fatal respiratory
diseases. Research conducted throughout the literature review will be used to cover a wide range of
information including respiratory diseases, their causes, hazardous materials in Australian work
places and current methods of prevention. In conjunction with an investigation into respiratory
protection devices currently available on the market and any attributes of these products which
could be contributing to the indifferent attitudes in this area of protective equipment.

This literature review supports development of a product which will protect workers from
preventable respiratory diseases caused by inhalation of harmful particles in frequent short
exposures by changing common practice in relation to respiratory protection.

1.3 Project Milestones

Milestone Description Semester 1, Week:

Project Proposal Present potential project 1

Initial Concept Presentation Present initial ideas and clarify 3
project direction research
Initial Literature review Submit research and gain 6
Concept presentation Three initial concepts 8
presented and feedback
Review of tech report progress Feedback on tech report 10
Final Concept presentation 10 minute presentation of final 13
semester 1 design direction
Technical Report and design Full technical report 14
folio semester 1 due submission
Industry evaluation forms Performance forms filled out 14
and signed
Semester 2, Week:
Review of technical report Review progress 1

Presentation and digital Final concept resolved plus 4
submission design development
Design review Design development, PDS 6
Full Design review Presentation and digital 8
Technical report draft review Feedback to adjust technical 11
Final project presentation Include models and prototypes 13
Final Technical report Also include design folio 14
Industry evaluation formals Final industry performance 14
Graduate exhibition PDE showcase November

1.4 Gantt Chart

2. Literature review

2.1 Occupational respiratory diseases

The primary reason that respirators exist is to prevent inhalation of hazardous particles which can
damage lungs and airways. Damage to the lungs and airways from these particles can result in a
number of preventable yet potentially fatal respiratory diseases. The following section will cover
information surrounding those diseases as a basis of content from where the respirator design can
stem from.
2.1.1 Interstitial lung disease (ILD)
ILD is an umbrella term for a number of incurable pulmonary disorders which restrict the lungs
function usually due to scarring of the lungs delicate tissue. The types of ILD that are linked to
breathing in dust or other particles include:
- Asbestosis
- Silicosis
- Coal miners pneumoconiosis
(Pfefferkorn, 2014) Asbestosis
Asbestosis is a progressive respiratory disease which there is no cure for. When asbestos-based
products are sanded, sawn or drilled, it can form a fine airborne dust made up of tiny fibres. These
fibres are easily breathed into the lungs where they can become embedded in the pleura causing
serious health problems in later years.

The number of asbestos related deaths in Australia has been increasing over the past few years. In
2011, 606 deaths were caused by mesothelioma (asbestos related disease) and 125 more were
attributed to asbestosis. In most cases these deaths are the direct result of work related exposure to
asbestos fibres up to 40 years ago. Asbestos has been linked to lung cancer, laryngeal cancer and
ovarian cancer although it is difficult to pin point the exposure directly to these cancers.

Asbestos was mined in Australia up until 1983 and use of asbestos was not entirely prohibited in
some industries until as recently as 2003. Although the material is now banned in Australia, it can
still be found in products imported from countries such as china where it is still widely used, and in
existing forms that pre date 2003. Therefore it is still a hazard for Australian workers. (Safe Work
Australia, 2014)

11 Silicosis
Silicosis is a preventable occupational lung disease caused by the inhalation of crystalline silica dust
that occurs during drilling, pottery, sandblasting, mining, masonry and other industrial operations
from a range of common materials. There is currently no proven treatment available to stop the
disease leading to respiratory failure and potentially death.

In 2013 silicosis was the underlying contributing cause of death for 111 people in the United States.
Due to the fact that reporting of silicosis is not mandatory, there are an unknown number of people
suffering from this debilitating disease. Although it is estimated that 1.7 million workers in the U.S
are exposed to crystalline silica.
The hawks nest industrial disaster in West Virginia is a clear indication of the potentially deadly
effects of silica dust. From 1930-31, 2500 workers were instructed to drill a three mile tunnel
through Gauley mountain and not supplied with any respiratory protection. Due to the high
concentrations of silica in the rock, 1500 of the workers developed acute silicosis and 764 died as a
result. (Bang, Mazurek, Wood, White, 2015) Coal miners pneumoconiosis

Coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (CWP) is an untreatable but preventable lung disease arising from
chronic inhalation of coal dust. The prevalence of CWP varies considerably between countries. In
Australia, there is no mandatory reporting system and no national data on the prevalence of CWP.

As the only cause of the disease is coal dust, prevention is simple as long as appropriate OH & S
standards are introduced and followed. However, these standards vary considerably between states
in Australia. For example, in Queensland the standard is 3.0 mg/m3, while in NSW it is 2.5 mg/m3.
Both of these are significantly less stringent than the current US standard of 1.5 mg/m3. (Zosky,

2.1.2 Chronic obstructive pulmonary lung disease (COPD)

COPD is a categorisation for an irreversible condition when a person’s lungs become inflamed and
airflow is obstructed. COPD is primarily related to smoking cigarettes although not exclusively. It has
also been attributed to pollution and occupational dusts and gases. Common types of COPD include:
- Emphysema and chronic bronchitis mostly caused by smoking cigarettes
- Occupational Asthma
(Phillips, 2014).

12 Occupational Asthma
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease that causes the airways to over contract in response to
triggers ranging from emotion and exercise to changes in the environment. As the airways contract,
breathing tubes become inflamed making it very difficult for a person to move air in and out of their

Occupational asthma is new onset asthma which the underlying cause is exposure to an agent in the
workplace. Workplace exposures can be attributed to 15% of new asthma diagnosis which translates
to 3090 people in Australia. Unlike the interstitial lung diseases that mainly affect people in the
manufacturing, mining and construction industries occupational asthma can effect people in almost
any industry because it has an estimated 300-400 known reactants currently. (Australian Institute of
Health and Welfare, 2008)

2.1.3 Hazardous particle size, risk materials and associated diseases

Table 1.2
Disease Risk Materials Hazardous Particle size
Asbestosis Asbestos sheeting Long asbestos fibres
Asbestos gaskets 3μm diameter
Fibre composite board 5μm length
Vinyl sheeting products
Fire proofing materials
Fibre composite board
Backing to switchboards
Silicosis Asphalt Less than 10μm diameter
Cement sheeting
Fibre cement board
Ceramic/ Clay
Roof tile
Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis Coal dust Less than 5μm diameter
Occupational Asthma 300-400 known risk materials Any airborne particle size
A few examples: Airborne particles usually less
Egg protein than 100μm
Grain dust

Reactive dyes

2.2 Respiratory protection in the workplace

Respiratory protection is a part of personal protective equipment (PPE) that is commonly worn in
Australian workplaces. It is the responsibility of the employer to supply the required PPE and the
responsibility of the worker to wear the PPE correctly at all times. This section of the report provides a
review of literature relevant to the circumstances when respirators should be worn, and other ways of
addressing air contamination in work environments.

