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COURSE TITLE: Mental Health


Course Description:

This course deals with individuals having mental and psychiatric disorders; students will
focus on communication and different management, assessment and therapeutics applied
to individuals and their families with appropriate nursing care.


This course focuses on the role of the professional nurse in the care of individuals with
psychiatric/mental health problems and their families. The student examines major mental
health problems across the lifespan, treatment modalities, and specific intervention strategies.
Selected clinical experiences in a variety of health care settings facilitate the development of
knowledge and skill

Course topics (syllabus):

1- Introduction:
a. Mental Health and mental illness
a. The causes of mental illness

2. Depressive disorders
a. Major depressive disorder
b. Antidepressants

3. Bipolar and related disorders

a. Mood stabilizers
4. Anxiety disorders
a. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
b. Panic disorders: Panic attack- Specific phobia- social phobia- Agoraphobia
c. Anxiolytics

5. Suicide and self-harm

6. Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders

7. Schizophrenia

8. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

9. Substance-related and addictive disorders

a. Alcohol
b. Cannabis
c. Opioid
d. Stimulant (Cocaine, Amphetamine, etc.)

10. Somatic symptom and related disorders: Somatic symptom disorder

11. Feeding and eating disorder

a. Bulimia nervosa
b. Anorexia nervosa

12. Neurocognitive disorders

a. Delirium
b. Dementia (Alzheimer, vascular, etc.)

13. Neurodevelopmental disorders

a. Autism
b. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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