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Wires and Headphones holder

Compents boxes
NOTE: Here use of () at which direction it closes

Todo List


Extension holders
Laptop Holder
Portable Desk Organiser
Portable desk organizer is the organizer which can help adults,childrens who
works on the desk can organize their use of things

This is the part of organizer this are the three pouches which can we stick and
we can remove after it uses it has a sticky nature which we can stick to the

This are book holders where we can organize the books and we can keep it on
holder this bookholder makes the customer to find the books easily . customer
can find books from the bookholder easily because it is transparent .

This is the small study lamp fixed to organizer sheet . it is portable and we can
also use in remote areas where electricity is not present .And we can use this
study light bby two ways it can runn by the extension and also the small
powerbank which is innbuilt in the table organizer
This is small holder where we can keep a ellectronicgadets like headphones and
we can also keep I’ds this holder is portable and customer can remove if he
didn’t like use holder

This is small attachement in organizer where we can clip our work papers and
customer can fell comfort when he is working with papres

This is the white board where customer can practice their problems and they
can use on customers uses

Concept Explanation Of The Following Prototype :

The prototype is a portable desk organizer designed to provide a

range of storage and organization options for a variety of items
commonly used on a desk.

The organizer includes the following components:

 A laptop holder, which likely has a flat surface to hold the

laptop and some kind of support to keep it in place.
 A papers holder, which could be a tray or compartment
attached to the laptop holder, providing a space to store
papers, notebooks, or other small items.
 A todo list, which could be a whiteboard or a piece of paper
attached to the organizer, serving as a reminder of tasks to be
 A wires and headphones holder, which could be a small tray or
hook attached to the organizer, providing a place to keep
headphones or charging cables organized.
 Components boxes, which could be small boxes or
compartments attached to the organizer, providing additional
storage space for small items.
 Extension holders, which could be extendable arms or clips
attached to the organizer, providing a place to hold additional
items such as a phone or a tablet.
 A light, which could be attached to the organizer to provide
illumination for the work surface.
 The organizer is designed to be portable, allowing users to
easily move it from one location to another as needed. The
various components provide a range of storage and
organization options, making it easy to keep items organized
and within reach.

Overall, the concept of the prototype is to provide a functional and

portable desk organizer that can help users stay organized and
productive, whether they are working at a desk, on a couch, or in a
coffee shop.
Use Of Language For The Following Prototype :

First, the use of simple and straightforward language made it easy for users to
understand the various components of the organizer and how they fit together.
Each component was described in a single word or short phrase, making it easy
to quickly grasp the purpose and function of each part.

Second, the use of notes to indicate the direction that certain components
close provided helpful context for users. This made it easier to assemble and
use the organizer, as users could easily understand how the various
components were intended to be oriented.

Third, the use of clear and concise language made it easy for users to quickly
understand the concept of the organizer and how it could be used to create a
functional and portable workspace. The list of components was presented in a
logical and organized manner, making it easy to see how the various parts fit
together to create a cohesive whole.

Overall, the language used in the context contributed to the user-friendliness

of the portable desk organizer by making it easy for users to understand the
various components, how they fit together, and how they could be used to
create a functional and portable workspace. The use of simple and clear
language, along with helpful notes and a logical presentation, made the
organizer accessible and user-friendly for a wide range of users.

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