2.2.1 Safe work Australia - Exposure standards

Safe work Australia has exposure standards put in place to prevent workers from experiencing
adverse health effects from working in toxic environments. Exposure standard means an airborne
concentration of a particular substance in the worker's breathing zone, exposure to which, according
to current knowledge, should not cause adverse health effects nor cause undue discomfort to nearly
all workers. If exposure limits exceeded control processes such as engineering controls and PPE must
be put in place to minimise risks.

There are three models presently used for a basis of these exposure standards:

1. Eight hour time-weighted average (TWA) exposure standards are the average airborne concentration
of a particular substance that is permitted over an eight-hour working day, and a 5 day working week

2.Short term exposure standards (STEL) are the time weighted average airborne concentration of a
particular substance that is permitted over a 15 minute period. Some substances or mixtures can cause
intolerable irritation or other acute effects upon brief exposure, although the primary toxic effects may
occur with long term exposure through accumulation of the substance or mixture in the body or through
gradual health impairment with repeated exposures.

3.Peak limitation exposure standards are a maximum airborne concentration of a particular substance
determined over the shortest practicable period of time which does not exceed 15 minutes. For some
hazardous particles an eight hour exposure time is not appropriate. (Safe Work Australia, 2011)

Different materials have different associated exposure limits which can be found in appendix 1

Figure 1 : exposure limits crystalline silica (Safe work Australia, 2011)

To determine whether an exposure standard is exceeded, air monitoring may be required. However
in simple cases compliance to exposure standard can be achieved through basic control processes
such as wearing respiratory protection.

2.2.2 Air monitoring

Air monitoring is the only way to tell if air quality in a work environment is adherent to exposure
Air monitoring is required by Workplace health and safety authority (WHS) in the following
- the person is not certain on reasonable grounds whether or not the airborne concentration
of the substance or mixture at the workplace exceeds the relevant exposure standard
- Monitoring is required to determine the air quality is a health risk

The air monitoring must be conducted in the dynamic breathing zone of a person, which means a
device usually attached to their clothing outside that collects accurate data as they move around the

workplace. Static samples taken from fixed monitors will not provide a reliable representation of air
quality. (Safe Work Australia 2011)
FLUKE 983 Particle counter The Fluke 983 Particle Devices such as these can be
Counter simultaneously used to monitor the amount
measures and displays six of ultrafine particles per
channels of particle size square meter of space in a
distribution, temperature work environment.
and humidity. This compact,
lightweight, self-contained
tool allows for one-handed
operation (Fluke, 2016).

2.2.3 Basic control Process

In workplace environments where air monitoring has not been employed although hazardous
particles are present, a basic control process can be used to ensure the workers are not exposed to
air contamination above exposure standards set by Work Health and Safety (WHS) for the particles
in question.

Hierarchy of control:
1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitution – substituting hazardous material with a safe compromise
3. Isolation –confine production processes on material emitting hazardous particles to a ventilated
booth with extraction
4. Engineering controls – dust extraction systems, ventilation, exhaust
5. Administrative controls – written policies and work procedures
6. Personal Protective equipment (PPE) – dust masks and respirators

2.2.4 PPE
In more cases PPE should not be used to control the risk, only as a last resort when all other
practicable control measures have been used and the risk is not yet eliminated. For example, in
cases where engineering practise controls are not feasible; such as inside pressure vessels or closed
tanks where it is not possible to install a permanent extraction system a respirator may be used to
supplement a portable dust extractor.

The issue with PPE is that its effectiveness relies on workers following instructions and procedures
for it to be effective. It can be difficult for work places to gauge whether PPE is being used correctly
until it is already too late and an accident occurs. It is also a workers responsibility to ensure their
PPE is stored and maintained appropriately.
If workers are avoiding using the PPE this can be an indicator that the equipment is not right for the
job. For example, safety glasses can fog up if worn in conjunction with a respirator. It may be
common for workers to remove their safety glasses in this situation which presents a risk.

2.3 Current, emerging and advanced technologies

Although there have been advances in respirator design over the past decade, overall form has
remained mostly unchanged for the two main styles of respirator – disposable or reusable. This
section will focus upon functional constraints of both varies and the implications that these factors
have had had on respirator design.

Application of new material technologies and manufacturing techniques into respirator design could
open opportunities for great innovation within these products.

2.3.1 Existing Technologies Disposable respirators

These are protective equipment devices that cover the nose and mouth in order to protect the
wearer from breathing in hazardous substances. They offer various levels of protection which will be
covered in the Australian standards section later in the report. Current Materials Disposable Respirators

Part Image Material
Straps to be made out of a polyisoprene and thermoplastic
material with elastic qualities elastomer

Nose clip can be manipulated and Aluminium

deformed in order to fit the mask
over the bridge of the wearer’s

Most filters are comprised of Outer layer – Spun bound
three separate layers made from polyester/polypropylene
polyester or polypropylene
through different manufacture Middle layer – Melt blown
techniques polyester/polypropylene

Inner layer – Needle punched

One way valve designed to make polypropylene and the membranes
exhalation easier and reduce are made of polyisoprene or a
heat/condesnation on the inside thermoplastic elastomer
of the mask Fitting the respirator

The respirator must cover both the nose and mouth with a close fit to work effectively. Correct fit
always requires contact with smooth skin, this means facial hair must be shaved in order to
complete the seal. The seal can be tested in two ways (Department of Health, 2017):

1. Negative pressure check - Place both hands completely over the respirator and inhale. The
respirator should pull into the wearers face. If air leaks out around face or eyes, adjust the
nosepiece and straps

2. Positive pressure checks - Put both hands over the respirator and breathe out. No air should
leak out of the respirator if the respirator fits properly. If air leaks out, re-adjust the
nosepiece. When to throw out the respirator

When a dust mask becomes clogged it becomes more difficult to breath though. When this occurs
discard the respirator and change over for a new one. If a respirator becomes torn, wet, deformed
or dirty on the inside also discard (Department of Health, 2017)

Figure 2 : Disposable respirator examples from 3M

2.3.2 Re-usable respirators

These types of respirators come in half face and two face varieties. They not only protect from dust
particles but can also be used to protect against vapours and fumes depending on what cartridge
style is used. Current Materials Reusable respirators

Part Image Materials
Face mask designed to mold to Thermoplastic elastomer
the wearers face and create a

Head Harness straps Polyethylene

One way valves polyisoprene

Gasket Silicone rubber

Filter Cartridge -Filter body is made from
-Filter element is made activated
-Series filter material is made
from Polypropylene Respirator maintenance

Re-usable respirators always have replaceable filters or cartridges which should be swapped out
once they become full.
Re-usable respirators should also be cleaned regularly and stored correctly in line with 3M’s ‘guide
to quick cleaning’. This will ensure contaminants that gather on the inside of the mask are removed
before use (3M, 2012).

