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Chapter 1


Time management is a process of determining and controlling how much time to devote to a

particular activities. According to Hensley (2021), Effective time management frequently

underpins students' success in college, and many post secondary learning centers provide

services to assist students in assessing and improving this aspect of their learning skills. Ivy

Wigmore (2021), defined time management as the coordination of tasks and activities to

maximize the effectiveness of an individual's efforts. Essentially, the goal of time management is

to enable people to complete more and better work in less time.

According to Lucemi (2020), time management is very significant in one’s personal life as well

as professional life. When you manage your time well, you will be able to seize more

opportunities. You can also plan your day and maximize your strengths. The goal of time

management is to allow people to do more and better work in a more efficient manner. Aside

from that, in the study of Akatay (2016), time management planning is an essential component

of effective goal setting and achievement, and goal setting includes time management steps at

every stage. The ability to perform management functions is required for effective time

management. Productive activities necessitate time and organization at the moment. This

includes, as a first step, planning activities, setting goals for them, and then carrying them out.
Sadly, many students today is having a hard time in managing their time this pandemic. Since the

pandemic happens there are many changes in everyone lives. The Grade 10 students of

Paliparan 2 Integrated High School is having a hard time(find a new word) in adjusting in this

new normal. They said that they don’t seems(check grammar) to feel this year at all. In addition,

they said that studying is the best when they are interacting with their teachers and friends. Grade

10 Students in P2 HIS(complete this) really enjoy the traditional face to face class rather than

staying at home and facing with their laptops all day. Focusing is one of the importance in

studying and the environment at home is not really applicable in studying.

According to Oxford learning (2019), studying at home has many advantages: it is a relaxing,

low-pressure setting. However, there are a few reasons why studying from home might be

difficult; with so many distractions, it's(don’t use contractions, make it complete) tempting to

procrastinate—and when you do start, it's simple to get off track. At home, procrastination and

distraction can keep you from getting things done. Watching TV, napping, looking through

social media, or engaging in other hobbies. perhaps, even cleaning your room are all major

productivity drainers that divert you from your goal of studying for or completing that

assignment. Apart from that, in the study of Rinkema & Williams (2021), the pandemic

highlighted the significant challenge that learning time management skills presents. Students

who were successful time managers in person were frequently successful as a result of the

scaffolding provided by teachers and schools. When those supports were removed—bells, peer

modeling, teacher reminders, mandated routines, staff check-ins, and so on—the physical and

emotional complexities of pandemic—sickness, grief, fear, hunger, anxiety, loneliness, and

depression—were added, students who had previously been able to function successfully began
to fall apart. Students who had previously struggled with time management had even more


While the researches are gathering the data, they find out that in order to improve time managing

skills of a student during this pandemic, student must know how to prioritize the most important

things to do rather than doing the things that they shouldn’t be focusing on. Planning, organizing

and controlling how much time is spent on certain tasks is the things that a successful time

manager had.

- Explain more the importance of this research, the purpose of this


The results of this study will be great benefit to the following:

Students. The students are the main beneficiaries of this study. Time is one of the

most important resources of the students have. It helps the students to present and pass their

works on time. It may free up some extra time to them to relax or do things regarding their

responsibilities to their home. It’s something anyone anywhere can learn at any point in their

life. Time management helps them to achieve easily your goals and can also make them

more productive at work and in personal life.

Teachers. The teachers would benefit in the results of the study especially the struggles in

complying the worksheets and tasks of each student. It would help them not to pressure the

students of a given tasks to do at a specific deadline. Having time management of each

students helps the teachers to be able to compute each students grade as soon as possible for

the teachers not having a rough time to communicate with the students specially during

distance learning. (this sounds more of negative, use words that would highlight the benefits

in lighter manner)

School Administrators. The School Administrators may get the result of the study

including the benefits of having time management of each students, if online distance learning

is effective during this time of pandemic.

Parents. The result of the study would be helpful to family members especially helping

the family of the student regarding some responsibilities inside their home and having some

time to bond or talk with the student’s family. (give the side of the parents)

Future Researchers. This study would definitely help future researchers to conduct a

study regarding time managements of the student during distance learning. (more


This represents the related literature and related studies that are relevant to the study.

