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The cause of a fire is usually determined from a OXYGEN SUPPLY- adequate oxygen must be

detailed inspection of the charred debris, present to permit spontaneous ignition. It should
combustibles, devices, and residues located at the be recognized, however, that oxygen need be
point of (or within the area of) origin. Theoretically, available in the form of free oxygen as is found in
the cause of a fire can be categorized into three air; certain forms of spontaneous ignition may be
classifications: (Redsicker and O'connor, 1997) initiated by chemical reactions which involve
substances which liberate oxygen during the
Lightning- An investigator should know that when reaction.
lightning strikes a transformer, two to three times RATE OF HEAT LOSS - heat produced during
the normal voltage will go to ground even when spontaneous heating may dissipated to
lightning resistors are in place. Even so, the fuses surroundings, resulting in nothing more than
may not blow, the lightning induced surge of slightly elevated temperature within the fuel.
current is too brief. However, when heat accumulates faster than it can
- bolts average 24, 000 A, but can exceed 200, be dissipated, spontaneous ignition is possible.
000 A and their potentials can range up to 15,
000, 000 V. Rays of sun- fires have also been caused by the rays
Lightning strikes occur in two basic way: cloud of the sun, mostly as the result of the sun shining
to cloud and cloud to earth. However, in the cloud through older windows with glass panes containing
to earth case, charges of opposite polarity are bubbles (bula) or films of liquid enveloping air or
generated in the cloud and the ground below. gas, as soap bubble (Abis, 1986).
Subsequently, a discharge occurs and the lightning
bolt (discharge), which appears to be from cloud to Smoking- One of the most common accidental
ground, actually extends from cloud and ground, causes of fire, according to statistics.
meeting in mid-air to complete the strike. Cigarette fire is mostly due to carelessness of the
smoker or careless disposal of smoking materials
Spontaneous Ignition- the likelihood of (Abis, 1986).
spontaneous ignition may be affected by a wide
variety of chemical and physical mechanisms, and it Arcing- If short-circuit or break in an electrical
is often difficult to determine the precise conductor occurs, the electric current tries to
mechanism involved in a particular incident. continue to flow in the open space created, and
- Spontaneous heating of a material to its creates an arc.
ignition temperature results in spontaneous - Arcing on a small scale can occur every time
ignition (spontaneous combustion). an electric switch is opened. Its intensity
- In its classical form, spontaneous ignition is again, depends upon the amount of current
caused by substances combining with flowing.
atmospheric oxygen. Practically all substances - If the atmosphere in which the switch is
capable of combining with oxygen will, at opened contains any flammable vapors or
some critical temperature, oxidize when flammable gasses, fire can occur.
exposed to air, this oxidation results in the
evolution of heat. Sparks- Most commonly occur as the result of
electric (arc) welding operations or from the arcing
three (3) general conditions which affect of short circuits.
whether or not spontaneous ignition will occur: The bond between the electrode and the material
to be bonded is formed by a huge amount of heat
RATE OF HEAT GENERATION - many types of generated during electricalwelding. There are many
oxidation occur so slowly that heat generation is sparks and glows of hot metal as a result. Sparks
negligible. However, when the rate of heat and molten metal are capable of causing a fire if
generation is fast enough, heat may build up in the flammable material is close by.
material and spontaneous ignition may occur.
Overheating- damage to electrical conductors can must be considered as one of the five tactics. If
result from heat exposing them in two ways: ➤ The communication is successful then escape and
fire that heats the conductor from the outside. ➤ extinguishments can be attempted. But if it is
Overheating from an internal source. unsuccessful, then only containment remains as an
• EXTERNAL HEATING- can result from available tactics
a fire that begins to melt a copper
conductor by the constant Escape - To ensure that the occupants of the
application of heat. building and the surrounding areas are able to
• INTERNAL HEATING- most often move to places of safety before they are
caused by continuous over current threatened by the heat and smoke. Since life safety
or short circuits. is the most important among the two objectives of
fire safety construction, then sufficient provision for
Flammable Liquid- Misuse of gasoline and other fire escapes shall be incorporated in the design of
flammable liquid is one of the major causes of buildings.
accidental fire in the Philippines. The use of Escape is the last available tactic that can be
flammable liquid as cleaning agents is still a very attempted in case all the other fails. Escape
common practice. requirements varies with respect to the type of
building occupancy.