Figure 3 : reusable respirator types from 3M

2.3.2 Summary of current technologies

While reusable respirators provide premium protection and are much more durable they are too
bulky to be carried around on a person who is not exposed to hazardous particles all day long. They
are more suitable for use in a spray booth or other specialised environments.
The disposable respirators are the obvious choice for a person who is moving around all day long in
between work areas below and above safe exposure limits. The downside to this is that these masks
are not designed to be carried externally and quickly become crumpled, damaged and
contaminated. This means that workers may avoid taking the respirator out if its storage/packet
unless they intent to be exposed above limit levels of air contamination in their daily jobs. They may
not always be prepared with a disposable respirator at hand in the event of a co-worker cutting,

drilling, sanding etc a material unexpectedly causing hazardous particles to contaminate their
breathing zone.

Both styles of mask have issues with particles contamination on the inside of the mask. In addition,
the process of ensuring the respirator is fitted correctly is time consuming and cumbersome
requiring use of both hands.

The way that the masks strap around the back of a person’s head means that they would have to
remove their current PPE (safety glasses and ear muffs) in order to fit the respirator. This process is
inconvenient and could result in workers avoiding use of respirators for short exposure times.

In conclusion, there is room in the market for a product which features durability, comfort,
contoured facial fit, replaceable filters in conjunction with a compact and portable design.

2.4 Manufacturing consideration

2.4.1 Press Forming and cutting

A blank sheet of polyester or polypropylene is rolled into a heated press which stamps down on the
material to form the shape of a respirator mask meanwhile cutting the excess off the blank.

Figure 4 : Forming machine (HT Tech, 2017)

2.4.2 Ultrasonic welding
This is a manufacture technique where high frequency ultrasonic vibrations are applied to two
different materials under pressure to create a solid state weld. This process is used in the case of the
respirator to join the filter to the outer shell and to attach the nose piece and straps.

Figure 5 : Ultrasonic welding (Fruedenrich, 2011)

2.4.3 Injection Moulding

Injection moulding is a process where plastic granules are injected into the mould which clamps
shut. The plastic inside is then left to cool and afterwards the mould is opened and the part is
This process is used to create plastic parts on reusable and disposable respirators such as the one
way valve.

2.5 New technologies

2.5.1 Exhale valves

To make breathing out through disposable respirators more comfortable are a relatively new
technology that were first filed in a patent in 1998 by 3M. A simple one way membrane valve that
allows a person to exhale more freely to improve airflow. They also assist in preventing excessive
condensation within the mask.

Figure 6 : Patent - exhalation valve

2.5.2 Skin Adhesives

Medical adhesives are not a new technology although they have not been previously applied to
respirator design. Incorporation of a respirator to skin adhesive could help improve facial fit and
eliminate the need for straps.

Elimination of the straps in the respirator design creates a unique design feature which is not
available on any other product in the market. When putting on the respirator the straps are
inconvenient because they require both hands to fasten and also require glasses, earmuffs, and head
ware to be removed before fitting. Replacement of the cumbersome straps with an adhesive that
would seal the respirator to the face would mean that the mask would be much more convenient to
put on.

Making the respirator more convenient to wear would encourage people to use them even for
periods of short exposure to atmospheric contaminants because it would be less disruptive to their
work flow.

There are a range of silicone gel elastomers on the market which are designed to provide self
adhesion to the skin. These products can be re-used because they are washable. The main
consideration of medical adhesives in regards to respirator design would be how to keep the silicon
strips from becoming contaminated when not in use which could cause them to loose their adhesive

Figure 7 : Silicone adhesive strip (Silbione 2014)

2.5.3 Nano filtration

Disposable respirators are made from three layers of polypropylene/polyester non-woven filter
material (Scott Safety, 2012).
Inner layer : 150/180 gsm needle punched polyester:
The inner layer is the thickest layer because it provides the structure for the other layers to form
around. The thickness of this layer does not effect the rating of the mask, it is more closely related to
the style of mask.
Needle punching is a processes by which fibred are entangled into an interlocked web using barbed
needling action. This web of material works very effectively to trap airborne particles.
Middle layer : 40 or 60 gsm melt blown polypropylene:
The thickness of the middle layer dictates the class of the respirator as P1 or P2. The thicker material
correlates to a higher level of dust protection.
Melt blowing is a process where a polymer melt is extruded through small nozzles blown by high
speed gas onto a sheet. The randomly spaced fibres provide good filtration of particles.
Outer layer : 15 or 40 gsm spun bound polyester : The spun bound process also involves a melt
extruded polymer although the material is bound together by a series of spinneret units which force

the polymer through tiny holes into a continuous sheet. Again the material structure resembles a
fine web designed to trap particles (Hutten, 2007)

Figure 8 : Filer layers

2.5.4 Electrostatic Charge

Filter materials can also be equipped with an electrostatic charge that ensures the small particles
which could otherwise pass through the material become stuck on the surface. This technology also
allows filter materials to be more breathable (3M, 2012)

Figure 9 : electrostatically charged microfibers

2.5.5 Filter Treatments
Activated Carbon
Activated carbon is sometimes added to particulate filters in order to absorb organic gas vapours.
When the vapours are drawn into the cartridge, the air is filtered as the vapours become drawn and
captured in the carbon pores (3M, 2012).

Figure 10 : activated carbon filtration

Other Additives
There are also other types of salts and minerals that can be added to respirator cartridge style filters
to protect against inorganic vapours, acid gases and ammonia.

2.6 Australian standards

Below is a comprehensive list of Australian Standards for respirators that are specifically relevant to
this project. All of these points will impact the design of the respirator in someway and will serve as
a point of reference through the design process of this project.

2.6.1 Assembled respirators

This information relates to reusable respirators
• The apparatus shall be constructed from durable components, and the vital parts of the
apparatus shall be protected so as to prevent damage and excessive wear during normal use
• All parts shall be finished smooth and free from sharp edges and from irregularities that could be
a potential hazard or cause discomfort to the wearer (AS/NZS 1716:2012 RESPIRATORY DEVICES,

2.6.2 Materials
• Respirators should be made of materials able to withstand storage and usage inenvironments
that are likely to be encountered(AS/NZS 1716:2012 RESPIRATORY DEVICES, p12).

• Material which may come in contact with the skin should be non-staining, soft, pliable andnot
likely to cause skin irritation. Such material shall not taste or smell offensive (AS/NZS 1716:2012
• Material from the filtering medium released by air flowing through the filter shall not constitute
a hazard or nuisance to the wearer (AS/NZS 1716:2012 RESPIRATORY DEVICES, p12).

2.6.3 Filters
• Where appropriate, filters shall be readily replaceable without requiring the use of special tools
and shall be designed or marked to prevent incorrect assembly (AS/NZS 1716:2012
• The mass of the replacement filter (or filters) shall not exceed—
(a) 300 g when it is to be directly connected to a half facepiece; and
(b) 500 g when it is to be directly connected to a full facepiece assembly
• When the filter is designed to be used with a twin filter facepiece only it shall not be possible to
connect the filter to a single filter facepiece unless, by doing so, the respirator assembly would
also comply with the requirements for a single filter respirator (AS/NZS 1716:2012 RESPIRATORY
DEVICES, p12).