This is base on the study of Jeremy Wright, the pickle jar theory. It is the latest theory of

time management developed by Jeremy Wright after his series of studies in 2002. The pickle jar

theory is a time management theory that is essentially based on the premise that, like a pickle jar,

time is a finite area that may be filled with objects of various shapes and sizes with respect to

time. According to the pickle jar hypothesis, people's activities and obligations must be balanced

through the use of an appropriate time management system. (Wright, 2002).

According to the theory, time is like a pickle jar it is very limited and the jar is our lives.

Everyone fills their days with important, less important, and insignificant tasks. The Pickle Jar

Theory is a visual metaphorical expression that helps people evaluate what is important and what

isn't. It assists you in setting daily priorities and planning tasks so that you have time to spare

rather than too few hours in the day.

Everyone needs to be able to manage their time. Controlling how much time one spends

on different tasks and deciding which activities take precedence is at the heart of successful time

management. Studying time management theory assists one in properly planning, organizing,

and scheduling expected chores so that they coincide with what truly matters in one's life. It's

tough to establish a strategy and create an action plan that will help you manage your time

successfully without a thorough understanding of time management philosophy. Whether one is

attempting to improve professional or work-related life or personal routines, the type of time

management theory that appeals to him or her determines what one picks, adopts, and follows

(Wright, 2002).

The main purpose of conducting this study is to eliminate the different conflicts that are timely

relevant to the life of the students, in today’s era. The learners are facing a different way of

studying that is new to their lives. During the new kind of learning many adjustment happens

such as the way on how we learn, our motivation and the use of out given time. In the given

diagram below, we will see some of the important factors in this research such as the output,

input and the process on how to conduct this study effectively.


- The effect of procrastination in

the life of every students.

- The dominancy of distraction

over productivity.
- Lack of ideas and knowledge
to accomplish tasks . - An advocacy to spread the

knowledge about the

significance of having a time

management improve the
- Questionnaires
academic life of the learners,
- Survey using the limited resources that
- The application of statistics. we have at the moment

-Evaluating information.

- (The diagram should follow the flow of IPO, Input – Process – Output)

- Baliktad kayo, yung Input nyo dapat Output tapos vice versa

The figure above contains some of the significant information that is needed in order for us to

understand the different concepts that can be learned from this topic. It includes the different

outputs, which includes the problems that are faced by the learners today, in relation to that is the
process that has the ways on how we should conduct this study. And last are input which

includes the different important knowledge that we are looking forward in conducting this study.


This study determines how distance learning students should manage their time

during pandemic particularly among Grade 10 students. This study was for the students

who were enrolled in School Year 2018 - 2019 at Paliparan II Integrated High School

that were having a hard time managing their time on doing their roles as a student and

a family member.

Specifically, this paper seeks to answer the questions that follows:

1. What are the main reasons for students in having a hard time managing their time?

2. Why are the factors that lead to students difficulty in time managing ?

3. What are the possible ways for students in order tovmanage their time in doing their

activities and house hold chores?


To facilitate better understanding of this study, some terms which are considered

relevant to this study have been operationally defined. The following operational

definitions are hereby given:

Time management. It refers to the ability of a person to handle or control his or

her time to be able to do multiple tasks within a specific day.

Distance Learning. For this study, it means a method of learning which DepEd

came up with to make sure that the students are still learning even if we’re currently in

a world pandemic.

Pandemic. In this study pandemic is considered as a disease that is spreading not

only in our country but also in the whole world.

Goal. For this study, it refers to the a things that a person wanted to achieved or to aim.

Time management skills. It refers to a types of skills that will help an individual to

manage or improve their time well.

Procrastination. For this study, procrastination is an act of delaying tasks or works, that you can

do right away but chooses not to do it on time.


This study focuses on the struggles of 21 st century learners in managing their time

during distance learning, among 600 (masyadong madami) respondents from Grade 10

students. This study is for the students who are enrolled in School Year 2020 – 2021 at

Paliparan II Integrated High School. The study is limited only on the struggles of

learners in managing their time as their roles in both school and home.

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