Plants- Referred to as a "booster", is either a pool Containment - To ensure that the fire is contained
of liquid accelerant or a pile of combustibles that is to the smallest possible area, limiting the amount
used by an arsonist to enhance the quality of fire in of property likely to be damaged and the threat to
a selected location. life safety.
Meant to boost the progress of a fire by producing Extinguishments - To insure that the fire can be
a large body of fire. extinguished quickly and with minimum
consequential damage to the building.
Trailers- referred to as a "streamer" is an Places of Assembly - A building in which 50 or
arrangement or configuration of flammable or more persons gather together for purposes such as
combustible materials that is intended to carry fire deliberation, worship, entertainment, amusement,
from one location to another. or awaiting transportation
Educational Occupancy - a building where six (6) or
Accelerant- Is a substance that is used to accelerate more persons gather for purposes of instructions,
(and sometimes direct) the spread of a fire. the occupant load is not less than 1.8 sq. m/person,
Most commonly used liquid accelerants include or 4.6 sq m/ person for laboratories, shops and
gasoline, lighter fluids, kerosene, and turpentine. similar vocational rooms.
A typical burn pattern resulting from the use of a Institutional Occupancy - a building used for
liquid accelerant is called pudding. purposes such as treatment or care of persons
suffering from physical or mental illness, disease or
Prevention - To ensure that the fire does not start infirmity, care of infants or aged persons, and for
by controlling ignition sources. Among the five penal or correctional purposes.
tactics, fire prevention shall be one to be given Residential Occupancy - a building with sleeping
much attention by the designer. It is only if this fails and/or sleeping accommodation provided for
need the other tactics be attempted residential purposes, except those classified under
institutional occupancies.
Communication - To ensure that, if ignition occurs, Mercantile Occupancy - a building used for the
the occupants are informed and any active fire purpose of selling merchandise or goods.
system are triggered. Communication by itself, even Business Occupancy - Buildings used for
if totally successful, cannot save lives or property, transaction of business other than that covered
but its key role in ensuring fire safety means that it under Mercantile (e.g. office of lawyers, doctors,
dentists, city/town halls/court houses, libraries, Normal mode the CCU indicator show green lights,
etc.) indicating the system is powered and working
Industrial Occupancy - Buildings that are designed properly.
for making products of all kinds and properties Alarm mode when activated by an alarm initiating
developed for operations such as processing, device (such as a smoke, heat, flame detector or
assembling, mixing, packaging, etc. pull station, the CCU produces a red light, which
Storage Occupancy - These are buildings or may be flashing, and an audible alarm signal. It may
structures utilized primarily for the storage or also activate sprinklers or other suppression
sheltering of goods, merchandize, products, devices.
vehicles or animals. Trouble Mode a trouble signal indicated by an
Mixed Occupancy - Buildings or structures in which amber light is generated when critical alarm system
two or more classes of occupancies are present and circuits or components fails.
that separate safeguards are impracticable. Each Automatic Sprinklers it is the most common form
space shall be considered individually. of installed fire suppression systems. It is a network
Miscellaneous - These are buildings or structures or pipes and nozzles that releases water directly
that cannot be properly classified in any of the into a fire from overhead.
preceding occupancy group. Wet Pipe the most common type where water is
Detection System - it is used to sense fire/or smoke available in all sections of pipe at all times, under
alarm Signaling System - it is used to warm pressure and ready to be discharged. When this
occupants of the building of incipient fire. system operates, water issues only from those
Suppression System - it is used to limit the spread sprinklers in the vicinity of the fire. The operating
of fire and possibly extinguish it. mechanism is in the sprinkler.
