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The Lost Heir

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Sirius Black/Tom Riddle | Voldemort
Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Albus
Dumbledore, Viktor Krum, Luna Lovegood, Fred Weasley, George
Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Original Male Character(s),
Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Original Snake Character
Additional Tags: Dark Harry Potter, BAMF Harry Potter, MOD Harry Potter, Sassy
Draco, Lowkey Sugar Daddy Harry Potter, Touch him and Die Harry
Potter, Harry Potter is a Little Shit, Harry Potter is Obsessed with Draco
Malfoy, Draco Malfoy is Obsessed with Harry Potter, Good Father
Voldemore/Tom Riddle, Harry Potter is the Heir to the House of Black,
Jealousy Makes you Dumb, Misunderstandings, Aged up characters,
shamelessly made up family trees, Anyone I want will be Wizard/Witch,
Just enough Evil Dumbledore, Stupid Dumbledore, Sirius Black is the
best dad, Ron is an idiot, Hermione is an idiot, Ginny is an idiot, The
twins are cool tho, accidentally on purpose marriage contracts, Marriage
Contracts, No beta we die like the authors moral compass when the bad
guy is hot af
Language: English
Collections: Harry Potter Fanfic Must Reads, sleep deprivation never bothered me
anyway or whatever elsa said, Fanfics merecedoras de Kudos
Stats: Published: 2022-03-24 Completed: 2022-08-30 Words: 170,812
Chapters: 26/26
The Lost Heir
by RiddleMeThis1926


Harry disappeared from his families house as a child and never made it to Hogwarts. In an
effort to find him Dumbledore planned the Twiwizard Tournament.
Unfortunately for him Harry Potter isn't anyone he would want around his brother, let alone
the children in his school.

Also, did you hear? Draco Malfoys boyfriend is insane.

~~I heard he once tortured a man for looking at him a little to long.
~~I heard he bought Draco an island for his birthday.

**This is NOT a one shot-I am just an idiot**


This has been sitting on my computer for a while, in an effort to prevent burn out from my
other story I decided to start working on this one as well.
That and it would not leave my head once I started writing again.

I hope you all enjoy!

Harry Finds a Friend

Little Harry Potter lived in an ordinary house at #4 Privet Drive. He lived with his ordinary
family, his aunt Petunia who was long necked and always had the latest gossip of the
neighborhood. His uncle Vernon, a large beefy man who was a manager at a large drill
company. And lastly his cousin Dudley, a precocious child who wouldn’t win any Nobel
prizes but the teachers all agreed was a good kid. If anyone ever asked them they would tell
you they were perfectly respectable people and a standard of the type of people you would
like to be. A upstanding family with a perfectly manicured lawn, they were the last ones you
would expect to have any kind of secret.
But even the Pope has his secrets.

Little Harry was in his cupboard under the stairs curled up on his little cot listening closely
for his Uncle Vernon. You see he did something out of the ordinary today. He was doing his
chores like his Aunt told him, pulling the weeds out of the flower beds to keep them perfect
like his aunt liked. He had almost been done when Dudley came running out of the house,
pushing him over and stomping on his aunts prized Lilys before running back into the house
and calling for his mum.
“Muuuuuum! Harry ruined your flowwwwers!”
Harry was scared, the lilys were his aunts favorites and this would mean he would be trapped
in his cupboard for a long long time if she found them like this. Harry desperately tried to fix
the flowers but no matter what he did the flowers stayed dead on the ground. Harry sat his
hands on the soil and tried not to cry, that always made her madder, while he waited for his
aunt. He wished and wished that the flowers would be better so he wouldn't be in trouble.
He heard his aunts gasp and Harry curled into himself to scared to look, he knew what was
“What did you do you little freak!” Aunt Petunia hissed
Harry frowned confused, they only called him freak when he did something freaky, he didn't
do that. Harry looked up and gasped, oh no! He did do something freaky. Aunt Petunias
flowers that were broken and dead were now was a vibrate garden of lilys, bright and
Oh no.
“Get to your cupboard and stay there. Vernon will deal with you when he gets home,” Aunt
Petunia said dragging him up by the arm and pushing him to the door.

Harry had been in the cupboard all day now waiting for his uncle to come see him. He heard
him come home hours ago and since then Harry had been extra quiet. He remembered the last
time he did something freaky his body hurt so bad he had trouble moving for days, it was so
hard to do his chores on those days. Harry froze when he heard footsteps coming, he could
barely hear him unlocking the door through his heart pounding in his chest.
So he wished and wished with all his might to be anywhere else, to be anywhere safe. As the
door opened Harry saw a his uncles face and it went black. Harry felt like he was being
squeezed through a long tube before it stopped. Harry kept his eyes closed tightly, he didn’t
want to open them and see Uncle Vernon. Harry didn’t know how long he stayed there still
with his eyes closed before he heard a voice.
“What are you doing out here with no scales young speaker?”
Harrys eyes flew open and he gasped. He was standing in the middle of a forest, trees
sounded him from all directions, if he listened really hard he could hear the sound of a river
near by. Wide eyed Harry spun in a circle looking for his family but he didn't see them
“Young Speaker?”
The voice! Harry looked around frowned, he didn't see anyone.
“Hello?” Harry called out
“Down here young one”
Harry looked down and gasped, curled in font of his feet with its head up from its body was a
snake, it was beautiful! It was a dark green with red feathers surrounding its head, its large
eyes looked like a milky yellow.
“Your beautiful!” Harry hissed and reached his hand out. A man on the TV said that people
shouldn't touch snakes because they could be harmful but this snake looked nice
The snake let out a pleased hiss and curled around his arm until its face was in front of
“I like you young one. You will be my hatchling and I will take care of you.”
Harry smiled real big, “Will you protect me if my family comes for me? I don’t want to go
with them.”
“Of course Hatchling! I will be able to protect you from anyone.”
“Thank you! Whats your name Ms. Snake?”
“I don’t have a name hatchling. I escaped my keeper before he could name me maybe you
can think of one. But for now come, we will go to my cave for cover. It’s going to rain soon.”

Harry didn’t now what to name the snake at first, he couldn't think of any name that was good
enough for the pretty snake. So she told him stories, his favorites were about the people who
built the big school for magic. His favorite was Rowena so thats the name he chose and she
loved it. He liked Rowena cave alot. It was much bigger then his cupboard and she made sure
he had alot of big leaves to keep him warm. She had even taught him how to make a fire for
his food with his freakishness! No, Rowena said it wasn’t freakishness, she said it was
He could do magic!
She said one day I might be able to go to the magic school to learn, Harry hoped this was
“Hatchling,” Rowena hissed as she curled into his lap
“I would like to bond with you. So you can be my forever wizard and we never have to be
“I would love that Rowena! I never want to be separated from you your my favorite person in
the whole world,” Harry said excitedly. He never ever wanted to be without her, she was the
nicest snake in the world.
“Good my little snakeling. I’m going to bite you okay? It will hurt but only for a minute and
then we will never be separated.”
Harry hesitated, he didn’t want to be hurt but he never wanted to lose her.
“Okay Rowena. Go ahead.”
He barely saw her strike him before he cried out as he felt her bite his arm, releasing her
venom into his arm. After what felt like forever Harry felt really warm and happy, he giggled
as Rowena pulled back and let out a hiss.
“There you go hatchling. Now we will never be separated.”
Harry had been with Rowena for over a week when they heard the sound of crunching leaves
and sticks by the edge of the cave. Harry tensed up and grasped Rowena with his hand as she
hissed and arched her body up. She told him she was called a Basilisk and when she was
older she would be able to kill people with her eyes but right for right now she only had her
venom but that would be more then enough if needed.
Harry watched the opening of the cave with wide eyes, he hoped his family didn't find him!
But it wasn’t his family.
A man with pretty hair slowly entered the cave, a stick with a bright light at the end of it. He
froze when he caught site of the snake that was posed protectively in front of Harry.
“I mean no harm,” the man said quietly crouching down in front of Harry and Rowena.
“Who are you,”Harry whispered, his hand still holding onto Rowena.
“My names Regulus. I was looking for someone when I felt your magic, I thought it might
have been him.”
“Oh. My names Harry this is Rowena, shes my fa-fai--.”
Regulus smiled, “Your familiar?”
“Should I bite him hatchling?”
“Rowena! He’s nice, no biting.”
“Your a Parselmouth,” Regulus breathed, he smiled real big showing off his teeth.
“Whats that?” Harry said confused.
“It’s what we call a wizard who can speak to snakes,” Regulus hesitated before continuing,
“Would you like to come with me? You can bring your snake with you and I’ll keep you both
“Really? Let me ask Rowena, this is her cave and she might not want to leave it,” Harry said
seriously. He wouldn’t make her leave her home unless she wanted to, he would stay in this
cave with her forever.
“What do you think Rowena? Are you okay with leaving the cave and going with him?”
Rowena arched up and flicked her tongue, tasting the air, “Yes, we can go with him. I can
taste his darkness, we can make him keep us safe. If he attacks you I will kill him.”
Harry smiled up at Regulus, “We would love to go with you Mr. Regulus.”
The Plan pt.1
Chapter Summary

Regulus gains guardianship of Harry and starts the next phases of his plan.

Chapter Notes

Buckle up buttercups!
This chapter is a bit of an info dump but not to bad.

It had been a week since Regulus found Harry and Rowena deep in the forest of Albania.
After questioning Harry about his life before the forest Regulus immediately brought in a
healer when the boy told him he was six. The child was small, Regulus had assumed he was
around 4 due to his size and slight stature. That was unfortunately not the case. The healer
advised the child had been at the least neglected but very possibly they had been abused for
the first several years of their life. Harry wouldn’t open up the the Healer however so they
were unsure of the complete problem, they did provide a potions list and other instructions to
get Harrys health to what its suppose to be for a six year old child.
While Harry refused to tell the Healer about his previous guardians he had no problem telling
Regulus. Harry told him he lived with his Aunt Petunia, his uncle and cousin. Something
about the name pulled at his mind but he couldn’t pin it and when would he ever have met the
muggle? As if it was completely normal he spoke of missing meals and long days of hard
labor disguised as chores. He told Regulus that he had never gone to school because his
recitatives didn’t want anyone to know about him, he didn’t mind that part. The only time
Harry showed true fear and shame was when he spoke about what he called his
“Freakishness”. Reguluss’ eyebrow raised as Harry recalled event after event of him using
accidental magic. He was very strong magically, Regulus had never heard of a child his age
with so many magical surges. Regulus told Harry this and watched as his young eyes lit up,
he told himself he would start training the child as soon as possible once he was better.
The next step in Harrys recovery was to actually find out who he was, Regulus was positive
the child wasn’t a muggleborn but you never did know.
This called for a trip to Gringotts.

“We are going to Floo together to Gringotts. This is floo powder, you throw it into the flame
and it will turn green. All you do is step in and say the name of your destination, for now we
will always do it together but soon you will learn on your own,” Regulus explained as he
threw the powder in. Stepping in Harry kept a tight grip onto his robes.
Regulus caught Harry as he went tumbling out and helped him stand back up, “Now Harry
listen closely. Stay close to me and do not say anything, they can be easily offended and we
do not want that. It is always a good rule of thumb to have respect for those holding your
Harry nodded and shifted Row over making she was secure before following Regulus deeper
into the bank. He ignored the tellers on the side and instead went to a large counter at the
back of the bank.
“Greetings Master Goblin, I require a Inheritance test for my ward,” Regulus announced as
the goblin peered up to him.
“Of course. GRIPHOOK!” The goblin shouted, a goblin came running up to them, “Escort
them to Ironclaws office.”
Regulus inclined his head, “My gratitude master goblin.”
Regulus went to follow the goblin but stopped and started as Harry copied his movements
before following onto him.
“Good job,” Regulus said quietly as they followed the goblin. Harry had his grasp on
Regulus robes eyes wide as he started at the grand bank full of marble and gold. Goblin made
weapons and jewelry were in cases and attached to walls.
“Here you are, Master Ironclaw,” Griphook stated opening the door, after providing the
proper goodbye Regulus and Harry entered the room and greeted Ironclaw.
“You need an inheritance test,” Ironclaw questioned as he gathered the supplies.
“Yes for my ward here. I found him in the forest and we unfortunately are missing his family
“Yes of course, three drops of blood.”
The blood dropped onto the parchment flashing red before spreading out, forming words on
the parchment in black ink. Regulus choked as his eyes took in the paper.

Name:Hadrian James Potter-Black

Father:James Potter
Mother:Lily Potter nee Evens
Sire:Sirius Black


Godfather: Regulus Black/Severus Snape


“What does it say?” Harry asked trying to peer at the parchment on the desk.
Regulus crouched down and looked him in the eye, “Your name is Harry James Potter Black,
it would seem you are my nephew.”
“Really?” Harry asked in awe.
“It would seem so,” Regulus said with one last smile before standing and frowning at the
Goblin, “My brother is listed as Sire and not Father. Why?”
“It was done by blood adoption. Done shortly after birth,” Ironclaw answered staring down at
the paper.
“I don’t see Petunia Dursley on this list. Why was he given to her?”
“The head of the Wizengamot had all records sealed after the death of the Potters. We were
unable to release the wills or correct guardianship.”
Regulus frowned, “Who do you have listed as his guardian?”
“Lord Sirius Black is listed as his guardian.”
“Sirius never had a trial before he was sent to Azkaban,” Regulus mumbled, “So in this case
his guardian ship would go to me, correct? As godfather as well as family.”
“Yes,” Ironclaw said.
“Excellent!”Regulus clapped his hands together and looked at Harry with a smile, “What do
you say Harry? Would you like me to be your official guardian until Sirius comes back?”
“Yes please,” Harry was a little nervous, his last uncle wasn’t very kind to him. But Regulus
has been nothing but nice to him since he found him.
“Lets get it done. I also want all of his vaults locked down until he is old enough for the heir
ship. All of them.”

“You did very well with the goblins Harry,” Regulus said as they started dinner.
Harry positively beamed and started eating his food with gusto. It had taken a few days for
Harry to start eating and to not be afraid of asking for food. Harry had been adjusting well for
a child of abuse in Regulus opinion, but of course there had been some set backs. The wrong
tone of Regulus voice had him freezing in panic and waiting for punishment until Regulus
explained he was okay and that he wouldn’t be punished for that. The first couple days he
sent, Kreacher, their house elf, into a panic trying to cook meals and clean the manor, this
problem was much easier to solve. Harry was relieved when he realized he didn’t need to do
the cooking or cleaning for the large manor and ended up striking a weird friendship with the
elf. Regulus had even caught Harry helping him a few times much to his horror, the child
insisted though. He wanted to help his “friend”, some battles Regulus wasn’t going to fight.
Their biggest challenge had been the first time Harry used accidental magic. Because Harry
had never gone to school Regulus had been tutoring Harry to get him caught up to where he
needed to be. It was during one of these lessons that Harry had been unable to figure out the
problem and in his frustration set his schoolwork on fire. Before Regulus had a chance to do
anything Harry turned stark white and ran from the room. It had taken Regulus an hour to
find him, curled up in a ball hidden in a small nook on the third floor, Rowena in a protective
stance in front of him. It was another two hours before he was able to convince Harry that he
was safe and his accidental magic was a good thing and nothing would happen to him. The
next day Regulus decided it was time to start Harrys had recovered enough and started his
magical training.

With Harry now fully settled Regulus started looking into the next phase of his plan. Getting
Sirius free.
Sirius Blacks true alliance had been the best kept secret of the Dark Sect during the first war.
After leaving the family home at sixteen he hid out with the Potters and migrated his way
into the light. There were rumors of course, that he was dark in hiding, but every rumor that
saw light was shot down viciously by James Potter and Albus Dumbledore, both assured that
Sirius was nothing like his family.
With them in his corner it made his cover was fully secure and gave him the ability to go
between with no trouble. The plans were made shortly after his first year of Hogwarts, a
Black in Gryffindor was an anomaly but it did take much courage to play into the light. When
Severus came forward with the prophecy they were thrown into true darkness for the first
time. Voldemorts most loyal followers knew the truth of his immortality and intimately knew
the damage that had been done to their lord with every Horcrux created. They had been
unable to convince their Lord that the prophecy would only work if it was believed and
followed. Self-fulfilling they told him, reminding him of the story of Odipes and how his fear
caused his death. The horcruxs had done to much damage by this time and there was no
reasoning with him.
So the new plan had been made. A child said to be as powerful as their lord would make a
horrid enemy or an Heir, one as powerful as him and able to bring him back if necessary.
The sensitivity of the plan made it more dangerous then the actual prophecy, so precations
had to be made. Sirius Black was the only one who knew the complete plan outside of
Severus. His job? To get the child and bring him in, it worked at first. He was able to adopt
the child with James and Lilys permission, he changed the Godparents ensuring that if
something happen to him the child would go to someone in the dark sect.
It had not gone to plan. Severus part was played perfectly, he ran to Dumbledore with the
knowledge that Voldemort was going to kill the Potters, causing them to go into hiding. Then
the plan went to shit, no one expected Pettigrew to convince the Potters to change the keeper
until it was to late. He told Voldemort the secret and the attack happen later that night,
attacking Sirius the next day and getting him sent to Azkaban.
Regulus knew none of this of course. He had been running around the world learning all he
could about Horcuxs and gathering them while the world thought him dead. By the time he
came out of the forest of Albania in November of 1991 his Lord had been vanquished and
Harry Potter was missing.

But that was then, now things were different. Regulus was successful in finding the Horcruxs
and the ritual needed to bring Horcrux pieces back to their main soul piece. He had gone to
Gringotts and the Ministry shortly after to start setting up his life, he wasn’t hiding that he
was alive but most people didn’t look into it. What he needed now was Sirius and in order to
get him he needed Pettigrew. The world may have thought Peter was dead but Regulus knew
better. Early on in his service he had family trees made of quite a few members of the Death
Eaters for research, Peter was one of them.
Laying the map out he chanted a complex tracking charm over the bowl that held a few drops
of Peters blood. Regulus made a mental note to warn Harry about keeping his blood safe,
many dangerous things could be done with someones blood. When the charm completed
Regulus was looking at a map, pinpointed in the middle of the map was Peters location,
Ottery St. Catchpole.
Why the hell was Peter with the Weasleys?

Leaving Harry in the capable hands of Rowena and Kreacher, Regulus made his way to the
burrow. Regulus transformed into his animagus form, a deep black raven, and flew through
the wards and around the house. Sleeping on a window seal near the top of the house was a
rat, brown and unassuming missing a toe. Well that was convenient.
Taking a dive Regulus grabbed him with his talons securely and flew away, Peter had
attempted to squirm away before freezing as he realized how high in the air he was. Regulus
made sure he was secure and made his way to a space he had already prepared.
He dropped Peter in the middle of the ritual circle and landed outside of it, transforming back
as he did. Peter ran around the circle a few times, trying to find a way to escape before falling
in the middle of the circle breathing heavy.
“You might as well transform back Peter, if you don’t I will make you. Your choice,” Regulus
“Regulus my friend!,” Peter cried transforming back, “I’m so glad to see you, I thought you
were dead.”
“Well you were suppose to,”Regulus said waiving him off, “You weren’t important enough to
know the truth. Now, no sense in waiting, sit tight and I’m going to do a quick ritual, then
you are going to the Ministry to confess your sins and get Sirius free.”
Peter started begging in the circle but Regulus ignored him, quickly starting the chat he felt
the power take as he took control of Peter. While the imperious did wonders for control it
could be caught or broken, this ritual however was untraceable and unbreakable without
another ritual. Since he learned this in a small village South Africa he was confident no one
would break it.
Thirty minutes later Peter was making his way into the Ministry and giving himself up as the
true mastermind behind the deaths of the Potters.

Azkaban was hell on earth. With over 5 years of being locked in their Regulus was expecting
his brother to be in a much worse condition. Hours after sending Peter to the Ministry he was
contacted by his informants and made his way to Mungos where Sirius was getting treatment
for his unlawful imprisonment. Reguluss’ private healer had been able to get Sirius
transferred into his care and soon he was sleeping in the master bedroom of Black Manor.
Sirius was much skinnier, most of his muscle had been diminished from the starvation and his
skin was so pale it was almost see through. When they spoke briefly before going into his
enchanted sleep Sirius was cognizant and didn’t seem have any lasting effects on his mind.
Overall Regulus was sure Sirius would be back to his old obnoxious self in no time.
Harry was more excited for Sirius then Regulus was. Sirius was his third parent, for a child
who grew up as an orphan the chance of having a parent was a dream come true for him. He
made Regulus tell him story after story of Sirius, describing everything in great detail. He
also asked Kreacher who had no problem telling his little master anything he wanted.
The sooner Sirius woke up the better in Regulus opinion, he liked the kid but even he had
limits of his patience.
The Plan pt.2
Chapter Summary

Regulus plan comes to fruition and The Dark Lord gets a surprise.

Chapter Notes

Part 2 of the plan!

The added couple was a surprise to me too. But the characters have spoken!

Regulus stood to the side of Sirius bed with a bouncing Harry next to him chattering to
Rowena. Today was the day Sirius was set to wake up from his enchanted sleep and he was
thankful. Not only to have his brother back but for Harry to have a parent. Regulus had
always said he would never have children and the last three months with Harry had only
reaffirmed his desire to be an Uncle only.
He wasn’t a bad child of course, well behaved and polite, he also soaked up knowledge like a
sponge. English, math, history, etiquette and heir training, he had a thirst for knowledge and
was always on time for lessons regardless of time of day. Magically the kid was a
powerhouse with wandless abilities that frankly Regulus had never seen in his life. Regulus
had only intended to teach theory and meditation to begin his training in occlumency but
Harry had surprised him by learning to work the spells themselves. So instead he started
teaching the spells themselves after theory, it was working great. But he had things to do and
Harry liked to be around him as much as possible, and there were some things children didn’t
need to see.

Sirius awoke slowly. The last thing he remembered was the guards getting him from
Wait. No.
His brother. Reggie.
Reggie had brought him to Black Manor and told him he was going to be put to sleep so he
could heal faster. Well thank Merlin for that.
The darkness was getting brighter as his feelings came back to him slowly. His legs..his
chest…his arms, working his way through the darkness he started to hear the sounds around
him. There was his brother, his smooth voice talking low to another. The other voice was
higher, not a man but a child, a hissing breaking through every time and being answered by
another hiss.
Opening his eyes bright light assaulted him and he quickly shut them again.
“Bloody hell turn down the lights,” He said, his voice raspy.
“It’s okay Harry, he wasn’t talking to you,” His brother said quietly, “Its dark now Sirius.”
Harry? Who the hell was Harry?
Slowly opening his eyes he sighed in relieve, it was dark. He looked over to the voices,
Regulus stood there looking the exact same and next to him, was a child.
Bright green eyes were peering at him, black hair curled at his shoulders slightly hidden by
the snake that was wrapped around his neck. Looking closer Sirius blanched.
“Is that a Basilisk?”
“Yes! Her name is Rowena, we’ve been so excited for you to wake up! How do you feel? Do
you need anything? Water? Are you cold? Do-,”the child started his barrage of questions.
Regulus placed his hand on Harrys shoulder, “Calm yourself child. He just woke up from a
very deep sleep, he will need a few minutes to gather his wits.”
“Oh, I’m sorry Lord Black,” the child said quietly, his beaming smile still on his face.
Sirius studied the child, something about him was very familiar. His eyes, the swoop of his
nose, high cheekbones, a bit small but he couldn’t have been older then five. Actually, he
looked a bit like James but wrong eyes, James eyes were wider and brown. The childs were
green and more almond, almost like…
Oh, Sirius thought his foggy brains making the connection, Harry.
“Call me Sirius, Lord Black makes me feel old,” Sirius said smiling, “You must be Harry.”
Harry bounced a little, ignoring the hiss of annoyance from Rowena, “Yes! I’m Harry.”
“I’m pleased to meet you Harry. I’m feeling fine but I would like some water,” Sirius said
clearing his throat slightly.
“I’ll go get some!” Harry exclaimed running from the room.
“We have a house elf,” Regulus said quietly, exasperation in his voice.
“No bother. How old his he?” Sirius was confused, he had been in prison for 5 years, Harry
should have been almost 7, maybe even 7 depending on the date.
Regulus glanced at the door Harry had left, “He’s almost seven.”
“Why is he so small? He looks four, maybe five.”
“Let me set Harry up with work and I’ll tell you. It’s not a conversation for his ears,” Regulus
said making his way to the door.
Sirius just nodded and waited for him to come back, shifting his body and moving his limbs
to get the feelings back. A few minutes later Regulus came back into the room, cup of water
in hands.
“Harry insisted I bring this to you. You will learn hes an insistent child and usually not worth
the effort of arguing with,” Regulus explained as he placed the cup down.
Sirius barked out a laugh before taking a drink, “He does have Black blood in him. Now what
Regulus sat in the chair by the bed and sighed, “As you know the plan went to complete shit.
I had no idea what was going on until I came back from abroad and by then it was to late.
Our Lord was gone and I had no idea where the child had gone.”
Sirius frowned, “Where did he go?”
“Dumbledore placed him with the Dursleys,” Regulus sneered.
“He placed a magical child with those magic hating bastards!” Sirius exclaimed, “I always
knew he was a barmy old fool but bloody hell.”
“It gets worse. They treated the child worse then a house elf, cooking, cleaning. He wasn’t
able to go to school, they kept him locked up in a cupboard. When he did accidental magic?
They tried to beat it out of him.”
Sirius cup broke in his hand as he fought to control his magic.
“Did you kill them?”
Regulus repaired the cup, “No. I don’t even know where they are.”
“Then how did you get Harry?”
“I found him. In the forest of Albania, I was looking for Marvolo when I felt a strong magical
signature that I thought was him. Imagine my surprise when I found a child with a Basilisk
wrapped around him.”
“Where did he even get a basilisk?” Sirius asked with a shiver. He had never been to fond of
snakes, especially ones that could kill you with a look. Even Nagini had given him the creeps
and he knew her for years.
“She found him shortly after he appeared in the forest according to them. They are bonded,
its a very strong bond as well,” Regulus explained.
“Great,” Sirius huffed, “Well now you have him. Tell me about him.”
“He’s a very polite child. It took a while for him to break away from what he had been taught
by the Dursleys but every day he gets stronger. He’s still learning its okay to speak his mind
and makes great strides with it everyday. He’s smart. Everything I teach him he soaks up like
a sponge, even things I almost fell asleep to, like history and etiquette.”
Sirius snorted, “I did fall asleep to those things. I’m impressed.”
“You haven’t even heard the best part. He’s powerful Sirius, mage level powerful, he had
dozens of instances of accidental magic. I started teaching him theory and he turned around
and started learning the spells themselves. So now I’m teaching him spells and we started
potions last week.”
“Marvolo will be pleased,” Sirius said quietly.
“Yes,” Regulus said just as quietly.
“Do we know where my Lord Husband is?”
“I’ve caught his signature a few times in Albania. I haven’t had time to look since Harry
came into my care, as soon as your fully recovered I will go looking again,” Regulus swore,
he hated that he still hadn’t found Marvolo, especially for Sirius.
“No it’s okay. There is a spell we can do to call his specter to us. Did you find how to
combine the Horcruxs?”
“Where did you get a spell like that? I have the ring, locket and an extra one we didn’t
expect. He left it in the boy on accident, I’ve already transfered it to a goblet.”
“He gave it to me in case he was killed out of country and we had to bring him back fast,”
Sirius said rubbing his jaw, “I’m not surprised he was trying to make another one. Self
indulgent git.”
Regulus kept a straight face. Sirius could get away with comments like that, but Regulus
would be raked across the coals for even a smirk at it.
“We can use all three, the more soul we can get the better. Hopefully that will be enough, the
madness didn’t start until after the forth.”
“I’ll prepare the ritual room,” Regulus said standing up and brushing his wrinkles out, “Oh.
Harry knows you blood adopted him, I think you should be expecting him to call you daddy
before long.”
Sirius stared wide eyed as Regulus walked out of the room. He should expect what? That
wasn’t part of the plan.
Marvolo was going to kill him.

The ritual to bring The Dark Lord back took place on the next full moon. Harry was warded
in his room in a deep sleep helped along by dreamless sleep. Sirius and Regulus stood to the
north and south of the ritual circle. The room was deep in the dungeons, small and dark with
a dais in the middle, candles floated around lighting up the space. In the middle of the circle
laid Slytherins Locket, the Gaunt ring, and a regular goblet with the black crest.
“I’m going to say the spell and direct him into the circle. Once hes in you lock it tight and we
do the ritual. If he still seems mad you run as fast and as far as you can get with Harry,”
Sirius said rolling his shoulders and pulling out his wand.
It was a risk what they were doing, Marvolo had been so lost by the time he died there was a
chance he would come back just the same.
Regulus nodded holding his position, “Ready.”

Sirius took a deep breath and slowly started a long chanting spell. Power gathered around
them heavy and oppressive, a sudden wind blew through the room a shadow landed in the
circle and it locked. Sirius looked at Regulus and nodded, it was him. Marvolo looked like a
dark shadow, a face of distorted features sticking out of the front.
Flicking his wand Regulus lit up the candles around the circle and they started the ritual. The
objects on the floor vibrated and started to glow a bright white. Enraged Marvolo flew around
the dome that was created as Regulus locked the circle. One by one each object shook
violently and the light formed over the objects in a ball before flying into the shadow. A
scream sounded from the circle as the shadow became brighter and brighter bursting with a
bright light that had Regulus and Sirius cringing back with eyes closed tightly.
After a few moments they chanced opening their eyes, the circle of candles was dark. The
candles around the room seemed dim but still casting light as they watched the figure in the
circle pant on his hands and knees.
“Marvolo?” Sirius said quietly, kneeling in front of the circle, “Are you with us?”
“S-sirius?” Marvolos voice was deep and rich, Sirius felt himself sag in relief.
“Yes it’s me. How are you feeling?”
Marvolo stood up and cracked his spine, “Better then I have in twenty years.”
Sirius felt his jaw dropped as he got a good look at his husband. He had been contracted to
Marvolo as a child really, by the time they met when he was 13 the handsome man that
Marvolo had been had already been diminishing. They married when he turned 16 and by
that time they had spent enough time together that they had Sirius had been borderline
obsessed with the other man, regardless of his looks.
“Marvolo,” Sirius breathed, “You look better then you have in twenty years.”
Regulus raised his eyes to the sky in exasperation with his brother. There had never been any
doubt that his Lord loved his brother, the fact that he was never cursed for his mouth was a
testament to that.
Marvolo chucked lightly as he walked to his husband, “Let me out, I am no longer mad.”
Sirius flicked his wand at the candle by his foot and released the circle. He barely had time to
breath before he was pulled against a hard chest and his lips were captured in a fierce kiss. He
groaned and wrapped his arms around Marvolos neck as he felt strong hands grasping his
hips and pulling him tightly against his body.
Fire burned through him like an inferno, it had been long, so long since he had kissed his
husband. The two years before Marvolos death he had changed, he stopped showing affection
and snapped at him more then spoke to him. Sirius considered himself lucky he had never
been punished as the other Death Eaters had.
A throat clearing brought Sirius back to reality and he pulled away from his husband to look
at his brother.
“We are busy,” Sirius whined to his brother. Why did he always have to be a cock block?
Marvolo kissed his forehead before pulling away and looking at his brother-in-law, “He’s
right Sirius, lets go sit down. I need tea.”

Kreacher already had tea waiting in the sitting room for them as they got settled. Sirius and
Marvolo on the love seat, Sirius practically glued to Marvolos side, and Regulus in the char
across from them.
“We have a Son,” Sirius announced as Marvolo took a drink of tea.
Marvolo choked on his drink and hastily set the cup down before looking at Sirius, “Excuse
“A son. He’s almost seven,” Sirius stated again.
“Who’s his mother?” Marvolo bit out, pain and rage flooding his veins. He knew he had been
a shit husband the last few years and couldn’t blame Sirius for finding comfort in someone
else. That didn’t mean it didn’t hurt and he wouldn’t hunt the witch down.
“Are you accusing me of having an affair!” Sirius shouted, twisting his body so he was fully
facing the Dark Lord, his eyes narrowed in anger.
“How else would you have a son!” Marvolo fought the urge to lean back away from his
enraged husband, he may have been a Dark Lord but Sirius was a Black. There had been
more then once in their marriage that he had regretting igniting that famous temper.
“Sirius sit down,” Regulus said from his chair by the fire not surprised in the least at how this
was happening. Sirius loved getting reactions from people, regardless of how serious the
situation was, “My Lord may I have the floor?”
Marvolo nodded once sharply turning his head to face Regulus but keeping an eye on his
“If you recall there was a prophecy made in regards to you and a child born at the end of
June. When you decided to kill the child to prevent the prophecy and you wouldn’t heed any
advise against it. But we, myself, Sirius and Severus, saw a different potential for the child.
Potter and the mudblood he married were powerful and resourceful, there was no denying
that. It stood to reason any child from that Union would have been just as or even more
powerful. The prophecy only solidified that thought. Someone who could be powerful
enough to vanquish you could possibly be powerful enough to become your Heir.”
Marvolo grimaced as he was reminded of his madness before his face turned thoughtful as he
listened to the rest of the story. Regulus didn’t leave any stone unturned as he explained to
Marvolo how he found Harry, the Gringotts test and his magical abilities, getting Sirius
released from Azkaban and healing him.
“Harry Potter,” Marvolo said quietly.
“He’s a genius Marvolo. Anything we teach him he picks up, wandlessly, his magic is to
strong for our wands. He almost broke Sirius s when he held it, and its Potter-Black,” Sirius
said holding onto Marvolos hand tightly, “I wasn’t sure at first. We never spoke of children
and neither of us intend to die but he’s a special child. We can teach him so much”
“You want him,” Marvolo stated.
Sirius nodded, “I remember holding him in my arms after I completed the ritual. It was just to
ensure we had guardianship but even then, I wanted him.”
“We will need to change his name, Harry is to common of a name. He can keep the last
Sirius threw himself into his husbands lap and kissed him fiercely. Marvolo moved Sirius so
he was straddling him and placed his hands on his arse pulling him close.
“I’ll speak to you tomorrow, don’t be late for breakfast,” he called over his shoulder as he left
the room and locked the door behind him.
Neither acknowledged him as they got lost in the feel of each other after so long.

Harry was almost bouncing in his seat the next day at breakfast as he waited for the men to
come down.
Regulus was first, ruffling his hair before taking the seat next to him, “Marvolo is sometimes
grumpy in the morning. Remember just because someone may be in a certain mood it is not
because of you nor will they do anything to you. Okay?”
Harry nodded, “Yes Reggie.”
Regulus groaned, of course Sirius would spread that around, “I told you not to call me that.”
“Papa said it was okay and I like it,” Harry said, his little chin jutted out. Regulus had
attempted to convince Harry to call Sirius “Papa” to his face on my occasions but Harry had
yet to gather the courage. Regulus knew it was only a matter of time, especially when the
Dark Lord officially named him his heir.
Regulus held his hands up, “Okay.”

Marvolo and Sirius came in the room a few minutes later, Sirius smile brightened the room as
he sat down on the other side of Harry placing Marvolo at the head of the table.
Regulus was proud Harry was able to wait until they had their tea before blurting out, “Is it
true you killed muggles for fun?”
The entire table froze as Marvolo looked at Harry in shock. Regulus shared a look with Sirius
and mouthed across the table, “I told you we should have monitored his reading.”
Marvolo cleared his throat, “Not for fun. Where did you hear that?”
“Rise and Fall of He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named. Kreacher got it for me when I asked about
you. Have you meet Kreacher? He’s my best friend.”
Regulus eyebrow twitched as it always did when Harry mentioned his friendship with the
house elf. No matter what he said about the damn creature Harry wouldn’t listen.
“I have met him. He’s a very good elf, very loyal to the family. I’m afraid I haven’t read that
particular book but I wouldn’t believe most of the information written about me,”Marvolo
answered smoothly.
“Why?” Harry asked confused.
“Some history books are biased. They are written by the the victors of war and will only see
the opposing side as enemies.”
Harry nodded, “So then why did you kill muggles?”

Hatchling! You left without me this morning and I was cold without your warmth. Do not do
that again.

Marvolo raised an eyebrow at the Basilisk that slithered into the room. Was she talking to the
Both his eyebrows raised when the boy replied.

I’m sorry Row, I was just so excited to meet Lord Marvolo. He’s Sirius mate.
“Lord Marvolo, this is my familiar Rowena,” Harry introduced the snake as she slithered up
his body and across the table to stare into the Dark Lords eyes.

Hello Rowena, you are very beautiful

Marvolo watched amused as she puffed up, her small flume expanding around her head.
Compliments always went well with snakes, vain creatures that they were.

I like this one hatchling. You may keep him, we can replace the loud dog one.

Harry laughed brightly, “They come as a package Row.”

“Is she trying to get rid of me again? I didn’t mean to step on her! It was dark and she was in
my room!” Sirius pouted from his spot at the table.
Rowena curled around Harrys neck and they finished breakfast, Harry asking Marvolo
question after question about himself. Marvolo answered every question with a patient smile.
Regulus and Sirius were right, he was a very smart and inquisitive child. Marvolo could feel
the magic inside the child, it would only get stronger as he grew. Marvolo would have to
make sure he taught him how to properly hide the magic so it wasn’t overbearing as he got
“Sirius and Regulus told me you have been practicing your wandless magic and were quite
good at it.”
“Oh yes! I love magic! Watch!”
Harry held out his hand and with a flex of his fingers had Marvolos wand in his hand. As
soon as his hand curled around the wand a shower of red and gold sparks came out the end,
showering the room in a light show. Regulus and Sirius jaw dropped as they watched the
scene in awe. Marvolo fought to keep his face straight as possession swept through him. Not
for his wand, but for the child.
“That was incredible Harry,” Marvolo said softly reaching out for his wand, “It seems like
my wand is a good fit for you. We can use it to practice more advanced spells.”
“Your going to teach me magic?” Harry asked in Awe.
“Of course. We can start after lunch, I just have to speak with Sirius first.”
There was my heir, Marvolo thought as he stared at the child. He agreed last night to make
his husband happy, figuring he could humor the child when needed and ignore him the rest of
the way. Marvolo had never wanted children, he did not like a majority of them and they
tended to be more work then they were worth. Many purebloods had children to carry on
their bloodline but they had made horcruxs to ensure their immortality so that wasn’t an
issue. Harry was different, he was smarter then most of the children he had known in his life,
he was more powerful then most of the adults he had known in his life. Sirius was right, he
would be the prefect heir.

And to think, he was going to kill him.

The Precious One
Chapter Summary

Harry meets his Precious and chaos ensues.

Chapter Notes

We have a have time skips the next two chapters!

Harry is now 11.

—Also, I changed Sirius/Marvolos story a bit. Nothing crazy but its there, I plan to
change it in the previous chapter to line up better but I will probably forget.
Just know that I know I changed it. Thank you!

The last four years had seemed to pass in the blink of an eye for Hadrian. Shortly after
getting settled they moved the house hold to Bulgaria, where their laws were much more
relaxed in regards to magics. The first new moon after the move Harry officially became
Marvolos heir. With the new blood came a new name, in an effort to keep something he was
familiar with they made a simple change, Harry to Hadrian. Hadrian had loved it and it
wasn’t as “common” as Harry had been, according to Marvolo. The blood adoption had
removed the last parts of James Potter that had survived the original blood adoption. He was
now a perfect mix of Sirius and Marvolo, the only hint of his original parentage was his
bright green eyes.
With Marvolo training him his control of magic had grown by leaps and bounds. His thirst
for knowledge had him learning spells faster then they could teach him. His wandless
abilities grew with age as well, he still used Marvolos wand for practice but it became natural
for him to use his wandless abilities. A skill none of his guardians had attempted to hinder,
instead nurturing it as best they could. His skill for potions however caused many headaches
amongst his trainers, especially Severus.
His theory was amazing and he could mince, dice and squeeze with the best of them. When it
came to the practical part of actually brewing the potions they were ruined more often then
they worked. Hadrian didn’t particularly care, he could do the basics and it was enough for
him, “I could always buy the potions from you,” was told often to Severus, much to his

It had been four years since he had found in the forest. The shy and hesitant child that
Regulus had found was now a mini Marvolo. He was passionate and often times cruel to get
what he wanted when he wanted. He respected his guardians to a degree that most children
couldn’t fathom, but held nothing back to those he disagreed with or he found to be lesser
then him. The first time he tortured a tutor had been a week after his ninth birthday. The tutor
had been disagreeing with him about a spell, Hadrian hadn’t been wrong but the tutor didn’t
want to admit this, and Hadrian decided to show the tutor why he was wrong instead of
arguing his point more.
Regulus and Sirius both blamed Marvolo for this and in response Marvolo bought Hadrian
the best broom on the market. For “having imaginative thinking and excellent control of his
magical abilities”, the others couldn’t fault this, it was an impressive show of magic.
He wasn’t exactly spoiled, if he wanted something for luxury a list was given to him that
would need to be completed before he could get it. If he failed a task or let his work slip he
was punished until a change was shown. Outside of birthdays and Christmas a gift would
only be given if he did something magically impressive.
When not in lessons or practicing Hadrian could be often found at Marvolos knee during
meetings and following him around their manor. He loved his Papa Sirius and Uncle Regulus,
but Marvolo was his favorite and he had no problem showing it, and saying it on a few
occasions. Overall Hadrian had turned into a well rounded child and Heir.
Marvolo had spent the years gathering his followers and infiltrating governments around the
world. If there was anything he had learned from his mistakes it was patience. He also spent
along time creating a new identity for himself, Marvolo Gaunt. If anyone looked, and he was
sure some would, a trail would be made in Bulgaria. From his birth, years spent at Dumstrang
and various the places he had been since graduation. Even some marriage records for him and
Sirius, who he had met before his arrest and reconnected when he saw in the paper that he
was out. It was wand proof.

Today was the day that Harry had been waiting for. Tonight was the first ever Gaunt-Black
Christmas ball, the first one that they would be throwing since before The Dark Lord fell.
With new identities in place Hadrian bounced around the entire day waiting for the time to
get ready. It was his first official party as Heir Potter-Black-Riddle and he was excited to
show his guardians that he could be a good Heir. Papa Sirius said to try and keep his temper
under and not cause a scene, Hadrian didn’t think this would be a problem and promised to
be on his best behavior.
A quarter to eight Hadrian stood in his best robes with his guardians ready to welcome
everyone to their home. The manor had been cleaned top to bottom by the elves, every wall
and column gleamed in the lights of the candles lighting up the house. The best orchestra had
been brought in from Russia and the chandeliers sparkles. It was the best the manor had ever
Hadrian had ended up missing a part of the opening to help Sirius calm down when he caught
sight of an old school enemy and lost his composure. Marvolo stayed to accept ghost with
their apologies. By the time they made it back to the ballroom the introductions had been
done and the dancing and mingling had started. Leaving his Papa Sirius with Regulus, Harry
made his way to where his father was. Fitting into his side as normal, Marvolo introduced
him as his heir and it continued all along the ball room.
Harry didn’t like several of the people he had met. Most of the inner members had already
met him and treated him with respect, he liked them enough. The others and the lower
members however had never met him before and treated him as they did other heirs, objects
to be seen and not heard. Hadrian could see his father was mentally taking note of everyone
who did, so unless they did something really bad Hadrian would be able to keep his promise
to Papa Sirius.
It was an hour into the ball when Hadrian saw him. He knew he was a Heir Malfoy from his
complexion and platinum white hair that swept along his forehead. His robes were of best
quality and he held a look of polite interest as he stood off to the side of the room, after his
company had just left to get drinks.
He was the most beautiful person Hadrian had ever seen.
Hadrian made his way over to him, Dracos eyes widen slightly when he saw him. Lord
Malfoy was one of the inner members that Hadrian liked. He was one of the inner circle who
had been well aware of who Hadrian was and his temperament before he came, Hadrian was
positive Lucius had warned his son before hand.
“Your the most beautiful person I have ever seen,” Hadrian said, sweeping Dracos hand to
brush a kiss to his knuckles.
Draco blushed, “Thank you Heir Potter-Black.”
“Hadrian,” Hadrian corrected, “You will never call me by my title.”
“Thank you..Hadrian,” Draco said quietly, a light blush still staining his cheeks, “I’m Draco,
Draco Malfoy. You can call me Draco as well.”
“Excellent!” Hadrian enthused, “Can you stay right here for a minute? I’ll be right back.”
“Um, O-okay,” Draco stuttered out, “I'll be here.”

Hadrian turned and walked quickly to a tapestry that connected to a walk way. Knowing he
was out of public eye he ran quickly to his Papa Sirius study.
In the bottom left drawer was a box. Hadrian carefully lifted it out and opened it, a delicate
bracelet lay across the velvet inside. Silver and goblin made, it was filigree with diamonds
twinkling along the vines. Papa Sirius said that the bracelet belonged to his favorite Great-
Aunt Cassiopeia, it was a Black family Heirloom to be given to Hadrians precious when
found. Sirius said it was tradition for Blacks and Potters both to find someone and know
instantly they were the person they were meant to be with, their “Precious”. It was imbued
with protection charms and was a portkey to the black manor.
James Potter had known the minute he set eyes on Lily Evens, Papa had known the minute he
set his eyes on Father. Hadrian had known the minute he saw Draco. Next to the bracelet was
a necklace that worked in a similar way to the bracelet with the extra feature that it would
help Hadrian know if Draco was in danger.
Technically he was suppose to speak with his Papa Sirius before taking the bracelet, but what
if someone else got to Draco first? He couldn’t risk it.
Slipping on the necklace and bracelet in hand Hadrian ran back to the tapestry, slipping into
the room he saw Draco right where he had left him.
“Draco,” He said smiling, “Can I have your left hand. Please?”
Harry made sure to say please, that was polite.
“Okay,” Draco replied, lifting the hand in question.
Hadrian slipped the bracelet onto the hand and closed it, lifting the hand once again he kissed
Dracos hand.
“The bracelet means your my precious and I’m going to marry you one day.”
Draco blushed a bright red again, a whispered, “Okay.” Was all that was said before Marvolo
was calling Hadrian over.
“I’ll see you later,” Hadrian said before making his way to where his father was.
Hadrian was almost floating the rest of the ball. His Papa Sirius had joked that he got into the
adult punch and kept a close eye on him. Hadrian didn’t bother saying anything, after the ball
he would tell them everything and let them know to have a contract ready the minute Hadrian
turns 11.
They were half way around the room when Hadrians necklace flared and he whipped his head
around to find him.
“Hadrian?” Marvolo questioned, seeing Hadrians move.
For the first time Hadrian didn’t respond as he looked for Draco. He finally saw him near
where he had left him against a wall with wide eyes, a Death Eater holding him at wand
Hadrian saw red. It looked like he wasn’t going to keep his promise after all.
“What are you doing,” Hadrian asked sharply, grabbing Dracos arm and pulled him behind
him away from the wall. Draco hid behind him grasping the sleeve of his robe.
The entire hall was looking at them, Hadrian could see Marvolo, Sirius and Regulus making
their ways across the hall to them from their various positions. Papa Marvolos face was
furious, Hadrian knew it wasn’t for him, the unknown man still hadn’t dropped his wand and
was now pointing at Hadrian.
The man seemed to realize it as well as his hand dropped instantly as he saw Marvolo
“He tried to take the bracelet,” Draco breathed into Hadrians ear for only him to hear.
“How dare you try and take something from my precious!” Hadrian said furiously, he heard
shocked breaths come from the Blacks around him.
The man ignored him and turned to Marvolo, “My Lord, this child has stolen something. I
was trying to get it back for you.”
Before Marvolo was able to say something the man dropped to the floor and screamed. The
hall looked on as the man screamed in anguish, his limbs twisting and back bent in unnatural
“Hadrian,” Marvolo said, barely heard under the screams.
Everyone in the hall sucked in a sharp breath when they realized Hadrian was the one cursing
him, no wand in sight, his green eyes seemingly to flow with power.
“Hadrian please stop,” Draco said from behind him. The man instantly stopped screaming
and Hadrian ignored him turning to look at Draco concerned. Was Draco scared of him now?
Hadrian relaxed, Draco was smiling at him, awe shinning in his eyes.
“Okay,” Hadrian said smiling at him before looking up at his father when he felt him placing
his hand on his shoulder.
“Very well done Hadrian. You have done and exemplary job protecting Heir Malfoy, and let
me be the first to offer my congratulations on finding your Precious.”
Harry smiled widely, “Thank you Father.”
Marvolo gave him one more soft look before schooling his face and turning to the audience,
“It looks like the ball is unfortunately coming to an end. Let this be a reminder, Hadrian is my
heir, any slight to him is a slight to me. As you can see he will not need my hand to provide
any punishments he sees fit.”
“Yes My Lord,” was said from the guest as they started making their way out. The men who
brought the tortured man levitated him up before making their way out of the hall with him.
Hadrians eyes followed them for a moment, he would find out who that was.
“Lucius, Cissy, please join us in my study. It seems a conversation needs to be had,” Sirius
said before leading them all out of the room to his study.
Harry held his hand out for Draco, allowing him to make the choice. He beamed when Draco
reached his hand out and allowed Hadrian to pull him from the hall, their hands tightly
“How did you know I needed help?” Draco asked quietly as they followed the adults to the
“My necklace is connected to the bracelet. It lets me know you need help, if he had tried
anything the bracelet would have cursed him,” Hadrian explained.
Kreacher had already stroked the fire and placed tea on the table by the time they reached the
room. Hadrian took Draco straight to his favorite armchair and sat Draco down before sitting
next to him.
Getting their tea every settled quietly waiting for Marvolo to break the silence.
“Heir Malfoy, may we see what Hadrian gifted you with?”
Draco glanced at Hadrian, at his nod Draco lifted his hand out, allowing the bracelet to be
shown. Narcissa, Sirius and Regulus sucked in deep breaths as they recognized it, glittering
in the light of the fireplace.
“I should have left it in the vault,” Sirius murmurer to his brother, Regulus nodded faintly in
“You were suppose to talk to me before you took the bracelet pup,” Sirius said louder this
Harry shrugged unrepentant, “He’s to pretty, I couldn’t risk leaving him unprotected.”
Sirius ran his hand over his face, “Hadrian. That bracelet is very important, it’s pretty much a
contract in place. The minute you turn 11 a contract will be created automatically.”
“I didn’t know that. That’s good, I was going to make sure you had one ready anyway,”
Hadrian said pleased.
Sirius threw up his hands and shot Marvolo a glare, “This is your fault you know. He was
perfectly polite until he started following you around.”
“I’m afraid I’m not following,” Lucius admitted on the other side of Narcissa.
“It’s a bonding bracelet, its been in the family for generations,” Narcissa said eying the boys
in the chair, “It can not be removed until they are eleven when the formal contract is created.
If the contract is agreed to and signed the bracelet will lock once again until the wedding.”
“Draco, why did you not ask before you made this decision?” Lucius asked his son. Normally
the child was very good at making decisions, but this one shouldn’t have been left up to him.
“I didn’t,” Draco looked to Hadrian again who shrugged, “I didn’t know what it was.”
Sirius and Regulus groaned, not surprised in the least that Hadrian would do something like
that. They really should have kept the damn bracelet in the vault.
“Are you okay with having this in place for a while Dragon?” Narcissa asked her son, “You
will have it until you are eleven and we can remove it then.”
Hadrian glared at her and tightened his grip on Dracos hand. Draco squeezed his hand lightly
before facing his mother, “Hadrian gave it to me. It’s mine now.”
Marvolo looked on from his place by the fire, “Then its settled. It will remain until the
Hadrian is eleven, at that time we can have another talk about it.”
Everyone agreed and soon the Malfoys took their leave, but not after promising to be over the
next day for brunch at the boys insistence.

“Hadrian,” Sirius said as soon the Malfoy had left and it was just them in the study, “You
should have told us before you took that bracelet. It is a very serious thing to have a contract.
I know we hold you to a higher standard then a normal child but you still are a child.”
Hadrian tilted his head slightly, “Didn’t you sneak away to Papa Marvolo when you were
thirteen and demand a contact or you would have sworn off marriage. Ever?
Sirius blushed slightly, “That was different. You are ten, I was thirteen, and I went to my
“Only because you knew the bracelet wouldn’t work with me,” Marvolo said cutting off any
reply Hadrian would have had.
“Hadrian. Sirius is right, you should have come to us first. Because you did not you will lose
your broom privileges for a week.”
“Okay Father,” Hadrian knew he was going to be in trouble. He did promise to go to them
first, so he wasn’t going to push it.
“Good. Now how long have you been practicing the unforgivables without a wand?”
Sirius threw his hands up and shared a look with his brother, “Who cares that he created a
bonding contract. He was able to cast an unforgivble without a wand, thats the important
Regulus snapped his fingers and got them drinks, “The bonding contract can be broken in a
few years, if there are any contracts that were to be made can be put off for a few years. The
curse however, you have to admit thats impressive.”
“It was, wasn’t it?” Sirius smiled before taking a drink.
“I have only practiced them with you Father as you instructed. I only tried it without a wand
tonight,” Harry said taking a sip of his tea.
“Excellent! I am very proud of you Hadrian, we will start practicing them later. But only
Crucio and Imperius, the killing curse is a little to dark for you now.”
“Yes Father. May I go to bed?”
“Your excused, have a good night,” Marvolo said.
Hadrian gave his guardians a quick hug before going to bed.

Sirius took another drink and glared at his husband, “This is all of your fault you know. Just
taking what he wants, that a you trait through and through.”
Marvolo smiled, “I am so glad I didn’t kill him.”
Laughter filled the study as they all got comfortable and talked about what they had learned.
In his bedroom Hadrian grasped the necklace in his hand and settled in for bed. If Draco
didn’t want the contract next year Hadrian wouldn’t force him. He would just have to prove
to Draco that he was the best.
Chapter Summary

It's time to sign the contract.

Chapter Notes

Next chapter is a Time Skip and things really get rolling!

And of course there will be much more Hadrian/Draco.

Draco and Hadrian stood in front of the desk in Marvolos office at 4:58pm. In exactly two
minutes, the time of Hadrians birth, their formal contract would be created. It had been
generations since the bracelet had been used and they had to rely on the Black Diaries to
know the next steps.
The magic of the bracelet would create the contract at the exact hour of the youngest birth.
The magic would create a contract perfect for the couple, their innermost desires and wants,
their boundaries. Sirius was most nervous about this part. Traditionally the bracelet was used
at a older age when thoughts and ideals were more concrete. If they didn’t agree with the
contract later it would be a very hard thing to break, and if they didn’t agree now they
wouldn't be able to do another contract. That was the danger of the bracelet, it was a one
time chance. Hadrian had known this before he slipped the bracelet on.
Kid was cocky.
As the clock stroke five Dracos bracelet glowed, as the glow circled his wrist in a swirl of
light and magic it formed into a golden mist that flowed to the table and swirled a golden
contract into life.
Gold, Sirius had been wrong. If it was signed now it was unbreakable. He knew he shouldn’t
have skimmed the contract part, he had no idea it could even come out gold.
“Well? Sign it,” Hadrian said as he stood with Draco, both of them holding out a blood quill.
“We need to read it first,” Sirius said as Marvolo and Lucius already bent over the contract to
read it.
“Why? It doesn’t matter what it says,” Hadrian said frowning. To him it didn’t, regardless of
what rules they had to follow he would follow to keep Draco.
“Let them read it Hadrian, it will make them feel better,” Draco said softly from his side.
Hadrian glanced at Draco and nodded. They stood in silence until Marvolo and Lucius had
finished reading the contract.
“Well?” Narcissa asked from her side of the table.
“It’s not what I thought it would be,” Marvolo said taping his chin with his finger, “Its a basic
contract. There is a fidelity clause, with exception for any type of coercion, including force
and love potions. They will be able to choose last name as long as any future children will
take on the last names not chosen. They must have at at least two heirs, blood adoption is
acceptable. Draco will be the Submissive in the relationship, Hadrian the Dominate, which
we already knew. The only concerning part is if they are not married on midnight of Hadrians
17th birthday they will lose their magic.”
“I do not know if I accept that,” Lucius said quietly, eyes reading the contract once again.
Hadrians attention snapped to him as his arm wrapped around Draco and pulled him closer,
Draco grasped the arm around him to silence him. Hadrian looked down at him and nodded
“If you do not sign this contract not only will we make a vow on our life to never marry
anyone, ever, but we will also run away the moment Hadrian turned 17 and nothing will stop
us,” Draco said seriously staring at all of their parents one at a time.
They had talked alot about the contract and what will happen, both had agreed regardless of
what their parents said they would be together forever. Hadrian pulled every contract book in
his families library and they spent hours pouring over them and thinking about what they
wanted hoping the magic would hear them when creating the contract.
“Oh don’t be dramatic children,” Narcissa chided from her side by Lucius, reaching past him
she grabbed the blood quill and signed her name with a flourish. Looking at her husband she
handed him the quill, “The contract was formed from their connection. We must trust in
magic, we must trust in our children.”
Lucius met eyes with Sirius over the contract, they both had their reservations even if their
spouses didn’t. Narcissa thought it was the most romantic thing in the world and for Marvolo
it was a point of pride that his son was able to pull something like this off. Sirius and him
however felt the children may be to young. There is a reason they had not set up contracts
before this situation, they wanted to know who their children really were before trying to
make their matches. There also may have been frustration over the fact that the children were
able to do this over their heads. Neither would admit that part however.
Sirius looked resigned and nodded. They knew the children were serious about their threat, it
wouldn’t do to risk them for anything.
Lucius quickly signed the contract before handing the quill off to Marvolo and Sirius,
watching as they signed as well. The minute it was signed Dracos bracelet and Hadrians
necklace flashed gold and the contract was signed. The children grinned and threw
themselves into their parents arms as smiles were passed around the room. Narcissa
discreetly wiped her tears away as she held onto her little Dragon, she prayed to every god
she knew to keep them in love.
Sirius was squeezing Hadrian, keeping his tears at bay, he knew the minute Hadrian saw his
precious this would happen. He did not expect it to happen so soon of course, but he was his
fathers child. What he felt know Sirius knew it wouldn’t pass, but it was still a fear.

Regulus picked up the contract to look it over as every gathered around the fire for the
celebration of tea and cake. Kreacher had gone over board in his excitement and happiness
for his favorite little master and the table it was loaded on seemed to sink in the middle.
Hadrian pulled Draco with him to their chair by the fire and smiled as he held him close, he
would never loose his Dragon now.
“Did you guys notice this contract doesn’t have a purity clause?” Regulus asked, raising an
eyebrow and looking at the others.
Marvolo smirked as Sirius and Lucius stuttered out at the same time, “What!”
Reaching over Sirius riped the contract out of Regulus hands and read it with Lucius by his
side. Lucius had been distracted by the losing magic part, he admittedly didn’t pay much
attention to the smaller things.
Narcissa looked over at the boys with raised eyebrows, a soft smile graced her face. They
weren’t paying any attention to the adults, curled in the chair together they spoke quietly as
Draco played with Harrys necklace. She hated to interrupt them.
“Boys,” Narcissa said quietly, both of them looked up at her.
“Yes Cissy?”
“Yes Maman?”
Narcissa tilted her head towards the auguring men on the other side of the table, “Your Papas
aren’t happy about something they discovered in the contract.”
The boys looked over confused and listened.
“This was all Hadrian! Draco would never have thought about this!” Lucius spat at Sirius.
“Excuse me! You always blame Hadrian for anything they get up to! You know damn well he
will agree to do whatever Draco wanted!”
“Give one example!”
“I don’t know how about THE DRAGON!”
“You can’t blame that on Draco! Hadrian is the one who mo-”
Lucius and Sirius got quiet and looked over at the rest of the room. Marvolo sat relaxed
against he couch, still looking as smug as ever. Regulus was reading the contract again, his
shoulders shaking slightly with contained mirth. Both boys were looking, Draco wide eyed
and Hadrian amused.
Narcissa had her face covered with her hand, she lowered it and glowered at them, “First of
all, the dragon was completely Dracos fault. Hadrian may have moved it but we all know
who wanted it for a pet,” Draco blushed slightly as Hadrian grinned, “Second, maybe you
should ask the boys before you continue your argument.”
All eyes turned to the boys in the chair, Draco leaned into Hadrian who answered with a grin,
“Papa Sirius said the purity clause was the worst mistake he had made when doing the
contract with Father. We were just trying to avoid making a mistake.”
Regulus couldn’t hold himself anymore and burst into pearls of laughter followed shortly by
Marvolo. Lucius looked smug in his correctness as Narcissa covered her mouth to hide her
Sirius was frozen with his mouth open before making a wounded sound and dropping his
face into his hands, “I wasn’t talking to you. When I said that! You weren’t even in the
Hadrian played with Dracos bracelet as he looked at his papa innocently, “I was reading
behind the bookcase.”
Sirius glared at Marvolo who quit laughing as he caught the look on his husbands face, “You
will be having that conversation with Hadrian, you will also be sleeping in the green room
until further notice.”
Marvolos jaw dropped, “Absolutely not! I had absolutely NO hand in this mess!”
“Oh, but you did. This is your fault! Don’t think I don’t remember the stories from Hogwarts
of you sneaking all around to get blackmail on other students!”
Draco leaned over to Hadrian and whispered into his ear as a new argument started with their
parents, “Why are they so upset about the purity clause anyway?”
“I have no idea,” Hadrian whispered back, he had a pretty good idea of course. But he
wouldn’t be telling Draco about them until after Draco had his own talk with his father, and
only when he brought it up.
Draco nodded and tilted his head back to look into Hadrians eyes, “I miss Marcus.”
Hadrian smiled.

It hadn’t taken long after Hadrian placed the bracelet onto Dracos wrist that Draco realized
Hadrian would give him almost anything he asked for. It was a power he didn’t exercise
often, but would use it to his full advantage when he wanted to.
The moment Draco laid his eyes on the small Hungarian Horntail that was being transfered to
a Dragon Reserve near Hadrians house he knew it was time to exercise that power. They were
in a nearby forest with Uncle Severus collecting potion ingredients when they came across
the Dragon Handlers who were moving the Dragon to their reserve that was a few miles out.
The men had recognized Uncle Severus and a conversation had been started up between

Hadrian was standing to the side quietly, listening to the conversation in front of him when he
felt Draco grab his hand. Looking down at Draco he noticed his eyes were locked onto the
Dragon that was sleeping in the crate.
“Yes, Precious?”
“I’ve always wanted a Dragon,” Draco said tilting his head up and looking up into Hadrians
Hadrian smiled down at him, “Then I’ll get you a Dragon.”
Checking to make sure the adults were distracted Hadrian made a complicated gesture with
his hand and Draco watched in awe as the dragon shrunk and flew into Hadrians hand. The
dragon hissed as it landed in Hadrians palm and shook its body in an aggressive fashion.
Hadrian hissed something to the aggravated dragon who calmed down and slipped him into
his pocket. One more hand movement and what looked like another dragon was sitting in its
“We just have to wait till we get home, I explained that we were taking him somewhere
better,” Hadrian whispered to Draco.
Draco beamed and bounced slightly in his place before calming down, he knew Uncle
Severus would know instantly they had done something if Draco was to excited. The
conversation came to an end after a few mintues and Severus took the boys back to Hadrians
manor, leaving them to play as he made his way to the potions lab.
The boys ran to Hadrians room, their contraband safely in his pocket. Entering the room
Hadrian made Draco stand by the door, “You stay here until I say so. I’m putting up a shield
in case the Dragon is angry, if something happens run to my Father. Okay?”
“Okay Hadrian,” Draco said staying by the door. Hadrian didn’t think anything would go
wrong, but he wouldn’t risk Draco.
Rowena come out please,” Hadrian hissed, Rowena came slithering out of a hole by the
fireplace and made her way to him, rubbing her head on his hand.
“Yes hatchling?”
“Go stand by Draco. I have a present for him but its dangerous. I need you to protect him so
he can run for Father if anything happens.”
Rowena hissed in displeasure as she made her way to Draco, curling up by his feet, “You
need to learn to say no Hatchling.”
Hadrian ignored her and reached into his pocket pulling the small Dragon out and set it on
the floor before waving his hand and enlarging it back to its original size. The dragon was
young, not much larger then a baby hippo but just as fierce as a full sized one. The Dragon
huffed smoke as it shook its body out, its dark spins flexing on its tale, it eyed Hadrian.
Great Dragon, I am sorry for the way you had to travel, it was the only way to get you here.
Speaker, I will forgive the method of travel for you have helped me escape the meatbags. Who
is the meat bag by the door?
Thats my mate, his name is Draco. Can he meet your greatness?
The Dragon puffed its chest up and sat straighter, Yes
Hadrian smiled over at Draco and raised a hand, beaconing him over to him.
Draco nearly ran to Hadrian, stopping next to him he kissed his cheek, “You are the very

Draco decided the Dragons name was Marcus and they spent the rest of the day with it.
Draco was ecstatic to have a pet Dragon and Hadrian was ecstatic that he was making well on
his promise to prove that he was the best.
Unfortunately it was not meant to be.
They had left the dragon napping in Hadrians room as they went to the dinning room for
Dinner. Halfway through dinner disaster struck.
Between the second and third course a terrified house elf appeared in font of Marvolo,
covered in soot and shaking head to toe he gained the attention of everyone instantly. Harry
and Draco shared a look before going back to eating.
“Twinkle what happen!” Siris said concerned from Marvolos left
“Master Dracos Dragon ate Bojo!” The house elf cried in distress.
“Master Dracos WHAT?”
Draco hid behind Hadrians chair as the parents turned to them. Hadrian sat straight in his
chair, “My bad. I should have fed him before we left.”
“Please tell me there is not a Dragon outside Hadrian,” Sirius asked half raised out of his
“Of course not,” Sirius sighed in relieve, “He’s in my bedroom. His name is Marcus.”
By the end of the night Marcus was at the reserve he was originally headed for. Draco was
inconsolable and Hadrian was furious at everyone for making him cry. They locked
themselves in Hadrians room with Kreachers help warding the door shut.
Marvolo had stormed off annoyed that he couldn’t open the door and made his way directly
to the Dragon Reserve, if his sons betrothed wanted to have a Dragon he would get a bloody
Dragon. He arrived back in high spirits and knocked on the door.
“Who is it,” Hadrian demanded from the room, Draco still upset in his arms.
“Come in,” Hadrian called relieved, his father would have fixed this.
“We are now the sponsor for the dragon. You may visit when time is available and you are no
longer grounded. It must stay at the reserve but they will allow it to keep its name and keep it
Draco stopped sniffling and smiled at Marvolo, “Thank you sir. Did you see him? Is he okay?
He was the sweetest.”
Marvolo disagreed, the beast was furious it had been taken from the warmth of the room and
had some choice things to say about the situation, “He was perfectly fine. Now come with
me, your parents are waiting in the study. You will be grounded from each other for a week as
punishment. Dragons do not belong in bedrooms and we will not have this conversation
Hadrian frowned and whispered something into Dracos ear before letting him go. Draco
smiled brightly at him and gave him a quick hug before leaving the room and going to his
“Thank you Father,” Hadrian said giving Marvolo a hug, “I knew you would fix it.”
“Of course child. Next time however lets keep the dangerous animals where they belong?”
“Okay,” Hadrian agreed, “I need your help with something.”
A sense of unease swept through Marvolo at the look on Hadrians face, “Of course.”
“Can we put a Dragon Reserve onto an island?”
Bloody hell, Marvolo thought, Sirius was right. This was all his fault.
Chapter 6
Chapter Summary

A tournament is announced and Hadrian makes his way to Hogwarts... unwillingly.

Chapter Notes

Alright people here we goooo!

This is the part of the story I have been waiting for, Harry is all grown up and shit is
about to hit the fan.
There is a time jump here, the cast is now 5 years older which puts Harry at 16. OH—I
played around with ages so Viktor Krum is only 17 not 19 as he should be, Cedric and
the twins are 17 as well.
And there is an OC, but to be fair we were introduced to none of the Dumstrang
students, so for all we know he was a character.
I will not be trying my hand at Bulgarian or accents. Bulgarian will be marked *like
this*. And magically they all speak perfect English.

Hadrian watched out the port window as the sea passed by and turned into the murky green
of a lake. Sighing he sopped into a seat by the fire and glared into the flames.
*What would your father if he could see you now Heir Potter-Black? Such a lack of
decorum,* Viktor Krum teased from his seat on the couch. In front of him was a table, a
Quidditch model set up with figures flying around. He would be at school until he officially
joined the Bulgarian team next year but the coach made sure to send him to model to learn
the plays.
Hadrian turned his head to him, a red ball of light playing around his fingers, “I am not in the
mood Viktor.*
Rowena raised her head from her place in front of the fire, her eyelids were down but her
presence was still terrifying, “I can bite him hatchling, if you like?”
“We have talked about this Row, Viktor is a friend. We don’t kill friends.”
Viktor kept his eyes firmly on the snake as she let out a hiss that sounded suspiciously like a
sigh and dropped back down in front of the fire. Relaxing he fell back into the couch and let
out the breath he had been holding. Blood Thirsty thing. He didn’t think Hadrian would
actually hurt him, but even the thought of being on the end of his temper was terrifying.
Viktor had taken Hadrian under his wing his first year of Dumstrang, not that he needed it.
By winter break that year Hadrian had a reputation of retribution for any slight that came his
way, the only person who had escaped it so far was Viktor. .

*It won’t be that bad Hadrian. Plus you get to be with Draco, I know how you hate for him to
be far from you for so long,* Viktor said before running another play.
Hadrian hummed, *True. But I know something is going to happen, even Father is
*Oh,* Viktor blinked and gave Hadrian his full attention, *Do you think Dumbledore is
going to try something? Your legally a Bulgarian citizen, he couldn’t even try to keep you. It
would be a political nightmare and he’s still in hot water over the Wizengamot scandal, not to
mention the werewolf.*
*It doesn’t mean he wouldn’t try. Especially when he finds out Marvolo is my father,*
Hadrian said petting Rowenas flume as she settled into his lap, *Even the magic of the
Wizengamot wouldn’t convince that old fool that he’s not Voldemort.*
In the summer of Hadrians 15th birthday Marvolo decided it was time to officially come out
of hiding and introduced himself to Britians Wizarding world by taking his rightful place in
the Wizengamot. With his seats and holding proxy over Sirius and Hadrians seat he
drastically shifted the power of the room. The dark had officially taken over much to the fear
of many, however the only changes he voted on did nothing but to improve the world.
Dumbledore didn’t care, he had taken one look at Marvolo and claimed him to be Voldemort.
It had been a long year since then, Dumbledore tried at every corner to convince the world
Marvolo was Voldemort. He was not succeeding and losing more support every session. This
year he was being watched incredibly close after announcing that a werewolf was going to be
the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. The appointment of Remus Lupin in the school
did nothing but solidify that something was going to happen for Hadrian and his parents.
Unfortunately there wasn’t much they could do.

*What ever happens brother, I will be there for you,* Viktor assured him holding his fist to
his chest.
*Thank you Viktor,* Hadrian smiled, after being his mentor in his first year of Dumstrang,
they had become fast friends. Viktor was one of the few people in his life that didn’t attempt
to lie or sugarcoat things with him. He was sure in his place as his right hand and Hadrian
trusted him.
*I will admit, I’m excited to see how Draco will be handling Dimitri,* Viktor said with a
smug smile.
Hadrian groaned and sunk even further into the chair. Dimitri Volkoff had to be the most
insentient pest Hadrian had the misfortune to meet. They were in the same year and sometime
around 4th year Dimitri had decided that Hadrian belonged with him and spent every moment
he could trying to convince him of it. The only thing that saved him was the fact that he was
the Bulgarian Ministers son. The minister was retiring that year however and the next one
will be firmly in Marvolos pockets. Dimitris days were numbered as far as Hadrian was
concerned, he just had to make sure Draco didn’t kill him before the new year.
*You won’t be laughing when we have to hide the body,* Harry mumbled.
The ship jerked and Hadrian glanced out the window as the water rushed past, he felt it break
the surface and cleared his face.
*Remember, do not say my name out loud. We are keeping my identity a secret for as long as
we can.*
The students of Hogwarts were waiting impatiently for the international students to arrive.
But none were more impatient then Draco Malfoy. Dressed in his best Hogwarts robes he
stood in front of the Slytherin cohort and fought against tapping his foot. Hadrian would be
with him this year, no more having to fight off Pansy or having to field off incessant
questions about who his betrothed was. The years had been good to him, his hair still shinned
a platinum white but now brushed his shoulders. He had lost all of the baby fat that clung to
him and he stood tall and strong. He still had a light tan from the month he spent on the
Island Hadrian had gifted him with for his 16th birthday. It had just been him and Hadrian,
the sun, the sea, and being thankful their contract had no purity clause.
He watched as the Beauxbatons carriage flew down to the ground, the winged horses
fluttering their wings as they landed. Madam Maxine exited out of the carriage and was
followed by a dozen girls in periwinkle robes. They were going to freeze by November.
Ignoring them his attention was captured by the Dumstrang ships main mass breaking
through the water. Draco watched as their headmaster Karkaroff stepped out of the ship,
Viktor Krum directly behind him and next to him, Hadrian.
His thick black curly hair reached just past his shoulders, the brown uniform fit perfectly
against him ,but in Dracos opinion hiding the best parts of his body, a brown cloak thrown
across one shoulder. Draco met Hadrians eyes briefly as they were drawn to him like a
magnet before he turned back to his headmaster. Draco had expected this of course, the plan
was to meet in the Great Hall. Draco was sure Hadrian had planned something for the
moment and he could hardly wait.

“Is that a Basilisk?”

Draco mentally rolled his eyes as he heard Hermione Grangers yell, her finger pointed at
Rowena who had followed Hadrian out of the ship. At the yell all attention was brought to
her, stopping she looked around and then pointed to herself with her tail. Hadrian teaching
her English was one of his greatest achievements. She wasn’t fluent of course, but she could
get the guise of what was being said.
“Yes,” Headmaster Karkoff said as he stood by the other teachers, “She is the familiar to one
of our students, I assure you shes perfectly safe.”
“I don’t know if it’s wise to have her in the castle Igor,” Dumbledore said stroking his beard,
“We wouldn’t want an accident.”
“Its non-negotiable Headmaster, she has a tether charm on her. I couldn’t keep the beast in
the ship if I tried.”

Draco frowned slightly from his place with the students, Row wasn’t a beast. He could see
Viktor and Hadrian frowning as well, Viktor said something quietly to Hadrian who inclined
his head. Rowena climbed up the Bulgarian player and settled around his shoulder.
“She will not be a bother Headmaster Dumbledore, she is very well behaved,” Viktor said
loud enough to carry over to the students. Karkoff didn’t correct that it wasn’t Viktors snake,
best for his health Draco thought.
“Lets get inside, the feast will commence!” Dumbledore said pleasantly before leading
Madam Maxine into the castle. The students filled in after, Draco had lost sight of Hadrian as
he settled into his seat at the great hall.
The two international schools hadn’t joined them, Draco remembered Hadrian had said
something about a showoff.
Sitting in his custom place at Slytherin table he watched as the door opened and the witches
of Beauxbatons came fluttering. Their dance was elegant and beautiful, a release of butterflys
signaling the end. Around him boys all went glassy eyed as Fleur Delacor danced around
before settling at Ravenclaw table next to Luna.
The doors shut again and the room fell into silence as they waited for Dumstrang. Draco
could hear the beating of sticks on stone as the door opened and they came strolling in.
Where the Beauxbatons entrence was beauty and grace the Dumstrangs was a show of power
and fire, trailing in last was Krum and Hadrian. Draco could hear whispers of Krums name
up and down the hall as they realized exactly who had the deadly snake around his
Draco stayed down as the school gave their rendition of Hoggy Hoggy Hogwarts before it
was finally time for the students of Dumstrang to sit down.
In the buzz of the hall while everyone sat a flicker of light fell from the ceiling and flew
around before landing infront of Draco. It took the form of Dracos animugas, a sphinx cat,
before flashing white disappearing and leaving only a ring box.
Draco looked up and found Hadrian making his way to him, ignoring the eyes of the hall
while they stared at him intently.
Hadrian only had eyes for Draco and kneeler next to his seat, the box jumping into his hands.
“I know you already have something the bracelet, but I thought it was time for an upgrade,”
Hadrian said quietly, in the silence of the hall it carried. Students quickly stood up on benches
and tables to get a good look at what was happening.
Dracos breath left him as he stared at the ring in the box. Like the bracelet it was goblin made
silver, the same filigree design making the band, clusters of tiny diamonds hid in the band,
making it shine as the light hit it. In the middle of the ring was an Oval diamond, four carats
and shinning in a way muggle diamonds could never.
Draco looked into Hadrians eyes and just like all those years ago held out his hand, “Okay.”
Hadrian smiled and yanked Draco out of his seat before dipping him and kissing him
passionately. The Great Hall exploded into applause and screams, the Dumstrang students
staffs hit the floor in a cadence and more butterflies came from the French students. All going
ignored as Hadrian slipped the ring onto his finger and sat them down at the table.
“Bloody Hell Hadrian, how are any of us suppose to compare to you,” Theodor Nott
complained from his side.
Hadrian shrugged, “You can’t.”
“Draco, it’s good to see you again,” Viktor said before brushing a kiss across his knuckles
and looking closely at the ring, “I have said it before, but congratulations.”
“Thank you Viktor,” Draco said politely, smile still in place. He didn’t think it was every
going to go away. Since the moment Hadrian placed the bracelet on his wrist Draco knew that
Hadrian was it. There was no question the contract would be signed when they turned 11..
Everyday since Hadrian placed the bracelet on Dracos wrist he made sure Draco knew that he
was the most important person in his life. He treated him like a king and made sure he had
whatever he needed or wanted. Hadrian was also possessive of Draco to a disturbing degree,
according to Lucius, Draco disagreed with that. He liked that about Hadrian, a possessive
Hadrian always made for a fun time for Draco. Draco wasn’t much different, he had cursed
many a witches and wizards when their gaze lingered to long.
The most important part of their relationship however was that Draco always felt safe.
Hadrian had a cruel streak and a fiery temper that, even he would admit, could sometimes be
set off like a match striking a light. But never with Draco, most of the time the only person
who could calm him down in those times was Draco. A job he took very seriously, mostly.
Some people need to learn to keep their hands to themselves.
All in all it was looking like it was going to be a great year.