2.6.4 Shelf life

• Each component part of the respirator should have a nominal shelf life of at least five years
when properly stored, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer (AS/NZS 1716:2012

2.6.5 Facial fit

• In combination with other components, e.g. filters and air supply, the assembled respirator shall
provide adequate protection either by means of a facial seal or by the provision of positive
pressure in the space enclosed by the respirator, or by both, to minimize the entry of ambient
atmosphere. (AS/NZS 1716:2012 RESPIRATORY DEVICES, p16).

2.6.6 Design Requirements

• The design and construction of a particulate filter shall be such that, when combined or
incorporated with the appropriate facepiece or head covering it shall provide protection against
particulates in accordance with its class (AS/NZS 1716:2012 RESPIRATORY DEVICES, p20).
• The respirator shall be designed so all the inhaled air passes through the filter or filters (AS/NZS
1716:2012 RESPIRATORY DEVICES, p20).

• Each facepiece or head covering shall comply with the following:
(a) Be designed to fit a wide range of facial contours and head sizes of the workplace
population.NOTE: More than one size of any individual design of facepiece may be
manufactured to fit alarger proportion of the population. (AS/NZS 1716:2012 RESPIRATORY
DEVICES, p16).
(b) Be supported on the head or shoulders by suitable means so that the device remains
inposition during normal work practices, especially when the wearer bends forwardfrom the
waist (AS/NZS 1716:2012 RESPIRATORY DEVICES, p16).
(c) Permit the component parts likely to require service to be readily detached
formaintenance and cleaning, but be secure against accidental disconnection (AS/NZS
1716:2012 RESPIRATORY DEVICES, p16).
• The design of the facepiece or head covering should cause the least possible interferencewith
speech and vision (AS/NZS 1716:2012 RESPIRATORY DEVICES, p16).

2.6.7 Exhalation valve assembly

• Where exhalation valves are incorporated into the facepiece they shall be of the self-
closingtype, i.e. they shall not remain open after outward airflow has ceased. The exhalation
valveassembly shall be protected from mechanical damage affected (AS/NZS 1716:2012

2.6.8 Mouthpiece and nose clip

• Where the respirator incorporates a mouthpiece, a nose clip shall also be supplied.
The mouthpiece shall—
(a) Prevent saliva from draining into the filter;
(b) Provide an air tight seal when held firmly and without undue discomfort in the wearer’s
(c) Include a means for the support of the mouthpiece between the teeth and lips, and lugs
to keep the teeth apart;
(d) Prevent closure of the mouthpiece by mouth pressure; and
(e) Be secured in position by suitable means to ensure that the mouthpiece will not fall out
when the wearer’s mouth is relaxed. (AS/NZS 1716:2012 RESPIRATORY DEVICES, p17).

2.6.9 Classes
• There are three classes of particulate filter protection which are differentiated according to

(a) Class P1—intended for use against mechanically generated particulates of sizes most
commonly encountered in industry (AS/NZS 1716:2012 RESPIRATORY DEVICES, p20).
(b) Class P2—intended for use against both mechanically and thermally generated
particulates (AS/NZS 1716:2012 RESPIRATORY DEVICES, p20).
(c) Class P3—intended for use against all particulates including highly toxic materials (AS/NZS
1716:2012 RESPIRATORY DEVICES, p20).

2.7 International Standards

The International Organisation for standardisation (ISO) includes a section in relation to respiratory
protection devices. The ISO 16900 standard for respiratory devices addresses many of the same key
points as the Australian standards which suggests that Australian standards are in line with
international standards, this is no surprise given Australia’s reputation for world class standards. This
report will focus primarily on Australian standards because they are readily accessible through
Swinburne’s library resources.

Most countries have their own set of applicable standards because they have different regulatory
bodies. For example in the United States the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH) is the agency responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the
prevention of work-related injury and illness in conjunction with safety standards that are driven by
American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The equivalents to these bodies within Australia would
be Standards Australia and Safe work Australia, although the regulatory bodies are different both
countries have a very similar set of standards and regulations.

For the purposes of this project I will primarily use information found within Australian standards
and statistics, although it may be necessary to draw upon some data from U.S agencies if the
information cannot be sourced from Australian sources.

2.8 Anthropometric data and Ergonomics

As respirators must fit facial features in order to function correctly, anthropometric data is an
essential component for design of this product to ensure comfort and functionality. The most crucial
part of the respirator is the facial fit, therefore that will be the focus area for the anthropometrics

2.8.1 Measuring
To understand how anthropometric measuring of the face is conducted, it is essential to first
become familiar with land marking. Landmarks are generally skeletal points that are usually marked
on the skin using a surgical marker.

Figure 11 : Facial dimensions table and corresponding diagrams

2.8.2 Data and figures
The following data was collected by NIOSH in 2003 from a total of 3997 people which included:
- Four racial/ethnic groups
- Three age strata (18-29,30-44 and 45-66) years
- Males and females
Due to the large sampling size of this data, this information can be assumed to be very reliable in
contributing to the measurement considerations for product development.

Figure 12 : Facial data for men and women (SAI global, 2017)

2.8.3 Design considerations
There are two key measurements which relate directly to respirator design which are menton sellion
length (face length – the distance between the top of the bridge of the nose and the bottom of the
chin) and secondly bizyogomatic length (face width – distance ear to ear). A design which
encompasses both of these parameters will provide adequate respiratory protection for the wearer.

Through analysis of the above data it is apparent that the following dimensions selection will cover
96.7% of males and 98.7% of females. The limits of 95.5 mm to 138.5 mm for face length and
120.5mm and 158.5mm for face width.

Since most respirators are one size fits all, a mask that is 138.5 long and 158.5 wide will succeed in
sufficiently providing respiratory protection for above 95% of the population.

Figure 13 : Face length vs face width bivariate panel

2.9 Patents and prior art research
When designing products it is necessary to understand what currently exists on the market to avoid
legal liability. A second reason to look into patents and prior art is to fathom a background of the
product development over time and to see whether or not any recent improvements have been
made. Below are some examples of existing technologies available for respirators which will be
considered through design development.

Patent name& date Description Notes

US2787264A - 1954 First compact respirator patent, Aside from it securing below the
made by Plastiques Soc D Expl chin it is very similar to
Des. respirators of today
Described as mask for filtering
fine particles such as dust or dirt.