Alarm Initiating Devices Dry Pipe the dry pipe sprinkler uses compressed
a. Manual it requires human actions to initiate a air or nitrogen gas pressure to keep water out of
fire alarm (e.g. the overhead pipes and limited to the riser until a
pull station). fire occurs. It is advantageous in environment
b. Automatic Detectors need not require human where freezing (cold) temperature is likely to occur.
actions. Preaction Sprinkler System in the preaction
1) Heat Detectors restorable type that sends a sprinkler, water is contained within the riser by a
signals when a certain air temperature is reached control valve that is activated by a fire detector
(e.g. bimetallic heat detector, rate- anticipation system. Overhead pipes contain air that may or
heat detector). may not be under pressure. It is activated by a
2) Smoke Detectors offers two mechanisms for separate detection system.
sensing smoke and other products of combustion Deluge Sprinkler System - this system operates in a
(obscuration and ionization). way that is similar to the preaction system, except
3) Flame Detectors sensitive to ultraviolet and that the sprinkler heads are always open. It is
infrared light emission. activated by a separate detection system that
4) Particle Sampling Detector - it detects specific opens the control valve.
gases associated with combustion, such as carbon 5. Combined Dry Pipe and Preaction Sprinkler
monoxide, the primary killer gas in fire. System - it retains air or nitrogen under pressure in
Audible Signaling Device - e.g. horn, gong, bell, the overhead pipes. A separate fire detection
siren, whistle, recorded voice tape or public system opens the control valve to fill the overhead
address system. lines with water before the sprinklers open. If the
Central Control Unit considered as the brain of the detection system fails for some reason, the
system, alarm initiating devices and audible sprinklers act as a dry pipe system.
signaling systems are linked to and monitored by
the central control unit or CCU. Standpipes and Hose System - standpipes are one
of the bestmeans for fighting fires in buildings and
structures and can be a welcome complement to
automatic sprinkler systems. ➤ Chief, BFP- fire safety inspection and imposition
of administrative fine up to P12,000
Inspection and Maintenance of fire Extinguishers: Cooling - to reduce the temperature. This is a direct
Once a fire extinguisher is purchased and installed, attack on the heat side of the fire tetrahedron.
it becomes the responsibility of the owner to Smothering- to separate the fuel from oxygen. This
maintain the extinguisher so that it remains fully can be considered as an attack on the edge of the
operable. To fulfill this responsibility, there should fire tetrahedron where the fuel and oxygen meet
be a program to provide for the periodic inspection (Aguado, 2000).
of each extinguisher and an effective extinguisher Oxygen Dilution - to reduce the amount of
maintenance program. available oxygen needed to sustain combustion.
This is an attack on the oxygen side of the
Fire extinguisher maintenance is a specialized tetrahedron.
activity and should be performed by competent Chain Breaking - to disrupt the chemical process
persons. Fire extinguishers are provided to protect that sustains the fire (the chain reaction side of the
life and property and there should be no doubt as tetrahedron) (Aguado, 2000)
to them reliability in time of emergency. Ø Water is a liquid between the temperatures of
0°C and 100°C (32°F and 212°F); at 100°C
Carbon dioxide extinguisher (212°F) it boils and turns to steam. Water
is an inert gas that extinguishes fires by smothering weighs about 1 kg/liter (8.5lbs/gal); fresh water
rather than by cooling. The heat-absorbing capacity weighs slightly less, and seawater slightly more.
of CO, is very limited, being only 10 % that of water. Water is primarily a cooling agent.