Hadrian held Dracos hand throughout dinner, his eyes scanning the hall as he made small talk
with his and Dracos friends. They landed briefly on Lupin before continuing to Severus who
looked like he had something that smelled under his nose.
“Ten gallons Severus snaps before I do,” Hadrian said quietly to Draco.
Draco glanced at the head table and shook his head, “Loser bet darling, he’s in much closer
quarters then you. Better chances.”
“For now, once they know who I am it may change the game,” Hadrian said taking a sip of
his pumpkin juice, “Who do you think will be Hogwarts?”
“I don’t know. A few Slytherin upper years are entering but none of them are exactly
Triwizard tournament material. I don’t know about the rest of the school, what about
“Viktor. Many are trying of course but we all know who the winner will be.”
“Not you,” Draco said sharply giving Hadrian a look.
“Not me love, I don’t need eternal glory. I already have you,” Hadrian said, lifting Dracos
hand and kissing it lightly.
Draco blushed and rolled his eyes, “You’ve been taking lessons from the vampires again I
“Enough of that you prat. My girlfriend can hear you,” Theo hissed as he glanced over at
Daphne Greengrass who looked after when she heard Theo.
“Theo, I adore you. You know I do, but there is only one Hadrian in this world,” She said
with a laugh as she turned back to her friends.
“What is that suppose to mean?” Theo asked turning back to his friends.
“That I am a work of art and you my friend are a sketch done by a toddler,” Hadrian said
giving him a wink.

Dumbledore looked over at the Slytherin table as laughter rang out through the great hall.
“Severus,” He said turning to look at the man, “Who is the boy with Draco?”
“His betrothed,” Severus said, “I don’t know much about him, just that they met at a ball of
some sort as children and have been attached since.”
“I see. Do you know his name?”
“No,” Severus said before going back to his dinner and ending the conversation.
Albus nodded before looking back at the boy, something was familiar about him. He would
need to find out the boys name.

“Look whos coming in,” Hadrian whispered to his friends, his eyes locked on side door.
Ludovic Bagman came slinking into the hall taking a place next to Karkaroff. Ludo, as he
liked to be called, was the Department head of Magical Sports and Games and was famous
for his gambling addiction. He once tried to pull one over on Hadrian, in return Ludo still
flinched every time he caught sight of him.
“Who are you waiting for?” Blaise asked from his side next to Theo.
“Wait for it, he’s bloody dramatic,” Hadrian said a smirk pulling at his lips.
“No, he’s not,” Draco breathed, anticipation filling him as he caught on, “Why didn’t you tell
“Surprises,” Hadrian smiled over at him.

The doors to the Great Hall banged open. Dumbledore rose in his seat wand in hand, no
twinkle in site of those blue eyes.
Marvolo Gaunt walked into the Hall as if he owned it, his fine robes were pressed perfectly
and fit his slim build perfectly. His long black hair was pulled back around his neck, a Black
Heirloom keeping it tied in the back.
“Your not welcome in this school…Gaunt,” Dumbledore said from his place on the platform.
“You weren’t informed Headmaster? I’ve been asked to be a judge in the game,” Marvolo
said with a grin, making his way up to the table and sitting next to Madam Maxine greeting
her with a true smile.
Hadrian held onto Dracos hand tightly, amusement shooting through him by the look in
Dracos eyes he knew he was feeling the same. Getting one up on Dumbledore was always a
magnificent feeling.

As soon as the tables were cleared of dinner everyone sat up straighter and looked at the stage
eagerly. It was time.
“Welcome all to Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry!” Dumbledore called as he
stood up, “ A few things to say before we bring out the cup. First introductions, Mr. Ludo
Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports and Mr. Marvolo Gaunt,
head of the Wizengamot.”
“This game was brought to us by the hard work of Mr. Bagman and Mr. Crouch who couldn’t
be with us today. They will be joining myself, Headmaster Karkaroff and Madame Maxine
on the panel that will judge the champions efforts.”
An excited murmur swept through the room at the word “Champion” , “Mr. Filch the Goblet
please,” Dumbledore said stepping to the side as Filch bright in a great wooden chest
encrusted with Jewels.
“The instructions have already been examined by the ministries in being represented in this
hall. There will be three tasks through out the school year. They will test the champions in
their magical prowess, daring, powers of deduction and of course their ability to cope with
Silence filled the hall, some students looked cowered, others leaned forward in obvious
“The champions will be selected from an impartial selector: The Goblet of Fire,” with this he
tapped the top of the chest three times. The wood melted away and left a large silver jewel
encrusted cup with clear windows. Blue fire swirled against the windows and flowed up to
the top of the cup, blue-white flames dancing around the brim.
“Anyone wishing to submit themselves will place a piece of paper with their name on it into
the goblet. Tomorrow night on Halloween the goblet will provide the names of the three most
worthy champions to represent each school. It will be placed in the entrence hall for all
starting tonight and will remain there until it’s time to pull the names.”
“Any wishing to place their names into the Goblet remember, you must be seventeen. I will
be drawing the age line myself to ensure no underage students will be able to enter the Goblet
for their protection.”
“Lastly, once a champion is selected you will be placed into a binding magical contract.
There will be no changes of heart once selected, be very sure you are ready to be a champion
if you place the name into the goblet.”
After dinner Draco joined Hadrian in his cabin on the boat. The door had just shut behind
them when Dracos back hit the door and Hadrian was pressed against him kissing him hard
before pulling back and looking into his eyes, “Are you happy Precious? I had Griphook
design the ring from the bracelet.”
“You know I am Mon guerrier, c’est magnifique,” Draco purred bringing Hadrians lips back
to him.
Hadrians felt arousal slither down his spine, Draco…French..his precious was playing dirty.
Hadrian slide his tongue across Dracos lips lightly his hands gripping his hips tightly. Draco
opened easily, eagerly kissing Hadrian back, tangling his hands into Hadrians long black hair
pulling him closer.
Hadrian slide his hands from Dracos waist to his thighs, grasping them firmly he lifting him
up. Draco groaned and wrapped his legs around Hadrians waist tightly pulling him firmly
against him, feeling him hard against his hip.
A sharp knock on the door interrupted anything further.
Pulling away Hadrian glared at the door, “Who is it?”
“Your Father,” Marvolos voice drawled from the other side of the door, “If you could put
Draco down I would like to talk.”
Hadrian looked down at Draco and gave him one last lingering kiss before softly letting him
go and directing him to a chair.
“Come in.”
Marvolo strolled in and took the available seat across from them, smirking at Hadrians glare.
“You had an entire month together on that Island. I unlike Sirius and Lucius know you
enjoyed yourselves throughly. One night will not harm you.”
“I haven’t seen Draco in a month, it just might kill me,” Hadrian sniped back picking up
Draco and setting him in his lap, wrapping his arms around Dracos waist tightly as Draco
cuddled into him.
“Ignore him Marvolo, it is wonderful to see you. I didn’t know you were to be a judge,”
Draco said giving his father-in-law to be a bright smile.
“I thought it would be a fun surprise,” Marvolo said with a grin.
“It will be a long time before I forget Dumbledores face,” Hadrian said as he nosed into
Dracos neck.
Draco giggled and pushed his head away before kissing him lightly, “Stop it. We are talking
to your Father!”
Marvolo smiled as he took them in, he hadn’t been nearly as concerned as Sirius was about
them having a falling out but the chance was always there. They were children when Hadrian
started it and all relationships had a chance at failure especially those started so young. There
had been no need to worry. Hadrian would kill anyone who attempted to take Draco from
him, in fact he had killed for Draco.
And Draco…Marvolo looked close at Draco. Still fighting with Hadrian in the chair,
laughing freely, his eyes sparkling in the light with love. Draco was the softer of the two, he
tended to stay away from murder and torture that would happen from around them but
Marvolo knew, he would kill for Hadrian in a heartbeat if he needed.
“Yes Hadrian, have some decorum. I would hate to have to tell your papa what you were
doing against the door when I knocked,” Marvolo smirked taking a drink from tea that had
been delivered by Kreacher, who had followed his Master Hadrian to Dumstrang.
Hadrian instantly stopped and looked at his father in horror, “You wouldn’t! You know how
he gets Father.”
Marvolo inclined his head, “Draco dear, what is that I see on your finger?”
Draco smiled and jumped off Hadrians lap, avoiding the hands trying to pull him back, before
making his way to Marvolo, “Hadrian gave it to me at dinner! Isn’t it beautiful!”
Marvolo took a hold of Dracos hand and looked at the ring before letting out a low whistle,
“It is gorgeous Draco. He wouldn’t let anyone see it until you did, your mother is going to
covet it.”
Draco preened before dropping back into Hadrians lap giving him a deep slow kiss. Marvolo
rolled his eyes before coughing for their attention, “Honestly you two, its been a month.
Thank Merlin there wasn’t a purity clause on your contract, it would have been decently
broken by now.”
Draco blushed brightly and looked away while Hadrian shrugged, “It’s not our fault we
thought ahead.”
“We? That was all you. Pervert,” Draco mumbled pushing Hadrians shoulder lightly.
“I told you I wasn’t sure what it was, I just had ideas. Besides you can’t act like your not
thankful I had the foresight.”
“So Marvolo,” Draco said ignoring Hadrians comment, cheeks still pink, “Will you be
staying here all school year?”
They both ignored Hadrians quiet, “I hope not.”
“No, only for the drawing of the champions and the tasks. Other then that I will be home and
“How did you even get to be a judge? I thought it was suppose to be Crouch?” Hadrian asked
“I have a better relationship with the French and Bulgarian ministers, they can not stand
crouch. They only agreed if I could be the in between,” Marvolo placed his cup on the table
and stood up, “I have to go back to the Castle and call Sirius. You boys have a good night.”
“By Father.”
“By Marvolo.”

“So now that we are alone..” Hadrian trailed off laying kisses onto Dracos shoulder.
Dracos breath hitched and he tilted his head slightly, “I can’t stay longer love, I have to help
some first years with DADA.”
Hadrian cursed and lightly bit Dracos shoulder, smiling when he felt Draco shiver, “Fine.
Leave me all alone, in this cold lonely room.”
“You will be fine my love. I’ll spend the weekend with you, promise,” Draco promised
placing a light kiss onto Hadrians lips.
“Yes dear,” Hadrian pouted
“Unless I find a way into your room before then,”Hadrian added as an after thought.
Draco laughed and with one last lingering kiss he made his way out of the room.
The Champions are Chosen
Chapter Summary

Hadrian is finally at Hogwarts, the Goblet Of Fire is lit-Who will be the champions?

Chapter Notes

Oops, I accidentally went MIA. My bad.

In my defence I have ADHD and became fixated with Dying Light 2. I also spent a
week in bed because of crippling depression. So will this happen again? Maybe. I wish
there was a way to let y’all know but alas.
Anyway, Thank you so much to all of my reviewers, you guys honestly make my day.
Thank you for the kudos, comments, bookmarks, I am so happy that this has found
people to love it like it do.

***Also, if there are any wrong words my bad. I still need to invest in Grammerly…or
pay better attention when doing spell check. But I did try my best AND doublechecked.
So fingers crossed.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The magic of the castle seemed to vibrate with warmth as Hadrian leaned against the wall
next to the Slytherin Common Room waiting for Draco. Through out the years waiting for
Draco had become one of Hadrians favorite past times. Father complained constantly about
Papa taking forever to get ready but Hadrian loved the results of his Precious taking his time,
almost as much as Hadrian loved showing his appreciation for the looks his Precious made.
“Well hello Handsome,” Draco said as he left the portrait hole and headed straight to him.
Hadrian smiled as he pulled Draco close and rested his hands on his hips.
“Hello Beautiful,” Hadrian murmured before pulling Draco into a kiss. Draco could have
worn a potato bag and he still would have been the most beautiful person in the room, that
fact would never change. But the days he put in extra effort Hadrian had a hard time keeping
his hands to himself.
Laughing Draco pulled away after a moment and grabbed his hand, “We have to get to
breakfast love.”
“Your so mean to me sometimes,” Hadrian complained but followed non the less, he let go of
Dracos hand wrapping his arm around Dracos waist pulled him to his side.
“You didn’t find me last night. I was disappointed,” Draco said as they made their ways
through the twisting dungeons and up the stairs.
“Viktor needed help with a spell he’s been trying to master. We stayed up most of the night
getting it right.”
Draco sighed, “I knew it. I’m second place in your life now.”
Hadrian stopped them and turned Draco to him, he pulled him close and raised a hand to cup
his cheek angling his head up to him, “Give the word and I’ll kill him. In anyway you want.”
Draco leaned up and kissed Harry gently, “I adore you my bloodthirsty king. But Viktor can
live....for now.”
“Glad to hear my life means so much to you Hadrian,” Viktor said dryly from behind them as
they met in the entrence hall.
Hadrian glanced back at him and shrugged, “I like you and all, but I would kill you in a
heartbeat if Draco asked.”
“Anyone I asked right?” Draco quested with his eyebrow raised.
Hadrian smiled, “Give me a name.”
“That’s my king,” Draco said softly and kissed his cheek, “Now lets go. I’m hungry and you
know how I get when I’m hungry.”
Together they made their way to the Great Hall before settling down at Slytherin and getting
“Have you had a chance to talk to Fleur yet?” Hadrian asked Viktor as the Great Hall filled.
“Stopped by her carriage this morning, she wants to get together for lunch,” Viktor answered,
“We are going to add our names together.”
“Excellent. We-,”
The rest of Hadrians words were lost as he felt Draco tense. The reason being obvious as a
handsome boy forced himself into a seat across from him and looked at Draco briefly before
dismissing him, turning his eyes to Hadrian and lowering his lashes.
“You left so early this morning Hadrian. I was hoping we could go to breakfast together.”
Hadrian tightened his hold on Dracos waist as he felt him reach for his wand. Draco was well
aware Hadrians unwanted admirer, Dimitri Volkoff was a dead man walking as far as he was
“Why would I go to breakfast with you Volkoff,” Hadrian asked, annoyance thick in his
“I just thought because we are in a new place we should stick together of course,” Volkoff
said smoothly.
Hadrian just barely kept from rolling his eyes, Volkoff knew very well who Draco was and
ignoring him as he was didn’t do him any favors.
“You are in a new place. I however am not, I have many friends that go here. Including my
darling Betrothed,” Harry gestured to Draco, “Volkoff this is Draco Malfoy, Precious meet
Dimitri Volkoff. The ministers son.”
Best to remind Draco why he couldn’t just kill the impertinent prat.
“Charmed,” Draco said with a sneer, “Lets go Hadrian the company has become droll.”
With that Hadrian stood and held out his hand to help Draco, wrapping an arm around his
waist he guided him out of the Hall.

“I want his heart,” Draco said casually as they took a walk around the lake, pulling Hadrians
cloak around him closer as a cold wind swept through.
November in Scotland was beautiful. Snow lightly frosted the ground, the shinning sun
reflecting on the snow causing a sparkle like small diamonds on the ground. After so many
summers in Bulgaria and at Durmstrang it was a pleasant change to the harsh winters Hadrian
was used to.
“You will have it darling,” Hadrian promised, “It won’t be long until his father is no longer
the Minister. Once the official banners go into effect he will no longer have his protection.”
“Will he do anything?”
“No. He’s an idiot and believes he’s completely safe,” Hadrian replied in a light voice, “He
doesn’t believe I would do anything to hurt him, even with the warnings given to him by
Draco hummed looked out at the lake, waving to the Giant Squid as its head and tentacle
peaked out of the cold water.
Hadrian took a moment to stare.
When Hadrian had first seen Draco he would have sworn to everyone that he had never seen
anyone so beautiful. That of course changed drastically as they grew, especially the year of
their fourth year they had spent completely part. Due to circumstances out of their control
they had not been able to see each other for Christmas, it was a very long ten months of
separation for everyone. They had both made sure their families knew their displeasure.
When Hadrian stepped out of the floo at Malfoy Manor for the summer he was stunned at the
figure standing infront of him, waiting impatiently. Draco had grown over the year. His baby
fat that settled around his chin and cheeks, a fact he had constantly complained about, was no
longer a matter. His features had sharpened, his lashes doubled and he decided to let his hair
loose around his face, settling right at his jaw.
That night was the first that Draco had asked for more in their physical relationship, Hadrian
was more then happy to comply.
Now just past sixteen Draco had grown even more into the man he would one day be. His
resemblance to Lucius was natural but his mothers Black features were becoming more
prominent every year, and those were some genes to be mixed. Hadrian had spent many days
just staring at Draco. Every glance from his silver eyes, every smile, from the breathtaking to
the small tilt of his lips, had Hadrian promising him the world and more.
Here, now, as they stood on the bank of the lake. Hogwarts shinning in the back ground, as
Draco stood in his finest school robes and Hadrians Durmstrang cloak Hadrian wanted to rip
off his own head and offer it on a platter.
Draco looked over at him with a smile that rushed heat through Hadrians body, “I want to
know what I look like on the sheets of your bed in the ship, I want to feel how they feel
against my skin, “Draco pressed closer to Hadrian, his hands sneaking under Hadrians robes,
“Will you allow me to know?”
Hadrian wondered, as they quickly made their way to the ship, what kind of platter Draco
would like Hadrians head on?


*Hadrian, are you in?* Viktors voice came from Hadrians door after a series of knocks.
Making sure Draco was fully covered as he napped Hadrian opened the door in his robe,
*How can I help you?*
*It’s lunch, we are having a picnic near the lake,* Viktor said, keeping his eyes firmly on
Hadrian. Draco may be fully covered but if he even saw a glimpse of skin he knew his eyes
wouldn’t stay in his head long.
*Right! We will join you in a few minutes. Thank you for reminding me,* Hadrian said
before shutting the door with a snap.
Hadrian sat on the bed by Draco and ran his hand over his back lightly, “It’s time to get up
Precious, we have lunch plans.”
Draco burrowed himself more into the blankets, intending to stay asleep lunch plans or not.
Hadrian had tired him out quite nicely.
“You will finally get to meet Fleur. You wanted to ask her about her hair remember?”
Hadrian said with a smile pulling the blankets away again.
Draco peaked his head out from the blankets quickly, he had been asking to meet he Veela for
years, “Where are my robes?”
Hadrian looked around the room, “Erm, everywhere?”
“Well help me find them. I need to know how her hair is that soft in photos, I hope its not just
a Veela thing.”
Hadrian laughed and helped Draco out of bed, the robes were found in record time and they
were soon making their way to the picnic set that had been set up for them.
The blanket took up a large space of the ground, a feast taking up a large space in the middle.
Viktor sat on one corner having a quiet conversation with Fleur, her sister Gabrielle was next
tot her having a conversation in rapid French with Daphne. Blaise and Theo sat on the other
end having a heated discussion about some Quidditch team, their hands moving quickly as
they tried to prove their points.
“Your both wrong, the Bulgarians will demolish at the next World Cup, guaranteed,” Hadrian
commented as he helped Draco down before sitting next to him.
“Their team is good but their Seeker needs work. Unless there is some serious change they
won’t even make it to the World Cup,” Blaise rebutted as he turned from Theo.
Hadrian shrugged and leaned back on his hands, “Hundred Gallons?”
“Deal,” Blaise agreed, they shook on the bet quickly.
“Fleur, you're looking as beautiful as ever. It’s my pleasure to introduce you to my betrothed,
Draco Malfoy,” Hadrian introduced the two.
Hadrian was quickly ignored as Fleur squealed and demanded to see the ring before they
started a rapid conversation bringing Daphne and Gabrielle into it. Hadrian caught a few
words about the ring and wedding before turning away.
Hadrian shared a look with the boys, “I feel as though I might regret introducing them.”
“Oh you will,” Blaise said cheerfully, before passing him a Butterbeer.
Raising the bottle in thanks Hadrian took a drink before passing it to Draco, “You put your
names in?”
“Yes. The hall was getting pretty busy when we left, a lot are trying their hand at the
tournament,” Viktor answered.
“Notice any one in particular for Hogwarts?” Hadrian questioned, the only school he wasn’t
familiar with he wasn’t sure who would be picked.
“Not that we really saw. Other then Johnson from Gryffindor, I could see her pulling it off,”
Theo answered, his eyes glued to the book he had picked up when Hadrian and Draco
“A Gryffindor?” Blaise asked in distant, “Even a Hufflepuff would be a better pick than
them. At least their parties are great.”
“You have never been to a Gryffindor party, how do you even know if they are good or not?”
Theo shot back.
“I snuck in when I was hooking up with one. They were loud but nothing interesting was
going on,” Blaise answered simply.
“Who did you hook up with in Gryffindor?” Hadrian asked.
“George Weasley,” Blaise said with a sigh, “I was tempted to keep that one. Smart, funny,
amazing in bed. I was actually sad when that one ended.”
“Why did it end?”
Blaise shrugged lightly, “Family. Maman wouldn’t have cared on my end, but his family…
well he’s a Weasley.”
“Did Fred know?” Theo asked with a raised eyebrow.
Blaise was known for his dalliances, not near as many as people actually thought but enough
that the though of him wanting to keep one was a surprise.
“Yeah of course. Helped us cover sometimes even, nice bloke actually.”
“Interesting,” Hadrian said a thoughtful frown on his face. Blaise was a good friend, a decent
bloke, but he was right. From what Hadrian knew of the Weasleys they would be turning over
in their graves if George came home with a dark wizard. Slytherin to boot.
“Wanna make a bet on who the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons champions will be?” Hadrian
asked, changing the subject.
“With you? No. I like keeping my money thank you,” Theo snorted from behind his book.
“What do you mean?” Blaise asked, his head snapping to Theo.
“Betting against Hadrian is a fools bet. He has seer blood in his veins, its the only
explanation for I have never seen him losing a bet.”
“You just watched me bet him about the World Cup five minutes ago!” Blaise exclaimed, no
one had warned him against betting with Hadrian. That seemed like some important
“I thought you knew,” Theo said, his smirk hidden behind his book.
“Bollocks,” Blaise groaned.
Hadrian just smiled and allowed himself to be pulled into Dracos conversation on color


The Great Hall was the loudest it had ever been. Dinner had finished and the air was filled
with excitement as the students discussed who was going to be pulled for each school.
Hadrian sat in the middle of Slytherin with Draco on his side, his friends filling spaces all
around him. They had been able to hide him from the students for most of the day, showing
him the castle. Hadrian loved it, the castle itself was one a work of art but the feeling was
nothing like he had ever felt. He had been in his fair share of older estates, magical and
muggle, but none felt as welcoming and warm as Hogwarts did.
“Students,” Dumbledore started as he stood up, the hall instantly quieted as every turned their
eyes to the goblet, “The Goblet is ready to make it’s choices, when your name is called please
make your way to the next chamber.”
Dumbledore finished pointing to the door in question that sat just behind the teachers table.
With a flick of his wand the candles went out, the only light coming from the blue flame that
danced around the rim of the goblet. Anticipation was building in the students, quiet murmurs
from tables broke the silence as they waited.
The goblet went still, students sitting up straighter and leaning in to see better shot back into
their seats as a red flame burst out, sparks coming out around and dancing with the flames.
The sparks flew together forming a single mass before shooting back into the cup and out, a
single piece of paper floating out of the fire.
“The first Champion for Durmstrang will be…VIKTOR KRUM!” Dumbledore shouted, the
room exploded into applause. Hadrian clapped Viktors back as he stood up and made his way
to the door, shaking hands with students as he made his way up the table.
The flame of the Goblet lighting up again quieted the room once more as another paper came
floating out, “The second Champion for Beauxaboton will be….FLEUR DELACOR!”
Fleur raised from her seat and gave a bow to the teachers before flouncing off the the door,
applause following her as the door shut.
“And finally, for Hogwarts the champion is,” Dumbledore said as the flames turned red
again, but this was different. Flames shot out viciously lashing out around the cup,
Dumbledore stumbled back as he raised a hand to cover his face. All eyes in the room were
wide as they watched the fire form and condense, sweeping around the goblet before shooting
to the ceiling and exploding into sparks, the cup dimming as its fire went out.
Only a piece of singed paper left, floating down to Dumbledores outstretched hand. Draco
had never heard the hall so quiet, glancing at Hadrians face he fought the frown and squeezed
his arm. Hadrian was sitting still as stone, eyes locked onto the paper before moving to his
Father who gave a brief nod and left the table.
Catching the final piece of paper shot out into the air, Dumbledores face paled slightly as he
stared at the paper in surprise, “HARRY POTTER?”
“HARRY POTTER! Are you in this room?” Dumbledore called again.
Hadrian cursed under his breath before pulling Draco close, giving his neck a light kiss under
his ear before he breathed, “I will be in your room tonight Precious.”
Draco nodded and released his arm, his eyes roaming his table and catching the eyes of a
select few. Hadrian ignored the students who were standing and staring at the students from
the other schools, trying to figure out where Harry Potter had been hiding all this time.
Standing quickly he schooled his face and walked directly to the door, paying no attention the
questions being shouted and looks he could feel from the rest of the students and teachers.
The hair on the back of his neck raised as he felt Dumbledores smug gaze on him, he didn’t
give him the satisfaction of a look.
Walking into the room Hadrian made his way directly to Viktor and Fleur who were standing
by the fire talking quietly.
“Hadrian?” Viktor asked confused, “What are you doing in here?”
“Take one guess,” Hadrian snarled his magic pulsing quickly before dying down. Viktor and
Fleur paled, neither of them had taken real stock into Hadrians concerns about the
tournament. Both putting it down to him being uneasy at being back in England. How they
wished they were right.
“But how?” Fleur asked quietly taking a small back into Viktor.
The door opened and teachers came flooding into the room with Dumbledore in the lead.
“What is going on Headmaster!” Viktor demanded of Karkaroff as they made it into the
room, “Hadrian is going to compete as well?”
“Amazing! Simply amazing! Everyone, the Hogwarts Champion!” Ludo Bagman said as he
made his way into the room, “He will of course be competing.”
“Like HELL I will compete! I did not put my name in that bloody goblet! I haven’t even used
the name Harry since I was six. I don’t even go to Hogwarts!” Hadrian snarled at Bagman,
eyes promising pain for his lapse. It had been a while since Hadrian had taught him to mind
his betters, it seemed it was time for another lesson. Bagman recognized his mistake and
paled slightly and shifting back behind the teachers.
“Dumbledore this is not acceptable! Mr. Potter should not have been able to put his name in
the goblet for any school, let alone one he does not attend. We were under the impression
your age line would have prevented underage students from crossing Dumbledore. Mr.Potter
is but six-teen,” Karkaroff said quietly, his eyes narrowed.
“This can be no ones fault but Potters ,” Severus Snape said from beside Dumbledore, dark
eyes glaring at Hadrian, “I’m sure he’s as arrogant as his father was before him and thought it
would be a lark.”
“No one asked your opinion Death Eater,”Hadrian hissed at him coldly, “Further more, my
name is Hadrian Potter-Black. And I am no where near as arrogant as my father.”
Viktor coughed behind Hadrian, concealing the snort that attempted to escape. Hadrian was
completely right about that, Marvolo was the most arrogant man he had ever met. Whatever
James Potter had been was nothing compared to that man, nor was he the man Hadrian
considered his Father.
“Black you said?” Dumbledore asked just as the door to the room banged open and Sirius
marched his way in, Marvolo following him at a slower pace.
Lord Black had made his appearance.
“Yes Black. Now why did my sons name come out of that blasted artifact Dumbledore,”
Sirius demanded making his way to the front of the crowd.
“Sirius good to see you! You are looking very healthy,” Dumbledore said cheerfully, “I’m
afraid I don’t have an answer for you however.”
“He could have had another student put his name in,” Snape said from his other side, glaring
at Hadrian for his remark.
“If I wanted to enter this bloody game I would have done it myself,” Hadrian argued, “I did
not. Therefor I had nothing to do with this.”
“Even if he had another student put his name in it would take an incredibly powerful wizard
to confound the Goblet. I don’t think Harry would have been able to do that Headmaster,”
Remus said quietly from the side. He was staring at Hadrian, his eyes moving across his face
quickly. He had not seen him since he was a baby, laughing at colored lights that would float
from his wand. Turning his eyes to Sirius he took him in, he was healthy and handsome, the
adult Remus had dreamed of him turning into. How he had missed them both.
“Like I said. If I wanted to enter my own name I would have,” Hadrian said shortly before
turning to Marvolo, “Father is there anyway to have me not compete? Some clause due to the
fact that it wasn’t actually me who entered?”
“There had better be,” Sirius muttered as he to turned to Marvolo, both ignoring the look of
devastation that crossed Remus face for a brief moment.
“I’m afraid not,” Marvolo said grimacing slightly at the dark look they both gave him, “Once
the name comes out it forms a binding contract. You should already be able to feel it.”
Dumbledore ,who had until this moment looked as if he swallowed a lemon drop, finally
caught his bearings.
“Excuse me, did you refer to Lord Gaunt as your father my boy?”
“Yes he did. Marvolo and I have been married for many years and he adopted Hadrian not
long after,” Sirius answered for Hadrian, before turning furious silver eyes onto Dumbledore
and Bagman, “I will not allow for this to stand. Hadrian must compete and for Hogwarts, I
will find out how that happen. But, and don’t mistake my words this is a threat, if anything
happens to him you will both regret ever bringing that cup into this school.”

Chapter End Notes

Do I like it 100%? No.

It's smaller then I wanted and some parts could be flushed out more but for some reason
I couldn't get the chapter exactly where I wanted it. I rewrote it like five times, before
just deciding to go with this. The danger of Fanfiction yall.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy and aren't to disappointed.
If you're wondering where the Smut is I am wondering as well. Unfortunately I’m just
not in the proper headspace for what I had planned for that scene. But it is coming!
Until next time!
(Which will defiantly be sooner, promise.)
Making Friends
Chapter Summary

Hadrian makes some friends and has a much needed meeting.

Chapter Notes

You guys might have noticed a change in the tags as well as the rating. It's for a simple
reason. I am not in the right headspace for writing Smut, and I refuse to give y’all bad
smut. So in stead I am going to make them one shots, that will be connected to the story,
at a later time. I’m sorry if anyone is disappointed but its the best I can do right now. It
very well might change later and if it does I will be adding them into the story and
changing tags again.

Thank you!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Hadrian stormed out of the room, his fathers, Viktor and Fleur right behind him. He was
furious, his magic was a hurricane inside of him begging to be let out. Hadrian took a deep
breath and pulled it back in tightly, he would release it later when he was in a secure area.

“What happen?” Draco asked concerned as Hadrian made a beeline directly to him.

Hadrian said nothing, he placed his hand on Dracos hip and pulled him close, crushing his
lips to his. Draco made a soft sound and wrapped his arms around Hadrians neck. Hadrian
plundered his mouth for a moment before pulling away and looking down at Draco. His soft
lips were red and moist, his eyes slightly glazed as he started up into Hadrians eyes.

“I am the champion for Hogwarts,”Hadrian said lowly as he ran a thumb under Dracos
bottom lip in apology. , “There is no way out of it.”

“How is that even possible?” Draco asked confused.

“Someone enchanted the hell out of the goblet, someone powerful. I’ll give you five guesses
but you will only need one,” Hadrian said before pulling Draco to the doors, “We will talk in
the morning. Draco is staying with me tonight.”

He didn’t wait for a response.

The boat was in an uproar as Hadrian entered pulling Draco behind him. Hadrian didn’t know
if it was because they saw him being a champion as a betrayal or they were angry he was
taking light from Viktor and the school, nor did he care.

*Shut the bloody hell up!* Hadrian yelled over the noise, as eyes connected to his form the
ship went silent.

*How did you do it?* Romanoff, a seventh year who was an acquaintance to Viktor asked.
Hadrian never liked him, he was a suck up of the highest degree and dumber than a bag of
flower. Romanoff never understood that sucking up to Viktor was doing the opposite of what
he wanted but blamed Hadrian for Viktor not being interested in him.

Hadrians magic acted before he even knew what he wanted to do. Romanoff dropped to his
knees, his hands clawed at his neck in an attempt to stop the invisible hand that was crushing
his windpipe. Hadrian let go of Dracos hand and walked slowly to him, sizing him up as the
prey he was. He had been itching to give the prat a taste of true magic for years and tonight
he felt no need to contain himself.

Leaning down he grabbed Romanoffs neck, lifting him into the air and bringing his head
close to his. Hadrian stared into his eyes and said softly, “Now is not the time to question me.
Do you understand?”

Romanoff attempted to nod as whimpers escaped him, his vision blurred at the edges as
oxygen his brain started shutting down from the oxygen deprivation. Hadrian tossed him
back and he slammed into the wall of the ship, he laid on the floor coughing, desperately
taking deep breaths as he tried to remain conscious.

Hadrian looked around the room slowly. No eyes would meet his, some of the students were
hiding behind others trying to stay out of Hadrians sight.

“Does anyone else have any comments about my being entered into this tournament?”

Heads shook, the braver souls sounding off “No”. Hadrian nodded and reached out for Draco
who placed his hands in Hadrians and sneered at Romonff who remained on the floor. The
room cleared a path for them as they made their way out of the main area and down the
hallway to Hadrians room.

Dracos body felt like it was vibrating. Hadrian had many ways of turning him into a mess
from sweet words and soft caresses to seductive dinners with sinful words whispered against
his skin. This time though…this time Hadrian would take. And Draco would give it all.

“Do you remember our first time?” Draco asked later that night as he laid across Hadrians
chest. He was deliciously sore, his back littered with bite marks, bruises in the shape of
Hadrians hands on his thighs and hips.
Hadrian snorted and brushed Dracos hair from his forehead, “When you accused me of
cheating on you?”

“I didn’t accuse you,” Draco said offended, “I nearly expressed my concern that you seemed
to have more experience then you should have.”

“Riiight,” Harry dragged out the word, “Well Father did give me a very detailed talk and
Regulus gave me plenty of books to learn what I needed.”

Harry looked down at Draco with soft eyes,” I could never forget that night precious. I
remember everything, including you changing your mind about five times.”

“And you stopped every time I tensed up in the slightest, even when you are inside of me,”
Draco said softly.

There had been a moment, a very brief moment, that Draco became incredibly nervous by the
pain of penetration when Hadrian finally started sliding into him. Hadrian stopped instantly
and made to pull away before Draco stopped him.

“There was sand in some very uncomfortable places after the fact as well, why did we not
just move it to the house?” Harry questioned.

It wasn’t planned. They had been moving closer to it with every private moment they had
since the summer before but Draco was hesitant with the act itself. Hadrian had no problem
going at Dracos pace, never pushing for more, only taking what Draco offered and giving
whatever he wanted. That wasn’t to say Hadrian didn’t jump at the chance when they were
fooling around on the beach.

“I wanted to get it over with,” Draco admitted, “I knew if I didn’t do it then I would have
pushed it off even longer.”

“That would have been okay,” Hadrian said softly, their friends had made jokes about it of
course. They had been the last of their friend group to take that final step, even though they
had been together the longest.

“I know, but I had no intention of waiting until our bonding night. I wanted you then and I
didn’t want my fear to stop me anymore.”

Hadrian kissed Draco softly and pulled him close, their legs tangling together under the
blanket as he held him.

“You want the moon? Just say the word, and I’ll throw a lasso around it and pull it down,”
Harry said quietly in his ear, quoting a movie they had once saw. He was raised in the
Wizarding world but Sirius had made sure he could travers the muggle world if needed.
Father hated it, but it was always better to keep an eye on your enemy, and if they ever
needed to run they had a much better chance in the muggle world.

“What if I wanted you to destroy it?” Draco questioned with a smile.

“I would brush up on my warming charms so we could survive the icy apocalypse it would
cause of course. Actually that’s not a bad idea, the muggles would certainly die I bet most
Wizards would survive,” Harry finished intrigued.

Draco laughed and nestled into his side with a yawn,”It’s time for sleep apocalypse bringer.”

“I like that, I’m going to add it to my Resume.”


“Your going to be the death of me,” Hadrian panted as Draco smirked and kissed his way
back up his chest.

“It would be a good death. Many people could not say the same.”

Hadrian laughed and kissed him quickly, “Lets get dressed. I need to talk to my parents and
find out how exactly my name got in the goblet.”

The ship was silent as they made their way through. All eyes turned to the floor or walls in an
effort to avoid Hadrians gaze. Hadrian deliberately meet the gazes of a few unlucky students,
smirking as they let out squeaks and ran in the opposite direction.

“One of these days you're going to tell me exactly what you up to at Durmstrang,” Draco
commented as yet another student ran.

Hadrian shrugged, “You know most of it, but you know word just gets around.”

The walk to breakfast was interrupted by Dumbledore who was waiting for them by the doors
of the Great Hall.

“Ah Mr. Malfoy, I heard you did not spend the night in your dorms. May I know where you
were?” He asked with a smile.

“I was working on inter school cooperation. That’s what the tournament is about, getting to
know students from other schools,” Draco said innocently.

“You can ask anyone on the ship, quite a few of us slept in the same room. Many cots were
available,” Hadrian said. He doubted Dumbledore ask but the other students would cover.

“Lovely! Well for now on I’m going to ask that young Mr. Malfoy sleep in his dorm. Those
are the rules at Hogwarts after all,” Dumbledore said smiling at Hadrian.

“Of course Headmaster Dumbledore, if you will excuse us we would like breakfast,” Harry
said as he started to guide Draco away.
“If it wouldn’t be to a trouble I would like to have a meeting with you after breakfast Mr.
Potter,”Dumbledore said before they could leave.

“It’s Potter-Black, but of course Headmaster,” Hadrian gave a nod and continued taking
Draco out.

“He’s going to interrogate you,” Draco said as they sat down for breakfast.

“I know. He can do what he like as long as I get what I want,” Harry replied.

“Do you think he will give it to you?”

“He will have no choice. Legally the cloak should have been placed back in my family vault
after the death of my parents. If he tries to keep it I’ll just let the goblins know, he will lose
much more,” Harry said with a smirk.

Hadrian had become friends with the goblins as a child, showing them the proper respect and
striking friendships. He learned the proper greetings, farewells, he was fluent in
Gobbledegook and had a standing monthly tea date with the wife of the chief of his local
Gringotts. He learned alot during those times. During a lunch she had asked him why he
hadn’t accessed his family vaults, Hadrian had explained he didn’t want to alert Dumbledore
in anyway where he was. They had their suspicions about his family manager and
Dumbledore, he was missing a few things from his vault that he knew for a fact Dumbledore
had. It was a serious breach of Gringotts conditions and a death penalty at Gringotts. Hadrian
assured her he was waiting for the right moment and would let her know the minute she
would be able to remove the head of the goblin in charge of his accounts.

She had been counting the days since.

“I’ll be going with you,” Draco said.

“Of course dear, you can protect me from the mean old Headmaster,” Hadrian said batting his
eye lashing at Draco.

Draco rolled his eyes. If anyone needed protecting it was the Headmaster, besides Hadrian
would never let Draco fight the old goat.

“Where has Rowena gone? I haven’t seen her since you arrived,” Draco asked frowning, his
eyes scanned the hall. Rowena was the most protective out of anyone in Hadrians life, she
barely let him out of her sight.

“Father woke the basilisk in the chamber, she’s been learning things from the older snake.
She will be back soon,” Hadrian answered. She had let him know shortly after arriving that
she would be gone for a few days, maybe weeks. He didn’t fault her, there weren’t many
basilisk around and she wanted the company. He offered to get more snakes for company but
she complained that they were idiots.

“Your being watched,” Blaise said as he took his seat next to them at the table.

“Everyone is watching me. Have you seen this face? Adonis,” Hadrian said.
Blaise snorted, “I’m serious Hadrian. Other at Gryffindor, two red heads and a bushy
brunette. Ron, Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger. Their eyes haven’t left you since you
entered the room.”

“Why?” Harry glanced over, Blaise was right. Hermione was staring at him with curiosity,
Ronald was attempted to look friendly but you couldn’t miss the glare he was directing to
him, and the youngest Weasley.

“Ginny looks like she’s going to drop to her knees for you the moment you step from the
table,” Blaise commented.

Dracos head whipped to the table, his glare settled on the youngest Weasley she looked away
and made a comment to Hermione who nodded.

“I’ll gut her if she tries,” Draco snarled.

“You hate blood on you darling. If you want a violent death I can handle it for you,” Hadrian
said brushing a kiss over his jaw.

Draco beamed and gave him a kiss, “You will let me know if she approaches you.”

“I don’t plan on being away from you while I’m here. If she’s stupid enough to actually
approach me you will be right next to me. Maybe you can grope me a little, stake your

Their friends laughed but the glint in Dracos eyes told Hadrian he might just do that.

“What’s the deal with them?” Hadrian asked as the rest of the Hall settled in. The latest
stragglers were Gryffindors stumbling in after the hall had been mostly filled.

“Granger is a Mudblood. She’s an overachieving teachers pet and thinks she knows
everything that needs to change about the Wizard world. A few years ago she even launched
a campaign to “free” house elves from slavery. The older Weasley is lazy. He only just
manages to pass classes and that has to all be thanks to Granger, he’s obviously inlove with
her but treats her horribly. He tried to join the Quidditch team last year and was embarrassed
out of the tryouts. The youngest is better in school but a total slag, Professor Snape has
caught her a few times in broom closets with different boys. They are obvious favorites of
Dumbledore and Mcgnagall, any punishments are usually brushed off as “childish fun”,”
Draco answered.

Hadrian nodded as he continued to watch. Ron had stopped his watching and was now
stuffing his face with breakfast ignoring Granger as she poked him to get his attention. Ginny
had stopped looking over and was now giving eyes to some bloke at Ravenclaw. His eyes
looked over the rest of the table before zeroing on a pair of twins that shared the same
coloring of Ron and Ginny. His real attention was on the pocket of the left twin, whatever
was in the pocket contained his papas magic.

“Fred and George Weasley. Pranksters, they don’t pay much attention in classes but except
Charms and Potions. Even Professor Snape can’t fault their potion skills, they were the only
Gryffindors accepted into Newts their year.”

“They have something that belongs to Papa Sirius. I want it.”

“They disappear into a classroom on the third floor alot. No idea what classroom it is but you
will probably find them there after classes,” Daphne told him. She was the gossip queen of
the school, she tended to know everything about everyone, her letters were some of Hadrians
favorite to receive.

“Third floor? I know exactly which room it is,” Hadrian said. Papa Sirius told him about a
room he, James and their friends had used when they were in school. In the middle of the
third floor hidden between unused and active classrooms, they found it shortly into second
year and knew it was for them. It was obvious other students had been in there before, plenty
of pranking equipment was left behind along with some notes. They took it over and named it
the Marauders Den.

“How? You have never been here,” Daphne asked annoyed, she had tried multiple times to
figure out which room it was but to no avail.

“I know things,” Hadrian said simply. She didn’t ask any questions after that.


After breakfast Draco lead Hadrian to the Headmasters office, pointing out parts of the school
as they made their way to the seventh floor.

They came to a stop at the Gargoyle statue.

“Klondike,” Draco said promptly and the statue turned, revealing stairs.

“Why are there so many damn stairs in this building,” Hadrian mumbled as they made their
way up.

“Durmstrang has stairs,” Draco said.

“Not this many. It's many acres in between laid out across acres not stacked like Hogwarts.”

Before they could knock a “Come in” was called from inside the room.

“He always does that,” Draco informed him.

Hadrian glanced around at the office, it was…gaudy. Portraits of previous headmasters lined
the tall walls, the previous Headmaster Armondo Dippet took center behind Dumbledores
desk. Shelves full of books and gadgets were on all sides of the walls, in between the ceiling
reaching walls. Next to Dumbledores desk was a Phoenix, the red and gold coloring was
vibrant, it must have just had its burning day. Hadrian kept eye contact with the bird and
tilted his head down in respect, the phoenix started back and after a moment it trilled and
gave a nod back.

With that done Hadrian turned to the Headmaster, “Hello Headmaster.”

Dumbledore who watched the interaction with sharp eyes smiled, “Hello! Thank you for
bringing him up Mr. Malfoy, you may take your leave.”

“He’s not leaving,” Hadrian said sharply, “He is my betrothed and I want him here.”

Dumbledore looked shocked for a brief moment before it passed, “Of course! Please sit,
lemon drops?”

“No thank you,”Hadrian said. He helped Draco into his seat before taking his own and taking
Dracos hand in his.

“It’s good to see you my boy. I’ve been looking for you for quite a few years, I was surprised
when you were removed from your guardians,”Dumbledore said with a hint of reprimand.

“My apologies Headmaster Dumbledore. I was with my guardians, the Ministry was fully
aware of my status. I’m unsure why you weren’t informed,” Hadrian said. He wasn’t lying,
the ministry did know his status. In order to keep his English citizenship the ministry
demanded to know where he was. Sirius and Marvolo had no problem letting them know,
including that he had a Bulgarian citizenship and he would have no problem dropping the
British Isle if Dumbledore had even a hint of his location.

“Oh well, I must have missed the massive. I’m sure your family would be pleased to know of
your location now, they have missed quite a few years of your upbringing,” Dumbledore said.
It was obvious he had not been to visit the Dursleys in a long time, they had been dead for
three years.

“What they feel is non of my concern,” Hadrian said, “Now let’s get to business. I’m here for
my fathers cloak.”

Dumbledore did not like being brushed off, “Family is very important Harry. They were
chosen to take care of you, I’m sure you understand their concern with your disappearance.”

“I’m sure,” Hadrian said dismissively.

“I’m afraid I don’t know the location of your Fathers cloak, it disappeared shortly after their
untimely deaths,” Dumbledore continued sadly.

“It’s in your desk left bottom drawer,” Hadrian said, his eyes flicking down the the magical
signature of family magic he could feel.

“I’m afraid you're mistaken, there is only some boring paperwork in that drawer,”
Dumbledore said jovially. Inside he panicked, he needed the cloak and there was no way the
child could know it was there.
Hadrian looked Dumbledore in the eyes, “Let me rephrase. I know my families magical
signature, I can see and feel it in your desk. If it’s not the cloak it’s something else that
belongs to my family that belongs to me. So either way it’s my property. If the cloak is
missing you were the last one to have it according to my fathers journals, and I will go to
Gringotts and let them know you have lost a valuable family heirloom. I will also let them
know of the many items in my family vault that were unaccounted for that, again according
to my fathers journal, you were the last one to have.”

Dumbledore was stumped. The ability to sense family magic so strongly was not something
most could do. The magic was so engrained into their innate magic that it often was missed
unless it was entrenched in family wards or they were in contact with it. Hadrian seemed to
be very in tune with his magic, that was concerning. What did he do now? It’s possible he
was bluffing about Gringotts, but Dumbledore couldn’t take that chance. The last time he
needed was the goblins looking closely into the situation.

Dumbledore reached into his desk and pulled the cloak out, placing it on the desk infront of
him, “I intended to give you the cloak for your seventeenth birthday. I’m afraid I let that
thought guide my actions.”

Hadrian took the cloak and felt the hidden ring on his left hand warm up, it had never done
that before. Hadrian filed the information for later and placed the cloak in his pocket.

“Thank you Headmaster, we shall forget what happen. I hope you have a good day,” Hadrian
said standing up and helping Draco from his chair.

“Oh must you go my boy? I was wondering if you could tell me about growing up, I was very
close to your parents and I find myself curious,” Dumbledore said in an attempt to stall him
from leaving, he needed to know where he had been. Voldemort claimed to be his father,
which Dumbledore hoped had not been true. He needed to know what damage had been done
and what he needed to get Hadrian on the right path. Who knows what Voldemort would have
taught the boy.

“My parents are Sirius Black and Marvolo Gaunt. They raised me privately and I attend
Durmstrang, you can speak with Headmaster Karkaroff about my schooling he would be
proud to tell you. Any further questions can be directed to either of my fathers,” Hadrian said
shortly. He gave a nod too Fawkes before leading Draco from the room.

“Oh,” Hadrian said stopped at the door and turning to back to Dumbledore, “Before I forget. I
expect the rest of my families property by the end of the week, if its not returned to me I will
allow the goblins of Gringotts to collect. Until next time.”


Dumbledore was furious.

He had spent years studying the cloak, it was a marvels piece of magic and never quite
worked right for him. He didn’t use it of course, his tall stature made that impossible without
discomfort after a few moments. But it was the next step into his research on the Deathly
Hallows. Many thought it to just be a fairy tale from a children’s book but he knew it was
more. He had thought Grindelwald was daft when he first mentioned it, until he held the
Elder Wand for the first time. The power that it welded was immense and he knew there was
more to the story. When he found out the Potters descended from the Prevells he was ecstatic,
James had no problem giving him the cloak to borrow at any time. When he died it was
simple to just keep it, the account manager had no problems hiding the Potters property from
the logs so no one would know exactly what he had.

Including the books that he kept out. Quite a few helped him with his research into the wand
and cloak. Many of them were valuable and even dark, he had kept them to ensure Hadrian
never received them. It would lead him down a dark path and Dumbledore needed to ensure
that never happen. That plan may have been endangered if he did in fact grow up with
Voldemort. Dumbledore did not know how long he had been back, he arrived with a flourish
a year ago much to Dumbledores horror. Many of the Wizamagot had greeted him as a friend,
not just the Dark sect but from the light and neutrals asl well. His warnings had so far fallen
on deaf ears, people allowing themselves to be ensured by Tom Riddles charming nature.
Including it seems young Sirius Black.

Dumbledore had assumed that Tom had come back shortly before his reemergence, but Sirius
had commented they had been married for years. Exactly how long has Tom been around

He needed to find out.

His plan to get Hadrian into the tournament worked. He was now a champion for Hogwarts,
his correct school. Dumbledore was sure that once Hadrian spent time in Hogwarts he would
do the correct thing and change his schooling. The students were angry of course, but he was
sure Hadrian could win them over. He would use this time to find out more about him and be
the mentor he was meant to be. Hermione, Ronald and Ginevra would be perfect for that, he
had been training them for years to be the perfect friends and wife.

The fact that Hadrian thought he was betrothed to Mr. Malfoy was not a concern for him, the
contract that had been set up for him and Ginevra was ironclad and unbreakable. Hadrian
could never marry someone from such a dark family and the Weasleys were perfect. Molly
already had most of the wedding planned. He would allow Hadrian to have his Dalliances
now, it was normal for the young to date around before settling down and he was sure his
purity was intact. Purity clauses were normal in contracts and the Malfoys would never allow
any contract to not contain one, even illegal ones.

Dumbledore settled back in his seat and ate a lemon drop, this had been a set back.

But not unfixable.

After lunch Hadrian found himself and Draco in Severus private rooms. His parents along
with Uncle Reggie and Severus were all in attendance sitting around a large table filled with
tea and biscuits.

“Do you know how he managed it? Harry Potter is not my legal name, it shouldn’t have
took,” Hadrian asked.

The parchment with Harry Potter was laid out in the middle of the table, Hadrian had been
glaring at it since he arrived.

“Are you aware of how the Goblet chooses its champions?” Marvolo asked from his chair.

“Not really. I didn’t really look into it other then skimming over a few books on the previous
champions,” Hadrian admitted.

“It’s not information that you found pertinent,” Marvolo waved it off, “The goblet uses the
magical signatures that are attached to the paper. When a student writes their name on the
paper their magic naturally attaches, once in the goblet it determines the magic. As you know
you can tell alot from a persons magical signature, their values, magical prowess, strength. It
uses all of these to determine who the best choice for the tournament is. All Dumbledore had
to do was trick the goblet into thinking you were in Hogwarts and the goblet did the rest.
Congratulations you were chosen in your own right. If you had placed your name in for
Durmstrang you would have knocked Viktor right out of the competition.”

Hadrian groaned and slumped back into his chair, “Why can’t I just kill him now? Simple
killing curse, the old goat would never expect it.”

“Draco,” Regulus said, eyes not leaving the tournament contract.

Draco ignored the laughter from the others and got up from his seat. He curled up in Hadrians
lap, “Love you can’t kill him yet. We must destroy everything he values fist.”

Hadrians arms wrapped around Draco and kissed his head, “I suppose you're right. Which
reminds me, did you get ahold of the bug?”

“Rita is available for an interview at any time. I have also given her the Dossier you gave me.
She said the first article should be finished by next week, ready for whenever you would like
it printed,” Sirius answered for him.


“I heard you had a meeting with Dumbledore,” Marvolo said.

“I did. I got the cloak and told him when I expected the rest of my property. Which reminds
me, something strange happen when I picked up the cloak,” Hadrian said shifting Draco so
he could pull he cloak out and place it on the table.

“What?” Marvolo asked picking up the cloak and examining it.

Hadrian flexed his hand, a large black ring set in a gold band appeared on his index finger.
“The Gaunt Family ring heated up. I didn’t notice at first but my magic also surged slightly
when I have both of them in my possession.”

“Really?” Marvolo asked curiously before reaching out with the cloak, “Here. Draco please
make your way back to your chair.”

Draco pouted and gave Hadrian a quick kiss before sitting back in his set. Hadrian grasped
the cloak with the same hand of the ring and looked at his Father. He could feel his magic
surging, it wasn’t angry it seemed..excited.

“How do you feel?” Marvolo asked his eyes taking in the magic that was excluding from the

“Normal. My magic is excited and I can feel it connecting with the magic from the cloak and
ring. But I don’t feel any different.”

“Do you feel anymore powerful?”

Hadrian hesitated for a moment and took a deep look into his magic. It had always felt like a
fire storm, swishing inside of his core like fiendfyr. He felt into it, gathering it at his finger
tips before flicking it at a vase on the other side of the room, “Reducto!”

The vase shattered in a fiery explosion, pieces of shrapnel created flew across the room and
embedded into the wood and furniture. The shield Marvolo created the only thing that saved

“Uh, yeah. I would I feel a little more powerful,” Harry said sheepishly.

The room looked at him in shock, except Draco who looked like he wanted to drag him off,
Hadrian threw him a quick wink before waving his hand and fixing the room.

“Where did the fire come from?” Sirius asked.

“His magic,” Marvolo answered, “Keep both items on you, make sure they do not leave your
sight while I look into this.”

“Yes Father,” Hadrian said opening his arms and accepting Draco back into his lap. Draco
started kissing his jaw lightly and Hadrian tightened his arms around him, “Was there
anything else? We have to go study.”

Regulus snorted and shared a look with Sirius. Severus put his hand in his face and shook his
head. Study. Right.

“Practice meditation and practice to make sure you get a handle on your magic. That’s all,
you can go…study,” Marvolo said with a smirk.

“Do you think Lucius and Cissy know how much time they spend..studying?” Sirius asked as
the door closed behind them.
“Not a chance,” Regulas said with a smirk, “If they did Hadrian would have an impotence
curse on him within 5 minutes.”


After classes (that Draco had skipped for the day with Severus permission to “show Hadrian
around the school) Hadrian and Draco made their way to the unsuspecting classroom on the
third floor.

“Do you feel it?” Hadrian asked as they stared at the door. There was light wards on it to
make people avoid the room.

“Yes, did they do that?”

“No the wards are strong but old. I would say an old Headmaster or maybe the school itself,”
Hadrian answered before they opened the door and walked in.

It was a large classroom. Desks were pushed together all over the classroom forming large
tables. On top of the tables were several cauldrons that were bubbling away, one of the twins
were infront of them adding ingredients and string as needed. On the right side of the room
was a study area of sorts, a large book case was full of different titles, Hadrian recognized
most of them. Another set of desks formed a table filled with fleshy colored strings, what
looked like fake wands, and some types of candies in colorful wrappings.

“Nice,” Hadrian commented.

The twins both turned quickly to look at them, the one with the potions waving a wand to
clear the cauldrons out. Hadrian hoped that wasn’t something important.

“Mr. Malfoy-“

“And the long lost Boy-Who-lived!”

“What an amazing surprise!”

“What brought you here?”

Hadrian raised and eyebrow and turned too Draco, “Yes they always talk like that.”

“Interesting,” Hadrian whispered before turning back to the twins and raising his voice, “I
hope we didn’t disturb you but you have something that belongs to me.”

The twins looked at each other in confusion, how would they have anything that belonged to

“I bet your pardon?” The twin on the left said.

“Which of you is Fred and which one is George?” Hadrian asked ignoring the question for
the moment, he could tell the difference in the twins but was unaware of which one was

“I am Fred,” The twin on the right said with a bow.

“I am George,” The left twin said with a flourish.

“Does that normally work?” Hadrian questioned.


“Trading places,” Hadrian said.

The twins shared another glance before looking at Hadrian with new eyes, “How did you
know we switched?” Fred asked.

“Your ear twitched just slightly when you lie,” Hadrian said as he started walking around and
observing the room. He kept an eye on Draco who wandered to the books, he didn’t detect
any danger from the twins but he would not chance it.

“How do you know that!” Fred exclaimed.

“You said us being here was an “amazing surprise” and your ear twitched. When you said
George it did the same, simple deduction,” Hadrian said as if it was a simple answer.

Fred stared at him dumbfounded, they could count on one hand the people who could tell
them apart. And they were people who had known him for years, this kid figured it out in a
few minutes due to an ear twitch? Who was this kid.

“Well you figured us out,” George said brightly, “I am George. You said we had something of

“Yep,” Hadrian popped the “P”, “I’m assuming it's the map. It's one of the only things left at
Hogwarts when my parents left the school.”

Fred and George looked at each other in silence before George shrugged. Interesting, Hadrian
thought, could they talk to each other?

Fred pulled the map out of his pocket, “How did your parents know about the map?”

“How about we share information. I’ll answer your questions if you answer mine,” Hadrian

“Deal,” both twins said at the same time.

“Can you speak to each other in your minds?” Hadrian asked, Draco who had been flipped
through a book looked up in interest.

“How did you know?” George asked surprised.

“I’ve met a few twins that had the ability, I’m sure you know it’s very rare and a gift.
Congratulations,” Hadrian said reaching them and taking the map from Freds hands. He
stroked his wand down the center and the map came to life. Lines spread out across the map
forming a castle and grounds, in the middle of the map declaring it “The Maunders
Map”.Hadrian knew if he opened it solid lines and dotted would form squares, rectangles,
and circles formed across and up tiny feet would be walking the halls with names floating.
He pointed to the names at the front of the map “Mssrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and
Prongs”, “James Potter was Prongs, Papa Sirius was Padfoot. They created this map while
they were in school. Wormtail got it taken away in their 7th year by filch. I was going to try
and knick it while I was here until I noticed you had it.”

Fred and Georges eyes went wide before they dropped to their knees and bowed, “The Heir
to the Marauders. In our presence. We are honored.”

Hadrian laughed and looked at Draco, “I like them.”

“Of course you do,” Draco drawled unsurprised. The twins were a special brand of insane,
and Hadrian always like the insane ones.

“He likes us George!” Fred said excitingly before jumping up, “It would be my pleasure to
show you around our lab!”

Hadrian eyed the table full of objects he saw before, “I would love to see it. Warning though,
if you try and prank me or Draco you will see exactly what I learned as the heir.”

“Of course! We don’t dare prank Malfoy, we tired once and it didn’t end pleasantly,” George
admitted with a grin, obviously not too upset with the payback.

“I got the potion From Hadrian,” Draco told him, “I’m going to go read something while you
play with your new friends dear.”

Hadrian kissed his cheek and clapped his hands together before rubbing them, “Show me.”

The next few hours were spent in the room with the twins. Hadrian was very impressed with
the pranks they had created. He had never really been in an inventive shop before, most joke
shops all had the same items just with different names. These were all knew:extendable ears,
a cage of Pygmi Puffs (Hadrian was going to leave with at least one of those(Hopefully Row
wouldn’t eat it.), cannery creams, tongue tie taffy, and many more. His favorite items were
the Skeeving Stack Boxes and Peruvian instant darkness powder.

“Do you sell these things?” Hadrian asked as he picked up a piece of bright colored taffy.

“We try to. Unfortunately there is a prefect who keeps a close eye on us, she has no problem
going to the teachers if she catches us selling the Skeeving boxes,” George told him.

“Granger?” Hadrian guessed.

“How did guess?”

“I’ve heard stories of her,” He answered shortly, “Are you going into business after school?”
“We are saving up but it will be a while before we can do anything more than owl order. You
don’t have to purchase of course, just tell us what you want and you can have it.”

“If you insist,” Hadrian said before slipping a bag of powder into his pocket. He looked over
the table before looking over at the twins and staring at them intensely. They started to shift
as they felt his eyes on them, he was an intense person.

“Do you have a business plan?” Hadrian finally asked.

“Kinda?” It came out as a question.

“Get one fully together and get it to me. I’ll have my advisor look at it and send you a
proposal. This is amazing quality and you're going to make me alot of money.”

“Your taking the Micky,” Fred said his eyes were wide with shock. George seemed incapable
of speaking, his mouth just moving open like a fish.

“Hadrian never jokes about money,” Draco said coming up to them.

“He’s right. If I do I might lose all my money and Draco will leave me,” Hadrian joked.

“Not true. I also keep you around of the amazing sex.”

The twins broke into laughter as they held each other up. Hadrian pulled Draco to him and
gave him a kiss before wrapping an arm around him.

“Your not so bad for a tournament stealing dark wizard,” George said when they finally
pulled themselves together.

Hadrian groaned, “Is that what the school is calling me?”

“Only the Gryffindors. The Ravenclaws don’t think you have the ability and the Hufflepuffs
are just depressed Diggory didn’t win,” Fred informed him.

“I didn’t steal the bloody tournament. I didn’t even put my name in the blasted goblet,” Harry
said annoyed.

“You didn’t? We thought it was a fine prank ourselves.”

“No I defiantly did not. I only came here for Draco.“

“Awe,” the twins gave kissy faces and fluttered their eyelashes, “Your such a talker Potter-
Black. You had a few girls crying that first night you know.”

“To true. Didn’t even know a blokes name and they were crying over lost chances.”

“Must be because you're fit.”

“Yes must be.”

Hadrian shook his head, “Thank you but I’m taken.”

“Shame,” Fred said giving him a wink before flinching back at the look Draco shot him, “I
mean not a shame. Not at all. You're not even a catch really.”

“I thought so,” Draco said.

“I’ll have you know I am an amazing catch. Rich, powerful, smart, great in bed,” Harry said
as he counted them off with his hands.

“Unless I take all of those from you and leave you with nothing but the clothes on your back.
Then we will see who the catch is,” Draco said frowning at Hadrian before turning back to
the books and dismissing him.

Fred and George watched him leave, concerned looks on their faces.

“I’m sorry for starting a fight,” Fred started.

Hadrian cut him off, his eyes locked on Dracos retreating figure, “Don’t be. He’s hot when
he’s mad. Always makes me regret it, I sometimes do it on purpose.”

“Playing with fire aren’t ya,” George said.

“Play with Dragons get the fire. Life is too short for boring shit,” Hadrian said, “Anyway we
must be off, we promised some friends we would meet them for dinner. I’ll be back though.
Have to make sure you don’t mess up my investment.”

“We never actually agreed to that,” George said.

“Don’t you have to talk your advisor first?” Fred said.

“No he’s just there to make sure I don’t give you too much money and we have a fair
contract,”Hadrian said.

“We still haven't agreed.”

“You will,” with that Hadrian went to Draco and whispered something in his ear that made
Draco blush. Hadrian escorted him out of the room with his arm wrapped tightly around his
waist, still whispering what was undoubtedly filthy things into his ear.


Hadrians luck at avoiding the Gryffindors ended as they left the hall after Dinner.

“Hey Harry! Mate wait up!” Ron said as he made his way over with Hermione and Ginny.

Hadrian lifted his eyes to the ceiling before putting on a smile and turning around to face
“Hello. We haven’t been introduced so I’ll forgive you for the faux pas but my name is
Hadrian not Harry. Furthermore I have not given you leave to use my first name so I would
prefer you call me Heir Potter-Black,” Hadrian said politely.

“Why would we call you Heir?” Hermione asked frowning, “Your not an heir of anything.
You're a student like us.”

“I am the heir to the Black and Potter families. It is common for families to have heirs to
handle the estate when our parents can no longer. You have quite a few heirs in this school. It
is their decision if they would like to use the title however so it may not have been brought to
your attention,” Hadrian answered clearly.

“That’s not true. Rons family is old and they don’t have an heir,” Hermione argued.

“William Weasley is the heir to the Weasley family,” Hadrian said.

“Ron is this true?” Hermione asked.

“I guess. I don’t really pay attention to all that heir stuff. It's boring and only dark families
really do it,” Ron said with a shrug.

“So it's a way of excluding muggleborns?” Hermione asked affronted. Hadrian had been
expecting this, Daphne had told him that Hermione had a tendency to use her muggleborn
status as a way of staying ignorant to values and traditions in the Wizarding world.

“Of course not. Muggleborns of the royal families are also considered heirs in the magical
world. Prince Harry is the heir of the magical family of the Windsors, and he was the first
magical child born since Elizabeth I. Lessor known families count as well, dukes, barons,
counts. Being a muggleborn has nothing to do with family status,” Hadrian told her stopping
her delusions cold.

“Prince Harry isn’t a wizard,” Hermione said, “and if he was the he would actually be an heir.
Your family isn’t barons or anything so why would you be considered an heir?”

“Prince Harry is most certainly a Wizard, you can ask any teacher it’s not exactly a secret. As
for the rest of your question the Potters have been dukes many times over, I still hold
dukedoms in the muggle world that I keep an eye over. As do the Malfoys, Bones, Zabinis,
Longbottoms and many more. Where do you think we originally received the titles?” Hadrian
said raising an eyebrow.

“I was never told any of this!” Hermione exclaimed.

“There are many books that discuss it in the muggleborn section of Flourish and Blotts.
Books by N. Greengrass will give you the best history, it's not as dry of a read as many are.
Now that’s settled, please refrain from calling me by my unless told other wise by me,”
Hadrian said, with a nod of his head he left them and escorted Draco out of Hogwarts.

Chapter End Notes

Thank you to everyone who has been reviewing!
The weighing of the Wands
Chapter Summary

Harry does a Triwizard tradition and gives some much needed advice.

Chapter Notes

Hello Friends!
The wait was too long I know, I was having the worst trouble with the newest chapter of
“The Trouble with time Travel” and I’m trying to do these in rotation. I've made the
executive decision to go to a different story next time.
I hope you enjoy this new installment!
Now to join Hadrian and Co in their fuckery.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Waking up in the Slytherin dorms was a new experience for Hadrian but waking up with
Draco wrapped around him was not. Draco had always been very cuddly in bed, a fact he
would venimenytly deny, so it never took long for Draco to find himself as close to Hadrian
as he could get. They had been sharing a bed on and off for many years, only truly separated
while they were at different schools, and it never lost its novelty.

“Good Morning Precious,” Hadrian whispered in his ear, giving him a gentle kiss to his jaw.

“If it’s before six am you're not sleeping in my bed for the rest of the year,”Draco said
sleepily cuddling deeper into him.

“It’s six o’ five,” Hadrian said cheekily before flipping Draco onto his back and settling
ontop of him, holding his wrists above his hands in a tight grip, “I can make it up to you
before breakfast if you like.”

“Blaise is in the room,” Draco said much more awake than he had been the night before. His
eyes were bright as he felt Harrys interest against his stomach.

“Wards darling, wards,” Hadrian said before Dracos bed flared and they were cut off from the
rest of the room.

Hadrian leaned down and kissed Draco cutting off any other thought and more than made up
for the early wake up call.
Pulling the curtains back Hadrian jumped out of the bed and did a quick stretch. Blaise was
still in the room getting ready and raised an eyebrow at them.

“You two are like breeding Pygmi puffs, I’m scarred.”

Hadrian gave him a slow smirk as Draco ambled out of bed behind him, “If you're jealous
Blaise you can join us sometime.”

Draco kicked Hadrian on the shin and sneered, “If you even think to bring another person
into our bed I will show you the castration spell your father taught me.”

“My father taught you what?!” Hadrian exclaimed looking at Draco with wide eyes. Blaise
subtly crossed his legs as he stared in horror.

“Marvolo wanted to make sure I was prepared in case you ever needed to be punished,”
Draco said with a sweet smile, “I would hate to use it on you of course. But it doesn’t mean I
won’t. Now I’m off to take a shower.”

Draco gave Hadrian kiss on the cheek and flounced off to the shower humming a tune under
his breath.

“I don’t think I’m going to take you up on your offer mate, I like my bits where they are,”
Blaise said jokingly as they watched the door shut behind Draco.

“I can’t believe my father taught him that. Actually no, I can. I swear he loves Draco more
then he loves me most of the time,” Hadrian replied with a shake of his head.

“He never taught you it?” Blaise questioned.

“No he taught me how gut someone from the inside,” Hadrian told him. “How…how do you
gut someone from the inside? No, wait I don’t want to know. But have you done it?” Blaise
asked hesitantly.

Hadrian gave him a vicious smile and walked to the bathroom without answering.

Blaise shivered as the door shut behind Hadrian. He was the scariest bloke Blaise had ever
met. Blaise took a minute to pray to every deity he knew of to never get on his bad side.


Hadrian felt Dumbledores eyes on him as they entered the GreatHall. Hadrian knew
Dumbledore was wondering where Hadrian had spent his night. Hadrian wasn’t concerned
they would be confronted today, Draco was in his bed and Hadrian took precautions to ensure
Dumbledore wouldn’t know where he had been.
Dracos hand tightening in his had Hadrian scanning the Slytherin table and instantly saw
what caused his displeasure. Volkoff was sitting at the table in Dracos normal seat, eyes
locked onto Hadrian.

“Soon precious. Soon,” Hadrian whispered to Draco before leading them to the table.
Hadrian sat them down further down the table where the older years normally sat, their
friends quickly moving down to them. Volkoff pouted and left the table in a huff, throwing
Hadrian a flirty smile on his way out.

“That man is an idiot,” Daphne announced as she sat down across from Hadrian, “He spent
the, horrible, ten minutes waiting for you talking about how you were meant to be and
couldn’t wait for you to realize it.”

“Even if I wasn’t with Draco I wouldn’t go near him with a ten foot broom. He’s an
insufferable git and a brown-nosing slag,” Hadrian said in distaste.

“A slag? Really?” Daphne asked in interest before learning forward, “Tell me more.”

Hadrian shrugged, “It’s well known at Durmstrang he’s a bit of a bed hopper. Nothing wrong
with it really plenty of the guys are, he’s just obnoxious about it. Then expects the people to
do things for him afterwords. Mostly to give their parents good words about him so it gets
back to Father.”

“That makes zero sense,” Daphne exclaimed.

“I didn’t say it did. It could just be a coincidence of course, but I honestly don’t think so,”
Hadrian said before starting breakfast.

“So he thinks Hadrian will ‘come to his senses’?”Draco asked from his spot next to Hadrian a
frown on his face.

“Apparently they have ‘more in common’ and have ‘grown extremely close at school’. He’s
convinced that Hadrian is just trying to find a way out of your contract first.”

Hadrian snorted shared a smile with Draco. No one knew the details of their contract other
than their family. Officially they did have a contract in place with Gringotts that was similar
to their real contract. The Golden contract was locked up tight in a secure location that even
Hadrian didn’t know.

“I want to see your contract someday. I especially want to know how you got around the
purity clause in the contract. My parents were very insistent when me and Theo signed
ours,”Daphne said.

“There is no purity clause in our contract so we didn’t have to get around it,” Hadrian said
with a smirk.

“How the bloody hell did you do that!” Blaise asked from his other side.

“Purity clauses are to ensure that if your contract falls through you can get a new one without
questions of promiscuity. That’s not a problem for us,” Hadrian said simply.
Draco gave them a smile and agreed, “We made it clear we would be married with or without
a contract. We have one more because of Tradition than anything.”

“How old were you when you signed? I’ve heard different things,” Theo asked from Daphnes
side, their friends nodded their head in agreement.

“On the exact time of my birth on my eleventh birthday,” Hadrian told them.

“You signed a contract the moment the magic would take,” Theo said deadpanned, “That’s
either brilliant or the dumbest thing I have ever heard.”

Hadrian shrugged, “I worked very hard to make Draco fall inlove with me. I wasn’t going to
chance anyone else trying to take him.”

“You mean you gave him everything and anything he could possibly want. I heard about the
dragon incident,” Blaise said with a laugh.

“I wonder how Marcus is,” Draco said with a frown, “I haven’t been able to see him in a

“I visited him a couple weeks ago. He’s happy and misses you as well precious. Penelope is
clutching now, they should be born by Christmas, we can visit,” Hadrian promised him.

“Wait. Dragon incident?” Daphne asked, “What dragon incident?”

“I tried to give Draco a dragon when we were kids. Father made us put him back but we were
able to keep visiting and such,” Hadrian told her.

Daphne looked between them before nodding, “That explains alot. Good job Draco.”

Draco beamed, “I know right.”

Theo threw a glare at Hadrian who smiled, “Did I mention we are building a Dragon reserve
on Dracos island? Marcus, Penelope and their clutch will be moved their when it's finished.”

“Mate. I’m begging you, stop,” Theo said only half joking.

“Never!” Hadrian exclaimed.

“Why have you not offered to buy me an island Theo? Or even a beautiful ring like Draco
has?” Daphne asked turning to him.

Laughter filled the table as Theo dropped his head onto it. He was never going to financially
recover from this.

Hadrian was wondering around Hogwarts with Rowena around his shoulders, finally
finished with the snake in the chamber.

We should take her to the island Hatchling. She’s very lonely at the school.

Of course. I’ll talk to father about moving her, she will need to stay away from the Dragon
Reserve of course but the Island is big enough for her,” Hadrian replied as he stroked Rows
large body.

“Your a parslemouth?”

Hadrian cursed his luck as the voice of Weasley came from behind him. Turning around he
swore to merlin, he wasn’t alone. Granger and his younger sister were on either side of him
staring at him in shock.

“Yes,” Hadrian answered shortly.

“But only dark wizards can do that,” Weasley sputtered.

“No any wizard with the gift can do it. The thought that there are no more snake speakers is
incorrect, there are quite a few on other continents,” Hadrian told them patiently.

“That’s not true,” Hermione said, “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was the last one.”

“Have you ever left England?” Hadrian asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Of course. My parents have taken me to France quite a few times,” Hermione said.

“Right. Next time you're in France go to the Louvre, ask for a man named Benjamin Klein.
He’s a curator for the magic exhibits and an expert in languages, he’s a parslemouth as well.
He would be happy to explain the history of the language to you,” Hadrian advised her.
Benjamin was a close friend of Hadrians who had meet while he was learning different
magics around the continents. He had taught Hadrian and Marvolo quite a bit about

“There is no magic section of the Louvre. It’s a muggle museum,” Hermione said.