US4248220 – 1986 Patent made by American optical This product was made in 1986,
corporation and disposable respirators have
First respirator designed from a remained practically the same
single layer of dust absorbing ever since. Without any huge
material. improvement over the past 40
years new technology could
open new possibilities for

US 6805124 B2 - 2004 Patent made by 3M. Possible the biggest recent

Description is a filtering face improvement in disposable
mask that covers at least the respirators. It makes wearing the
nose and mouth of a wearer and respirator more comfortable
includes an exhalation valve. The because it is easier to breathe
exhalation valve opens in and far cooler. Although some
response to increased pressure people may mistake this
when the wearer exhales to allow exhalation valve for some kind
of improved filter which it is not.

the exhaled air to be rapidly
purged from the mask interior.

US 5701892 A – 1995 Patent made my Bledstein. This was the only patent I could
A multipurpose dust mask that find which included any sort of
maintains an air space gap below sealing mechanism. I believe
the persons nostrils due to the there is room for improvement.
fold construction.
Also is foldable for easy storage
and prevention of contamination
when not in use.

2.9.1 Summary of Patent and prior art research findings

Through exploration of a wide variety of existing technologies and new designs there were not any
ground breaking innovations of new designs or features to be found in the subject of respirators.
The research suggests that the designs have remained mostly unchanged since the 1990’s. According
to this discovery there is still room for innovation in terms of the way the respirator is secured to the
head, shape, styling and storability/contamination protection.

2.10 Summary of Literature research and findings

Through an in depth study of occupational respiratory diseases, it is apparent that preventable
respiratory diseases are still effecting the lives of workers in developed nations such Australia and
the USA. The finding is supported by the following data and statistics which show new cases being
diagnosed every year at a steady and non declining rate.

(Australian Bureau of statistics 2016, Australian institute of health and welfare 2008

Figure 14 : Silicosis mortality rate Australia (Health Grove, 2014)

This is not acceptable after considering notions that these diseases are preventable and research
into existing material technologies shows that the resources for protection against these harmful
particles is already available.

It is possible to draw a conclusion that somewhere between the current safety technology being
available and its correct application that there is some kind of disconnect which relates to
respiratory protection not being worn correctly.

Although workplace health and safety standard have come a long way in the past 20 years,
improvements in design of respiratory protection especially for non specialised work environments
has not seen the same innovation .

In order to prevent future workers from such respiratory diseases a combination of design
improvement and diligence from both employers and employees in terms of respiratory protection
is necessary.

3. Market Analysis

3.1 Global Market

The global market for Respiratory Protective equipment was valued at 4.82 billion USD in 2014 and is
predicted to grow to 8.43 billion USD by 2022. The Asia pacific region which includes Australia is

expected to witness the fastest growth rate of 8.2% over this time period (Grand View Research,
2016). These statistics translate to strong demand for respiratory protection devices in coming years,
therefore this is a good time for a new product to enter the market.

Personal Protective Equipment is more applicable in developed nations where safety precautions are
emphasised and as a result production costs are higher. Developing nations economies rely heavily
on low production costs for exported products which can translate to a lack of safety measures
available for workers. In such countries respiratory protection is often neglected or simply not
available as workers health is not seen as a key factor of importance.

3.2 Local Market

Respirators are included within the safety equipment supplies industry in the sub-category of PPE.
The safety equipment industry within Australia is worth $1.7bn and currently employs 3622 people.
It is reasonable consider the growth rate of the safety equipment industry to be roughly translatable
to the sales of respirators.

Figure 15 :

3.1.1 Key Demand Industries

Respirators are commonly used in many industries within Australia and are required to be purchased
employers as part of personal protective equipment for workers who are exposed to atmospheric
contaminants. In other cases respirators may be worn and purchased by the employee as a
voluntary personal choice.
The main industries which require respiratory protection to be adopted by workers during their daily
tasks are:
- Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
- Mining
- Manufacturing
- Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services
- Construction

- Wholesale trade
- Professional, Scientific and Technical Services

These industries combine to make up approximately 33% (APH, 2016) of Australia’s work force. This
information translates to 3,997,900 workers in jobs who are very likely to require respiratory
protection at some point during their working year (Vanderbrook, 2016).

Outside these industries respirators are still commonly purchased by individuals for personal
projects and DIY jobs.

3.1.2 Market influences from demand sectors

The market for safety equipment and in particular PPE is heavily influenced by growth in industries
linked to the demand chain.

Construction sector

Construction industries require a range of building-safety equipment, such as fencing and

signage, to cordon off construction sites. Moreover, the industries are large purchasers of
safety workwear, such as high visibility clothing and protective gear. The construction market
is anticipated to grow over the five years through 2016-17. As a result, this market is expected
to increase as a proportion of revenue over these years. (Allday, 2017)

Mining sector

Over the five years through 2016-17, the Mining division is expected to decrease as
proportion of revenue. This fall is due to slowdown from 2013-14 through 2015-16, despite
rising volumes in some industries, such as iron ore, and oil and gas. The mining sector requires
a range of safety equipment, from basic products such as hard hats, protective footwear and
high visibility clothing, through to high-value products such as refuge chambers. (Allday, 2017)

Manufacturing sector

Australia's manufacturing sector is heavily regulated in relation to safety. While all

manufacturers are required to adhere to WHS/OH&S requirements, operators in the food
manufacturing industry must also comply with requirements enforced by Food Standards
Australia New Zealand, the Australian Quarantines Inspection Service and other industry-
specific regulations enforced by industry associations. With the exception of food,
manufacturing operations are slowly disappearing from the Australian landscape, due to
lower production costs in countries such as China and other South East Asian regions. As a
result, revenue from this market has declined over the past five years. This market is projected
to decline even further over the next five years, with major automotive manufacturers
shutting down their Australian operations. (Allday, 2017)

Health and community service providers

Demand from health and community service is much more resilient than from other markets.
Due to the high risk of disease and infection transmission, even during economic downturns,
operators within the health and community service industries are not likely to reduce
spending on safety equipment. Similar to the past five years, this market is expected to
increase as a proportion of industry revenue over the five years through 2021-22. The increase
is due to the aging population and higher expected health expenditure by the Federal and
state governments. (Allday, 2017)

Agriculture sector

Australia's agricultural sector is highly regulated by WHS/OH&S standards, resulting in a high

level of demand for the industry's products. Although the agriculture industries are highly
volatile, due to significant swings in production and farm gate prices, the market is expected
to remain largely unchanged as a portion of revenue over the five years through 2016-17.
Since farms can be dangerous work places, particularly with regards to farm equipment,

operators are required to ensure a safe working environment for on-farm workers. Products
required by the agriculture sector include basics such as workwear, PPE products, protective
footwear and more niche products such as equipment guards. (Allday, 2017)

Emergency service providers

Emergency service providers include police, fire fighters and ambulance services. People
working for these groups require extensive safety apparel, including uniforms, safety vests,
heat resistant clothing, protective footwear, and gloves. On-site safety equipment is also used
by this market. These products include safety mirrors, fencing, safety signs and other
miscellaneous safety products. This market is expected to increase as a proportion of industry
revenue over the past five years due to steady demand growth for emergency services.
(Allday, 2017)

3.1.3 Expected growth in local market

The safety equipment industry is in the growth stage of it life cycle within Australia, which means an
expanding market for personal respiratory protection safety devices. According to IBIS world this
industry is forecast to grow at annual rate of 3.1% over the next decade. In comparison GDP is only
forecast to grow at 2.5 % over this period. A large percentage of this growth data stems from the
expansion of Australia’s construction industry with new employees, enterprises and establishments
predicted to increase over the next five years (Allday, 2017).