Dry powder extinguisher- These types of Ø It absorbs heat and cools burning materials
extinguishers are designed for use on Class D fires more effectively than any of the commonly
1. Service Test - a service test of an used extinguishing agents.
extinguisher is an operational test of the Ø It is most effective when it absorbs enough
extinguisher to see to it that it is operating heat to raise its temperature to 100°C (212 °F).
properly. This test is normally conducted at Wet Water - a type of water that has been treated
least once a year during the scheduled with a chemical agent to lower its surface tension.
maintenance cycles. The treated water penetrates porous (absorbent)
2. Hydrostatic test- is an internal pressure test materials, such as baled cotton and rolls of fabric,
check of an extinguisher cylinder or shell to more easily than plain water. Thus it can sink in and
detect possible failure under pressure. extinguish fires that have extended into the interior
Normally, during the testing the cylinder or of the bale or roll.
shell is filled with water (hydro). The test Thick Water - a type of water that has been treated
should be conducted immediately upon to decrease its ability to flow. It forms a thick wall
discovering of any indication of mechanical that clings to burning material and remains in place
injury or corrosion to those extinguishers longer than plain water.
which exert internal pressure. Rapid or Slippery Water - a type of water that has
City/Municipal Fire Marshal - responsible for the been added with small quantities of polyethylene
conduct of annual/periodic/regular safety oxide. This chemical reduces the viscosity
inspection. (thickness) of the water and the friction loss in hose
NCR District/Provincial Fire Marshal- lines. The result is an increase in the reach of the
verification/re-inspection as delegated authority stream.
from provincial Police Superintendent. Foam extinguishing agent, foam is a blanket of
bubble that extinguishes fire mainly by smothering.
➤ARD/Regional Fire Marshal - validation/re- The bubbles are formed by mixing water and foam-
inspection and imposition of administrative fine up making agent (foam concentrate). The result is
to P6, 000.00. called a foam solution. The various foam solutions
are lighter than the lightest flammable oils. combustion However, CO2 extinguishments take
Consequently, when applied to burning oils, they time. The concentration of carbon dioxide must be
float on the surface of the oil. maintained until all the fire is out. Concentration
Firefighting foam is used to form a blanket and patience are needed.
on the surface of flaming liquids, including oils. The Carbon dioxide is sometimes used to
blanket prevents flammable vapors from reaching protect areas containing valuable articles. Unlike
the fuel. Fire cannot exist when the fuel and oxygen water and some other agents, carbon dioxide
are separated. The water in the foam also has a dissipates without leaving a residue As mentioned
cooling effect, which gives foam its class A above, it does not conduct electricity and can be
extinguishing capability. used on live electrical equipment. However fire
A. Chemical Foam - chemical foam is formed by parties must maintain a reasonable distance when
mixing an alkali (usually sodium bicarbonate) with using Co2 extinguishers houseline front a semi
an acid (usually aluminum sulfate) in water. When portable system in high voltage gear.
chemical foam was first introduced, these Effectiveness - CO2 is not effective on substances
substances were stored in separate containers; they that contain their own oxygen (oxidizing agents). It
are combined in scaled airtight container. A is not effective on combustible metals such as
stabilizer is added to make the foam tenacious and sodium, potassium, magnesium and zirconium. In
long-lived. fact, when CO2 is used in burning magnesium, it
The premixed foam power may be stored in reacts with the magnesium to form carbon, oxygen
cans and introduced into the water during and magnesium oxide. The fire is intensified by the
firefighting operations. For this, a device called a addition of oxygen and carbon, a fuel.
foam hopper is used. Or, the two chemicals may be Outside Use - to be fully effective, the gas must be
premixed with water to form an aluminum sulfate confined. For this reason CO2 is not effective
solution and a sodium bicarbonate solution outside as it is in confined space. This does not
B. Mechanical (air) Foam mechanical foam is mean that it cannot be used outside. Portable CO2
produced by mixing foam concentrate with water extinguishers and hose lines have extinguished
to produce a foam solution. The bubbles are many fire in the open. An outside fire should be
formed by the turbulent mixing of air and the foam attacked from the windward side; the CO2 should
solution. As the name air foam implies, the bubbles be directed low with a sweeping motion for a spill
are filled with air. Aside from the workmanship and fire, or down at the center of a confined fire. The
efficiency of the equipment, the degree of mixing effective range for a portable CO2 fire extinguisher
determines the quality of the foam. The design of is about 1.5m (5 ft).
the equipment determines the quantity of foam Possibility of re-ignition - compared with water
produced. carbon dioxide has a very limited cooling capacity.