“No he’s right there is a magical section,” Ginny said with a smile to Hadrian.

“Why did no one tell me!”Hermione demanded, “I have been there so many times and no one
thought to mention this!”

“Ms. Granger no one is obligated to tell you everything. Most people who have grown up in
the magical world often forget that muggleborns don’t have what we consider basic
knowledge. That’s why there is such large sections of bookstores dedicated to muggleborns
who enter the wizarding world,” Hadrian told her.
“You have an advantage though. People who grow up in the magical world should make an
effort to let muggleborns know these things! It’s only fair,”Hermione said.

Ron and Ginny shared a look behind her back before taking a step back. It was obviously a
statement they had heard a few times and decided to stay out of it.

“When you go to France do you demand the French to teach you everything about their
country? Their culture? Their favorite spots?”Hadrian asked her with slight impatience.

“Of course not!” Hermione said offended.

“Exactly. You read books. You ask locals. You learn while you are there, it’s the exact same
thing. You moved to another place, you have to put the effort in to learn the things around
you. Not expect everyone to just teach you,” Hadrian said sharply.

Hermione stared at him anger plain on her face before huffing and turning to leave. Ron
followed her at a slower pace, his ears tinged a slight red in embarrassment.

Leaving Hadrian with Ginny. Great.

“I’m sorry about her Harry. She’s a great person really, she just doesn’t like surprises,” Ginny
said taking a step closer to Hadrian.

Row lifted her head slightly and hissed at her. Ginny blanched and took a slight step back, “A
snake isn’t a proper pet. You should really get ride of her.”

“Excuse me?” Hadrian said angrily, he could only handle so much from imbeciles, “How
dare you even suggest such a thing. I have had Row since I was a child and she’s a great
friend and confident. And my name is Heir Potter-Black to you. Defiantly not Harry.”

“Hadrian you don’t have to be so formal with me. It’s okay,” Ginny said with a smile that
Hadrian assumed was suppose to be flirty. It wasn’t.

“I do have to be formal with you Miss. Weasley. We are not familiar with each other and it’s
extremely improper for you to address me so familiarly,” Hadrian said shortly, “If you will
excuse me I must meet Draco after his class.”

Ginny wrinkled her nose, “You’re at Hogwarts now, you’r safe here and no one can force you
do to anything you don’t want to do now.”

Hadrian stared at her. Was she touched in the head?

“Are you touched in the head? No one is making me be with Draco,” Hadrian said.

“Of course I’m not touched in the head!” Ginny denied hotly, “It’s okay Hadrian we know the
truth. You don’t have to pretend anymore, we can protect you from him.”

Hadrian just stared at her. She was part of Dumbledores plan? How far did he have to reach
into the barrel for her.
Hadrian just shook his head and walked away, Row hissing at her again as she made to
follow him. Hadrian continued until he arrived at Dracos charms class and tried to wait by
himself for the bell. Unfortunately fate had it out to get him today.

“Harry?” Remus Lupins soft voice came from the tapestry to his left. Hadrian raised an
eyebrow at the mans appearance. He had been avoiding Hadrian since the choosing of the
names. Hadrian hadn’t missed the devastated expression that crossed the mans face a the
announcement of his fathers marriage. It seems he finally gathered the courage to talk to

“It’s Heir Potter-Black and my name isn’t Harry,” Hadrian said shortly crossing his arms
infront of his body. Row shifted and laid her head flatly onto of his, her eyes locked onto the
man infront of him. He felt her tense as she sensed the werewolf in his sent.

“Oh. My apologies…last time I saw you it was Harry,” Remus said with a slight smile.

“Last time you saw me I was a baby in my mothers arms. Alot has changed since then,”
Hadrian said.

“Well yes. Of course you're right. I just…I wanted to know if you would like to have tea,”
Remus said hopefully.

“I don’t make it a habit of being in closed spaces with werewolfs,” Hadrian said. Not that it
was the truth, him and Greyback were pretty good friends. Well Greyback more saw him as a
protege of sorts, but that was neither here nor there.

Remus flinched back, “I wasn’t aware you knew of my…condition. Am I to assume Sirius
told you.”

“You may assume what you like,” Hadrian allowed.

“How is he? We were very close in Hogwarts, along with your parents of course,” Lupin
asked him hesitantly, he looked one step from running away. His need to know about Sirius
overriding his need to flee.

“He’s happy and fully inlove with Father, they have been married since I was a
child,”Hadrian told him with a sharp smile as he watched Lupin flinch at his words, “It’s a
shame really,” Hadrian continued.

“What is?” Lupin asked.

“That you lost your chance of course,” Hadrian said with the same smile on his face.

Lupin looked devastated, “We were just friends. Best friends,” He said weakly.

“But you wanted more. But that’s neither here nor there,” Hadrian said brightly, “I know your
connection with my parents but to be completely honest you have nothing to offer me. Papa
tells me about them all the time, he even lets me see them in his pensive when I want. You
however abandoned me after my parents died. You didn’t even try and visit me while I was
with the Dursleys, nor have you tried to reach out by owl in all of these years. I don’t know
what you were expecting when you came to me today but whatever it is it won’t be

Lupin opened his mouth to reply but was stopped by the ringing of the bell, glancing at the
door he quickly went through the tapestry he had came from and disappeared from sight was
the classes flooded out.

“Row! You're back!”Dracos excited voice went over the sounds of the other students. As
soon as he was in a close enough distance Rowena dived off Hadrians shoulders onto Dracos
and curled around his neck.

“You know you're my familiar right?”

Row flicked her tongue at Hadrian, “Your too much trouble. He’s my perfect hatchling and he
needs more protection than you.”

Hadrian laughed and wrapped his arm around Draco and the snake.

“What did she say?” Draco asked curiously.

“Apparently I’m too much trouble compared to her perfect hatching,” Hadrian whispered to
him with a pleased smile as Dracos laughter filled the hall.


Hadrian and Draco gathered with their parents and Severus in his quarters after dinner that

“Lupin approached me,” Hadrian told them.

“What did he want?” Sirius asked with a frown.

“To have tea and to know more about you,” Hadrian answered honestly, “I told him I didn’t
have tea with werewolfs and you were very much inlove.”

“Tell them what else you said,” Draco said from his place on Hadrians lap.

“I told him it was a shame that he missed his chance and that he had nothing to offer me after
abandoning me to the Dursleys. I don’t think he took it very well,” Hadrian said with a light
hum, “In fact he looked positively destroyed. Do you think I can make him cry?”

Sirius barked out a laugh as Marvolo gave a shark like grin, “If you do I’ll let you read that
book you've been eyeing in the library.”

“Don’t encourage him,” Regulus said from his place by Severus, “He is trying to maintain a
“Lupin isn’t important for the cover. It would be natural that Hadrian has some animosity
towards him,” Marvolo said, waving off Regulus concerns.

“Remus was the most sensitive of us,” Sirius mused, “Hadrian could defiantly make him cry.
If you do I’ll own you a boon.”

Hadrian sat up causing Draco to let out a squeak as the almost fell off his lap. Hadrian caught
him and pulled him back firmly, “Deal. Do you want it publicly or privately?”

“Public,” Marvolo said after a few moments of thought.

“You are all horrible people,” Narcissa said with a sniff.

“You love us maman,” Hadrian said with a bright smile.

Narcissa instantly melted as she always did when Hadrian graced her with the honorific that
she had insisted on shortly after the contract was created.

“That I do Hadrian.”

“Other than Lupin how is it going with everyone else?” Marvolo asked, his fingers stroking
the arm of the chair.

“I haven’t had much contact with the students of Hogwarts, most of them just glare and
ignore me if they see me,” Hadrian said before Draco cut him off.

“They are still furious for the most part. Diggory was a shoo in and he’s been pouting all over
the school, the Hufflepuffs are out for blood. Slytherin and Ravenclaws don’t care anymore.
Gryffindors aren’t as angry anymore but only because it's Harry Potter.”

“Imbeciles,” Hadrian mumbled, “The only real student interactions I have had are the
Weasley and Granger. I’ve been urging Granger to look into things she deems unfair and
undoubtable persecution to muggleborns. Ronald acts like we are best friends and keeps
asking to play chess? Ginevra cornered me today and let me know I’m in a ‘safe’ location
and I don’t need to be afraid or controlled.”

“She obviously doesn’t know you if she thinks anyone in this room can control you,” Severus
muttered taking drink from his cup.

“Except Draco,” Sirius snorted.

Narcissa raised her glass to Sirius, “Except Draco.”

“Anyway,”Hadrian said ignoring them, “I’m expecting something else from her soon, I think
she tried to flirt with me today. Stupid bint. The twins are cool I like them. Did you get a
chance to create a contract for me Reggie?”

“I did,” Regulus said handing over a scroll, “Once all of you sign in it will be filed with
Gringotts and the funds will be transferred over.”
“Excellent!” Hadrian grinned putting the scroll into his pocket.

“I can’t believe you're going to invest in a joke shop,”Marvolo said in distaste, he was not a
fan of any kind of jokes and had made it clear to Hadrian he thought it was a bad idea.

“I can’t believe he’s going to invest in Weasleys,” Draco mumbled causing the others to

“Their magic is dark and they didn’t seem to be hiding from it or anything. It’s been nurtured,
and from what I saw in the room they were brilliant. I have a good feeling that they will be an
asset to our cause. Plus they are going to make me a load of money,” Hadrian told them.

“Are you sure?” Sirius asked, “There hasn’t been a Weasley with dark magic in

“No the Prewett twins were dark, it was one of the reasons they were so hard to kill,”
Marvolo said thoughtfully, his fingers stroking his chin.

“Really?” Sirius said looking at Marvolo in surprise.

“Yes. I assume it was a very well kept secret. They used their full magical arsenal to fight me
when I felt it. Before it wasn’t obvious without actually looking for it.”

“Interesting. The Prewetts are famous for twins right? What if it follows the twins?”

“It’s possible. It’s a well known fact that only twins can claim the Lordship, magical affinity
could very well be the reason,”Marvolo said.

“I forgot only Twins could claim that Lordship. I wonder if the twins know,” Hadrian mused.

“Do make sure you bring it up gently Hadrian,” Sirius said with a stern look. Hadrian had a
tendency to ask whatever he wanted regardless of the feelings.

“I will.”

“Has Dumbledore said anything?” Hadrian asked Severus.

“No. I told him on arrival day that I didn’t know anything about you, he hasn’t bothered to
ask more since discovering your identity,” Severus replied.

“That will change once he realized Hadrian won’t tell him anything,” Regulus said.

“I’m aware. He will order me to get closer to the Hadrian and that won’t be a problem.”

“I will trust you to handle it correctly Severus. Do not disappoint, I would hate to make my
brother-in-law a widow,” Marvolo said with a sharp glare. No one disputed him, he valued
Severus and was fond of him, but Hadrian was his top priority.

Severus gave a tight nod, “I will not disappoint you my Lord.”

The room fell into a silence after that. Hadrian held Dracos trembling form closer to him.
Draco was greatly spared from some of Marvolo darker inclinations and he had never seen
him actually threaten a member of his family. Hadrian had, multiple times and never doubted
for a moment that his father would do what was needed to keep him save. No one’s life was
above his, except maybe Sirius. Unlike Draco Hadrian wasn’t concerned, he knew Severus
would have no problems with this order. And if he didn’t, Hadrian glanced down to Draco,
then Hadrian would have to hide him. Simple.

“There is something else we need to speak about,”Lucius said before putting a piece of
parchment on the table.

“What is it?” Draco asked as the Marvolo picked up the paper and read it with Sirius.

“Lord Parkinson has come to me for a betrothal between Draco and his daughter. I have
declined of course however you may need to look out for the girl.”

Hadrian tightened his arm around Draco, “If either of them try anything their life is forfeit.
He can not possibly that stupid.”

“You underestimate how stupid Parkinson is, especially in regards to his daughter,” Lucius
told him.

“I will be careful father,” Draco promised after reading the letter.

Hadrian huffed and relaxed back into the chair.

“Do not pout Hadrian,” Marvolo said sharply, “If they try anything you already said you will
kill them so there is no need for that.”

“Yes father,” Hadrian said sitting up slightly mollified. Draco rolled his eyes and shared look
with his mother. Blood thirsty bastards both of them.


“I have to do a what?” Hadrian asked Severus how had found him in the hall and was
directing him to a classroom.

“The weighing of the wands. Its tradition to make sure all wands are in working order, they
also use it as a photo op.”

“Draco is going to be pissed he missed it,” Hadrian said as they stopped at the door.

“He wouldn’t be able to be seen with you regardless. This is for the champions only,”
Severus told him, he already had the argument with Draco.
“He already complained didn’t he?” Hadrian asked with a smirk.

“Of course. Now go in, Draco will no doubt be waiting for you when you're done.”

Hadrian opened the door to the room and stepped inside. Fleur and Viktor were already in the
room talking quietly. Bagman was having a conversation with Rita Skeeter, Hadrian would
bet he was trying to get into her skirt, next to him was Headmaster Karkaroff, Madame
Maxine, and Marvolo who was in a quiet conversation with Madame Maxine.

“Hadrian, how are you?” Fleur asked kissing both his cheeks. A flash startled them before he
could answer and they looked over at Skeeter.

“How sweet! Do I smell romance in the air?” She asked with a large smile, her bold blonde
curls flouncing around her face.

Hadrian ignored her and turned back to Fleur,” I’m doing great. It’s nice to be with Draco
instead of separated like normal.”

“I’m sure! I bet your owls are happy to not be traveling so far,” Fleur said with a laugh.

“Viktor,” Hadrian gave him a nod, “How’s the ship?”

“Quiet. Everyone is walking on tiptoes waiting for you to come back, it's very entertaining,”
Viktor said.

“How long do you think it will take them to realize I’m not coming back?”

“Knowing them? Weeks,”Viktor said with a chuckle.

The opening of the door had all eyes turning to it, Dumbledore came in speaking quietly to an
older man with large pale eyes. Hadrian raised an eyebrow, this must be Garrick Ollivander.

“Hello all. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting to long!” Dumbledore said with a smile, “May I
introduce Mr. Ollivander?”

Introductions were made and Mr. Ollivander made his way to the front of the room next to
the judges table. The champions took their seats infront of the judges and waited while
Ollivander got situated.

“Mademoiselle Delacour you first if you please,” Ollivander said to Fleur holding out his
hand for her wand.

Fleur stood up and handed her wand over. Ollivander twirled the wand in his fingers, light
pink sparks shot out from the top of the wand and sprinkled to the floor.

“Hmm..nine and a half inches….inflexible…rosewood and containing the hair of a Veela?”

Olivander questioned Fleur.

“Yes from my Grandmother,”she answered respectfully.

“I don’t use them myself, find them to temperamental…however if this wand suits you…”

Ollivander looked at the wand for another moment before he muttered “Orchideous!” flowers
erupted from the top of the wand and he nodded.

“Perfect condition,” He said handing her back the wand, “Mr. Krum next if you please.”

Viktor helped Fleur to her seat before walking over and handing is wand to Mr. Ollivander.

“Ah….Gregorovitch if I’m not mistaken…horn beam and dragon heartstring…looks very

well taken care off…Avis!”

A flock of birds came out of Viktors wand and flew around the room. Ollivander handed
Viktor back his wand, “Excellent condition Mr. Krum.”

Ollivanders eyes settled onto Hadrian, “Heir Potter-Black if you please.”

Hadrian came out of his seat and smoothly handed over his wand to Ollivander.

“Heir Potter-Black…I must confess I was disappointed to not see you in my shop…
but..”Olivander twirled Hadrians wand in his fingers, a shower of black sparks fell from the
wand, turning into shadow before they hit the floor, “…interesting. It’s and old wand…I
don’t recognize the wand maker…”

“I wouldn’t be able to tell you Mr. Ollivander. The wand chose me as I was going through an
old family vault, pretty much jumped into my hand actually.”

Hadrian remembered the day clearly, it was right after the contract was signed. Marvolo and
Sirius took him and Draco through an old family vault to look around when Hadrian felt a
pull. He followed it, ignoring the warnings of his fathers until he came upon a wooden box.
Before he could do anything the box opened and the wand shot to him, the minute Hadrian
wrapped his hands around the wand black shadows poured out of it and formed a shape
before dissipating.

Dumbledore sat up straighter in his seat..Hadrian had no access to his vaults…if he didn’t get
it from there where did he?

“It’s very well taken care of….ebony…oh dear..”Ollivander trailed off and looked up at
Hadrian with his eerie eyes, “I sense Thestral…a part of the wing I should say….” Ollivander
looked at the wand closely for a moment before giving it a twirl. “Incendio!”

Flames erupted out of the wand causing everyone to jump back except for Hadrian and
Marvolo. The flames formed two lines that twirled around each other before disappearing in a
puff of smoke.

“Excellent…it will treat you well Heir Potter-Black,” Ollivander said before giving Hadrian
back his wand.

Hadrian gave him a deep bow, “Thank you Mr. Ollivander for your exceptional words.”
Dumbledore clapped his hands together, “Excellent, excellent! Now let us finish with some
pictures and we can make our way to dinner!”

Hadrian got up with the rest of the champions and they spent the next several minutes taking
pictures, individual and group shots. In different poses around the room, sitting, standing,
leaning. Hadrian was ready to kill Bozo by the time they were finally done with the photos.

Draco was leaning against the wall across from the room when Hadrian was finally able to

“Finally,” Draco said leaning up to accept Hadrians kiss.

“Your telling me. It’s time for Rita to get a new camera man because I’m killing Bozo this
weekend,” Hadrian told him as he watched the mans eyes trail Dracos form before scurrying
after Skeeter.

“Good, creepy little man,” Draco said giving the man a look of distaste.

“May I escort you to dinner?” Hadrian asked holding out his arm for Draco. Draco smiled
and looped his arm around his before leaning his head on Hadrians shoulder, “I wouldn’t
have it any other way.”

Chapter End Notes

Thank you for everyone that Reviews, Bookmarks and gives Kudos!
It's so lovely to see!
Champions, Dragons and Death...Oh My!
Chapter Summary

Harry handles some business and finds out the first task.

Chapter Notes

Hello Friends!
You know when I first planned this story by this chapter we are suppose to be at the
second task and half way done. No idea what happen to that.
But regardless..Enjoy!

“Hello Rita.”

The dark voice seemed to echo in Ritas office. Rita let out a small scream and dropped her
quill. Looking up she blanched at the figure leaning against her door from, wand held lightly
in his hand.

“Heir Potter-Black,” Rita stuttered, “What a pleasant surprise.”

“Is it?” Hadrian mused, “I should work on that. I never want to be a pleasant surprise.”

It was obvious Rita didn’t know what to say to that, her eyes flicked to her wand that sat next
to her on here desk but she made no motion to grab it. She wouldn’t have time, and even if
she did it would do her no good.

“I would like to see the article you're working on Rita. Make sure it's up to….Standards,”
Hadrian purred as he made his way further into the room and sat in the chair across from her
desk with a lazy elegance.

“O-of course,” Ritas trembling hand held out the piece she had just spent five hours drafting.

Hadrian grabbed the parchment and looked over it, humming as he read through the
document. Hadrians eyes looked over the document at Rita and stared for a long moment
until she was squirming in her seat.

“Rita, Rita, Rita…I thought we had an understanding,” Hadrian said his eyes looking up from
the paper.
Rita screamed as she felt something sharp and painful fill her body, liquid fire traveled
through her veins. When the pain finally ended she fell from her chair, her body making a
painful thump onto the ground as it twitched from the after shocks.

Hadrian flicked his fingers and her desk flew to the other side of the room, smashing into
pieces against the wall. Hadrian looked down at her from his chair, fury and disgust in his

“What did we agree on the last time you tried to write an article that would offend my
precious Draco, Rita?” Hadrian asked with a slight head tilt.

“..please…please…”Rita begged, her face red with exertion, tears and snot pouring down her

“What did we agree to Rita?” Hadrain asked, this time more forcefully before Rita felt
another wave of pain through her body.

“T—that I wouldn’t’,” Rita gasped out.

“Exactly. Now tell me Rita, did my eyes ‘sparkle with an intense emotion’ as I spoke to
Fleur? Do you really feel ‘I might be looking somewhere else’ that ‘perhaps my interest in
my intended is waning upon seeing the beauty of the veela champion’”

“N-n-no,” She whimpered.

“Then why Rita, would you write it,” Hadrian asked his intense eyes on Ritas prone from.
Holding the parchment out fire spread from his finger tips, slowly taking up the parchment
turning it into ash.

“I wasn’t thinking,” She whispered quietly, her eyes fixated on the flame.

“No Rita you weren’t. Now your lucky I’m feeling benevolent tonight, or I would just kill
you-,” Rita whimpered, “-but now. You won’t be dying tonight but I expect a new draft of
your article on my desk tomorrow for my approval. For the rest of their tournament anything
coming out of you office will be meeting my approval before it hits the paper. Are we in
agreement Rita?”

“Yes,” Rita whispered. Her pounding heart slowing down, her life was safe for tonight.

Hadrian got out of the chair and walked close to her before bending squatting in front of her
and running the back of his finger down her cheek, “If you ever attempt something like this
again you will be killed. In the most creative way I can think of.”

Hadrian stood up and made his way to her door, “Oh and Rita?” He said turning back slightly
to face her.

Rita had been trying to sit up but froze.

“You will need a new photographer. I’m afraid Bozo had an accident and fell from his
balcony tonight. Such a shame.”
With that Hadrian left.

Rita let out a painful relieved breath. It had been years since she felt his painful retribution,
she had grown too confident in his trust of her articles. Assuming that he wouldn’t mind a
little… the new article. She wouldn’t make that mistake again. The death of Bozo
wasn’t a surprise, she had seen his interest in the Malfoy Heir and knew his time was

She very much doubt he had a painless death.


Draco was waiting up for Hadrian when he arrived back at the dorm.

“Is she still alive?” Draco asked as Hadrian got in bed and pulled him close.

“Yes. But she will need a new camera man,” Hadrian said, giving Draco a light kiss.

“How unfortunate,” Draco drawled, “What happen to dear bozo?”

“He had an accident on his balcony, fell right off the edge,” Hadrian said with a smile pressed
into Dracos hair.

“Only fell off the balcony,” Draco said with a frown.

Hadrian gave him a look, “According to the Aurors yes. But you know better precious.”

Draco beamed and gave him a kiss, “Good. Now let’s get some sleep. Some of us actually
have school in the morning.”

“I’m tutoring tomorrow thank you very much,” Harry told him.


“Viktor and Fleur,” Hadrian said, “They want to make sure they are in top shape for the

“Ah that will be fun. So I’ll see you after class?”

“After we have breakfast of course,” Hadrian said giving his head a quick kiss.

Hadrian waited excitedly for the morning Prophet to arrive.

“What did you do Hadrian?” Viktor asked as he took a seat next to him.

“Nothing. I’m just excited for training,” Hadrian told him with a smile.

“Of course,” Viktor said with a shake of his head, “You missed quite the show last night.”

“What happen?” Draco asked as the mail came. Hadrian frowned as he flipped through the
paper and threw it to the side, Bozos death hadn’t been reported yet.

“Volkoff has been spending his nights somewhere other than the ship. Karkaroff did a bed
check and Volkoff never showed up so he checked the wards. He hasn’t been sleeping in his
room for at least a week.”

“Karkaroff does bed checks?” Blaise asked with a raised eyebrow, “Hadrian has been in our
room since you first go here.”

“Karkaroff knows better than to inquire about my presence,” Hadrian said with a wave of his

“Is there anyone who is not scared of you?” Blaise asked

“Draco,”Hadrian said with a sweeping gesture to his betrothed.

“He doesn’t count,” Theo cut in from his side.

“My parents,” Hadrian said after a moment of thought.

“I’m not,” came a light airy voice from behind them.

Hadrian and Draco turned around and Hadrian smiled brightly, “Of course your not Luna!
Viktor move over your in Lunas spot.”

Viktor instantly moved and Luna sat down in his spot giving him a kiss on his cheek in

“You finally decided to grace me with your presences. I was expecting you sooner,”Hadrian
told her with a pout.

“It would have been to suspicious my lord,” Luna said with a light reprimand

“I will trust your word on it,” Hadrian said.

“As you should,” Luna said before turning to Viktor and looking at him with her large eyes.
Viktor glanced to Hadrian, he had no idea what he was suppose to do.

“Hello, I’m Luna,” Luna said holding out her hand.

“Viktor,”Viktor said giving her hand a shake.

Luna gave him one last look before turning to Hadrian and tilting her head. Hadrian gave a
small laugh and nodded in agreement, the rest of the table bar Draco was staring at them with
confused eyes.

“You know Loo-i mean Lovegood?” Blaise asked.

“Of course I do,” Hadrian said, “Met her in a forest once.”

‘Hadrian knows everyone, at this point I just go with it,” Viktor said still staring at Luna with
confused eyes.

Hadrian shared a smile with Luna.


The summer after Hadrians first year at Hogwarts found him and Marvolo deep in a Swedish
forest exploring for any ancient magical sites. It had been a few hours since they started when
the came across a small girl with large grey eyes and long blonde hair sitting on a tree stump,
humming to herself and making a crown out of flowers, an identical one sitting on top of her

“Oh you're here!” The girl said before jumping off the stump, “I’ve been waiting for hours
my Lord.”

Hadrian gave Marvolo a look, “Isn’t she a little young for a follower father?”

“She’s not one of mine,” Marvolo said with a droll look to his son.

“Of course I’m not Mr. Dark Lord. I’m Hadrians.”

Hadrian raised an eyebrow at the small girl, “I’m sorry but I’m already betrothed.”

“Not like that My Lord. I will be your seer and barer of your children. My mother told me
and mother was never wrong.”

“My what?” Hadrian asked, his voice high pitched.

Marvolo looked at the girl with fresh eyes, “Who was your mother?”

“Pandora Lovegood, Sir. I’m Luna,” Luna said holding out a hand.

Marvolo shook the girls hand with a bemused smile, “I remember your mother. She was
powerful, I was…displeased with her passing.”

“She was Sir, I miss her very much,” Luna said softly.
“I’m sorry for your loss Luna but can we get back to the barer part?” Hadrian said with a

“Decorum Hadrian,” Marvolo chided him, “There is plenty of time to speak of that at a later

Luna giggled, “It’s okay Sir. I’m not very good at my visions yet but I will be as I get older, I

“That’s great Luna, really, but what do you mean the barer of my children? I’m betrothed.”

“Of course My Lord but you can not naturally have children together. I will just be the holder
of your heirs until their birth.”

Hadrian looked desperately at his father for guidance. He had no idea how to handle this and
wasn’t ashamed to admit it.

“Luna are you here alone?” Marvolo asked.

“Yes. It was our last day of our adventure so I told Papa to go home and you would take me
home later,” Luna said brightly skipping forward and gesturing for Hadrian to lean down a

Harry looked at his father with wide eyes before he did, Luna placed the crown on his head,
“I have another for your betrothed of course.”

“Thank you. I’m sure Draco will love it.”

Draco in fact, did not love it.

“Who is she!” Draco said sharply as he watched Hadrian enter the room with Luna. Her arm
was wrapped in his and she was chattering happily about something called a “Nargle”.

“Luna Lovegood,” Marvolo announced, “We found her in the forest…or perhaps she found

“Why is she hanging off you Hadrian! And WHAT IS ON YOUR HEADS!”

Dracos voice had raised to a pitch and the adults in the room looked a teach other with wide
eyes. They had seen Hadrian possessive plenty of times, but this was the first time Draco had
shown the same trait.

“Calm down Precious,” Hadrian said slipping his arm from Draco and approaching Draco as
one would a dangerous beast, “As Father said, we found her in the forest and she had
something to tell us.”

“I don’t care! You're MY betrothed and I will not let anyone steal you!”
Hadrian took the final steps too Draco and pulled him into his arms. Draco struggled slightly
before giving in and looking up at Hadrian, his lashes glistening and a heartbroken look in his

“You are my Precious. No one will ever steal me, I would kill them first,” Hadrian said

“Then why,” Draco whined shooting the girl a glare.

Luna didn’t look away, or even looked concerned with the glare, instead walking up to him
and pulling out another flower crown from her pocket and placing it on his head.

“It’s lovely to meet you My Lord. I’m sorry for your sadness but I have a gift for you. To
celebrate your betrothal.”

“A gift?” Draco asked, momentarily perking up before remembering he was angry and

Lucius and Sirius turned to Marvolo, mouthing ‘My lord?’. Marvolo shook his head and gave
a nod to Hadrian and Draco.

“Yes,” Luna said with a smile. She reached back into her pocket, this time her arm going
much deeper into her pocket than she had before, “Where is it?” She muttered to herself.

After a few minutes she let out a sound of triumph and pulled a large egg out of her pocket.

“Bloody hell,” Sirius said faintly, “Please tell me that is an owl egg.”

“It’s a little large for that Sirius,” Lucius said looking at the egg nervously.

“It’s a Hungarian horntail. I believe she would be a great nest mate for your Dragon, her
name will be Penelope.”

Draco forgot all of his anger in an instant the moment his eyes landed on the large egg. It was
large and the plating that protected the egg could just be seen in the black of the egg.

“Oh how pretty! Thank you Luna!” Draco said excitedly taking the egg in his arms and
cuddling it to himself, “I will forgive you for touching Hadrian.”

Luna clapped her hands together, “I am so glad you like it!”

“I don’t,” Lucius told Narcissa and Sirius quietly who both nodded, ignoring the snorts of
Regulus and Severus behind them.

“It is an appropriate present Luna. Thank you,” Marvolo said, “We will get it to the reserve as
soon as possible to make sure it's protected.”

Draco frowned slightly but agreed, it would be much safer at the reserve and they could
easily find a nesting mother to take care of it.
“Come sit down by the fire Luna, we have some things to discuss,” Marvolo said leading the
girl to the sofa by the fire. Draco and Hadrian took their customary arm chair, Dracos anger
at Hadrian completely forgotten as he cuddled the egg closet him.

“Luna has informed us that Hadrian, not me, is her Lord and she will be the barer of their
children,” Marvolo told the room.

The announcement was met with raised eyebrows from all of the adults. Lucius and Sirius
were gobsmacked and turned quickly to each other, before they could start their customary
fight Narcissa spoke.

“Oh how lovely! Such a blessing it will be.”

“Cissy they are too young to be talking about children,” Sirius hissed at his once favored
cousin. After that comment he was thinking about reevaluating his position on Bellatrix.

“Well of course not now Sirius,” Narcissa said with a frown, “They are children.”

“My point!” Sirius said before pausing and looking over Luna, “Wait…Lovegood…your
Pandoras daughter?”

“Yes Lord Black,” Luna said with a bright smile, “Mother was the one who told me of my
future duties.”

“Oh. Well alright then. Pandora never failed me before, can’t see her starting now,” Sirius
said with a smile leaning back into his seat.

“This is serious!” Lucius spat to Sirius.

“No I’m Sirius!..” He continued on, ignoring the groans around the room from the over used
joke, “And I’m serious about this. Pandora never let me down, I followed her word as bible.
If she said this was to be then it was. In fact…did you inherit the gift?” Sirius asked Luna.

“I did but it won’t be stronger until I’m older. Right now it's just..feelings,” Luna confirmed.

“Pandora was a seer?” Lucius asked surprised. Pandora Lovegood was always odd. She
seemed to have one foot in another world at all times, often speaking in riddles that no one
could understand. No one was surprised when she married the odd Xenophilius.

“Of course,” Sirius said breezily, “Saved me from plenty of detentions that one. Even helped
me sneak away to meet with Marvolo a few times, great women.”

“I never knew. Did any of you?” Lucius asked turning to the others in the room, he was met
with nos.

“So Luna will have our babies?” Draco asked, cutting into the adults conversation with a
confused frown.

“That conversation we will be having later Draco,”Marvolo answered, “When you are older
and it’s more appropriate.”
“Okay Father,” Hadrian said for them both.

“It’s time for me to take you home Luna. You can come over whenever you would like,”
Marvolo said standing from his chair.

“Okay Sir! Goodbye my Lords,” Luna said giving both boys a kiss on their cheek before
skipping off with Marvolo.

“I like her. Can we keep her?” Draco asked Hadrian.

“She’s not a pet Draco,” Lucius sighed.

“Of course we can Draco. She will be a perfect sister,”Hadrian said with a smile.

“Sister?” Sirius and Lucius questioned.

“Yep. She told me on the way from the entrance hall, she will be our sister,” Hadrian said,
“So she will be.”


“Your holding your wand wrong Viktor,” Hadrian said as he corrected his grip.

They had been training for the last five hours. Both Viktor and Fleur were powerful in their
own rights but they both had areas they lacked. Viktor relied too much on his brute magical
strength and less on the more delicate wand movements which hindered his spells. Fleur had
the opposite problem. Her wand work was phenomenal, she moved in elegance and grace but
she was a horrible dueler and tended to fall back on her veela powers before her magic.
Hadrian however had been trained by two Blacks and the Dark Lord, he had been doing
magic since a child and his teachers did not tolerated mediocrity.

“There is an owl trying to get your attention Hadrian,” Fleur said looking up from the stance
Hadrian had forced her into a few minutes ago.

Hadrian held out his arm and whistled sharply, the large barn owl landed on his arm and
started pecking at this hair, “Thank you,” Harry said taking the letter and giving the owl a
treat. With a small hoot it left flew off into the forest getting lost in the dense trees.

“Whose it from?” Viktor asked moving his wand to his other hand and flexing his sore hand.
He was a seeker for merlins sake, his would have thought his hand was more flexible.

“Charlie Weasley,”Hadrian said as he read the letter with a raised eyebrow, “Looks like he
will be at Hogwarts for a bit.”

“Why?” Viktor asked hesitantly. He never met the bloke but he knew what he did for a living
and didn’t want that anywhere near him during the tournament.
Harry gave them a sharp smile, “For the first task of course.”

“No,” Viktor groaned, “Don’t say-“

“Dragons!” Harry said excitedly, “Draco is going to be so excited. They are bringing
Penelope as one of the nesting mothers and Marcus is coming with.”

“Remind me again what kind of Dragons they are?” Fleur said faintly.

“Hungarian Horntail,” Harry said with a smile, “but the other dragons will not be and I will
be dealing with Penelope. Anyone else she would flame the minute you stepped into the

“Oh. She sounds lovely,” Viktor said sarcastically.

“She is,” Hadrian said sharply, “But while this is a tournament for us it's not for them. They
are nesting mothers who’s clutches are going to be in grave peril in their eyes. You will both
be extremely careful with your plans because if any of those eggs are hurt you will feel my
displeasure. Understand?”

“Yes Hadrian,” Viktor and Fleur said.

“Good. Now let's finish the practice, Hogwarts classes are almost over and I promised Draco
I would meet him after his last one,” Harry said brightly.

“How is that going by the way?

“Perfect of course. Any news on whose bed Volkoff has been sharing?”

“It’s not a Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff but could be anyone from Slytherin or Ravenclaw,” Luna
answered from her seat on the floor behind them. She had a baby thestral in her lap and was
feeing it small pieces of meat while its mother sunbathed a few feet from her.

“It has to be a Slytherin,” Hadrian said.

“Why can’t it be a Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff” Viktor asked.

“Luna would know if he was going into Ravenclaw and Hufflepuffs have nothing to offer
him,” Hadrian said with a shrug, “I’m betting it’s a Slytherin. If it's a Gryffindor Fred and
George would have told me already.”


“The bell is about to ring. We must go meet Draco, quickly,” Luna said standing up quickly.
Carefully putting the foal on the ground she waited just a moment for it to stand before
making her way to the castle.

Hadrian stood up straight and looked at Viktor and Fleur, “Lets go.”
The group of them made their way quickly to the castle, Draco was on the ground floor in
Transfiguration and they arrived right after the bell rang.

Draco was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, an angry Volkoff in front of him.

“-will see you for the whore you are and come to me as he should. I don’t even know why
you're wasting your time, we do things at school you could only dream of,” Volkoff spat, his
wand held tightly in his grasp.

Hadrians magic flared, the students who had been watching the argument all flinched back at
the feel of the magic.

Draco turned bored eyes to Hadrian, “Are we not doing things you dream of darling?
Because I thought the thing we did with silk was inspired..if not deprived.”

Hadrian wasn’t fooled by Dracos bored gaze, he was furious. Draco had never been really
jealous of anyone giving Hadrian attention, apart from the one time with Luna. He was sure
of Hadrians affection, even from hundred of thousands of miles away. Even if Draco had
doubts his bracelet would let him know the minute Hadrian strayed.

“It was defiantly deprived and straight out of my wildest dreams I assure you,” Hadrian said
softly as he walked up to the pair.

Volkoff instantly stepped back, his wand disappearing into his pocket.

“Hadrian..I can explain-“

“No,” Hadrian said softly, “You can’t explain. You cornered my betrothed, laid false claims
against my person, and insinuated I would be anything but faithful. There is no explanation,
and rest be sure your father will be hearing about this. Leave.”

Volkoff didn’t say anything else. With a sad look on his face at Hadrians dismissal he quickly
made his way from the hallway into the direction of the ship. He shouldn’t have even been
Hogwarts, he had been sanctioned and set to probation on the ship until after Christmas.

Hadrian wrapped his arm around Dracos waist and pulled him close. He kissed him deeply
until he felt Dracos body relax in his arms, pulling away slightly he looked at him for a
moment before murmuring against his lips, “Come. We will go to the ship, our training room
is much better than Hogwarts.”

Dracos lips quirked into a smile and he nodded, allowing Hadrian to pull him away.

Hadrian stopped at his friends on the way out, “Find out who he’s fucking and find out fast. I
want to know as soon as possible.”

His friend nodded quietly and watched Hadrian lead Draco away.

“Volkoff is an idiot,” Fleur said quietly, “He knows this yes?”

“No,” Viktor said shaking his head, “Volkoff has been after Hadrian since their first year. He
has convinced himself that he truly belongs at Hadrians side, we knew this would happen

Luna hummed lightly for a moment, “Let’s go to the library to study. His partner won’t be
discovered today.”

Fleur and Viktor shared a look before shrugging and following the blonde down the hall.


Dracos blasting curse took out a five thousand gallon practice dummy with practiced ease.
The scattered remains of the five previous ones surrounded them as Hadrian sat back and
watched him.

“I will skin him alive,” Draco hissed, “How dare that..that TROLLOP try and say anything
against us! Who does he think he is!”

Another blasting curse took out an exercise bag.

“The ministers son,” Hadrian said, “He’s used to using his fathers powerful position to get his
way. Also I can teach you that curse if you would like to know it but it gets…messy.”

Draco wrinkled his nose, “You will do it for me. You know I hate blood on my robes.”

“Of course Precious,” Hadrian said, he stood up and wrapped his arms around Draco pulling
him close and tilting his head back, “My wand is yours to command. Your will is mine to
serve. Your inner most desire is mine to grant.”

Draco smiled and pulled him down for a kiss, “You romantic sap.”

“Only for you precious. The minute the clock strikes midnight on December 31st he will be
ours to do as we please. He is daft to think he could compare to you. Your beauty. Your
elegance. Your power.”

“You have the power Hadrian,” Draco said softly, his wand falling to the floor as Hadrian
picked him up by the thighs and pushed him against the wall.

“We both know exactly how much power you have at your finger tips Draco. You may not
show it often but I can feel it,” Hadrians hand ran up Dracos hip and slipped under his shirt,
“Plus…you have me at your finger tips…and I already stated I will grant you anything you
want. Anything.”

“Are these mats comfortable?” Draco asked his hands tangling into Hadrians hair.

“Let’s find out.”

Draco was in a much better mood when they joined the rest for dinner, a love bit peaked
under his robes as he laughed at something Hadrian said.

“Heard you almost killed someone,” Blaise said by way of greeting as he sat down with Theo
and Daphne. The Hufflepuffs who had shared the class with Draco and saw the aftermath
have spread their rumors throughout the school quickly, each rumor more insane than the

“Not yet,” Draco laughed, his eyes were sparkling as they flicked to Hadrian every few
moments. He never doubted Hadrian, but who was he too stop Hadrian when he felt the need
to prove himself.

“I heard you tortured him until he was on the ground crying and covered in urine,”Theo

“Your rumor mill is wild,” Hadrian said with a laugh, “Where do you guys get this stuff?”

“The Hufflepuffs,” every Slytherin in the vanity said.

“Crazy badgers,” Draco said with a shake of his head.

“So nothing happen?” Blaise asked.

“Not really. Just words,”Hadrian said with a shrug.

“Until?”Blaise asked with a blood thirsty smile.

“His father is no longer minister as of midnight on December 31st,” Hadrian said.

The owls with the evening prophet decided into the great hall at that moment and Hadrian
quickly grabbed one.

“Who is Bozo? And why his he on the cover?” Blaise asked, reading it over Hadrians

“He was Skeeters camera man. Shame,” Hadrian said as he flicked through the rest of the
news paper.

“The creepy man who followed her around?” Daphne asked, a look of disgust on her face,
“He looked at the students a little too closely when they were here for the weighing of the
wands if you ask me.”

“I agree,”Hadrian said.

Daphne looked at him closely before nodding, a small smile forming her lips, “What a shame
indeed,” She mumbled.
“We won’t know anything until closer to Christmas,” Luna said as she slipped into here seat
by Hadrian.

“Bollocks,”Harry groaned, “Fine. I’ll wait.”

“Oh and tomorrow,” Luna said, answering an unasked question.

Blaise, Theo and Daphne looked at her confused, then at Hadrian even more confused who
was nodding as if he expected the answer.

“What is that?” Blaise asked gesturing between the two of them.

“None of your concern,” Hadrian said looking at the three of them, “It will be dropped as
well, I want no further questions about Luna. Understand?”

“Understood,”the Slytherins answered, not just his friends either, every Slytherin that over
heard answered in union.

Hadrian nodded pleased. As far as anyone was concerned Luna was a best friend of Hadrian
and that’s how it will stay. Her true powers were only just now emerging and her safety was


The next morning Hadrian dragged a complaining Draco out of bed early in the morning and
lead him outside.

“You are sleeping on the ship for the unforeseeable future. It's before six Hadrian,” Draco
complained they made their way across the grounds.

“Just wait and see,” Hadrian said humor coating his voice. Draco had never been a morning
person, it took away his needed ‘beauty sleep’ and always left him grumpy.

“There is nothing that will be worth this,” Draco whined.

Hadrian just smiled and lead him deeper into the forest. As they walked deeper into the forest
Draco moved closer to Hadrian and let him wrap an arm around his waist, something he had
been resisting since they got up. Hadrian didn’t blame him, the forest was damn creepy. The
tall towering trees blocked any light from the sun that was slowly raising in the east. Hadrian
could hear the quiet braking of twigs as animals made their way through. Small streams
crossed everyday on the floor of the forest, Hadrian could hear a small waterfall coming from

The quiet of the forest was broken as a loud ‘ROAR’ broke through, Dracos head shot up and
he looked at Hadrian.
“Hadrian,” Draco said seriously, “Is that what I think it is?”

Hadrian gave him a sweet smile and they quickened their pace until they broke through thick
line of trees and Draco let out a squeal.


His shout alerted the handlers around the camp and the Dragon who had been roaring in
anger stopped as he sensed his humans.

Draco ran to the cage that held the large beast, Hadrian right behind him.

Dragonlings! Tell them to let me out of this blasted thing, I need to be with my mate!

Hadrian didn’t bother saying anything to the handlers, instead vaporizing the cages that held
Penelope and Marcus. Marcus instantly went her side and wrapped around her, a soothing
hum vibrating from his chest.

“Bloody Hell Hadrian, we were suppose to keep them in the cages,” Charlie Weasleys deep
voice came from behind them.

Hadrian shrugged, “He wanted to be with his mate. I will put them back before we leave.”

“What is he doing here Charlie? Students are not suppose to be here, you need to leave,” a
man said as he jogged up.

He was taller than Charlie but just, his arms and skin clear of any of the usual injures that was
custom on the handlers. His hair was short and cropped to his head, he gave the air of ex

“Charlie who is this?” Hadrian asked glaring at the man.

“That is none of you concern. You need to leave or I will be reporting you, immediately,” the
man said hotly, his arms crossing at his chest and puffing out in an attempt to intimidate.

“Draco go to Marcus and Penelope,” Hadrian said softly giving him a light nudge in the
directions of the two dragons who were watching the scene. Marcus was half raised from his
crouch ready to defend if needed a deep growl coming from his chest. The other two Dragons
were already on their feet, deep rumbling growls emitting from them, the handlers around
them backing away to the other side of the camp. Draco made his way to him and was swept
up by his tail, landing inside the circle of Penelopes tail that circled her clutch. The tail tensed
lightly and pulled him and the clutch closer a light growl coming from her chest.

“Charlie,” Hadrian said sharply.

“Nathen Smoot. He’s a new handler from the Welsh reserve,” Charlie answered taking a step
closer to Hadrians side and away from the imbecile that he had been forced to work with.

Hadrians eyes raked Smoots form, “He doesn’t look like he does much work.”
“He doesn’t,” Charlie snorted, “He’s an expert in eggs so he mostly stays in his cabin unless
his ‘specialty’ is called for.”

“I do more work than you Weasley I am an expert in my field, which is more than I can say
for you. I will be head of the Reserve one day.”

Hadrian let out a laugh with a dark twinge to it, Charlie wisely took another step back.

“You really are an idiot aren’t you? The next Reserve Head has already been chosen. When
Vic decides to retire his replacement will be trained and ready to start the next minute. I can
guarantee you are no where in the running,”Hadrian said, his magic was sparking at his finger

“Who are you to say such a thing to me? You're nothing. A child who needs to learn manors
and mind their betters,” Smoot said, his wand shooting into his hand.

Charlie took one look at the mans wand and made his way over to Marcus, leaning against
his hand and giving the large leg a pat.

“Who knows he came with you?” Hadrian called out to Charlie.

“Just us here. We are under secrecy contracts due to the nature of the rules,” Charlie called
back before looking at Draco, “10 gallons it's painful.”

Draco snorted, “Of course it will be painful. But it will be quick.”

“Ten it's not,” Charlie countered.

Bets started to be called out by the rest of the handlers as they took seats around the camp.

Draco smirked, “Ten that it is then.”

Smoot looked around incredulously at the other handlers, “What are you doing?”

“That doesn’t matter Smoot, trust me,” a young man named Nathen called out as he sat on a
stump. The handlers let out laughs and for the first time Smoot looked unsure of his actions.

“Who are you?” Smoot spat at Hadrian.

Hadrian gave him a sweet smile that sent shivers down Smoots spine, “Heir Hadrian Potter-
Black. Lord Peverelle. Prince Nior. I have many names Smoot, but you may call me

Smoots face paled as he took a step back, “Forgive me…I had no idea..”

“No,” Hadrian said before he flicked a hand toward the man.

Something grabbed Smoots leg, he screamed as he was flung back into a tree, his head
snapping back with a sicking crack before his body feel limp onto the ground. His head at an
unnatural angle, deep puncture marks on his leg with blood sluggishly soaking his pant leg.
“Oops. Looks like a dragon accident,” Hadrian said lightly.

“I’ll take him back to the reserve,” Nathan said standing up.

“Thank you,” Hadrian smiled, “I’ll reward you at a later time. Tell Vic I said hello and sorry
he lost another handler.”

“Right,” Hadrian clapped as Nathan portkeyed away with the body, “We came here for a
visit. I hope you're all doing well!”

“We are Prince Nior, thank you,”The handlers said going back to their duties.

Penelope released her tail and allowed Draco out as Hadrian came up to them, Draco went
into his arms and gave him a hard kiss.

“Come on guys,” Charlie groaned, “You can practice your mating skills later.”

Hadrian and Draco broke apart laughing, “Your right,” Hadrian said, “We need to talk about
the tournament.”

A gruff man brought over some chairs for them to sit by the Dragons with a nod to Hadrian.

“Using the eggs is extremely dangerous. I don’t like it,” Hadrian said simply.

“I agree. We didn’t have a choice. The British Ministry raised too much of a fuss about
pulling funds, since they think they are funding us we can’t ‘afford’ to lose it,” Charlie said
frustrated. He hated that they wanted to use their Nesting Mothers as a toy for play, the
chance of losing precious eggs was too high. If any of the dragons lost their eggs they would
go into a deep depression they may not come out of, not to mention Draco would go spare
and Hadrian would not take that well.

“We need to figure out something. I will be dealing with Penelope and I’ve warned the others
but accidents happen all the time. I will not take that chance.”

“What do you think we should do?”

“Father will make fake eggs. We can have the Dragons act like they are real and no one
would know,” Hadrian said. He had already spoken to Marvolo about the plan and he had
started making the eggs immediately. They were a bit time consuming but he assured Hadrian
they would be done by the time of the task.

“Works for me. The only person who would be able to tell they were fake is no longer here, I
expect Vic to send another expert though,” Charlie told Hadrian.

“Looks like you just got a promotion Charlie. You are now an egg expert,” Hadrian said
easily, “I’ll make are your raise reflects it.”
“Works for me,”Charlie agreed easily. Hadrian made sure Charlie was trained for all things in
the reserve, he had never announced who he wanted to take over for Vic but everyone on the
reserve had an idea.

“Don’t hire anymore outside wizards,” Draco said frowning, “They are all idiots. I’m going
to end up losing the kill count bet.”

Hadrian looked over offended, “Your still betting on my kill count?”

“Of course darling, it’s easy money.”

“Whose winning so far?” Hadrian asked curiously.

“Charlie,”Draco said throwing the man a glare.

“What was your guess?”

“Don’t answer that!” Charlie hurriedly said, “That would be cheating!”

Draco pouted, “Fine. You're right, have to keep it sporting.”

Breakfast was brought over and they quieted down for a moment while they enjoyed
breakfast together.

“What do you think of my little brother?” Charlie asked.

“He’s an idiot but not as bad as your sister,” Hadrian told him.

Charlie grimaced. His brother had dreams being the best friend of ‘Harry Potter’ and had
been fed it his entire life by his mother, which was bad enough. Ginny on the other had had
been groomed since childhood with stories of Harry Potter and his amazing battles, his strong
will and romantic nature. She was the only one out of the Weasley children to lean pureblood
mannerisms since childhood and for as long as he could remember she would doodle “Lady
Ginevra Potter” on everything she owned.

“Sorry bout that,” Charlie said, “Mums been filling her head for years.”

“Don’t worry about it. She’s a nuisance more than anything,”Hadrian said.

“I disagree,” Draco argued, “She’s a slag and needs to learn manners.”

“Is she really?” Charlie asked.

“Kinda,”Draco told him, “She’s been caught in plenty of broom cupboards, not as many as
others but enough that your mom should be concerned. But as far as I know it's only been
with two boys.”

“Interesting,”Charlie said rubbing his chin, “I would have thought she would have been on a
tighter leash.”
“No matter how tight the leash there are always ways of escaping,” Hadrian told him.

“You two better start heading back. Classes will be starting soon,” Charlie warned them.

“Oh right. But what about Marcus and Penelope? They can’t be locked up again,”Draco said
softly looking up at Hadrian.

Hadrian caved.

Looking at the dragons he called out, “You can remain out but you will behave. All of you.”

The dragons agreed with rumbles of excitement.

“Leave them out. If any of them start anything send me a patronus right away,” Hadrian told

Charlie snorted and gave him a nod, “Will do boss.”

“Thank you,”Hadrian said.

“I was talking to Draco,” Charlie said with a nod to the blonde, “here is your gallons. I’ll
collect the rest from the guys.”

Draco took them with a thanks.

“Of course you were,” Hadrian muttered, “Lets go precious.”

With one last hug and warning from Hadrian, he and Draco made their way out of the forest.

“Thank you for the surprise,”Draco said happily.

“Worth getting up early?” Hadrian asked.

“Every moment with you is worth waking up early,”Draco said seriously giving him a light

Hadrian couldn’t agree more.

The First task
Chapter Summary

Hadrian completes the first task and problems arise with the Dragons.

Chapter Notes

Hello Friends!

I have been trying to decide on if I should create an update schedule or just keep doing
the surprise updates. One problem I'm having is that I will want to write more of one
story before switching but since I'm trying to update each one after the other that doesn't
always work.
So, if you are reading one or more of my stories right now there will be a slight change.
My plan is to work on one story for two weeks or so and then switch to a different one.
So some updates will now take longer.
If you guys have one you want updated more than the other, feel free to throw the names
in the comments! I will absolutely take it into consideration!

The morning of the first task was cold and brisk.

Hadrian was, as always, the first one awake in the dorm he was sharing with Draco and
Blaise. So far under the school the room was silent, the soft sounds of breathing and a quiet
rumble of the lake creating a calm ambiance that he greatly enjoyed. He liked Durmstrang
enough, his schooling was further than it would have ever been if he had gone to Hogwarts
and the alliances he built were indisputable, the ability to come and go as he pleased was also
a great boon. But it wasn’t perfect by any means. He missed Draco dreadfully during those
times, his quick wit, the ability to keep up with him academically(even being in a different
school Draco kept up), but most of all he missed Dracos heart when they were apart.

Draco had the ability to be cruel, you couldn’t grow up as they did without that streak, but he
also had the ability to care for others that Hadrian could never really understand. Outside of
his cruel uncaring persona was a teddy bear who cared greatly for his friends and family.
Hadrian couldn’t count the number of times Draco saved a soul from Hadrians fury when he
was offended..or even just annoyed really. If Hadrian was annoyed, and he could get away
with it, his first instinct was to just make them go away permanently. A trait he defiantly got
from his father that frustrated his papa more than anything. Draco on the other hand
understood that even the most idiotic people could be useful down the line, or that Hadrian
was being ridiculous and murder wasn’t the answer.

Which Hadrian normally disagreed with, idiots were idiots.

While his heart kept some of Hadrians darker tendencies at bay while they are together it also
meant that naturally some things were kept from him. Draco didn’t need to the exact
extremes that Hadrian and Marvolo went to when they needed to trim the heard or keep
people in line. He had an idea of course, Hadrian never lied to him he just kept specifics
away from the conversations. So when Marvolo threatened Severus, a relatively common
occurrence if Hadrian was honest, Dracos mind went into overdrive and his need to protect
his family came full force. He was anxious for days until Hadrian finally nailed down the
plans to get Severus out if needed and showed Draco the proof.

His family may joke that Draco was the only one to hold Hadrian in line but it was the truth.
He held his worse tendencies at bay and Hadrian was not ashamed of that. But…

The longer Hadrian spent at Hogwarts with Draco the more he hated the thought of being
separated from him during another school year. He could always transfer…especially once
Dumbledore is out of the way. Hadrian nodded to himself, he would talk to his father about it
after all of this is complete.

Breakfast was a rowdy affair. Students of all schools were excited, the volume of the Great
Hall was insane as everyone was shouting bets and wishing the champions luck. Except
Hadrian that is, other than the Slytherins and a few Ravenclaws, most of the school ignored
him and gave their cheers to the other champions. Hadrian didn’t mind this, he had no need
for a group of sycophants to be fawning over him as they did the others.

“Good luck Hadrian! I made you a good luck charm,” Volkoff said sweetly as he squeezed
into a seat across from him. He was holding out a handkerchief with his and Hadrians initials
embroidered on the edge. Hadrian could give credit where credit was due, the protection
charms imbued in it were powerful and would protect him from minor spells and jinxes.

Hadrian raised an eyebrow, “Darling.”

Volkoff looked excited, Hadrian was going to accept his first courtship gift!

His happiness turned into a looked turned to terror as the handkerchief started smoking in his
hand. Dropping it onto the table they all watched as it turned to ash. Draco leaned down and
blew the ashes away before looking over at Hadrian and kissing his cheek.

“Thank you darling,”Hadrian said giving Volkoff a smile, “A good luck charm that catches
on fire? That’s dangerous Volkoff, you should really work on your charm work.”

Volkoff face turned red in embarrassment and he quickly left the table as it erupted into
laughter from behind him. Hadrian raised an eyebrow as he saw Blaise discreetly hand over
some money too Theo.
Blaise caught his look and grinned, “It was going to be you or Hadrian, I hedged my bet on

“And I knew that it would be Draco,”Theo said from behind his book.

“Why?” A third year asked from down the table, Hadrian thought she was a friend of

“Because Draco is the one who needs to prove himself to be worthy of Hadrian. Not the other
way around,”Daphne answered, “I’ll get you a book on courtships to explain better.”

“Thank you,”The girl said before turning back to her breakfast.

“I still think that’s ridiculous,”Harry sneered, “Draco needs to ‘prove’ himself to me.”

“Your the higher house love,”Draco said with a roll of his eyes. They had this argument more
than once and Draco had given up on trying to make him change his mind.

“I work very hard to prove myself and no one ever appreciates the effort,”Hadrian said with a

“Oh it must be so hard to be filthy rich and buy your betrothed every little thing his heart
desires,”Blaise said with a snort.

Hadrian pointed his fork at him, “I’ll have you know it’s difficult sometimes. Do you know
how long I had to search for that Persian rug he wanted for the sitting room? Months.”

Blaise stared at him, “My point still stands. But I do what to know what it cost.”

Hadrian shrugged, “I don’t know. Couple hundred thousand gallons?”

Daphne coughed on her tea and looked at him with wide eyes.

“What?” Hadrian asked her handing over a napkin.

“A couple hundred thousand gallons? What was that damn rug made of? Diamonds?” She
gasped still trying to catch her breath.

“It was a family heirloom,”Draco explained giving Hadrian an adoring smile, “We saw it in a
painting while visiting the French embassy. It was still in the French Royal family.”

“Bloody Hell,”Daphne said quietly, “If you ever want a third let me know. If you don’t want
a women let Theo know.”

Hadrian and Draco broke into laughter and Theo stared at his girlfriend.

“Did you just offer me up?”

“To a man who spent that much money on a rug? I’d offer up my own mother,”Daphne said
with a shrug.
“Fair,”Theo said after a few moments, he opened his mouth to add to it when he was cut off
by Blaise.

“Don’t do it mate. Trust me, it’s not even worth joking about,”He said, crossing his legs
under the table.

Theo looked at him curiously before taking the advice and turning to Hadrian “Right. Well
are you ready for the first task?”

“Yep. Bet on me if you haven’t already. I might not get full points but I can guarantee my
task will be completed first,”Hadrian told him with a smirk.

The students that around them started turning to each other, changing their bets before the
task started.

“I have to find those twins,”Blaise said before jumping out of his seat and going on the

“Wait for me!”Theo said following him.

“Should I be offended?” Hadrian asked the table at large.

“Probably,”Daphne said.

Hadrian peaked out of the curtain as the stadium filled with students and spectators. Draco
and their friends were sitting near the judges seats in the middle of the stadium seating. In the
middle of the quidditch pitch was a small pile of rocks with a crater in the middle, just large
enough to place a clutch of eggs in the middle. Small and large rocks were placed
strategically around the floor, turning the grass stadium into a rocky terrain.

“Are you ready?”Hadrian asked Fleur and Viktor as they paced around the tent.

“Yes,”Fleur said, her voice shook slightly showing her nerves, “You?”

“Ready to rock and roll,”Hadrian said bouncing up on his toes.

“This task was made for you,”Viktor said with a roll of his eyes, “It’s an advantage.”

Hadrian shrugged, “I wasn’t even suppose to be in they tournament. Not my fault.”

The tent opened and Ludo Bagman came in with the rest of the judges. Marvolo caught
Hadrians eyes and gave a slight nod of his head, the eggs had been replaced. The breath that
Hadrian had been holding released, he really didn’t want to deal with Draco if something
happen to those eggs. Or Marcus for that matter.
“Welcome Champions! Now that the day has come we can let you know of what you will be
facing!,”Bagman reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bag, “The first task will
be….Dragons! Each dragon will have a nest of eggs they are guarding, your task will be to
get the golden egg out of the nest. On by one you will reach into this bag and pull out a
miniature of the dragon you will be facing.”

The champions looked at each other, only Hadrian was feeling excitement. Fleur and Viktor
were looking a little green in the face, Hadrian idly wondered if it was because of the dragons
or his threat.

“mademoiselle Delacor! You first,”Bagman said holding the bag out to her.

Fleur took a deep breath and slowly placed her shaking hand into the bag, she felt something
climb into her hand and pulled it out. Her hand was more steady as she opened her hand and
a small green dragon.

“The Welsh Green! Good choice,”Bagman boasted before moving the bag to Viktor, “You
next Mr. Krum!”

Viktor had was much steadier then Fleur as he reached in and grabbed the dragon.

“Chinese Fireball! Great choice Mr. Krum. Now for the last..Heir Potter-Black!”

Hadrian reached into the bag without hesitation and pulled out the miniature model of

“The final dragon…the Hungarian Horntail! The most ferocious dragon we have but I’m sure
nothing you can’t handle of course!” Bagman said nervously before putting the bag in his

“The sound of the cannon will be your sign to enter the stadium. As I said ladies first, Madam
Delacor will be first, Mr. Krum you will be second and Heir Potter-Black will be last. Good

Bagman gave them one last bow before making his way out of the tent with the judges
following. Dumbledore gave Hadrian one last look on his way out, Hadrian felt a brushing at
his shields and raised an eyebrow. The headmaster quickly left the tent and Hadrian
wondered what excuse he would make about that later.

Hadrian, Viktor and Fleur stood together near the entrance. Hadrian turned to them and threw
up a quick privacy ward, “Okay. The eggs have been replaced with fake ones, still try to not
hurt the dragons but the eggs are safe. Do not fear that. You both have this and if you get hurt
in anyway we will have the best healers for you. Immediately.”

Viktor and Fleur were visibly relieved, “Thank Merlin.”

Hadrian gave them a grin, “I would never put real eggs at risk, and I’m fond of you both. I
would have hated to hurt you.”
Fleur gave him a tight hug, “Thank you Hadrian. I would have felt horrible if something
happen to the eggs.”

Hadrian hugged her back just as tight, “I had complete faith in you Fleur.”

The sound of the cannon had them pulling away from either. Hadrian gave Fleur a kiss on her
head and wished her good luck before pushing her out of the tent.

“Do you know what she’s planning?” Viktor asked him.

“No but I have a few ideas. I told her to rely on her instincts,”Hadrian told him.

“I thought you wanted us to move away from our instincts more,”Viktor asked confused.
Thats all Hadrian had said for the last few training sessions, instincts were important but if
you are fighting someone you know and are used to your fightings your instincts would make
it easier for them.

“In a battle yes. This isn’t a battle, you're getting an egg from a dragon. If this turns into a
battle with a dragon your instincts won’t matter, I would suggest running,”Hadrian told him
with a grin.

Viktor nodded his head and rubbed his beard, “I see your point.”

They turned to the tent entrance as screams and cheers erupted from the crowd, “She got the

“Ready Viktor?” Hadrian asked him.


Viktors cannon went off shortly after that. Hadrian listened to the crowd closely, cheering and
boos were sounding from the crowd. The sound of the Fireball screaming had Hadrian
cringing. He couldn’t understand exactly what the dragon was saying but he hard something
about “eyes” and Hadrian hopped Viktor hadn’t blinded the bloody animal. Draco would
never stand for that. After one final cheer the crowd quieted down and Hadrian waited
patiently for the ‘boom’ that would signal his turn.

It finally came and Hadrian rolled his shoulders before taking leave out of the tent. The
crowd went wild for him as he stepped out, Hadrian rolled his eyes, now Hogwarts liked

Penelope was sitting on the fake eggs when she saw him, she let out a ferocious roar. The
crowd screamed and Hadrian saw some people ducking under the wall and into their friends.

Dragonling! Something is wrong! My children they feel wrong!

Hadrian walked closer to her with his hands up, ignoring the screaming and warnings from
the concerned crowds.

Calm yourself Penelope..I assured your clutch would be safe. You have fake eggs, now let me
in so I can get the golden egg.

Penelope let out a growl and nosed her eggs, making a pleased sound she used her tail to
push out the golden egg. Hadrian ran up and grabbed the egg before, a large boom went
through the stadium signaling the test ending and he ran into the champions tent.

“Bloody overdramatic dragon,”Hadrian said as he joined the others, “Viktor what did you do
to Lin?”

Viktor cringed, “It was a blinding spell. No actual harm but she did crush a few of those

Hadrian closed his eyes, thank Merlin he switched out the eggs, Lin would never have

“Good thinking. You good Fleur?” Hadrian asked her. She was pale and her outfit was
scorched but otherwise looked unharmed.

“Yes. I was able to get the dragon to sleep but it snores.”

Hadrian snorted, “Should have warned you about that I suppose.”

Fleur glared at him, “I’m sending you a bill for my clothes.”

“Sure send me the bill,”Hadrian said with a laugh. It wouldn’t be the first time he paid for
clothing, she was so touchy.

“Hadrian Potter-Black!”

Kudos voice had Hadrian turning to him with a raised eyebrow.

Ludo cringed back slightly, he was still waiting for his punishment and to say he was jumpy
was an understatement, “You were the fastest getting the egg! Congratulations!”

“Thank you,” Hadrian said tilting head slightly.

Marvolo came up and patted his shoulder, “Good plan son.”

“It was…unexpected,”Dumbledore said, his hand stroking his beard as he stared at Hadrian,
“I was unaware you were able to communicate with dragons my boy.”

Hadrian gave him a flat stare, “I’m not your boy Headmaster. Dragons are large reptiles and
share ancestors with snakes. Any parseltounge can speak with dragons if they learn the
correct dialect.”

Dumbledore looked at him with wide yes, “Your a parseltounge?”

“It’s not unknown,”Hadrian said with a shrug.

“It was a great show!”Ludo boasted, “Gather around champions,” the champions went to
him, “You have a break until the next task that will take place February the twenty-fourth!
During that time you have some work to do, the eggs you hold are clues to the next task. As it
stands Heir Potter-Black is in first place with an impressive forty-two points! Mr.Krum and
Madam Delacor are tied for second place at 40 points each. Enjoy your break!’

With that Ludo left quickly, probably to go get his winnings from whatever bookie he chose
this time.

“What were the points out of?” Hadrian asked Marvolo.

“Fifty. Everyone gave you nine points accept the headmaster, he awarded you six,”Marvolo
told him with a roll of his eyes.

“Only nine?” Hadrian asked affronted.

“It was too easy. Personally I took a point away for lack of excitement,”Marvolo told him
with a grin.

“Oh my bad. I should have gotten hurt,”Hadrian snorted.

“If you had gotten hurt loss of points would have been the least of your problems,”Draco
said as he entered the tent and went straight to Hadrian’s side. He kissed his cheek, “Good
job love. We were very impressed.”

“I’m glad someone appreciates my creativity,”Hadrian said giving Marvolo a glare.

Marvolo shrugged, “You know me. I like a little excitement in my life, now if you will
excuse me I must get back to work.”

“I know you will like to celebrate with your fiends but I would like you to come to my office
for a meeting tonight,” Dumbledore said with a smile. As soon as Marvolo was out of the

“No,”Hadrian said.

“Excuse me,”Dumbledore said shocked.

“I said no. I have no need nor want to have a meeting with you Headmaster
Dumbledore,”Hadrian clarified.

“We have many things to discuss my dear boy,”Dumbledore said persuasively. He needed to
get the boy to be closer to him so he could..persuade him to make more friends at Hogwarts.
Leaving it up to Ronald and Hermione was not working as he thought it would.

“No we don’t. I told you already anything you need to know about me you can reach out to
my fathers,”Hadrian told him, “And I am not your boy. I must insist you stop calling me that

Dumbledore glanced around to the champions still in the tent, Viktor and Fleur were standing
behind Hadrian their wands in hand.

“Maybe next time then. Congratulations on your work on the task, I look forward to seeing
you all in the next,”Dumbledore said with a smile and twinkling eye.

“What did he want?” Viktor asked quietly as they watched the man leave the tent.

“To talk to me about something ‘important’,”Hadrian said with a sneer.

“What could he have to say to you that is important?” Fleur asked with a frown.

“Don’t know, don’t care,”Hadrian said with a shrug, “Now if you will excuse us. Me and
Draco need to check on the dragons, and celebrate my win.”

Fleur and Viktor shared a look, “Have fun!”

“We will!” Draco said with a laugh as Hadrian dragged him from the tent.

“They should be lucky Draco can’t get pregnant,”Fleur commented.

“Knowing Hadrian he’s probably trying to work on a way to do that anyway,”Viktor said
with a snort.

The dragons were aggravated when Harry and Draco made their way to them. The mothers
were huddled close together while Marcus was standing guard in front of them, smoke and
fire blowing from his nose with every breath showing his anger. The growls emerging from
his chest caused the ground to vibrate, sending rocks and dirt shifting every few minutes.
Rowena was slithering between Marcus legs, her body in a defensive position, head reared up
with her plume fully opened, her eyelids fluttering.

“What’s going on?” Hadrian asked concerned as Draco made a beeline to an angry Marcus.

“We have no idea,”Charlie admitted, “They were given back their eggs and it was all good
and all of a sudden they started well doing that.”
Hadrian frowned, “Everyone get in the tent. I’ll tell you when it’s safe to come out.”

Hadrian kept an eye on the dragons as Charlie escorted everyone into the tents quickly.

“Marcus! Calm yourself before you hurt Draco!” Hadrian called out sharply as he saw his
tail get to close to knocking Draco down.

Marcus instantly stilled his tail, his large face going to Dracos to check for any injuries before
making a pleased growl and going back to his original position.

“What is wrong Marcus? What has all of you so aggravated?” Hadrian asked the dragon

“The human was speaking of taking the eggs and transporting them to another place.”
Marcus said with an angry growl being echoed by the mothers in the group.

“What human?” Hadrian asked sharply, “One of the keepers?”

“Not the protectors…I didn’t recognize them they smelled of paper and jealousy”

Hadrian frowned and looked at Draco, “Any idea who might have smelled of paper and

Draco looked at him confused, “No I haven’t heard that one before.”

“They smelled of the men who come and look at us sometimes…the ones we were told
forbidden to eat.. “Lin called from her position.

Hadrian frowned, “The ministry said something about taking their eggs.”

“What? Hadrian they can’t!” Draco said distressed, they lost a dragon the year before because
of her clutch going missing. They had suspected the ministry had something to do with it but
with no proof they couldn’t prove anything.

“I’ll figure it out. Stay out with the dragons,”Hadrian told him before turning to Row.
“Go to Draco. If anyone comes to do anything kill them,”Hadrian told her. Rowena gave a
pleased hiss and left Marcus to climb onto Dracos shoulders.

“Hadrian you need to come here,”Charlie called from the tent, “We got a problem.”

Keep him safe,” Hadrian hissed before quickly going into the tent.

“Vic what are you doing here?” Hadrian asked. Vincent Doom was a large Bulgarian man, his
beard and mustache were perfectly manicured distracting from the large scar that crossed
from his left temple to his nose, taking his left eye with it. His magical eye scanning the tent
every few moments.

“I just received this massive from the ministry,”Vic said handing over a letter with ministry

Dear Vincent Droom,

The allowance of the dragons from the Romanian reserve has resulted in the devastating loss
of multiple eggs. It is obvious the reserve has not taken proper precautions to ensure this
action could not happen. This can not be allowed to continue, as such the eggs left in your
position will be moved to a more secure reserve.

The eggs will be collected the day after tomorrow, we find this is necessary to ensure they will
be protected at all times. We expect full cooperation, if there is a failure to procure the eggs
actions will be taken.

- Gethsemane Prickle

Head of Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.

“You’ve got to be joking,”Hadrian said after he read the letter, “They made you use the
bloody dragons in the first place!”

“I know,”Vic said gruffly, “This was probably the plan all along. The destroyed eggs just
gave an extra excuse.”

Hadrian threw the letter down and ran a hand through his hair, “I need to call father.”
Drawing his wand he conjured his patronus, a bright replica of Marcus coming out of his
wand, “Go to my father, tell him to meet me here immediately.”

His patronus gave a nod before taking off in a rush of large wings.

“What do we do?” Charlie asked, his face downtrodden. Technically the dragons belonged to
the reserve and are just registered with the Ministry but without their funding it would be
hard to keep the upkeep and wards working.

“I’m working on it,”Hadrian said irritated.

Charlie raised his hand and took a few steps back. No one spoke until Marvolo came into the
tent, “What’s going on?”

Hadrian handed over the letter. Marvolos eyebrow twitched as he read the letter, “Bloody
English,” He mumbled tossing the letter back to the desk.

“How close is it to being finished?” Hadrian asked.

Marvolo rubbed his chin, “Very close. It’s just the main wards on the edges of the island. If
you can get the goblins to send two extra teams it can be finished by the morning. If the
dragons can stay in the completed in island wards we can move them tonight.”

“Draconis island?” Vic asked from their side.

Hadrian nodded, “I need parchment and a quill. Charlie get a team together, you're going to
the island to make sure it's prepared for the Dragons. Anything you need call one of the elves,
the vault is fully open for you.”

“Yes sir,”Charlie said with a nod.

Hadrian quickly wrote out a note for Griphook as Charlie picked his men.


“Master Hadrian called for Dobby!” Dobby said as he popped in.

“Take this to Griphook immediately, wait for his reply,”Hadrian told him handing him the
letter. Dobby immediately left.

“Take this Mr. Weasley, it will carry you all to the island. I will join you in the
morning,”Marvolo said handing over a medallion engraved with a Hungarian horntail

Dobby appeared as soon as Charlie had left, handing over the response. Hadrian quickly read
it and nodded, “Griphook is sending over four teams. It will be finished by tonight.”

“Excellent. Hadrian you tell the dragons the plans, everyone else get everything ready for
transport. Vic take these portkeys and get everyone at the reserve ready for transport as well.
We will move at night,” Marvolo said handing Vic portkeys for the island.
“You know you could talk to them too if you just..learned,”Hadrian said with a smirk.
Marvolo absolutely refused to learn the dragon dialect, Hadrian was sure it was because he
couldn’t learn it rather than he didn’t want to.

Marvolo gave him a glare before appariting out.

Hadrian chuckled before heading out to the dragons.

“What’s going on?” Draco asked running up to him.

Hadrian wrapped an arm around his waist, “The ministry threatened to take the eggs due to
the “danger” the reserve put them in by letting them be in the tournament.”

“Bloody bastards! It was their idea!”Draco ranted.

“I know. We are getting them to the island tonight, the goblins are sending over extra teams
to finish it tonight,”Hadrian assured him with a kiss to his forehead.

Dragons of old! You will all be moved to the new reserve tonight. If you smell anyone other
then the protectors you may protect yourself as needed! I will be leaving Rowena with you,
she will contact me if anything goes wrong.

The dragons let out roars of agreement, thumping their tails on the ground.

“Your my hero,”Draco said softly, kissing Hadrians neck, “Do you need to be here for the

“No everyone is aware of the plan and what to do. They can reach out to me if
needed,”Hadrian said tightening his grip on Dracos waist.

“The ministry is going to throw a fit,”Draco said softly

“The ministry doesn’t own the dragons. They just pay to keep their habitats working, they
have no say if they are moved. We have been working on this for a year love, all of the
paperwork has been submitted and it’s the simple matter of moving them, do not
fear,”Hadrian said giving him a soft kiss, “Now let’s go to bed.”

Hadrian was positively bouncing the next morning at breakfast, Draco was watching him
with an amused expression.

“What has you so happy?” Blaise asked with a groan as he sat in his seat, their friends
gathering around them all looking worse for ware.
“What happen to you guys?” Hadrian asked amused, him and Draco had gone straight to their
room and didn’t even notice the common room as they passed.

“Party to celebrate Hogwarts champion,”Blaise said, “You would have noticed if you weren’t
hitting third base as you walked through the common room.”

Hadrian shrugged, “I have my priorities in order.”

“Here you go,”Draco said with a grin, in his hands several bottles of anti-hungover potions.

“Thank Merlin!” The Slytherins all grabbed a bottle and quickly drank them, groaning and
sighing in relief.

“Why did you even celebrate? I’m not a Hogwarts student,”Hadrian questioned.

“Your playing for Hogwarts and an honorary Slytherin,”Daphne answered as if it was


“My bad,”Hadrian said with a laugh, “By all means drink to my greatness whenever you
would like to.”

“All of Hogwarts was partying last night-“

“If you have any potions left-“

“Lord Draco-“

“It would be appreciated.”

Fred and George said as they came up to them, both grimacing at the lights and smells of the
great hall.

Draco held out two more vials for them, “Of course.”

“I take back what I said. Draco is more fit, if you ever get tired of that one come find
me,”Fred said with a grin.

