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vocabulary list 4°eso

unit 1
primary secondary school = primaria / secundaria
boarding school = internado
attend = asistir
degree / career = titulo universitario
do well/ do badly = hacer bien/hacer mal
recess = break = recreo
qualifications = marks = notas
pass / fail essay = aprobar suspender
principal = headteacher = director
read out = leer en voz alta
stay behind = quedarse (remain)
join in = participar
give out = repartir
try out = probar
hand in = entregar
put off = posponer
get on = subirse
break up (for holidays) = irse de vacaciones
note down = anotar
get in = entrar
go for = intentar
figure out = imaginar o suponer
aware of = darse cuenta de
huge = enorme
mindset = mentalidad
good / bad at = bueno / malo en
skills = habilidades
failure = fracaso
reward = premio
focus on = concentrado en
do smth for someone's own sake = hacer algo por tu propio beneficio

unit 2
Concert venue = lugar donde se hace el concierto
Genre = genero
Debut album = primer album de un cantante
Kitten = gato peque
Background music = musica de fondo
Outrangeous = extravagante
Musical talent = talento musical
Turn out = apagar
Go solo = cuando un cantante deja su banda para empezar su carrera solo
On the whole = en su conjunto (overall)
Lead singer = cantante principal
Perform = actuar
Massive hit = una cancion muy famosa
Request = solicitar pedir
The charts = playlists
Devoted fan = muy fan
Release a track = lanzar una cancion
Tour the world / Go on a tour = hacer un tour
Give a performance = dar un concierto
unit 3
threaten TO = amenazar con
warn TO = advertir a
order TO = ordenar a
deny + V(-ing) or that clause = negar
claim + V(-ing) or that clause = afirmar
suggest + V(-ing) or that clause = sugerir
accuse OF + V(-ing) = acusar
confess TO + V(-ing) = confesar
pick on someone = molestar
fall out with = enfadarse con alguien
get on (well) with = llevarse bien con alguien
take after = cuidar de
identify with = sentise identificado
talk someone into something = convencer a alguien
depend on = confiar en

unit 9
pay = pagar
rent = alquilar
owe = deber
cost = costar
earn = ahorrar
win = ganar
spend (on) = gastar en
waste = desperdiciar
save = ahorrar
buy = comprar
sell = vender
afford = poder permitirselo
invest = invertir
lend = prestar
borrow = tomar prestado
(at the) cashpoint = cajero
Balance = balance
debit/credit card = tarjeta de debito
budget = presupuesto
allowance = prestamo
savings = ahorros
bargain = ganga
fee = tarifa
income = ingreso
earnings = ahorros
discount = descuento
live on = vivir de
pay off = terminar de pagar
take out = sacar dinero
to earn a living = ganarse la vida
it costs an arm and a leg = cuesta mucho dinero
to bring home the bacon = traer dinero a casa
money doesn't grow on trees = el dinero no crece en los arboles
unit 7
(un) predictable = predecible
Complex = complejo
issue = tema/problemas
plot = trama
eventually = finalmente
stunning = maravilloso
fairy = hada
drive someone mad = volver a alguien loco
illustration = ilustracion
major role/character = personaje principal
to cut a long story short = para cortar una historia larga
minor role/character = personaje secundario
be based on = estar basado en
amusement = diversion
moving = emocional
novel = novela
opening / closing chapter = capitulo principal o capitulo final

disappointed with
nervous about
suitable for
addicted to
keen on
annoyed by
surprised at
furious with

unit 11
driverless = sin conductor
smart = inteligente
wireless = sin cables
portable = facil de transportar
interactive = interactivo
affordable = asequible
endless = sin fin
drone = dron
fitness tracker = pulsera entrenamiento
white board = pizarra
portable charger = cargador portatil
smart speaker = altavoz inteligente
smartwatch = reloj inteligente
video game console = video consola
virtual reality headset = gafas realidad virtual
wireless headset = auriculares inalambricos
device = dispositivo
connect to = conectar
on the internet = en internet
ink = tinta
deliver = entregar
on sale = en rebajas
purchase = comprar
Impact on = impactar
Misuse = mal uso
unit 12
thoughtful = considerado
insensitive = insensible
optimistic = optimista
pessimistic = pesimista
generous = generoso
mean = tacaño
easy-going = tranquilo
bad-tempered = mal genio
patient = paciente
impatient = impaciente
reliable = confiable
unreliable = poco confiable
honest =honesto
dishonest = deshonesto
sociable = sociable
shy = timido

unit 17
controversial = polemico
stunning = maravilloso
remarkable = notable
bizarre = raro
conventional = convencional
humorous = humoristico
dramatic = dramatico
unique =unico
abstract = abstracto
classic = clasico
contemporary = contemporaneo
powerful = poderosa
exhibition = exposicion
artwork = obra de arte
spread = desparramar

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