Carbon dioxide (CO) extinguishing item, his It may not cool the fuel below its ignition
lot bees approved for building installation as well as temperature, and it is more likely than other
Industrial occupancies. Inside the building, carbon extinguishing agents to allow reflash. When
dioxide has been approved for spaces containing portable CO2 extinguishers or hose lines from semi
internal combustion or gas turbine propulsion portable extinguishers are used, additional backup
machinery and other spaces. water hose lines should be brought to the scene, in
Carbon dioxide extinguishes fire mainly by case of live electrical equipment, an additional non-
smothering It dilutes the air surrounding the fire conducting agent must be brought to the scene.
until the oxygen content is too low to support Hazards - although carbon dioxide is not poisonous
combustion, For this reason it is effective on class B to the human system, it is suffocating in the
fires, where the main consideration is to keep the concentration necessary for extinguishments. A
flammable vapors separated from oxygen in the ale person exposed to this concentration would suffer
Cot has a very limited cooling effect. It can be used dizziness and unconsciousness. Unless removed
on class A fires in confined spaces, where the quickly to fresh air, the victim may die.
atmosphere may be diluted sufficiently to stop
Dry chemical extinguishing agents are any dry chemical extinguish used. a hose line as a
chemicals in powder form. Again this should not be back up when any dry chemicals extinguishers is
confused with dry powders, which are intended used.
only for combustible metal fires. Dry chemical agents extinguish fire by
1. Sodium Bicarbonate - it is the original dry cooling, smothering, shielding of radiant heat and
chemical extinguishing agent. It is generally to the greatest extent by breaking the combustion
referred to as regular dry chemical and is widely chain
used because it is most economical dry chemical Cooling - no dry chemical exhibits any great
agent. It is particularly effective on animal fais and capacity for cooling. However a small amount of
vegetable oil because it chemically changes these cooling takes place simply because the dry chemical
substances into nonflammable soaps. Thus, sodium is at lower temperature than the burning material.
bicarbonate is used widely in galley range hood and Heat is transferred from the hotter fuel to the
duct fires. There is one possible problem with cooler dry chemical when the latter is introduced to
sodium bicarbonate. Fire has been known to flash the fire. (Heat is always transferred from hotter
back over the surface of oil when this agent is used. body to a cooler. body. The greater the surface area
2. Potassium Bicarbonate - this dry chemical was and the temperature difference, the greater the
originally developed for AFFF in a twined system. heat transfer).
However it is commonly used alone, it has been Smothering - when dry chemical react with the
found to be most effective on liquid fuel fires in heat and burning material, some carbon dioxide
driving flames back and has a good reputation for and water vapor are produced. These dilute the
eliminating flashback. It is more expensive than fuel vapors and the air surrounding the fire. The
sodium bicarbonate. result is a limited smothering effect.
3. Potassium Chloride - chloride was developed as Shielding of Radiant Heat - dry chemical produces
dry chemical that would be compatible with protein an opaque cloud in the combustion area. This cloud
type foams. Its extinguishing properties are about reduces the amount of heat that is radiated back to
equal to those of potassium bicarbonate. One the heart of fire, je.. the opaque cloud absorbs
drawback is its tendency to cause corrosion after it some of the radiation feedback that is required to
has extinguished a fire. sustain the fire. Fewer vapors are produced, and
4. Urea Potassium Bicarbonate - this is a British
development of which the NFPA says, "Urea the fire becomes less intense. Chain Breaking -
potassium bicarbonate exhibits the greatest
effectiveness of all the dry chemicals tested". It is chain reactions are necessary for continued
not widely used because it is expensive. combustion. In these chain reactions, fuel and
5. Monoammonium Phosphate (ABC oxygen molecules are broken down by heat, they
multipurpose) - it is otherwise known as recombine into the new molecules giving off
multipurpose dry chemical because it can be additional heat. This additional heat breaks down
effective on class A, B and C fire. Ammonium salts more molecules, which then recombine and gives
interrupt the chain reaction of flaming combustion. off still more heat. The fire thus builds, or at least
The phosphate changes into methaphosphoric acid, sustains itself, through reactions that liberate
a glassy fusible material at fire temperatures, the enough heat to set off other reactions.