Hadrian shrugged as eyes turned to him, “If he wants to gamble with his life that’s his

“You would never hurt me! You love us!” Fred said a grin still playing at his face. Well as
long as he didn’t actually hit on or touch Draco that is.

Hadrian just gave them a grin, “Why don’t you join us for breakfast? Viktor and Luna will be
here soon so you two sit across from us.”

Blaise, Theo and Daphne instantly moved to the left to make way for the twins with no
comment. The twins looked at each other for a moment before shrugging and taking the
“Why do you have better food than us? Is that espresso?”

“We are Slytherins,”Draco said with a shrug.

“We need to get a resort,”Fred said to George.

“Your graduating this year. It’s to late for that,”Theo said.


“I don’t think it's possible unfortunately,”Theo told them with a shake of his head.

“It was successful,”Luna said as she sat next to Hadrian, giving him and Draco a kiss on their
cheek, “There will be no problems.”

“Excellent!”Hadrian said with a grin.

“Thank you Luna,” Draco said with a large smile, he had been worried regardless of Hadrians
reassurances that it would be okay. Hadrian always had a handle on things but you never
know when things would go bad.

“Fred, George, we need to have a meeting later today about some important things,”Hadrian
said taking sip of his tea. He placed Dracos tea in front of his desk and turned his plate for
Draco to steal his toast. He had offered to make Draco his own toast but Draco said it wasn’t
the same.

“Of course! After breakfast?”

“Sounds good,”Hadrian said with a nod.

The sounds of wings had him looking up with a grin, finally!

“Why are you so excited about the mail?” Theo asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh merlin,”Daphne said quietly, “Theo look at the bloody prophet!”

Theo looked over to her paper, his eyes going wide in shock, “What the bloody hell!”

The Slytherins around them grabbed at papers quickly, gasps of shock erupting over the
paper. Hadrian took another sip of his tea as the sounds of shock rocked through the Great
Hall. All eyes turned to Dumbledore who was staring at the paper, face ashen. On the front
page of the paper was the portrait of a young girl in a pretty blue dress, her Auburn hair
framing her face as she smiled wildly in a field of wildflowers.

The question on everyones mind quickly filled the hall.

Who was Ariana Dumbledore?

Yule Ball Invitations
Chapter Summary

The Yule Ball has been announced...but why hasn't Hadrian asked Draco yet?

Chapter Notes

Hello Friends!
Long time no see but I hope this chapter makes up for it!

I decided I'm going to post the updates probably every other week or so, just for the fact
that I don't really want it to end and we are almost at the half way point.
I hope you all enjoy and are keeping happy and healthy!
Thank you for all the love!

Hadrian hummed happily to himself as he made his way to the twins room for their
conversation. The article had been a work of art. Rita had been honest in her article, she went
to Godrics Hallow to try and find out more about him and the events of that Halloween night.
What she found instead was an absolute gold mine of information.

“Fred, George,”Harry said as he walked into the Den. For once they weren’t on separate ends
of the room working on their own projects but instead were sitting at a table doing what
looked like classwork.

“Hadrian! Come to talk to us?”Fred asked as he pushed his homework away.

“Yep,”Hadrian said taking his seat and throwing this legs up on the table, “What do you
know about the Prewett Lordships.”

“Er..”Fred looked at George who offered a shrug,“Nothing?”

Hadrian tapped his fingers on the desk and hummed quietly, “Bill wrote to you during the
summer. Did you get it?”

“How do you know Bill?”Fred asked him with a raised eyebrow.

“He’s the lead for a team I have working on Dracos island wards,”Hadrian said. He had
actually met Bill a few years ago in a Gringotts hallway and they had struck up a close
friendship. Which reminded Hadrian that he needed to make sure Bill had the proper
permission for the Yule Ball.

“Oh. No we didn’t get a letter from him during the summer, he’s normally too busy to write
us,”George said with a shrug.

“He writes you every summer,”Hadrian said lightly, “Multiple times usually but you have
never replied.”

“No he hasn’t,”Fred denied, “We have never received a letter from him.”

“Interesting,”Hadrian said. He dropped his legs from the table and sat up in his seat. Leaning
forward he looked at them intently, “Information is being kept from you. Important
information that I am going to pass on to you. If you would like to verify this information
with Bill feel free, you can use my owl or talk to him yourself when he comes for this
Hogsmeade weekend. I would not suggest any owl from here as your letters seem to…

“Okay..”Fred said hesitantly. George stayed quiet and shifted his chair closer to his brother

“As the last twins of the Prewett family you are eligible for the Lordship. Bill and Charlie
both write to you every summer and multiple times throughout the school year and you never
receive your letters. Ronald has been following you everyday for the last two weeks most
likely in an attempt to find this room. What you do with this information is up to you but I
would very much consider who would be keeping this information from you and why. Until
next time,”Hadrian didn’t wait for any questions, standing up he strode from he room and
allowed it to snap shut behind him. He gave them the tools, it was up to them to use them.

“Harry! Harry wait up!”

The voice of Ginny Weasley was one of the most annoying things Hadrian had ever heard in
his life.

“Miss. Weasley,”Hadrian said with a nod, “As I have told you before my name is not ‘Harry’
and even if it was I have not given you leave to use it.”

“Oh don’t be silly Harry. Of course I can use your name,”Ginny said with a laugh that set
Hadrians teeth on edge.

“How can I help you?”Hadrian asked as he kept a brisk walk down the hallway.

“Well I….wait up!”Ginny said picking up her walking to try and catch up, “Will you stop for
a moment? I would like to talk to you in private.”

“I’m afraid that would be highly improper. You may ask as we walk however.”
“Oh,”Ginny stumbled slightly before righting herself. Her face stained red with
embarrassment, “The Yule Ball has been announced and I was wondering what color your
robes would be.”

“My robes?”Hadrian asked looking over at her with a raised eyebrow, “Why would you need
to know that?”

“So I can make sure my dress matches of course,”Ginny said with a flirtatious smile.

“Wouldn’t you want your dress to match your dates robes?”Hadrian asked her. They were
nearing the Great Hall now where Draco would be waiting with Luna.

“Well yes that’s why I’m asking you,”Ginny said sounding unsure for the first time since she
caught him.

Hadrian finally stopped walking and turned to face her, they had reached the great hall and
the students that were milling around all turned turned to look at them. Some more obviously
than others. Lavender Brown nearly tripped turning so quickly.

“I see you're under a misconception. I will not be your date to the Yule ball and frankly it’s
insulting that you assumed I would without even asking me. I don’t know what you have
learned at this school or home Miss. Weasley but that is not the proper way of doing
anything,”Hadrian told her sharply.

Ginny stared at him stunned. How dare he embarrass her like this! In the Great Hall no less!
He would need to learn the proper way of speaking to her before their marriage because this
was unacceptable.

“Your going to be my date Harry!”Ginny said with a stomp of her foot. Ignoring the looks of
the others around the hall she quickly left to go to her dorm and write her mother.
Dumbledore has assured them that Harry would be her date to the Yule ball and he would be.

“What was that?”Draco asked glaring at Ginny as she walked away.

“The Yule ball,”Hadrian said with a roll of his eyes, “She’s like a screech owl.”

“You should hear her when she’s really upset. I heard her screaming in my tower once,”Luna
said with a shake of her head.

“If I ever hear her be that loud I’m cutting her vocal cords,”Hadrian said with a grin. He
reached over and took Dracos hand pulling him close, “Let’s go out to the lake I want to say
high to the squid.”

“Your not getting in that water Hadrian,”Draco warned.

“But he’s lonely!”

“Hadrian hasn’t asked me to the Yule ball,”Draco whined to Blaise as they got ready for bed.

It was a rare moment where Hadrian wasn’t with Draco since he had arrived. Currently
Hadrian was training with Viktor and Fleur down in the ship and Draco only had a small
amount of time to complain before he came in.

“Really?”Blaise asked surprised, “I thought he would ask you the moment you it was

“I did too!”Draco exclaimed, “I waited all night after Weaslette tried to corner him and

“He’s probably planning something stupidly ‘romantic’,”Blaise said with a roll of his eyes.

“What if he’s going to ask someone else?”Draco asked. He bit his lip nervously as his hands
tangled in his sheets. It wasn’t like Hadrian to not ask Draco to be his date so last minute.
Normally he was asked the same day it was announced to ensure no one else had a chance, or
so Hadrian said.

“If he had his way you would be collared and leashed,”Blaise told him.

“Collar and leash? That could be interesting,”Hadrian said as he strode in the room, “Is that
something you would like to play with precious?”

Hadrian came to a stop in front of Draco and ran his hands through his hair before pulling his
face to his, “I missed you darling.”

Dracos reply was lost in the hard kiss that Hadrian pressed to his lips.

“Merlin,”Blaise muttered before getting in his bed and closing his hanging with a snap. He
threw up a silencing charm just in case, they had forgotten once last week and Blaise was
terrified for three days that Hadrian would find out he heard them.

“I missed you as well,”Draco whispered as Hadrian pulled away.

“Come take a shower with me, I need help to wash my back,”Hadrian said seductively as he
pulled Draco off the bed. Draco laughed and easily followed him into the bathroom, his fears
forgotten for the moment.

But why hadn’t Hadrian asked?

“Is everything set Father,”Hadrian asked his father as they dueled.

“Of course. Just go to the Island and it will already be set up,”Marvolo told him, “Is he
panicking yet?”

“Not yet but he is wondering,”Hadrian told him.

Draco thought he could hide things from Hadrian but he could see everyday that passed
Draco was getting more and more nervous that Hadrian hadn’t asked him to the ball.

Hadrian ducked under the dark red spell that his father threw at him.


Hadrian grinned at the look of horror on Marvolo face at the sound of Sirius shout.

“We never know who he might fight and he needs to be prepared,”Marvolo said in defense
before shrinking back at the look on Sirius face, “I knew it wouldn’t hit him,”He added

“I don’t care what you think you knew! Do not let me catch you use another of those spells
on him! And you will be sleeping in your study tonight!”Sirius ranted.

His hands patted down Hadrian quickly, “You weren’t hit were you? Has he used that
multiple times today?”

Hadrian weighed his options. He hadn’t been hit but father had used the spell on him
countless times today.

“No just the one time papa. I didn’t let it hit me,”Hadrian told him with a smile, “You worry
too much.”

“I worry just enough,”Sirius corrected him.

“Is there something you needed?”Hadrian asked him.

Hadrian summoned two towels to himself and handed one to his father. He patted his face
down and laid it over his neck.

“Your robes are almost finished but they need the silk to finish Dracos,”Sirius told him.

“Oh right! Simon has it finished, just give him a call and he will send it right over.”

“Will do! Have fun training and I will be watching,”Sirius said to Marvolo sternly.

“You got in trouble,”Hadrian sung to Marvolo with a laugh. He quickly jumped out of the
way of the cutting curse his father threw at him.

“You knew he was coming,”Marvolo accused.

“Well yes..but I didn’t know you were going to cast Cucio or I would have warned
you,”Hadrian told him with a shrug.

“You still should have said something. Come, we will got to my study and go over business
before you go back to Hogwarts,”Marvolo said.

Marvolo desk was covered in papers and ledgers that held their various plans for the
Wizarding World.

“How is Skeeter doing?”Marvolo asked.

“Good. The next article will be released right before the ball,”Hadrian told him. Marvolo
nodded and wrote down the note.

“How did the meeting with Volkoff go?”Hadrian asked him.

“He is aware of the situation. His new wife is pregnant. I have volunteered the best healer in
the continent for her use.”

“Good. Have you sent the contract to Lord Krum?”

“Yes. We have a meeting scheduled for the new year to go over any last minute additions and
ensure it meets standards,”Marvolo told him handing over a copy of the highlighted contract
Lord Krum had sent over.

Hadrian glanced it over before nodding in approval, “I don’t see anything wrong with it.
Negotiations shouldn’t take too long.”

“Your mother has been trying to get your attention. Her light has been glowing consistently
for the last two days,”Marvolo told him.

Hadrian nodded. He didn’t dare take the orbs with him to Hogwarts. The magic they
contained was a one way trip to the Veil in the Department of Mysteries. Not that Hadrian
couldn’t get out but it would put a serious hitch in their plans.

“Are we finished here then? I can talk to her before I head back to Hogwarts,”Hadrian said
making a final note on the the paper in front of him.

“Go ahead. Tell her I said high,”Marvolo said with a sharp grin.

“I can always let her out for a while. She can say high herself,”Hadrian offered with a smirk.

“Don’t you dare! It’s bad enough I’m kicked in here for the night, the last thing I need is your
mother over my shoulder,”Marvolo scowled.

Hadrians laughter followed him out the door and to his study.

On the bookcase behind his wall held two orbs. The size of bludgeons they held a gray smoke
that shifted and flowed in swirls that would glow bright white when his parents wanted to
talk to them and couldn’t appear by themselves. They were one of his greatest creations and
also the cause of the largest fight Draco and Hadrian had ever had.


The sound of glass breaking caused a jolt of panic straight into Hadrian's heart. Dropping the
book in his hands he ran out of his study and to his room, his only thoughts were getting to

His door was already open as he ran inside and quickly took in the scene in front of him. He
pulled out his wand and cast a shield around his room, trapping the liquid smoke from getting
too Draco or leaving the manor.

Draco was standing guilty next to the remains of the orb Hadrian had been working on. His
eyes were wide as they met Hadrians.

“Draco you need to go home,”Hadrian said, his voice soft and serious.

Inside he was seething. He never asked anything of Draco. Ever. He gave Draco everything
he ever wanted and needed asking nothing in return. The single time Hadrian told him to stay
away from something, for his own safety, he disregarded and had to mess with it.


Hadrian cut him off sharply, “You need to go home. I have to clean this up before the magic
has a chance to escape and it’s too dangerous for you to be here while I do it.”

Draco glanced at the broken orb on the floor and nodded, “I’m sorry,”He whispered making
his way to the door.

“Go Draco,”Hadrian said firmly already making his way further into the room with his wand
out. He moved it in slow delicate arches as he captured the magic back from the corners of
the room it had leeched too.

“I-i’ll see you tonight?” Draco asked hesitantly at the door. Hadrian had never been like this
with him. Whatever he had done, whatever that orb was important and he had messed

“I’ll send a massive when I can,”Hadrian told him without a glance.

“Okay,”Draco said softly stepping out of the room. He flinched as the door slammed shut
behind him and he felt wards spring into place.

He slowly made his way to the entrance Floo in a state of confused panic. Hadrian was he was furious at him. Draco had no idea why. He never cared when Draco bended
his rules, always giving him a shake of the head and sometimes a laugh. This time was
different then all of the times before and Draco didn’t know what to do.

“Draco? Darling we weren’t expecting you until tomorrow,”Narcissa said as Draco came
through the Floo.

“Maman…”Draco said quietly.

Narcissa rushed to her son, “What’s wrong Draco? Are you hurt?”

“I made Hadrian mad,”Draco whispered as he fell into his mothers arms.

“What?”Narcissa asked shocked, “What do you mean?”

Hadrian had never been even annoyed with Draco before, she couldn’t imagine he was
actually mad.

“I broke something important and he’s so mad mum,”Draco cried into her shoulder.

Narcissa tightened her arms around her son, “I’m sure he’s not as mad as you think darling.
Let’s go talk to your father.”

Narcissa lead him to Lucius study, her heart breaking with every sniffle that escaped her son.
Lucius and Marvolo were in an important meeting but she knew they wouldn’t mind this
interruption and she hoped they would be able to help.

“What’s wrong?”Lucius asked raising from his seat with a frown. Marvolo already on his feet
as he caught sight of the distressed child curled in his mothers arms.

“Hadrian is furious with me,”Draco whispered. His tears won their battle and escaped down
his cheek.

Marvolo crouched down to Dracos level, “What happen?” He asked softly.

“I broke something.”

“What did you break Draco?” Marvolo asked hesitantly.

“I don’t know. It was some kid of orb that Hadrian had in his room.”

Marvolo felt ice flow through his veins, “Was it filled with smoke Draco? Black smoke?”

“Yes,”Draco whispered.

“Did the smoke touch you Draco? Even the littlest bit? This is very important,”Marvolo said
calmly but intently. He pulled his wand out without waiting for the answer and started casting
a diagnostic on him. Hadrian had let him leave so Marvolo was sure he was safe, but it never
hurt to be cautious.
“N-no. It came close but Hadrian got there and cast some kind of shield,”Draco said, “What
was it?”

Marvolo looked at Draco before standing with a sigh, “It was death magic. Hadrian has
been….experimenting with his Necromagic. I’m not entirely sure what he had in the orb.”

Narcissa looked at him in horror, her hands tightening on Dracos shoulders.

“What does that mean?”Draco asked looking at the adults in confusion.

“It means Hadrian is angry with you right now,”Marvolo said softly, “Your life was in danger
Draco. Grave danger.”

“But I didn’t mean to break it,”Draco whined, “He can’t be mad at me! It was an accident!”

Marvolo looked at Narcissa, “I’m going to check on Hadrian. You can handle this?”

“Of course my Lord,”Narcissa said with a grave nod.

It seemed her and Lucius needed to have a talk with Draco about the dangers of foreign

Marvolo felt Hadrian’s magic as soon as he landed in the manor. Angry and sharp it pressed
against him on all sides. Marvolo turned to the dungeon and made his way quickly down,
sending a brief thank you to the fates for having Sirius out of the country at this moment.

Hadrian was leaning against the wall facing a cell. Fury immolating from him as he stared at
screaming ministry official that had been captured the day before.

“Hadrian,”Marvolo said softly.

“He almost died father,”Hadrian said lowly, his eyes not leaving the screaming man, “It had
caught onto his soul and fought to get to him. Strongly.”

“I checked him over Hadrian, there were no troubles,”Marvolo said. He glanced at the man in
the cell, “I need him alive Hadrian. Alive and fully functioning.”

The man stopped screaming and slumped to the floor unconscious.

Hadrian's eyes didn’t leave him, “If I had been even a second later this would be a vastly
different conversation.”

“But you weren’t,”Marvolo said, “You got there in time and he is okay.”

Hadrian didn’t say anything. Giving his father a glance he quietly made his way out of the
Marvolo watched him leave and released a sigh. This was going to be a long week. Looking
at the man laying on the floor in the cell he frowned. He better not be broken, it was a pain
getting people from his department.

Hadrian didn’t send a massive to Draco that night.

Or the next day.

Or the next.

By the third morning Dracos demeanor was at an all time low. Narcissa watched in concern
as Draco pushed his breakfast around his plate without eating. His face was pale and drawn,
large purple bags sat under his sad eyes. The elfs told her he had been staying up late by the
fireplace waiting for any sign of Hadrian before falling asleep on the sofa.

Marvolo hadn’t come back either. He had sent a small note with an elf simply stating he was
staying to help Hadrian with his project and would by as soon as he could.

“Draco would you like to go in the garden with me? The roses have bloomed
beautifully,”Narcissa asked him softly.

“No maman. I have to wait for message from Hadrian, he should send one today,”Draco told
her confidently.

It had been his response to everything she offered in the last three days.

An elf popping in distracted her from her next response. Picking up the massive from the tray
she scanned it before breathing a sigh of relief.

“Darling,”Narcissa said getting Dracos attention, “Hadrian has sent a massive. He’s in the
garden by the ro-“

Draco dropped his fork and was out of is chair already running for the veranda before she
was able to finish her sentence.

“Thank Merlin,”Narcissa whispered, “Tibby please get me a glass of wine.”

“Of course Mistress.”

It may have been nine o’ clock in the morning in England but it was late afternoon
somewhere else and she deserved it.

“Wine Narcissa?”Marvolo asked tiredly as he came into the room and took Dracos place.
Dracos uneaten breakfast was instantly replaced with a full English breakfast. Coffee and
what could only be a scotch neat placed next to it.

“Your elfs are god sends,”Marvolo said tucking into his breakfast.
“Please tell me everything is okay now,”Narcissa said.

“It will be fine. Hadrian was more angry about what could have happen rather than what did
happen. He feels pretty awful about ignoring Draco but he had to get his project finished.”

“What is it?”Narcissa asked curiously.

“Oh you're never going to believe it,”Marvolo told her with a proud grin.

Draco ran all the way to the garden.

His mother and father gave him a stern talk about being careful around magic he didn’t know.
Draco knew Hadrian was powerful but didn’t realize it extended to his Necromagic. Draco
really didn’t mean to break the damn orb. Hadrian told him not to touch it when he had
arrived but it was just sitting there and Draco didn’t think it was really anything important.
He had barely touched it when it rolled off the dresser and onto the floor.

The last three days had been absolutely horrible for Draco. His wrist was red from where he
had been pulling at the bracelet and pressing it into his wrist to prove that it was still there.
Their contract was iron clad and that Hadrian couldn’t leave him. He swore to himself that he
would never touch anything that Hadrian warned him away from ever again.

Hadrian was standing with his back to him in the middle of the roses. His robes were a red so
dark they looked black in the shadows of the flowers that surrounded him.

“Hadrian!”Draco sobbed.

Hadrian turned and caught Draco as he slammed into his chest, “I’m so so sorry.”

“Shh..Draco it’s okay,”Hadrian said softly holding the small boy to his chest tightly, “I’m not
angry truly. I was terrified for you more than anything.”

“I won’t touch anything you tell me not to ever again, I swear it,”Draco cried into his chest.

Hadrian rubbed his back, “I believe you love.”

Hadrian held Draco tightly to him as he calmed down.

“I’m sorry it took so long precious. I had to finish my project before I could come here. I
needed to make it safe,”Hadrian said softly into Dracos hair.

Draco pulled away, “It’s finished now?”

“Yes love. I can’t wait to show you but first I thought we could have a walk in the garden. I
have felt so lonely without your presence,”Harry told him brushing a lock of hair from his
Draco smiled, “I have missed you as well. Promise me you will never disappear again.”

“Never,”Hadrian promised him, “Now come, the roses have bloomed and they are
breathtaking and we need to have a conversation about boundaries.”

Hadrian wrapped his arm around Dracos waist and took him around the garden. Draco smiled
as Hadrian ranted to him about his safety and the need to listen to rules.

“So now I have a fully warded lab in the dungeons that only I can enter. Others can with
permission of course but it’s a way of keeping everyone completely safe,”Hadrian finished.

“I’m staying far away from it. I hate the dungeons,”Draco said with a wrinkle in his nose.

“I know,”Hadrian said, “That’s why we put it there.”

“That’s fair,”Draco laughed, “Now tell me about this project of yours.”

“Oh precious. You won’t believe what I was able to do..”


The orb in question shined a bright white light, pulling Hadrian out of his memories. Hadrian
reached out and felt his mothers impatience as she waited for him to acknowledge her.

Hadrian brushed his thumb over the resurrection stone and only had to wait a moment for his
mother. The ring was only a focal point that Hadrian used to pull the souls from the after life
but he didn’t dare use the magic from the ring itself. The ring wasn’t intended for a gentle
experience, instead ripping the souls to their world for only a brief moment. The more it was
used the more the soul withered away, not a fate he would wish on anyone.

“Finally!”Lily Potter nee Evens exclaimed throwing her hands in the air as she appeared,
beautiful and young as the day she died. Her flaming red hair flowed down her back as her
piercing green eyes stared at him in annoyance, “That took you long enough.”

“You could have called to me directly at any time mum,”Hadrian told her, “I told you I left
the orb at the house.”

“I assumed Marvolo would have told you I wanted you,”Lily said with a shrug.

“He eventually did. I think he wanted to avoid it as long as possible to be honest,”Hadrian

told her with a grin.

“Weak,”Lily sniffed, “You would think for a Dark Lord he would be harder to scare.”

Hadrian laughed and pulled her into a tight hug, “Against you mum? You could bring Death
himself to his knees.”
“Don’t get me started on Death! Do you know what he convinced your Father and Fleamont
to do? It involved hell hounds and was not pleasant.”

“At least Siri is still here,”Hadrian told her, “Now what was so important.”

“Oh,”Lily blushed, “I just wanted to tell you how much I love your plan for Draco. He is
going to absolutely love it.”

“I hope so,”Hadrian said running his hand through his hair, “He’s getting a bit peeved at me
for not asking him to the ball yet.”

“I love Draco but everything makes him a bit peeved,”Lily said with a laugh.

“Isn’t he perfect?”Hadrian said with a love sick grin.

“For you? Yes. Now I saw your robes and I have something for you. Or rather I have
something I want you to go get from the vault for yourself,”Lily told him.


“It’s in my vault under my maiden name, in the very back corner there is a wooden box. It
will be perfect for Draco to wear the night of the ball and will match his bracelet and ring
perfectly,”Lily told him quietly.

She fixed his hair and looked at him with a sad smile, “I wish I was with you love. I would
have loved to be with you while you got ready.”

“You can be,”Hadrian told her, “I can make it happen. You and Dad.”

“It’s too risky love.”

“I wouldn’t offer if I wasn’t sure mum. I can do it if you want,”Hadrian promised her. He
held her hands in his and gave them a light squeeze, “I would love for you to be there.”

“So much like your father and his risks. We would love to be there if you can make it
happen,”Lily told him.

“Good. Draco will be so pleased to see you.”

“And we would love to see him.”

“You maybe. Dad still has a conniption when he thinks about it too much,”Hadrian said with
a roll of his eyes.

“Your father loves him. He just hates that he’s a Malfoy,”Lily said with a giggle, “Now send
me back home. I have to keep an eye on your father and grandfather while they are being

“What did they do?”Hadrian asked her eagerly.

“I won’t tell you! The last thing you need is ideas. Now give Draco my love and I will see
you soon,”Lily said.

With one last kiss on his forehead she gently faded back to her home and Hadrian sighed.

He wouldn’t give up his life for anything, not even his mother, but he still wished she could
be with him in the open.


Albus sat in his office, his hands fisted on his desk and a scowl on his face.

That bloody women! How did she know about Ariana? Albus had spent years and many
favors getting that entire fiasco hidden under the rug and away from the public view. All of
that work for her to ruin it in one article!

Albus groaned and rubbed his temples. He didn’t even know what else Bathilda had told her
and, what was even worse, he couldn’t find the women anywhere! She had left her home of
over a century on vacation and no one had any idea where she had went. Without knowing
what Skeeter knew he had no way of protecting himself or setting the proper ground work.
The article wouldn’t be removed or retracted either. Albus had made his way directly to the
ministry to speak with Fudge about getting it removed and he claimed there was nothing he
could do. The prophet had been acquired by a new owner years ago and they were very anti-
ministry involvement.

So Albus went to the source. To his fury the owner of the Prophet refused a meeting and their
secretary had given him a prewritten letter that simply stated they had verified all of the
information and no changes would be made. All of his efforts to find out who the owner was
were futile, whenever the change had been made was unknown and the Editor in charge
wouldn’t budge.

The fallout had only started from the article but it was already too much. He felt the eyes on
him as he made his way through the Ministry and Prophet, heard the whispers behind his

Was he like his father?

Why did he never mention he sister?

What else could he be hiding?

On his desk was letter after letter from colleagues and friends. Words of friendship and
encouragement telling him it’s just the Prophet and they didn’t believe a word of it. The
others however…formal denials to events, formal ends of business ventures, of friendships.

After everything he had done for them.

Albus threw the letters into the fire with a huff, this day couldn’t get any worse.

“Albus! Albus! Are you in?” Molly Weasley called from the floo a moment before she came
bustling through. Her face was red with anger, a letter clasped tightly in her hand.

Albus wanted to groan. His day had just got worse.

“Molly my dear, what has happen? Is it Arthur?”

“No! It’s that wretched boy! Ginny asked him what he was wearing to the Ball for her dress
and he humiliated her by saying he wasn’t going with her! What is that about?”

Albus sat up in his seat, “It’s simply a misunderstanding Molly. Harry will be taking Ginny to
the ball do not fret about that. His robes will be scarlet and gold of course I can send you an
example by tonight.”

“Why would he say those things to my daughter then?”Molly demanded, placing her hands
on her hips.

“I’m sure he would like it to be a surprise. He has a flare for the dramatics that one,”Albus
said with a chuckle, “He will be picking her up at the Gryffindor common room entrance on
the night of the ball.”

“Oh thank goodness. I was so worried,”Molly said relieved, “Well get me that swatch as soon
as possible so I can get her dress ready.”

“Of course,”Albus told her with a smile.

His smile left his face as soon as she flooed away. Daft women! Albus told her not to mention
anything until he had prepared the boy!

No bother. He was sure Hadrian would see his way and it wouldn’t be a problem. He would
have a meeting with him tomorrow to get everything set up for the night. Albus would get the
contract from the vault just in case Hadrian needed an extra push to treat his betrothal right.

Albus had just started on his work when a knock sounded at the door.

“Come in Remus,”Albus called out.

Remus came into the room and offered him a slight smile, “Hello Headmaster. You wanted to
see me?”

“Ah yes! Take a seat. Lemon drop?”

“No thank you,”Remus said as he gingerly sat in the seat in front of Albus desk.
“I was just wondering your attempts at reconciliation with Sirius and young Harry was
going,”Dumbledore said with a smile.

Remuss face dropped, “Not well. Sirius hasn’t returned any of my letters and Harry…he
prefers to not talk to me.”

“I’m sorry Remus,”Albus said with a frown, “I know how important they are to you. I will
talk to young Harry about the situation, I’m sure he’s just confused about the events.”

“I don’t know Albus,”Remus said hesitantly, “He seemed well aware of a lot of things.”

“Trust me Remus. We will all have tea and hatch it out,”Albus offered with a smile, “We will
get you your cub back.”

Remus smiled lightly, “Thank you Albus. It has been very hard without them. I fear Sirius is
lost to me forever but if I could get Harry back it would be more then enough.”

“Of course! Now I’m afraid I must get to this work it’s been piling up while I’ve been dealing
with some business outside of the school.”

“Of course Albus. I will see you soon,”Remus told him as he left the room.

Popping a lemon drop into his mouth Albus leaned back into his chair. The Prophet could
write what they like. Albus would soon have Harry on his side and the world will realize the
truth about Voldemort.


“Yes! Hadrian is going to ask me to the ball!” Volkoff said loudly to another Durmstrang
student, “It’s a given. He hasn’t even bothered to act like he was going to ask that blond

Draco gritted his teeth as he tried to concentrate on his friends conversations. He had came to
the courtyard with Luna and Blaise while they waited for the gates to Hogsmeade to open.
Hadrian had said he had business to attend to and would be missing this trip but promised to
make it up to Draco on a later trip. He was regretting that choice now.

“Don’t listen to him Draco,”Luna said softly, “Hadrian wouldn’t even ask him for a broom let
alone to the dance.”

“He’s not wrong though,”Draco said softly, “Hadrian hasn’t even mentioned the ball to me.”
Draco had tried to keep his spirits up but they were starting to wane. Hadrian had been
secretive lately, keeping his journal locked up and disappearing frequently. Draco knew he
wasn’t being unfaithful but that didn’t mean he wasn’t thinking of inviting someone else to
the ball.

“Your being ridiculous Draco,”Luna chided, “If he doesn’t ask you I will eat my shoe.”

Blaise glanced down at her bare feet, “Do you even wear shoes Luna?”

“Sometimes,”Luna said with a wave of her hand, “They are just to bothersome most of the

“If you say so,”Blaise said obviously thinking she was crazy, “Oh right! Will you go to the
ball with me?”

Luna looked at him with wide eyes, “Did you ask Hadrian for permission?”

Blaise blanched, “”

“All permissions have to go through Hadrian,”Luna informed him, “But no. I’m already
going with Viktor.”

“Does Viktor know that?” Draco asked her with a raised eyebrow.

“Of course he does. He asked me last night after his and Hadrians training. Poor man was so
disheveled, I think Hadrian went extra hard on him.”

“He probably did,”Draco said with a snort.

“Wait. Why would I have to ask Hadrian?”Blaise asked confused.

“Father has given him all rights in regards to my hand,”Luna told him slowly, “He is the final
decider in my suitors.”

“How much power does Hadrian have,”Blaise asked shocked.

Luna and Draco looked at each other before looking to Blaise, “It’s best you don’t know.”

Blaise raised his hands, “I’m good.”

“The gates are opening,”Luna announced before leaping gracefully to her feet, “Let’s go.”

Draco and Blaise joined her and got into a carriage with Theo and Daphne.

“We have to make sure your robes match mine,”Daphne told Theo, “We will do final touches

“Yes love,”Theo said distractedly. His nose, as always, was in his book.

“Who should I take to the ball?” Blaise asked the carriage.

“Your taking a boy named Antony. He’s in Durmstrang and quite fit,”Luna told him, “You
will be meeting him in Hogsmeade today.”

“Er..thank you?”

“Your welcome,”Luna said, “You will like him. I’ve heard he’s very good in bed.”

“Merlin Luna!”Blaise exclaimed before pausing, “How good?”

“Amazing,”Draco answered for her, “His ex is a good friend of Hadrians and went into great
detail about it.”

“Well then thank you Luna,”Blaise said again a large smile crossing his face.

Hogsmeade was a winter wonderland. The snow had stopped falling but coated the town in a
white sparkling blanket.

“It’s so beautiful,”Luna sighed.

“It is,”Draco agreed, “Where should we start first?”

“You start by taking my hand,”a low voice said in Dracos ear as an arm wrapped around his

Draco quickly turned around and threw his arms around Hadrians neck, “Your here!”

“Of course I am love,”Hadrian told him with a smile and light kiss, “But we aren’t staying. I
have a different plan for you today.”

“Okay,”Draco said eagerly.

“Father and Lucius have written the school, we will be spending the night away and coming
back tomorrow,”Hadrian told him wrapping both arms around Draco tightly, “Ready?”


With the press of a portly Hadrian and Draco disappeared in a flurry of snowflakes.

“Finally,”Blaise said, “I was starting to get worried.”

Luna, Theo and Daphne laughed and they made their way into the village for the day.


“Hadrian,”Draco breathed as he took in the sight of his Island.

They landed on the open terrace of the Island manor, a path of roses and lilies lined the path
under them into the dense forest. Draco could make out fairy lights and candles just through
the lights. Rowena came out of the house and climbed up Draco, settling on his shoulders
with a with a pleased hiss. She flicked her tongue on Dracos cheek before laying her head on
his chest.

Hadrian claimed onto the railing and held out a hand for Draco, “Do you trust me?”

Draco laughed and took his hand, “And you say I watch too many muggle movies.”

Hadrian grinned and pulled him up onto the rail. A dark flying carpet was hovering on the
edge of the railing rippling lightly in the wind. Hadrian carefully helped Draco onto it before
following him, standing behind him with his arms wrapped around him. The carpet slowly
lowered them onto the pathway before coming to a stop on the ground.

“Come precious,”Hadrian said taking Dracos hand and leading him into the forest.

Dracos breath caught as he followed Hadrian along the lit path. Their Dragons were sitting
along the path, their mouths lifted up to the sky as they sang a low long into the night air. The
fairy giggled as they flew around them, gently lifting Dracos hair, patting his nose and
settling on his shoulders.

“I don’t know where this is going but I am fully prepared to let you use the collar and
leash,”Draco told Hadrian with a sultry look.

Hadrian gave him a smug grin, “Just wait.”

At the end of the path Draco was met with a beautiful wooden Arbor, carved with Dragons
and roses. Vines wrapped around it with sparkling diamonds falling from delicate gold
strings. Just behind it wrapped around each other was Penelope and Marcus, their hums
joining the others in song.

“Draco,”Hadrian said softy.

Draco looked up at him, “Yes.”

“I know you have some daft notion that I may be planning on asking someone else to the
Ball,”Hadrian started, Draco blushed a light pink, “But I can assure you now and forever that
you will be the only person I ever have on my arm. For balls, parties, events, or just visiting
friends. No one could ever compare to you. Your beauty. Your brains. Your heart.”

Draco could barely breath.

“I know we already have a contract and I have already proposed to you but here, in this
moment surrounded by the dragons of old I will once again promise myself to you. The
moment I turn seventeen we will be married and never separated. But until then I want you to
remember that no one in this world or the next would ever capture my attention more than
you did the first night I laid my eyes on you.”
“Hadrian,”Draco breathed. His heart beat in his chest fiercely, he felt the moister gather in his
eyes and couldn’t stop the tears from escaping as he felt enveloped in Hadrians love.

Hadrian pulled a wooden box from his pocket, “Mum told me where this would be and she
said you would love it but I don’t think she realized exactly what it was.”

Hadrian opened the box and Dracos jaw dropped.

“When Salazar Slytherin married his wife they didn’t have much but they did have magic. He
spent months working on a gift for her that he felt would be deserving of her beauty and
grace. This tiara is the product of those efforts, imbued with his protection and love it will
keep the wearer safe from almost everything. I didn’t dare test it but it’s presence is strong. I
asked him if I could give it to you of course and he had given his full blessing.”

Harry gently took the Tiara out of the box. Delicate and thin, silver snakes with diamond eyes
twirled around branches and leaves.

“Will you accept this tiara and wear it at the Yule Ball as my date?”

“Yes,”Draco whispered.

Harry placed the tiara on his head gently. Taking Dracos face in his hands he gently wiped his
tears away with his thumbs and pulled him into a fierce kiss. Dracos knees went weak as he
held onto Hadrians robes and gave him self completely.

The dragons around them let out a might roar that shook the trees, as one they lifted their
faces to the sky and let out jets of fire. The fire hit the wards and spread out in fiery designs
of swirls and shapes, lighting the forest with a pale orange light.

The promise had been sealed.

The Yule Ball
Chapter Summary

The Yule Ball is finally here!

Chapter Notes

Hello Friends!
I'm sorry about the wait, it's been a bad week mental health wise but we are feeling great

There will be a end note, this will contain a TW.
To be completely honest I have no idea if it's actually needed put I'm putting it there just
in case. The 'situation', if you can call it that, is literally in the very last paragraph.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Hadrian hummed happily as he made his way up to Dumbledores office. He and Draco didn’t
get back till the castle early that morning and his body felt like jelly, very satisfied jelly. He
should propose to Draco more often. Hadrian was in such a good mood he didn’t even care
that Dumbledore demanded this meeting, not even that old goat could ruin his happiness right

“Come in Mr. Potter,”Dumbledore said as Hadrian reached the door.

“Hello Headmaster. I ask, once again, that you stop calling me Mr. Potter. It is Heir Potter-
Black until I have agreed to something else,”Hadrian said sharply. His gaze narrowed as he
took in the sight of Remus already sitting in one of the seats infant of the desk. Ignoring the
man Hadrian took the other as he took the other, “How can I help you Headmaster?”

“Ah well,”Dumbledore cleared his throat, “I requested this meeting to speak to you about the
Yule ball and your responsibilities.”

“I’m afraid I don’t follow you Headmaster. I’m aware I must have a date for the ball.”

“Exactly,”Dumbledore smiled, “A date has been chosen for you.”

“I’m sorry?,”Hadrian said sitting up straighter, “A date has been chosen for me?”
“Yes. I’m sure you understand the need to create a good image for the people my boy. They
need to see that their savior is chasing the right paths and following the correct people. Miss.
Weasley is just the sort of person who can help you with that.”

Hadrian would rather strangle the wench with a shoe lace than take her to the ball. Maybe the
jokes about Dumbledores fading mind weren’t all jokes either because Hadrian had no idea
why Dumbledore thought that Hadrian would go along with this plan.

But then again he could use this.

“Okay Headmaster,”Hadrian agreed, “I will escort Miss. Weasley to the ball but I would like
for it to be kept a secret until then. I will need to make excused for others, I’m sure you

Dumbledore clapped his hands together, “Excellent my boy! I’m glad you see the light in
this. Now don’t worry about your robes, Mrs.Weasley is getting them together and they will
be delivered to you.”

“Of course Headmaster. Let me know when they are finished, I do not get packages from
owls I will need to send my elf to get them. Was there anything else?”

“I will let Mrs. Weasley know. And I thought, perhaps, we could all have tea together. There
has been quite a few lost years between you and Remus after all,”Dumbledore said gesturing
between Hadrian and Remus. He was in a mighty fine mood.

“I don’t think so,”Hadrian said stiffly, “As I’ve already told Mr. Lupin I want nothing to do
with him. He offers me nothing I can not get from my papa.”

“I knew your mother much better than Sirius did,”Remus said quietly, “I could tell you about

Hadrian turned in his seat to look at the wolf in the eyes, “Mr. Lupin listen to me closely. I
want absolutely nothing to do with you. You had years to reach out to me. To reach out to
Sirius. You did neither. Ambushing me consistently because you now feel the need to
‘rectify’ things between us will not accomplish anything but annoy me. I have a papa. I have
a father. I have uncles and I have aunts. I do not need anything else.”

“Now Harry,”Dumbledore said sadly, “There were things outside of our control you don’t
know about. He, we, had no idea where you have even been all of these years.”

“The goblins and the ministry have known where I was. My home has no owl wards against
regular letters and mail. As long as you were not trying to harm me any letter could have
reached me very easily. Tell me Mr. Lupin was I mistaken? Was there possibly a daft owl that
had gotten lost on the way to me? Letters that were dropped in the mountains or woods

Remus looked away, “No,”he whispered ashamed of himself. He had been too scared to reach
out. Not wanting to be rejected by his cub and the only man he ever truly loved. It stalled his
“I didn’t think so,”Hadrian said calmly, “Now is there anything else I can help you with
Headmaster? I do have my own classes to attend.”

“That will be all my boy,”Dumbledore said quietly.

“Then I bid you all adieu,”Hadrian said with a nod of his head.


“I told you it wouldn’t work,”Remus sighed sadly. He sunk completely into the chair and
placed his hand over his mouth desperately trying to hold in his tears. His wolf was crying
out. Clawing at Remus soul and heart in anger and devastation at the words of its cub.

Dumbledore reached over and placed his hand onto Remus, “We don’t know how long he has
been with Tom. The lies he must have been told about us all. We just need to show him that
we will be here for him when he is finally able to break away.”

“What if he doesn’t want to break away Albus?”Remus said quietly. Harry smelled of dark
magic, it was an air that never left him. Remus hadn’t told Albus this but he thought it might
have been too late.

“He just doesn’t know better. Harry would never be dark, he is the savior of the
light,”Dumbledore said confidently. Harry was their only hope of defeating Tom for good and
Albus had full faith that he could come back to them.

Remus looked at Albus closely, “Why are you so sure Albus? You have unwavering faith and
I find it hard to find the same.”

Albus stroked his beard, “Love. Harrys mother used her love to save him on that night and
love will bring him back to us. It is most powerful.”

“He loves Malfoy,”Remus pointed out. It was obvious to anyone who saw them together.
Harrys eyes followed him everywhere he went and Draco seemed to know at all times.

“He doesn’t know what true love is yet Remus,”Dumbledore said quietly, “The Malfoys and
Tom don’t know love. They can put up a front but it’s not something they can truly feel. They
only know obsession. Once Harry is around those who truly love him he will see the truth.”

“You think Ginny will be able to show him that Albus? Truly?”Remus asked more skeptical
than anything. Ginny was a sweet girl but if anyone was obsessed with Harry it was her.
Remus would even attribute her attentions to more creepy than anything.

“She is simply over excited,”Dumbledore said with a large smile, “Young love and all. Once
they spend time together it will fizzle and her actions will be less conspicuous.”

“I suppose you're right. James certainly calmed down once Lily gave him the chance.”
“Have faith Remus. It is hard sometimes but things will always work out for the greater


Draco was not pleased with the outcome of the meeting Hadrian had with Dumbledore that

“How did he think that would even work!”Draco ranted as he paced around Hadrians room.
Hadrian was leaned back on the bed and watched him with a smirk. Draco took every
moment to be a drama queen, trait he could only have inherited from his father.

“He’s barking but we can use this precious. You're not thinking clearly,”Hadrian told him.
Draco turned to him and raised an eyebrow. His foot started tapping impatiently as he waited
for Hadrian to explain.

Hadrian stood up from the bed made his way to Draco. He ran the back of his knuckles
lightly against Dracos cheek and slowly down to his neck, “Imagine how it will look
Love,”he said softly, seductively, “Little Ginny Weasley. All dolled up waiting at the tower
for me to pick her up. Smug and bragging to all her little friends, “Hadrian continued his
caress down Dracos neck and to the back where he grabbed it tightly. Draco shivered and
leaned his head back his lips parted slightly as his breath quickened, “how she got me. How I
will be taking her for a night of romance and some time hidden in bushes. Imagine her
devastation when I never show up. She will look for me and there, in-front of all of
Hogwarts, I will show her exactly why I have chosen you.”

“She will be humiliated,”Draco breathed out.

“Destroyed,”Hadrian whispered, “Devastated. We will relish.”

Hadrian tightened his grip on Draco and pulled him against him harshly, “She, her mother
and her brother will regret ever siding with Dumbledore when we are done with them my

When Hadrian and Draco met their friends later that day Blaise let out a low whistle at the
appearance of scratches on Hadrians neck.

“Jesus Draco did you try to kill the man?”

“He tried to suck out my soul,”Hadrian confirmed with a serious nod.

“I don’t need to know this,”Theo said with a roll of his eyes.

“We do,”Blaise, Fleur and Daphne said at once.

“Use your imagination,”Draco said with a smirk.

“I don’t think my imagination is good enough,”Blaise whined.

“Oh trust me. It’s not,”Draco said giving him a wink.

“This isn’t fair,”Blaise said with a pout, “Your the only ones getting any action around here.
We live through you.”

“I’m more than sure Antony will be glad to help you with that problem,”Hadrian said with a

“I’m a gentlemen!”Blaise said.

“He’s not,”Hadrian told him, “Just go knock on his door and he will take it as a sign. Your
problem will be solved.”

Blaise paused and looked over to where the ship was docked on the lake.

“His room is number 12, second floor. He is currently in there now and alone,”Hadrian told

Blaise gave them a grin before quickly getting up and almost running to the ship.

“Gentlemen my arse,”Theo snorted.

Hadrian shrugged, “Even gentlemen need to shag. So Fleur,”Hadrian sent her a wicked grin,
“Did you have a good time meeting Bill? He blushed like mad when I asked him.”

“It was amazing!,”Fleur gushed. She sat up fully, her excitement written all over her face,
“He is so sweet and such a gentlemen, a true gentlemen. I had to practically drag him into a
room. He has gladly agreed to be my date for the ball and has promised to keep it a secret.”

“Nice,”Hadrian said, “So we all have dates correct?”

“Yes,”The others confirmed.

“Great!”Hadrian clapped his hands together. He narrowed his eyes on Krum and pointed his
finger at him, “You will be a proper gentlemen. Until anything is signed she is untouchable.”

Krum held up his hands, “I swear on my honor.”

“Good. We will have a meeting after Christmas to discuss it,”Hadrian told him.

“My father?”

“Has already seen it and indicated his changes. Nothing will be finalized without both of your

“Your going to court Luna?”Daphne asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes,”Krum nodded, “She er..well she told me I was and I have no problem with it.”

“She is a good choice,”Daphne said slowly, “Beautiful, smart, cunning and the sister of
Hadrian and Draco. Many would have been biding for her hand.”

“I’ve already received requests,”Hadrian said with a roll of his eyes, “Why people think I
would marry her off to someone four times her age is beyond me.”

Daphne wrinkled her nose, “Who?”

“Some German wizard,”Hadrian shrugged, “He was quite persistent actually. Had the
audacity to come to my home and demand her hand.”

“Germans,”Theo said with a shake of his head.

“It worked out actually. The minister was very thankful I didn’t just kill him and gave me a

No one bothered to ask what the boon was.


Christmas had come to Hogwarts and the castle was decorated to the nines.

Fairy lights lit every corridor. Suits of armer were decorated with Santa hats and tinsel,
colorful garland placed over their shoulders. The twins managed to get around the protects
placed onto the suits and the sounds of dirty Christmas limericks rang around the castle when
people passed them. The traditional twelve large Christmas trees were already in the Great
Hall and had been decorated by the Charms professor.

Hadrian loved every moment of it.

The twins had yet to reach out to him. The twins reached out to Bill the same day Hadrian
told them the truth and they met in Hogsmeade that very weekend. Bill told him they spent
most of the day before Bills date with Fleur talking about information. The twins didn’t take
it the best but Hadrian didn’t blame them. Finding out their mother had been betraying them
for a majority of their life was a hard pill to swallow. Hadrian expected they would reach out
after Christmas, if they did at all.

It was soon the day before the ball. The students and teachers ran around the school doing
last minute activities and changes to ensure perfection. Hadrian was working on his own last
minute work in the ship.

“We can put a door between mine and Viktors wall,”Hadrian said. He used his wand to create
a light drawing on the wall that separated their bedrooms, “We will just need to adjust the
wards in these two rooms.”
“What if we just add completely new wards? We can tie them directly into the ward stone of
the ship,”Marvolo said thoughtfully. His wand tapped against his thigh in a slow staccato.

“That would work,”Hadrian said after a few moments, “I helped power the wards for the
ship. My signature will already be in the ward work.”

“When will we do it?”

“Tomorrow,”Hadrian told him, “No need to do it now and the less time it’s up the better.”

Marvolo nodded in agreement. Walking to Hadrians sitting area he took a seat in front of the
fire and leaned back with a groan.

“Still in the study father?”Hadrian asked him with a grin as he took his own seat.

“No,”Marvolo said with a glare, “I fell asleep at my desk last night finishing paperwork.”


“The German ministry had a problem and I volunteered to help them with it. It kept me there
for a majority of the day.

“Everything is okay?”Hadrian asked sharply.

“Of course. It was a simple problem, the Germans are just useless,”Marvolo paused, “Lupin
has written Sirius a letter.”

“What was in it?”Hadrian asked him curiously.

Hadrian hadn’t seen Remus since their failed meeting in the Headmasters office. According
to his friends Remus seemed depressed in class and had stopped attending all meals in the
Great Hall.

“He begged for forgiveness and asked for another chance. He also spent a page trying to
make Siri “see the light” about me,”Marvolo said with a frown, “He said some horrible
things about me. I find myself almost offended.”

“Was any of it a lie?”Hadrian asked curiously.

“Of course not but it was still rude.”

Hadrian laughed and shook his head, “Imagine if he knew my parents forgave you for
everything. He would probably have a heart attack.”

Maybe forgave was too strong of a word. Grudgingly accepted was probably closer to the

“Do you think your mother could pay him a visit?”Marvolo asked hopefully. Lily was furious
at Remus for his abandonment and it would be nice to see her ire directed at someone else.
“Not worth it,”Hadrian told him, “When the laws are lifted we can revisit the topic. Did
Sirius reply?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t ask,”Marvolo said with a shrug. His trust in Sirius was absolute and
any reply Sirius gave didn’t matter to him.

“Well I want to know,”Hadrian said, he threw his legs up on the table in front of him and
pulled out his two-way mirror, “Sirius Black.”

Marvolo rolled his eyes and pulled out his book. All of the men in his life were gossips.

“Hey Pup,”Sirius said as his face appeared in the mirror, “Everything okay?”

“Yep!”Hadrian said, “I was just wondering if you replied to Lupin and father is useless.”

Marvolo scowled at him.

Sirius threw his head back and laughed. The mirror shifted and was placed on a desk, the
view adjusting to all of Sirius instead o this face.

“I didn’t reply,”Sirius told him, “I just resealed the letter and sent it back.”

Hadrian saw the smirk on Marvolo face from the corner of his eye and fought back the urge
to roll his eyes.

“That’s no fun,”Hadrian complained.

“It would hurt him more to think I didn’t read the letter than any reply I would give,”Sirius
said with a shrug, “Enough of that now. What’s going on with Ginny Weasley?”

Hadrian rolled his eyes, “She’s been on cloud nine since Dumbledore told her I would be
taking her but hasn’t said anything to anyone. I also got the robes last night, they are ghastly.
Draco was highly offended and burned the garment as soon as he could.”

“I would have liked to see them,”Sirius said with a pout, “I was curious.”

“Think Dumbledore but Gryffindor,”Hadrian told him with a grimace.

Hadrian had seen plenty of ugly robes in his time but these took the cake. They were well
made, Hadrian would give them that, and a bright scarlet with gold along the seams.

Sirius grimaced back, “I would rather not. Your actual robes are exquisite by the way, some
of the best work I’ve seen.”

“I should hope so,”Marvolo mumbled, “They cost a bloody fortune. We really need to work
on your money budgeting Hadrian.”

“They didn’t even make a dent in my vault,”Hadrian said with a wave of his hand.
Hadrian was very careful with all of his financial decisions, regardless of what Marvolo
thought. His investments were tripling his fortune with every year and some vaults Hadrian
didn’t even open yet.

“He gets that from you Siri,”Marvolo called out, “You and your frivolous shopping.”

“I had to redecorate the manor Marvolo! It hadn’t been touched in generations and looked
like a haunted house,”Sirius said offended.

Hadrian didn’t dare mention the fact that Sirius had redecorated the house three times since
he was a child. Plus Hadrian missed the original vibe of the house.

“The solid gold pig?”Marvolo asked.

Hadrian snorted, “He has a point papa that pig is hideous.”

Sirius looked abashed, “You can have that one, but I really thought it would work in the
dinning room.”

“It did give us some very nice goblets,”Hadrian pointed out. Once it was proven the pig
wouldn’t work Hadrian took it directly to the goblins for them to work their magic.

“Oh did it?”Sirius asked, “Because we haven’t seen them.”

“Blame Draco”Hadrian said in his defense. Draco loved the goblets the moment he laid his
eyes on them and decided they were to be put up for their wedding, “You will see them

“Speaking of wedding,”Marvolo said sitting up, “The goblins have reached out to me.
Dumbledore intends to enact your betrothal contract on the new year.”

“I don’t get why he thinks it's active,”Sirius said from the mirror, “His signature would have
been rejected as the guardian signature.”

“He never bothered to check the contract the Goblins gave him,”Hadrian said amused.

They waited, in bated breath, for weeks after the Goblins told them of the fake contract. They
had no doubts that Dumbledore would storm into the bank to demand why the contract he
had been provided, and signed, was a fraud. But it never happen. There was no storming of
the bank. No enraged letters filled with demands. Nothing.

“Too confident,”Marvolo said with a shake of his head, “Never be too confident Hadrian. It
will allow for too many mistakes.”

Hadrian nodded. It was a lesson that he had been taught since childhood. Confidence was
important. Even with no information at hand with the right enough of confidence one could
fake it until they made it. It allowed them to make their way through the Wizarding World
easily. You could be a complete idiot, but with enough confidence no one questioned you. It
was a failing int he Wizarding World, a failing that Hadrian had learned to exploit with great

The days leading up to the ball were full of giggling girls, groaning boys and panic.

“You still don’t have a date Volkoff? The ball is this weekend!”

Hadrian smirked as from his place on the sofa in the main hall of the Durmstrang ship.
Volkoff had been putting off asking anyone, and turning down everyone who did ask him,
waiting for Hadrian.

“I will be asked soon,”Volkoff said his eyes glancing too Hadrian.

“I already asked someone,”Hadrian said in a bored tone, flipping to the next page in his book,
“So if your waiting for me it’s a lost cause.”

Volkoff looked devastated at the information. He walked to Hadrian and dropped to his knees
next to him, “Hadrian. My love please don’t do this to me. We will be so good together, you
know this.”

“I don’t understand why you are so assure of my affections Volkoff. I have told you multiple
times I want nothing to do with you,”Hadrian spit out.

“But you have never hurt me! You have hurt others but never me. That must mean
something!”Volkoff cried out.

The others in the room quieted down as they watched the sight in front of them. Volkoff had
never shown this level of desperation in front of Hadrian knowing what he thought of

“Your father is the ministry of Bulgaria,”Hadrian told him softly, “Doing anything to you
would be bad for business and I don’t like to mix the two.”

Hadrian meant business and murder but Volkoff defiantly did take it that way.

“Oh I see!”Volkoff said excitedly, “I understand now Hadrian! I will find a date.”

Volkoff quickly got up off the floor practically bouncing with renewed hope as he left the
room to find a date.

Hadrian watched him leave with a raised eyebrow, “He is going to be so disappointed.”

“His father will no longer by minister in two weeks time,”Antony said softly.

Hadrian gave a nod, “At midnight on December 31st.”

The room all shared a look before someone in the back pipped up, “I want to switch whoever
is his roommate!”

“No can do,”Antony said, “It’s me and I want my own room.”

Hadrian rolled his eyes and went back to his book as his classmates got into an argument
about switching rooms.


Hadrians friends were suspicious when he joined them for breakfast the morning of the ball.
He had a large smile on his face and was positively bouncing in his seat not even bothering to
fill his plate.

“Calm down Hadrian,”Draco said amused.

“I’m excited for the ball love,”Hadrian said.

The table knew he was lying. Hadrian had been complaining about the ball for weeks. Their
eyes turned to the ceiling as they heard the owls arriving with mail. A familiar feeling swept
through them as the owls dropped off the daily prophet.

“Bloody Hell,”Blaise choked as he read the headline.

“Is this real?”Theo asked his eyes moving quickly down the article. Daphne read over his
shoulder, her mouth slightly opened.

“Of course it is,”Hadrian said.

The eyes of the hall turned to Dumbledore who was in deep conversation with Professor

The first sign that something was wrong had to be the silence. Albus looked up and felt a
shiver of dread run through him as all eyes were turned onto him. The faces staring at him all
held different looks, some were confusion, some disgust, some even contained anger.

“Albus,”Minerva said in shock, “Is it true?”

“What?”Albus asked her distractedly, his eyes still locked the students.

Minerva slapped a copy of the Daily Prophet on his plate forcing him to look down. The
blood drained from his face as he took in the title.


The headline stared at him mockingly.

The secret love of Albus Dumbledore.

Albus grabbed the paper and stared at the picture on the cover in horror. Him and Gellert
sitting close under a tree, far closer than friends. His eyes ran through the article as sentence
after sentence seemed to jump out at him.

“…Met the summer after Hogwarts…”

“….seemed to be love at first sight….”

“….A lustful summer of young romance…”

A quote by Bathilda, “They were inseparable from the moment they met. It was unnatural but
Gellert wouldn’t listen to a word I said. My nephew was always headstrong that way. Once he
had his mind set on something he did it…it wasn’t always the best of course. I over heard
them once, speaking quietly when they thought I didn’t hear, I was horrified at what I heard.
Speaking of muggles like that…”

Albus dropped the paper, unable to continue reading.

“Albus,”Minivera hissed.

Albus grabbed the paper and stood up quickly. The sound of his chair scraping the floor
seemed loud in the silent room. He quickly made his way out the side door, not meeting the
faces of any of the students. Albus used every shortcut he knew to get to his office. Running
from the students. From his shame.

Bursting in his office he quickly made his way to his private sitting room. The doors locked
behind him, the floos shut down no longer allowing anyone through.

He sat in his favorite seat by the fire and slowly read the article. His greatest shame was
staring at him in the face. The focus was focused on him and Gellert, the summer that they
shared. There was only one mention of their plans. A single sentence. But it did nothing to
calm his racing heart.

Did Skeeter know the rest?

Did Bathilda tell her about their plans?

What all did Skeeter know?

Albus sighed and dropped his face into his hands. He could close his eyes and remember
every detail of that summer as if it had just happen. Beautiful Gellert, he was ensured the first
time blue eyes met blue. Gellert was so different than anyone at Hogwarts. He was mature
and smart. He was witty and quick thinking. He opened up so many worlds for Albus both
the good and the bad. Albus could sit and listen to him talk for hours, so passionate and
fierce. He wanted the best for the Wizarding World, knew the true dangers of muggles that so
many other wizards didn’t know or just ignored. They had so many plans to fix the world and
to ensure that Wizards would always be superior and safe from the dangers of muggles and
their hatred. When their plans were done and they were in charge he even knew of a way to
ensure they stayed young and able to keep the world as it needed to be.

They could have done so many things together. Had so many years.

But Gellert lost himself to dark magic and Albus couldn’t follow him down their path any
longer. Albus couldn’t even find him after he ran, and he looked. For so so long.

So Albus turned his attention to more legal ways of maintaining their plans. He worked his
way up the Wizarding World and became Headmaster among other things. The best place to
mold the masses was while they were young after all but he wouldn’t make the same mistake
he did with Gellert. He wouldn’t allow these students to be lost the dark magic as the boy he
loved was.

He now just needed a way to make sure he would be alive long enough to ensure that his
plans worked forever. He had thought he found while working with Nicolas Flamel. Nicolas
told him of a stone. A simple stone, nothing fancy or flashy, but that had the ability to provide
an elixir that could be used to keep him alive forever. But after years of work together
Nicolas never told him how to use the stone, never even showed it to him. Albus realized that
would never work, he would need his original plan. The hallows.

Harry Potter put a hitch in that plan, taking back the cloak. Dumbledore knew he would get it
back one day. Harry would have no problem letting him borrow it once they were closer. He
just needed to find that bloody stone now.

Albus leaned back into his chair and closed his eyes. None of this would matter until he
found out exactly what Skeeter knew about him. He had been unable to find her since her
first article but that would change. Someone had to know where she was and would be
willing to give the information. If they wouldn’t he would just take it from them. It would be
for the Greater Good.


Christmas was an after thought later that afternoon before the ball. The ship was busier then
it had been since they first landed at Hogwarts. Hogwarts as an after thought as students ran
around the ship, finding their robe, ties, shoes, cufflinks and others there were left in rooms
and scattered amongst the ship. A group of boys were locked in one room, away from
Hadrian watchful eyes, as they made bets about their dates and how far they would get. Some
of the boys grabbed their items and made their way out of the ship to get ready with the
Hogwarts students they had befriended.

Theo and Blaise were with Viktor in Karkaroffs room getting ready as Hadrian had taken
over Viktors. Draco was currently locked in Viktor room with his mother getting ready as he
had started his process two hours before Hadrian even stopped his paperwork.

The wards had been officially set and locked down with non the wiser. Marvolo and Hadrian
spent the morning creating the new wards and checking them, making sure they were closed
tightly and secure.

“Has anyone seen Albus?”Hadrian asked Marvolo as he got ready to summon his parents. No
one at the school had seen hide or hair of him. The ghosts let Hadrian know that Dumbledore
had locked his office down completely. Not even they could get through.

“No,”Marvolo said with a frown, “He's been summoned to speak in front of the Wizamagot
and the ICW for just after Christmas.”

“And the best article hasn’t even been released yet,”Hadrian said bouncing on his toes.

“Things are falling into place nicely,”Marvolo said pleased, “Now are you ready?”

“Ready. Don’t start a fight with my dad,”Hadrian warned. Sirius normally helped separate
them but he had last minute business that could not be put off, but promised he would be at
the ball. Marvolo and James Potter got along just enough to keep Hadrian happy but no more
than that. With that being said they still got into quite a few fights, including one very
memorable fist fight.

“He starts it,”Marvolo mumbled.

Hadrian gave him a bored look.

“I won’t fight him,”Marvolo agreed taking a slight step back.

Hadrian nodded and swiped his thumb over the resurrection ring. Finding his parents souls he
focused and pulled them into their world. They appeared first as ghostly vantages and slowly
solidified until they were flesh and bone, well as flesh and bone as they could be.

“Harry,”Lily said with a smile, “Merry Christmas.”

The Potters were the only ones able to call Hadrian by Harry. They chose the name after all.

“Merry Christmas mum,”Hadrian said with a smile. He gave her a tight hug, only able to
enjoy it for a moment before he felt his dad pull him away.

“What about me,”James whined jokingly. He pulled Hadrian to him and hugged him tightly.
Lily visited Hadrian more than James did. It wasn’t because she loved him more but she
worried more. James had faith in Hadrian, even if he didn’t like all of the choices his boy
made, he knew Hadrian would’t bit off more than he could chew. He was magically strong
and could handle his enemies but more than that he was strong of mind and will. He didn’t
allow anyone to sway him or convince him of things that were wrong. It was a trait that he
did not get from James or Lily, as unfortunate as that was, but one that had been cultivated
from years of careful tutorage of a dark lord and James’ best friend.

“How’s the afterlife?”Hadrian asked them before giving James a sly smile, “Mother
mentioned something about Death and hell hounds?”

James grinned widely, “Oh that was great! We-“

“No!”Lilly said forcefully, “You will not be telling him about that. I am going to help Draco,
I do not want to hear that you told him anything James Potter and I will know.”

James grimaced, “Of course dear.”

Lily gave Hadrian one last kiss on the cheek and a nod to Marvolo before opening the
connecting door. Dracos excited shout of “Lily!” was heard before the door shut and all
sound cut off.

“James,”Marvolo said stiffly with a nod of his head.

“Marvolo,”James replied just as stiffly.

“Sooo,”Hadrian said, “Let’s get me ready yes?”

Marvolo and James stared at each other for a long moment. Too long, in Hadrian opinion.
Hadrian was just about to separate them when James looked at him with a smile, “Of

The tenseness of the atmosphere faded away as Hadrian got ready for the ball. His robes fell
effortlessly around him. Made with black velvet, small snakes could be seen when the light
hit just right, its silver buttons gleamed in the light of the fire and the trim was a dark silver
that meshed perfectly with the rest of the robes.

“Much better than what they wanted,”James said with a disgusted look, “Were you able to
see those Marvolo? Even I hated them and I was a Gryffindor!”

“Draco burned them before any of us could take a look,”Marvolo said slightly surprised at
the jovial tone, “We heard about them however.”

“I envy you. I will have nightmares for months,”James chuckled.

Hadrian looked at him with a raised eyebrow, “You don’t sleep. Your dead.”

“I can nap,”James said with a shrug.

“Can you really?”Marvolo asked intrigued.

“Oh yeah. It doesn’t make you feel refreshed of course but it’s nice sometimes. Especially
when my son can’t keep it in his pants,”James said giving Hadrian a look, “It’s like Russian
roulette when I check on him.”

“I agree,”Marvolo said with a nod.

“Neither of you can talk,”Hadrian shot back, “I heard about what you got up to in the closets
around here.”

“Sirius is a dirty liar!”James said. Marvolo nodded in agreement behind him.

“Sirius didn’t tell me,”Hadrian said with a laugh,”Mum and Grandmother did.”

“My own wife betrayed me,”James said in horror.

“At least it wasn’t your mother who ratted you out,”Marvolo mumbled.

Hadrian gave them a large smile and did a final spin, “How do I look?”

James stared at his son and felt tears prick the corner of his eyes. He regretting many things
he had done in his short life but giving into Dumbledores orders was the worst. He should
have helped his son grow up. Should have been the one to teach him to read, fly a broom,
hold a wand. He should have taught him his first spell. In one short year his son will legally
be a man and he had nothing to do with the, admittedly, amazing man he was turning into. It
smarted fiercely that it was at the hand of the man who killed him.

Marvolo looked at Hadrian in pride. The older he got the more he looked like him and it sent
a bolt of pleasure and smugness down his spine. He never felt bad for killing the Potters. He
was out of his mind at the time but if he wasn’t he still would have went after them. They
were good on their own but together they were a powerful duo that ended more then one of
his good Death Eaters. Their death had the added benefit of his son. Hadrian was his pride
and joy and Marvolo knew deep down he would kill anyone who threatened him. Even

“You look so much older,”James said with a weak smile, “The adoption knocked me right out
but your not your grandmother.”

“She was a Black,”Marvolo said quietly, “The older he gets the more he looks like a Black. I
thought I would have to beat people away from him when he got older. Thank Merlin for

Hadrian and James laughed.

Their laughter was cut off as the door opened and Lily came out with a smiling Narcissa.

“Oh you look so handsome!”Lily said placing her hands on Hadrians face.

“I agree,”Narcissa said looking at him with a wide smile, “Are you ready to see Draco?”

“Of course,”Hadrian said.

He had been completely unprepared.

Hadrian felt his breath leave his body in an almost painful motion. Draco was an
unimaginable vision. His robes were a pure white that seemed to glow, the silk was soft and
seemed to flow like liquid as he moved. His hair was intricately braided and interweaved
with something that could only be described as glowing silver. The tiara set perfectly on his
head, gleaming and sparkling in the light.

“Merlin,”Hadrian breathed, “Let’s skip the ball yeah? We can go to Paris instead, you love

Draco laughed and shook his head, “We have to got to the ball my love. It’s required.”

“Paris after then,”Hadrian said pulling Draco into his arms, “The age of consent is 16 in
Paris. We can get married.”

“I don’t think so,”Marvolo said with a shake of his head, “I can make Paris happen but no

Hadrian gave him a pout, “Do you see Draco? How can I not marry him right now?”

Draco gave Hadrian a long kiss ignoring the parents in the room before pulling away, “I want
a huge wedding is the biggest thing my love. But I would love to spend the night in Paris. I
want the room in the Eiffel tower.”

“It’s done,”Marvolo said giving the boys a soft smile, “I will see you at the ball.”


Viktor was leaning against the wall in the entrance room waiting for the rest of his friends
and date to come down. Blaise, Antony, Theo and Daphne had already made their way into
the Great Hall with most of the other students. The first one to show was Bill Weasley who
quickly made his way in the door.

“Blimey,”Bill panted as he leaned next to Viktor, “I thought I was going to be late.”

Viktor snorted, “We have twenty minutes until we have to go in.”

“Hadrian lied to me!”Bill exclaimed.

“Probably for the best since you thought you were late,”Viktor said amused.

Bill shrugged, “True.”

“Bill!”Fleur called from the top of the stairs while she and Luna made their way down the

Bill let out a low whistle.

Fleurs robes were a silky silver-gray that were perfectly fitted to her body. Every movement
caused them to flow around her, perfectly conturing around her curves. Her hair was in a up-
do with tendrils of curls falling down to either side of her face. Lunas robes were a soft
lavender, a flower motif started just under the bust and flowed down into what seemed to be a
field of fabric flowers that sparkled and shifted as she moved. Her long hair was perfectly
curled and flowed down her back with thin vines mixed into the curls.

Bill and Viktor shared a look.

They were lucky, lucky men.

But perhaps..not as lucky as Hadrian.

Draco and Hadrian had made their entrance.

“Bloody Hell,”Viktor said quietly.

“Your lucky I’m not the jealous type,”Luna said lightly as she came to stand beside them.

Viktor coughed and wrapped an arm around her waist, “I meant it in a purely observational

“No you didn’t,”Luna snorted, “Draco is exquisite.”

“If you want to keep your eyes stop staring at my betrothed,”Hadrian said lightly but with a
bite to Bill and Viktor.

Fleur and Luna laughed as they went to Draco and took turns kissing his cheek before doing
the same to Hadrian.

Fleur took a close look at the tiara, “This is unfair you know. Where the bloody hell did you
get a tiara?”

“Hadrian gave it to me when he asked me to the ball,”Draco said pleased.

“Where is my tiara?”Fleur asked Bill with a frown.

Bill looked panicked, “I’ll get you one for the wedding?”

“That will do,”Fleur said pleased.

Bill let out a breath and turned a glare to Hadrian, “Stop looking us look bad.”

Hadrian shrugged with a smug look, “Never.”

“Oh my,”Professor McGonagall said as she took in the champions, “You all look splendid.”

“Thank you Professor,”Hadrian said with a nod of his head.

McGonagall gave him a small smile. Albus had his worries about Hadrian but she didn’t
believe a word he said.

“Line up here please. The order does not matter. When the doors open you will all enter the
room and go directly to your seats. After dinner you will start the official ball with the first

“Yes Professor,”The group said.

The Great Hall had over gone a complete transformation. White frost covered the walls,
hundreds of garlands and mistletoe covered the star filled night sky, snow gently fell from the
ceiling fading from view just as the reached the tables. The house tables were replaced with
smaller tables covered with white cloth and silver plates. Centerpieces of pine and poinsettias
were on every table, tall and short white candles sat in the middle. The table at the very front
was the largest table and held the judges of the event and six chairs reserved for the

Dumbledore was missing, his seat taken over by Marvolo who had a grinning Sirius on his
side. Karkaroff was wearing the same outfit he did for every special event, a more
extravagant take on his Headmasters uniform. Madam Maxine had switched her normal robes
for a periwinkle flowing dress. Ludo bagman was wearing a bright purple robes with yellow
stars. Hadrian knew the moment he saw Ludos robes, a noise of disgust quietly leaving him.
Marvolo and Sirius were wearing black and green robes that complicated each other

Hadrian scanned the hall as he stood just outside the door waiting for the group to start the
move. Ginny was expected to be missing but Hadrian didn’t see Ron or Hermione either, they
must be waiting with Ginny. The crowd started clapping as the champions made their way
into the room. Boys letting out whistles for Fleur and gasps of surprise for Lunas look. Girls
stared at both girls in unbridled jealousy.

Hadrian gave Draco a light kiss before they followed the others into the room. The clapping
slowed down slightly as they took in the sight of the two. Dressed more for a wedding than a
Ball they made a formidable look as they walked next to each other.

“Is that a tiara?” Hadrian heard a Gryffindor girl whisper to her company.

Draco beamed as whispers started and girls stared at him in hatred. Volkoff, who was sitting
next to Pansy, glared at Draco. Pansy was glaring as well, but her look was directed to
Hadrian. If only looks could kill. The clapping picked up louder than ever as the shock of the
looks faded and the champions took their places around the table.

“When do you think they will come?”Draco murmured to Hadrian as he perused the menu.

“After dinner,”Hadrian said quietly, “For some reason they are under the impression the ball
started at a later time.”
Draco snorted, “Your horrible.”

“I didn’t want them to ruin my meal,”Hadrian said with a wink.

“You boys look fantastic,”Sirius said with a slight catch in his throat. His eyes were glassy as
he took them in. His boys were growing up faster than he was ready for and he was not ready
for it.

Hadrian gave him a large grin, “Isn’t Draco beautiful? I tried to elope but he denied me.”

“Good,”Fleur said, “I would be so upset if I missed the wedding Hadrian!”

Hadrian held up his hands, “I promise we won’t elope. You will all be at the wedding. Well
not you Ludo.”

Ludo chuckled nervously, “I wouldn’t dare.”

The dinner was one of the best meals Hadrian had since coming to Hogwarts. The menu had
options for what seemed like every culture represented in the hall. He happily chose the
German option while Draco took the French, they both liked English food but it was always
nice to have other options. The conversation flowed nicely while they ate. Hadrian had strong
connections with every person at the table and by default so did Draco. Bill was the newest in
his group, having only met him three years ago, but he had quickly made his way up
Hadrians list of trusted people. Well as much as he believed one should trust someone.

Once the food was finished Marvolo stood up and cleared his throat getting the attention of
the students, “If you could all stand, I believe it's time we move to the better part of the

The students laughed and cheered as they stood from their seats excitingly. Marvolo waved
his wand and the tables and chairs disappeared leaving the hall completely open. The Weird
Sisters entered and waved to the students who were cheering and hollering for them. Their
artfully teared robes gathered a snort from Hadrian. He never understood the ripping of
clothes both for wizards and muggles.

“May I have this dance?”Hadrian purred to Draco holding out his hand. Coos came from the
crowd as they caught sight of it. Draco smiled and nodded his head placing his hand into
Hadrians and allowing him to escort him to the dance floor.

The weird sisters sent Hadrian and Draco a wink before starting a slow mournful tune that
echoed around the room perfectly. As one the champions started their dance. They had
chosen a more complicated waltz to perform for the other students. The students watched in
awe as they moved and twirled around the room. Viktor, Bill and Hadrian lifting and spinning
the others around in perfect sync as they kept time with the music. They weaved around each
other and at some points switched partners, at one point Hadrian found himself dancing Bill
around the floor. The sight causing a few students to laugh as Bill was a head or so taller then
Hadrian but it didn’t effect the dance as Hadrian lead him.
Draco made his way back into Hadrians arms as they finished the dance. As the last cord
played Hadrian swept Draco into his arms and kissed him fiercely. The crowed exploded into
applause and screams of excitement just as the doors to the Great Hall burst open and a
scream of horror echoed through the room.

The room silenced as all eyes turned to the door quickly, wands appearing in the hands of
several students.

Ginny Weasley stood in the doorway, Ron and Hermione slightly behind her all looking at the
scene with shock and anger. Ginny had forgone the traditional robes and was in an off
shoulder ballgown of scarlet. Her bust was jeweled and flowed into miles of tool, the sleeves
were made of a gold tool that was twisted delicately. Her jewelry was gold and ruby,
sparkling but obviously made of magic. Rons robes were Burgundy and looked decades old,
the under shift was full of lace and were shown slightly sticking out of his sleeves.
Hermiones robes were a periwinkle that fit her perfectly, heir normally curly mass was
slicked up carefully into a up-do.

“Merlin,”Draco mumbled.