In addition awareness of the benefits of promoting respiratory protection and safety in the
workplace are rising, stimulating demand for these products. Government bodies such as work safe
also enforcing application of these products ensures another source of demand.

3.1.4 Market potential

The market for respirators is already very large considering the high number of industries where
respiratory protection is applicable. A potential for further market reach could stem from a design
which also addressed respiratory protection as a personal pollution protection device rather than
just something to be worn in the work place.
According to (Statista, 2013) 80% of the worlds urban population is being exposed to unsafe levels of
air pollution. Air pollution is measured by levels of ultra fine particles with a 2.5 micron diameter,
the same type of particles which are mentioned earlier in the report.

The materials technology to protect against air pollution would be the same technology used to
protect against fine dust particles. The styling and comfort would play a much more integral role in
the marketing of a personal pollution mask (Mathiesen, 2015).

3.2 Competitor Product Analysis

This section will involve analysis of a range of disposable and re-usable respirators though a number
of evaluation tools.
These are some of the market leaders in Australia for safety equipment and respiratory protection.

3.3 Competitor Product Benchmarking

User Need Weight

Dust 5 P1 particle P2 Particle Depends on No particle Depends on filter

protection filter Filter filters protection
Breathability 4 Polyester filter Exhalation Single Dual Dual exhalation
valve exhalation Exhalation Valve
valve Valve
Cost of unit 5 $1.50 $3.00 $47.00 $16.00 $55.00
Cost of filter N/A N/A $3.50 N/A $2.20
Styling 1 - - - Different -
colours and
Recyclability 1 No No Changeable No Changeable filter

Facial Fit 3 Rigid polyester Rigid polyester Silicon contours Flexible Silicon contours
body body to face neoprene to face
Durability 3 No No ABS outer shell ABS outer shell
Longevity 4 Depend on Depend on task Depend of task Depend on Depend on task
task task
Weight Light Light Heavy Mid Heavy
Compact 4 Small Foldable Bulky Foldable and Semi bulky
design compact
Score 30 12/30 16/30 19/30 16/30 20/30

3.4 Reflection of Benchmarking

The benchmarking table above clearly displays the features that are incorporated into each type of
respirator. It is apparent that all types of respirators include basically the same various features
although the designs are fundamentally different, therefore it is difficult to draw comparisons.

It is clear that the re-usable respirators are the more expensive option even after the cost of
replaceable filter cartridges are taken into account. It is worth noting that the re-usable respirator
cartridges will last far longer than the disposable respirator varieties because they have more
capacity for absorbing contaminants, they can be stored more effectively and they are protected by
the plastic exterior.

The dual exhalation valve offers much more breathability and comfort in comparison to the
disposable respirators that only offer one or no exhalation valves. These valves quickly expel hot
breath from the mask and prevent condensation build up. The silicone seal around the reusable
respirators also provides a much more comfortable and effective seal opposed to the melt blown
polyester which does not contour to the face very effectively.

The re-usable style respirators scored the best which was not surprising considering they are the
superior product. However, the survey results indicated that most popular respirator that people
wore often was in fact the disposable style respirator.

The major drawback to the re-usable respirator is the heavy weight and bulky form which is not ideal
for a person who may be carrying it around on a worksite all day long and not necessarily wearing it.
Currently there are no products on the market which include compact design, replaceable filters and

comfortable facial fit/breathability. This illustrates a market potential for a product which
encompasses all these design attributes.

3.4.1 PESTE Analysis


Occupational Health and Safety regulations

Tariff controls if product manufactured overseas or exported
Effects on employment levels within demand industries
Legislation against toxic materials


Growing demand from expanding construction industry

High local labour costs
Falling demand from mining industry
Global trade and the importing of potentially toxic materials
Access to global market


Growing awareness for respiratory protection

Leisure time activities involving crafts requiring dust masks
Respiratory disease statistics in Australia


New materials
New manufacturing techniques
Emerging technologies
Potential for innovation


Increased atmospheric pollution

Product life cycle consideration
Urban air quality

3.4.2 PESTE Analysis Findings

The PESTE analysis presents a range of different factors coming from various avenues in a
comprehensive table that can be applied to the potential for new respiratory protection device. The
areas of potential growth for this product come from a heightened awareness of the importance of
personal safety on a national level. What this means is that people are more likely than in previous
times to voluntarily purchase products for respiratory protection in order preserve their personal

3.4.3 SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses
Gap in the market for new product Consumers not always receptive to new products
Easy to manufacture
Existing products in the market are strong
Demand industries growing in Australia
Market in growth stage High labour costs in Australia
Opportunities Threats
Changing attitudes in relation to respiratory Falling economic growth overall
protection Competitor products still provide a good alternative
People becoming more safety conscious in modern New to market
Access to global market
New technologies in material and manufacturing

3.4.5 SWOT Analysis findings

Through conducting a SWOT analysis, the opportunities for success are made clear while the areas
for weakness are also noted. The market for respirators in Australia is growing due to increased
awareness for personal safety and an increased demand from growing industrial sectors. Potential
obstructions to consider are the current products in the market which already work effectively in
respiratory protection. As consequence, it is worth considering that consumers may not be instantly
inclined to purchase a new type of respirator. If the respirator was to be designed in such a way
where it could be personalised and have some reusable parts its perceived value would be increased
and therefore this could counteract pessimistic consumer perceptions in regards to purchasing the
new product.

3.5 Product life cycle

For this section it is appropriate to separate respirators from filters. The life of a disposable
respirator can only last as long as the filter remains functional. In contrast reusable respirators can
easily last for many years provided the filters are changed as required and the product is well stored.
At the end of life the respirator body must be thrown into waste due to a number of different
inseparable materials.

Although filters are required to have a shelf life of at least five years, there is no set life span for
functional use and replacement. According to 3M’s guide to safe practice it is recommended that
filters be changed as soon as they become clogged, dirty or damaged.

At this point in time filter products are thrown into waste and not recycled due to contamination
and composition of materials. The product life cycle for re-usable respirators is more sustainable
than that of the disposable variety because only the spent filter cartridges are thrown into waste. In
the case of disposable respirators the filter is inseparable from the body material which means that

after the filter is spent the whole product is useless and must be thrown away. This has a negative
effect in terms of sustainability because excessive material providing shape and form of the
respirator is unnecessarily discarded. A second issue with the disposable respirators is that the filter
material is easily contaminated because it does not have any plastic shell for protection. There is
currently a market gap for a light weight and compact type of respirator that incorporates protective
and rigid re-usable body with a disposable filter.

