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六年甲班 座號:__________ 姓名:____________ 家長簽名______________

聽力:30% 口試:10%

一、Listen and Circle 仔細聽,圈出正確的音組:(每題1分, □ The pants are two hundred and fifty dollars.
共10分) 四、Listen and Choose 仔細聽,選出正確的句子:(每題1分
1.s___ll a e ,共5分)
1.( ) It’s warm in spring.
2.h___p o u
It’s hot in summer.
3.m___th a i It’s cold in winter.
2.( ) It’s warm in spring.
4.f___x a e I can swim in summer.
Her favorite season is spring.
5.w___t ai oa 3.( ) What’s your favorite season?
What’s his favorite season?
6.sk___ll e i What’s her favorite season?
4.( ) It’s seven hundred and thirty-five dollars.
7.pl___g o u
It’s six hundred and twenty-five dollars.
8.s___ ee ue It’s seven hundred and twenty-five dollars.
5.( ) They’re three hundred and fifty dollars.
9.d___sk e i They’re two hundred and forty dollars.
They’re two hundred and fifty dollars.
10.p___t o a
五、Spoken English Exam:請仔細聽老師問的發音或對話:
二、Listen and Write 仔細聽,寫出正確的單字:(每題1分,
(共10 分) SCORE:_____________
1.How much are these / the pants?(2%)
_____________ 2.Is winter your favorite season ? (2%)
2. 3.What season is it now? (2%)
_____________ 4.Say the word “tub.” (2%)
3. 5.Say the word “bay.”(2%)

三、Listen and Check 仔細聽,勾選出符合對話內容的句子:

1.□ Her favorite season is winter.
□ Judy likes fall.
2.□ Sam’s favorite season is spring.
□ Sam’s favorite season is summer.
3.□ The boy likes summer.
□ The boy likes spring.
4.□ The hat is three hundred dollars.
□ The skirt is three hundred dollars.
5.□ The shorts are two hundred and forty dollars.

彰化縣內安國小 111 學年度第二學期第二次定期評量六年級英語科試卷

六年甲班 座號:__________ 姓名:____________ 家長簽名______________

六、Look and Choose 看圖選出句中的單字:(每題 1 分,共
10 分)

6. ( )
The ___ is six hundred dollars.
1. ( ) ○
1 jacket ○
2 dress ○3 T-shirt
I like fall. It’s ___.

1 cool ○ 2 cold ○
3 hot

7. ( )
2. ( )
The ___ is seven hundred dollars.
How much is the ___? ○
1 coat ○
2 dress ○3 jacket

1 dress ○2 skirt ○3 T-shirt

8. ( )
How much is the ___?
3. ( )

1 dress ○
2 hat ○
3 skirt
The ___ are ninety dollars.

1 pants ○
2 shorts ○3 shoes

9. ( )
4. ( ) It’s ___ in summer.
How much are the ___? ○
1 warm ○2 cold ○3 hot

1 dress ○2 jeans ○3 shorts

10. ( )
It’s ___ in winter.
5. ( )

1 warm ○2 cold ○ 3 cool
The ___ are ninety dollars.

1 pants ○
2 shorts ○3 shoes


七、Look and Check 看圖勾選正確的句子:(每題 2 分,共 10 5.

□ Her favorite season is winter.

□ His favorite season is fall.
□ The shoes are nine hundred and sixty dollars.
□ His favorite season is winter.
□ The pants are six hundred and ninety dollars.
八、Unscramble 句子重組:(每題 2 分,共 10 分)
1. T-shirt / seven / . / The / dollars / is / hundred
□ The shorts are sixty-nine dollars.
is / much / jacket / ? / the / How
2. much / are / ? / shorts and belts / How / the

3. pants / four / ninety / The / . / dollars / and / are / hundred

4. skirt / thirty / . / dollars / The / is / and / hundred / six
□ The jacket is eight hundred and ninety-five dollars.

□ The dress is eight hundred and fifty dollars.

5. is /? / much / the / jacket / How

□ The jacket is eight hundred and fifty-nine dollars.

3. 九、Read and Choose 文法選擇:(每題 1 分,共 15 分)
1.( ) It’s cool ___ fall.

1 in ○ 2 on ○3 at

2.( ) ___ favorite season is fall.

1 He ○ 2 My ○3 You

$250 3.( ) A: What’s your favorite season?

B: ___ favorite season is summer.
□ The skirt is three hundred and fifty dollars.
1 Its ○
○ 2 you ○ 3 Our

4.( ) ___ favorite season is summer.

□ The skirt is two hundred and fifty dollars.

1 He ○ 2 I ○ 3 Her

5.( ) ___ cold in winter.

□ The skirt is two hundred and five dollars.
1 Its ○
○ 2 It ○
3 It’s

4. 6.( ) What’s ___ favorite season?

1 She ○ 2 he’s ○ 3 his

7.( ) My mom’s favorite season ___ spring.

1 are ○
○ 2 is ○ 3 am

8.( ) A: What’s your favorite season?

$180 B: My favorite ___ is fall.

1 museum ○ 2 ball ○ 3 season
□ The dress is one hundred and eight dollars.
9.( ) ___ much is the T-shirt?

1 Who ○ 2 How ○3 What
□ The T-shirts is one hundred and eighteen dollars.
10.( ) How much ___ the jeans?
1 am ○
○ 3 are 背面還有試題
2 is ○
□ The T-shirt is one hundred and eighty dollars.
11.( ) The ___ is four hundred dollars.

1 pants ○2 shorts ○3 cap ( )(5) ○
A hundreds ○
B dollars ○
C hundred
12.( ) How much is the ___?

1 dress ○
2 pants ○
3 jeans

13.( ) A: How much are the coats?

B: ___ three hundred dollars.
1 I’m ○
○ 2 They’re ○3 It’s

14.( ) A: How much ___ the jacket?

B: ___ five hundred dollars.

1 is; They’re

2 is; It’s

3 are; They’re

15.( ) A: How ___ is the belt(皮帶)?
B: It’s six hundred dollars.

1 some ○ 2 many ○ 3 much
十、Read and Write 看中文完成句子:(每題 1 分,共 10 分)
1. 你特別喜歡哪個季節?

_____ your _____ season?

2. 他特別喜歡夏天。

____ favorite season is ____.

3. 我特別喜歡冬天。

My favorite _____ is _____.

4. 這件短褲要六百四十九元。

The _____ are six hundred and

_____ dollars.
5. 這件夾克多少錢?

_____ much is the _____?

十一、Fill In 讀短文或對話,填選正確的答案:(每題 1 分,
共 5 分)
1. Penny: Excuse me. Where can I find pants?
Clerk: Follow me, please. We have blue and black _(1)
_ here.
Penny: How much_(2)_ the black pants?
Clerk: _(3)_ are six hundred dollars.
Penny: OK. I want the black pants. I also need a dress.
Clerk: The pink dress is on sale now.
Penny: How _(4)_ is it?
Clerk: It’s three _(5)_ and fifty dollars.
Penny: Great. I can buy them together.
*clerk 店員 find 找到 buy 買

( )(1) ○
A jeans ○
B pants ○
C shoes

( )(2) A
○ are B
○ is ○
C am

( )(3) A
○ They B
○ They’re C It’s

( )(4) ○
A much ○
B many ○
C name

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