“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!”Ginny screeched marching forward toward Hadrian and


“A ball?”Hadrian questioned with a wave around the room, “The Yule Ball? It’s been
announced for a month.”

“I know that! You were suppose to meet me at the tower! AND YOUR HERE WITH
HIM!”Ginnys voice raised as she got more angry. She pointed at Draco with a slightly
shaking hand.

“What are you talking about?”Hadrian asked confused, “Draco is my betrothed and I asked
him weeks ago.”

Ron was torn between staring at Hadrian in anger and his older brother in confusion.

“No!”Ginny said with a stomp of her foot.

The crowd exchanged glances of confusion. What was she on about?

“Yes?”Hadrian said.

“You are my date! Not HIS! You are MY betrothed not his! How dare you do this to me!
WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!”Ginny screamed at Draco taking a steps towards him in
fury. Her face was so red it was showing under the mountain of make up she had one. She
stumbled to a stop as Hadrians wand appeared in front of her face.

“Come any closer to him and you will regret it,”Hadrian sneered at her, “I don’t know what
delusion you are under but I never asked you to the dance. Nor are you my betrothed. I would
rather become a eunuch.”

The men flinched back at the words.

Ginnys face dropped and she shook her head, “But-but no Harry! We are betrothed. We are to
be married. You love me! He tricked you!” Her voice wavered slightly as she held back her

“I don’t even know you,”Hadrian said not lowering his wand, “I have known Draco since I
was eight and I can assure you there was no trickery involved.”

“Your wrong! Dumbledore created our contract when I turned eleven! It’s official and
anything you have with him is a fake!” Ginny said confidently.

The crowd of students looked at her in surprise. Why would the Headmaster do that?

Hadrian hid his smirk seeing the wheels turning in head of the students before looking at
Ginny confused, “I don’t know what your talking about Miss. Weasley. The headmaster
couldn’t create a contract for us? I have been betrothed too Draco since I turned eleven and
that was a year before you.”

“Enough!”Bill said before Ginny could say anything else, “Ginny what are you doing?
Hadrian and Draco have been together for years and even I knew he asked Draco to the ball. I
think I need to take you to the hospital wing I’m very concerned for you.”

“What are you even doing here!”Ginny whined.

“I’m here with Fleur,”Bill said taking the final steps to his sister and grasping her by the
elbow, “Come on. We need to go to the hospital wing.”

“No Bill! I will not leave without Hadrian admitting he asked me to the ball! Don’t you see?
We are meant to be together. We are in love,”Ginny told her older brother earnestly. Bill
always believed Ginny she was his little sister. He would help her.

“Ginny,”Bill said gently, “Hadrian is involve with Draco and will be marrying him this
summer. I don’t know why you thought Hadrian was bringing you to the ball but you must
have been confused.”

“No! Dumbledore said he was taking me! He told him to and Hadrian agreed! Right Harry!
Right!”Ginny said looking at Hadrian imploringly, her brown eyes large.

“I don’t know what your talking about,”Hadrian said putting his arm around Dracos waist
and pulling him close.

Ginny screamed and made a run for Draco but was caught by Bill. He looked at her in great
concern and picked her up before carrying her out of the room. She fought and flailed every
moment, screaming and crying out Hadrians name.

“Bloody Hell,”Blaise said from the front of the crowd, “What is wrong with your sister
Weasley? She’s gone barmy.”

The crowed made sounds of agreement.

“No she’s not!”Ron shouted loudly before pointing to Hadrian, “He promised he would take

“That’s enough Mr. Weasley!”Professor McGonagall said finally making her way to them.
She had been stuck in shock at her table as she watched the spectacle, “You and Miss.
Granger need to come with me now. You will not be attending the rest of the ball. Coming so
late as well!”

“We are on time Professor,”Hermione said confused.

“Dinner and the champions dance are over Miss. Granger. Now both of you come with me to
my office, we will be having a talk.”

Professor McGonagall didn’t wait for them as she walked out of the room. Ron looked
confused for a moment but with an elbow from Hermione followed her as they went after

“Well that was…something,”Marvolo announced from the head of the room, “I have no idea
what that was about but we will not allow it to ruin our night! Ladies, Gentlemen and
students of all genders! THE WEIRD SISTERS!”

The sisters instantly went into a popular song and it only took a few moments for the students
to get into the music and start dancing. Whispers of what just occurred went around the room
as they danced, everyone was in complete agreement.

Ginny Weasley was a very daft witch.

“That worked better than I hoped,”Hadrian said to his friends as they gathered around the
punch bowl.

“I didn’t thinks she would go that far but I’m glad she did,”Draco said with a bright laugh.

“I’m concerned for Bill,”Fleur told Hadrian quietly.

“Bill is fully aware of the situation,”Hadrian assured her, “He is a trusted.”

“Oh good,”Fleur said relieved, “I wasn’t completely sure and we never really talked about

“I would not have allowed you to become close if that wasn’t the case. I would never allow
you to be hurt Fleur,”Hadrian told her seriously. He wasn’t in control of her hand as he was
Lunas but he would have done what needed to be done. Fleur would have forgave him…

“I know,”Fleur said with a smile. She gave him a light kiss on the cheek and allowed Viktor
to take her to the floor as they waited for Bill.
“Draco dance with me,”Luna said suddenly.

“Of course!”Draco said taking her hand and sweeping her off to the floor.

Hadrian shifted from the table and leaned against the wall with his punch as his eyes scanned
the floor.

“Can we talk to you,”Fred said as he and George appears in front of him. Serious looks on
their normal happy faces.

“Of course,”Hadrian said leading them to a quiet corner of the room and thrown up a privacy

Fred and George looked at each other for a moment before looking back at him.

“You were right,”Fred said with a frown.

“We talked to Bill and he told us everything-“

“Then we wrote to Charlie on Bills advice-“

“Then we over heard Ron, Hermione and Ginny talking about things that were pretty bad-“

Hadrian nodded but kept quiet. He didn’t know why the twins chose now to talk to him but
he was more then happy to let them continue.

“But we want to know why you told us what you did,”Fred finished.

“We thought you deserved to know the truth but Bill and Charlie were too afraid to say
anything. They didn’t want to ruin your relationship with them and I figured since I was an
outsider if it made you hate me it wouldn’t effect you as much,”Hadrian told them honestly.

“What do you expect from us? For helping us this way?”George asked.

“Nothing,”Hadrian said with a raised eyebrow, “I did it for your brothers.”

“What about the contract we created. If we decide we want nothing to do with you what
happens with that?”Fred asked.

“Nothing. Unless you want to break it, we can do that of course but I have no plans on doing
anything. I offered you the contract as a purely business maneuver and because I thought you
would do great. I don’t know if you realize this but I need all the financial avenues I can get
being with Draco.”

Fred and George couldn’t help but laugh in agreement. Draco always stroke them as a bit of a

“We still need time to think,”Fred told him.

“But we needed to know the full situation before we did,”George finished.

Hadrian nodded, “Take all the time you need. I will be around for a while and if I’m not send
me a letter or contact your brothers. They will get it to me.”

“Speaking of our brothers how do you know them? Do you know Percy to?”George asked

“I met Charlie because he worked at the reserve that held Dracos dragons and they liked him
and insisted I meet him. Bill I met when he started working on the wards for one of my
projects. I was very impressed with his work and made sure he was on every team I used
since then. I do know Percy as well, he’s a bit of a knob but has impressed father with his
knowledge and drive.”

“Percy really is a bit of knob,”Fred said with a nod.

“Thank you for talking to us,”George said.

Hadrian gave them a smile, “Any time. Now if you will excuse me I have a date to get back
to and I very much want to keep him happy tonight.”

“I don’t blame you,”Fred said with a wink.

Hadrian laughed and shook his head before pulling down the wards around them. He quickly
made his way to the dance floor and pulled Draco from Luna in a practiced move.

“What happen?”Draco asked as they danced.

Hadrian quietly told him what he and the twins talked about, their words being lost in the

Hadrian saw Volkoff staring at him from the corner of his eye making his way to them. He
caught Antonys eye and flicked his eye quickly to Volkoff. Antony gave him a brief nod and
whispered something to Blaise before breaking away and cutting Volkoff off.

“Want to go to Paris?” Hadrian whispered into Dracos ear, “I think we have been here long

“The ball is only halfway over,”Draco teased, “But yes. Take me away my prince.”

Hadrian looked over at his father from the heads of the students and caught his eye. Marvolo
rolled his eyes but gave him a nod letting him know the plans were good to go. Hadrian and
Draco gave their goodbyes to their friends and made their way out of the room. They met Bill
at the doors.

“Leaving so early?”Bill asked them with a sideways grin.

“We have a date with beignets and the thames,”Hadrian said pulling Draco close, “It’s

“My mum is with her in the hospital wing right now and they are in a right state. I expect she
will find her way down soon,”Bill told him.
“Good thing we won’t be here! Have fun!”Hadrian said before quickly making his way out of
the castle and to the ship.


The hidden room in the Eiffel tower was the best kept secret of the Wizarding World. Known
only to the creme de la croup of the Wizarding World it was expensive as much as it was
exquisite. Hidden at the top of the tower, and only accessible by portkey, it had a view of
Paris that was unlike any other. The room was made of marble and dark wood tones, hints of
gold and sapphire blue around the room. A large bed took up the center of the room and the
only door lead to a large bathroom with a bathtub so big it could be a pool.

“I have a surprise,”Hadrian said as they landed in the middle of the room.

“What?”Draco asked excitedly.

“We will be here until the twenty-ninth. Four days of just us and French sweets that I fully
plan on eating off of you.”

Draco beamed and pulled him into a hard kiss, “You are so good to me.”

“Only the best,”Hadrian said before sweeping Draco up in his arms.

Dracos squeak was lost in the kiss that Hadrian gave him before throwing him onto the bed.
He quickly followed him down and they made the most of the rest of their Christmas night.
Leaving all of the havoc they caused back at the castle.


Two days into their trip Hadrian received an emergency letter from a very distressed Dobby.

“What is it?”Draco asked concerned sitting up in bed, the sheets pooling around his waist.

Hadrian stared at the words in front of him, fury immolating from every pore of his body. His
dark eyes met Draco and the letter burned to ashes in his hand, “You were caught in a closet
with Pansy Parkinson in quite the indecent position and rumors are running wild at the

Draco stared at him in horror, “Excuse me? How indecent are we talking?”

Hadrian looked at him, “Your pants. Pansy was in a similar state.”

“Gross,”Draco said a look of disgust on his face.

“At least they weren’t having sex,”Hadrian offered, “Then I would have to kill everyone who
saw you.”

“Do you know who she was with?” Draco asked as he got up to get dressed.

“Volkoff,”Hadrian said darkly, “Father has them at the manor waiting for us now.”

“Bloody crazy bint,”Draco said, “Will there be trouble for killing him sooner?”

“Lord Volkoff has already been made aware of the situation and is waiting for us as
well,”Hadrian said pulling Draco into his arms.

“Let’s go have some fun,”Hadrian said with a grin.

Draco laughed as they were swept away by portkey.

Volkoff end was here and Hadrian was going to savor every moment.

Chapter End Notes

Fooling around with someone else body with the use of polyjuice.
The Death of Dimitri Volkoff.
Chapter Summary

Volkoff and Parkinson have gone too far in their mission to ruin Hadrian and Dracos
Their punishments will be....remarkable.

Chapter Notes

Hello Friends!
Two chapters in one day? I couldn't help myself.
If you don’t like it please skip it. I promise you will not miss anything. wasn't suppose to be this long. That's why it has it's own chapter, I may have got
slightly carried away. I blame Stephen King because I am elbow deep into IT.

Also if the FBI is watching this, my history is for research only. Thank you.

The doors to the Hall of the Dark manor exploded. The unlucky Death Eaters that were in the
back yelled in shock as pieces of wood embedded into their skin and larger peices hit their

Hadrian glided through the doors with Draco at his side. Hadrians pitch black robes shifting
around him as if made by shadows. His half mask was Chrome with engravings of Thestrals
were on either side of the mask with emeralds for eyes. Dracos wore no mask, his tiara
perched on his head. His robes were a pure white spider silk, liquid and flowing in every
movement in his every stride.

Marvolo stood on the Dias in front of the room. Sirius and Lucius on either side of him in
their own Death Eater robes. Severus and Regulus were standing behind them slightly to the
side. Directly behind them were four large throne like chairs. In the very back of the Dias
were four more chairs, one of them taken by Narcissa, her head held high and fury in her
Terrified and silenced Pansy and Volkoff were on their knees in front of the dais. They were
still in their underwear and shivered in the cold air of the room. Very little hope was left in
them and Pansy was cursing every agreeing the Dimitris plan.

Hadrian strode past them to his father with Draco. Draco kissed his cheek and made his way
to one of the four seats behind Marvolo. Crossing one leg over the other he placed his hands
on the arms of the chair and looked at Pansy and Volkoff with a cruel smirk.

“Prince,”Marvolo said with a nod of his head.

“Father,”Hadrian replied, “I have leave?”

“Of course,”Marvolo said before turning with the others. They took their seats. Marvolo and
Sirius sat in the chairs behind them, an open seat left between Marvolo and Draco. Lucius,
Severus and Regulus made their way to the seats near Narcissa.

Hadrian flicked his finger toward the two terrified students, dismissing the silencing charm.
He walked to them and squatted in front of them and gave them a blood thirsty grin.

“So who’s idea was it? Don’t be shy now,”Hadrian cooed at them.

“Dimitris!”Pansy spat instantly as if that would save her, “It was all his idea.”

Volkoff ignored her and stared at Hadrian with wide eyes, “I did it for us love. Once the
world knows what kind of person Draco is no one would blame us for being together.”

Hadrian smiled at him. Volkoff felt relieve for a brief moment before he screamed in pain as
his wrist snapped behind him. Pain radiated through his arm as it stayed in position trapped
with the other. The Death Eaters behind him flinched as a trail of blood appeared and started
to slowly drip onto the floor.

“Volkoff,”Hadrian said quietly, “I have told you time and time again. I want nothing to do
with you.”


“No,”Hadrian said, “You were under the impression that I wouldn’t hurt you. What you failed
to realize is that I couldn’t hurt you. As the son of the minister of magic you were protected.
Doing anything to you would have hurt my plans and I couldn’t have that. Do you see?”

Volkoff eyes widened, “That’s not true. My father is still minister and you hurt me. That’s not

“Your fathers wife is pregnant with his new heir,”Hadrian told him softly, as if trying to
comfort him, “He and my father have come to an agreement about the situation. He is well
aware of what will be happening today and has no problem allowing me this.”

“Hadrian please. I love you,”Volkoff begged. He knew Hadrian wasn’t lying about his father,
he had never been able to please the man. His grades were never good enough. His friends
were never strong enough. His only hope was Hadrian.
“I loath you,”Hadrian hissed, “and your little plan has completely pissed me off.”

Hadrian stood and made slow circles around them, “Not only did you attempt to ruin mine
and Dracos relationship but you polyjuiced him. Polyjuice. At the very least you saw his
naked body, at the very worst Pansy also saw. That is completely unacceptable. And
Pansy,”the girl in question stiffened, “You know who my father is. You know who I am.
What made you think that this would work and I wouldn’t take action?”

Pansy whimpered but didn’t say anything until she screamed. Fire flooded her veins. She felt
as if her body was melting from the inside and she tried to beg for it to end but couldn’t get
the words out.

“Speak!”Hadrian commended as he stopped the spell.

“I di-d-didn’t know,”Pansy cried, “Father never told me who you were.”

“Parkinson!”Hadrian barked to the assembled Death Eaters.

The Death Eaters parted like the sea. A portly shaking man quickly made his way to the front
and fell to his knees in front of Hadrian.

“Yes my Prince,”the man said shakily.

Hadrian flicked his mask away and grabbed the front of Parkinsons robe bringing him to his
face, “You knew I was going to Hogwarts and didn’t think to tell your delusional daughter
who I was? Knowing how desperate and pathetic she was?”

Parkinson shook his head, “I’m sorry Prince. I-I didn’t think!”

“No you didn’t,”Hadrian said dropping the man to the floor. Parkinson hit the floor with a
groan when Hadrian made a swiping motion with his hand and his body flew to the side

Pansy cried out as her father slammed into the wall and started to shake. His cries came
fiercely from his mouth as his immobile body still tried to bow and bend. His cries came to
an end and he shook with deep and hard breaths.

Hadrian shook his head, “Tsk. What a horrible thing to do to your daughter Parkinson. Such a

“Volkoff I will get to you in a minute,”Hadrian said as he crouched in front of Pansy, “Feel
free to enjoy the show.”

Pansy refused to look at Hadrian. She kept her eyes down and started to pray to every deity
she knew of. Prayed for salvation.

“Pansy,”Hadrian said sharply. Her head was forced up and she let out a gasp as she felt the
pain of a snap in her neck, “Good. Now because you were under a misconception I will be
Tears escaped Pansy eyes as she started into Hadrians eyes.

“You will chose who dies today,”Hadrian said standing up, “You or your father.”

“No,”Pansy whispered, “Please no.”

“Chose or I will kill not only your father but also your mother. I will kill them the slowest
way I know in front of you before I pull your body apart piece by piece. Tendon by tendon.”

“Pansy,”her father wheezed from his position.

“NO,”Hadrian roared at the man. He slammed him into the wall once more, his head making
a sicking sound as it hit the wall. Blood filled his hair and started to slide down the wall,
“You shut your filthy mouth! One more word and I will make you kill her yourself!”

Parkinson snapped his mouth shut and closed his eyes. He trusted his daughter would make
the right decision.

“Well Pansy?”Hadrian purred.

Pansy closed her eyes tightly. This wasn’t a choice! Her father would be dead either way.
Bloody bastard!

“Now that’s not nice Pansy,”Hadrian said offended, “I will have you know my parents were
married when I was born.”

Pansy eyes opened and she stared at him in horror.

“I am very skilled. There is not a single thought you can hide from me. Especially not those
very imaginative fantasies of Draco that you have. For the record he is just as bendy as you

“Hadrian,”Draco said from his place, “I don’t want to know anything about her fantasies.”

“Of course love,”Hadrian said before looking over his shoulder and blowing him a kiss.

Hadrian turned back to Pansy and raised an eyebrow, “Well?”

“My father,”Pansy whispered, “I chose my father.”

Hadrian clapped his hands, “Excellent! I was hoping you would make the right decision!”

Pansy turned her head away from her father not wanting to see. Regret simmered in her
stomach. She had no idea who he was, had no idea the force she was playing with. Volkoff
had assured her that Hadrian wouldn’t do anything, that he put up an act but was really a
loving soul. She had seen Hadrian with Draco and while she was unsure about Hadrian
loving Volkoff she believed he didn’t have the power to hurt her.

A sudden fog filled Pansy mind in her thoughts. All doubts and troubles left her as she started
to feel light and relaxed.
Pansy… a voice whispered in her mind.

Your wand is in front of you Pansy..pick it up and stand…

Pansy opened her eyes and saw her wand. Reaching for it she smiled as she got to her feet.
Hadrian was in front of her with a twisted smile. Something was wrong…Pansy knew
something was wrong…but she didn’t know what…

…diffindo…you must use diffindo…

Pansy lifted her wand to her father. As she looked into his eyes filled with horror something
inside of her broke and started to rebel but she was powerless. Powerless to stop Hadrians
power over her. Her hand was steady and smooth as she made the motion.


The spell hit her father. A thin line appeared before his body dropped the wall and landed
with a wet splat onto the ground. His head left against the wall, his eyes still moving around
and mouth moving. Blood coated the wall and splattered the nearest Death Eaters who
watched the scene with vindictive glee.

“Good job Pansy!”Hadrian clapped.

Pansy mind cleared of the fog and she dropped her wand. Letting out a scream she fell to her
knees, her eyes never leaving her fathers head.

What had she done?

“I think I’m going to keep it,”Hadrian mused, his finger tapping his chin, “What do you think
Pansy? Should I keep his head alive? Maybe put it on a spike in the front as a warning? Like
we used to?”

“No,”Draco said from his seat looking at the head in disgust, “He wasn’t nearly as powerful
as he should have been for that honor.”

“My love has spoken!”Hadrian said with a laugh, “Oh well.”

The head fell from the wall but didn’t hit the ground. It flew directly to Pansy and landed in
her knees. Her fathers eyes staring up at her accusingly. She tried to push it off, to move away
but she couldn’t. Her body was stuck in place, unable to even shift her eyes away from the

Volkoff watched the entire scene in complete terror. He had heard stories of Hadrians power,
of his viciousness but had never seen it. Had never even thought he could do something like
this. So many students at school warned him. Spoke of his cruelty they had seen inflicted on
others. The ones that he did hurt never spoke of the events, they stayed clear away from
Hadrian or became his minions but Volkoff thought it was because they were impressed. He
now wondered more than every what really happen during those times he ‘corrected’ things.
Hadrian ignored Volkoff as he went up the steps to the dais. He did a half bow infant of
Draco and held out his hand, “Precious.”

Draco took his hand and allowed himself to be pulled up. Hadrian pulled him into a kiss that
was possessive as it was filthy. Volkoff couldn’t help but feel his heart breaking as he
watched it. He still loved Hadrian. He didn’t truly care of the cruelty he just showed. He
loved the way his hair swept over his face in the wind. The way he moved with confidence
and assuredness as he made his way through the halls. The way he nibbled on the end of his
quill when he was deep in thought. His deep laugh that caused goosebumps to appear on his
arms. It was only now that he though…perhaps he had been wrong.

Hadrians hands slid over Draco until they landed on his arse. Grabbing them he pulled them
closer than was decent for public. Marvolo and Sirius shared a look before Marvolo cleared
his throat, “Hadrian.”

Hadrian pulled away from a panting Draco and gave his father a smirk, “My bad.”

Draco let out a breathy laugh, “Our bad.”

Hadrian let him go and instead wrapped his arm around Dracos waist, leading him from his
seat and off the dais. They stopped in front of Volkoff. Hadrian went behind Draco and
wrapped his arms around him, resting his chin on top of his head.

“What should we do to him precious? I know you have ideas,”Hadrian asked Draco lightly,
as if they were speaking of the weather.

Volkoff swallowed as Dracos eyes met his. The dark silver eyes started into his soul. Volkoff
felt as if every figment of himself was being dissected and pulled apart. Ever fear, hope,
desire he had was rushing through his head like a speeding train. He knew it wasn’t him
doing it but Draco wasn’t this powerful.

Draco let out a laugh, “Your an idiot Volkoff. Do you think Hadrian, Prince Noir, is with me
just because of my looks? That I have nothing else to offer?”

“That’s rude,”Hadrian said with a frown, “and offensive to me! Why would I just want
someone attractive? Just how vain do you think I am Volkoff?”

“Not vain,”Volkoff whispered, “Never vain.”

“I’ll have you know I am amazing in all aspects,”Draco said with a sneer, “Hadrian has been
my teacher for years and he has taught me so..many..things.”

Volkoff flinched at the words. Hadrian should have been teaching him things not this upstart.
Hadrian should have loved him.

Volkoff screamed as his broken wrist was jerked from him and up into the air as if a rope was
tied to his wrist. Slowly he rose to the air until his feet dangled a foot off the ground. Volkoff
whimpered as the invisible force tightened around his wrist and gave a jerk. Realizing his
eyes were closed he jerked them open and was surprised to see Draco standing in place his
wand in hand. Hadrian was sitting in the throne next to Marvolo and wiggled his fingers at

“I’m not as good at wandless magic as Hadrian,” Draco said softly, “but I am fantastic with

The Death Eaters behind him let out soft chuckles at the statement. Most of them had never
seen Draco take part in their activities. He would normally leave when things were going to
get interesting, or he just didn’t show up. Hadrian would never select someone that couldn’t
keep up with him and they were excited to see what Draco would do.

“So,”Draco said. He started taping the end of his wand agains this palm, “I have to ask. Did
you like being me?”

Volkoff shook his head venimenytly. He hated wearing the body of the boy he held so much
hate for.

“Why not? I’m much more attractive,”Draco said with a frown, “and much better looking
without my clothes. Are you sure your gay?”

Laughter spread around the room at his comment. Volkoff felt his face get red in anger. Even
now, dangling painfully above everyone else, all he felt for the boy in front of him was rage.

Draco flicked his wand and Volkoff screamed as he felt his something on his right side
contract harshly. The sound of something small hitting the floor with a queasy squash echoed
the room.

“That’s your gallbladder,”Draco told him, “Taken straight from your body. Don’t worry it
won’t kill you. In fact you don’t even have a mark.”

Volkoff shook his head. His fight against his tears ended and he felt them start to stream
down his face. He had never heard of a spell like that and for the first time terror of what
Draco was capable of started to come.

“Like I said before Hadrian has taught me a lot. He taught me how to skin a person, how to
take them apart layer by layer, how to disembowel without even cutting you open. I gave you
a taste of that one but I fear it would end my fun too fast.”

Draco flicked his wand and Volkoff fell onto a table that appeared under him. Before he
could move his body straightened out and he was bound to the table.

“Thank you love,”Draco said to Hadrian his eyes still on Volkoff, “Wasn’t that lovely of him?
Giving me a table. I didn’t even have to ask.”

Draco walked to the table and stood at the head of the table looking down at Volkoffs face, “I
can’t begrudge you for wanting Hadrian really. But let me tell you a secret yes?”

Draco leaned down, feeling the silencing ward surround them from Hadrian, and whispered
into Volkoff ear, “Hadrian chose me. I was eight and he gave me a bracelet that bonded us
together forever. So you see? Even if you were slightly attractive to him you would have
never had a chance.”

Volkoff closed his eyes tightly, not wanting to see Draco.

“He’s great in bed as well,”Draco continued, “Amazing really. Nothing is off the table with
him. Every one of my fantasy, my wildest dreams he will do. And when he’s angry? He’s
delicious. He will use my body to expel all of that anger and I love it. I love the marks he
leaves on me. The bruises I can feel for days after. The soreness that will follow me for the
next day. After this? I’m going to ride him on his throne in front of your dead body. I’m
going to let him slam me against that blood filled wall and thrust into me until I’m a mess. By
the time we get to the bedroom I will be a sobbing mess and begging him for more and he
will gladly give it to me. All night. His stamina is very impressive. I might even let him call
your soul and make you watch us. I think I would like that. But that’s not even the best part
of him. The best part about him is how he loves me. More than his friends, his family, the
world. He would raze this earth to the ground if I asked him to. He would dismantle the
Ministry of Magic brick by brick if I was unhappy. Awaken an army of inferi if I asked for
one. He gives me all that I ask for. He spoils me with random flowers and presents and
breakfast in bed. He takes me on trips he knows I’ll love. He would give his life for me. You
Volkoff are nothing.”

Volkoff flinched as he felt his eyes open against his will. It felt as if someone stuck pins into
his eyelids keeping them up so Draco would them clearly. Draco smiled at the look of
absolute devastation in the brown eyes staring up. Physical pain was one thing, but
psychological pain? That was the real beauty of torture.

“You are nothing Volkoff. You are attractive, I will give you that, but that’s all you are. You
are petty. You are a whore. You are pathetic. Chasing around a man who has never given you
the time of day? Do you even realize how desperate and sad that is? Your own father hates
you. When Hadrian went to him for his plan last year do you know what his response was? “I
need to ensure my wife is carrying a new heir first.” Your father has known about your death
for a year and has done nothing. He did not warn you. He did not attempt to stop you. He let
you carry on like the pathetic waste of sperm you are.”

Volkoff tears burned his eyes as he fell from his eyes and down the side of his face like a

“Bloody hell,”Sirius mumbled to Marvolo and Hadrian, “He’s much more blood thirsty than I

“If you shag in that throne are sure the doors are locked,”Marvolo muttered, “I do not want to
see that.”

“You won’t be the one seeing it,”Hadrian said quietly, his eyes locked on Draco as he
whispered to Volkoff.
“Your going to pull his soul?”Marvolo asked curiously. Hadrian was normally very serious
about anyone seeing Draco.

“Oh yeah,”Hadrian said giving his father a grin, “I’m going to torture it while I do it too.”

“He get’s that from you,”Sirius told Marvolo pointedly, “I should have taken him to more
parks as a child.”

“He’s vicious with his words,”Marvolo said, “I wonder where he got that from.”

“His father in law,”Hadrian said softly, “He has learned a lot from you father. Much more
than you will ever know.”

Marvolo sat up straighter in his chair, his proud gaze went to Draco, “I’m glad you captured
him. He’s a fine consort.”

Sirius and Hadrian shared a smile behind Marvolo back.

Draco stood up and the ward around them dropped.

The Death Eaters shifted on their feet curious as too what was said. Not one was dumb
enough to actually ask.

Draco made his way to the side of the table and put the tip of his wand on Volkoff stomach.
He sucked his stomach in trying to escape the wand.

“We aren’t starting at your stomach, don’t worry,”Draco assured him. His wand he dragged it
up his chest and down his arm to his fingers. A thin line of blood trailed after the wand as it
lightly cut the skin. Volkoff didn’t let a sound escape him this time. He wouldn’t give Draco
the satisfaction.

Draco grinned at him, “I once read about the Spanish inquisition and the techniques that they
used to get information. One thing that greatly intrigued me was this thing they did with thin
pieces of metal.”

Draco taped each nail individually. Thin pieces of metal appeared before each nail and
quickly forced its way under the nail. Blood pooled under his fingers as the metal made its
way past his nail and up over his knuckles to his wrist. Volkoff couldn’t resist the scream this
time. His hand spasmed as it tried to escape the pain only to cause more pain as the metal
rods were jostled.

“Merlin,”someone whispered from the crowd.

Draco looked up with a grin, “Interesting right?”

Hadrian snorted from his chair.

“Please..”Volkoff said quietly, “Please just kill me.”

Draco frowned, “From just that? Merlin that’s pathetic. You wanted to be with Hadrian and
you can’t even stand this small thing?”

“…“Volkoff coughed out.

“Easy for me to say?”Draco mused, “I have been tortured Volkoff. Everyone in this room has
been tortured before. It’s part of training you idiot.”

Of course for Dracos it was only the ‘Crucio’ and only for a few moments. But his point

“Wha-“Volkoff said confused.

“ Hadrian has been tortured much more than me,”Draco told him conversationally, “I didn’t
see it of course, I couldn’t stand it, but he was. For hours. The Death Eaters have been
tortured. For misbehaving, failure, and training. My parents, my father-in-law, my godfather.
Everyone is tortured for one reason or another.”

Hadrians torture lasted for six hours and was the hardest thing Marvolo had ever done in his
life. Severus and Lucius had to help him and even take over more than a few times when
Marvolo couldn’t bring himself to cast the spell. Hadrian had the option to opt out. Sirius and
Draco spent days trying to talk him out of it but he insisted he had to do it. At any point he
could have been captured by the enemy and while his mental shields were solid torture could
sometimes break even the strongest men. Hadrian needed to know that he could withstand
anything they could have thrown at him. He had passed with flying colors.

“But enough of that,”Draco said waving his wand, “I need to finish this before Hadrian has
his turn.”

Draco once again dragged his wand up Volkoff arm and across his collar bone, down his
other arm to his next hand. Draco taped each finger. Volkoff, who had been bracing himself
for the metal, jerked and tried to let out a scream but was it was chocked off. Slowly the
layers of his fingers peeled away. His skin, his nerves, his muscle. It peeled away with
squelching sounds and faded into the air until all that was left was bloody bone. The place
where his finger met the joint was perfectly intact, bone meeting the fleshy part of the hand
like a twisted Halloween decoration.

Sirius cringed from his seat, “Merlin. Hadrian what have you been teaching him!”

“That was me,”Marvolo admitted, “I taught them both the spell. Hadrian just taught him how
to do it on a wider scale.”

Sirius gave him a side eye, “I want to learn it next.”

Draco frowned at the speck of blood that appeared on the sleeve of his robe as if it offended
him. Shaking his head he looked up at Volkoff whose mouth was moving with no sound.
Draco reached his wand out and taped various places on Volkoff body. His liver, his kidney,
his ribs. They all tore from his body and landed on the table next to him. Volkoff was shaking
now, his throat moved forcefully as he tried to swallow.

“Are you okay?”Draco asked Volkoff concerned. He moved to the head of the table and
looked down at him.

“Mon-monster,”Volkoff stumbled out.

“If you think I’m the monster wait until you see what Hadrian is going to do to you. Might as
well change his name too Cthulhu.”

Volkoff let out a wheeze and shook his head fiercely.

Draco suddenly let out a laugh, “You still have hope? Really? Did you ever fall on your head
as a child?”

Volkoffs lips quivered.

Draco shook his head and started a casual stroll around the table, his eyes flicking to various
parts of Volkoffs body before stopping at his feet. Draco flicked his wand and Volkoffs body
flipped over so that he was on his stomach. Volkoff made a small nose as his nose slammed
into the table, the sound of it breaking echoed through the room. Taking his wand Draco ran
the tip of it down Volkoffs calfs.

“Do you know why it’s called the Achilles tendon Volkoff?”Draco asked

Any words that Volkoff attempted were muffled by the table that his head was pressed into.

“Of course you do,”Draco said with a nod, “Do you know what would happen if it was cut?
I’ve told it makes walking nearly impossible but I’ve always wanted to test it.”

With a quick slash of his wand two clean slices appeared. Blood flowed freely as the tendons
were slashed and bone gleamed through. Draco took a step back and made a complicated
motion with his wand. Volkoff body came off the table and hovered for a brief moment
before he landed on his feet. Volkoff screamed as his body moved without his approval. His
legs were forced to walk in an unsteady gait. Every time his foot hit the floor and his weight
was placed burning and searing pain shot up his legs. The only thing keeping him moving
was the magic forcefully surging through his body.

Suddenly, like a puppet with its strings cut, Volkoff fell to the floor. In control fro the first
time in hours he curled into a ball and held his legs to him. His sobbing echoing in the loud
room as he prayed for it to be over.

Pansy finally felt the spell over her lift and she threw her fathers head from her and crawled
away from his body. She hadn’t seen what Draco did to Volkoff but she had heard the words
and she wanted out of his eyesight. Curling into a ball against the wall she watched with wide
“I barely did anything to him,”Draco told Hadrian as he felt his arms wrap around his waist,
“Look at him blubbering like a baby.”

“Hmm,”Hadrian leaned down and kissed Dracos neck, “Use your favorite spell precious.”

Draco smiled, “I thought it would be too boring.”

Hadrian pressed him self against Dracos back, “It’s never boring seeing you use it my love.”

Letting out a light giggle Draco lifted his wand, with a brief circle a red spell shot out and hit
Volkoff in the back.

Volkoff screamed louder than he had before. His body bending back as the cruciatus shot
through his body. His nerves caught fire as his blood boiled and he felt like thousands of
small knifes were stabbing into him over and over again. His body jerked, irritating his
wounds. With a snap his ankle bones broke and they bent inward, his toes almost touching his

Hadrian grabbed Dracos hair and bent his head back and kissed him. Dracos wand hand
dropped to his side as he gave himself over and dropped the spell.

Volkoff twisting body fell to the ground. Tears and snot streamed down his face as he
watched the kiss, unable to close his eyes no matter how hard he tried.

Hadrian really didn’t love him. Didn’t even care for him.

“Your fantastic love and only a speck of blood,”Hadrian mumbled against his lips.

Draco smiled, “Your buying me new robes.”

Hadrian brushed his lips against Dracos once more, “Of course Precious. They are already in
your closet.”

Hadrian straightened up but kept his arms around Draco as he stared at the prone figure on
the ground. Volkoff was a truly pathetic sight on the ground. Twitching and crying, his eyes
forced open, true horror and pain etched in his features.

“Go sit in my chair love,”Hadrian said quietly into Dracos hair.

Draco smirked and made his way to the chair in question. Taking a seat in Hadrians chair his
raised his head high at the mummers that went through the crowd. It was one thing to have a
chair with the leaders, it was another thing completely to be sitting in the chair of a leader.
Marvolo laid his hand on Dracos arm and leaned over, “I am so proud of you. I’m buying you
another Dragon. Don’t tell your mother.”

Draco gave him a wide smile and nodded.

Hadrian made his way over to Volkoff and squatted in front of him. He poked the man with
his wand, shooting bolts of electricity through his already sore and painful body. Volkoff
whimpered and tried to pull himself away.
“Don’t run from me!”Hadrian said. Standing up he took a few steps back before turning to
the man and flicking his hand up. Volkoff landed back on his feet and swayed dangerously
before he was righted straight.

“I-I’m sorry,”Volkoff said, “Please don’t and I’ll run. I’ll never come back.”

Hadrian shook his head, “It is far too late. I’ve wanted to kill you since I was thirteen and I
won’t let you take this from me.”

Hadrian clapped his hand and a large glowing circle appeared around Volkoff. Black mist
floated up from the circle around him circled around him as if waiting for the command.

“There is something you don’t know about me Volkoff,”Hadrian said, “I’m going to tell you
today. But first,”Hadrian turned to Pansy, “Dobby!”

“Yes Master Hadrian!”Dobby said as he appeared at his side.

“Please take Pansy to a room in the dungeon and lock it down. I don’t want her to see or hear
anything that’s about to happen in this room.”

“Of course master!”Dobby announced before popping away with the sobbing girl.

He came back a moment later, “I left her with her fathers head,”Dobby announced proudly.

“Good job Dobby!”Hadrian told him giving the small elf a high five, “You can go back to
your duties or stay here and watch.”

“I would like to watch master,”Dobby said before taking a seat next to Hadrians feet.

“Aren’t house elfs great?”Hadrian asked said to the crowed. A few shifted uncomfortably.
Hadrians regard for his elfs and disagreement on cruel treatment of them was widely known.
Many of them have felt his displeasure at the way they treated their own elfs.

“Now back to the scheduled programming, “Hadrian said turning back to Volkoff, “Volkoff.
Meet my puppies.”

The mist swirled faster until they formed into shapes. Large dogs the size of small bears
appeared with sharp teeth and red eyes. Their torsos and legs solid but tails were made of a
ghostly black mist. The mist seems to flow off of them as they growled and circled around
Volkoff slowly waiting for their masters command.

Volkoff started at them in horror. They couldn’t be….

“Meet Bella, Artie, and Teddy,”Hadrian said. A quick whistle had the dogs running to him
with happy barks. They sat on their hunches around him looking up at him. Hadrian patted
their heads and scratched behind their ears, “I found these babies on accident while I was
playing around. They have another owner but he doesn’t mind them spending time with
me,”Hadrian told Volkoff, “Bella!”Hadrian said sternly as he saw her slowly creep away too
Draco, “Don’t you want to have fun?”
Bella looked between him and Draco and let out a small whine.

“Fine go to him,”Hadrian said with a shake of his head.

Bella let out an excited growl and ran the rest of the way too Draco. Draco bent down and
wrapped his arms around her neck with a laugh before pulling away and holding her face
between his hands, “What a good girl. Are you a good girl?”

Bella nodded and her smoky tail hit the floor silently.

Hadrian looked at Volkoff, “Did I say my puppies? I meant my puppies and Dracos traitor

Bella gave a growl in his direction and purposely dropped infant of Dracos chair with her
face away from Hadrian. Laying her head on Dracos lap she accepted his pats and scratches.

“Now,”Hadrian said turning his complete attention of Volkoff. He flicked his fingers down
and the dogs turned their attention to Volkoff as well, “I like to give them treats sometimes.
Normally they like their treats to be running but that’s not necessary but they do like them

Hadrian flicked his fingers and Volkoffs body jerked back. His sore throat letting out a sound
that should have been a scream. Criss-cross marks appeared all over his body as if he had
been whipped a hundred times. The dogs started to growl, their blood red eyes shined bright
as they leaned forward, eager for their command.

“Is there anything you would like to say Volkoff?”Hadrian asked him.

Volkoff said nothing. There was nothing he could say even if he could get his words pushed
through. He heard stories of dogs such as this. Hounds of hell that chased down spirits that
tried to escape death. The rumors of Hadrians necromagic had been floating around for years
but had been brushed off by so many.

Volkoff knew now his actions had been foolish. He was blinded by love and didn’t listen to
the advice that was given to him from the other students at school. He should have tried in a
more subtle way to get Hadrians love.

Volkoff last thoughts were of Hadrian and how he would never truly know his love.

Hadrian gave the command and the dogs ran. Volkoff cried out as they tore his skin from his
bones. His limbs torn violently from their sockets, one by one. His blood splattered on the
walls and the floor. Rivers of it trailed from his limbs. The blood soaked the dogs dark coats
as they ate their fill until nothing was left. With a final howl into the sky they faded from
view leaving only a bloody floor.

“Let this be a lesson to all!”Hadrian said loudly, “If any of you try anything like what they
did you will be next and I will not be so lenient next time!”

“Yes Prince Noir!”The Death Eaters saluted.


The Death Eaters quickly made their way out of the room. No one spoke until the repaired
doors had shut behind them and they made their way to the entrance hall.

“He calls that lenient?”


Hadrian took off his mask and threw it to the side just in time to catch Draco who leapt into
his arms.

“Do you think we can convince Death to let us keep Bella?”

“I can try but he’s so touchy about his pets,”Hadrian said before pulling him into a sharp

Draco wrapped his arms around Hadrians neck and gave into the kiss.

“Oh don’t mind us,”Sirius said as the adults stood, “We will just be going now.”

The boys ignored them as they lost themselves in their kiss. Hadrian started making his way
up the stairs and headed to his chair.

Sirius and Lucius made distressed sounds and apparated away quickly. Narcissa, Marvolo,
Severus and Regulus following right after. They appeared in Marvolo study.

“I knew we should have found a way to put a bloody purity clause in that contract!”Lucius
said grabbing the bottle of scotch and taking a large drink.

“I agree!”Sirius said taking the bottle from him and taking his own gulp, “Like rabbits those
two are! It’s not acceptable!”

“Oh stop it you two,”Narcissa said with a shake of her head, “They have been active for

“They have not!”Lucius said, “Hadrian must have convinced him when he got to Hogwarts.”

“Yes!”Sirius agreed before frowning, “But not Hadrian it was obviously Draco who
convinced him!”

“It was not!”

“They will be arguing about that for the rest of our lives,”Marvolo commented as he handed
Narcissa her wine.

“Who do you think really started it?”

“Draco,”Marvolo, Severus and Regulus all said at once.

Chapter Summary

We get a look into some of our favorite characters and their thoughts.

Chapter Notes

Hello Friends!
I hope you all have an amazing weekend!
Happy Fathers day to all who celebrate it!
Happy Parent day! for those who don't celebrate 'fathers' day but deserve a shout out for
being amazing human beings anyway!

“Mommy!” Ginny cried out as Molly Weasley came through the fireplace in the Hospital

Poppy Pomfrey stood to the side of the bed and watched with pursed lips. Ginny Weasley had
been screaming and crying since they came into the wing ten minutes ago. Bill had spent the
first five trying to calm her down before giving up and taking a seat on the bed across from
her. Poppy met his eyes over Ginnys head and he gave a slight shake of the head. If he had to
be here so did she. Hadrian was going to owe her big time for this fiasco. Maybe she would
get that cottage outside of Brussels that she had been eyeing. It was the least he could do.

When Marvolo kidnapped her outside her home for help she had no idea what it would mean
for her and for her life. She had expected death. Her mother had gone to school with Marvolo
and considered him a good friend. So Poppy had known him since she was a child and spent
many days playing in her house while he shared tea with her mother. He had always been
nice to her, conjuring her amazing toys, transfiguring stones and branches she brought him
into colorful stones and play wands. It wasn’t until she was almost finished with her
Hogwarts Education that she discovered the truth about the man she had called “Uncle Tom”.
By that time it had been years since she had seen him but no amount of name changing would
make her ever forget his face.

To her surprise Marvolo had brought her straight to a room that contained two boys, Sirius
Black and Severus Snape. She instantly recognized who could only be the youngest Malfoy,
curled up on the bed with wide tear filled eyes. The boy that he was laying against she
couldn’t place, until his bright green pained eyes met her. Lily Potter had been her apprentice
for her last two years at Hogwarts and her eyes were shinning out of this boys face.
“Fix him,”Marvolo demanded.

“Marvolo,”Sirius said quietly, “You have to let her work.”

“You brought me here to help someone?” Poppy said surprised. Her wand already in her hand
and making sweeping motions across the boy on the bed.

Sirius turned too Marvolo, “You didn’t tell her?”

“There wasn’t time,”Marvolo defended.

“You kidnapped her!”Sirius said throwing his hands up in the air, “You were suppose to ask

“Then you should have went,”Marvolo snapped at his husband, “She recognized me the
instant she saw me. I didn’t want her to raise the bloody alarm!”

“Quiet both of you!”Poppy said sternly, “I need to concentrate!”, turning to the boys in the
bed she gave them a gentle smile, “Your Heir Malfoy yes?”

“Yes ma’am,”Draco said after a hard swallow.

“I need you to get off the bed for a moment so I can do a complete diagnostic. You can join
him after,”Poppy told him.

Draco frowned and opened his mouth to argue but the other child squeezed his hand and
tilted his head. Draco gave him a pout but slid off the bed to stand next to the bed, his fist
clenched against his stomach, “Will he be okay?”

Poppy was quiet for a moment as she read the diagnostic, “Yes. Why didn’t you fix this?”
She asked turning to Marvolo with a confused frown, “It’s within your skill set.”

“I cast the spell,”Marvolo told her with a grimace, “He stumbled and fell in the way. Sirius
has no medical skills and Severus only has basic.”

Poppy nodded her head as she started the counter spell. Sirius’ skill set did not lead to
healing, he was more likely to kill the child then help the child. Severus did have basic skills
as a Midi-Healer, a requirement for Potions mastery, and a very good knowledge in dark
magic but this required both a counter curse and internal healing. Poppy may have been a
school matron but was a fully registered Healer, with a specialty in Dark Magic.

“All done,”Poppy said a few minutes later, “I have stopped the spell and removed the residue
to prevent it activating again. His stomach lining is fully healed but he will be uncomfortable
for the next two days. I suggest light meals and soothers before them as well.”

“Of course,”Marvolo said.

“Thank you Madam Pomfrey,”the child in the bed said, “I’m Hadrian.”

Poppy eyed him, “Hadrian Potter?”

“Potter-Black,”Sirius corrected, “I adopted him.”

Poppy crossed her arms in front of her chest and glared at him, “I believe you owe me a
complete explication Sirius Orion Black. You as well Uncle Tom.”

Hadrian snorted, “Uncle Tom?”

“We will go to my study,”Marvolo said, “I will explain everything. Hadrian you will rest until
further notice. Draco it’s time to go home.”

Draco, who had already climbed back into the bed and settled himself under Hadrians arm
gave Marvolo a glare, “I will be staying. I would hate to tell mother why I came home

Marvolo felt his eye twitch at the audacity of the child. He was the bloody Dark Lord. He
would not be bossed around by a child!

….but it would be best if Narcissa didn’t find out about this situation.

“I see no problem with it as long as Hadrian rests,”Marvolo finally said.

Sirius snorted beside him.

“Thank you Father,”Hadrian said softly.

The story that was provided to Poppy afterwards had her both parts incredibly angry and
horribly sad. She agreed to swear herself to secrecy of the activity that happen that day. Both
because of her fondness for her pseudo uncle and the promise that she would be kept as
Hadrians healer. She had delivered the child and preformed all of his check ups before his
partner had gone into hiding. During that time she had became very close to young Lily and
this was something she could do to help keep her child safe.

“My baby! What happen!”Molly demanded of Bill as she held her sobbing daughter close.

“You tell me mother,”Bill shot back, “She made a scene in the middle of the ball screaming
about Hadrian not bringing her to the ball and being her betrothed! What have you been
filling her head with!”

“Don’t you take that tone with me William Weasley!” Molly shouted at her son, “I have not
been ‘filling’ her head with anything but the truth. Hadrian promised to take her to the ball.
Who did he go with?”

“Malfoy,”Ginny cried.

“What,”Molly blanched, “That boy? Albus assured me he had that fixed!”

“What are you talking about?”Bill asked his mother confused, “The headmaster has no say in
Hadrians private life.”
“There are things that you aren’t aware of Bill,”Molly told him calming down, “We have kept
it quiet for her safety but Ginny and Harry are betrothed to be married. They have an official
contract that is already signed and filled with Gringotts, this was going to be their opening
into society.”

Bill stared at his mom, “Opening to society? Mother he is in a very public Betrothal with
Draco Malfoy. You can’t have a contract.”

“Albus said they don’t have a contract,”Moly assured him, “What ever they have is a fraud
created by Voldemort.”

“By Voldemort! Mum Voldemort is dead. Please tell me you don’t believe this foolishness
about Lord Gaunt being Voldemort.”

“It’s not foolishness!” Molly told him, “Albus has told us the truth son. We will discuss it
later I need to talk to your sister. If you don’t want to help us the you can leave.”

Bill raised his hands up in surrender and made his way out of the room. His mothers devoted
loyalty to Albus Dumbledore had made him fear for her at one time. He even secretly tested
her for potions and spell, both came back clean and clear. She was just psychotic.

“Mommy,”Ginny sniffed, “You won’t believe what he said to me.”

“Shh,”Molly shushed her daughter, “We will fix this. Albus warned me when he first came
that he was brainwashed and we would need to help him. That’s all this is. I know of
something that can help us I just need the time to get it. Everything will be okay Ginny. I

Ginny sniffed a few times before nodding. Her mother always fixed things for her. Always.

“What did Albus say about this?”Molly asked her daughter as she thought of what she would
need. Amortentia was too noticeable. She would need something less noticeable and

“No one has seen him since this morning,”Ginny told her.

Molly frowned, “He must be trying to get those lies out of the paper. I can’t believe the
Prophet printed those lies.”

“It was horrible,”Ginny agreed, “The entire school has been talking about it. We have been
telling everyone that it was a lie.”

“I’m sure they will retract the article after the New Year when things are less busy. Now do
you want to come home for the rest of the break dear? It will give us time to finalize our
plan,”Molly offered her daughter with a smile.

“Yes,”Ginny said quietly. She heard the laughter from the other students as Bill took her from
the Ball. Soon they would all regret it. She would be Lady Potter and more powerful than all
of them.
Poppy watched as they left the room. Mollys confidence in Albus and the power he held over
other people was going to be her and her annoying children downfall.


Albus didn’t come out of hiding until seven pm on the day that a polyjuiced Volkoff and
Pansy were discovered in the broom closet. He had spent almost three days casting every
spell and ritual he knew to track people down with no successes. Skeeter and Bagshot were
untraceable and knew it was the work of Voldemort. There was no one else who could have
hidden them away so well, the thought filled him with hot anger. The summons he received
was opened on his personal desk next to papers of arguments that he had created against
anything they might have tried. He had an ill-timed relationship he would admit, but it was
nothing that should effect him now! He had been a leader for years and would use that to
push back against the others and any complaints they may have had.

A knock on his office door had him cursing and quickly making his way to his desk, “Come

Severus walked in with a grim look on his face and took a seat in front of his desk,

“Ah Severus! I trust everything has been well since I took my small leave?”

Severus sighed, “Not exactly headmaster. Young Miss. Weasley made a spectacle of herself
at the Ball and we had an incident this morning involving two students and a broom closet.”

Albus sat up in alarm, “What happen at the Ball?”

“Just after the champions finished their dances Miss. Weasley came in the doors and started
shouting at Heir Malfoy and Heir Potter-Black. Accusing the latter of embarrassing her.”

“Why was she late? Harry was suppose to meet her before the ball to take her,”Albus said
with a frown.

“Hadrian assured her, and the rest of the school, that that was incorrect and his date was Heir
Malfoy as it had been for weeks. You should know Headmaster that the school is in a right
state. Students think the girl is, and I quote, “Off her rocker”.”

Albus closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. That damn girl! The contract was not to be
brought up until this summer!

“She is quite positive they have a contract while Heir Potter-Black is positive they do not. I
will admit Albus as far as I was aware he does have a contract with Draco,”Severus told him
with a frown.
“The contract was signed when he was a child. You have my apologies Severus but I fear the
Malfoys have been lying to you about any contract between him and Draco. One simply does
not exist,”Albus told him sitting back in his chair. Since the contract was now known there
was no sense in hiding it. He would schedule a meeting with Gringotts and Harry as soon as
he could. It was time for Hadrian to pick up his responsibilities. He folded his hands in his
lap, “What has happen this morning?”

“A student found who we thought was Pansy Parkinson and Draco in a closet in a very
indecent potions,”Severus started.

“Miss. Parkinson and Mr. Malfoy!”Albus interrupted him excitedly, this was just what he
needed to separate Harry from that family!

“That is what it looked like yes,”Severus said with a nod, “However Draco was not in the
castle at the time. It turned out to be a student from Durmstrang using polyjuice potion. Miss.
Parkinson and the student have been removed from the school by their parents and the
announcement has already been made by the Prophet of what happen.”

Dumbledore slumped, “Why wasn’t Mr. Malfoy in the castle?”

“He and Heir. Potter-Black were taken home by their parents for the rest of the holiday. I
have a list of students who have also left for the rest of the holiday as well,”Severus told him,
placing the list on the desk.

“Harry shouldn’t have been able to leave the grounds!”Albus said.

“He is not a Hogwarts student,”Severus reminded him, “The rules of Durmstrang are quite
different then ours. There was nothing in their rules about not going home for the rest of the
holiday. The governs had an emergency meeting and allowed the other students the same

“Why was I not told of this meeting,”Dumbledore asked.

“They sent a massive from my understanding but your office has been locked,”Severus told
him with a pointed look.

“Ah. I have been in meetings with the Prophet to get that horrible article retracted. I have
faith it will be happening soon,”Albus told him confidently, “Have you found out any more
about young Harrys home life?”

“He lives in Romania with Gaunt and Black and has since he was a young child. I am unsure
of the exact age unfortunately but I do know it was before he was eight. He met Draco when
he was eight and they have been friends since then. He is top of his schooling at Durmstrang
and has taken first place in their annual dueling championship since he was a first year. He
received 11 O.W.Ls, all top score, and has had an apprenticeship with the Minister of
Romania for the last two summers,”Severus told him.

“Tell me more about this dueling championship?”Albus asked in interest. If he was very well
magically inclined it would make training him for the final battle much easier.
“The tournament is held on the last day of every school year. They have two tournament
options, you can do Year which is against your year mates or school which will go off what
school year you are in. First through third and fourth through seventh,”Severus said.

“Which ones does he compete in?”

“He has competed in the school tournament every year since starting,”Severus said.

“So he has been trained to duel,”Albus said. He drummed his fingers on his desk in thought,
“Does he use a lot of dark magic?”

“His magical abilities are across the board,”Severus told him.

“That is concerning,”Albus said raising his eyebrows, “He is on a very slippery slope. We
will need to start his training immediately to undo any damage that has already been caused.
Do you..”Albus hesitated, did he really want to know?, “Do you know if he has cast the

“Not that I’m aware,”Severus said with a shake of his head, “Black keeps a close eye on his
learnings. Lucius has implied that Black does not allow magic that Dark in his house.”

“That the poor boy is aware of,”Albus said in concern, “He was always more persuasive I
hate to say. He worked so hard to escape the dark and he was tricked back into it. I will
arrange a meeting with him so I can make sure he knows we are here for him.”

“If you insist,”Severus sneered.

“Come now Severus! It has been many years since you were in school together, it’s time you
let go of the past,”Albus told him wisely.

“I will take it into consideration,”Severus said before standing up, “I must get back to my
potions. Is there anything else?”

Albus shook his head and allowed Severus to leave. Taking a lemon drop he put it in his
mouth and leaned fully back in his seat. It seemed Harry had been trained very well but what
power did he have? It is possible to win duels without large magical reserves by using tactics
and movements. Severus didn’t seem to know anything about Harrys actual magical power.
Was it possible he didn’t a large amount of magical strength? If he didn’t it would explain
why it’s not spoken of, it would be a great shame for his family if that was the case.

He would speak to Sirius about that as well during their meeting. Albus would assure him he
didn’t care that Harry was weak. That wasn’t important.

Hadrian stroked his hand down Dracos back as he laid across his chest. Draco had made good
of his promise to Volkoff, which reminded Hadrian. Glancing over to the corner of the room
he smirked as he saw Volkoff. Curled up in the corner his screams and cries were silent to the
rest of the room. Waving his hand he released his soul back to the afterlife and kissed the top
of Dracos head.

“You good?”

“Yes,”Draco purred. He stretched out and let out a low groan, his body was deliciously sore.
Some of their best shagging happened after Hadrian came back from a meeting still high
from the intoxication of his power.

“I don’t think Volkoff enjoyed the show,”Hadrian told him with a smirk.

“Such a shame. I thought he would enjoy seeing you naked,”Draco said with a shrug, “Really
I was being kind in letting him see.”

“Your such a nice person precious,”Hadrian said giving him a light kiss, “He’s just

“What did your father think?”Draco asked a few moments later. Neither of them had any
intention of leaving the bed that morning. If Draco could he was going to convince Hadrian
to let them stay in it all day.

“He was proud of you,”Hadrian said softly, “Very proud. I think Papa was a little concerned

Draco let out a soft laugh and pressed a kiss to Hadrians chest, “I don’t know what he
expected. After all, you're my trainer.”

“True,”Hadrian mused, “I’ve been thinking.”

“Did it hurt?”Draco asked.

Hadrian swatted his arse, “Smart arse. I was thinking I could transfer to Hogwarts for my last
year. Once Dumbledore is out of the school of course.”

“Really!”Draco asked sitting up on his arms and looking down at Hadrian, “You want to
transfer? But you have so many options at Durmstrang! You're going to be head of the

“But at Hogwarts I have the option of you,”Hadrian said softly, “Head of Class won’t mean
anything to people outside of the school. I already have more connections than most people
would get in a lifetime. I want to spend my last year relaxing with you.”

Draco blinked glassy eyes down at him, “Are you sure?” He whispered. Durmstrang was the
best school for Hadrian, not only was it out of England but it gave him free rein to leave
whenever he wanted and build outside relationships. Draco never thought Hadrian would
want to leave that for Hogwarts, even if Dumbledore was gone.
“Positive,”Hadrian told him, “I’ve already spoken to father about transferring and he agrees
that it would be good for me. Something about needing normal teenage experiences.”

Draco laughed, “He’s right. You have spent the last three years pretty much building a small
empire. You have a finger dipped in every major Magical community on earth and you're an
assassin for a few of them as well.”

“Only three of them,”Hadrian pointed out, “and it was the only way to learn how the
Japanese power structure works.”


“Have you seen their Czar? I would do almost anything that man asks.”

Draco glared down at him before looking thoughtful, “Yeah true. He is a fine specimen.”

Hadrian rolled over and pressed Draco into the bed underneath him, “When all is said and
done I will join you next year. I will hold off all work, unless absolutely necessary, and be a
normal teenager. Nothing to worry about except homework and trying to not get caught in the
broom cupboard.”

“I’ll hold you to that,”Draco said with a smile, “But you know as a married couple we get our
own room.”

“We have our own room here and we are still working our way through the manor,”Hadrian
said with a smug smile.

Draco blushed, “We will no longer be doing that. Siri told my father what happen and he
wouldn’t look at me without crying for two weeks.”

“I think it was the rope that did him in,”Hadrian told him with his head tilt to the side.

“I think it was your clone,”Draco said with a snort.

“You wanted a threesome,”Hadrian reminded him, “I couldn’t have anyone else seeing you
like that.”

“I didn’t say I didn’t enjoy it,”Draco said pulling Hadrian down for a kiss, “In fact I would
very much like to do it again.”


Draco slapped his chest, “Hell no. I don’t want your dick near my arse for the next week.”

Hadrian dropped to the side and pulled Draco to him, “Probably for the best my love. Let’s
stay in bed for the rest of the day though. I don’t feel like leaving this room.”

Draco smiled and kissed Hadrians neck lightly. He loved this man.

The quietness of the Slytherin common room was broken by the entrance opening. Luna
confidently came into the room with Viktor tailing her, they ignored the look of confused
annoyance on the other students faces. No one would actually approach them, it was well
known now that she was close to Hadrian and Draco. That gave her immunity.

“Hello,”Luna said softly as she sat at the table that already held Blaise, Theo and Daphne.

“Any news?”Theo asked putting his book down.

Daphne and Blaise looked too Luna.

“Hadrian, Draco and Pansy will be back when the term starts,”Luna told them, “I’m afraid
Durmstrang will be a student short however.”

“Pansy is coming back?”Blaise asked in surprise.

“Her fathers funeral is the day before she comes back,”Luna told them with a look.

The others shared a look. They desperately wanted to ask why it was Pansy father who had
died and not her, but it wasn’t a question for the public.

“So how is it going with Antony?”Luna asked Blaise.

“Pretty good,”Blaise said. He smiled softly at the reminder of the Bulgarian. Antony was like
no one he had ever met before. Blaise had been with a lot of people, girls and boys, but no
one treated him as if he was truly worth something. He didn’t try and use him for his money
or hide him away in his bed curtains to make sure his roommates didn’t notice him. Blaise
had assumed that after the ball he would be dropped but Antony woke him up the next
morning with breakfast and they spent the day by the lake. Antony had even mentioned going
to Italy for the summer to meet his mother. All of the effort Blaise put into keeping his
distance was failing. He couldn’t find it in himself to be upset about it.

“I heard he wants to meet our mother this summer,”Viktor said with a chuckle, “If you let
him go you will never get rid of him.”

“We hardly know each other,”Blaise said with a frown.

“Sometimes you just know,”Luna told him softly, “If you want him to leave you alone and he
doesn’t just let Hadrian know. He will take care of it.”

Blaise choked, “Oh no. I really like him. No need to get the man killed.”

“Hadrian couldn’t kill him,”Luna assured him, “His father is very important.”

“Is that how Hadrian decides that?”Daphne asked curiously.

“Mostly,”Luna told her with a shrug.

“Anyway,”Theo said with a shudder, “Have you two finalized your contract?”

Luna gave him a beaming smile, “Hadrian met with Viktor father and it’s all been settled.
Viktor went and signed it this morning. The wedding will be in springtime in a few years,”
Luna then frowned, “I do ask that you keep a better eye on your children however. I would
like my cake intact.”

Theo choked on his drink and quickly set it down, “WHAT?”He wheezed.

Daphne however just smiled, “Of course Luna. Thank you for the warning.”

“What children?”Theo asked slightly panicked, “We have no children.”

Daphne rolled her eyes and taped him on the head, “We will have them eventually you

“But not now,”Theo said in confirmation.

“Obviously not,”Daphne said with a sniff. Unlike their friends around them they had a strict
contract and there was absolutely no way she could be pregnant.

Daphne met Lunas eyes and she held up two fingers discreetly before they shared a smile.

Viktor was trying not to laugh at the obviously panicking Theo and glanced at Luna. She
would need to provide Hadrian and Draco with their children before they could officially
bond and he had no problems with that. Their contract was very loose in terms of activity and
in reality they had years. Viktor didn’t want children for many years and Luna agreed. She
did mention something about her and Draco being pregnant at the same time but she was
mumbling to herself and Viktor assumed he had misheard her. He had to have misheard her.



“Uncle Reggie!”Hadrian called as he burst into Reggies door. Hadrian laughed and ducked
the pillow that came flying at his head, “Is that anyway to treat your favorite nephew?”

“Is there something you wanted Potter?”Severus asked irritated as he sat up on his arms.

Regulus rubbed his face as he fully sat up in bed, “Who said you're my favorite? Right now
I’m leaning more toward Draco.”

“Your a bloody liar,”Hadrian sang, “Now get up. Draco wants a beach day at he island before
we go back tomorrow and he wants the entire family to come.”

“Draco may be your boss but not ours,”Regulus groaned.

Hadrian gave them a sweet smile, “He may be my boss but I am your boss. So get up and
meet us in the entrance hall. Or else.”

Hadrian skipped out of the room and slammed the door shut behind him.

“Remember when he was younger and his threats were adorable?”Regulus asked Severus as
they got out of bed to get dressed.

“Ah,”Severus said with a nod, “It’s been quite a few years since then. Especially once he met

“First time he ever tortured me was because I made Draco cry,”Regulus said with a shake of
his head, “I saved the kid in a cave and he cast cucio on me because I told Draco he couldn’t
keep that blasted Hippogriff in the bathroom.”

Severus snorted, “You should have just let Marvolo handle it like I always do.”

“I learned my lesson,”Regulus said with a laugh, “Alright lets go before Hadrian goes all
Prince Noir on us.”

The warm tropical island was a drastic difference to the snowy manor. Pure white sandy
beaches that lead into clear warm water full of ocean animals, both magical and muggle. The
manor on the island sat in front of a large forest that had been specifically built and
habituated for various animals that Draco wanted at his sanctuary. Rocky terrain, lush green
humid forests and even a small swap was hidden inside the wards of the island.

Dobby and the other elfs had set up a complete beach get away area near the water line.
Chairs and towels were spread out under a large canopy that was set up for the adults that
preferred to keep their fair skin. A large selection of muggle sand toys were provided for the

Bill and Charlie were already in the sand and teaching their father how to use the muggle
toys to create a sand castle. A large group of adults were all under the tent enjoying tea and
cucumber sandwiches. Severus instantly went to the tent and settled into the chair beside

“I had a potion to complete,”Severus said with a huff as he accepted the drink handed to

“You could have said no,”Lucius said.

“I wasn’t given a choice,”Severus said with a nod to Hadrian, “Draco wanted us all.”

Lucius and Narcissa laughed.

“Hey Arthur! Having fun?”Hadrian asked sitting down next to him.

“Oh yes! Such ingenious inventions,”Arthur said holding up a castle tower mold, “We have
spells to create the castle but doing it with these is so much more…satisfying.”

Hadrian laughed, “I agree. Draco wouldn’t go near them for weeks when we first got them.
Now,”Hadrian gestured his hand over the large amount of toys, “he has quite the collection.”

“How’s the house?”Hadrian asked as Draco joined him in the sand and grabbed his favorites,
including one directly out of Charlies hand.

“Unbearable,”Arthur said cheerfully, “Molly is in the right state and Ginny hasn’t left her

“Sorry about that,”Hadrian said.

Draco was quickly building the base to what was bound to be a large castle.

“I stay in my shed most of the time,”Arthur said, “How are you making such a fine base

“Well-Hadrain put me down!”Draco screeched as Hadrian grabbed him and swung him in his
arms. He made a dash to the ocean and jumped in. Draco screamed in laughter as the landed
in the water.

“I was having a conversation you ape!”Draco shouted, his wide smile taking the bite from his

“I thought you looked hot,”Hadrian said with a grin.

“I always look hot Gaunt,”Draco said with a sneer.

“Ooo pulling out the Gaunt,”Hadrian said with a laugh. Hadrian had long ago officially
changed his surname to Gaunt but on paper it was Potter-Black. Mostly to throw off
suspicious, but also because so much had already been done with that last name it would
have been a pain to change it now.

“It was called for,”Draco said with a sneer.

Hadrian grabbed Dracos waist and pulled him close, “Oh what ever can I make it up to you

Draco wrapped his arms around Hadrian neck, “I can think of a few things. Most of them we
can’t do in present company but..”

“What,”Hadrian whispered laying his forehead against Dracos.

“Angie is very lonely…I think she would like a friend,”Draco said with a soft smile.

Hadrian wanted to groan. Angie was the only giant they had on the island currently, and only
because they found her as a small child and she had pretty much imprinted on Draco.
“That might be difficult love,”Hadrian said gently, “She’s aggressive to anyone who’s not
you. It will be hard finding her someone and getting them to come without losing men.”

Dracos bottom lip started to quiver, “But she’s all in that cave alone. Michael said he heard
her crying the other day. I want her to have a friend.”

“Draco,”Hadrian groaned.

“What’s more important? Me or your men,”Draco demanded.

“Fine!”Hadrian gave Draco a kiss, “I will find her a friend. He might be a bit younger than

“Thank you Hadrian!”Draco pulled him into a deep kiss.

“Stop that!”Marvolo called out, “You wanted us here! Get out of that blasted water and come
have lunch!”

Hadrian and Draco pulled apart with a laugh and swam back to their guests.

“Father I will need your assistance,”Hadrian said as they took their seats around the table.

“Of course,”Marvolo said raising his eyebrow.

“I need to find a friend for Angie,”Hadrian told him, “I thought you would have an idea of
where to start.”

Marvolo closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, “You want to bring another be…
giant here?”

“Angie is lonely,”Draco said softly, “She’s scared of the other creatures and I’m the only
company she has. I can’t give her back to the giants they would never accept her.”

“They tossed her out,”Hadrian reminded his father, “That’s how we found her in the first

Marvolo sighed, “I have no idea where we would even start boys. We can’t just take a giant
from a village and they keep their children close.”

“I might be able to help,”Charlie offered. Everyone turned to him curiously, Draco looked
hopeful and Hadrian raised his eyebrow. Charlie briefly hesitated, “Well it’s just that
Dumbledore sent Hagrid out to find if he could get the giants on his side. That failed,
obviously, but he brought back his younger brother. I have no idea how old he is but he’s
older then Angie.”

“That could work,”Hadrian agreed, “So how do we kidnap him?”

“Er I don’t think that’s necessary,”Charlie said quickly, “I can talk to Hagrid. He’s been
looking for a better place for Grawp.”
“What if he wants to visit? We can’t have him on the island,”Hadrian said with a frown.

“I’ll tell him it’s a sanctuary that doesn’t allow visitors. As long as we give him updates he
will be happy for him,”Charlie told him.

“Great. You will bring the giant here. Take whoever you think will help you the
most,”Hadrian said with a smile.

“Do you will think they will babies?”Draco asked excitedly.

Marvolo and Hadrian shared a look. Of course he wants baby giants.

“If they mate yes. They may not find each other compatible and live platonically,”Charlie
told them holding in laughter.

Hadrian sincerely hoped they mated. He did not want to try and find more blasted giants if
they didn’t.

Arthur had to leave after lunch and said goodbyes taking a few beach toys with him. Hadrian
and Draco pulled Regulus and Sirius into the water to join them, along with Bill and Charlie
in a game of water volleyball. The fun attitude quickly left as the game turned serious and the
competitiveness of the boys came out.

Marvolo stayed under the umbrella with the Malfoys and Severus as they watched the game
happening in the water.

Narcissa flinched as the volleyball hit Bills face with a loud thud, “I didn’t realize this game
was so..violent.”

“It’s normally not,”Severus said with a chuckle, “I saw a few games in my youth and it was
intense at times but there was much less contact.”

“Many muggle games are violent,”Marvolo shared with her, “Football, lacrosse, American
football. All hands on full contact sports. I’m sure there are more as well.”

“Animals,”Narcissa sneered.

Marvolo tilted his head in agreement, “They can be. We must remember they don’t rely on
their wands as we do. It’s only natural that their sports and work go more towards hand on

“We don’t rely on our wands,”Lucius commented, “We are fully trained in muggle dueling.”

“It’s fighting Lucius. Most magical are not trained as we are and they do rely on their wand.
Remember When Hadrian punched that Duke in the face? He was so surprised he screamed
and ran away,”Marvolo said.

Lucius nodded, “Is that why Hadrian has such strong opinions about adding physical activity
to the curriculum?”
“Yes. He believes everyone should be able to fight even if they are disarmed,”Marvolo

“Has the new curriculum been fully planned?”Lucius asked Marvolo and Severus.

“Yes,”Severus said, “We approved the final plans last night. They will be in effect with the
start of fall term.”

Hadrian, Marvolo and Severus had all different ideas of what they wanted to really teach the
students. They had spent a year coming up with plans and classes until they had found the
perfect plan for them. Many things were going to stay but they were bringing back many
classes that were taken and adding in new classes that had never been introduced but would
be better for all.

“Things are finally going to change,”Narcissa said with a smile, “By the time our
grandchildren hit Hogwarts the world will be a different place.”

Marvolo tilted his drink to her.

When he was first brought back he knew he wanted to change things in a different way.
Using force and starting a war only cost the lives of so many magical people and nothing
changed in the end. As soon as it was over everyone reverted back to what they were before
and once again the dark went into hiding. Marvolo had already known he was going to find a
way to do it in the shadows but Hadrian was the complete game changer. His charismatic
nature ensnared people easily, a few well placed words and smiles had people falling into his
palm. His thirst for knowledge and magic had sent him traveling around the world every
chance he had to learn from different cultures, different people. Every stop he made was a
chance for more friends and allies, both of which were easily made.

Marvolo had never looked into his sons business but he had a funny feeling that if Hadrian
ever needed anything, or was every in trouble, he would have an army at his back.

Marvolo looked out at Hadrian as he played with the others in the water. Marvolo had always
intended to be the ruler of the Wizarding World but now he knew different.

He wouldn’t be the ruler.

He had raised the ruler.

As if knowing what Marvolo was thinking Hadrian looked over at him and met his eyes.

And gave him a smirk.

The Reveal of the Contract
Chapter Summary

Hadrian goes to Gringotts to discuss the contract and a mistake ends the life of another.

Chapter Notes

Okay so there was a reason I didn’t write Hadrian and Dracos betrothal contract out. Ya
girl sucks at it.
I looked up examples but didn’t really like them so I just went with it.
Don’t be too hard on me.

TW:Slight Violence

Sirius paced in front of the floo in his office. The first three of Dumbledores summons
became kindling in his fireplace. He had nothing to say to the man and the idea of being
stuck in a meeting with him was borderline unbearable. Sirius sighed and ran his hand
through his hair, a habit he got from James and Hadrian, and sat in his chair. It didn’t take
Hadrians warning to know that if Sirius went to the meeting he would be face to face with not
only Dumbledore but also Remus.


Sirius leaned forward and put his forearms on his thighs as he stared into the fire. He never
felt anything other than friendship for Remus. His heart had been taken long before the rest
of his friends discovered what love truly was and there was no room in his heart for anyone
else. He knew of Remus feelings for him. Remus was horrible at hiding his reactions and
feelings, a true Gryffindor. Sirius had wondered at one point if he ever lead Remus on
inadvertently but knew in his heart he didn’t. Remus fell in love all on his own, Sirius didn’t
need to do anything to cultivate it. He didn’t try and hinder it either, he allowed Remus to do
feel what he liked with no rejection from him.

Sirius, at one point, had thought he would be able to get Remus on his side. Being a werewolf
he was inherently dark, his wolf would be begging for the sweet taste of dark magic. Every
time they ran together on the full moon those thoughts became more and more distant.
Remus’ hatred for his gift and religious devotion to Dumbledore was painfully obvious. So
Sirius abandoned that plan and just lived as he wanted to while getting information for the
dark and sleeping with the Dark Lord behind all off his friends backs.

Since realizing that Hadrian would be going back to Hogwarts for the tournament Sirius
thought long and hard about what he was going to do with Remus. That sliver of friendship
was still in him. A small part that didn’t want to hurt his old friend with cruel words and


He did want to hurt his old friend with cruel words and actions. The man instantly pinned
him as the traitor and fought against him being the secret keeper. Once the doubts started to
creep into their minds Remus had no problem going to James and Dumbledore to tell them of
his suspicious. He had no evidence, Sirius was too good for that, but he still was convinced
that it was Sirius. The fact that he was correct didn’t matter, it was the principle of the thing.

Then he abandoned Hadrian. He never visited him, never even checked up on the child of his
best friends, a child he claimed as his pup. Instead he fell off the face of the earth and lived in
the muggle world doing odd jobs for cash. Sirius didn’t need to wonder why this was, he
knew it was because of Dumbledore and Remus’ need to follow his every word. But it was
still horrible and completely disrespectful to the memory of James and Lily.

Sirius stood up and brushed his robes off. Giving one last sigh he tossed the powder into the
floo and stepped in.

“Headmasters office, Hogwarts!”

Sirius smoothly left he flood and brushed the soot off his robes as his eyes took in the office.
Absolutely nothing had changed since the last time he had step foot into this office. Still
packed full of instruments and books, the Gryffindor colors on almost every surface. Behind
his desk sat a twinkle eyed Dumbledore and in the front…a cowered Remus.

“I won’t be having any type of meeting if he is in here,”Sirius said with a jerk of his head to

“Now my Boy! I thought I could help mend some bridges between you two. After all you
were best friends and it’s best to move on from the past,”Dumbledore said wisely.

Sirius glanced at Remus and back to Dumbledore and let out a barking laugh, “Your kidding
right? I have moved on from the past. Which is why I want nothing to do with him. Not only
did he accuse me of being the bloody spy all those years ago but he abandoned my son when
he had already lost everything.”

