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Introducing Yourself: Basic personal information like name, age, where you're from, and
what you do.
2. Hobbies: Talking about activities you enjoy such as sports, reading, or cooking.
3. Daily Routine: Talking about what you do in a typical day, from waking up to going to
4. Food and Drinks: Discussing your favorite foods and drinks, or typical meals in Croatia.
5. Weather: Describing the weather and how it affects your plans or mood.
6. Travel: Talking about places you've visited or would like to visit in Croatia or other
7. Shopping: Discussing items you need to buy or your favorite stores.
8. School or Work: Talking about your studies or job, what you do, and how you feel about
9. Plans for the Future: Sharing your dreams and aspirations, what you hope to achieve.
10. Free Time: Discussing how you spend your free time, whether it's watching TV, playing
games, or hanging out with friends.
11. Animals: Talking about pets you have or animals you like, and describing their
12. Health: Discussing how you stay healthy, such as exercising, eating well, or getting
enough sleep.
13. Holidays and Celebrations: Talking about your favorite holidays and how you celebrate
them, or Croatian traditions and customs.
14. Transportation: Describing how you usually get around, whether it's by car, bus, bike, or
15. Technology: Discussing your favorite gadgets or apps, and how you use technology in
your daily life.
16. Music and Movies: Talking about your favorite music genres, bands, or movies, and why
you like them.
17. Languages: Discussing the languages you speak or would like to learn, and why they're
important to you.
18. Friends: Describing your best friend or a memorable experience you've had with friends.
19. Dreams and goals: Sharing your hopes and ambitions for the future, and what steps you're
taking to achieve them.

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