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-- The story is set in London and follows the life of a 16-year-old boy named Link

who has a difficult past and runs away from home to escape his abusive stepfather.
- Link ends up living on the streets and has to beg for money to survive.
- He meets a group of homeless people who sell magazines to make money and ends up
working with them.
- He becomes friends with a boy named Gail who tells him about a man named Shelter
who helps homeless people, but Link becomes suspicious of Shelter's activities and
decides to investigate him.
- Link discovers that Shelter is involved in a plan to get rid of homeless people
in the city and decides to expose him.
- He and his friends successfully infiltrate Shelter's group and gather evidence of
their illegal activities, which they share with the police leading to Shelter and
his group being arrested.
- Throughout the novel, Swindells highlights the difficulties that homeless people
face and the dangers they encounter on the streets.
- The novel also explores themes of abuse, betrayal, survival, and the importance
of friendship and loyalty.
- The title 'Stone Cold' refers to the phrase "stone-cold sober," meaning
completely sober, which is ironic as the characters in the novel are often under
the influence of alcohol or drugs.

1. Chapter 1: The story starts with a young boy named Link, who is a runaway and
living on the streets of London. He is struggling to survive and has to beg for
money to buy food.

2. Chapter 2: Link meets a man named Ginger who offers him a job and a place to
stay. Ginger is part of a group of homeless people who live in an abandoned
building and make money by selling magazines.

3. Chapter 3: Link starts working with the group and learns more about their daily
routine. They sell magazines during the day and return to their shelter at night.
They are careful to avoid the police and other dangers in the city.

4. Chapter 4: Link makes friends with a boy named Gail, who tells him about a man
named Shelter who helps homeless people. Gail also tells Link about a girl named
Eileen who disappeared after working with Shelter.

5. Chapter 5: Link decides to investigate Eileen's disappearance and asks Ginger

for help. Ginger warns him to be careful and not to get involved in anything

6. Chapter 6: Link visits Shelter's office and sees a picture of Eileen on his
desk. Shelter tells him that Eileen left because she found a job and a place to
stay. Link is suspicious and decides to investigate further.

7. Chapter 7: Link follows Shelter and sees him talking to a man in a black car. He
suspects that Shelter is involved in something illegal.

8. Chapter 8: Link shares his suspicions with Ginger and they decide to follow
Shelter and the man in the black car. They see them meeting with a group of men in
a warehouse.

9. Chapter 9: Link and Ginger try to get closer to the warehouse to hear what the
men are talking about. They hear them discussing a plan to get rid of homeless
people in the city.

10. Chapter 10: Link and Ginger are discovered by the men and have to run for their
lives. They manage to escape but are now in danger.
11. Chapter 11: Link decides to go to the police and tell them about the plan to
get rid of homeless people. He meets with a detective named Leeming who listens to
his story but doesn't seem to take him seriously.

1. The story takes place in London and focuses on the struggles of homeless people
living on the streets.

2. The main character, Link, is a young runaway who is trying to survive on his

3. Link meets a group of homeless people who sell magazines to make money.

4. He becomes friends with a boy named Gail who tells him about a man named Shelter
who helps homeless people.

5. Link becomes suspicious of Shelter and investigates his activities.

6. He discovers that Shelter is involved in a plan to get rid of homeless people in

the city.

7. Link tries to expose Shelter and his group but is met with resistance from the

8. He takes matters into his own hands and plans to gather evidence against Shelter
and his group.

9. Link and his friends successfully infiltrate Shelter's group and gather evidence
of their illegal activities.

10. They share the evidence with the police and Shelter and his group are arrested.

11. Link is hailed as a hero for his bravery and determination to help homeless

12. Chapter 12: Link and Ginger are attacked by a group of men who are trying to
silence them. They manage to fight them off and escape once again.

13. Chapter 13: Link decides to take matters into his own hands and plans to expose
Shelter and his group. He asks Ginger and Gail for their help.

14. Chapter 14: Link and his friends come up with a plan to infiltrate Shelter's
group and gather evidence of their illegal activities.

15. Chapter 15: Link and his friends successfully infiltrate Shelter's group and
gather evidence of their plan to get rid of homeless people. They share the
evidence with the police and Shelter and his group are arrested. Link is hailed as
a hero for his bravery and determination to help homeless people.

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