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Sagar Kumar

A second-year Computer Science Engineering student at

Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullano
AddreH Jogadhri. IN 135003 Unkedln
Phone +9182953-43301
E-mall sogarpandeyg2, 13al09

fnthvs.losllc Computer Sci-ence student eoge1 for on entry..Jeve1Sortware Engineetmg rote. Goodln
Ofgonlzotion. leomwort... and probiem-.solvmg.Ready to contribute lo achieving company obiectives and gain
hands-on experience n real-world project§.

Development: Cross-PlatformDevelopment fRu1fer.
Ffreba,e) API Fetching, API Design (begrnner)
Languages: C++ (basic). Java (lntermed10le). SOL
(basic) Graphic Oeggnlng Skl'lls
Olher:Sottware Develapmer,f Life Cycie (SDLC). GH
Proficiency, Teomw0f1( and CoUobotohon. Problem Sotvlng

Work History

ExpectedIn 2026 Bachelor of Technology: Compuler Science Engineering
Mohanshl Markondeshwar Unlve ty. Amt>aJo. fnd10
• 8.1 CGPA mI3rd semester
• Reprehensive of Codex(Community ot Developers) club from 2nd year

2022 Senior Secondary Examination

Board of School Education Haryar,a. Bhlwonl - Hcryano, lndlo

2020 Secondary Examination

Boord OfschoolEducation Hc,yano • Ho,yana Ind/a

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