acid covers solid surfaces with a fire retardant Dry powders are the only extinguishing agents that
coating. Therefore, this agent can be used on fires can control and extinguish metal fires without
involving ordinary combustible materials such as causing violent reactions. Other extinguishing
wood and paper well as on fires involving agents may accelerate or spread the fire, injure
flammable oils, gases electrical equipment. personnel, cause explosions or create conditions
However, it may only control but not fully more hazardous than the original fire. Dry powders
extinguish a deep-seated fire. Complete act mainly by smothering although some agents
extinguishments may require the use In fact it is also provide cooling
always prudent to run out of a hose 4 backup when
to the citizenry not only during fire but also
Ladder It is a portable piece of equipment with in times of typhoons, floods, earthquakes,
rungs attached to sides made of metal, wood, or vehicular accidents, and various other
rope, used for climbing up or down. calamities. While its primary mission is to
Beam- Main structural member of a ladder serve the fire safety needs of the country,
supporting the rungs or rung blocks. the Fire Bureau is also active in rescue,
Solid beam ladder- - made of heavy hard wood evacuation, paramedic and relief operation
and/or lightweight metal alloys. in any life-threatening situation.
Trussed beam ladder-- a lightweight metal alloy • Section 51 of RA 6975 provides that "the
easier to handle and carry. Fire Bureau shall be headed by a Chief who
Uses of Solid Beam Ground Ladder shall be assisted by a deputy chief. It shall
1. Accessing Elevated Areas be composed of provincial offices, district
2. Overhaul Operations offices and city or municipal stations"
3. Tactical Ventilation (Tradio, 1997).
Uses of Trussed Beam • A INC
Ground Ladder • "At the provincial level, there shall be an
1. Rapid Deployment office of the provincial fire marshal which
2. Temporary Access shall implement the policies, plans and
3. Specialized Applications programs of the department, and monitor,
Advantages of Solid Beam Ground Ladder evaluate and coordinate the operations and
Stability activities of the Fire Service operating units
Durability at the city and municipal levels. In the case
Versatility of large provinces, district offices may be
Ease to use established, to be headed by a district fire
Advantages of Trussed Beam Ground Ladder marshal".
Lightweight • Director
Portability • Chief Superintendent
Flexibility • Senior Superintendent
Rapid Deployment • Superintendent
The Bureau of Fire Protection, referred to as the • Chief Inspector
Fire Bureau, was created under Rule VIII, section 49 • Senior Inspector Inspector
of Republic Act no. 6975 otherwise known as the • Senior Fire Officer IV
Department of Interior and Local Government • Senior Fire Officer III
(DILG) Act of 1990. Section 50 of the same act • Senior Fire Officer II
provides that "the Fire Bureau is responsible for the • Senior Fire Officer I
prevention and suppression of all destructive fires • Fire Officer III
on buildings, houses, and other structures, forests, • Fire Officer II
land transportation vehicles and equipment, ships • Fire Officer 1
or vessels docked at piers or wharves or anchored
in major seaports, petroleum industry installations,
plarte crashes and other similar incidents, as well
as the enforcement of the Fire Code and other
related laws" (Tradio, 1997).
The Fire Bureau is also empowered to investigate
all causes of fires and, if necessary, file the proper
complaints with the city or provincial prosecutor
who has jurisdiction over the case,
• The Fire Bureau is a community-oriented
government agency that provides assistance

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