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Shree Devi Institute of Technology

Coders Nexus
In association with
Department of CSE, ISE, AIML and AIDS
Sankalp 2024 an Intra-departmental Technical Competition

Event Details
Sl No Event Name Faculty Coordinator Student Coordinator
1 Algorithmic Alchemy Ms.Amulya Dhanya Kamat
2 DarkDecode Mr.Abhishek G Ketan
3 ErrorEliminator Ms.Tejakshi N S Abhishek K & Sumant
4 WebWiz Mrs.Nishmitha M R Abhijeeth &Vaibhav
5 Paper Perspectives Mr.Pawan S ,Ms Meenakshi Hreshikesha
6 MindMatrix Ms.Spoorthi Sarthak
7 CodeClash Ms Kavitha, Ms Sowjanya Dheeraj & Shafaaz
8 TechTalks Mr.Pawan S Sneha Talekar

1.Algorithmic Alchemy:
-The art of pattern coding

Each team will have maximum two participants

Round 1:
 Code will be given in a sheet, you are supposed to find a pattern (without using pc).
 Ex:
for i in range(0,6):
Print(2 * I * ’ * ’)
Print((2*i+1)* ‘$’)

Round 2:
 Depending on registration, team will be chosen for next round.
 Pattern will be given/displayed, the team is supposed to write the code.
-The challenge of Blind Coding
Each team will have maximum two participants
Simple coding problem will be given.
Screen will not be visible.

Round 1:
 Extra sheet will be provided to write the code and then run.

Round 2:
 No sheet will be provided.
 The direct execution of program.

3. ErrorEliminator:
-Slaying Software Errors
Each team will have maximum two participants
Round 1:
 multiple choice question will be given need to choose the correct option in given time
 Based on different language and syntax

 Debug the error and run

-Mastering the art of web designing
Each team will have maximum two participants
 Ensure no external resource, including the internet, are used during the competition.
 Each team will receive a partially designed website in HTML,CSS and JS
 Team are allowed to use HTML,CSS,JS and popular frontend frameworks
 Judgement will be based on responsive design improvement, creativity and functionality

5.Paper Perspectives:
-Exploring the ideas on paper
Each team will have maximum two participants
 Topics are to be submitted during registration.
-Engaging in tech quiz mastery
Each team will have maximum two participants

 No mobile phone
 Question will be displayed on screen
 Winner will be qualified based on maximum correct answer

-The ultimate tech gaming challenge
Individual Event
 Game will be revealed on spot
 Individual participation

-Sharing insights on tech innovation
Individual Event
 Pick the tech topic and speak

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