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Mentoring Code of Conduct

Intended Outcome of the Student Mentoring Programme

Taylor’s believes in actively creating supporting and intentional relationships based on mutual trust,
respect, and accountability that assist the newly enrolled students, including advanced standing
students, settle into College life and study towards achieving personal learning goals. As such, the
below outlines the expectations set on Mentor and Mentee.

Period of Mentoring: 2021


Meeting Frequency
1 Frequency At least 2 meetings
during the first a) 1st meeting: within 2 weeks after commencement*
semester b) 2nd meeting: around mid-semester / during Independent Learning
*Additional group meeting may need to be organized for mentee who
missed the 1st meeting with valid reason

2 Frequency At least 1 meeting

during a) 1st meeting: within 2 weeks after commencement (including GCA
subsequent discussion for bachelor degree students)
semester, when a) 2nd meeting (if needed by mentee): around mid-semester / during
applicable Independent Learning Week
3 Types of Group (face to face or online), 1 to 1 if required by mentee
4 Meeting Duration For group meeting, each meeting should be planned for a minimum of one
hour for a maximum of 20 students.

5 Follow up When the mentee does not turn up for meeting, mentor may escalate the
Meeting case to Student Success Advisor after one follow up email with mentee.

Roles and Responsibilities Mentee

Mentees ‘roles and responsibilities include but not limited to the following:
a) Show initiation in acquiring or improving skills and knowledge
b) Be open and honest on with his/her learning goals, expectations, challenges and concerns
c) Actively listen and question
d) Seek and be open to advice, opinion, criticism/feedback and direction from his/her mentor
e) Respect his/her mentors' time and resources and be on time for all mentoring sessions
f) Consider and be accountable for decision made

THE-STU-FORM-MCOC Rev.1.0 / Effective March 2021

g) Record and follow up on agreed actions
h) Maintain confidentiality

A mentee must not:

a) Use offensive language or transmit offensive images

b) pursue a romantic or sexual relationship with the Mentor
c) force a topic for discussion that the Mentor expresses unwillingness, reluctance, or
discomfort in discussing
d) seek medical, mental-health, or legal advice from the Mentor

Roles of the Mentor

A Mentor guides, challenges, motivates, inspires and encourages mentee to achieve his/her
learning goals. However, mentor will not decide on behalf of mentee. A Mentees success is not
depended on his or her Mentor. A Mentor only provide fresh perspectives to solving problems
which accelerates success in achieving the Mentees specific goals and objectives.

Mentor’s roles and responsibilities include but not limited to the following:
a) Create a supportive and trusting environment
b) Agree to and schedule uninterrupted time with his/her mentees
c) Stay accessible, committed, and engaged during the mentoring programme duration.
d) Give feedback to the mentee on his/her learning goals, situations, plans and ideas
e) Encourage the mentee by giving him/her genuine positive reinforcement
f) Maintain confidentiality


Please sign below to indicate that you have understood and agreed to the conditions and
guidelines as stated above and that you conform to the confidentiality agreement below.

I agree to the Code of Conduct for Mentees stated above.

I shall not disclose to any third party any personal details of my communications with my Mentor
without prior permission of my Mentor.

I understand that I may receive sensitive and personal information (including contact details)
throughout the mentoring duration. I understand that all information received and my discussion
with mentor and other mentees in my group must remain confidential and may not be discussed
with any person unless authorized by either the mentor, the mentee or as required by Law.

I agree to maintain this confidentiality everywhere and for all time, even after the end of my
mentoring duration.

I understand that I am potentially subjecting the College to sanctions and / or damages for violation
of the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 if I disseminate confidential information. Should I violate
any of the confidentiality requirements set forth above, I will be held accountable by the College for

THE-STU-FORM-MCOC Rev.1.0 / Effective March 2021

Violation of College policy; I will indemnify the College for any lost or damage and be subject to
disciplinary action and termination of mentoring relationship.

I will adhere to the meeting frequency. I understand that my reliability in attendance is critical to the

If I violate any of these rules, the College may suspend or terminate my participation as a Mentee
in the First Year Learning and Mentoring Programme.

If I observe any Participant behaving in a manner that violates the Taylor’s Mentoring Code of
Conduct for Mentors or the Taylor’s Mentoring Code of Conduct for Mentees, I shall promptly
report my observations to Taylor’s Mentoring staff.


Student ID No.: 0336557

Programme: Advance Diploma in patisserie and Gastronomy

Contact No.: 0149102287

Student’s Signature: ___________________________________ Date: 5/9/2021

THE-STU-FORM-MCOC Rev.1.0 / Effective March 2021


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