Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 PTS

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Langkah Pengerjaan:

1. Isilah Nama, No. Absen, dan Kelas.

2. Kerjakan soal sesuai perintahnya.
- Untuk pilihan ganda, klik pada lingkaran huruf di depan jawaban yang benar.
- Untuk Isian dan Uraian, ketik jawaban di kotak yang disediakan.
3. Setelah semua soal selesai kamu jawab, Save jawabanmu.
4. Kirimkan kepada gurumu melalui WhatsApp atau email.


No. Absen


A. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar! Setiap Soal

Bernilai 2 poin.

1. It’s … now.

a. half past seven

b. quarter to eight

c. quarter to seven

d. quarter past seven

2. What do you say to ask the time?

a. Do you know what time it is?

b. It’s eleven o’clock.

c. I don’t have time to hang out.

d. This is the right time to study.

3. Eni : …
Tomi : It’s quarter past six.

a. Would you please give me your time?

b. I need your time.

c. It’s the wrong time to go out.

d. Have you got the time on you?

4. “It’s quarter past four.”

Which picture shows the correct time?




5. I always do homework at ….

a. twenty past seven

b. quarter to seven

c. half past seven

d. seven o’clock

6. “It’s quarter past ten.”

“Quarter past ten” means ….

a. 30 minutes after ten

b. 30 minutes before ten

c. 15 minutes after ten

d. 15 minutes before ten

7. Dika :
Do you know what time it is?

Nino : ...

a. It’s half past two.

b. What do you mean?

c. What time is it now?

d. Are you sure?

8. I always jog at ….

a. fi ve o’clock

b. half past fi ve

c. quarter past fi ve

d. quarter to six

9. Father … at 06.30 in the morning.

a. drives to work

b. washes the car

c. cuts the grass

d. reads a newspaper

10. What do you say to ask about a daily activity connected to the

a. Is it ten o’clock?

b. I know the time.

c. Do you study at eight o’clock?

d. I have lunch at one o’clock.

11. Ayu : What does Rio do at one o’clock?
Tari : ...

a. He naps.

b. He cycles.

c. He jogs.

d. He dances.

12. What do you say to tell about your daily activity connected to the time?

a. It’s half past one.

b. I’m having lunch.

c. I have lunch at twelve o’clock.

d. I had lunch.

13. “I have dinner at seven o’clock.”

The bold word can be replaced with ‘….’

a. cook

b. eat

c. fi nish

d. skip
14. I … clothes at 02.30 in the afternoon.

a. iron

b. buy

c. wash

d. sell

15. What do you do at four o’clock?

a. I do homework.

b. I play the guitar.

c. I have snacks.

d. I take a bath.

16. Mrs. Ayu … for daily needs at ten o’clock.

The correct verb to fi ll in the blanks is ….

a. shops

b. gets

c. has

d. takes
17. These phrases are used to tell “how often”, except ….
a. once a week

b. every day

c. last night

d. on Sundays

18. Which adverb of frequency shows something done many


a. Often.

b. Last month.

c. Now.

d. Next week.

19. Father usually … at 06.30 in the evening.

a. exercises

b. writes a letter

c. goes to bed

d. relaxes

20. The Indonesian of ‘never’ is ‘….’

a. jarang b. tidak pernah c.

selalu d. ada kalanya

21. “I sometimes have breakfast at seven o’clock.”

The underlined word in the sentence above means ….

a. on some occasions

b. never

c. seldom

d. every hour

22. M – y – l – l – r – a – n – o

The correct word is ‘….’

a. actually

b. normally

c. usually

d. occasionally

23. Rian swims all the time in the swimming pool. It means that he
… swims.

a. always

b. never

c. seldom

d. soon

24. The English of ‘setiap hari’ is ‘….’

a. once a day

b. every week

c. every day

d. now
25. Normally, father comes back from the offi ce at fi ve o’clock.

‘Normally’ can be replaced with ‘….’

a. slowly

b. quickly

c. surely

d. usually

Setiap Soal
B. Isilah dengan jawaban yang benar! Bernilai 2 poin.

1. (11.00) It is now.

2. (11.15) It is now.

3. (11.30) It is now.


I at three o’clock in the afternoon.


I at 03.30 in the afternoon.


I at fi ve o’clock in the morning.

7. S – l – a – y – w – a

The correct word is ‘ ’.

8. The English of ‘jarang’ is ‘ ’.

9. The English of ‘setiap pagi’ is ‘ ’.

10. ‘Every day’, ‘most evenings’, and ‘once a week’ are to tell
“ ”.

C. Isilah dengan jawaban yang benar! Setiap Soal

Bernilai 6 poin.

1. “It’s half past nine.”

What does “half past nine” mean?

2. What does the girl in the picture do at six o’clock in the

3. Write a sentence that tells about a daily activity connected to
the time!

4. “Mother always cleans up the house at eight o’clock in the

What does the sentence tell about?

5. Mention three words that show adverbs of frequency and can

be put in the mid position!


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