3.6 Government Regulations

Respirators are classed as personal protective equipment and must adhere to Australian safety
standards which are discussed earlier in the report.
Particulate respirator design must be tested and categorised as either:
- P1 : Atleast 80% of airborne particles
- P2 : Atleast 94% of airborne particles
- P3 : Atleast 99% of airborne particles
In addition some respirators may provide protection against chemicals for which there are many
different categories and mineral treatment additives (Safteyquip, 2015)

3.7 Customer Analysis

3.7.1 Customer demographic

The customer demographic for this product is very broad as it includes any person who may require
respiratory protection. These customers are most likely to be people working in construction,
mining, agriculture and manufacture sectors although individuals undertaking DIY projects should
also be included. Therefore the product should be maintained as non-gender specific and targeted at
people aged from 16 – retirement age.

3.7.2 Customer Needs Survey

An online survey was conducted to gain insight into the customer needs of Australians using
respirators. This online survey was created using Survey Monkey and was shared over social media
website Facebook. Questions were structured to gain an understanding into how individuals use

3.7.3 Survey Results

Figure 16 : survey results

All of the survey respondents had worked in an environment where they were concerned about dust
particles for health reasons

Figure 17 : Survey results

Despite all of the respondents being concerned for their health due to particles, 25% of them still did
not wear respiratory protection.

Figure 18 : Survey Results

The most common reason for not wearing a respirator was that the respondents decided they would
only be exposed for a short amount of time and it wasn’t worth putting one on. This response was
closely followed by not having a respirator on hand.

Figure 19 : Survey Results

The two most common reasons for avoiding respiratory protection devices were inconvenient to put
on and discomfort

Figure 20 : Survey Results

50% of respondents were concerned about contaminants effecting the inside of the mask when not
stored in a sealed container.

Figure 21 : Survey Results

The most popular type of respirator (65% approval) was a re-usable option due to superior comfort.
Comments also mentioned poor facial seal and concerns as to whether disposable respirators were
actually filtering contaminants effectively.

Figure 22 : Survey Results

95% of respondents noted cost to be the most important factor affecting their purchase choice.
Closely followed by comfort at 85% of respondents. Other factors of influence include durability,
storability and compact design. To the least important being recyclability and product styling.

3.7.4 Summary of Survey findings

The findings from the survey could be somewhat inaccurate as the platform for sharing the survey
was social media and many of the respondents were in the same demographic which could shift
results in their favour.

As early research suggested primary reasons for not wearing respiratory protection despite health
concerned stemmed from inconvenience and not having one accessible. Discomfort was also a key
issue. When it came to user preference, cost had a high level of importance alongside comfort.

3.7.5 Customer Needs from interview findings

3.7.6 Customer Needs metrics
From research into the market for respirators, as well as from the survey results, the
following needs/metrics matrix has been produced. The needs are ranked in order of most
importance (5) to least importance (1). The ranking of importance will reflect the importance
to the end user of the product.

3.7.7 Customers Needs metrics matrix

Number Need Importance
1 Dust protection 5
2 Breathability 4
3 Cost 5
4 Styling 1
5 Recyclability 1
6 Facial Fit Comfort 3
7 Durability 3
8 Longevity 4
10 Compact design 4

4. Design Details, Development and Methodology

The key focus of this project is to develop a respiratory protection device that promotes and
encourages use through an improved user experience. The end result is intended to reduce rates of
preventable respiratory diseases such as interstitial lung disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease. Competitor products on the market do work effectively to protect from ultra fine particles,
however research has highlighted that there is a break down in the application and usage of this
protective technology. As the product is aimed predominantly at construction and manufacture
industries the design will be user focused to suit this market.

4.1 Scope
The respirator design outcome will combine elements from both disposable and reusable respirators
into a singular product which is intended to satisfy the specific user needs. The design solution will
take advantage of the market gap that exists between the two existing styles of respirators by
including the compact and portable design of disposable dust masks with some key features of
reusable dust masks such as superior facial fit, durability and replaceable filters.

4.1.1 Target Market and Customer needs
The intended target market for this respirator is adults of any age who may require protection from
fine particles during any sort of work. The product will be more specifically directed at workers
within the construction and manufacture industries who are more likely to be exposed regularly to
ultra fine particles. Therefore some of the customer needs are directed towards people working
within these industries.
Customer needs:
- Compact design
- Portable
- Not obstructive to vision
- Comfortable
- Breathable
- Dust protection
- Competitive price

4.1.2 User considerations

The final design outcome is heavily influenced by user considerations. The shortcomings of products
currently on the market can be linked towards lack of respiratory protection applications is many
work environments. User considerations play a key role in the design of a dust mask that encourages
diligent respiratory protection.
User considerations include:
- How the respirator will be stored or carried in a work place situation
- How to prevent the inside of the mask being contaminated by ambient dust
- How the respirator will be secured in a way which takes minimum time and effort away from
job at hand
- Ergonomic design and superior facial seal

4.1.3 Product Performance

The goal of this project is to create a respirator that encompasses the compact and portable design
of a disposable dust mask along side the robust features of a re-usable respirator. The final product
must be in line with Australian safety standards for at least a P1 particle protection classification.

4.1.4 Human factors and ergonomics

The way in which the respirator contours to the users face is extremely important in the design of
respirator in terms of both comfort and protection. Disposable respirators that are currently on the
market have limited mould conformability due to the stiff polyester material they are made from. As

a result, they do not provide perfect fit for all users. The reusable respirators offer a better solution
by being available in a number of sizes and also being made from more pliable materials such as
silicone. The anthropometric data that can be seen in the literature review will serve as reference
for measurements in dimensioning the respirator.

4.1.5 Manufacture
Manufacturing techniques are yet to be finalised as design process still developing. Manufacturing
processes discussed in the literature review such as injection moulding are likely to be utilised in the
final design.

4.1.6 Materials
Materials yet to be finalised as design process still developing. However filter materials will include
the existing technology for P1 or P2 particle filtration. This is a thin layer of polyester/polypropylene
melt blown which is capable of capturing the ultrafine particles.

4.1.7 Standards
When designing the respirator the Australian standards for Respiratory protection outlines earlier in
the report must be adhered to.

4.2 Concept Generation

Through the analysis of current literature on respirators and customer needs the following concepts
were created. Each concept presents slightly different ways to satisfy the customers needs
discovered during the research process.

The process of concept generation started with ideation sketching which can be seen below. This
preliminary stage mainly focused on exploring forms and how different design features could
possibly be combined into various respirator designs. Some of these ideas were developed into the
three initial concepts and further refined through prototyping and concept selection.

