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Alcohol in solid sample

Standard: Ethanol

IS: n-butanol , 10000ppm

Solution stock conc Analyte Makeup IS volume Target conc IS conc

code volume volume
A 10000 0.5 10 0.1 500 100
B 10000 0.1 10 0.1 100 100
C 10000 0.05 10 0.1 50 100
D 10000 0.02 10 0.1 20 100
E 10000 0.01 10 0.1 10 100

1. weigh 12.5g sample in digestion tube.

2. Distill for around 8 mins, collect about 220 mL solution in conical flask or 250ml measuring
cylinder. (No need add alkaline)
3. To a 250mL v.flask, add 2.5mL 10000ppm IS.
4. Transfer to 250mL volumetric flask.
5. Mark up with water.


Perform blank.

Perform Spike: 10000ppm 0.5ml into sample, 2 trials. (by sample 400ppm, by solution 20ppm)


DON’T use Ethanol to rinse /wash the system, use alkaline.

Instrument: GC-FID

Column: Innowax

Wash solvent on GC: A:H2O, B:Acetone

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