Remus shrunk into his seat more and stared at Dumbledore imploringly. Remus had known
this would be a bad idea from the moment that Dumbledore suggested it. He didn’t want to
come, planned to completely be from the castle actually, but Dumbledore had assured him it
was a good idea.
Sirius shook his head as he saw the motion. Even after all these years Remus was nothing but
a pathetic sycophant.

“Now Sirius-“

Sirius cut Dumbledore off and held firm, “No. Either he leaves or I leave. Take your pick.”

Dumbledore sighed and looked at Remus, “We will continue our tea at a later time Remus.
Go relax.”

Remus nodded got up to leave the room. He paused as he reached the door. Taking a deep
breath and pulling all of his Gryffindor courage he turned back to look at Sirius, “I really am
sorry about what happy Siri. More sorry then I can express.”

Sirius looked at him with a cool expression, “I’m not sorry. It allowed me to see you for what
you really are. A lowly, pathetic, coward. Your no better than Peter and I can’t wait for the
day when James and Lily find you in the after life.”

Remus felt as if his heart had been ripped from his chest completely. He only ever tried to do
what was right for everyone. They knew there was a spy and no one suspected Peter, he
viewed James as a hero. No one thought he would truly betray them and they all knew where
Sirius came from, it was only natural that Remus would think of him. As for Harry…he
didn’t need Remus. Remus couldn’t even hold down a job, what would he have to offer a
child who was with family.

Remus said nothing as he continued out the door. He paused outside of the door. Sirius
thought he was a coward but he wasn’t. He made mistakes in his life. He had done many
things that he regretted. He would not allow this to become another regret. He needed one
last chance to convince Sirius that he wasn’t a coward. That he was worth another chance.

Sirius took the seat that was next to Remus and crossed his leg over the other. Pushing away
the tea that was waiting for him he looked at Dumbledore, “What did you want to talk

“That was not the way to handle that,”Dumbledore told him softly, “Remus has suffered
these years. The very least you can do after years of friendship is hear him out.”

“He didn’t hear me out,”Sirius said with a shrug, “I see no reason to hear him out. Now can
we get to what you called me for? I do have plans later today with my husband I would
eventually like to get to.”

“Your husband is what I would like to talk about,”Dumbledore put his hands together onto of
his desk and looked at Sirius over his spectacles, “I am sure you have heard my concerns
about this ‘Marvolo Gaunt’.”

“Concerns that are unfounded,”Sirius said, “Marvolo is not Voldemort. No matter how much
you want to convince the world that he is.”
“I have proof Sirius,”Dumbledore reviewed.

Sirius raised an eyebrow, “What proof?”

“I have searched for the birth records of “Marvolo Gaunt” and have not found any. There is
no record of him until his eleventh birthday at the start of Durmstrang and those records can
easily be fabricated with his level of skill.”

“You didn’t look hard enough Albus. His birth name is not Marvolo Gaunt, you should have
found records on the name change when he was thirteen.”Sirius said easily, “As for school
records. If you believe they are fake I can give you list of his teachers and even the
headmaster at the time. He very much went to that school as a child.”

“Not his birth name?”Albus asked sitting up straighter. Could this the missing piece that he

Sirius inclined inclined his head, “His birth name is Salazar. Salazar Slytherin. He changed it
to remove the obvious connection with his father.”

The blood drained from Albus’ face, “His father?” He whispered.

“Tom Riddle,”Sirius answered easily.

“That’s not possible,”Dumbledore whispered, “He has lied to you Sirius. There is no possible
way that he is the son of Tom Riddle.”

“He has kept nothing from me Albus. I am very much aware of who his father is and I do not
hold it against him. He is not Voldemort,”Sirius said..seriously.

When they concocted the plan to create Marvolo identity they knew there would be
questions. Eventually someone would be able to connect the last name Gaunt to Riddle and
then to Voldemort. The records were all there for anyone who bothered to look into it.
Making him his own son solved the problem easily, not that they shared that story with just

“Sirius,”Albus said quietly, urgently, “That is not possible. You must believe me, that is a lie.
I have spent years fighting Voldemort and doing everything I could to prevent his rising
again. Marvolo Gaunt is Voldemort.”

Sirius sighed, “I know what you think Albus. You have spent years trying to convince people
that Marvolo is someone he isn’t. It hasn’t worked for a reason Albus. Voldemort is dead and
gone. Forever.”

“He had ways,”Albus said quietly, “I haven’t spoken of it, not even out loud, but he had ways
of staying that you don’t know of.”

“Like what?”Sirius asked tiredly.

So Albus did know of the Horcruxs. They had wondered for quite some time if that was one
of the reasons he had been so sure that Marvolo was Voldemort. If he knew about them he
obviously didn’t know where they had been. At the very least hadn’t checked them in years.

“I can’t say,”Dumbledore told him sadly, “Not while you are still in his presence and he can
get it from you. Come to the headquarters with me Sirius. We can protect you and Hadrian.”

“From who?”Sirius asked with a lazy grin, “From Marvolo?”

“Yes,”Albus said leaning forward, “I know he has fed you information for years but that
doesn’t matter Sirius. When you realize the truth you will be in danger, both of you. We can
keep you safe.”

“Marvolo would rather die than have anything happen to Hadrian,”Sirius told him, looking
him directly in the eye, “Hadrian is his pride and joy. He loves him fiercely and would never
do anything to hurt him. He would never hurt me either but if it makes you feel any better our
contract explicitly protects me from any danger. He can not lay a finger or wand on me
without sever consequences.”

“Your sure it’s a valid contract Sirius,”Dumbledore asked dubiously.

“Positive. Signed with blood quill and all,”Sirius confirmed.

“That won’t protect young Harry,”Dumbledore said gravely, “Voldemort does not have the
compact for love. He can put on quite the show but that doesn’t mean he means it. You have
to understand this.”

Sirius stood up, “I’m done with this conversation. Marvolo is ‘NOT’ Voldemort. Hadrian is
safer with Marvolo than he would be with anyone else. I will not have this conversation with
you any longer. I’m going to see Hadrian before I leave.”

Like Remus before him, Sirius had one final thing to say before he left. Turning around he
glared at Dumbledore, “I can’t help but wonder why you begged for them to not kill
Grindlewald? Because you loved him? Because you still love him? Only one of use allowed a
Dark Wizard into their bed and it sure as hell wasn’t me.”

Sirius left before Albus could say another word.

Albus watched him go in complete shock.

How could he say that to him?

How dare he!


Sirius was almost to the staircase when he felt a strong arm pull him into a hidden alcove.
“What do you want,”Sirius spat at Remus.

Remus looked at him with large and beseeching eyes, “Sirius you have to listen to me. You
think I’m a coward but I’m not. I may not be better than Peter for the betrayal I have done but
I am not him.”

Remus grabbed Sirius and pulled him to him quickly. Giving into the urges he had been
fighting his entire childhood he kissed Sirius. Hard. Passionately. Lovingly. The war in his
mind quieted down as his body warmed up. It felt like sparks were igniting in his body he
finally tasted the lips that he had been dreaming of for years.

But it was only for a moment.

Remus’ back exploded into pain as the back of his head cracked on the wall. He slid down
with a groan and looked up with blurry vision. If he had been human his head would have
been cracked open.

Hadrian stood in front of him, wand in hand and pointed to him and fury bleeding from his
eyes. Behind him was an equally pissed Draco holding onto the arm of an angry and shocked

“Are you out of your bloody mind,”Hadrian hissed, “You dare attack my father? What the
bloody hell is wrong with you!”

“You-you don’t understand,”Remus said, wincing as his words seemed to make the aching in
his head worse.

“I understand plenty. I understand you grabbed my father and tugged him into this dusty
alcove before putting your disgusting lips on him,”Hadrian sneered.

“No! No I-“

“Hadrian,”Sirius said softly from behind them, “Take his memories and let’s go to the
common room. I’ve always wanted to see it.”

Remus’ eyes wide as he looked between them. Take his memories? Hadrian didn’t have the
power to take his memories! His wolf protected his mind.

Hadrian squatted down in front of Remus and gave him a cruel smile, “Your wolf is no
challenge for me.”

Hadrian grabbed Remus by the throat and used his other hand to yank his head back, “I have
gentler ways of doing this, but where’s the fun in that.”

Remus last thought before he woke up in his room fifteen minutes later with no memory of
what occurred was that Albus was wrong.

Hadrian was already lost to them.


The common room cleared out as Hadrian stormed into the room with Draco and Sirius
following him. Blaise sat with Luna by the fire and looked at him with wide eyes.

“That bloody animal!”Hadrian sneered.

“I can’t believe he did that,”Sirius said in disgust, “I need a complete new mouth. Does
anyone know how to get a new mouth?”

“Hadrian can take away your current one and you can grow a new one,”Draco offered.

“Er-Wait can you really?”Sirius asked Hadrian.

Hadrian shrugged, “I’m not sure about growing it back but I can rip everything out of your
mouth to the bone.”

“I’m good,”Sirius said weakly, “No need for all of that. Bloody hell your father is going to be

“Tell him I’m handling it. I already have a plan,”Hadrian said running a hand through his
hair, “He will get him eventually. I can promise him that.”

“Good. He’s going to want to kill him himself,”Sirius said with a grin. Now show me this
room I keep hearing all about.”

Blaise and Luna jumped off the couch to show Sirius around the room. As they walked
around they pointed out the important parts. All three of them leaving Hadrian alone for
Draco to calm him down.

Hadrian pulled Draco to him and kissed his neck lightly, “Tell me Draco,”he purred into his
neck, “Who else in this school do you hate?”

Draco laughed quietly, “Oh I have a list my love.”

“So papa,”Hadrian said pulling away from Draco, “How does it compare?”

“I like it,”Sirius said with a nod, “Much better than Gryffindor. Better color scheme.”

“I think so,”Hadrian agreed, “They use too much red.”

“When were you in the Gryffindor common room?”Blaise asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I explored everywhere when I first go there,”Hadrian said with a shrug, “I’ve been in all the
common rooms.”

“Not fair. I’ve always wanted to see Hufflepuffs,”Blaise said with a frown.

“I can sneak you in later if you want,”Hadrian offered.

“Sweet,”Blaise said clapping his hands together.

“What did he say?”Hadrian asked Sirius.

“I’ll tell you later,”Sirius said waving his hand, “I have to head home to your father. The
bond is already twinging with his irritation.”

“He felt the kiss?”Draco asked.

“What kiss?”Blaise asked sitting up in his seat.

“Never mind you,”Sirius said, “He felt something put probably not the reason for it. I will see
you all at the second task. Behave.”

They waved Sirius away and relaxed into their seats.

Luna taped Hadrians hand and leaned into him, “This moon is the best.”

Hadrian nodded and kissed her head, “Thank you.”


The first week of the new term was a great week. The papers announced the death of Lord
Parkinson the morning of the new term. Pansy was solemn when she arrived at the school,
accepting condolences with quiet words. Sometimes Hadrian caught a flash of guilt in her
eyes when she thought no one was looking. Every time filled Hadrian with vindictive glee.

Serves the bitch right.

The only people who knew the truth about the death were the children of Death Eaters and
the few students who had already been inducted. Soon the news spread through out the entire
house. It made the common room an unsafe space for her. Taunts and jeers followed her as
she made her way through the room. Whispers of “Patricide” made its way around the
corners of the room. The only people who stood at her side were Crabb, Goyal and Tracy, but
even the latter was drifting away with every word heard.

The Durmstrang students cheered Hadrian as he stepped foot onto the ship after break. A
large going away party was held in honor of Volkoff no longer being a student at the school,
or in life. Hadrian didn’t remember much of the party but work up the next morning on the
floor of his cabin naked and alone. Draco was curled up comfortable on the bed wrapped up
in his sheets sporting various marks along his pale body.

“You left me on the floor,”Hadrian mumbled as he crawled into bed with Draco and pulled
him to him.

“You wouldn’t get off the floor after I rode you,”Draco mumbled, “Now shut up.”
When Harry and Draco finally made it out of bed at noon students were in various stages of
dress spread out on the ship asleep. They spent a few minutes pranking various students with
colored hair and skin, leaving some traps and surprises along the ship. The final piece was the
loud horn that Hadrian charmed to play as they left the ship. Shouts of angry students were
heard as they made their way to Hogwarts.

Then the summons came.

“It’s the summons,”Hadrian said as he opened the letter with the gold Gringotts seal.

“For when?”Draco asked leaning over to see.

“Saturday. Eleven am,”Hadrian told him putting the letter away.

“I can’t wait to see their faces,”Draco said with glee.

Hadrian was in full agreement.


Hadrian walked down the hallway to Griphooks office Saturday morning with Draco at his
side and his parents arguing quietly behind him. Sirius thought Dumbledores hearing had
been pointless as nothing had been done while Marvolo thought it had done its job in casting
doubt on the headmaster. Hadrian had viewed the meeting in his fathers pensive and agreed
with both of them in parts. In an obvious way Sirius was correct, nothing permeant came
from the meeting as Albus was still in the Wizamagot and the Headmaster but Hadrian saw
more. The looks that were traded amongst the members, the doubtful eyes as Dumbledore
tried to convince him that the theme of both articles, that Dumbledore wasn’t the muggle
lover that he claimed to be, was false and not true.

“Will you knock it off,”Hadrian hissed, “Now is not the time to argue about such trivial
things. We knew nothing would really come from that meeting because there was nothing
concrete. Have patience Papa and stop riling him up Father.”

“Your right,”Sirius said quietly, “Sorry.”

Marvolo nodded.

“I feel like a damn ringmaster sometimes,”Hadrian mumbled to Draco who giggled.

“I said sorry,”Sirius whined.

Hadrian shook his head with a smile and the rest of the way was quiet. They arrived ten
minutes early and took their seats. A large table had been added to Griphooks office with him
at the head. On one side held Hadrian, Draco, Marvolo and Sirius leaving the other side open
for the Weasleys. All hints of arguments gone from his parents as their hands met and
Marvolo pressed a kiss to Sirius knuckles.

“You are my life,”Marvolo said quietly to Sirius.

“I’m sorry for being difficult. I’m just getting nervous,”Sirius said giving Marvolo a light
kiss on the cheek.

“It will be over soon,”Marvolo promised.

“Thank you for having us,”Hadrian told Griphook. He held his fist to his heart and gave a
traditional bow to the goblin.

“Lord Peverell,”Griphook said returning the bow.

“Hadrian while the others are here,”Hadrian said with a grin.

“Of course,”Griphook said taking his seat.

Five minutes past the meeting time the doors to Griphooks office opened. Albus headed the
line as Molly, Ginny and Arthur followed in behind him.

“What his HE doing here!”Ginny screeched as she caught site of Draco.

“Please show some decorum in my office,”Griphook said with a frown.

“Of course,”Albus said quickly, “She was simply surprised. I find myself surprised as well,
this is a private meeting after all.”

“I can request whoever I like to be in the meeting with me,”Hadrian said firmly, “I chose
Draco as my third just as the Weasleys chose you.”

“Very well,”Dumbledore said cheerfully. It would make it easier to separate them if young
Malfoy saw the truth for himself.

“Have a seat,”Griphook said guesting to the last of the seats in front of him.

“Now we are here today to discuss betrothal contracts. Correct?” Griphook said pulling out a

“Yes,”Dumbledore said before pulling out a copy of his contract and placing it in front of
Hadrian, “Now Harry if you see here. This is your true official contract between you and
young Ginevra .”

Griphook produced other copies and handed them to the rest.

Draco ignored his copy and leaned into Hadrian side to read the contract he was provided.
Hadrian wrapped his arm around Dracos waist, ignoring the glare from Ginny and the couch
from Griphook that suspiciously sounded like ‘decorum’.
“Bloody Hell,”Draco whispered in aghast looking at the contract.

Official Betrothal contract of Harry James Potter and Ginevra Molly Weasley

This is the agreement made between Molly Weasley and Albus Dumbledore in regards to the
hands of the aforementioned persons.

Terms of Betrothal

1. Mandatory dates three times a week, dates adjustable.

2. Presents must be presented by Hadrian at all dates.

3. A minimum of fifteen Betrothal presents must be presented by the wedding, all presents
musts be approved by Molly Weasley.

4. Both parties must remain pure of penetration throughout duration of the contract.

5. No other relationships shall be allowed throughout duration of contract.

6.Fidelity must be held throughout duration of contract, see above.

Terms of Bonding

1. The marriage will take place one month from Ginevra Weasleys 17 th birthday.

-The bonding will be planned by Molly Weasley

-Bonding will be paid for by Harry Potter

2. A dowery of 500,000 gallons will be provided to the Weasley family.

3. A monthly supplement of 50,000 gallons will be provided to the Weasley family from date
of wedding.

4. Ginevra Weasley will be the family matriarch. As such she will be in-charge of

— All family vaults

—Household income
—Household expenses

—All child rearing

— All official events planned and held by the Potters.

5. Albus Dumbledore will be placed as the financial advisor.

6. A minimum of five children but more allowed.

—First child will be the Heir and must be born within eighteen months of marriage

—Potions to help are executable

7. The bedroom will be shared at all times-NO EXCEPTIONS

8. Fidelity MUST be held in all forms.

—Cheating will result in dissolvement of bond, aggressor will lose complete access to all
Potter vaults and properties.

9.If Harry Potter wishes to dissolve contract he agrees to release all Potter vaults and
Property to Ginevra Weasley.

10.If Ginevra Weasley wishes to dissolve the bond she will be granted a monthly allowance
of 50,000 gallons.

—This will be continued if Ginevra Weasley remarries.

10. Albus Dumbledore will be proxy of all seats held by Harry Potter

11.Harry Potter will join the career decided by Albus Dumbledore, Molly Weasley and
Ginevra Weasley.

12.Albus Dumbledore, Molly Weasley and Ginevra Weasley may change the Terms of
Bonding- postbonding.

Sirius and Marvolo finished reading at the same time and put the contracts down. They
shared a look but remained quiet.

“You have some audacity,”Hadrian said amused as he set down the contract and looked at
Dumbledore, “First of all, even if this was valid there is no way Miss. Weasley could be
matriarch. The Potters are Patriarchal only. The family laws would not allow it.”

“It is valid my boy,”Dumbledore said giving him a sad look, “I’m afraid your relationship
with young Mr. Malfoy will be ending at the end of this meeting and will not be continuing. I
am aware of your family laws and as long as you give Ginny the right she can be Matriarch.”
Hadrian tapped his fingers on the table in front of them wondering how to handle the

“Your bloody daft if you think I would ever marry Miss. Weasley. I would rather lose my
family magic and throw my self from the top of your astronomy tower before I ever allowed
that wench into my family. Also the thought of her having control of my family vaults? And
the obvious bias towards Miss. Weasley and you are honestly insulting.”

Molly and Ginny stared at Hadrian in shock. Hadrian sent a silent apology to his parents for
his next words.

“Furthermore that purity clause? I have been penetrating Draco since my sixteenth birthday. I
have shagged Draco almost every night and morning since I came to Hogwarts. Sometimes
multiple times a day and sometimes all night. There is absolutely no purity in our
relationship, in fact I would say it could be down right degrading at times.”

“Most times,”Draco threw in with a sly grin.

Molly turned red. Her entire being seemed to vibrate with anger and embarrassment at the
words coming from Hadrian. Ginny screeched and only her fathers hand on her shoulder
prevented her from jumping across the table.

“What?”Albus said horsely, “That can not be true. You have a contract.”

“Your right,”Hadrian agreed, he reached his hand out and Griphook handed him his contract.
The sight of the golden contract made the blood drain from Molly and Albus’ face.

“This is my contract,”Hadrian placed it in front of them, “Signed by my legal and magical

guardians two minutes after I turned eleven. Which was over a year before you two attempted
to sign this shit show that you call a contract.”

Albus reached out with a shaking hand to grasp the contract and pull it to him to read. Molly
stared at him with wide eyes as Albus looked more and more defeated with every line he

“How can this be?”Dumbledore whispered as he lowered the contract.

“Sirius has been listed as my Sire since birth and I was formally adopted by Marvolo when I
was eight,”Hadrian said with a grin, “You have never been my magical guardian. Ever. You
should have read that will before you had it sealed.”

“I did that for your safety,”Dumbledore said defensively.

“You still should have read it,”Hadrian said with a shrug, “In any case that contract you have
is not valid. It has never been valid and it will never be valid.”

“Albus fix this!”Molly hissed.

“He can’t,”Sirius said leaning back in his chair, “There is absolutely nothing you can do.
Even if Draco and Harry decided to dissolve their contract, which they can’t, I nor Marvolo
would never allow him to enter a contract with your daughter. We have several fail safes in
the event of our deaths as well. Iron clad fail safes I might add.”

“Why would you agree to this Harry,”Dumbledore asked sadly, “You don’t realize what you
have done.”

“Why can’t you fix it! He’s mine!”Ginny cried to her mother.

“Golden contracts can not be dissolved,”Hadrian sneered to the girl, “Your learning has
severely been lacking if you didn’t realize that the moment you saw the contract.”

“You can’t talk to me like that! I will be your wife,”Ginny said fiercely.

“I. Would. Rather. Die,”Hadrian hissed at her, “Your mother filled your head with lies. That’s
unfortunate but that’s what they were, lies. I don’t even like women.”

Ginny burst into tears and folded her arms across her stomach, “I love you Harry. You can’t
do this to us.”

“You don’t even know me!”Harry said throwing up his arms exasperated.

“Harry,”Dumbledore said urgently, “You must listen to me. I can find a way out of this for

Hadrian glared at him, “You must listen to me Headmaster. I love Draco. I have loved Draco
since I saw him at eight years old and declared him mine. If you even attempt to do anything
to this contract I will call the goblins for betrothal interference and have them handle it.”

“We would be proud to handle it as well,”Griphook said with a sharp smile.

Calling the goblins to aid for betrothal interference was something that hadn’t been done in
two hundred years. Partly because it wasn’t offered by the goblins lightly and partly because
Wizards preferred to not rely on creatures they find lesser then them. If Hadrian called the
goblins he would have an army and if found guilty Dumbledore would lose everything inside
of Gringotts and it would be Hadrians. At one time they used to kill the interfering wizard but
unfortunately they had to stop that.

Dumbledore looked at the goblin in shock, “You have offered Betrothal Interference?”

“Young Heir Potter-Black has become a friend to the goblins,”Griphook told him with a nod,
“We would be proud to help him in this matter if necessary.”

Hadrian gave Dumbledore a sweet smile, “So you see Headmaster? I have no need of your
assistance. I will be keeping a copy of the contract you attempted to force me into as well.”

Remus carefully made his way down to the shrieking shake. The moon would be fully risen
in over a hour but Remus had to ensure he was locked in the shack. He had taken his potion
all day as he did every month but he was always careful to take absolutely no chances. He
made it to the shrieking shake with an hour to spare and say against the back all and sighed.

Some of his best memories were in this shack with his friends. His memories of those nights
were always hazy and hard to remember but he remembered snippets. Running after James,
trying to find Peters small from in the hidden spaces of the shack, racing with Sirius in the

A sharp bolt of pain raced through Remus head. He hissed and held a hand to his head. The
pain slowly got worse, sharp burning pain seemed so slice through his brain. Slowly the pain
lessoned and in its place was a memory.

A memory he didn’t remember.

He saw himself kissing Sirius. Feeling complete for the first time in his life. Then the wall,
Hadrian squatting in front of him and ripping the memory from him in a painful pull.
Hadrians laugh as he did it.

“I didn’t rip it from you,”Hadrians bored voice came from the door way.

Remus head shot up and he stared in horror as Hadrian made his way into the room and
crouched down in front of him, just like the memory. Remus tried to move away but realized
with panic that he couldn’t.

“That’s useless,”Hadrian said in a light tone, “You won’t be moving until I let you. Now back
to what I was saying. I didn’t take ‘rip’ the memory from you, I hid it from you until I wanted
you to see it again.”

“Why,”Remus said quietly.

“You would be suspicious if I didn’t,”Hadrian said with a shrug, “Suspicion can easily bring
answers if you look closely enough.”

“Why are you here Harry,”Remus asked. He would get all the information he could, he had
too for Dumbledore. Dumbledore had to know the truth.

“You won’t have a chance to tell him,”Hadrian said.

“What?”Remus whispered, “How can you get into my thoughts. My wolf protects me.”

“Your wolf?”Hadrian laughed, “You disregard your wolf. You ignore him. You hate him.”

Remus adverted his eyes.

Hadrian sat in front of Remus, “Now I will allow you the next hour to ask me any question
you like.”

“Because I’m feeling generous. Now for your first question. Fenir trained me extensively in
wolf mind arts. He taught me how to by pass all of your shields. That pain you felt? That was
your wolf fighting against me,”Hadrian explained.

“Greyback?”Remus asked in horror.

“Yep,”Hadrian said popping the ‘p’, “He’s an old family friend. I called him Uncle Furry as a
child until I turned twelve and he told me he would eat me if I didn’t stop.”

Remus closed his eyes, “Your dark.”

Hadrian grinned, “I’m the dark. Some even call me Prince Noir.”

Remus eyes snapped open, “No. No. No you're lying.”

“I’m very much not,”Hadrian said, he snapped his fingers and his robes appeared on his
body, “I must thank you for never telling Dumbledore about Prince Noir by the way. It’s best
he doesn’t know until the time is right.”

“You can’t be him,”Remus whispered in terror, “He’s a vile vicious man.”

“Thank you,”Hadrian said with a grin, “I do try but not many people have the guts to say it to
my actual face.”

“They should,”Remus spat, “Your a monster.”

“I can be,”Hadrian agreed.

“You rule the wolves with terror,”Remus said angrily, “I went to them. To hundreds of packs
and they were all terrified of you.”

“What else do you know about me?”Hadrian asked with a grin.

Remus squeezed his eyes shut before letting out a pained groan. He moved his eyes down as
far as he could and winced as he saw the angle of his fingers. All broken.

“I’m answering your questions it’s only polite you answer mine,”Hadrian said with a frown.

“You rule the wolfs and vampires and have pacts with most of the magical creatures in the
world,”Remus forced out, “Some say you're the devil himself.”

“That’s muggle influence,”Hadrian mused, “Purely magical creatures don’t compare me to

the devil.”

“They say you're an assassin for the world leaders.”

“Some of them,”Hadrian nodded his head, “But I have open offers with others.”

“You have burned villages to the ground.”

“After I slaughtered the villages, yes. But really it was their fault for annoying me. I don’t
like being annoyed.”

Remus hesitated, “…I heard…”

Hadrian knew what he was thinking. He had spent the morning putting his own wards around
the shack for this moment. Hadrian ran his thumb over the resurrection stone. Pulling his
parents souls he brought them to their plane, they showed up sat on either side of him.

Remus gasped and his eyes shot between the three of them.

“Remus,”Lily snarled, “You bloody bastard!”

“This is a trick,”Remus said closing his eyes, “This is all a trick.”

“Think again,”Hadrian said with a laugh, “Come on Remus. What did you hear? What did
you hear about me that makes you stay up at night in fear. The thought that sometimes would
slither into your mind put you pushed away out of terror. The reason you never told
Dumbledore about me even though you knew you should have.”

“Necromancer,”Remus said so quietly Hadrian almost didn’t hear, “There are rumors Prince
Noir is the greatest Necromancer to live in hundreds of years.”

“Bingo!”Hadrian said leaning back on his palms, “It took me years to master my powers. I
didn’t fulfill my final gift until this last summer in fact but I’ve been working on mastering
my skills since I was seven.”

“That’s not possible,”Remus said. His voice hitched in his throat. No one could start
necromancy that early. It was too dangerous, too much of a chance of losing themselves in
the power.

“It’s possible just not suggested,”Hadrian said, “I didn’t even know what it was at first. I
would find small animals, dead or bones, and bring them back. Father didn’t catch on until I
brought home a abraxan that he himself had put out of its misery. He made sure I got the
proper training after that.”

“He’s remarkable,”James said proudly, “I will admit Marvolo isn’t my favorite person in the
world but damn he raised Hadrian right.”

“You can’t be okay with what he’s doing,”Remus said tightly, “He’s killed. He’s tortured.
People jump from just hearing his name!”

“No,”Hadrian said with a frown, “Only creatures do. For good reason as well, do you know
how hard it was to get them to agree with me? Respect can only go so far with some of them.
Most of them love me now.”

“I don’t know,”James said, “That one town in Germany never really recovered.”

Hadrian waved him away, “I was a child when that happen. You can’t hold that against me.”
“Times almost up Remus. What else would you like to know?”Hadrian asked as he stood up
and stretched.

“You always have someone with you. In pure white. No blood ever touches them no matter
how bloody things get,”Remus whispered, “Who is it.”

“Draco,”Hadrian said with a love sick grin, “No idea how he keeps his robes so white really.
It can’t even be practice because he doesn’t go with me to the truly bloody ones.”

Hadrian released his parents, they would see Remus soon enough.

“Your last question before the fun begins?”

“Who is Marvolo Gaunt.”

Hadrian grinned, “You know him as the Dark Lord Voldemort.”

Remus released a whimper and closed his eyes tightly against the knowledge. Dumbledore
was so wrong it was almost funny.

Hadrian grabbed Remus by the hair and forced his head back. Pulling out a vial he uncapped
it and poured it down Remus throat. Remus gagged as he was forced to swallow it and
Hadrian repeated the action five times.

“The purging potion isn’t completely necessary but it will help,”Hadrian told him.

“No,”Remus gasped.

“Yes,”Hadrian said, “Now. You are going to go outside where I left you a little treat. You
don’t have to thank me of course it’s my gift to you.”

The moon started to peak through the window bathed Remus in moonlight. Remus screamed
as his body fell from its prone position. His bones snapped as they shifted and realigned
themselves as his wolf form emerged. His final thought before turning was fear of what was
waiting for him outside.

Hadrian stood with his arms crossed as he watched Remus change. Fenir told him that it
wasn’t painful when the wolf was fully accepted, merely uncomfortable. The pain of Remus
transforming was a testament to how much he despised his inner wolf and fought against
him. Hadrian spent months with Fenirs pack as a child. Fenir taught him everything he
needed to know about how to protect himself against the wolves if he ever found himself in
front of a lone wolf. He learned their customs, their hunting styles and all ways of their
magic. It helped him greatly when he finally went up against the head Alpha of England.

In a way Hadrian almost felt bad for Remus. If Remus had joined a proper pack when he was
turned this wouldn’t have happen. He would have learned to view the transformation as a
blessing and not a curse. He would probably be mated at this time, maybe even with a few
cubs, enjoying pack life in a large manor surrounded by fields.
Remus growled, his nose lifted up in the air as he caught the scent of flesh. His eyes turned to
the other person standing in the room with him and lifted his lip in a snarl.

Hadrian let out a sharp series of whistles and released his magic. Remus whimpered and
shifted back…ALPHA…

Hadrian gave Remus a sharp nod and threw a cloak over him. He quickly snuck his way back
to the ship, his hand moving in a sharp motion over the prone figure laying on the ground
before slipping into the ship. A group of boys sat playing poker in front of the fire.

“You ready?”Hadrian asked them.

“Yes,”Viktor answered for them.

Hadrian joined the table and picked up his hand as if he had been there the entire night.
Hadrian was already up by one thousand gallons when a screamed ripped through the air.
Hadrian and the others shared looks and stood up with their wands in hand.

Running to the door they ran directly to the lone wolf that was attacking a student in the
middle of the field. Hadrian took the first shot followed quickly by Viktor and Marcus. They
lured the wolf away from the prone figure with quick spells shot off into the air. Antony and
another two ran to the student to examine damage. Their final member ran to the school,
making his way directly to Severus office as Hadrian had instructed him.

“Now!”Viktor roared throwing a slicing hex into the wolfs arm.

Hadrian gave a nasty grin as his wand moved in sharp circles. A green light appeared and
seemed to make a small vortex before he shot it off with a sharp movement of his wand in a
downward motion. Remus let out an ear piercing howl as the spell shot through his chest,
leaving a gaping hole in the middle of his sternum. Remus stared at his chest for a moment in
shock before he keeled over and fell with a thump. His eyes open and staring into the night.

“Secure the scene,”Hadrian shouted to the others. Holstering his wand he walked to Antony
who was covering the body with a conjured sheet.

“Status?”Hadrian asked him.

“Deceased. Throat was completely torn out. Chest was open and upper three left robes were
pulled up, heart was already gone,”Antony said cleaning the blood from his hands.

The doors of the castle flung open as teachers ran out of the school. Severus was in the lead
with Poppy who was carrying her potion bag. Dumbledore and McGonagall followed them
out, their wands all alit and casting light.

“What happen!”Dumbledore demanded. His eyes took in the scene, no twinkle insight.

“We were in the common room of our ship when we heard a scream. Everyone knows there
is a werewolf and with it being the full moon we feared the worst. Unfortunately our fears
were correct and we found Mr. Lupins canine form mauling the student. We were able to get
him dispatched but there was nothing we could do for her,”Hadrian told him.
“Who was it?”Professor McGonagall asked. Her voice wavered slightly as she saw the blood
coated sheet.

Poppy kneeled down and pulled the sheet back.

Hermione Grangers unseeing eyes were open and staring. Blood coated her uniform as Poppy
moved her light to see the obvious injuries.

McGonagall let out a sob and covered her mouth with her hand. Teachers were not allowed to
have favorites, but Hermione was without a doubt one of hers. Such a smart girl, she wanted
the best and was willing to fight for what was right. It was a tremendous loss.

Albus let out a noise of surprise, “Where is Remus?” He asked urgently.

He had to get Remus out of the school and into a safe house immediately. He would need to
go into custody of course but Kingsley could easily get him out and say he escaped custody.

Hadrian pointed his wand to cast a large lumos above the body, “As I said. He’s been

The blood drained from Albus’ face, “You killed him Harry?”

“Yes,”Hadrian said, “He was attacking a student and then attacked us. It was self defense.”

“You could have contained him,”Albus argued, “There was no reason for murder!”

“Tell that to Granger,”Hadrian hissed with a point to the girl, “There is no reason she should
be dead right now. Lupin should have been under wards!”

“Merlin!” A shocked gasp coming from the side had the group looking over. Amelia Bones
had arrived with a large group of aurors. Dumbledore frowned when he realized Kingsley
wasn’t with them.

“Lady Bones,”Hadrian said nodding his head in respect.

“What happen here?”Amelia demanded.

“I can explain,”Hadrian said stepping forward.

“I will-“Albus started. His mind already spinning with ways to spin the story.

“I was here,”Hadrian said sharply, “I am an actual witness to the events.”

“Very well Heir Potter-Black. What happen?”Amelia asked taking out notebook and quick
notes quill.

“We,”Hadrian gestured to his friends, “were playing cards in the common room when we
heard a scream. We were worried because it was a full moon and we were aware of Lupins
creature status. Upon leaving the ship we saw him leaning over Miss. Granger. Me, Viktor
and Marcus,”Hadrian pointed them out, “Distracted him away from the girl while Antony
and Rodger,”Hadrian pointed to them, “went to Miss. Granger to try and help her and Sal
went to get a teacher. Lupin attacked us and we were forced to kill him. We verified that
Miss. Granger was diseased and covered her while the teachers arrived.”

“You felt you were equip to handle the situation?”Amelia said with a raised eyebrow, “You
didn’t call for help?”

“We are trained in school to deal with certain dark creatures that inhabit the forests of our
schools. I have been specifically trained for werewolf and have my creature certification I can
provide. I can assure you if there was even a hint we were out of our element we would have
called for help immediately,”Hadrian told her honestly.

Albus looked between them. A creature certification? Albus decided he would ask Harry later
right now he needed to focus on the important part-Amelia couldn’t arrest Harry for murder.

“Amelia,”Dumbledore said quietly. Both Amelia and Hadrian looked at him, “We can discuss
this in my office. I do not believe it would be wise to arrest Harry for the murder of Remus.”

“I’m not going to be arrested.”

“He’s not going to be arrested.”

Hadrian and Amelia spoke at the same time before looking at each other amused.

“He’s not?”Dumbledore asked confused, “He committed murder on school grounds.”

“The killing of a dark creature is not considered murder in Britain. Especially if one has a
creature certificate,”Amelia said resisting the urge to roll her eyes.

“What exactly is a…creature certificate?”Albus asked.

“A certificate provided by certain governments that provides the owner the ability to kill dark
creatures with no reproductions,”McGonagall said appalled.

“Incorrect,”Amelia said with a shake of her head, “While it does allow the owner the ability
to kill dark creatures there are strict rules they must adhere too.”

“We can only kill when being threatened or asked by a government official,”Hadrian finished
for her.

“You have this?”Dumbledore asked, his eyebrows furrowed in concern, “Have you killed
others my boy?”

“I have protected my school mates and friends when required,”Hadrian told him with a glare,
“Not that I need to explain anything to you.”

Dumbledore felt his heart stop for a brief moment, “Werewolfs are not monsters Harry. They
deserve second chances. As all men do. You should focus on detaining them for help. Not
“I never once called weres monsters Headmaster. You should remember that,”Hadrian told
him before turning his back on him and looking back to Amelia who had been watching the
scene with keen eyes.

“I shot the killing blow. Per rules of my country and certificate the body is mine,”Hadrian
told her softly.

Not soft enough.

“What!”Dumbledore exclaimed, “You can not have his body! He deserves a burial!”

Hadrian ignored him and kept his eyes on Amelia.

“I will call your father to pick him up when we are done with the scene,”Amelia said in

“Amelia you can not be serious,”Dumbledore said, “Remus was your friend! He deserves
better than to be thrown away.”

“He will not be thrown away,”Hadrian said stiffly, “We have customs that we follow for
fallen weres. Which is more than I can say for your country.”

It was obvious Dumbledore didn’t believe him but there wasn’t more he could say. He would
go to the ministry first thing in the morning to speak with Fudge about this. Whatever
customers Harry claimed to have did not matter. Remus deserved to be buried by his friends,
it was the least Albus could do.

“Take your friends back to the ship Heir Potter-Black. I will send someone to take the rest of
your statements soon,”Amelia said putting her notebook away.

“Yes Lady Bones.”


“Cornelius I must insist you find a way to provide me with the body! He already has a plot
next to Lily and James as it should be!” Dumbledore said heatedly as he sat the in Ministers

Cornelius Fudge signed and rubbed his forehead, “I have told you already Albus. There is
absolutely nothing I can do. If I attempt to stop their customs I very well may be starting a
war with Bulgaria and Romania. I will not do that.”

“Do you know what these so called customs are?”Dumbledore asked, “Surely they can not be

“I had McNair look into it but he didn’t find much,”Cornelius admitted.

“What if he was asked to take the body for Voldemort! Remus’ body could be taken apart for
dark potions and we would never know,”Albus said, his voice raising. Dumbledore did not
believe there are any type of customs that would require his body. He knew Harry must have
been ordered by Tom to take the body to him for horrible reasons. Dumbledore didn’t believe
Harry of course, the poor boy was so confused.

“I will not be having this conversation again Albus,”Cornelius said slamming his hand down
onto his desk, “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is gone! Dead!”

“He is not! Mar-“

“Do you have proof that Lord Gaunt is him? Any proof at all?”Cornelius asked pointedly.

“No but I will,”Dumbledore promised.

“Until you did this conversation is over. Lord Gaunt is not the Dark Lord. Now leave my
office Albus I have work to do. As do you,”Cornelius said dismissing Dumbledore form his

Dumbledore left his office and stormed through the ministry. He needed evidence of who
Tom really was. He had gone through the files at the ministry once Sirius told him of Toms
‘birth’ and found what he claimed but he knew they were fake. He would need something

Something bigger.

It was time to go hunting.


Hadrian stood in the middle of a large circle composed of dark candles lit with black flames.
The body of Remus Lupin laid in front of him on a slab of marble, his wolf form had drained
from his body shortly after his death leaving only the man.

Hadrian put his hands on Remus chest and pulled his magic forward. The resurrection ring on
his hand was lit with a dark eerie glow as he used it to summons Remus soul from the after
life. He felt the blessing of Death as the soul flowed from his ring into the body before him.
Slowly the body started to heal. The marks left from slicing spells closed, old scars faded into
his skin leaving it clear, and finally the large wound in the middle of his chest started to fill.
His bones started to grow and connect forming his robes and sternum, taunt muscles started
growing over the bones and finally the skin stretched from all corners of the wound and met
in the middle. Official closing the wound. Hadrian ran his eyes over the body checking it for
any problems before giving a final push of magic into Remus.

Remus took a gasping breath as his eyes flew open.

Where was he?

The last thing he remembered was a horrible searing pain in his chest and then he was..

Getting yelled at? Yes. Lily and James were screaming at him for what seemed like days
before he felt a pull and then he was here. Where ever here was. Remus sat up gingerly and
looked around the room before freezing in fear.

Hadrian was leaning against a pillar tapping his wand against his thigh. Hadrian gave him a
grin, “Welcome back Lupin. How do you feel?”

“Good?”Remus questioned. He sat up and flexed his muscles and looked down in surprise as
he didn’t feel the normal flare of pain in his joints. Swinging his legs to the end of the table
he stepped gingerly onto the floor and looked down in amazement. He had felt pain in his
body for as long as he could remember. The force of the turn every month leaving permeant
joint pain and bone ware.

“Amazing actually,”Remus murmured.

“Notice anything missing?”Hadrian asked him.

Remus paused and closed his eyes searching. He smiled and laughed in joy when he realized
he was fully alone in his mind.

“The curse! It’s gone!”Remus cried in joy.

“Yep,”Hadrian said.

“Thank you Harry,”Remus said looking at Hadrian. His eyes were shinning with relief and

Hadrian just smiled at him before jerking his head to the side, “I believe you have met my

Remus followed his gaze and swallowed. The man he know knew was truly Voldemort was
standing outside of the candles. Sirius was at his side, practically molding himself to the
other man.

“What happen?”Remus asked. He licked his lips nervously and tried to swallow but his throat
felt dry.

“I killed you then brought you back,”Hadrian said as he walked to his father with a bounce in
his step.

“Why?”Remus asked. His heart started beating in terror and he broke out in a cold sweat. His
joy of being alive without his curse was quickly leaving him as he realized there was no way
that Hadrian would bring him back out of kindness.

“Because you touched my husband,”Marvolo said smoothly, “You laid your filthy hands on
him. You kissed him with your disgusting mouth. You assaulted him and that’s not something
I can stand for.”

Remus looked at Sirius, “No-Sirius please explain it to him.”

“Explain what?”Sirius asked as he looked down at his nails, “How you pulled me into an
alcove and attacked me? I already explained that to him.”

“No that’s not what happen!”Remus cried, “You kissed me back!”

Sirius wrinkled his nose in disgust, “I most certainly did not. I came back to my house and
washed my mouth out with soap.”

“He did,”Hadrian said with a nod, “I offered to completely remove his mouth but he

Remus shivered in disgust. How would that even work?

“Do you want to know what happen after I washed out my mouth?”Sirius asked with a slow
smile, “Marvolo shagged me until I forgot my own name. He claimed every part of my body
a hundred times over. I slept for almost the entire day after he wore me out so good.”

“You know who he is,”Remus whispered as he looked between Sirius and Marvolo.

“Of course I do,”Sirius said with a snort, “We are married after all.”

“Your potioned Sirius,”Remus said walking forward to him before stopping at the sight of
Hadrians wand to his chest, “Or cursed. Don’t you see?”

“I’ve been married to Marvolo since I was sixteen,”Sirius told him gleefully, “Right before I
left to James’ house. After a short honeymoon of course, it was a very nice honeymoon.”

“No,”Remus whispered.

“Yes,”Sirius said, “I would never truly turn my back on my family. You all fell for it so
easily, I barely had to work for it. So if it makes you feel any better you were right about me
being the traitor.”

Remus grabbed his hair with his hands and cried out in despair. Their entire history fell apart
in the blink of an eye. Every moment of friendship had been a lie, every look and soft touch
of possibly more and been fake. Remus thought he had felt his heart break before. He thought
he knew the pain of betrayal but he knew nothing.

Nothing compared to his.

“Now that story time is over,”Marvolo said removing his outer robes, “I believe it’s time we
have a talk Lupin.”

Remus stumbled back as he turned his body looking around the room desperately for an
escape. If he could get away all he had to do is get to Albus. Albus would keep him safe.
Marvolo dark chuckle echoed around the room as the lights went out and doused the room in
complete dark. Remus turned around quickly trying to find the source of the laughter but it
seemed to come from all corners of the room.

A hand reached out and grabbed him by the throat before slamming him against the wall.
Remus gasped. He scratched and pulled at the arm that held him trying to make it release.

“It’s my turn Remus,” Marvolo hissed, his voice sounding almost lost in parseltounge.

Remus tried to beg but the words wouldn’t come out. The hand around his throat preventing
him from saying anything.

“Your lips were on Sirius for seven seconds,”Marvolos’ voice surrounded him, “I have
decided that for every second your lips touched Sirius I will keep you down here for one
month. That’s seven months of my company.”

Remus squeezed his eyes and tried to shake his head. His lungs were burning from the lack of
oxygen and he felt himself losing consciousness. His only hope was that he would die
quickly, before the months were up.

“If you die,”Marvolo said, amusement bleeding from his voice, “Hadrian will just bring you
back for me.”

The hand left Remus’ neck and he fell to the ground coughing and gasping for breath. He felt
something shift in the darkness in front of him and against his will his head lifted.

Red eyes shinned in the darkness of the room.

“Let’s get started.”

Remus screamed.
The second Task
Chapter Summary

It's now time for the second task, but will it go smoothly? Or will a mistake cause the
death of another?
Also another article hits the wizarding world that changes everything.

Chapter Notes

Hello Friends!
I have good news and bad news.
Bad News: We are almost at the end of this fic. I don’t exactly know how many chapters
we have left but we are at the climax!
Good News: I am probably only working on this story until it’s finished. I find myself
on a roll with this story and only wanting to work on it.
No promises of course, but it’s what it’s looking like.
Also, I saw a few comments disappointed that Hadrian didn’t make Remus cry. Draco is
the one for emotional destruction, Hadrian doesn’t have the patience for all of that.

TW:There will be discussion of Child Abuse in this chapter. Nothing graphic but
Hadrian is discussing it.

Hadrian stood next to Draco and their friends in the courtyard of Hogwarts where a
candlelight vigil was being held for Granger. They had packed the entire school into the
space, the visiting schools were not included except for

Hadrian. Hadrians eyes scanned the crowd, some students were visibly distraught but a
majority of them looked bored if not uninterested. Ron and Ginny stood in between the
teachers in the front. Ginny had not stopped crying since they arrived while Ron stood quietly
with his hands stuffed into his pockets. They were all waiting for Dumbledore, who had been
stuck in a meeting with the school governors since early that morning.

The public was in an uproar at the news that a student had died on the grounds. Well perhaps
it was more honest to say that the public was enraged at how Granger had died. When Remus
position had first become public knowledge it took all of Dumbledores power to convince
them that it would be fine. Remus has sworn to take his potion faithfully and to remain
behind strong wards that would keep him locked away from the students. Much to
Dumbledores anger Amelia released the official report Lupins death that clearly stated there
was no potion in his system. Not even a pain potion for the change. It caused a major shift in
public opinion on Dumbledores ability to keep the students protected.

Dumbledore had released a statement regarding the situation that did very little to help his
current standing. His only saving grace was that it was a muggleborn who had died and not
someone from a powerful family.

When Dumbledore finally made his appearance it officially started. What followed was a
stream of teachers and students taking their turns standing at the front of the students and
giving their speeches about Hermione. They spoke of her braveness, her smarts, her loyalty.
They created a picture of this amazing young woman who was going to take the Wizarding
World by storm when she graduated with her gumption and smarts. Hadrian always
wondered why they set up this lie for English muggleborns. It wasn’t impossible for them to
work their way up the ladder at the ministry but it was a very hard path. What would take a
pureblood, or even half blood, months to do would take a muggleborn years. Every other
country Hadrian had been to this wasn’t the case. Blood purity didn’t matter a lick when it
came to jobs and promotions. They focused on ability and skill more than anything.

Yet another thing Hadrian wanted to see changed.

“Headmaster,”Hadrian said as he made his way to him when the vigil was finally over.

“Yes my boy?”Dumbledore asked him with a smile. He had been in a very good mood the
last several days, even with the problems happening. It would have made Hadrian nervous if
he didn’t already know the reason.

Hadrian handed over a wooden box that was carved with a wolf howling at a moon, “You
wanted to bury the wolf. These are his ashes.”

“Oh,”Dumbledore said wrapping his hands around the box, “I was under the impression the
body would be disposed off as per…tradition.”

“The rites have been preformed. This is what is left,”Hadrian said shortly.

“May I ask what they were? I have been unable to find any information on the customs you
mentioned,”Dumbledore asked him.

“I have no answers for you Headmaster. They are private customs that do not belong to
me,”Hadrian told him.

Dumbledore watched Hadrian walk away and meet the Malfoy boy. The outcome of their
meeting was still smarting. He had no idea how they managed to create a golden contract but
he would find out. He couldn’t break the contract until he found out how they created it.

“Absolutely not,”Hadrian said shortly.

Marvolo rubbed his temples and sighed, “Hadrian there isn’t another way around this.”

Hadrian was in his room with Marvolo and Draco as they tried to decide what to do about the
second task. It was obvious to everyone in the room who was going to be taken for the task
and Hadrian was very against it.

“He will be perfectly safe,”Marvolo said for the fifth time that night, “If for whatever reason
you can not get him he will be brought back at the end of the hour. We can even give him a
timed portkey if needed. Plus if anything goes wrong your necklace will let you know before
anyone else.”

Hadrian sat with his arms crossed at his chest, “Draco will not be at the bottom of the lake.
Pick someone else.”

“We can’t,”Marvolo said, “If they put anyone down there who was not chosen they won’t be
protected by the power of the task.”

Hadrian paused, “Really?”

“Yes,”Marvolo said, “The goblet choses the hostages and uses its connection to keep them
safe. It’s a failsafe for any cheating that may have been attempted.”

“Is this common knowledge?”Hadrian asked as he stared at his cup in thought.

“No. I only know because I went to than Beauxbatons and looked into their tombs about its
creation,”Marvolo said, “Why?”

Hadrian swirled his drink around his cup, “Dumbledore is still eyeing Ginny as a future wife
for me. My contacts have told me that he’s been looking into possible ways that we may have
created the contract. There is only reason for that.”

“To break it,”Draco said from his side.

“Exactly. According to the Bloody Baron Molly has been storming into Dumbledore office at
least once a day to make him find a way to fix things. He needs a way to shut her up. What’s
a better way than to make it seem like Ginny is the one thing I will miss most in the world.”

“He can’t possibly think that will work,”Draco said, “Has anyone had him check out by a
mind healer yet?”

Hadrian snorted, “We don’t need a healer to know he’s a megalomanic and narcissist. From
what I’ve been told he thinks I’m brainwashed and he’s trying to show me that he will be
there for me when I’m ‘fixed’. He’s not senile. Unfortunately.”

“If you say so,”Draco said obviously not in agreement with Hadrians assessment.
“The Wizarding World needs therapy. We should get that worked on. It can easily be another
avenue for squibs,”Hadrian told his father. There are already plenty of squibs that made a
living as a muggle therapist, Hadrians therapist was a squib even. It would be easier to
employ them then while a magical way was figured out. The closest thing they had to
therapist was mind healers, but their main job was to heal the mind from magical mistakes
and problems. From Hadrians research most wizards were unaware of the existence of any
Mental Disorders and the ones that were assumed Wizards don’t suffer from it because it’s a
‘muggle disease’.

“I’ll add it to the list,”Marvolo said with a nod. He adjusted himself in his chair and leaned
his head against the back, “Is the next article ready?”

“Yep,”Hadrian confirmed, “The date has already been set as well.”


Hadrian smiled, “It’s so much better when it’s a surprise.”

Marvolo groaned, “Can I at least know what it’s about?”

“Nope,”Hadrian said.

“Fine. So you're okay with it being Draco, right? I won’t have to worry about you causing an
international incident if Draco does end up as your hostage,”Marvolo said to confirm.

“Draco will have an extra portkey to the manor. If anything goes wrong the mermaids will
activate it and send him away. If that’s acceptable I will allow it,”Hadrian offered.

“I don’t speak Mermish so I will leave it to you to make them aware but that is
acceptable,”Marvolo said with a nod and sigh of relief. Arguing with Hadrian was like
arguing with himself and the only time he truly regretted teaching Hadrian everything
Marvolo knew.

“I will talk to them tomorrow,”Hadrian said. He glanced at Draco before clearing his throat,
“Don’t you have an early meeting tomorrow father?”

“Yes,”Marvolo said getting comfortable, “But I think I might stay a while longer to catch up.
We haven’t had a proper chance to talk since Christmas.”

“Oh you mean the talk we had before training? When we dueled?”Hadrian asked with a
raised eyebrow, “The training papa didn’t know about?”

“Well look at the time! I have an early meeting,”Marvolo said jumping out of his seat.
Teasing his son was one of his favorite pastimes but it wasn’t worth the wrath of his

Draco giggled from Hadrians side, “You can stay if you like Marvolo. Hadrian won’t be
telling Sirius anything.”

Hadrian pouted at Draco.

“Thank you Draco but I will be taking my leave,”Marvolo said with a smile. Giving both
boys a kiss on the forehead in goodbye he took his leave through the floo.

Draco waited until the green faded from the fire before swinging his leg over Hadrians hip
and straddling him, “That was mean Hadrian.”

Hadrian reseted his hands on Dracos arse, “Was not. He knew exactly what he was doing.”

“True but it was still impolite.”

“You promised me a treat for going to that blasted vigil. I fully intend to claim it and he was
in the way,”Hadrian said with a shrug.

Draco laughed and allowed himself to be pulled into a deep kiss. Hadrian would never allow
anything to come between him and Dracos arse. It was probably a problem but Draco
couldn’t find it in himself to care.


Fred and George were finally ready to talk.

Other than the short conversation they had at the ball the twins hadn’t reached out to Hadrian
for anything. Which was to be expected, so Hadrian didn’t t reach out to them either.
Perfectly content to wait for the twins to make their choice.

“Fred, George,”Hadrian said as he walked into the den. As always it was a creative disaster.
Cauldrons full of boiling potions, toy wands, candy and papers were thrown around the tables
and falling onto the floor.

Fred and George sat at their table doing work and looked up as Hadrian walked into the

“Heya Hadrian,”George said.

Hadrian took his seat across from them and leaned back in his chair, throwing his lets up on
the table, “You wanted to talk?”

“Yes,”George started before stopping and looking too Fred.

“We want to know what your deal is,”Fred said for them.

“My deal?”Hadrian asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes. We know there is something-“

“That we aren’t being told.”

“I’ll answer your question if you answer mine,”Hadrian said after a few minutes of thought.
If they took it bad he could just erase their memories, or kill them.


“What do you think of the Wizarding World and your schooling,”Hadrian said dropping his
feet from the table. He sat up and folding his hands on top of the table.

“What do you mean?”George asked confused.

“Let’s start with school. In the last sixty or so years multiple classes and options have been
removed from Hogwarts. Alchemy, magical theory, spell creation, advanced potions II,
apprenticeships and many more. The work Draco gets as a sixth year I did as a fourth at
Durmstrang and it’s similar for Beauxatutons. So do you feel that your properly respected
and valued in Hogwarts? Do you feel your schooling as been proficient?”

“,”Fred admitted. He rubbed the back of his neck and released a breath, “We went
through the charter a few years ago, for loopholes and such, and when we saw everything that
was taken it sucked.”

“Spell creation and magical theory would have been great for us,”George said with a frown,
“We would have excelled in those classes.”

“Plus, well the bullying,”Fred said glancing at George, “We aren’t innocent in this, we have
made mistakes, but some people do horrible things-“

“-and might not get in trouble. Only the Slytherins really get in trouble for some teachers.”

Hadrian nodded, “My papa tried to get Severus to go see Lupin during the full moon when
they were in school. Sirius got a slap on the wrist and Severus was told to keep it quiet as to
not effect Lupin.”

“Bloody Hell,”Fred said in disgust, “That’s at the least attempted murder!”

“I know,”Hadrian said.

“How does your school handle bullying?”George asked him curiously.

“When bullying is reported they collect the memories from both students and watch them. If
the bullying is proven all privileges are lost until they are earned back doing various tasks for
the teachers. But to be honest kids in my school are vicious and if someone is bullied it’s
taken care of without the teachers input.”

“Were you ever bullied?”George asked him. Fred gave him a look with wide eyes.

“Once,”Hadrian admitted, “I was a first year and relatively unknown so some other students
wanted to use me as an example. I was raised by Sirius Black and Marvolo so I was more
than prepared for what they would try.”
“We asked a penpal about you,”Fred blurted out, “We met them at the Quidditch World Cup
and they went to Durmstrang.”

“Oh?”Hadrian raised his eyebrow, “Who was it?”

“His name is Andrei Codrin.”

Hadrian frowned, “I don’t think I want to know what he said. Bastard hated me.”

“He said you killed his older brother,”Fred said quietly.

“My temper used to be worse,”Hadrian said with a shrug, no hint of regret in his tome, “His
brother was the one who attempted to bully me. His plan was to strip me naked, tie me up
and drop me off in a random place in the mountains. In -12 C I would have died before I
could get actual help.”

“Bloody hell,”George said quietly, “That’s not bullying that’s attempted murder.”

Hadrian nodded, “Their take on bullying is quite different then it is here. On the bright side it
has gone down a lot since I started school.”

“Because you torture those who do it,”Fred stated.

“I’m not a nice person,”Hadrian stated looking at them directly. Fred and George shivered, it
felt like he was looking at their souls, “I’ve been told I’m quite cruel and evil and I agree to a
point. I never hurt people because I find it ‘fun’ or just because. I always have a reason for
everything I do.”

“Do you think that makes it okay?”

“Probably not but I can’t find it in my self to really care,”Hadrian told them honestly.

“He doesn’t seem evil,”George said sharing a look with his brother.

Hadrian leaned back in his seat with a chuckle. It looked like question time was over.

“He seems more concerned with Dracos arse than anything,”Fred said with a nod.

“Andrei said he was evil incarnate.”

“But Bill and Charlie love him and trust him.”

“They did say he has his moments,”George pointed out.

“But then again who doesn’t,”Fred countered, “Plus he gave us a bloody lot of money for the

“Is that an implication that he can buy us?”

“Yes,”Fred said.
Fred and George grinned at each other before looking at Hadrian.

“We would still like to be friends.”

“Great!”Hadrian said clapping his hands together.

“We want nothing to do with whatever your doing thought,”George said. Fred nodded in
agreement, “We know there is something going on but we are good staying out of it.”

“That’s fine,”Hadrian said waving them off, “Focus on the shop and if you ever want to know
anything else just let me know.”

Fred and George saluted him, “Yes Sir!”


The morning of the second task Harry woke up with Draco safely in his arms. Hadrian laid
there for a moment enjoying Dracos quite slow breathing and musing on what was going to
happen with Ginny Weasley. They couldn’t find out exactly what the goblet did to protect the
hostages and from their research a hostage hadn’t been switched since the early fifteenth
century but there was no records on exactly why. Hadrian played with the idea of asking a
spirit but decided against it.

After all, what was the fun in that?

Their friends were surprised to see Hadrian at Dracos side when they went down for
breakfast. By this time everyone was well aware of what the challenge would be and they had
all expected Draco to be hidden wherever the rest of the hostages were. Neither Hadrian or
Draco commented on it however, they simply carried on for breakfast as if nothing was
wrong. Ron sat with his friends at Gryffindor smugly smirking at Draco the entire breakfast.
It was the first time Hadrian had seen an emotion other than heartbreak on his face since
Grangers death.

As far as Hadrian knew Ron and Ginny were genuinely upset about Grangers death but
personally he hadn’t had any interactions with them. Hadrian wouldn’t’ say he was
disappointed by this, but it did take some of the fun out of Hogwarts.

When it was finally time for the task their group made the trek down to the lake to take the
boats to the middle of the lake where a large stand had been created. Boat by boat the
students all packed into the stands with their friends, a loud and cheerful sound coming from
them as they all spoke to each other in excitement. Hadrian was the first champion to arrive
to the dock and stood with Draco to the side as they spoke in quiet tones.
Dumbledore was there at the judges table and smiled to the students while keeping up with
his conversation with Ludo Bagman. Every few moments Dumbledores eyes would sway to
Hadrian a glint of satisfaction would show. Hadrian ignored him, he would vastly regret his
decision quickly.

Fleurs arrival was full of sobs and incomprehensible words as she ran into Hadrian's arms.
Hadrian and Draco shared an alarmed look as Hadrian's arms closed around her tightly and
Draco rubbed her back.

“Fleur I need you to calm down and tell me what’s going on,”Hadrian said calmly.

“Th—took—ga-ga,”Fleurs words were hard to tell through her sobs but Hadrian understood
enough to know the judges had made a grave mistake.

“Gabby is in the water,”Hadrian asked urgently, he pushed Fleur away gently and grabbed
her face in his hands to look at her, “Fleur is Gabby in that water?”

Fleur nodded quickly.

“Bloody fuck!”Hadrian caused. He pushed Fleur into Dracos arms and looked directly at his
father. Marvolo had been watching them with a frown and quickly made his way down as
Hadrian caught his eye.

“What’s going on?”Marvolo asked as he eyed the sobbing witch with trepidation, Fleur had a
tendency to throw herself and cry on the strongest man around her.

“Gabriella is under the bloody water. Did you know about this?”Hadrian hissed as he started
transforming his clothes into swim ware.

“What!”Marvolo said shocked, “No I admit I didn’t ask.”

“Right,”Hadrian said with sharp nod, “I’m getting her.”

“Go,”Marvolo urged, “I’ll handle things up here.”

Hadrian didn’t wait and dived directly into the water. The crowed stood up in shock and
confusion as the champion took to water before anything had been announced.

Marvolo glanced at Draco and Fleur, “Draco keep a hold on her.”

Draco grinned at him, Marvolos fear of crying girls was always entertaining,”Will do.”

“What is the meaning of this!”Dumbledore asked as he made his way down the steps to the
dock with Ludo and the other judges behind him.

“Who the hell allowed Gabriella Delacor to be placed down here?”Marvolo asked him

It wasn’t exactly a secret that the Delacors had Veela blood inside of them. Blood quantum
didn’t matter for Veela and even though they only had one-forth of the blood they still had
many of the traits and disadvantages that normal Veela did. Fleur had been trained in her
magic, she had learned to regulate her body temperature in water to keep her save for long
periods under cold water but Gabriella had not. She was to young for any type of training and
didn’t have the same abilities that her older sister did. Keeping her under freezing water
could be a death sentence to her.

“What!”Madam Maxine asked, her large face completely white.

“Her name came out of the goblet,”Ludo explained nervously, “We didn’t have a choice.”

“What spells did you place on her?”Marvolo asked. His eyes were burning bright with anger.
Ludo wanted to take a step back from his anger but knew it would be futile. Marvolo
wouldn’t do anything in public.

“A warming charm and the bubble head. Along with the sleeping charm,”Dumbledore said
cheerfully, “She will be perfectly safe. We need to get Harry back here for the task.”

“You blithering idiot,”Marvolo spat at him and Ludo, “Gabriella Delacor is a Veela. She
could die under there without the proper charms, which it sounds like you didn’t cast. If
anything happens to her it will be an international incident!”

“Why was I not made aware of the choice?”Madam Maxine demanded.

“Did they tell you about Hadrians choice Igor?”Marvolo asked Karkaroff suspiciously.

“No,”Karkaroff denied with a shake of his head, “It was Dumbledore and Ludo who did it

“Why did you not make anyone aware? As the head of the schools involved they should have
been there for everything”Marvolo asked them sharply.

“I-I don’t know,”Ludo said with a confused look to Dumbledore.

“It must have slipped my mind”Dumbledore said smoothly, “But I don’t feel this is necessary.
We were all aware of what the task was and what it would require.”

“How long has she been under the water?”Marvolo asked. He cursed himself for not being
more involved with this task. Once they figured Draco probably wouldn’t be chosen he took
a step back.

“Less than an hour,”Ludo said nervously, “Not long enough for her to be truly hurt right?”

“We better pray to Merlin it’s not,”Marvolo said gravely.

Something little known about Necromagic was the ability to suspend your breathing, and
with that your life. It took Hadrian a while to learn this trick but it quickly became one of his
favorites. Using his magic he propelled himself through the water to the mermaid village.
Halfway there he met two distressed mermen who recognized him instantly.

“What’s happen?”Hadrian asked in mermish as he reached them.

“There is something wrong with the hostages!”one of them said urgently as they all made
their way to the villages.

“The youngest blond one. Is she okay?”Hadrian asked. He knew Luna had been taken for
Viktor but knew she would be fine. If something was going wrong with her the mermaids
were instructed to activate her portkey.

“She’s very cold,”they told him in concern, “We activated a warming spell on the water
around her and it seemed to help.”

Hadrian nodded in relief, “I owe you a boon for that. Who else is having problems?”

“The redhead. Her charm failed a short while ago. They sent us to the shore to get someone
but it wasn’t looking good when we left.”

Hadrian nodded, “About ten minutes ago?”

“How did you know?”

“She wasn’t chosen as a hostage. Someone decided she just would be,”Hadrian told them as
they reached the outside of the village.

The merman swore in mermish and shared a look. Mers had long and strong blood lines, the
humans may have forgot what happen when someone disobeyed the goblet but they didn’t.

There was a group of mermen surrounding the chosen hostages. Gabby was surrounded in a
yellow ball and floating where she was originally tied to. Ginny was laid on a slap of what
looked like seaweed floating next to the other champions. Her head was in a cloudy ball that
seemed to be flickering but Hadrian could see the limpness in her body.

“Is she dead?”Hadrian asked as he came up on them.

“No Prince Noir,” a merman with a large headpiece said with a frown, Hadrian recognized
him as the healer, “just unconscious but our magic isn’t working well on her.”

Hadrian raised an eyebrow and ran his hand above her body. He let out a cruel laugh as he
realized the problem, “She’s a squib. Her magic has been removed.”

“She wasn’t the original hostage?’The healer guessed.

Hadrian looked to him sharply, “You know?”

“I was but a child when it last happen but yes,”The healer said with a nod, “Her death will be
coming soon.”
Hadrian nodded, this he knew. Their bodies were meant to have and hold magic. It was an
intricate part of them and was required to keep their bodies alive. Born squibs didn’t have this
problem as they had a low level of magic and they weren’t dependent on it.

“I will be taking them all up to the shore,”Hadrian told them, “This task will be suspended
for now. I don’t know what they will chose to do but with two hostages out it’s not looking
good. Do you know if there will be repercussions?”

“The goblet will know what happen. It will tell you what to do,”the healer told him with a

Hadrian grabbed Luna and Gabby, casting a quick heating charm on them he wrapped his
magic around Ginny and made his way back to the surface. It took a few extra minutes with
the extra people but he made it back quickly. As he broke through the surface Marvolo and
Ludo quickly helped him pull out the others. As soon as their heads hit the surface Luna and
Gabby gasped in air as they awoke. Ginny however did not.

“Is Gabby okay?”Fleur asked from her position still in Dracos arms.

“Yes. The mers cast a sunlight spell,”Hadrian said. Fleur broke out of Dracos arms and
wrapped her arms around her sister as they spoke in rapid French.

“What’s wrong with Ginny?”Dumbledore asked concerned as the girl was laid out onto the

Madam Pomfrey quickly pushed everyone away and pulled out her wand to run diagnostic.
Frowning she hit her wand on her palm and tried again.

“It won’t work,”Hadrian told her solemnly, “Her magic is gone.”

The sounds of the stadium went silent as his words registered.

“What?”Dumbledore asked while he stared at Hadrian in shock.

“Her magic has been taken by the goblet for tournament interference,”Hadrian said looking at
Dumbledore directly.

“That’s not possible,”Dumbledore said. He bent down next to the girl and started casting his
own spells.

Hadrian rolled his eyes as he felt the Elder wand call to him from Dumbledores hand. The
wand was well aware it wasn’t time to become his yet, it was just whining. Hadrian could
have sworn he heard Deaths ghostly chuckle from his side in amusement. Smug bastard.

“Who was her champion?”Marvolo asked Ludo sharply.

“Heir Potter-Black,”Ludo spluttered out.

“Is that who the goblet chose?”Marvolo asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I-I think so? I don’t remember,”Ludo said quietly. He closed his eyes and rubbed his brow
with his hands. This was going to be a disaster. A pureblood? Merlin.

“Get the students back to the castle!”Marvolo shouted to the other teachers. He pulled out his
wand and sent a quick Patronus to Amelia.

“The rest of us to the hospital wing,”Marvolo said.

Draco went with the other champions as Hadrian followed his father to the hospital wing.


Amelia arrived to the hospital wing with a man in lime green clothing.

“Lord Nott,”Hadrian said with nod.

“Hadrian,”Lord Nott said with a nod. Lord Nott was in his late seventies but was still in his
prime and the best in his field.

“Amelia? Theodore? What are you doing here?”Dumbledore chuckled nervously.

Lord Nott tensed at the disrespectful address. Dumbledore never addressed anyone properly.
He was under the muggle conception that calling someone by their first name without the
leave was perfectly fine. It irritated most of the upper echelon of the Wizarding World.

“I summoned them,”Marvolo told him with a frown, “This is a serious situation and they are
needed. Surely you agree?”

“Oh well yes! I was going to call Saint Mungos as well,”Dumbledore said with a smile.

“Right,”Marvolo said before turning to Hadrian, “Tell them what you know.”

Hadrian quickly told the others what the mers had told him about the tournament and their
beliefs about Ginnys squib status.

“I need everyone to back away at least ten feet,”Lord Nott said pulling out his wand.

Moving quickly he moved it in circles around Ginnys body, his frown growing larger with
every move.

“The mers were correct,”Lord Nott said gravely, “I do not detect a magical signature from
Miss. Weasley.”

“Merlin,”McGonagall whispered, “How did it happen?”

Nott frowned, “The mers said tournament interference? It’s very possible. The last
interference ended in the same thing.”
“Why did it punish her though?”Hadrian asked with a frown, “Shouldn’t it have punished
who put her under the water? They would be the ones who really interfered.”

Dumbledore subtly stiffened. Harry had a point..would Dumbledore be punished?

“We need to do more research unlorturnaly,”Nott said with a frown, “I have only seen
references to tournament interference so I don’t have the full picture.”

“I can ask the Mermen,”Hadrian offered, “The Healer said he remembers what happen
before. He might know more.”

“You speak mermish?”Dumbledore asked in surprise.

“Of course,”Hadrian said, “I speak many languages.”

“How many?”Dumbledore asked curiously.

Hadrian shrugged, “Ten?”

In reality Hadrian spoke almost every language that existed on earth. He wouldn’t be
revealing that however, it would bring up to many questions and Hadrian didn’t learn most of
them in the most ethical way.

“Some of them are dead languages,”Hadrian clarified, “Latin, Greek and the such.”

“Hadrian is very proficient yes,”Marvolo said interrupting them, “Go ask the Mers,”Marvolo
said turning to Hadrian.

With a nod Hadrian ran out of the room and headed to the lake.

Hadrian came back thirty minutes later to a screaming and crying Molly Weasley and a
morose Arthur. They were in the private room that they had moved Ginny to while Hadrian
was gone.

“What did you find?”Marvolo asked rubbing his temples.

“She’s a banshee,”Hadrian mumbled to his father before raising his voice for the others, “She
was punished because she was the one who did the actual interference. If it was forced she
would not have been punished as she was but she did it of her full violation knowing she was
not the correct hostage.”

“It’s permeant?”Dumbledore asked.

“Completely,”Hadrian said gravely.

Lord Nott shook his head and let out a breath, “That’s very unfortunate. We will have to let
her parents know so they can prepare.”
“Prepare?”Dumbledore asked.

“For her Death,”Nott clarified with a frown.

“They won’t kill her for being a squib!”McGonagall exclaimed with look of shock.

“Of course not,”Lord Nott said giving the women a look, “Her body will shut down without
her magic keeping it alive.”

“What?”McGonagall whispered moving her hand to cover her mouth. She looked horrified at
the thought.

“Magic runs our bodies. It is an essential part of our core, without it our bodies will cease to
work,”Lord Nott explained.

“But Squibs don’t die,”McGonagall said.

“Squibs still have magic. Just at a very low level,”Lord Nott said.

McGonagall let out a sound of distress and shook her head, “If you will excuse me. I need to

As soon as McGonagall was gone Hadrian zeroed in on Dumbledore.

“Maybe this will teach you to stop meddling. Miss. Weasleys life will be over by the end of
the week, if she makes it that long,”Hadrian said in disgust, “Because you didn’t like the fact
that Draco is who I would miss most.”

“I’m afraid I don’t know what your talking about,”Dumbledore said with a glance around the
room, “I was just given the list and young Ginnys name was listed for you.”

Hadrian snorted, “I’m not dumb. There was no way in merlin Miss. Weasleys name was on
that paper for me. Everyone in this room who is sane knows I how I feel about the twit. But if
you insist fine. The world doesn’t need to know what you did. Just you.”

Hadrian gave his father, Lord Nott and Amelia a nod before leaving the room. A smile came
to his face as the door shut behind him.

One more down.


The fallout from the second task was monumental and glorious.

Minister Delacor demanded a meeting with the ICW at, what he considered, the attempted
murder of his youngest child. Dumbledore was officially kicked out of his position of
Supreme Mugwump and the voting for the new one was happening the week after. It was
tradition to wait a week for the candidates to campaign but in this case it was unnecessary.
Marvolo was already concreted into the position.

Ludo was to be brought up on charges for tournament interference as soon as the new
Mugwump was announced. Marvolo had already taken him to healer and had the compulsion
and memory charm that had been placed on him noted. They were unable to find a magical
signature but it wasn’t needed to prove that Ludo didn’t do it on his own. Which is all they

The actual events that caused Ginny to lose her magic were not announced. The fact that she
was punished for interference was not made public, just that there had been an incident in a
task and it caused her unfortunate accident. The Weasleys had pulled all of their children out
of school to be home together for Ginnys last days. Hadrian had kept in contact with Arthur
who was giving him full updates on what was happening and keeping notes for further
examination. Hadrian had never actually seen someone die from loss of magic and was very

His own testing would need to be conducted of course, he just needed to figure out another
way to remove someones magic.

With the public already outrages and Dumbledore fielding off questions and providing weak
assurances Hadrian decided it was the prefect time for the next article.

“Your positive about this?”Draco asked Hadrian late at night as they laid in bed together.
Draco was curled into Hadrians side, his head on Hadrians chest.

“Yes,”Hadrian said, he ran his hand through Dracos hair, “I’m not ashamed of my history
love. My time with the Dursleys’ was…horrible but in the larger picture it was a drip in the
bucket of my life.”

“You still have nightmares,”Draco mumbled with a frown, “That doesn’t seem like a drip to

Hadrian sighed and made Draco look at him, “I do still have nightmares and they may never
stop no matter how long it’s been. But I have spent a long time healing from what they did to
me and I have no problem showing my journey.”

“Do you want to skip breakfast at least? We can have it in the ship or the kitchens?”

“I won’t hide from this love. I want to see Dumbledores face when he realizes what he put
me through,”Hadrian said.

For many years Hadrian and his fathers have wondered if Dumbledore knew what he had put
Hadrian through. They all assumed he had an inkling, Petunias demeanor wasn’t exactly a
secret. A abused boy coming to Hogwarts and meeting an adult who loved him and was like a
surrogate grandfather was the recipe for the perfect child willing to do anything you wanted.
Even Hadrian and Marvolo wouldn’t stoop to that level. And they were considered
sociopaths by their therapists.

Hadrian was stiff the next morning. No matter how prepared he made himself the knowledge
that his entire childhood was about to be blasted across the daily prophet for the world to see
was a hard pill to swallow. His memories of the Dursleys were sometimes so clear that he
almost felt like he was still there while other times they were foggy as if he was seeing
someone else memories through a frosted glass. It took several years for him to fully shake
off the instant panic and fear that he would get when he made any mistakes in the house. His
guardians quickly learned that raised voices when angry at him caused more damage than
good and quickly took on a more gentle style of parenting with calm words and explications
for the wrongs he had done.

At this point in his life he was much better but as Draco pointed out the night before he still
had nightmares and even moments of what his therapist called PTSD. Hadrian was unsure
how he would truly react to the releasing of this article and had planned an appointment after
the fact just in case.

