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Margarida Ferreira de Lima

Bruna Kazeker

Lívia Ramos

Lara Lundgren

English 9A

Bom Jesus Centro


Romeo returns:

Romeo: It’s easy to joke about scars if you’ve never felt a wound.

Juliet enters:

Romeo: ( remains unseen) There rises my beautiful Juliet, shining brighter than the moon,
for virginity makes her look sick and pale. I wish that beautiful creature knew how much
I crave for her touch and wish to see the way her eyes shine as the brightest stars in the
navy blue sky above us, the only secret witness of my dangerous lovesickness. I love that
girl, not only to the moon, but further, to Uranus.

Juliet: ( not knowing she's being heard) Oh, my poor foolish heart!

Romeo: ( to himself ) Please, speak again, glorious angel of mine!

Juliet: Oh, Romeo! Let slip from your memory your name and family, or just tell me you
love me, and I shall not be a Capulet any longer.

Romeo: Should I speak now, or should I keep listening?

Juliet: Your name is my only enemy. Trade it, and take all of me in exchange.

Romeo: ( speaking to her )I trust your words. Call me your love, and I shall never be
called Romeo again.
Juliet: ( not seeing him) Who are you, stalking me in the night, hidden by the shadows?

Romeo: I can’t give you the answer you need, since my name is your only true enemy.

Juliet: I recognize your voice. Aren’t you Romeo? Aren’t you a Montague?

Romeo: I’m neither of those things if you are not pleased by them.

Juliet: How did you get here? If you get caught, you shall be killed!

Romeo: Nothing is an obstacle for a lover, be it fate, death or your relatives.

Juliet: If they see you, you will be murdered for sure.

Romeo: One angry look for you scares me more than their swords, weapons or hatred.
Look at me like you love me, and I shall be invincible, for the only thing I truly fear is
losing your love.

Juliet: I’d do anything to keep them from catching you.

Romeo: The shadows shall keep me safe, but if you don’t love me, then let them find me,
for death is the kindest fate I can wish for if you are not by my side.

Juliet: However, who told you how to get here?

Romeo: Love showed me the way, and Cupid himself gave me his wings when he ordered
me to come and fly over these walls, for love is precious, just like time, and both shall not
be wasted.

Juliet: Don’t talk vainly like that about love, for my love is a serious thing. Just say you
love me if you mean it truly, for my fragile heart is already yours to break.

Romeo: I swear by the moon my love is…

Juliet: Don’t swear by the moon, for she’s always changing.

Romeo: What should I swear by, then?

Juliet:I’d rather you not to swear at all, but if you must, swear by your handsome self,
which is the only god I truly worship.

Romeo: If my heart’s dear love…

Juliet: Thinking twice, don’t swear. This feeling is too sudden, but I hope our love thrives
the next time we meet.

Romeo: Oh, so are you going to leave me so unsatisfied?

Juliet: What satisfaction could you hope to get tonight?

Romeo: I’d be satisfied if we made each other true promises of love.

Juliet: I'm afraid you'll have to give me na example (giggles).

Romeo: Of course. Do you want to know what's the best thing in my life?

Juliet: What is it?

Romeo: The first word in that sentence.

Nurse: Girl, your mother is calling.

Juliet: I promised my love to you before you asked me to, and now I wish I could take
that back so I could give it to you one more time. I hear a noise inside- just a minute,
lovely nurse- Dear love, goodbye. Stay here for a little longer, and I shall come back to
you soon.

Romeo: Before you go my love, can you tell me something? Are you a target?

Juliet: I'm afraid not. Why do you ask?

Romeo: Because I am already missing you.

Juliet: By the gods... ( rolls eyes)

Juliet leaves


It was hard to write as a group, since our ideas were most times contrasting, but we have
managed to do it ( we honestly don't know how). The thing we changed the most from the
draft was the way we wrote it, because it was too similar to the book itself, but the part we
enjoyed the most was deciding what parts to keep and what parts to throw away (we wee
especially cautious with the mention to virginity in the beginning), dor it was the funniest
one, and we think we did it pretty well.

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