4.2.1 Ideation sketching

4.2.2 Initial Concepts

Concept one focuses on addressing portability and contamination issues through a folding pocket
sized design. The green plastic exterior folds up to reduce size and prevent contamination of mask
when not in use. In addition the filter is replaceable and can be taken off the plastic exterior. The
mask also uses a combination of force from spring mechanism and adhesive silicone tables to secure

the mask to the face. This eliminates the need for straps which means a person can easily take it on
and off with only one hand making it much more convenient.

Concept two is a mouth piece style design, where the need for straps is eliminated by the user being
able to hold it in their mouth. The design is very durable because all the replaceable filters are
contained within the plastic exterior. The idea of leaving the nose uncovered needs to be further
researched as to whether this would still be effective in preventing particles from entering the lungs.

Concept three is another foldable design with a replaceable filter. However this design incorporates
a more traditional Velcro strap with small plastic clips to keep the respirator folded together when
not in use.

4.3 Concept Selection

In order to select a concept for further development these concepts go through a ranking process
where they are given a score in relation to their design features.

Each user need is given a weight of 1 to 5 (five being most important). Each concept is ranked
against these requirements and given a score from 0 to 5 (again 5 being the best) according to how
well the design features satisfy this user need. These scores and weighted requirements are then
multiplied together to provide a weighted score. These weighted scores are then added together for
each concept, and the total highlights which one has the best overall score. The highest score will
indicate which concept is the best at satisfying user needs.

4.3.1 Concept selection Matrix

User need Weight

Dust 5 P2 Particle Filter 4 P2 Particle Filter 4 Nose uncovered may not 1

Protection 20 20 provide good protection 5

Breathability 4 Dual exhalation valve 4 Dual exhalation 4 Dual exhalation valve 4

16 valve 16 16
Unit Cost 5 $5 4 $10 3 $10 3
(AUD) 20 15 15
Styling 1 Colour options 1 Colour options 1 Colour options 1
1 1 1
Recyclability 1 Changeable filters 1 Changeable filters 1 Changeable filters 1
1 1 1
Facial fit 3 Semi flexible silicone 1 Semi rigid polyester 2 Fits in mouth, does not 3
seam 3 body 6 irritate the face 9
Durability 3 NO 0 Outer exoskeleton 2 Polycarbonate 3
0 6 9
Longevity 4 Task dependant 3 Task dependant 3 Task dependant 4
12 12 16
Compact 4 Foldable 4 Foldable 4 Pocket sized 4
design 16 16 16
Score 118 89 93 88

4.3.2 Concept Direction

Concept two has the highest score from the selection matrix which highlights that out of the three
initiation concepts it is the best at satisfying design requirements generated from customer needs.
Although there are still some questions as to whether the design will actually work such as the
silicone adhesive tabs and spring mechanism. This concept still requires further development for it
to be realised as a successful respirator design solution. In addition there are still some strong design
features from the other two respirators that could also be further explored and potentially included
within the final design direction.

4.4 Design Development

Further design development in the form of prototyping was used to check upon viability of design
features and different forms.

4.4.1 Reflection of prototyping
Prototyping was a very effective tool for exploring different facial fit of various respirator styles and
how different design features can function.
Listed below are the key findings from prototyping that was conducted:
- Shape and facial fit of folding respirator needs much more form development
- Silicone adhesive concept is susceptible to contamination
- Straps provide additional force to pull respirator across bridge of the nose
- Filter material of existing dust masks is comprised of 3 separate layers which are stiff and
overly bulky when used with plastic exoskeleton
Further prototyping will be used to further evolve the concept that includes the harder exoskeleton
with replaceable filters.

4.5 Design Direction

The final design solution that will continue to evolve throughout this project is the respirator design
which can be seen below. This solution incorporates several features which help address user needs
which are currently not satisfied by products on the market.

Figure 23 : respirator final concept

The respirator design features a polypropylene exoskeleton which can be folded in the centre so that
the user may easily carry it on them throughout the working day for easy accessibility and use. This
encourages respiratory protection through convenience of application even when the user may only
be exposed to dust particles for a small amount of time. The importance of having a respirator on
hand was highlighted through the survey results that showed one of the most common reasons for
not wearing respiratory protection was it not being immediately accessible. The folding design also
helps to protect the inside of the filter material from contamination. The filter is also a replaceable
part using adhesive strips to easily secure it the plastic exoskeleton. The mask is secured to the

wearer by a velcro strap which joins at the rear, this feature enables users to put on the respirator
without needing to remove other safety equipment such as ear muffs or safety glasses.

4.6 Summary and Reflection

The final design direction shown above is the result of a comprehensive design process geared
towards creating a superior product option which is currently not available on the market.
Combining the robust features of re-usable respirators such as silicone seal contouring to the face
and replaceable filter options with the compact and easy design of disposable respirators, this
product addresses needs found through research into customers and the current market. However
the concept still needs further development in order to be realised as a functional design solution.

6. Conclusion
Throughout research conducted during the literature review this report found that inhalation of
ultra fine particles are still causing occupational lung diseases such as interstitial lung disease and
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Both of these occupational diseases can be easily prevented
with existing air filtration technology. Unfortunately, statistics outlined in the literature review show
that diagnosis of these diseases is not decreasing. This highlights a break down in the way people
may not be using these technologies effectively.

It was discovered through user research that dust protection is not an aspect of workplace safety
that always strictly adhered to, rather often seen as more of an inconvenience. There is a gap on the
current market for a product which is both convenient and functional that would encourage
individuals to take respiratory protection more seriously.

This research was followed by a comprehensive design development process which was heavily
focused on addressing this need for user convenience and strong design features. The final design
direction incorporates some of the robust design elements from existing re-usable respirators such
as replaceable filters and contouring silicon facial seal with the compact and portable design of a
disposable dust mask. This folding design will allow workers to carry the mask on their belt or in
their pocket all day long at minimised inconvenience to their daily routine. The added durability of
this new exoskeleton design will allow for this product to withstand coincidental impacts and
abrasions resulting from work that would quickly deform the classic disposable dust masks. Having
such a device on hand at all times promotes respirator protection even in times where they may not
be exposed to dust particles for long. The final design direction provides a framework for the

features to be incorporated in the mask. However the design still needs further development for it
to be realised as a functional product.

6.1 Future Recommendations

For further research and development of this product there are many elements of the product which
still need to be finalised.
- Silicone facial seal shape and materials
- Folding mechanism and form of plastic exoskeleton
- Research related to minimising thickness of filter material
- Design considerations for manufacture techniques and assembly
The design will be further refined over the semester break and it will be prepared to begin final
prototyping and production towards the beginning of semester 2.


Date Contact made by Form of contact Topic Result
19/3/17 Finn Somers to Phone call Discuss advisor Confirmed
Jacob Ramia position Industry Partner
15/4/17 Finn Somers to Meeting Discuss project in Insight into user
Jacob Ramia detail needs
7/5/17 Finn Somers to Phone Show concept Guidance on
Jacob Ramia call/picture likes/dislikes
4/6/17 Finn Somers to Meeting Show prototype Advise on form to
Jacob Ramia 1 suit user needs

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