Their friends noticed Hadrians quite countenance and after a shared look decided they would
leave him alone for the morning. Hadrians eyes strayed to the ceiling more than once that
morning and his friends had an inkling as to what was expected to come but only Luna and
Viktor knew what would have caused this must turmoil into their friend.

And they were right.

Hadrian had paid to make sure that every student and teacher in Hogwarts would be getting a
Daily Prophet that morning. As the papers dropped onto the tables and students caught sight
of the headline the room burst into sounds of excitement. Papers were picked up as they all
rushed read and find out more about the mysterious Hadrian Potter-Black who had been
missing from Wizarding Britain for so long. But just as quickly as the students started talking
they stopped.

Hadrian grabbed his own paper and glanced down at the picture, he didn’t need to read it, he
already knew what it would say. Regulus had made sure to document everything he could
before getting Hadrian washed up and looked over. Pictures were taken, notes kept, medical
records copied multiple times and locked up in different vaults and offices. Everything they
would need for this moment.

“Hadrian,”Draco whispered as he looked at the picture. Draco knew of his history but had
never seen the evidence that had been collected.

“I know,”Hadrian whispered. He pulled Draco closer and kissed the side of his head, “They
healed me right up after.”

“I wish we could kill them again,”Draco said with a sneer.

Hadrian let out a chuckle and leaned close to Dracos ear, “If you want I can bring them back
for you.”

“I want,”Draco said with a nod, “For five years.”

“Done,”Hadrian said.

“Look at Dumbledore,”Luna hissed.

Hadrian and Draco turned their eyes to Dumbledore. He held the paper up, his grip so tight it
was crinkling on the edges, his eyes were large with shock as he stared a the title and
accompanying picture.

The picture on the front was Hadrian. Only five years old, taken right after Regulus had
saved him stood out. He was small and emancipated, his face gaunt with starvation, his long
hair was greasy and tangled, bruises covered the side of his face as he stared at the camera
with frightened eyes.

As shocking as the picture was the article itself was another level.

The past of Hadrian Potter

My dear readers, I Rita Skeeter, have been given the once in a lifetime opportunity to speak
with Hadrian Potter-Black and get the real story of our Boy-Who-Lived. As you all know on
the night of Halloween, October 31 st , 1981, our world was shocked by the death of Lily and
James Potter. Two brave souls who fought against tyranny and brought an end to the war that
had been plaguing our country for years. It was a monuments night for the world, He-Who-
Must-Not-Be-Named was vanquished and our terror and fear was over. But for Heir Potter-
Black is was a night that would change the direction of his life, forever.

Heir Potter-Black, who insisted on being called Hadrian for the duration of our interview,
was a charming and open young man. His strength amazed me as he spoke of the
circumstances of his youth and his rescue by a man he calls Uncle. The start of his childhood
was not a good one. It was filled with violence and hatred, not what we would want for any
child, let alone the savior of the Wizarding World. I warn you now my readers, this interview
may break the hearts of many of you but it will also open you all to the amazing young man
that is Hadrian James-Potter.

RITA:Thank you for having me Heir Potter-Black. It is an honor to conduct this interview
with you.

HADRIAN:Please call me Hadrian Miss. Skeeter, my full name is a bit of a mouth full.

RITA:Very well Hadrian. Now, where would you like to start?

HADRIAN:I think the beginning is the best place don’t you?

RITA:I do. Now we all know the unfortunate circumstances of your parents death. What
happen after that? After all Lord Black was still in Azkaban at the time.

(Lord Black falsely imprisonment in Azkaban from 1981-1986)

HADRIAN:Against my parents Will I was sent to live with my Mums muggle sister. Petunia
and her husband Vernon Dursley.

RITA:Against their Will?

( I was shocked at this information readers. If the Will of the Potters was ignored who’s to say
ours wouldn’t be?)

HADRIAN:Yes. Their will stated that I should never be placed with my mums sister under any
circumstance. There was a list of people I should have been given, many who would have
easily been able to take me.

RITA:Is there a reason your parents didn’t want you with the Dursleys?

HADRIAN:My aunt hated magic. She thought it was unnatural and anyone with it was a
freak. Naturally with those thoughts she hated both my mum and me.

RITA:Oh my.

(This is truly when I started getting a bad feeling my readers. A magical hating person
having guardian ship of our savior?)

HADRIAN:Yes. My childhood with them was not a nice one.

RITA:Would you be willing to expand on that?

HADRIAN:Of course. (Hadrian shifted here and tensed, obviously uncomfortable, his hands
that were relaxed fisted on top of the armchair that they rested. His eyes took on a deep
sadness.) I was largely neglected at their home. They fed me but only the minimum to keep
me alive and I was not allowed to eat outside of those meals. When I did I was punished
harshly for it. They kept me in a cupboard under the stairs where they installed locks and
kept me locked in unless they needed me. Any mistakes were met with punishment, usually a
violent punishment. I had many broken bones as a child, on my body and face. After
punishment they would lock me inside of my ‘room’ for a number of days. No food or water
during those days that sometimes lasted a week. They would forget about me.

(Hadrians voice caught here, his thoughts obviously lost in the horrible past.)

RITA:Would you like to take a break Hadrian?

HADRIAN:(Hadrian coughed a few times) No. I had a cousin, a few months older than me,
and he was the golden child. They fussed over him constantly and gave him everything he
would ever want, by the time he was five he was the size of a small whale and white larger
than me. He was quite violent towards me and like to do what he called “Harry hunting”, I’m
sure you can imagine what this meant for me. At times he would purposely get me in trouble
so that I would be punished. It was during one of the times he tried to get me in trouble that I
was actually able to escape.

RITA:(I was crying at this time and barely was able to have him continue. But I had hope for
his escape.)Escape?

HADRIAN:Yes. I remember it vividly, some of my memories are blurry but this one had never

RITA:What happen?

HADRIAN:One of my duties was to take care of my aunts garden. My cousin had trampled all
over the flowers and screamed for his mother. In my panic my accidental magic brought them
back to life and my aunt saw me. I had quite a few bouts of accidental magic as a child.
Vernon would try and ‘beat’ the magic out of me at those times.

RITA:Oh my.

HADRIAN:(Hadrian gave me a sad smile) Yes. Naturally I was terrified of what my family
called my ‘freakishness’ and panicked when the flowers fixed themselves. My aunt sent me to
my cupboard to wait for Vernon to come home. I waited all day for him and when I heard him
coming I wished to be somewhere else anywhere else.

RITA:(I could only whisper this) What happen?

HADRIAN: I a pparated out of my closet and into a forest.

RITA:A forest?

HADRIAN:Yep. I landed in a forest far away from my family and was first found by my
Basilisk Rowena.

RITA:Yes I heard she caused quite the stir when you first arrived at Hogwarts.

HADRIAN:(Hadrian let out a laugh, this one bubbling and genuine) Yes. The students and
teachers were quite concerned about her. Understandable of course, not much is known
about Basilisk in England.

RITA:She is your familiar correct?

HADRIAN:Yes she is.

RITA:Where is she now? She’s not with you correct? (I won’t lie readers I did glance around
the room for the snake. I may have been a Slytherin but I still hold a healthy fear of the

HADRIAN:She is on Dracos island hibernated currently. She came with me originally but the
students and cold quickly got on her nerves and she requested to be left at the Island shortly
before Christmas.

RITA:I was unaware that basilisk hibernated.

HADRIAN:Oh yes. All snakes do. At Durmstrang she has a hibernation room in my
chambers, unfortunately we were unable to replicate it on our ship.

RITA:So what happen after Rowena found you?

HADRIAN:I was with Rowena in a cave for a week before I was found by my Uncle Regulus

RITA:(I was very surprised by this, as many others I thought that Regulus Black had passed
during the first war)Regulus Black?

HADRIAN:Yes. Uncle Regulus kept a very low profile after leaving The Dark Lords service.
The ministry was aware of course, he works for them.

RITA:What happen when he found you?

HADRIAN:He took me home instantly. After documenting my injuries he called in a healer

who healed me and set me up with a potions regimen to help me heal and get me to where I
was suppose to be as a six year old. After ensuring my health he took me to Gringotts to find
out exactly who I was. That is how we found out the Will had been ignored and he took
guardianship over me as was noted in the Will.

RITA:So he was listed as a guardian for you?

HADRIAN:Yes. Shortly after I was born my Papa Sirius blood adopted me and noted Uncle
Regulus as a guardian if others couldn’t.

RITA:So you stayed with him until Lord Black was released?

HADRIAN:Yes. (Hadrian shifted again, this time obviously more comfortable.)

RITA:Tell me about your life with him.

HADRIAN:(Hadrian smiled softly, dare I say fondly, here.) It was brilliant. He made sure I
was healthy and started teaching me. I had never gone to school and was missing all of the
normal learnings children had. He took time to make sure I was caught up and nurtured my
studies when he realized that I excelled in learning.

RITA:I have seen your test results, you scored the highest they had ever seen in quite a few

HADRIAN:I enjoy learning. Once I started I never wanted to stop, even now I am always
learning new things. Magical and muggle studies.

HADRIAN:Yes. My family has made sure that I was well trained in the muggle world and I
have spent quite a bit of time there.

RITA:That’s surprising. Many Wizards stay far away from muggles.

HADRIAN:My Father, Marvolo, believes that we should have a full account of all the worlds
and cultures around us. You never know when it will come in handy. That’s not to say he likes
to interact with them or he feels they should know about us, it’s for our benefit purely.

RITA:That is quite progressive of him.

HADRIAN:He has his moments.

RITA:So you were with Mr. Black until Lord Black was released?

HADRIAN:Yes. The moment he was released Uncle Regulus got him and brought him to the
best healers. He was placed in a healing sleep for a month while his body fixed the damage
done by Hogwarts. The moment he woke up he took his place as my father and has never
looked back.

RITA:And when did Lord Gaunt come into the picture?

HADRIAN:Shortly after Papa woke up. He wrote him a letter and the rest is history.

RITA:So you have known Lord Gaunt since you were a child?

HADRIAN:I was seven when we were officially introduced. Papa wanted to make sure it was
going to work with them before brining me into the picture. I was enthralled I will admit.
Father was brilliant and had no problem teaching me anything I was curious about. I even
told Papa Sirius that if things went bad I was going with Father.

RITA:You obviously had a favorite.

HADRIAN:(Hadrian laughed freely here) Still do. Father stepped up to raise me along Papa
with no hesitation and has treated me as a son since.

RITA:So it’s safe to say that your life after your mothers relatives has been very much

HADRIAN:Very much. I blossomed under my families care. They very much loved me and did
everything they could to repair the damage that my original guardians had left me with. They
also made sure my studies were always top notch, especially once Father came into the
picture. He values knowledge greatly and was very pleased when it was obvious that I did as

RITA:And when did you meet Heir Malfoy?

HADRIAN:(Hadrians smile here was love struck. His eyes gleamed as he thought of his
betrothed. One could only hope for the type of love that this young man had for his
betrothed.) We were ten. It was at a ball that was thrown for my tenth birthday and I saw
Draco across the room and thought he was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. I admit
I didn’t give him much choice in the beginning, I simply claimed his as mine.

RITA:How did that go?

HADRIAN:Amazingly actually. We demanded a contract but our parents told us we had to

wait until we were older. After a year they did finally agree to a contract between us and two
minutes past the moment of my birth when I turned eleven we signed one.

RITA:That’s awfully young.

HADRIAN:For a love match maybe. Arranged contracts are sometimes much younger but
thankfully neither of our families went that route.

RITA:Have you had any doubts since then?

HADRIAN:Absolutely none. That’s not to say we haven’t had our moments of course we both
have very strong personalities but we always worked through it pretty quickly.

RITA:You two do seem very much inlove. Some even say obsessed.

HADRIAN:(Hadrian laughed) I will agree with that. I am certainly obsessed with him but
can you blame me? Have you seen him?

RITA:Many are jealous that is true. So I must ask, do you know why your parents will was
ignored? It seems almost impossible and such a horrible thing to do.

HADRIAN:Albus Dumbledore used his power as Chief Warlock of the Wizamagot to have it
sealed the same night of my parents death without even looking at it. He decided he knew
better than my parents and placed me with my mums family.

RITA:Why would he do that?

HADRIAN:I have no idea to be honest. He was well aware of how my mum sister was, she
was quite vocal about her hatred. To be honest he has always taken an unusual interest in the
comings and goings in my life. It was one of the reasons my parents kept me in Bulgaria and
Romania growing up.

RITA:Unusual interest? Can you expand on that?

HADRIAN:Since I’ve come to Hogwarts he’s tried to have multiple meetings with me. When I
did agree to them he questioned me insistently on my family and how I grew up, even after I
made it clear I would not be answering personal questions he had no right to. He has also
spent a lot of time trying to convince me that my Father is the deceased Dark Lord (Hadrian
used the true name of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named here, we have removed it) as he has been
trying since father joined the Wizamagot. The most concerning however is the marriage
contract he attempted to force on me.

RITA:Marriage contact?
( I was aghast at this information)

HADRIAN:Yes. He considered himself my magical guardian, even though he had never

checked up on me and I had no idea who he was, and used that to sign a marriage contract
with Miss. Ginevra Weasley.

(Miss. Weasley is currently on her death bed after having her magic removed during an
unknown problem that happen in the second task of the Twiwizard Tournament.)

RITA:I heard that there was an incident with Miss. Weasley during the Yule Ball?

HADRIAN:Oh yes. Headmaster Dumbledore assured her I would be taking her and even
tried to force me into taking her. I declined of course but with his assurances she thought it
would. When she realized I wouldn’t she was quite upset. I felt bad for her, she’s just a child
being told false information by her authority figures. I think we could have been friends if not
for that.

RITA:When did you find out about the betrothal contract the Headmaster tried to sign for

HADRIAN:Shortly after the ball. He said it was time to ‘take up my responsibilities’ and
adhere to the contract he had set up.

RITA:Were you concerned at that time?

HADRIAN:No. My contract had already been signed for a year plus before he tried to sign in
false one. He also had no real power to sign anything for me so I knew it would be false. It
was good for that as well. The contract he had set up with Madam Weasley was ghastly.


HADRIAN:I have a copy.

(A copy of the contract has been included in this article. I am sure you will be as appalled as
I am by the contents on this contract.)

RITA:Thank you. May I print this?

HADRIAN:Of course. After he found out about the contract not working I’m afraid it didn’t
change his view on who my betrothal should be.

RITA:How so?

HADRIAN:Well the second task of course. Our task was to save a hostage from the bottom of
Black Lake. My hostage should have been Draco but the Headmaster chose Miss. Weasley for
me instead. Because she agreed the Tournament saw her as an interferer and punished her.

RITA:So it’s because of Headmaster Dumbledore that she is in the position that she is in?
HADRIAN: Allegedly of course. He has stated Ludo Bagman had given him the list but it
turns out Bagman had been confided and memory wiped. After many days of work they have
been able to recover the original memory that shows him giving the list, with Dracos name,
to the Headmaster. We do not know who cast the curses on him however.

RITA:That information has not been provided by the papers.

HADRIAN:Of course it hasn’t. Looks bad for the Headmaster doesn’t it?

RITA: That’s a serious accusation Hadrian.

HADRIAN: I am aware but I am not afraid of the Headmaster Madam Skeeter. He has tired
to control my life since my parents died. He placed me with abusive muggles and when he
found out I was no longer with them he called in every favor he had to try and find my
location. I shudder to think of what would have happen if he actually found me. Even now he
has tried, multiple times, to turn me against my family and force me into a horrible marriage
contract that would have given him and my ‘wife’ complete control of my life. I believe the
public has the right to know everything that I know about this situation. Who knows who else
he might try and control. Who else he may have already controlled.

Heir Potter-Black had to leave the interview at this time due to an emergency that required
his attention.

This was a hard interview for this seasoned reporter. I was shocked and heartbroken many
times while Hadrian told me his story. Some details of his childhood have been omitted from
the article as it was simply too much. This young man has survived a horrible environment
and flourished. Below we have included his O.W.Ls results, dueling championships and even
more achievements that he has accomplished in his life.

His obvious concern about Headmaster Dumbledores’ interference in his life is concerning
for me and I’m sure for you as well. It leaves the question as to why the Headmaster is so
interested in his life? What would he gain by having control of this young man? Is it because
of the Headmasters assuredness that Lord Gaunt is He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named? Or
something more nefarious?

As we have seen from previous articles the Headmaster has been keeping some very large
secrets from us. Between the death of his sister and his ill-timed relationship with the Dark
Lord Grindlewald we are seeing new side of the Headmaster that we have never seen before.

And, my loyal readers there is even more that we were unaware of.

Hadrian knew the headmaster would be displeased by the article but he never expected the
man to openly attack him.
Hadrian kept his eyes on the Headmaster as he read the article, his blue eyes darkening with
every line he read. By the time he reached the bottom Hadrian knew his reaction would be

“How dare you!”Dumbledore roared as he got to his feet, his eyes locked onto Hadrian.

Hadrian quickly stood up, his wand falling into his hand, “Oh I’m sorry. Did you not want me
to tell people what you did? What you made me suffer for because you felt like it?”

“You don’t understand what you have done! You were with your relatives for your

“Oh I was so protected,”Hadrian said sarcastically, “Hard to be hurt when your locked in a

The room sucked in a breath. The older students were standing and palming their wands
ready to throw up protection spells if needed. Draco and Viktor shared a look, Hadrian had
already briefed them on what to do. Luna left the room quietly to get the Aurors and Hadrians

“I’m ashamed at the lies you told,”Dumbledore said, “Your family loves you.”

Hadrian watched Dumbledores hand closely.

“I provided evidence,”Hadrian said with a smile, “Plenty of evidence actually. Including

documentation by the goblins that show what you tired to do to my vaults when you thought I
was unaware.”

“I have no idea what your talking about,”Dumbledore said, his eyes flickered around the
room. Disgust was clear in every person in the room, with everything that has already been
released this was the final straw for many of the students.

“Every time you tired to take gold. Every time you try to use them to find me. Every time
you tried to take heirlooms from me. It was all documented. Want to know what else I know
Headmaster?”Hadrian asked with a sneer, “I know about your bi-yearly trips to Nurmengard
to visit your lover. Making another plan to take over the muggles? For the Greater Good?”

It was the last straw for Dumbledore. Everything that had been released about him, the reason
he couldn’t find Skeeter or Bathilda. He thought it had been Tom but now he knew. It was all
Harry. It was to late for Hadrian to be saved. Tom had already tainted him. Dumbledore knew
what he had to do. His wand lifted quickly as he shot off a spell to Hadrian. Hadrian used his
wand to throw up a shield as he flicked his fingers on his other hand. Dumbledores wand..the
Elder Wand..hopeful to be with its true owner…flew from Dumbledores hand and straight
into Hadrians. Dumbledore froze, his eyes grew wide in surprise. How did he know wandless
magic! Harry was no where near as powerful as he was! Then the reality of the situation hit
Dumbledore. The elder wand was now in the hands of Tom. If he had any idea of the power
he now held it would be over for the Wizarding World! He had to get it back.
Hadrian felt the power of the wand the moment it connected with his hand. The other hallows
hidden on him all sung in joy as their brother finally joined them. Hadrian felt the full power
of the Master of Death, the power he had been training for, settled into him.

“You-!”Dumbledore raged, his other wand appearing his hand quickly. Hadrian didn’t bother
talking and instead used action, giving his people a quick look Hadrian threw a stunner at
Dumbledore. His action was copied by Draco, Viktor, Severus, Poppy, Sinister, Vector,
Sprout and Flickwick. Nine stunners hit the Headmaster at once causing him to collapse in a
heap just as the door behind them opened and Amelia came in with a group of Aurors and
Marvolo behind her. Amelia let out a loud sigh as she saw the Headmaster laid out and his
wand in Hadrians hand. Marvolo smirked as he crossed his arms across his chest and looked
on proudly.

Hadrian looked at them sheeplessly, “He attacked me first.”

Chapter Summary

Ginnys family deals with her death the only way they know and Hadrian gets a shock.

Chapter Notes

Hello Friends!
I was going to add the trial into this chapter but I hit 13,000 and decided against it so
that will be coming soon!!

I hope you all have an amazing weekends!

Arthur stood behind Mollys chair at Ginnys bedside as they waited for Ginny to take her last
breath. The last week had been hard on Arthur, it wasn’t easy seeing your child die in front of
you, regardless of how you felt about the child. He regretted not taking more of a hand in
Ginny and Rons upbringing as he had the others. The extra mouths meant more time at work
and less time at home. Time that Albus used to infiltrate his family and fill his wife and
daughters heads with delusions of grandeur.

Arthur always hoped that his Molly would come back. The Molly he fell in love with as a
young man who was full of joy and laughter. The one who loved the little shack they moved
into before starting a family. The loving and wonderful mother that raised Bill, Charlie and
Percy with doting love and affection and encouraged them. He didn’t know when he truly lost
her but sometime after Rons birth she changed. She no longer wanted to encourage the boys
in their own activities, she started pushing the ministry onto them. The boys weren’t allowed
to have their own styles and wants, she wanted them to all follow the path she decided on.

Arthur knew this was around the time Dumbledore started to come around more and thought
maybe he did something. Arthur even had some of her blood tested for potions or spells but it
was negative, Molly had changed on her own will.

Nothing had depressed him more.

So Arthur threw himself further into his work. He did overtime and spent weekends in the
office, doing all he could to earn his keep and keep food on his families table. His position
was a laugh for the Ministry, he was a head but was paid as if he was a beginner in a
department. He thought of changing his department, who wouldn’t, but in the end could
never make himself do it. He loved his job. He loved learning about the fascinating people
that were the muggles. He didn’t want to lose that, so he sucked it up and worked for pennies
to keep the job he loved.

Meeting Marvolo and Hadrian changed all of this for him. He still remembered the day he
was called into a meeting with them and the Minister. He had heard the whispers around the
ministry of course, a Lord from an old family was slowly taking over and had hopes for a
better Wizarding World. He knew his sons had already met the man and said nothing but
good things about him and his son but it didn’t prepare Arthur for what happen.

They spent the entire meeting telling him what a fine job he had been doing and how
impressed they were with his ethic when the rest of the world thought him daft. By the end of
the meeting he received a bonus and a raise along with an entire department full of people
who actually wanted to work. He kept this from Molly, she had already started making bad
spending choices, normally to buy something unneeded for Ron and Ginny. He also kept it
from Dumbledore. He wasn’t sure why the man had been around his house so much but his
faith and trust in the man had faded quite a bit by then.

He watched as department head after department head went to meetings with Marvolo and
Hadrian. Each time the department went through an overhaul and started running better. For
the first time since Arthur started the ministry wasn’t rampant with corruption. The entire
ministry was running better, plans were being put into place for the betterment of the
Wizarding World and Arthur knew it was only a matter of time before the official voted for
the new laws.

“Arthur,”Molly whispered urgently as Ginnys’ breath started too slow, “I think it’s

Arthur held his daughters hand and closed his eyes tightly as he felt the life leave her forever.
Molly let out a heartbreaking sound as she broke down into sobs. The boys all sat quietly,
tears falling down their face as they stared at their little sister, all remembering times when
she was young and full of life. Bill, Charlie and Percy would forever remember this as the
moment their hatred for Dumbledore solidified. They knew the true cause of her death and
knew it was directly in his hands. Fred and George never had strong feelings in regards to the
Dumbledore, he was just their headmaster, but his actions had cost them their little sister and
the anger they felt for him was full and absolute.

All of the brothers had one thought, they wanted revenge.

They all knew how to get it.


The Slytherin common room was full of noise as the students were all talking about what
they had just witnessed.
“I can’t believe Dumbledore attacked Hadrian in the great hall like that!”Theo said as he sat
with Daphne, Blaise, Viktor, Luna and Fleur around the fire.

“I can’t either,”Blaise said still in shock of what he had just witnessed.

“Hadrian thought the article might push him over the edge. He told us before we went to
breakfast,”Viktor revealed to them. Luna, who was leaning against his arm nodded.

“I didn’t expect so many teachers to cast,”Blaise said with a frown, “It was like half of

“Hadrian has a lot of connections. There are a couple who didn’t cast as well,”Luna told them
with a grin.

“What’s going to happen?”Fleur asked.

“Dumbledore has officially been arrested for attacking a student. The other charges will come
when they do,”Luna told them all.

“I hope they charge him for what he did to Hadrian as a child!”Daphne said fiercely.

Her friends all agreed whole heartedly. Child Abuse in the Wizarding World was not unheard
of but it was rare. Children were a gift from the goddess and were never meant to be harmed.
For those rare ones that did punishment was sever and quick.

“I’m sure he will be. The full charges won’t be announced until they set the date for his
trial,”Theo said thoughtfully, “I wonder when it will be.”

“They are still collecting information,”Hadrian said as he walked up to them, his arms
wrapped around Dracos waist as he leaned against his back

“Is there more information?”Blaise asked with raised eyebrows.

“Uh?”Hadrian asked lifting his head up from where he was lightly biting Dracos neck.

Luna, Daphne and Fleur giggled.

“Is there more information to know,”Blaise said with a roll of his eyes.

“Oh yeah. You will find out in the next article,”Hadrian said before giving his attention back
to Draco.

“Can I share your room tonight Theo?”Blaise asked with a sigh as he eyed the couple.

“Yeah,”Theo said as he also watched the couple.

Draco had turned in Hadrians arms and they started kissing in quite a scandalous way.

“Uh g-“Blaise started as Hadrians hands started to drift down to Dracos arse. He cut off with
a grunt as Daphne elbowed him.
“Shut up,”Daphne hissed, “It’s getting good.”

Hadrian laughed as he lifted his head and gave the girls a wink, “I’ll let you watch for one
hundred thousand gallons.”

Draco turned his head back to look at them and raised an eyebrow.

“Wait seriously?”Daphne said sitting up in her seat.

“I’m in a very good mood. If you truly want to be voyeurs who am I to deny you,”Hadrian
said with a large grin.

Draco nodded his head with a shrug, “I don’t mind.”

“What about me?”Blaise asked with a frown.

“You can watch but I’ll rip your eyes out and feed them to you then I’ll kill you,”Hadrian
said cheerfully.

Blaise quickly sat as far back into his seat that he could, “I’m good. In fact I never want to
see anything like that. In my life. Ever.”

“Good,”Hadrian said with a pleased nod, “Girls?”

Daphne quickly stood up with Fleur. Daphne paused and looked down too Theo, “This is
okay right?”

“As long as you're not getting the money from my coin purse and are all consenting I don’t
care,”Theo said with a shrug.

After the girls left with Draco and Hadrian the boys looked at Luna.

“You didn’t want to go?”Theo asked.

“I’ve seen it,”Luna said airily, “They are quite free on the island and have no problems with
sand. You shouldn’t have let your fiancé go.”

“Why?”Theo asked with a frown.

Luna giggled, “She may find you…lacking.”

Theo face went slack as Blaise started to laugh uproariously.

“Merlin,”Theo groaned thrown this head back onto the seat.

“Don’t be mean,”Viktor said hitting Lunas shoulder with his own.

Luna smiled innocently at her betrothed and threw a wink at Blaise when they weren’t

The girls refused to speak of anything that they saw when they met for Breakfast the next
day. Theo stared between his fiancee and Hadrian multiple times, the urge to ask very strong.
Thankfully his self preservation was stronger.

“This will be the last article before the trial,”Hadrian said as he took a drink of his tea.

Hadrian was waiting for Theo to break and ask the question that Hadrian could see bubbling
at the front of his head. The girls didn’t actually stay last night, both giving them kisses on
the cheek before going to Daphnes room with giggles. Hadrian was a little offended they
didn’t want to watch.

“What’s this one going to be about?”Daphne asked.

“Dumbledore and Grindlewald,”Hadrian said with a smirk, “He will also give testimony at
the trial.”

“How the bloody hell did you manage that?”Theo asked in shock.

Draco snorted, “Grindlewald likes Hadrian.”

“Your joking,”Viktor said staring at them. Hadrian did a lot of things that Viktor had feelings
about, good and bad but he always supported him and respected his reasonings. This time
however he wasn’t sure how he felt about that. Grindewald was responsible for the death of
quite a few members of his family.

“He says I remind him of when he was younger,”Hadrian told him before giving him a look
of assurance, “I can assure you the feeling is not returned. He’s bloody metal and hasn’t
learned a thing since being in prison.”

“If he’s mental would he even be able to testify?”Theo asked

“Oh he’s off sound mind,”Hadrian said with a shake of his head, “Plays a mean game of
chess but his ideas are mental.”

“Does the Headmaster really visit him yearly?”

“Yep,”Hadrian said with a grin, “Grindlewald only complaint is that Dumbledore can no
longer get it up.”

Theo and Blaise looked sick as they both pushed their breakfast away.

“I didn’t need to know that,”Blaise said in disgust.

“Neither did I,”Hadrian said dryly.

“They are staring again,”Draco grumbled as he glared at a pair of Ravenclaw girls who were
staring at Hadrian and giggling behind their hands.

“Hadrian took down Dumbledore,”Daphne said with a shake of her head, “If you thought
people wanted him before that was nothing.

“We should shag on Dumbledores chair during dinner,”Draco announced, “That way they
know who you belong to.”

“Please don’t,”Severus said as they came up behind them with a sneer, “While some of the
hormone driven imbeciles in this school may enjoy it I assure you the teachers will not.”

“I promise we will keep all activities out of the Great Hall,”Hadrian said with a grin.

“Thank you,”Severus said, “Your father requires your assistance along with Mr. Krum and
Madam Delacor. It’s about the final task.”

Hadrian groaned, “I forgot we still had to do that blasted thing.”


The final task would be taking place in April and although they didn’t tell the champions
exactly what it would be they did tell them to spend the next two months training for all
options. Hadrian took it upon himself to let the others know, after the meetings, that it would
be a maze with different creatures and spells hidden within the hedges. Before the final task
however there was a much more important event that Hadrian was anticipating.

Dumbledores trial.

They had set the trial date for the beginning of March, enough time to get all of the evidence
and arrange arrival for the Dark Lord Grindlewald. Hadrian had to pull a few strings to get
the ICW to approve transport and figure it out. As it was Hadrian had to go out to
Nurmengard and lock Grindlewald magic before they would move him from the prison.
Hadrian was happy to do it, he would do just about anything to see Dumbledores face the
moment Grindlewald entered the courtroom to testify against him.

It would fuel Hadrians dreams for years to come.


“Arthur?”Hadrian said quietly as he squatted next to the mans chair. Marvolo said he hadn’t
left his office since the morning before and he looked a right wreck. His hair was greasy and
in disarray as if he had ran his hands though it a million times, his clothes were wrinkled, his
shirt mis-buttoned. Arthurs red rimmed eyes were staring at a blank piece of paper.

“She’s gone,”Arthur said quietly, “Yesterday morning. Right as the birds sang.”
“I’m sorry Arthur,”Hadrian said quietly. He was sorry, for the pain that Arthur was going
through but not for the death of the chit. Or the deaths she would have in the years to come
when Draco got his hands on her.

“You knew it would happen,”Arthur said accusingly.

“I knew Dumbledore might have switched the hostages but I didn’t know what would have
happen,”Hadrian corrected him, “If I had known what would have happen I would have
figured something else out.”

“Molly is inconsolable,”Arthur said with a hiccup. He pulled out a handkerchief and wiped
his nose, “She’s blaming you of course. If you had just signed the contract and loved Ginny
like she loved you this never would have happen.”

Hadrian grimaced.

“I know it wasn’t your fault,”Arthur assured him, “I tried to tell her that wasn’t how it
worked. Years ago I tried but it was too late. It was to late Harry.”

Hadrian let the use of his old name slide. Harry took a glance around the office with a frown.
He didn’t see anything suspicious but Arthur wasn’t acting like himself.

“Have you drank anything Arthur?”Hadrian asked softly as he pulled Arthur out of his seat.

“Ludo gave me some fire whiskey,”Arthur told Hadrian in a whisper after taking a look
around the room suspiciously, “He had it right on him in a flask. You should look into that.”

“I’ll handle it,”Hadrian said with a grin, “Now come. I can take you home or to Lunas if you

“I don’t want to be anywhere near the house. Not where my ginny died. My little girl,”Arthur
groaned. Fresh tears gathered in his eyes and he looked to Hadrian desperately, “My little

“Okay,”Hadrian whispered, “We will go to my house.”

“I don’t want to go to Romania,”Arthur wined.

“Not that house. Sirius gifted Draco a house in London for our betrothal gift,”Hadrian said
with a grin.

“Oh that’s fine then,”Arthur agreed.

Hadrian assisted Arthur to the floo to Grimmauld place. Arthur wouldn’t quite moving
enough for apparation and Hadrian didn’t feel like cleaning up from a portkey.

Grimmauld place had gone through a complete make over when it was given too Draco. The
place was a mausoleum when they first entered it. Dark and dank, elf heads on the wall and
troll feet stands next to doors. Almost everything in the building had been cursed, books,
stands, sheets, curtains, even a toilet on the second floor. It took months for them to work
through the house and remove the curses. The worst of the house was the portrait of Sirius’
mother that had been hanging in the entrance.

Walburga Black was the foulest women Hadrian had ever had the displeasure of seeing. She
fawned over Marvolo but had decided after Sirius was arrested that he was no better than
James Potter and spent the last few years of her life cursing her son to hell and back. She also
hated Hadrian for being a Potter, regardless of who he had been adopted by. Hadrian took
great pleasure in removing her imprint from the picture and destroying the wall.

“I remember this place,”Arthur said looking around in wonder, “It used to be hideous.”

“I know,”Hadrian said with a chuckle, “Draco couldn’t stand it and insisted that it be fixed
before he would ever come back.”

“Sounds like Draco,”Arthur said with a small smile.

Hadrian sat him on the sofa and called for Kreacher.

“Master,”Kreacher said standing as tall as he could. Kreacher was not a fond of the other elfs
that Marvolo had bonded too and decided to remain at Grimmauld to take care of it. Hadrian
didn’t like it much but made sure Kreacher wasn’t alone as much as possible and ensured
there were visits at least once a week.

“Get us a bottle of fire whiskey. Then let Draco know I’m staying with Arthur
tonight,”Hadrian told him.

“You don’t have to stay with me,”Arthur said with a frown.

“I don’t get many chances to get blasted without Dracos watchful eye. Humor me,”Hadrian
told him with a sly smirk.

Kreacher dropped off the whiskey and quickly left to fulfill his other order. Hadrian had just
got the cork out of the whiskey when Kreacher returned.

“Master Malfoy has told me to tell you that he will not be taking care of you in the morning
and if you end up in a holding cell you will stay there until he deems different,”Kreacher said
with a smug look.

Hadrian glared at the elf, “Thanks Kreacher.”

“Master didn’t tell Kreacher not to tell Master Draco,”Kreacher said.

“Bye Kreacher,”Hadrian said shooing the elf away.

Arthur let out a small chuckle at the put out look on Hadrians face, “Draco is lying.”

“I know,”Hadrian said with a grin, “If I dared go to anyone else to take care of me I would be
in trouble for the next year.”
“Draco would kill whoever it was,”Arthur said confidently.

Hadrian paused in his pouring, “What?”

“Oh don’t think I don’t know,”Arthur said taking the drink Hadrian handed him. The drink
sloshed around the cup while Arthur moved his hand around, “It’s been years since I saw
Tom Riddles true face. I was a wee sprout when I met him at a party I had to attend with my
mother. Father hated all of those events but mother was a Black you know. She wouldn’t dare
miss any family events and would take me in my fathers stead.”

Hadrian stared at Arthur in shock. After so many years most people had forgotten Marvolos
true face and those who did assumed he was the son of Tom Riddle, just as it had been set up
to be.

“I know Marvolo is suppose to be the Dark Lords son but the moment I saw him I knew. I
almost ran away when I walked into that room and saw him but then I saw you. How old
were you then? Fourteen? You had the same look on your face as he did. Calculated. Cold.
But then you smiled and it was..bright. Then you were introduced as Hadrian Potter-Black
and I nearly fell out of my chair! He was hell bent on killing you but here he was sitting next
to you. So I decided to wait and listen to what you had to say. The whispers had been all
around the Ministry of what you were doing but I never expected the interest you showed.
You asked question after question about my job and how I dealt with muggles and Marvolo
watched you with an exasperated fondness. I knew then that he wasn’t the man I

“He’s not,”Hadrian said quietly, “He’s a different man. He’s a sane man.”

“I know,”Arthur said with a nod, “He has proved himself time and time again but I have
heard rumors young man. He hasn’t let go of all of his peculiarities.”

“He’s a Sadist,”Hadrian agreed taking back his entire dink before pouring another.

“I’ve heard rumors about you as well,”Arthur said thrusting out his glass for more.

“They are probably true,”Hadrian said pouring him another drink.

“I never said anything out loud you know. I promise. Always kept the thoughts in my
brain,”Arthur said enthusiastically, “I couldn’t trust them outside of my head and I grew very
fond of you. Even if you are a murdering miscreant.”

Hadrian snorted and spread his legs out in front of him on the floor, “So you’ve known all
this time.”

“Oh yes,”Arthur said, “I tried to convince Molly that it wasn’t right what she was pushing
onto Ginny. For years I tried to tell her that it would never work. That we should have let
Ginny find her own love and not give her hope for something that would never be but she
never listened….”
Arthur trailed off and grabbed the bottle. He took a large drink and stared at one of the book
cases that lined the wall.

“I want to hate you,”Arthur said quietly, “You have said some horrible things to my little girl.
Just awful things.”

“I know,”Hadrian said softly.

“Horrible horrible things to my little girl…,”Arthur suddenly stopped looked at Hadrian,

“She wasn’t my little girl you know.”

“I’m sorry..what?”Hadrian asked. His jaw dropped slightly as he stared at Arthur, “What do
you mean?”

“Ginny wasn’t my daughter and Ron isn’t my son either,”Arthur said solemnly, “I have no
idea who they belong to but it’s not me.”

“How do you know?”Hadrian whispered. He was going to find out who they belonged to and
ruin them.

Arthur turned red, “It was an accident…I was just trying to see what it was you know…it was
Fletchers fault really. He was the one who told me about it…”

“Arthur?”Hadrian asked completely confused as to where this was going.

“You know I have always been…fascinated by muggle doctors. They have this thing called
surgery. It’s truly barbaric but fascinating.”

Hadrian had a sudden thought to where this was going, “Arthur..”

“Fletcher found a surgery that we could do that wouldn’t hurt us and we didn’t need to be
hurt to have.”

Hadrian snorted, “Did you get a vasectomy Arthur?”

“I didn’t know what it was until it was time to do it,”Arthur defended himself sheepishly, “I
could have stopped but I figured why not? We had five children already. Molly wouldn’t get
her daughter but that would be okay.”

“That is the most unhinged thing I have ever heard,”Hadrian mused, “Never would have
expected it. Not in a million years. You shouldn’t have trusted Dung. Mans an idiot. If you
wanted to experience surgery I could have helped with that.”

“You hadn’t been born yet,”Arthur reminded him.

“You should have waited,”Hadrian said with a shake of his head.

“Weasleys aren’t known for patience. Gryffindor through and though,”Arthur said proudly
before his face dropped, “But it ensured that Ginny and Ron aren’t mine.”
“Do you want me to tell you who the father is when I find out?”Hadrian offered.

“Can I tell you later?”Arthur asked.

“I’ll let you know when I do. You can tell me then,”Hadrian promised.

“If you ever need my’s yours,”Arthur told Hadrian with a serious look that was
slightly dampened by the fact that his eyes wouldn’t focus.

“We can talk about that tomorrow Arthur,”Hadrian told him softly.

Arthur nodded.

They sat quietly as they drank more from the bottle both lost in their own thoughts. The only
sound from the roar of the fire and click of glasses as they were set down and refilled.

“I want a piece of Dumbledore,”Arthur said suddenly.

“After the trial,”Hadrian promised.

Arthur raised his glass in a toast and Hadrian clicked his glass against his.


Hadrian climbed into Dracos bed and fell onto his back with a light giggle.

“You oaf!”Draco said as peered at Hadrian through half open eyes.

“I’m sorry precious,”Hadrian slurred slightly, “I can go to my bed if you like?”

“Don’t you dare,”Draco said quietly. He sat up and transfigured Hadrians clothes into
pajamas before getting them both under the covers.

“I promised Arthur a piece of Dumbledore,”Hadrian mumbled into Dracos hair.

“What!”Draco whispered urgently, “What are you talking about!”

“Oh he knows about us. About Marvolo. Everything,”Hadrian said as his eyes fluttered shut.



“You bloody prick! You better have a good explanation for this in the morning!”


“Can we talk to you?”Fred asked as he and George walked up to Hadrian who had been
sitting by the lake with Draco, Fleur, Gabrielle, Viktor and Luna.

With Remus and Dumbledore gone Defense had officially been cancelled until further notice.
All end of the year tests for Defense were cancelled. Except for OWLS and NEWTS, those
would be held half way through the summer at they ministry on exception with optional
tutoring classes being held before hand. So Hadrian and his friends had taken that time to just
hang out and not focus on anything school or tournament related.

“Of course,”Hadrian said giving Draco a light kiss and standing up, “In private?”

Fred and George glanced to the other students that were sitting on the blanket, “Er..”

“We all know about Hadrians…peculiarities,”Luna told them with a soft smile, “You can
speak freely.”

“Well then-“

“Don’t mind if we do!”Fred and George said before taking a seat on the blanket.

Hadrian sat back next to Draco and pulled him against his chest, “How can I help you fine
gentlemen today?”

“We want in-“Fred started with a serious look.

“On whatever you do-“

“We want in.”

Hadrian raised an eyebrow at them. He lifted the elder wand and turned it into a circle above
them casting a privacy shield around them. If the students were too look it would be an empty
part of the field instead of a group of students.

“You don’t truly know what you're asking,”Hadrian told them seriously, “I won’t take your
word today. I want you to truly think.”

Fred and George looked at Hadrian with stone faces, “For years we have been told that
Dumbledore is as close to Merlin as we were going to get-“

“The one to beat a previous Dark Lord and helped bring the world into a better place-“

“He’s been pretty much running the Wizarding World for decades-“
“We looked into changes to Hogwarts since he was Headmaster. So much has changed-“

“Not for the better. So many classes removed, so many traditions removed and stopped-“

“For what? Because he considers them dark? That’s complete bull-“

“We also looked further into you and things you have done. We asked older students who
have left-“

“We even asked Oliver Wood and he knew things about you-“

“How many puddings do you have your hand into young Hadrian?”

“So we know enough.”

Hadrian rested his chin on top of Draco and looked at the twins carefully.

“They are honest,”Luna said, her eyes were slightly unfocused as she stared at the twins,
“They will be a good addition my Lord. You would do a disservice to disregard simply
because they don’t know everything.”

“Alright,”Hadrian said with a shrug, “You guys are in.”

“That easy?”Fred asked surprised.

“Luna would know if you were trouble,”Hadrian said with a glance to the girl, “Besides I can
always kill you if you even think of betraying us.”

“Does he threaten to kill a lot?”George asked nervously.

“Oh yes,”Luna said lightly, “He has killed a lot but don’t worry he doesn’t kill without actual

“Anymore,”Draco said with a grin.

“Right,”George said, “So..err..what do you want from us?”

“To keep doing what you're doing and make me money,”Hadrian told them with a roll of his
eyes, “I don’t require anyone to fight or do anything. If it becomes a situation and you want
to fight I won’t stop you of course but it’s not necessary. Plenty of my people just do
whatever they want to whether it be making me money or to run parts of the countries that I
need them to.”

“How many countries?”Fred asked with a raised eyebrow.

Hadrian gave a smug grin, “That doesn’t really matter. Just know it’s enough.”

Fred and George shared a look. At least he was honest about it.

“What do you need?”Hadrian asked as sat down and pulled Draco onto his lap.

Bill, Charlie and Percy sat on the couch across from them tensely. Hadrian received an
emergency massive from them via Dobby. Hadrian knew why they called him, the same
reason their younger brothers came to join him.

“We want a piece of Dumbledore,”Bill said darkly.

His brothers nodded in agreement.

Hadrian leaned back into his seat and used the hand not wrapped around Draco to drum his
fingers on the arm of the chair.

“I understand your anger and your pain but getting vengeance this way will affect you more
than you know,”Hadrian said softly, “torturing and killing someone isn’t something that’s
easy to live with for most people.”

“It’s hard,”Draco told them with a concerned look, “Whatever you think you will feel will be
different. It may not make you feel better.”

“He has ruined my mother and brother, betrayed what he stood for and caused the death of
my sister. I’m willing to deal with any feelings I have after,”Bill said darkly.

“I just want to watch,”Percy admitted, “I know I won’t be able to do anything else or live
with myself after.”

“I’m unsure,”Charlie told him, “But I want to be there and have the option.”

“I won’t stop you if this is truly what you want,”Hadrian started, the brothers grinned and sat
up straighter, “But you will come to me if you need help with anything after. If you struggle
with anything I want you at my doorstep that very hour.”

“Deal,”Bill, Charlie and Percy said at once.

“You will have to wait of course,”Hadrian said, “Once the trial is over we will figure out
how to get you what you want. If you change your mind at anytime let me know.”

“We will,”Bill said for all of them.

Hadrian nodded and closed his eyes as he relaxed into the seat while Draco started a
conversation with the brothers. He would admit he was surprised at the request but not
surprised it was only Bill who was ready to actively hurt Dumbledore. Bills job had taken
him too many dark places, his work Dark magic was impressive even to Hadrians standards.
To some Dark magic had a price. For people like Hadrian there was no true price, his core
was dark, his magic was dark, it was the magic he was born with and the magic he was
surrounded by. For Bill, who grew up in a light family, it was different. Every time he used
dark magic it changed his magic just a little and in doing so it also changed him. By this time
Bill had used enough Dark magic that it no longer effected him when being used, he had
already changed as much as he was going to change. The other two however had no need to
use Dark magic, so they didn’t and their core being stayed light.

“Hadrian,”Draco said softly.

“Yes?”Hadrian replied cracking open one eye to look at him.

“I want a French dinner.”

Hadrian smiled and looked at the others, “The master has spoken. If you will excuse us

Bill waved his hand in a dismissing manor, “Go. We can’t keep Draco waiting.”


Hadrian and Draco were still in France when the newspaper ran the last article on

“Bloody hell,”Blaise said staring at the headline that read “Secrets of Dumbledore. Is he
really a Dark Lord?, “This is what he fully got arrested for?”

“Looks like,”Theo said reading the article, “Knowing Hadrian there is probably more to it but
we won’t know until after the trial.”

“Speaking of, where is Hadrian and Draco?”Blaise asked looking around the table.

“Did they even come back last night?”Theo asked him.

“No and I have no idea where they went,”Blaise said with a frown, “Should we be

“Of course not,”Daphne said with a shake of her head, “Draco probably convinced him to go
somewhere amazing and they spent their night there.”

Daphne gave a sigh and dropped her head onto her hand, her elbow resting on the table, “I
wonder what it’s like to have a relationship like that.”

Theo looked at her with a raised eyebrow, “For me to give you whatever you want when you
want it?”

“Yes,”Daphne said with a sniff.

“When I’m richer than god we can talk about it,”Theo said warily.
“Hadrian does tell him no sometimes,”Luna said as she joined their table. Her hair was even
more of a mess then usual, curls falling out of her hair tie.

“Fun night?”Blaise asked with a grin.

“Oh yes. Viktor is an excellent lover,”Luna said with a bright smile.

“Good for you,”Daphne told her giving the younger witch a high five, “I have never seen
Hadrian say no.”

“Draco doesn’t ask for large things really,”Luna said taking a sip of her tea, “But when he
does Hadrian has no problem telling him no if he really doesn’t want to or can’t get whatever
it is. Hadrian surprises Draco with things more than Draco asks for them and I think that
helps. Once Draco wanted a mummy, Hadrian refused to get him one. Said it was
disrespectful for the Egyptians.”

“Why did he want a mummy?”Blaise asked.

“Draco wants strange things sometimes, I don’t ask”Luna said with a shrug.

Luna was pretty sure some things we're just Draco seeing what he could get away with but
never actually asked or looked into it.

“So Luna,”Blaise said giving her a roguish smile, “I know you are well informed on the trial.
Care to give us a little tidbit?”

Luna smiled back and flicked a sugar cube at him. Blaise wrinkled his nose as it hit his
forehead, “Nope. You will know When Hadrian deems you ready to know. Or you can ask
him for a tidbit.”

“I’m good,”Blaise said leaning back into his seat hastily.

Luna smiled as she took another drink of her tea. She ran her eyes along the teachers tables
and around the room. Students and teachers were no longer surprised by the information
revealed about their esteemed headmaster. The faces were full of resignation as they read the
final article that would be released exposing Dumbledore before the trial. Everything was
falling into place.

Blaise, Theo and Daphne all looked at Luna quickly as they heard her cup fall with a clatter
onto the table. Lunas eyes eyes were glazed over as she looked at something only she could
see and a shiver wracked her body.

Miles away Hadrian shot up in bed sheets pooling around his waist as he took deep breaths to
calm himself.

“Hadrian,”Draco said sitting up quickly in bed and grabbing his arm, “Hadrian what is it.”

“I don’t know,”Hadrian said quietly, his eyes locked onto the fireplace, “But whatever it is
it’s not good.”
The Trial of Albus Dumbledore
Chapter Summary

The trial is set to start. Secrets will be revealed and can anyone actually trust the word of
a imprisoned Dark Lord?

Chapter Notes

Hello Friends!
I hope you all had a good weekend!
I and my wife will personally not be celebrating the 4th of July this year because of
certain happenings that have effected everyone with Uteruses, including myself--though
I am trying to get it removed.
But for everyone in the States who is....HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!
For everyone across the pond....I honestly have no idea if you celebrate anything on this
day, maybe a 'Thank god we got the crazy ones out' but if you don't I still hope you have
a fantastic day!

It was the trial of the century.

For days the Wizamagot had been debating on opening the trial to the public or keeping it
closed. Most of the Wizamagot thought it was a good idea for it to be public. Dumbledore
had been such a large figure head in the world for decades and much of the public felt
betrayed by his actions, and they deserved to see the trial. Others, coincidently Dumbledores
followers and friends, thought it would be better for a closed trial to help him maintain
dignity. Another argument is that it was just a smear campaign and once they find
Dumbledore innocent it would be best if everyone didn’t see how badly the Wizamagot
messed up.

That thought ended up being the deciding factor. If after everything that has already came out
if Dumbledore was found innocent the public would demand answers. They would want to
know if his innocence was actually proven or if the situation was swept under the rug because
of who Dumbledore is. Wouldn’t it be best if they saw for themselves? The decision to have
the trial open to the public was quickly decided after that.
Hadrian arrived at Nurmengard before the sun was up on the morning of the trial. Nodding to
the guards that guarded the large castle he made his way directly to Grindelwalds cell,
ignoring the men that followed him with distrust full eyes.

“Can you call off your followers,”Hadrian said with a roll of his eyes as he came up to
Grindlewald cell.

Gellert Grindlewald looked past Hadrian and waved his hand, “You know he is trust worthy.
You're not being hospitable to our guest.”

The guards clasped their fist to their chest and gave a bow before turning in sync and

Hadrian walked into the call and took a seat at the desk, “You still want to do this?”

Grindlewald was sitting behind his desk. The ‘cell’ that he was in was nicely furnished. Book
cases and books filled the walls, a large bed took up the corner, a desk that was filled with
parchment sat opposite. It was lucky that Grindlewald decided to let go of his beliefs because
nothing in this place was keeping him here. Not to mention the fact that everyone in this
‘prison’ was Grindelwalds own people.

“You need me don’t you?”Grindlewald asked instead of answering his question.

Hadrian inclined his head, “It would help greatly but we have enough evidence without you if
you have changed your mind.”

Grindlewald leaned back in his chair and folded his hands in front of him, “I have been going
back and forth with my choice. This will be the last time I see Albus and that is a horrid
thought. But..”Grindlewald sat up with hard eyes, “He put me in here. He wanted to blind my
magic permanently but was shot down by the ICW. He was apart of my plans and turned his
back on me and acted like it was all on me. He deserves punishment and I deserve to be apart
of it.”

Hadrian tilted his head and gave a wicked smile, “Who said this would be the last time you
see Albus? There are many ways you can see him again and I have promised you a boon for
doing this. I can bring him here and he can stay here forever, in whatever way you would

“You would do that? For me?”Grindlewald asked surprised.

“I find the thought of him being here with you forever entertaining,”Hadrian said with a
shrug, “He deserves all the punishment he can get. He still loves you but feels he can never
have you because of his “morals”. Him being here with you would punish him more than
anything. We both know he would never take that next step even if he was with you forever.
But it would also punish you.”
“I have been punished for years already,”Grindewald said, his eyes were focused far away,
“Even when he came and we were intimate, it was a punishment because I knew what it
really was for him. My life is coming to an end, I can feel it, I would like to spend the last
years of my life punishing him as he punished me.”

“However I can help let me know,”Hadrian said quietly, “You have a very good idea of my

Grindlewald nodded, “I heard you have the elder wand.”

Hadrian pulled the wand out and placed it on the table between them. He had no fear of
Grindlewald picking up the wand, it would belong to Hadrian until his death, even if he was

“May I?”Grindlewald asked with a gesture to the wand.

“Of course,”Hadrian said.

Grindlewald picked the wand up, the same wand he lost in the final battle, the last wand he
had held. He examined with wand and ran it thought his fingers with a sigh, “Did I ever tell
you how hard it was to originally track this wand down?”

“No,”Hadrian told them with a tilt of his head.

“A wand that gives its alliance to whoever wins it is a hard thing to track. The person I took it
from didn’t even know what it was. He had it put in his desk and hadn’t even used it, getting
it by chance while protecting his manor. He was going to let me have it, if only it was that
easy to get the wand,”Grindlewald said quietly, “If I were to try and use the wand it wouldn’t

“No it wouldn’t,”Hadrian told him, “The wand is back where it belongs and where it will stay
until my death where it will be returned.”

“If you are disarmed?”

Hadrian shrugged, “Won’t matter. It will be mine for this life and the next.”

“You are Peverell,”Grindlewald said after a few moments.

“Yes. It will be official knowledge at the trial,”Hadrian told him.

“Albus will lose the plot,”Grindlewald said with a chuckle, “The seat has been quiet for
many years.”

“I’m the first necromancer in the family for generations. That we know of at least, there
could have been others who just didn’t use the gift,”Hadrian told him.

“He will know what you are the moment you sit down,”Grindlewald warned him, “He will
try and use that.”
“He can try but he has no proof of anything,”Hadrian said with a shrug. He glanced at the
clock on the wall and held out his hand for the wand, “We have to go.”

Grindlewald handed over the wand and stood up, “Will this hurt?”

“Yes,”Hadrian said honestly, “Your body will fight the entire time. If you relax and accept it
it shouldn’t be too bad.”

“You’ve done this before?”

“Er..”Hadrian scratched the back of his head, “I’m confident in my abilities.”

Grindlewald let out a laugh and shook his head, “Then by all means.”

Hadrian stood still and closed his eyes. Pulling they icy necromagic forward he lifted the
wand and quickly etched runes directly into Grindelwalds skin. Focusing on his magic on
Grindelwalds soul he found his magic and carefully separated it and pushing it back, forming
a solid wall between Grindelwalds soul and his magic. Activating the runes as anchors to
keep them separated Hadrian pulled back and opened his eyes. He was still looking into how
to remove the magic completely but this method wasn’t that. It was more of putting a barrier
and making them more into a squib.

“You good?”

“It worked,”Grindlewald said with a grimace, “My magic feels gone. I can’t even feel it, it’s
very disconcerting.”

“It’s only temporary. We also need to use these,”Hadrian said pulling out a solid iron pair of
cuffs, “These are true magic depleters but the ICW didn’t trust them.”

Grindlewald held out his hands and shivered as the cuffs were locked onto his wrists, “That
feels bloody awful.”

“It would be worse if I didn’t lock your magic before,”Hadrian told him cheerfully, “Now lets
go. We don’t want to be late.”

Grindlewald took a final look around his cell. For the first time since 1945 he would see
beyond these walls. For a brief moment he thought of using this as a chance to escape and
live outside of these walls. Grindlewald glanced at Hadrian who was staring back at him with
a raised eyebrow. Grindlewald grimaced and looked away, he could possibly escape but he
knew Hadrian would find him where ever he went and make him regret it. For years.


For the first time in many years the viewing area of the Wizamagot was filled with people.
Friends, old students, co-workers of Dumbledore filled the stands in-between the journalist
that scored an invite. Several Heirs took their seats next to their fathers on the actual floor,
which was always allowed but usually not done since Wizamagot meetings were known to be
boring. Every seat was taken on the Wizamagot floor, even the ones that tended to ignore
their summons were sitting in their seats with grim looks. Sirius sat next to Lucius and
Severus, Draco was with them as well and hadn’t stopped complaining about the hideous
robes he had been forced into wearing. Marvolo sat in his seat and was speaking quietly to
Minister Fudge as the doors finally shut, officials starting the meeting.

Marvolo stood and opened his arms, “Welcome to the halls of the Wizamagot my esteemed
wizards and witches. The trial of Albus Dumbledore will be starting momentarily, before
however we will be welcoming any new Lords or Ladies into the hall.”

The viewers shifted in their seats as they looked around curiously. The Lords and Ladies
currently in their seats frowned as the glanced around in confusion. Who wasn’t here?

The doors to the hall opened and Hadrian strode in with calm confident steps. Whispers
around the room started instantly as they watched him, an underage wizard, entering the
room to take a seat.

“I object! Mr. Potter isn’t a of age Wizard!” Diggle said standing from his seat.

Marvolo glared at him, “Outbursts on this day will not be tolerated. Whoever decided it is
necessary will be forced to leave these halls. Is that understood?”

“AYE” was called out from every person in the hall.

“I apologize for the outburst Chief Warlock but my statement still stands. Mr. Potter is but
sixteen and unable to claim his seat.”

“If I may?”Hadrian said softly from where he stood in the middle of the hall.

Marvolo nodded, “Continue.”

“First thing Lord Diggle. My name is Hadrian Potter-Black. Not Mr. Potter. I find it highly
offensive you have not even attempted what you would think my proper title is, which would
be Heir Potter-Black. Second of all I was unaware that you knew my family bylaws in
regards to Lordships. Can I ask how you became aware?”

Diggle turned pink and splutters, “I- of course don’t know them!”

“Then I don’t see why you felt the need to comment,”Hadrian said calmly looking straight at
the man, “Just so there is no confusion in these halls I will enlighten you. I am here to claim
the Potter and Peverell lines, “Diggle paled and Hadrian fought back a smirk, it looked like
Dumbledore told some people of what that meant, “because I am the last descendent of both
lines I am able to claim heirship as young as fifteen. For reasons that will be discussed later I
decided to wait. I am well within my rights to claim my Lordships and I already have done so
at Gringotts. This is just official for the hall.”
“There is no way you could have claimed the Peverell lordship,”Diggle said, “Unless you
admit here and now that you are evil!”

The hall sucked in a breath a the comment.

“I have no idea what you are talking about,”Hadrian said confused, “I can claim it because I
am the last male of the line. Just as my father could have but declined it.”

“You know exactly what I’m talking about. Necromancer,”Diggle spat at him in disgust.

Hadrian stared at him in confusion, “I can assure you I am no Necromancer.”

“You lie!”

“Enough!”Marvolo said from his place, “Lord Peverell can not lie inside of these halls just as
we can not! I can assure you he is not a necromancer, I’m sure I would know if he was
bringing about dead things into my manor.”

Diggle stared between them confused, his eyebrows wrinkled, “but Albus said-“

“Enough,”Marvolo said cutting him off, “Sit down so we may continue. If you have any
further comments on Mr. Dumbledore you may make them during the trial.”

Diggle started between them before sitting back down at his seat and glaring down at

“Continue Lord Peverell,”Marvolo said.

A pillar appeared in the middle of the hall, a large crystal sitting onto of it seeming to glow a
bright red slight. Hadrian laid his hand onto the crystal and pushed his magic into it as he was
instructed. The crystal glowed so bright it caused the hall to shield their eyes. The sounds of
wings flapping sounded around the hall followed by a roar of a lion. When it stopped the hall
rumbled as a chair appeared directly across from the Chief Warlocks seat. Hadrian smirked
and quickly made his way to his seat and sat down.

“Why is his seat so high?”the question was whispered throughout the hall.

“The Peverells used to be high lords in the Wizamagot. They were replaced by the Chief
Warlock when their direct line fell,”Hadrian said out loud to the hall.

Marvolo stared at Hadrians chair with a twitch in his eyebrow. He knew the history of the
Wizamagot but he didn’t know about the bloody chair. Did that mean that Hadrian was more
powerful than even him in these halls?

He should have killed the child.

Draco sat smugly next to his father. Hadrian had told him about this but like everyone else in
the hall they were both unsure of what it meant for the Wizamagot.

“What does that mean Marvolo,”Fudge whispered to him urgently.

“We will find out,”Marvolo said with an incline of his head.

Hadrian didn’t comment. The whispers of the hall reaching him, excitement that their true
lord had once again graced their halls. Hadrian calmed them down, he had no intention of
taking his Fathers place…yet.

“Bring in the prisoner,”Marvolo intoned to the guards by the door before facing the rest, “We
have decided to not include the Dementors in this hall. This will be a fair and even trial, Mr.
Dumbledore has decided will defend himself against the court.”

Dumbledore came into the hall calmly with a large smile. He was flanked by multiple guards.
The wards on the room would have removed the ability for him to use his wandless magic
but Marvolo wanted everyone to see him as a prisoner. Mostly because he found it
entertaining. Dumbledores smile slid off his face as he stumbled to a stop upon seeing
Hadrian in the Peverell seat. His face whitened and his jaw dropped.

“What are you doing here Harry?”Dumbledore called up.

“Mr. Dumbledore! Please take your seat, we will have no more outbursts,”Marvolo said

Dumbledore glared at Marvolo but didn’t say anything else as he took his seat at the only
table in the center of the room.

“The trial of Albus Dumbledore has begun. Mr. Dumbledore has decided to represent
himself, I will be running however I will not be voting due to conflict of interest. Lord Black
as well as Lord Peverell will not be voting due to conflict of interest. Lord Prince has all
rights to the seat votes until the end of this trial,”Marvolo announced, “We are here today to
discuss the charges of but not limited to:

Will Interference

Child Endangerment

Illegal Betrothal Agreement that attempted Betrothal Interference

Posing as a Magical Guardian

Intent to cause harm to Muggles

Intent to take over Government

Government Interference

Illegal Seat Gain and usage of that Seat.”

The room was silent as all of the charges were read out.

“What do you say to these charges Mr. Dumbledore?”Marvolo asked.

“Not guilty,”Dumbledore said brightly, “Simple misunderstandings.”

“Let’s begin,”Marvolo said taking his seat, “We will begin with Will interference.”

“I move to dismiss these charges,”Dumbledore said loudly.

“On what grounds?”Marvolo asked.

“I was given the Will by Mrs. and Mr. Potter and instructed to handle it as I see fit. The
decision to lock the will was voted upon by this very hall and as such I could only give Harry
to his rightful relatives.”

“Do you have any proof that Lord and Lady Potter instructed you to handle it as you see
fit?”Marvolo asked.

“I do not,”Dumbledore said lightly, “But I can guarantee it is what they wanted.”

“Did you ever get a look at the Will Mr. Dumbledore?”Marvolos asked before waving his
wand. Papers flew to every one in the hall. Dumbledore paled when he saw what it was, “It is
stated, directly in the Will, that you had no hand in the will. It was also stated that in the
event of their death the will was to be read that very day, or the next, at Gringotts. The
goblins provided written and signed statements to that effect as well. They also provided
statements that you were well aware of these matters when you had the Will locked. What do
you say to this?”

“It is obviously a false copy,”Dumbledore said confidently, “The Will, as has been stated, is
locked. There is no way this could have come from it.”

“Lord Peverell had his parents Will unlocked the day he took Lordship,”Marvolo told
Dumbledore with a nod to Hadrian, “He provided it, and the statements, to the DMLE.”

“Ah yes. Young Harry. I find myself surprised to see you here my boy as you are not of legal
age to receive your Lordship. I would hate to think that anything happen to ensure your
presence in this hall,”Dumbledore said with a disappointed look to Hadrian.

Hadrian lifted his wand and a light appeared.

“You may speak,”Marvolo said.

Hadrian stood up and sneered down to Dumbledore, “First. My name is not Harry, it is
Hadrian but you should be addressing me as Lord Peverell. Second, if you insist on not using
my proper title I will be putting in a complaint on your blatant discrimination against
purebloods. Three, the insinuation that Lord Gaunt used his status to get me into his room is
laughable considering your charges. Four, I am the last decedent of the Potter and Peverell
lines as such I was able to claim my Lordship as young as fifteen but chose not to.”

Hadrian sat back down and stared down at Dumbledore calmly.

“My apologies Lord Peverell,”Dumbledore said with slight sarcasm.

“Shall we move on then?”Marvolo asked, “Did you have anything else to say about Will

“No,”Dumbledore declined.

“The next:Child Endangerment as well as posing as Magical Guardian. In accordance to Lord

and Lady Potters Will, Lord Peverell was not to be placed with Petunia Dursley under any
circumstances. By ignoring the Will and decided upon yourself to place him their you
facilitated years of mental, emotional, and physical abuse. Furthermore, when placing him
there you attempted to make yourself his “Magical Guardian” but did not do what was
required as a Magical Guardian. Lord Peverell was not checked on. He was not told of his
heritage. He was unaware of his Heir status. He was unaware he was even a Wizard until he
was able to escape. What do you have to say to this.”

“I of course decline all involvement in any type of Child Abuse that has allegedly
happen,”Dumbledore said with a shake of his head.

“Are you denying that the abuse even happen?”Amelia Bones asked from her place next to

“I am unaware of any alleged abuse. I attempted to reach out to the Dursleys for further
information but was unable to,”Dumbledore said. His tone made it clear he thought
something was done to them.

“Vernon and Petunia Dursley are currently in muggle prison for child abuse and
endangerment,”Marvolo told him, “We have statements from them taken by Lady Bones.
They have been tested by the unspeakable and are clear of any potion or magical

A second paper appeared for the room.

“I was unaware,”Dumbledore said with a frown.

“You were provided all of the evidence before trial to prepare. If you did not look a the
evidence before trial that is unfortunate but it will not effect the trial,”Marvolo told him.

Dumbledore did not comment. He saw the evidence but only gave it a passing glance, he
didn’t need it.

“As for your statement. We are not inferring that you had any involvement in the actual abuse
Mr. Dumbledore. We stated you Facilitated it by ignoring the wishes of the late Lord and
Lady Potter and taking up an illegal position as Magical Guardian to place Lord Peverell with
his muggle relatives. Do you deny this?”

“I thought it would be best for H-Lord Peverell to be with family,”Dumbledore said his eyes
going around the room, “Family and love is very important to a Childs upbringing. I did what
I believe was best.”

“What do you say to taking the illegal position of Magical Guardian ship?”
“I was under the impression that I was Lord Peverells magical guardian. I was unaware that it
was untrue.”

“You stated, multiple times, that you were aware that Lord Black did not have a trial
correct?”Marvolo asked.

“I don’t believe I did,”Dumbledore said calmly, “I thought he had been tried correctly.”

“Yet you sent him letters apologizing that you did not bring it to the attention of the Ministry
sooner. You were also a member of the Wizamagot during this time and as such had to be
aware that their was not trial,”Marvolo said sending out the multiple letters that Dumbledore
had sent Sirius begging his forgiveness for not interfering sooner.

“I meant that I should have known his true self and looked into it sooner not that I had any
knowledge of thing else,”Dumbledore said smoothly, “I was dealing with the aftermath of
Voldemort and unable to attend many meetings. I truly thought he had been tried.”

Marvolo pulled up a letter and cleared his throat,” Allow me to read “- You must understand
Sirius. It was important for Harry to be with his relatives, those of his mothers blood. I
couldn’t demand a trial for you, it was necessary for you to be in Azkaban. It was for the
Greater Good…-“ Correct me if I’m wrong but that is you explaining why you didn’t
demand a trial.”

“I was apologizing for not knowing his true character,”Dumbledore said, “Nothing more.”

“I see. Now if you were under the impression that you were Lord Peverells Magical Guardian
why did not you not complete your duties of a Magical Guardian?”

“I believed Lord Peverell to be happy and healthy in his home. I had every intention of letting
him know of his heritage when he started Hogwarts.”

“By law a Magical Guardian is to ensure that their charge is fully aware of who they are, in
regards to magic and heirships, started age five. A failure to do so would strip the Magical
Guardian of all rights. Normally the Department of Familial Magics requires signed
statements from Magical Guardians in regards to their charges. For some reason they have no
records of any statements provided by you and those who were sent to get them all agreed
that they thought they had brought them back. So why would you wait until Lord Peverells
eleventh year to let him know of his duties?”

“I didn’t believe it was right to tell him earlier. He was a celebrity it was best he grew up as a
normal child without pressure,”Dumbledore said with a pleading look to the audience.

“So you purposely didn’t do your duties in regards to being a Magical Guardian,”Marvolo
asked him, he had to hold in his smirk.

“I did what I thought was necessary,”Dumbledore said folding his hands infront of him.
Inside he was cursing. He should have looked more into the damned evidence they had
against him. Hope wasn’t lost however, he had spent years teaching the very people in this
hall. He has proven that he did work for the Greater Good of the world and this would be no

“You would agree that by Lord Peverell not knowing of his duties he was unable to select a
proxy for these halls,”Marvolo said with a glance to the current Lords.

“As his Magical Guardian I had automatic proxy until other wise stated,”Dumbledore said
carefully, “If you check the records his seats were not used during my time.”

“That isn’t completely true Mr. Dumbledore,”Marvolo said pulling out a list of laws, “For a
majority of the time his seats were silent however we have quite a few laws here that his sets
were used for either agreement or disagreement. Let’s see…

The seats voted ‘AYE’ for a law that was passed in regards to the requirement for all weres to

Voted ’NAY’ for a law that would provided Weres with a monthly stipend.

Voted ’NAY’ for a law that would create a trust for Wolfsbane potion to be given monthly to
qualified Weres.

Voted ‘AYE’ in a law that declared type two Grey spells and above to be illegal. I would like
to remind everyone that there are five levels to Grey magic, this cut off greatly effected
classes that were held at Hogwarts.

Voted ‘AYE’ to band all ancient holiday rites.

Voted ‘AYE’ to remove all Lordships and Ladyships from the Wizarding World.

Voted ‘NAY’ in regards to allow muggleborns to know of their magic at the first sign of
accidental magic.

…How do you explain the usage of the seats during this time?”

“I used them as James would have used them,”Dumbledore said, “He would have wanted me
to use them.”

“As he’s dead we can’t ask him,”Marvolo said dryly, “But I do find it strange that you would
insist that the late Lord Potter would vote ‘AYE’ in laws that would hurt Weres when it’s well
known one of his best friends was the late Remus Lupin.”

“James knew the danger of werewolfs. Remus was different,”Dumbledore said before
cringing on the inside.

The crowed broke into whispers at that statement. Dumbledore had always spouted how we
should trust Weres and they were truly good people. But now they were dangerous?

“I see,”Marvolo nodded before pulling out another document, “While you were under the
impression that you were ‘Magical Guardian’ you attempted to have a betrothal contract
written between Lord Peverell and the late Miss. Weasley. Correct?”
“I believed it would be best to have a contract in place for him. He would be a powerful Lord
and I didn’t want him to be taken advantage of,”Dumbledore said with a smile.

“Taken advantage of? Mr. Dumbledore this contract is nothing but taking advantage of him.
According to this he would have no control over anything in his life, it would be completely
you and the late Miss. Weasley and Mrs. Weasley. What do you have to say for this?”

“Lord Peverell would have had complete say in everything. The contract was not to take
advantage or use Lord Peverell, it was to ensure that he would be protected at all times. There
are dangerous people out there that could effect his mind at any time, we wanted to prepare
for that,”Dumbledore said with a glance to Hadrian.

Hadrian was sitting up straight in his chair, his hands resting on the end of the chair arms. He
met Dumbledores gaze directly before looking away and dismissing him. Dumbledore
frowned. Was Hadrian not listening to the trial? Not hearing everything Dumbledore did to
protect him?

“When you were made aware of Lord Peverells betrothal contract we have statements from
various wizards and witches that you were looking into a way to break his contract with Heir
Malfoy. Is this correct?” Marvolo asked.

Dumbledore signed deeply in concern, “I fear that he may have signed the contract without
knowing the consequences. He sighed it when he was but eleven years old, much too young
to make an important choice. I wanted to make sure he knew there was a way to end the
contract when he wanted to and that he wouldn’t be forced to continue it.”

“Do you feel that he would want to end it? Even now?”

“Yes. I believe he was forced into the contract before he fully realized what he had agreed to.
My only thoughts were to ensure that when he wanted the contract dissolved we would be
able to make it happen,”Dumbledore said confidently.

“You recognize that in doing this you have committed Betrothal Interference,”Marvolo stated

“I only did what I had to do to ensure that Lord Peverell would be happy and
healthy,”Dumbledore said firmly.

Marvolo nodded and clapped his hands, “We will break for fifteen minutes. When we come
back Lord Peverell will be answering questions.”

Hadrian sat next to Draco during the break. Their hands clasped tightly together as Draco
leaned against him. Dumbledore watched them with narrowed eyes. This would be the best
time to convince Harry that he was making the wrong choice in partner. Young Ginny was no
longer an option but Ron had shown interest in taking her place. Or maybe one of the twins,
they seemed to get along nicely.
“Lord Peverell,”Marvolo announced after the fifteen minutes were up and everyone had
taken their correct seats, “Are you prepared to answer some questions?”

“Yes Chief Warlock,”Hadrian said strongly from his seat.

“You may start Mr. Dumbledore,”Marvolo said taking his own seat as Dumbledore stood up.

“Can you tell us what a normal day at your aunts house was like Lord Peverell?”Dumbledore
asked Hadrian with a small smile.

“Of course. I would wake up at five am and make breakfast for my aunt, her husband, and my
cousin. If breakfast was not finished by six am I would be punished, if it was I would be sent
to clean something until they were done with breakfast at which time I would clean up. I
would then clean something else until my cousin decided to go Harry hunting. Depending on
how I felt after that I would either get locked in my cupboard for being “lazy” or I would
continue working. I would take breaks to make lunch and dinner. And would be back in my
closet by eleven pm. On some days I never left my cupboard however, during punishments
and such I was to stay in their until the decided I could come out. Sometimes it was because I
was too injured to do anything else or I kept getting blood everywhere,”Hadrian said calmly.

Some of the crowd discreetly wiped their eyes and hid their sniffles. Others openly cried over
the words from Hadrian. It had been weeks since the article detailing some of his abuse was
published but it wasn’t nearly as detailed. Sirius and Lucius exchanged glances. Both
wondering what Dumbledore was trying.

“Your injury were from your cousin correct?”

“Some,”Hadrian agreed, “Some from Vernon as punishments for something I did wrong.
Occasionally it was because he was drunk and saw me.”

“Would you say you hate your family Lord Peverell?”Albus asked as he leaned agains the

“No,”Hadrian denied, “I feel nothing for them.”

“After all of the alleged abuse you don’t hate them? Most abused kids would say
different,”Dumbledore said with a raised eyebrow.

“Holding hate does nothing but hurt yourself. I spent years unlearning everything they taught
me. Years to learn what family love truly was and if I kept my hate for them I never would
have gotten that. They are in prison for what they have done to me. My cousin is living a
healthy life far away from his parents and has apologized for what happen as children. I have
no need nor room for hate in myself.

“Are you aware of the wizarding stance on child abuse?”Dumbledore asked.


“And what is it?”

“It’s very frowned upon. Abuse could equal time in Azkaban, if death occurs it could end in

“And who told you this information?”

“Healer Nott.”

Dumbledores eyes lit up, “Why would he tell you that?”

“He is my healer. Has been since Uncle Regulus found me and I asked him what I would
have to do to keep Uncle Regulus from hurting me like my family did. I thought it was
normal to be beaten and he assured me.”

“Are you sure he didn’t mention it first? Maybe he saw your bruises from you and your
cousin playing and told you how you could not go back to your family.”

“My family is in prison for abuse Mr. Dumbledore. The bruises were not from my cousin and
‘playing’ and if they were I had sever signs of neglect. Such neglect that I had to be on
potions for two years to fix the damage they did to me. I can assure you I asked healer Nott
about abuse not the other way around.”

Dumbledore decided to change tactics.

“You told me at Gringotts that your marriage contract had been signed just minutes after the
time of your birth on your eleventh birthday,”Dumbledore stated.

“Yes,”Hadrian agreed.

“You don’t think that was young for a choice that you made yourself? It’s not uncommon for
love matches to have contracts but at only eleven years old? Maybe someone told you about
the contracts, gave you ideas about what it would mean. You wouldn’t be blamed of course,
you were just a child,”Dumbledore said encouragingly.

“Of course it was young,”Hadrian said amused, “I was ten when I saw Draco at a party and
initiated the courting. Not the other way around. I actually was grounded for a month after
the fact for breaking the family rules. I was to speak with my papa or father before I initiated

“So Lord Black and Lord Gaunt told you of contracts?”

“Of course. It was part of my heirship training that I started after I was rescued. It is normal
information provided to heirs when they start training.”

“We have heard allegations that the contract that I attempted to setup for you would be to
control you and your money. Wouldn’t you say the same about the contract you did
sign?”Dumbledore asked.

“I’m afraid I don’t follow you,’Hadrian said confused, “Mine and Dracos contract states we
are in charge of our own funds and lives. There is no requirement from either of us to really
inform the other of what we choose to do money or career wise.”
“That’s your claim but I have here statements from people who have heard of your
extravagant spending on the Malfoy Heir. Thousands spent on clothing, items, decorations. I
even have some claims of an island,”Dumbledore said as papers appeared infront of

“And?”Hadrian asked with a raised eyebrow, “I spoil him. I have no shame in that.”

“Your saying that this was all your choice? You expect us to believe that you would willingly
spent one hundred thousand gallons on a…vase?”

“That’s what I’m saying,”Hadrian said with a grin, “It was a really nice vase and Draco
didn’t even say he wanted it. He just mentioned he liked it.”

“Twenty five thousand on robes for the Yule ball?”Dumbledore asked.

“Each,”Hadrian confirmed.

“I have here a statement signed by Charlie Weasley that he is currently working on location
at ‘Dracos Island’. Did you buy this island?”

“Yes. Draco loves animals, it’s turned into a bit of a menagerie and is verified through the
British, Romanian, Spanish and German government as a certified reservation for animals.”

“You expect us to believe you did this on your own violation? Spent that much money with
no regard of your future?”Dumbledore asked in surprise.

“I didn’t spend it with no regard to my future but I did spend it on my own violation.”

“I find it hard to believe that anyone would do this for someone without some type of
coercion,”Dumbledore said.

“I’m sorry you feel that way but I can assure you everything I do is of my own free
will,”Hadrian said.

Dumbledore paused and glanced around the room. The courtroom wasn’t looking impressed
with him at this moment and he knew why. Hadrian was answering everything perfectly, too
perfectly. They aren’t seeing the truth that is right in their faces.

“Why did you take the name Lord Peverell instead of Potter?”Dumbledore asked looking
directly at Hadrian.

“Peverell is older and the father branch of Potter so by using Peverell I could combine the
two and not have two surnames. But I can still pass on the different names to my
children,”Hadrian told him honestly.

Dumbledore looked at Hadrian with a depressed expression, “It’s concerning you were able
to accept the Peverell Lordship. Only the truly dark are able to take up the name.”

“Your incorrect,”Hadrian said sitting up straighter in his seat.

“I am not. I know what was required for you to be able to take that name, what it truly
means,”Dumbledore said as if the world was on his shoulders. He glanced around with a
small frown at the fact that no one looked concerned at his statements or even surprised.

“Lord Diggle has already accused me of being a necromancer Mr. Dumbledore. I assure you
as well that I am not one,”Hadrian said softly with a glance to Diggle, “The requirement is
not that you have to be a necromancer just that you have to have the ability. I have no need
nor want to tap into that ability.”

“So you admit you're a necromancer,”Dumbledore said triumphantly.

“I admit I have the ability in my blood but I have never used or looked into it. I am not the
only person in these halls with that ability either,”Hadrian said with a glance around the

“But you have the ability,”Dumbledore said with a clap of his hands.

Hadrian stared at him, “Yes Mr. Dumbledore I have the ability to perform a hideous and
illegal act of magic.”

“No further questions,”Dumbledore said taking his seat with a pleased smile.

The crowd shared confused glances with each other. Most people had abilities flowing
through them that they would never use or have never used. From ancient rites to family
magic and whether or not you had the ability didn’t matter as long as you didn’t use them.
The light side of the room sat smugly in their seats. No one could deny that Dumbledore was
correct about Harry now.

Hadrian glanced at his father. Marvolo shrugged lightly, he didn’t know what the bloody hell
that was either.

“We will be taking another break before we get into the other charges. This one will be a hour
for lunch,”Marvolo announced.

The room slowly cleared as everyone made their ways to cafes and the cafeteria, hopeful for
any kind of food.


“What was he trying to do?”Draco asked as he settled at the table with Hadrian, Marvolo,
Sirius and Lucius.

They had decided to go to a muggle cafe that was next to ministry instead of trying to find a
place to eat on the inside the ministry that was swarming with people.

“Discredit me by proving I’m an evil necromancer,”Hadrian said with a snort.

“I think it would be the first time he was right about something,”Marvolo mused.

“To bad it just made him look like an idiot in court,”Sirius said with a laugh.

“Does anyone feel like he just gave up with his questions?”Draco said with a frown.

“He did,”Marvolo agreed, “Hadrian wasn’t giving him anything he could actually use with
his short answers and when Dumbledore tried to expand the longer answers made it worse.”

“He had many more questions he was going to ask,”Hadrian informed them, “But none of my
answers could properly lead to them and if he just asked it would look like he was leading.”

“What happens next?”Draco asked stealing a fry from Hadrian. Hadrian gave him a smile and
pushed his plate closer to Draco.

“The good stuff,”Marvolo said with a grin, “And our other witnesses.”

“Speaking of. Dumbledore didn’t know about the witnesses until this morning,”Lucius said
with a shake of his head, “Nymphedora told me he didn’t even check.”

“Your kidding?”Hadrian said with a grin, “and don’t call them that. You know they hate it.”

“You do it,”Lucius pointed out.

“I’m the only one allowed to,”Hadrian said with a grin, “I’ve promised to curse anyone I hear
call her it.”

“After the trial,”Marvolo said with a roll of his eyes.

“Of course father.”

The table quieted down as everyone ate their meals. Hadrian finished first and leaned back in
his seat as he looked out into the dinning room in deep thought. The bad feeling he had the
other day was still there in the back of his senses. Luna had been meditating for days to try
and figure it out but they were both coming up empty. Hadrian had reached out to the lost
souls but they were all tight lipped about it and would say nothing.

Well not nothing, they all repeated the same sentence:Some things were fated.

Fat lot of good that did.

“So Draco tells me that Arthur is aware of who we are?”Lucius said as he pushed his plate

“Seems so,”Hadrian said with a shrug, “I’m not worried. He was sloshed when he told me
and his mind was an open gateway. He meant what he said about not saying anything.”

“And the muggle procedure?”

Hadrian chuckled, “Yeah that shocked me too. I found out who the dad is thought.”
“Who?”Marvolo asked sitting up straighter. It had been the talk of the group since Hadrian
had found out that tidbit and they all put bets on who it would be.

“Aberforth Dumbledore,”Hadrian said with a frown, “They met at a order meeting or some
shit and it was an ‘instant connection’.”

“Really?”Marvolo asked surprised, “I would have thought his hatred for his brother would
have put him off anyone who was as zealous as Molly.”

“He saw it as a ‘screw you’ to his brother,”Hadrian said dryly, “You could have had her but I
got her type of thing. Said it ended right after Ginny was conceived when Molly made
mentions of leaving Arthur so they could ‘raise their family’.”

“He never thought to mention this to you?”Marvolo said with a frown.

“He didn’t believe her,”Hadrian said with a shrug, “He thought she was lying about paternity
and didn’t think I needed to know their small affair.”

“But you still launched him?”Marvolo asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I will as soon as I no longer need him,”Hadrian said with a wave of his hand, “I”m going to
ask Arthur what he thinks before I do. It’s the least I can do with for the man.”

“I think the least you could have done was let him drink that 1872 Firewhiskey that you two
demolished,”Draco said with a wrinkle of his nose.

“What?”Sirius said looking at Hadrian in despair, “The 1872? We only had twenty of those

Hadrian gave him a blank look, “I think under the circumstances we can let it go. His
daughter is dead and his wife is a whore.”

Sirius looked abashed, “Your right.”

“It’s time,”Marvolo said suddenly, “We need to start heading back.”

Hadrian helped Draco out of his seat and wrapped his arm around his waist as they made
their way back. Hadrians part of the trial was over and now the fun was truly going to begin.


Albus sat at the desk in trepidation. The break allowed him time to check over the compiled
evidence that would be used in the trial and the list of witnesses. He mistakenly focused on
the evidence and didn’t think of the witnesses until it was time to go back and he regretted
that choice now as the hall filled with Aurors. Much more than what had been during the first
part of the trial and it caused a shiver of unease to slither up his spine.
“Welcome back,”Marvolo announced as he stood from the chair as the bells signaled the start
of the meeting, “As you have noticed there has been an increase of Aurors in these halls but
worry not they are simply for extra protection. Let’s all take our seats and quiet down so we
man reconvene.”

Hadrian leaned back in his seat and crossed his leg over his knee in boredom. Next meeting
he was going to ensure there was a way for Draco to sit with him.

“Albus Dumbledore,”Marvolo said, “The next matter we will be discussing with be in

regards to Intent to cause harm to Muggles and Intent to take over the government. After
graduation you started a relationship with the Dark Lord Grindlewald correct?”

“Yes,”Dumbledore said solely, “Young love makes even the most righteous of us blind.”

“According to Lady Bagshot you were very involved in the plans that were created. The
plans that were later put in use when Dark Lord Grindlewald attempted to take over the
Wizarding World.”

“I had nothing to do with the plans. I had no knowledge of his plans until the tragic day my
sister died and I knew he was to far gone. I found them upon searching his
room,”Dumbledore said calmly and confidently.

“Then how do you explain these letters?”Marvolo said. He waved his wand and once again
papers appeared around the room.

Dumbledore picked up the letter with a trembling hand as he read the words that he had
written as a young seventeen year old man, “Ah. Yes well we did have plans of such but we
were to take the correct path. Through the ministry of course I’m afraid I may have been a
little too excited when I wrote this.”

“So you had no hand in the plans created for the intent of World Domination?”

“Correct,”Albus said with a nod. He glanced around the room, every eye on him was
suspicious. Hadrians eyes however were smug…to smug.

“We will be calling a witness that had a first hand account of these events,”Marvolo said as
he stood up, “We will be bringing Dark Lord Gellert Grindlewald into this hall for
witness-“The hall exploded into protests and screams of fear as people started to scramble
back and closer to the door, “Calm yourselves!”Marvolo boomed, “Everyone get back to
your seats so I can explain what is happening!”

It took a few moments for the mass hysteria to pass and fro everyone to move back to their
positions. Several people had their wands in their laps and sat stiffly.

“Thank you,”Marvolo said with a deep breath. This is why he didn’t want to take the political
route, it was so much easier when they were too scared to act out, “Now the decision to bring
him here was argued fiercely in the ICW and many steps have been taken to ensure
everyones safety. Dark Lord Grindelwald not only has his magic bound but is also wearing
magical dampening cuffs. The Aurors in this hall are the best we have and several
Unspeakables are filtered through the crowd and the halls. If, and I mean if anything is
attempted you I can assure you there will be ways of escaping. If you still do not want to
remain please make your way to the doors and we will be releasing the wards to allow you to

The crowed all shared glances and whispers as they made their choice. In the end only three
people requested leave from the chambers.

“Bring in the prisoner,”Marvolo announced to the guards standing by the door.

The hall held its breath as the doors open and the sound of dragging chains made its way in.
The clicks of the chains hitting the ground and each other as Grindlewald made his way into
the room was the only sound in the silence. Several people relaxed in their seats as they took
sight of Grindlewald, old and frail he didn’t look as if he could harm a puppy let alone
anyone in the room. Hadrian sat up and leaned forward into his seat slightly catching the
Dark Lords gaze. Grindlewald looked away, the threat ringing clear in his mind…Try
anything and I will take you apart piece by piece…

Grindelwald was placed in a seat infront of the seats that housed Marvolo, Amelia and
Cornelius. The moment he sat in the seat runes around the chair light up and what looked like
a bubble appeared around him. The chains on the chair light up gold as they wrapped around
him. Grindlewald grunted slightly before giving a weary smile.

“Comfortable?”Marvolo asked snidely.

“I’ve had worse,”Grindelwald told him with an incline of his head.

Albus couldn’t breath as he took in Grindlewald. He had just seen him three months ago but
he looked as if he had aged fifty years. His only hope was that the love they shared would be
enough for Grindlewald to be his saving grace in this trial.

Draco sat stiffly next to his father as he took in the older wizard. He hated the man on sight
when they first met. Grindlewald had dismissed him with but a glance and told Hadrian to
find someone ‘better quality’. It was the only time Grindlewald made the mistake of speaking
ill of Draco. Hadrian had tortured the man to an inch of his life and killed several of
Grindelwalds best men when they attempted to intervene. Draco still hadn’t forgiven him
however, he was the best quality anyone could get. And he didn’t even know what the man
was saying because he was old as dirt and would be lucky for someone even worth half of
Draco to give he man even a glance.

“Hello Albus,”Grindlewald said with a smile, “Long time no see. Three months it’s been?”

“Enough,”Marvolo said before Dumbledore could reply, “You will not speak until spoken to.
Is that understood?”

“Yes Chief Warlock,”Grindlewald said respectfully.

“You met Albus Dumbledore in the summer of 1899 correct?”Marvolo asked.

“Yes,”Grindlewald agreed with a nod.

“Could you tell us about it?”

“Of course,”Grindlewald said as he shifted slightly to get more comfortable, “I was expelled
from school due to what they called ‘over zealous love’ of the Dark Arts. I will admit some
of my..experiments may have been to drastic for a school but I still believe expelling me was
uncalled for. Especially considering the Dark Arts that did go on-“

“Lord Grindelwald,”Marvolo interrupted, amusement hidden in his eyes, “We are aware that
Durmstrang has a open policy for Dark Magic that isn’t the question. We would like to know
about the summer after that.”

“Oh right yes. Well I went to live with my Aunt Bathy as I wanted to explore Godrics Hallow
and she was already there. I met Albus just a few weeks after I arrived. He was quite dashing
and I admit I was instantly smitten with him,”Grindlewald had a soft smile on his face as he
thought of the past, Hadrian had to fight from rolling his eyes at the display, “We spent many
nights sneaking away together and getting to know each wasn’t long until he
admitted his hatred for muggles, a hatred I shared.”

“Did he ever tell you where the hatred came from?”Marvolo asked.

“His sister. She had been attacked by three muggle boys as a child. They caught her doing
magic and hurt her in their attempt to make her do it again. He was able to hide his true
feelings from everyone else of course, but he was his fathers son and didn’t forgive and
forget as he had everyone convinced.”

“I object! There is no proof of these statements!”Albus said, he slammed his hands onto the
table as he stood up and glared at Grindlewald.

“You will have your time to question the witness Mr. Dumbledore! This is not a muggle court
and there is no opening for objections. Furthermore I will not have any more interruptions
from you. Do you understand?”Marvolo said seriously as he stood up and stared down at

Albus clenched his jaw and sat down, “Understood.”

“Thank you. Now Lord Grindlewald continue.”

“After we started to talk more about our hatred and how we both felt the magical world
bowed down to muggleborns too much. It was after we started making tentative plans that
Albus asked me to start teaching him the Dark Arts. He knew of my inclination and said he
wanted to see what had me so fascinated.”

“So Mr. Dumbledore has practiced the Dark Arts?”Marvolo asked.

“Oh yes. A majority of the three months we spent together involved me teaching him. He was
quite the natural, of course his parents were also Dark Wizards so he did have a bit of a
“You said his parents? The late Percival and Kendra Dumbledore?”

“Yes. They were well known as dark wizards in certain circles but once Madam Dumbledore
moved to Godrics Hallow it was all hidden.”

“Can you tell us more about your plans?”

“Let’s see,”Grindelwald frowned lightly in thought, “Complete subligation of muggles to

wizards world wide. We were going to create an army and forcibly take all the nations that
didn’t see our intentions as they should. It was for the greater good of the world really. Such a
shame Albus backed out. Without him it was truly doomed to fail,”Grindlewald sounded sad
at this.

Hadrian stifled a snigger as the rest of the hall bristled in irritation.

“So in your opinion Mr. Dumbledore was fully aware of all plans and supported
them?”Marvolo asked.

“More than fully aware. A lot of the plans we made were from him. He was much better at
manipulation then I am you see. I tend to just go with force to get what I wanted done, no tact
at all. Albus could talk his way into and out of almost anything he wanted.”

“Tell us about the day you left,”Marvolo said leaning back in his seat.

Albus face drained as he sought Grindelwalds eyes, he begged him with his eyes to not say
anything. To keep the story as they always did, the story they agreed on. Grindlewald stared
right back and a slow smile came to his face.

“Albus killed Ariana and blamed me,”Grindlewald said.


The room froze in shock before the sound of clicking cameras sounded like a title wave.
Journalists scribbling across their notepads quickly, quick note quills moved like flashes
through the air as they copied the bombshell that had been dropped in the room.

Hadrian leaned back into his seat and shared a pleased look with Marvolo.

“Can you expand on that?”Marvolo asked when the cameras quieted down.

“Aberforth came to us furious while we were at Albus house. He accused Albus of forgetting
his duties as the oldest brother and not helping with Ariana. He said he was done being the
only person who took care of her when it wasn’t even his responsibility. Albus started
arguing back that just because their mother died didn’t mean it was his job to do anything,
said he didn’t care about Ariana and wasn’t going to waste his life caring for her when he was
meant for greater things. That what we were working on was for the greater good and that he
would soon see. Aberforth accused him of being like their parents, lost in the dark arts. Albus
was the first to throw a spell and the battle began,”Grindelwald paused for a moment and
frowned, “Ariana was panicked at the fight and backed into a corner. Since the attack she was
non-verbal but easily showed her displeasure. Her magic was going haywire and was nearly
suffocating. I tried to go to her, to try and calm her down when Aberforth threw a spell at
me. I dived to get out of the way and he took that moment to get infront of his sister to
protect her. Albus threw the killing curse at him in anger and missed. It hit Ariana and her
magic exploded from her, destroyed apart of the house.”

Hadrian watched as Albus dropped his head into his hands in despair as the death of his sister
was spoken of for the first time in his life.

“What happen next,”Marvolo asked solemnly.

“I ran and Albus followed me. We ran all the way to afield by my aunts house before the
truth of what he had done hit him. He then blamed me for what happen. He said that I caused
him to use the Dark Arts and if I wasn’t around the fight would never have happen. Albus
could never take fault for his mistakes. He took out his wand to curse me and I ran. I ran and
kept running until Godrics Hallow was nothing but a speck in the distance.”

“Was that the last time you saw him before your duel?”

“No,”Grindlewald said with a shake of his head and a wary grin, “We had tea a few times.
Shared a few nights when we ran across each other in our travels before he decided he could
no longer continue our ‘acquaintanceship’.”

“Tell us what happen during your duel.”

Grindelwald sighed deeply, “I foolishly trusted him and I paid greatly. There was no great
duel. I agreed to meet him because he swore to me he had changed his mind and wanted to
join me. I loved him and allowed that to say my choices. Before I knew it I was disarmed and
bound. He destroyed the earth around us using both of our wands before taking me in and
spinning the story of our Duel.”

“What do you say to the reports that he visits you in Nurmengard ?”

“They are true. After they imprisoned me Albus started making trips to see me. Some years
they are more frequent but we always see each other at least twice a year.”

“During these visits have your previous plans been mentioned?”

“Yes. He mostly tells me what I did wrong and what I should have done better. He also spent
a lot of time telling me of his new plans for the world and for young Lord Peverell. It was a
good thing you got him when you did.”

“Explain,”Marvolo stated with a frown.

“The best minds to change are the minds of children. So easily moldable and easy to sway,
especially as Headmaster to a school. His potions as Chief Warlock and Supreme Mugwump
helped as well with ensuring the laws he wanted were passed. Think about it. About the
magic that he has banned, the restrictions that have been placed on Purebloods. The complete
demise of Hogwarts education. It’s a travesty. It went from being the top school in the
country to number five? Six? Dumbing down the masses makes them so much easier to
control. No offense.”

“Mr. Dumbledore shared these plans with you?”

“Albus gloated,”Grindlewald said flatly, “Gloated that he was doing what I wasn’t able to do.
He found a way of ensuring that he would come out on top with the trust and love of the
magical world.”

“You mentioned Lord Peverell.”

“Ah..yes. The plan for Lord Peverell was simple really. Stick him in an abusive environment
and be his hero when he got a taste of the real world. Tale as old as time. Of course he was
very displeased when the child went missing. I felt it for weeks afterwords.”

“Your saying Mr. Dumbledore was aware of the abuse that Lord Peverell faced?”


“That is all for us. Mr. Dumbledore you may ask your questions,”Marvolo said sitting down
in his seat.

Dumbledore stood up on shaky legs but put on an unaffected face, “Mr. Grindlewald what
makes you think any of these upstanding people in this room would believe anything you
have to say? You are a Dark Lord. In prison for an attempted world take over. A prison that I
am responsible for putting you in. Simply put you are untrustworthy.”

“I agree,”Grindlewald said with a slow nod, “That’s why I allowed them to take my
memories. All of them. Since that day I saw you in my aunts living room to the last time you
were sitting in my cell and complaining about Lord Peverell and the fact you couldn’t marry
him off to that Weasley girl.”

“What?”Dumbledore whispered.

No one in the hall could miss the horror on Dumbledores face and tremble in his frame.

“Everything,”Grindlewald enunciated, “Directly to the Department of Mysteries a week ago.

I will assume at this time they have verified everything.”

“They have,”Marvolo intoned.

“How could you do this!”Dumbledore raged as he took a step forward. The wards around the
room glowed a bright light as he was frozen in place. Grindlewald stared at him, a smug
smile on his lips, “I’m just trying to help get justice. You know how much I abhor child
abuse, even I never stooped that low.”

Dumbledore struggled against the wards as he tried in his fury to make his way to his once
lover. Anger had taken away all of his rationality, all of his clever plans and questions that
would surly convince everyone in the room that Grindlewald could not be trusted. All that
mattered now was doing what he should have done all those years ago when he had him
bound at his feet.

Kill the bastard.

“Aurors!”Marvolo shouted getting to his feet quickly with Amelia, both had their wands out.
Marvolo waved his and a shield appeared cutting everyone off from the middle of the room
where Albus was. Hadrian was on his feet instantly the Elder wand in his hand and ringing in
excitement of possible battle. The wards around his chair parted allowing him in the same
space as Albus and the rest.

Chains flew from the ground and locked around Dumbledores wrists and ankles pulling him
to his knees on the ground. A department of Mysteries member quickly made their way into
the room and slapped magic depressors onto Dumbledore before making their way out of the
room as if he had just dropped off tea. Dumbledore let out a groan of pain as he collapsed
onto the floor. The wards shimmered as they dropped sensing the danger was gone.

“Take Lord Grindlewald back to his cell! In Nurmengard !”Marvolo shouted to the waiting
Aurors. They rushed forward to take hold of the Dark Wizard and he was quickly swept from
the room.

“The rest of you take Mr. Dumbledore back to his cell! We will be taking thirty minute
break,”Marvolo commanded.

Dumbledore didn’t put up any resistance as he was hauled up and almost dragged from the

Marvolo quickly left the room through a back entrance followed by Amelia and Cornelius.
Hadrian gave a quick glance and nod to Draco before leaving out the door and making his
way to the room too where his father had just went.

“Bloody hell,”Cornelius gasped as he collapsed into his seat.

“You say that as if you are surprised,”Marvolo said with a grin as he took his own seat, “We
knew he would react when he found out about the memories.”

“You knew,”Cornelius corrected, “I find myself surprised. I have known the man for years
and have never seen him act in such a way.”

“He attacked me in the middle of the GreatHall,”Hadrian said as he walked into the room.

“Yes well people tend to attack you,”Cornelius mumbled with a glare.

Hadrian grinned, “Well thank you Minister! I think that’s the nicest thing you have ever said
to me.”
“Enough you two,”Amelia said before giving Marvolo a glare, “Must you allow them to
carry on as two school boys.”

“I am a school boy,”Hadrian piped up as he took his seat by his father.

“Shush!”Amelia said giving him a look, “What are we going to do now?”

“We end the trial for the day and start again tomorrow with the memories and
sentencing,”Hadrian said with a shrug, “No one will be paying anymore attention today and
it’s past five. If we continue now it will last until past midnight and I have no intention of
spending my night in that chair. Regardless of how comfortable it is.”

“Speaking of that chair,”Marvolo said with a frown, “Does it mean what I think it means?”

“Oh yeah,”Hadrian said with a clap, “I’m coming for your job. In a few years anyway I
promised Draco we would spend our last year of school at Hogwarts.”

“Good. It’s trying dealing with these idiots once a month,”Marvolo said with a shrug.

“So we end today and start same time tomorrow?”

“Yes. I’ve already put a block on all reporters until after tomorrow. I don’t want anything
leaked before,”Hadrian said before stretching and standing up, “If you will excuse me I need
to get Lord Grindlewald back to Nurmengard before he tries to pick up one of his guards.”

“Would he really?”Amelia asked with a wrinkle of her nose.

“Yes,”Hadrian said with a laugh, “For a Dark Lord he really is a dirty old man.”

“That’s…disturbing,”Amelia said with a shake of her head.

Hadrian grinned his mouth opened to say something before he froze and stared behind her
with wide eyes before a look of fury took over his face. In the next moment piercing alarms
sounded through the building and a women’s voice echoed through the halls.

“Prisoner Albus Dumbledore has Escaped.”

Preparing for War.
Chapter Summary

The betrayer is discovered and Hadrian makes plans to go to war.

Chapter Notes

I will not lie. I’m a little concerned with how many of you wanted Draco to be

We are in the final few chapters and my ADHD is kicking my ass in regards to finishing.
As it does when I try and finish anything.
I also don’t want this to end!
.....and I got very distracted writing a Harry Potter/Walking Dead story. But that's
another story.
I hope you all have an amazing week!

Amelia swallowed harshly at the looks on Marvolo and Hadrians faces. She had been far
luckier than others when it came to torture. Neither of them have ever lifted a wand against
her but she feared that might be ending today.

“Get everyone too Nottingham!”Marvolo ordered her and Fudge.

Nodding quickly they ran out of the room to spread the message.

“Dobby!”Hadrian called.

“Master!”Dobby said as he appeared. He knew something horrible had happen, his masters
magic was dark and angry.

“I’m releasing the hold on reporters. Tell everyone to print the story tonight and I want every
witch and wizard to have a copy of it by the morning. Then meet me at Nottingham.”

“Yes Master!”Dobby said with a bow before disappearing and making his way to every paper
that Hadrian and Marvolo controlled or scared into submission.

Hadrian and Marvolo made their way to the Wizamagot where everyone had been gathered
back to as the announcement was made.
“Esteemed Wizards and Witches,”Marvolo announced as he stood at his platform, Hadrian
slightly behind him, “The announcement is correct. Albus Dumbledore has escaped and fled
the ministry in the wake of the information that has been learned. We will assume he is
dangerous until further notice and express all of you to be cautious. This trial is officially on
hold until Albus Dumbledore is back into custody.”

The room emptied as reporters ran back to their offices to write what had happen and praying
they would be the first to post the information out. Unknown to them Rita Skeeter was
already sending the article to her editor.

“Draco,”Hadrian called as he made his way to him, “Let’s go. We need to get Grindlewald to
Nurmengard before meeting everyone at Nottingham.”

“Nottingham?”Draco asked with a frown.

“It’s a full meeting tonight love,”Hadrian explained as they made their way to the cells.

Marvolo, Sirius and Lucius made their way to Nottingham to get everything set up and do the
official calls.

Grindelwald cell was hidden in the Department of Mysteries, far away from the official
Auror cells.

“Let’s go,”Hadrian said as he made his way into the cell and pulled out his Portkey.

“Is it true?”Grindelwald said as he reached out to grab the necklace.

“Yes. You need to shut down Nurmengard as soon as you're in,”Hadrian demanded as the
portkey activated.

As they landed Grindelwald was already giving orders for the lock down.

“If he comes you know what to do,”Hadrian said pulling Draco close to him.

“I do,”Grindelwald said with a slow nod.

Hadrian reached out and removed the cuffs before releasing Grindelwald full magic.
Grindelwald grunted and stumbled back as his magic slammed into him and filled his veins.

Hadrian wrapped Draco in his arms and apparated them to the Nottingham estate.

Nottingham wasn’t used very frequently by them. The large castle had been used by the
Peverells in the fourteenth century and had been in shambles when it was rediscovered on
Hadrians eleventh birthday. It took two years to get it in a workable condition and able for
them to use it. Because of its large size they only used it when having a full meeting over
every important cog in the machine that they have built.
Set up like their personal hall at the back of the hall was a dias that had four chairs in the
front and another four in the back for their closest. Hadrian and Draco were in full uniform as
they made their way to the dias where Marvolo and Sirius were waiting. The hall was mostly
filled by the time they made it, a few groups still waiting to come in. The members were
standing in groups of Aurors, department heads and personnel, Department of Mysteries,
most of the Wizamagot, members of ICW, Ministers from other countries and their entourage
and finally death eaters. When the final people came into the hall the doors sealed shut and
the wards activating locking everyone in the room.

“What the bloody hell happen!”Marvolo roared to the group. A few people flinched and even
stumbled back.

“He was slipped a porky,”Amelia said from where she stood with her men, “We captured
who was responsible.”

“Who was it? I thought everyone that was around him was one of us,”Hadrian said with a

Amelia sighed and looked at him, “It was Nymphedora Tonks.”

“What?”Hadrian said. Quietly. Dangerously.

“She admitted everything the moment she was cornered. We didn’t dare look about
her,”Amelia told them. A few members shifted and Nymphedora was brought to the front.
She wouldn’t look up, her eyes were glued to the floor as she fell to her knees. Hadrian
looked to his father.

“You brought her in,”Marvolo said without a glance to the girl. He turned with Sirius and
they took their seats.

Hadrian gave Dracos hand a kiss before standing and making his way down the dias to the
girl who was on her knees. Hadrian wrapped his hand around Nymphadoras neck and pulled
her up,“I’m going to kill you! What the bloody hell were you thinking you stupid stupid

“I’m sorry,”Tonks wheezed out.

Hadrians eyes darkened and he threw her against the wall. Following her he grabbed her by
the neck again before lifting her and slamming her into the wall.

“Sorry issn’t good enough you bint. You better pray to Merlin that I find you were tricked
into this or your death will be for years.”

Hadrian dived into Nymphadoras mind violently and uncaring as he tore through her shields
and looked for what he wanted. Hadrian was furious, not only for Dumbledore getting away
but for the betrayal of family. He never wanted to bring Andromeda and Nymphedora into
the fold, he didn’t think he could trust them. Sirius and Narcissa however pleaded their case
and swore that they would be good for the team. Especially Nymphedora who was
unassuming and could easily slip in and out of situations. So Hadrian agreed, against
Marvolo, and brought them into the fold. Narcissa, Sirius and Andromeda was going to pay
for this.

Hadrian pulled away from Nymphedora and let go of her. She slid down the wall and stayed
down on her knees as she grabbed her head and took deep breaths. Her skull was pounding,
even her hair hurt from the look Hadrian had just taken.

“It was Ted,”Hadrian said making his way up the dias to his father, “He told her if she didn’t
help he would disown her completely and leave her nameless. She also has a contract with
the elder Flint son that she didn’t want to lose.”

“You stupid girl,”Sirius said softly, “Why didn’t you come to me? We would have helped

Nymphedora shook her head and let out a sob. She panicked when her father cornered her
that morning. She barely had time to think before she was at the ministry and in charge of
Dumbledore. The decision to give him the portkey seemed like her only choice.

“Andromeda?”Sirius asked.

“I don’t know if she was aware of it,”Hadrian said before calling for Dobby.

“Master,”Dobby said appearing quickly.

“Get Ted and Andromeda Tonks. They are coming as prisoners and betrayers to the throne.”

Dobby gave him a chilling smile before leaving to pick up his charges.

“What do we do with her?”Marvolo asked giving a glare to the girl.

“Dungeons until we have the full picture,”Hadrian said.

Marvolo waved his wand and Nymphedora faded away to her place in the dark dungeons.

“Flint!”Hadrian called.

Mathew Flint knew he was being called and made his way from the middle of the Death
Eaters and took a kneel in front of his masters, “My Lords.”

“Your thoughts,”Hadrian said leaning back in his seat and taking Dracos hand in his.

“She’s loyal to the cause but terrified of her father and being disowned. Her mother was weak
for years after she was disowned and it left a lasting mark.”

“If we decide to kill her?”

“I love her but my loyalty is to the cause,”Mathew Flint said calmly. Hadrian wouldn’t take
another chance and peaked into his mind. His thoughts and feelings were true. He loved
Nymphedora and was terrified of being without her but was furious at what had happen.
“Go back to your place,”Hadrian said dismissing him.

It was only a few moments before Dobby appeared with a bound Andromeda and Ted Tonks.
Ted struggled greatly against the binds, his eyes widening when he saw the room he landed
in. Andromeda was calm as she looked around with a raised eyebrow.

“What is going on?”Andromeda said in confusion.

“Ask your husband,”Hadrian said lazily as his glare turned to Ted.

“Ted?”Andromeda said turning as much as she could with her binds, “What’s going on?”

“I did what I had to do for us Andy. You have been blinded by their evil for years. This was
the only way to save us! To save humanity!”Ted told her fiercely, “I did what I needed to do
for the greater good!”

Andromeda flinched back. Her eyes were wide as they stared at her husband. Understanding
dawned on her, “The Greater Good? This is about Albus? Ted what did you do!”

“I saved him!”Ted said righteously, “I saved all of us. You will understand soon Andy. I
saved us all.”

“Your husband used your daughter to slip Dumbledore a portkey that he used to escape the
ministry,”Marvolo sneered at her.

“You brought Nymphedora into this!”Andromeda screeched at her husband, “You bastard! If
you want to play with your life that’s on you but you should have never brought my daughter
into this!”

Andromeda turned to Hadrian and Marvolo and fell forward onto the floor, “My Lords
please! Spare my daughter! I don’t know what Ted said but she is loyal to the cause and to
you! Her family.”

Hadrian stood up and made his way to Andromeda. Kneeling infront of her he touched her
binds and they disintegrated into dust. He picked her up and held her head as he entered her
mind much more gentle than he did her daughters. Andromeda was honest in her words. Teds
actions surprised her greatly. Letting her go he made his way to Ted and yanked his head
back by his hair and as he did to Nymphedora forced himself into his mind and tore thought

Five minutes later Hadrian let go of Ted and watched as his body fell to the floor

“Andy your husband is a weak man,”Hadrian told her conversationally, “He’s was also
having an affair with Remus Lupin. That has ended of course.”

Andromeda gave her husband a glare and kicked his head, “Bastard.”

“Go take your place Andy,”Hadrian said dismissing her from the front. He took his seat next
to his father and a silencing ward was put around them.
“What did you discover?”Marvolo asked.

“Remus seduced him years ago, or he seduced Remus actually,”Hadrian waved a hand in
dismissal of the trivial information, “Dumbledore convinced him that we were evil, blah,
blah. Teds just been waiting until the perfect time to act,”Hadrian said with a frown. Ted had
never actually joined them nor did he know how deep his wife and daughters loyalty went to
them. He had been aware that Andy and Nymphadora worked under them in some capacity
but thought it was directly with the ministry.

“What about Nymphedora?”Draco asked with a frown.

“She’s loyal to us but panicked,”Hadrian assured him. Draco was very fond of his cousin,
“She will need to be punished of course and I’m having Andromeda sign marriage rites over
to me.”

“I say we kill her. She’s a weak link,”Marvolo said with a frown, “If she was already able to
betray us once who’s to say she won’t do it again?”

Draco tightened his hold on Hadrians hand but didn’t say anything.

“Give me time with her father. She is very useful and I don’t want to kill her for something
she was forced into,”Hadrian said softly.

“One month,”Marvolo said, “If you don’t make a good argument she will die.”

“Agreed,’Hadrian said with a nod. He knew Nymphadora was on their side but he also felt
her desperation to not be disowned and lose her betrothal.

Marvolo stood up and lowered the ward, “Ted Tonks has used coercion to make one of our
own to betray the cause. As many of you know Albus Dumbledore has escaped and is
currently on the run. All of you will look for him. If you find him or receive any information
on his whereabouts reach out to the leader of your teams.”

“Yes my Lord.”

“Dismissed,”Marvolo said.

The room cleared out quickly as everyone made their way out and back to their jobs. Marvolo
stared down at Ted Tonk with a frown as he tried to decide what to do with him.

“Dumbledore might reach out to him,”Hadrian said as he stood next to this father.

“Possibly. He also might know that we would discover how he escaped,”Marvolo said
glancing at his son.

“Imperious?”Hadrian said with a shrug, “We will know if Dumbledore reaches out but we
can make sure Tonks doesn’t do something stupid.”

“Regulus!”Marvolo called out looking back at the man, “Imperious Tonks. You know what to
Regulus nodded and made his way down the dias to the prone man. Marvolo and Hadrian
both could have handled it but Regulus was a Master in the spell and knew secrets to make it
hold longer than either of them did.

Perks of being Head Unspeakable.


“Is it true?”Blaise asked Hadrian and Draco as they came into the room.

“Yes,”Hadrian gritted out, “Bastard used a portkey and escaped.”

“How?”Theo asked with a frown.

Blaise and Theo let out groans as they dropped to their knees holding their heads. The other
students in the room took a collective step back as they stared at the group. Draco glared at
the boys from Hadrians said before placing his hand on Hadrians forearms. Blaise and Theo
dropped their hands to the ground and took deep shuttering breaths.

“I will hear no more questions about this. Understand?”Hadrian said coldly.

Blaise and Theo both nodded quickly.


Hadrian and Draco turned and went to the room as if nothing had happen and the room let out
a breath as they heard the door to the dorm shut.

“Bloody hell,”Theo groaned as he pulled himself off the floor.

“I forget who he is sometimes,”Blaise said as he stood, his holding his hand to his lower
back. Pain still radiating from whatever spell Hadrian had them under.

“He’s so chill most of the time,”Theo said in agreement.

“You still have the password to the Prefect Shower?”Blaise asked Theo with a grimace

“Yeah. Let’s go,”Theo said.

“Idiots,”Hadrian said as he threw his robe onto Dracos chair, “Do I look like I want
“No,”Draco purred as he pulled Hadrian to him by his tie, “You look like you need a way to
expel all of that anger that I can feel pouring out of you.”

Hadrian reached out and grabbed Dracos hips tightly and pulled him against his body, “Are
you offering precious?”

Draco answered with a smirk before using Hadrians tie and pulling him into a kiss.

Hadrian waved a hand warding the room against everyone for the night. Blaise could find
somewhere else to stay for the night.


The hunt for Dumbledore was on. Death Eaters were searching England and the surrounding
countries for any place he could have hid. Hadrian knew it was a fruitless endeavor.
Dumbledore wouldn’t be found until he was ready to be found at least not by any basic
magical means. Hadrian thought once or twice to use his powers to either track him down or
ask his whereabouts but in the end had decided against it. The longer Dumbledore was
missing the more the anger and accusations of the public mounted.

Hadrian also thought it was more of a challenge this way. But that didn’t mean he was taking
any chances and for the first time Hadrian called his person army, L’obscurite’.

Hadrian and Draco once again found themselves in the ballroom of Nottingham Castle. The
large room was encased in darkness, shadows climbing up the walls and falling from the
ceiling. The only light was shinning from the large chandelier hanging from the ceiling and
the several candelabras that were placed along the walls.

“They are coming precious,”Hadrian purred to Draco as he pulled him into his arms. Their
cloaks swirled around each other gently, pure white mixing with pitch black. A low melody
sounded from the walls as figures of black smoke flew from the walls and door. One by one
they solidified as kneeling figures. The large doors opened as another group lead by a large
man with yellow eyes came to stand on the opposite side as they dropped to one knee as one.
The sounds of keening women echoed before they appeared in a large group and took their
own stance and the fountain in the corner of the room bubbled viciously before figures
slowly pulled themselves out and slowly made their way to their place. Madam Maxine
walked through the door next in full battle gear with a group of impossibly beautiful people
of pure blonde hair and wings that swept the ground lead by Madam Delacor, Fleurs mother.
Finally a small group of armored Goblins lead by Griphook swept to the front of the room.

“Prince Noir,”The selected assemble intoned as they dipped their heads in respect.

“Raise,”Hadrian said as he let go of Draco and wrapped his arm around his waist, “Draco this
is L’obscurite’. The Vampires lead by Lord Drake,”Hadrian pointed to the first group, “Weres
lead by Alpha Adams,” the large man with yellow eyes gave a wide smile, “you already
know Queen Siobhan of the Keening Women, “The dainty women gave him a wave, “my
Commander of Inferi Godric,” Godric gave a slow sweeping bow, “and you know Madam
Maxine and Madam Delacor as well as Griphook.”

“Charmed,”Draco said as his eyes ran over the group. He had met members from each group
at different times but since most of Hadrians dealings took place during the school year
Draco had yet to meet several of the leaders.

“I’m sure I do not have to explain why I have brought you here,”Hadrian started, nods came
from the group, “Albus Dumbledore is currently on the run and trying to avoid justice for his

“Are we to find him?”Alpha Adam asked hopefully.

“No,”Hadrian said sharply giving him a glare, “I do not want any of you to hunt for him. If
you find him and think you can capture him feel free to try but I won’t be holding my

Adam nearly pouted at the reprimand and the Keening women let out twitters of laughter.
Hadrian looked at Draco and rolled his eyes mouthing ‘bloody baby’. Draco bit his lip to hide
his smile.

Hadrian clapped his hands and all attention went to him, “Prepare for war. Dumbledore will
come out of hiding eventually and he will come with his own army. Members of the Order of
the Phoenix have been disappearing or acting strange.”

“Yes Prince.”

“Has he reached out to any of you?”Hadrian asked as he took a seat pulling Draco down into
his lap.

“He avoids us,”Siobhan said mournfully.

“He doesn’t know about us,”Godric said with a large smile, “But I have been told he visited
the cave.”

Hadrian raised an eyebrow, “Did he take the bait?”

“Yes. He took an elf with him who managed to escape after he left but I don’t think he
examined the locket.”

Hadrian hummed and drummed his fingers onto the arm chair, “He will be looking for the
others soon. Siobhan can you have someone watch the Gaunt house?”

“Yes my lord,”Siobhan said with a tilt of her head.

“Alpha?”Hadrian said looking a the man.

“Not since you killed Lupin. But he did see us a week before his death, promised safety and
new laws,”Adam said with a snort.

The vampire lord flashed a smile, “He sent a man to us but he didn’t get past the gates.
Unfortunately a youngling was playing and well…it takes so long to teach them self control.
He hasn’t tried again.”


“He attempted to send Hagrid but he refused. The knowledge that he kidnapped Gwaup had
spread and he doesn’t wish to risk his life.”

Hadrian nodded, “Excellent. Remember my words. You do not search for him and trying to
capture him will be taking your lives into your own hands. Listen for my call, I expect it
should be soon.”

One by one the groups paid their respects and left the room. As the door closed behind them
the room transformed once again. The shadows dissipated as light filled the room from the
normal candles and spells.

“Why didn’t you ask about the Veela or Goblins?”Draco asked.

“Dumbledore has never cared for the Veelas and Goblins aren’t suppose to get
involved,”Hadrian said as ran his nose along Dracos jaw before latching onto his throat and
sucking a mark onto it.

Draco let out a whimper and shifted until he was straddling Hadrian and ran his hands
through Hadrians hair, “Don’t we have another meeting in an hour?”

“It won’t start until I get there,”Hadrian said as he pulled Draco closer.

“Good,”Draco breathed before pulling Hadrian too into a deep kiss.


While Hadrian and Marvolo were running their meeting and getting everyone ready for war
the rest of the world were taking their own precautions. People were running into hiding,
family and war wards were being lifted for the first time since Voldemorts original rise.
Hadrian knew it must have caused frustration to Dumbledore knowing he was the reason this
time. No one would be going to him for help and salvation. This time around they flocked to
the ministry and Marvolo who were actively helping those who were scared and actually
providing accurate information.

It was probably the first for any government.

The wards on every magical school were fully lifted to ensure there would be no entrance
from Dumbledore or any of his order. Sirius had lead a group of unspeakables and aurors
around the school to every secret passage he knew to ensure they were fully closed off.
Hogsmeade trips were suspended until further notice and students were to walk in groups at
all time and to adhere to all curfews that were set forth. There was some groaning from the
students but as more papers dropped, more letters were received from their parents the
complaining stopped. Certain students were also called home to their parents where it was
“saver” including every Weasley student that was currently enrolled. Fred and George were
ecstatic for the excuse to become spy for Hadrian and took their new jobs very seriously.

Hogwarts was quickly becoming a very safe place to be but Hadrian was taking even more
precautions to keep Draco safe. Dracos jewelry prevented any portkeys from taking him
away and Regulus was on body guard duty until further notice. The students didn’t take much
notice of the man that followed Draco around and waited in the back of the classroom as he
had his lessons. Sometimes by himself and sometimes with Hadrian standing next to him. All
of Hadrians lessons had been suspended since the trial, not that he had even attended most of
them since arriving at Hogwarts. The rest of their friends were on a constant high alert and
didn’t travel anywhere without each other.

There were questions all over the ministry and thought out the halls of the school on where
Dumbledore would finally show his face but everyone knew where it would be.



“It will be during the third task,”Marvolo said from his place at the head of the table.
Hadrian, Sirius, Severus, Amelia and Cornelius were sitting around the table for their war
council. Regulus was with Draco as he attended charms.

“That’s what I was thinking too,”Hadrian said, “It’s the only time the wards would be
lowered enough for him to get through.”

“We can’t just make it a closed event?”Sirius asked.

“Unfortunately not. It’s been an open event since the beginning of the tournament and it’s not
something that can be changed,”Cornelius said with a frown.

“I’ll have the L’obscurite waiting in the forest,”Hadrian said as he twirled the elder wand
between his fingers.

“Are we sure that’s a good idea?”Cornelius asked nervously. No one truly knew who was in
the army but there were many rumors of creatures.

Hadrian gave him a glare, “They are my trusted army Cornelius. There will be no fear for
anyone other than Dumbledore and his idiots.”

“Could we have more information on who they are?”Amelia asked curiously.

“Not yet,”Hadrian said leaning back, “They will be known fully when they need to be and
not before. I can assure you that the students and guests will be safe as long as they aren’t on
Dumbledores side.”

“The task will need to be adjusted of course. Instead of a portkey we will have the hedges
drop when the champion wins. It will allow full visualization,”Marvolo said as he wrote it
out on the parchment infront of him.

“Emergency Portkeys?”Hadrian said leaning over and looking at the parchment.

“For the students. I will be making them and Severus will be handing them out in a place that
will be determined later,”Marvolo said.

The main concern is to keep the students safe. Any student under the age of seventeen will be
required to leave the school, except for the obvious ones, but anyone seventeen will not be
forced to leave. Regardless of what side they are on. Dumbledore may not have cared about
creating a child army but Marvolo and the Ministry did. Well the Ministry did, Marvolo
couldn’t care less if a few students died.


The night before the final task Hadrian held Draco close to him as he slept. The foreboding
feeling he had first felt that morning in France seemed to intensify as the days went by and
now, the night before, it was almost overwhelming. Hadrian had been able to push it away
but Luna was much more effected than him. The students were all in agreement that she was
more ‘looney’ then she had ever been and they were right. She spent more time with one foot
in the afterlife than she ever had before and it was getting worse every day.

Hadrian pulled Draco closer and pressed his lips to the top of Dracos head as he breathed him
in. Hadrian had tried to convince him to stay at one of their manors until it was all over but
he refused quite vehemently. Hadrians balls still hurt. Hadrian ran his finger along the
bracelet on Dracos wrist. Draco was full of protection charms and wards, most spells would
be swatted away as if an annoying fly but not all of them and those are the ones that Hadrian
feared the most.

Draco was his anchor and the only reason Hadrian maintained some measure of control over
his power. The dead called to Hadrian when he summoned them. The sweet seduction of
power pulled at him every time he used his necromagic and only Draco keeping him in check
stopped Hadrian from going further into his power than he should. If anything were to
happen to him nothing would stop Hadrian from razing the earth.

Starting with Hogwarts.

The Battle of Hogwarts
Chapter Summary

The final task has started but what surprises are waiting for Hadrian?

Chapter Notes

Hello Friends!!
Okay, so I am not good at battle scenes.
Lesson learned.

Other then that...


See the end of the chapter for more notes

Tension and excitement filled the Great Hall as everyone gathered for breakfast on the
morning of the final task. For a majority of the school tonight would be the night that the
winner of the Triwizard Tournament would be announced after a school year of tasks and
meeting new friends but for the ones who knew the truth it would be the night that would be
either the greatest day for the Dark or the worst. If there was any uncertainty about the day it
was squashed as the students who had previously been pulled were brought back in droves
throughout the day. There was a difference in the students who came back. The older students
were calm and acted like nothing was out of the ordinary but the younger students seemed to
vibrate with nerves as the day progressed. Hadrian had no doubts that they would be expected
to be involved and he wouldn’t allow that, as such certain people had instructions to grab
them and forcibly remove them if needed.

The spells were set on the maze to drop as the cup was reached and wards were as tight as
they could make them during the event. Aurors and Death Eaters were stationed around the
school and would be hidden in the crowd ready to fight or move the children. Everything was
falling into place. The only thing that was missing was the confirmation of who was actually
in the Order. Hadrian and Marvolo had many families under their care, protection or army.
There were some spies of course but they were never told important information and were
allowed only to give the Order a sense of power but Dumbledore had been headmaster for
years and there was no way of knowing how many people he had been able to sweep under
his influence.
Hadrian had attempted once to ask around to try and find out how many people were
involved but the information, much like the forbidding feeling he had, was not information to
be shared. It would effect fate and that was unacceptable.

It was also very troublesome for Hadrian.


At seven pm sharp the stands were full of cheering students as Hadrian, Fleur and Viktor
stood at the entrance ready to enter. The original plan was to go by the point system but as
that fell apart with the second task it was decided they would all go at once. No one knew
when Dumbledore would appear or how he could appear and so Hadrian had been keyed into
the maze and had the ability to drop the walls at anytime. This would activate automatic
portkeys for all creatures inside of the maze to take them too protected areas. Most of them
had come from Dracos island and no one wanted to take the chance that something would
happen to them.

The L’obscurite were roaming the forest and ready and waiting in the lake waiting for
Hadrians signal. Queen Siobhan and Alpha Adam however were hidden in the crowds next to
Draco as part of his private guard, both ready to give their lives to protect their Lords
Consort. Hadrian met his fathers eyes before he entered the maze and took comfort in the
fierce look in his fathers eyes. This was the night they had been waiting for, that Hadrian had
been training for, the night it would end.

The sound of a cannon was the start of the task. Hadrian glanced at the other two before
breaking into a run and entering the maze taking the first right and slowing down and taking
a deep breath. The maze was dark, a sense of danger filled the air causing goosebumps to
erupt on Hadrians arms. He could feel the dark creatures that lurked amongst the shrubs
waiting for an unsuspecting champion to stumble upon them. Hadrian closed his eyes and
focused his magic allowing it to pool under his skin as it raced through their veins. Hadrian
relaxed fully and opened his eyes, the green shined brightly in the darkness as he looked
around and examined the magic of the maze and the path created for him. Technically it was
cheating but if Hadrian had to be in this bloody tournament he certainly wasn’t going to lose
to Viktor or Fleur.

Hadrian walked forward and took another right going deeper into the Maze.

Draco fiddled with his bracelet as Hadrian went into the maze. He felt Siobhan against his
side as she shifted slightly next to him, Adam was on his other side but made sure to keep a
slight distance from him. Draco snorted quietly and glanced at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Mates are not to be touched by an unmated male,”Adam said quietly to him, “You may not
be a were but I will respect our Lord.”

Draco opened but before he could reply he felt the shift in the air. Eyes widening he grabbed
Siobhan and Adams arm before shouting ‘down!’ and pulling them with him as he duct. The
killing curse soared over him and hit a Durmstrang student that had been cheering behind
next to him. Draco grimaced, the students around him were close followers of Hadrian and
whoever had been hit would surely be missed. Screams broke out through the stands as the
the shock of what happen faded. Aurors and Death Eaters alike started grabbing children
before portkeying them out. Students who had been warned by their parents quickly made
their way to the people closest to them to escape but others, the children of light, were being
forcibly portkeyed out.

Draco felt the students around him go into formation behind him as they prepared for battle
but he paid them no attention his eyes locked onto his attacker. Pansy stood fifteen feet away
from him, her wand still locked onto Dracos form but there was something wrong with her.
She stood tall and confident as she stared him down, as if she knew she would win the
upcoming fight. A shield erupted around Draco as he moved his wand in a circle before
giving it a quick jab. The bright orange spell hit Pansy before she could move and they
watched as her skin started to bubble, her body grew taller as her hair started to lighten into a
gray color, a beard growing form her face.

Regulus appeared next to Draco and raised an eyebrow, “How did you know?” He murmured
to him.

“Pansy is a useless bitch and couldn’t cast the killing curse unless someone else was
powering it,”Draco sneered.

Dumbledore moved quickly to cast but before he could the ground shook under them and the
maze walls dropped. Dumbledore jerked and looked over in shock at the maze and the figure
standing in the middle of it. Hadrian dropped the cup he had just picked up and smiled, “I
would like it on record that I won the tournament.”

“Oh yes let me just jot that down,”Sirius called from where he was pulling and pushing
students to where they needed to be.

Hadrian shrugged before lifting his wand into the air and a black light shot from the wand
into the sky. Before their eyes the light formed into a smokey symbol of a snake wrapped
around a dragon, the snake lifted its head and hissed into the air. Dumbledore looked at the
sign in confusion before movement in the lake captured his attention. His eyes widened in
horror as inferi walked out of the lake but not jerky and slow as they tended to be. These
moved smoothly with purpose and pose as they formed a line along the lake shore and waited
for their next command.

“Do you like them?” Hadrian called out to Dumbledore as he made his way to the stands, “It
took me a while to get them just right.”

In the distraction Dumbledore didn’t notice the black smoke wrap around Draco before he
was brought too Hadrian and released from the smoke to stand next to Hadrian, already in his
pure white battle robes. He taped his wand on Hadrians shoulder and his clothing melted
away into his own black battle robes.

“What have you done?”Dumbledore said staring at him in horror. He made his way down the
stand before jumping off the edge and landing gently onto the field.

“Oh that’s just the beginning,”Hadrian said with a mocking smile.

The Forbidden forest seemed to shake as howls broke through the night. Half formed wolfs
came running out next to women in black silk. A cloud from the sky broke apart and formed
into separate pieces of black smoke as they shot to the ground before forming into the
vampires as they landed.

“Dumbledore,”Hadrian called as he wrapped an arm around Dracos waist and pulled him
close, “allow me to introduce you to L’obscurite.”

“It was already too late wasn’t it,”Dumbledore said quietly, his face set in disappointment,
“You were already dark when you came. I tried to help you, to show you the goodness of
magic but you were too far gone into the dark.”

Hadrian twirled the elder wand in his fingers before giving Dumbledore a smirk, “You have
no idea Albus. I’m not dark. I’m black.”

Hadrian shot a red spell to Dumbledore who quickly moved to the right to doge before
throwing his own spell back.


“This is going to be a bitch to rebuild,”Marvolo mumbled before moving his wand in a large
arch and shot a spell into the stadium. The stands shook for a moment before it fell apart and
everyone was able to see the fight that was taking place in the middle. Hadrian and Draco
danced around each other as they ducked and dodged all spells coming from Dumbledores
wand. Dumbledore felt the stands fall and knew he needed to reform with his people if this
was to be continued. Taking the chance he apparated out of the stadium to the hillside where
his army was waiting.

“Bloody coward,”Hadrian spat as his eyes racked over Draco.

“I’m fine,”Draco said with a roll of his eyes, “Nothing touched me.”

“Just checking,”Hadrian mumbled, “We need to get everyone ready,”Hadrian said too
Marvolo as they meet at the stands.

“The students who came back have disappeared,”Marvolo told them as they made their way
quickly across the grounds, “They must have had portkeys on them.”
“Of course they did,”Hadrian said, “The children?”

“All off the grounds. Even theirs,”Sirius said as he joined them at the entrance doors.

“Good, good.”


“She’s with Viktor and Fleur in the tower,”Sirius assured him, “They have sworn to stay out
of the battle.”

Hadrian nodded as they finally entered the Great Hall. Lunas position was too valuable to
risk her on the battle field. She could hold her own but her visions were very strong in the last
few days and they couldn’t risk her getting caught up mid battle. Fleur and Viktor had
volunteered to be her guards in case someone was able to break through the wards and enter
the school. The Great Hall was filled with students and the teachers that were on their side.
The members of L’obscurite were stalking the grounds to keep an eye out while Death Eaters
and Aurors made their way through the halls of Hogwarts looking for any students that may
have been missed.

Drake appeared next to Hadrian and tilted his head in respect, “My Lord. We have found
Dumbledores order, they are in the hills.”

“How many?”Hadrian asked.

Drake grimaced, “Two hundred waiting there. Some were sure still appearing.”

“How the bloody hell does he have that many people,”Draco said with wide eyes.

“He’s been headmaster for a very long time love. We have families but not every member and
there are many muggle borns out there that have stayed away from the Wizarding World after
graduation or kept a low profile,”Hadrian said, “We anticipated he would have more than we
knew of.”

“He has a pack with him as well,”Drake told him with a frown, “Twenty Weres. Adam
doesn’t recognize them and claims them rouges.”

Hadrian nodded, “Tell Adam he’s responsible for capturing them and doing what he likes.
Kill them or take them back to the pack grounds.”

Drake nodded and disappeared to spread the word.

Severus walked up to them with Regulus and gave light bows, “My Lords. The dungeons are
clean and I would like to discuss something important with you.”

“Of course,”Marvolo said casting a ward around them.

“Dumbledore is aware of the weak points of the wards. If they overwhelm them with magic it
will shatter the wards,”Severus said with a frown.
“If they shatter it will take months to fix them,”Hadrian said sharing a look with his father,
“We will need to drop them.”

“It will make it easier for Dumbledore,”Marvolo said with a frown, “I don’t really want

“It’s better than them being demolished,”Sirius pointed out, “Besides they only count two
hundred right now. Hadrians army its self is over one hundred strong we aren’t going to be
out numbered.”

“Are you pouting?”Hadrian asked his father with a grin.

“No! I just don’t want to make it easier for him,”Marvolo defended himself. He was not

“Well you have to,”Hadrian said, “I won’t have these wards be completely shattered.”

Marvolo mumbled under his breath before agreeing with a sigh.

“The goblins and Veelas are entering through the chamber now,”Madam Maxine said as she
made her way to them.

“We added the stairs right? If the Veelas have to fly the goblins up they are going to be
peeved,”Hadrian said looking at his father.

“Of course,”Marvolo said looking at him offended.

“Just checking,”Hadrian said with a smirk, “Your getting up there in years I was worried you

“Wait for this to be over and I’ll show you old,”Marvolo sneered at his son before turning
with a flourish and walking away.

“He’s so touchy about this age,”Hadrian said with a laugh.

“He’s more concerned with your age than his,”Sirius said quietly, “Please be careful during
this battle Hadrian. Your father doesn’t love many people and you know if loves you more
than anyone in this castle.”

Hadrian pulled his dad into a tight hug, “I will be careful dad. I promise.”

Sirius hugged his son tightly and closed his eyes. He remembered his son as a child, running
to him in excitement to tell him about the new spell he had learned or about his day. Hadrian
was the light of Sirius and Marvolos life and both of them had fears for this battle. Sirius
didn’t want to think about what Marvolo would do if something happen to Hadrian. Sirius
opened his eyes and looked over Hadrians shoulder and met Dracos eyes. Sirius reached out
and pulled Draco into their hug with a hard swallow. If he was worried about Marvolos
reaction he was terrified of Dracos. Draco held immense power inside of him that he kept
tightly controlled. No one truly knew what Hadrian had taught Draco during the years but
Sirius knew whatever it was could bring the world to its knees.

The school was empty.

Students, Aurors, Death Eaters, students and the L’obscurite were on the grounds ready for
the wards to drop from the grounds. The only wards that would remain were the ones that
kept the school locked down. They couldn’t do much for the courtyards and classes that faced
out of the school but any entrance into the main school was locked and warded. No one
would enter the school.

“Ready?”Hadrian shouted out as excitement and adrenaline flowed through him. He was
almost bouncing on his toes as he waited for the signal.

“I’m concerned how excited you are for this,”Regulus called out to Hadrian, “We could all
die you know.”

“Dying is a part of like Uncle Reggie!” Hadrian called back before turning to Draco, “Not
you. You're not allowed to die,”He said seriously.

Draco pulled him down and gave him a kiss, “You better not either,”he said against his lips,
“I will be most displeased.”

Hadrian pulled him close and kissed him deeply. Whistles broke out around them but they
didn’t care, their only focus was on each other. Hadrian broke away and held Dracos face in
his hand, “You are my life precious. The reason fight. The reason I am. This reason I live.”

“That sounds like a goodbye,”Draco whispered as he gripped Hadrians robes, “Don’t make it
a goodbye.”

Hadrian rested his forehead against Dracos and smiled, “It isn’t a goodbye. I’m just trying to
rack up brownie points for when I do something reckless.”

Draco laughed and gave Hadrian another kiss, “There isn’t enough brownie points in the
world for that.”

“Damn,”Hadrian whispered, “I’ll have to figure out another way.”

“I could use another island,”Draco said with a smirk, “I can call it love island. Pleasure spells
all around, rivers and waterfalls infused with lust potions.”

“I love the way your brain works,”Hadrian said before pulling Draco to him once more for a
hard kiss, “See you after the battle precious.”

“Don’t ruin your face. Your wedding is in three months,”Draco warned him.

Hadrian gave him a smirk and rolled his eyes. As if he would risk his face.
“Ready,”Marvolo said as he came to stand next to his son. He had been waiting for this
moment for years. Waited for the final step that was needed for him to have the freedom to
fully transform the Wizarding World into what he knew it could be. Marvolo knew he would
lose people, knew Hadrian would lose people, no one truly made it through a war unscathed
but his fear for his family was stronger then he had ever remembered it being. Probably
because he was crazy before and had no fear. Part of him missed that.

“Let’s do this,”Hadrian said with a laugh.

The raised their wands into the air, echoed by Severus, Regulus and many others. At once
spells shot up and hit the wards. Everyone watched as the wards dissolved from the shots and
the school was officially opened.

They only had to wait five minutes for the first of the light to run through the gates and soon
the grounds were full, Albus and the Weasleys were in the front. Fred and George and their
bothers bounced on their feet as they looked out with smirks and met Hadrians eyes. Hadrian
inclined his head and the the brothers as one took off running to the other side. Molly
watched with horrified eyes as her sons broke the lines and ran to the other side with gleeful

“What are you doing!”Molly screeched at them.

“Oh come on mum, you can’t actually believe we follow that old fool,”Bill called out as he
took his place behind Hadrian, his brothers nodding in agreement.

“You have allowed yourselves to be tricked,”Dumbledore said gravely, “Come back and we
can assure your safety.”

The brothers moved as one into a dueling stance and that was all that was needed.

Hadrian and Marvolo moved their wands in sync and the bright green killing curse shot out
hitting people on either side of Dumbledore. Lords Diggle and Dodge fell to the ground dead,
no chance given. Wands lifted and spells went flying from both sides.

The war had started.


The battle blazed around Fred and George as they danced around in tandem as they fought
against three wizards. They vaguely recognized them as muggle burns that had been seventh
years when they first entered the school and disappeared after graduation. George dodged out
of the way of a spell but couldn’t miss the cutting curse that cut his ear clean off.

“Bloody fuck!”George said as he cast his own cutting curse to the man who go him. He was
unable to avoid the curse and his head went clean off.
“At last people can tell us apart now,”Fred called out.

George glared at his brother as a vampire appeared next to him, “Allow me.”

Another vampire appeared next to Fred and joined him in the battle with the other two
wizards as the vampire next to George healed the ear as much as he was able to.

“You won’t bleed out,”The vampire said before leaving and heading to the next injured soul.

“Handy,”George commented before casting a killing curses at the men who were fighting his
brother and the vampire. They both fell. The vampire gave them a nod before disappearing
into smoke and going to help others.

“Nice blokes,”Fred said as they ran to help other people.


“Where did Dumbledore go?”Sirius shouted as he and Marvolo fought against the light
members of the Wizamagot.

“No idea,”Marvolo shouted back.

“He’s waiting beyond the gates,”Hadrian called as he killed three wizards with a swipe of his

“Bloody coward,”Sirius spat.

Hadrian cringed as he heard the stone pillars in the courtyard outside of the transfiguration
classroom crumble. Of all the bloody places in the world Dumbledore had to choose the
damn school for this battle. Hadrian took a moment and shot up into the sky to get a better
view of the battle from the sky. Adam and his weres were taking care of the ones that had
fallen in with Dumbledore, some of them dying at the hands of their betters others being
portkeyed away to the main den. His inferi were taking out stragglers that came too close to
the water and diving into the water when fire got too close to them. The Veelas were
alternating between sending fireballs and healing those of the dark who were injured so they
could keep moving. The goblins were surrounding the school and defending as people tried
to gain entrance. Sounds of the keening women broke through the night causing people to
clasp their hands to their years amongst their screams. The vampires were Hadrians healers in
this battle, misting around the battlefield they healed those the Veelas couldn’t reach or who
were too far gone.

A flash of red hair falling to green light distracted Hadrian for a moment and he watched as
Percy fell to the ground, blank eyes staring up. Hadrian looked around and grinned as he
caught sight of Ron huddled to the side, sending spells but trying to remain unseen against
the rest. Hadrian couldn’t let that happen. Hadrian dropped from the sky directly in front of
Ron and took pleasure in the scream that was released.

“Hiding from the battle Ron? I thought you were a Gryffindor?”Hadrian said mockingly.

Rons face grew red as his hair as he shouted ‘EXPELLIARMUS’. Hadrian laughed as he
flicked the spell away.

“You know,”Hadrian said conversationally, “I almost regret killing Granger. She would have
been a much better challenger than you.”

“You killed her,”Ron choked out.

“Stunned her and dropped her off in front of Remus,”Hadrian said cheerfully, “You should be
thankful. I was going to tear her apart.”

“Monster!”Ron screamed as he slashed his wand releasing a cutting spell. His anger and
heartbreak controlling his magic.

Hadrian laughed and dodged the spell before sending back his own spells. Ron was able to
dodge the first spell but couldn’t dodge the killing curse. The spell slammed into his chest
and the force of it flung his body back into the tree.

“Ron!”Molly Weasley screamed as she ran forward, “You bastard! I will make you regret

Hadrian let out a cruel laugh, “You? You're going to make me regret it? You couldn’t even
keep your bloody family together. Tell me is Abe sad about the death of his daughter?”

The blood drained from Molly face, “I don’t know what you're talking about.”

“Yes you do Molly,”Arthur’s quiet voice came from behind her. Molly turned around quickly
to her husband.

“No! He’s lying Arthur I would never betray you! Ginny was your daughter!”

“No she wasn’t and neither was Ron,”Arthur said with a shake of his head, “I wasn’t able to
have anymore children when they were conceived. I never told you but I didn’t think I
needed to. We had five children. Surely it wouldn’t matter that we couldn’t have more. You
can imagine my surprise when you announced your pregnancy with Ron and then Ginny but I
did my duty. I raised them as my own, I loved them as my own and you…you ruined them.”

Hadrian met Arthurs eyes behind Molly and he raised his wand to Mollys back with a raised
eyebrow. Arthur gave him a barely there nod.

“No! He-“

Mollys words were cut off the killing curse hit her in the back. She fell forward with wide
eyes as shit hit the ground. Arthur fell to his knees next to her body and let his tears go as he
stroked the hair of the women he had loved for so many years.
“Arthur,”Hadrian said quietly as he kneeled next to him, “Take her body and go to the safe
house. You don’t need to be here anymore.”

“My sons-“

“Will meet you at the house. Go,”Hadrian said giving him a light push. Arthur inclined his
head and grabbed Mollys body, disappearing in the next moment.

Hadrian shook his head and sighed. Arthur was a good man, a stupid man, but a good one.


Draco laughed as he dodged the spells being thrown at him by the son of Lord Diggle.
Anthony Diggle had spent two years trying to get on Dracos good side, never mind he was
twenty years older than him, and seemed to take great offense that Draco was on the other

“I could have been an amazing husband!”Anthony spat as he threw another cutting curse.

“I would have killed myself on the wedding night,”Draco drawled as he dodged it and sent
two cutting curses. Anthony dodged the first but wasn’t lucky for the second, he grunted as it
sliced his arm. Anthony has small cuts all over his body from the small spells Draco has sent
to him.

“Draco stop playing with your victim!”Sirius shouted over the fighting.

Draco rolled his eyes and gave Anthony an exasperated expression, “They just aren’t fun.”

“Are you serious?”Anthony asked in confusion. This was a bloody war!

“No he is Sirius,”Draco said before flicking his wrist.

Anthony tried to grab at the invisible hand that had gripped his throat, his body was dragged
into the air, his legs kicking out as he tried to escape. Draco watched him for a moment
before flicking his wrist again and sending Anthony flying into the side of Hogwarts. His
body hit the stone wall with a cracking sound, blood following him as he slid down the wall.

Draco looked around as Adam and Siobhan came closer to him. The light was quickly falling
to the dark. Dumbledores numbers had reached the late two hundreds by the time they all
spilled into the school but it was no match for Hadrian and Marvolos armies when joined.
Most of his fighters were muggleborns who didn’t have nearly the amount of training or
magical knowledge that they did. Something Dumbledore knew and Draco couldn’t help but
wonder why this was.

Did Dumbledore truly think the war would end with only him?
That he would be able to kill Hadrian and Marvolo?


“Dumbledore is joining the battle,” Drake told Hadrian as he landed next to him. Hadrian
looked away from the battle as he found Dumbledore making his way across the battlefield,
ducking and dodging the stray spells that came to him.

“Finally,”Hadrian said with a grin, “Nice of you to join us!”Hadrian shouted too Dumbledore
as he left Drake and started making his way to meet Dumbledore.

The decision on who would defeat Dumbledore was an intense fight between Marvolo and
Hadrian. Marvolo knew he had a better chance and he didn’t want to chance his son but
Hadrian knew it had to be him. It would be better if he was seen as a ‘hero’ but also Hadrian
had several things up his sleeves.

“I’m disappointed you haven’t been fighting. Sending your peons to fight your battles as
always,”Hadrian said with a shake of his head as if disappointment.

“I had hope you would end this battle when you realized you were outnumbered and saw
what a mistake this was,”Dumbledore said sagely as he gestured to the fight.

“Outnumbered?”Hadrian asked, “Are you blind as well as senile? We have double off who
you brought.”

“The battlefield is soaked in dark magic,”Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eye, “You
may think you have an upper hand but dark magic has a price. Many of these fine people will
find themselves in dire straights quite soon.”

Hadrian stared at him in confusion. He really was confused. What the bloody hell was he
talking about.

“Did you do a ritual?” Hadrian asked resisting the urge to scratch his head.

“Of course not!”Dumbledore said offended, “I would never debase myself with such magics!
I am simply speaking the truth. Dark magic causes insanity, surly you know this.”

“That’s the most moronic thing I have ever heard,”Hadrian said shortly, “Dark magic doesn’t
cause anything. Some people are just insane.”

Dumbledore shook his head sadly at Hadrian, “You are wrong. Unfortunately you won’t live
enough to see the errors of your ways.”

“Your going to kill me?”Hadrian asked, with more excitement than he probably should have.
Dumbledore pulled out his wand and sighed, “I must defeat you. You were supposed to be
our savior! You turned your back on the greater good and that is not something that can be

Hadrian flicked his wrist and smirked as the elder wand snapped into his hand, “Well the let’s
dance you old goat.”

The battle around them slowed to a stop as eyes caught onto the battle that was forming in the
middle of the grounds. Hadrian and Dumbledore were slowly circling each other as they
waited for the other to attack.

Draco bit his lip as he watched Hadrian. He didn’t like this one bit, he fully agreed that
Marvolo should have been the one to battle Dumbledore. It wasn’t that he didn’t think
Hadrian could handle it but he feared the worst non the less. Draco tensed slightly as he felt
Marvolo and Lucius come to stand at either of his shoulders as they watched with dark eyes.
Sirius stood on Marvolos other side, his hand grasping his husbands arm, Regulus and
Severus were leaning against each other slightly behind them. The vampires and several
Death Eaters flew into position forming a border around the two duelers to stop any stray
spells from hitting others. Other members of both arms slowly made their way to various
positions in the crowd to stop anyone from trying to interfere.

“Oh look we have a crowd,”Hadrian sung as he glanced around, “Hope you don’t get
performance anxiety.”

“This is not a joke,”Dumbledore said fiercely.

“Maybe that’s your problem Dumbledore. You’re too uptight and I’m not even sure why. I
know for a fact you were getting laid up until New Years…until you couldn’t get it up again.
That sucks,”Hadrian said with a chuckle as he twirled his wand in his fingers.

Dumbledores face turned red. His wand moved quickly, almost too fast to watch, as it slashed
through the air and a dark red spell flew at Hadrian. Hadrian bent himself back and felt the
sizzle of the spell as it flew over him. He let out a laugh as he stood up, “Dark magic? Didn’t
you just tell me we were all going to go insane from using it?”

“Magic will forgive me for what I must do! I do not fear repercussions as I am doing this for
the Greater Good!”

Hadrian very carefully didn’t look at anyone. Laughing in the middle of duel was very much
against all rules of dueling.

“With all do respect, you need a mind healer. Like last year,”Hadrian told him deadpanned.

It was too much for Dumbledore. With a roar of anger he slashed his wand and sent the
cruciate curse at Hadrian. Hadrian quickly stepped to the side and threw his own cutting

The battle was on.


Draco fought against fidgeting as he watched the battle. His heart was pounding in his chest
with every near miss, his fingers twitched to spin his ring or play with his bracelet but he
refrained. He couldn’t show even the slightest hint of weakness as the battle raged on, not
after he had officially been introduced as the the Consort Noir.

“My lord,” Drake said quietly behind Dracos shoulder. Draco tilted his head back slightly to
listen, “We have the injured in the tent. I have sent some of my men and most of the Veela
have joined in the tent.”

Draco nodded distractedly as his eyes never lost Hadrian. Draco flinched as a cutting curse
slipped around his shield and sliced his cheek. Draco only felt slightly modified when
Hadrians fire whip caught Dumbledores arm and wrapped around, burning the sleeve and
skin underneath. Dumbledore pulled his arm away and sent water to his arm before using his
other to send rocks to Hadrian. Hadrian threw up a shield and sent a wave of conjured
daggers. The fight was getting intense with every spell cast. Boulders were being pulled from
the ground and used as shields or thrown. The ground shook as Hadrian used it to make
Dumbledore stagger and lose his ground. Dumbledore was giving as good as he got, his
spells were deadly accurate. Hadrian had been hit more than a few times but never with
anything worse than a cutting curse or stray ex.

The circle slowly started to expand as the battle became more intense. Hadrian who had been
playing around was now fighting with an intensity that made even Dumbledore nervous.
Dumbledore had been giving his all since the beginning of the fight and was slowing down.
His spells were becoming weaker as they left his wand, his dodging was slower causing him
to take more hits.


Hadrian saw his moment.

Hadrian sent three spells at Dumbledore in quick secession. As Dumbledore shielded himself
Hadrian sent a final spell at Dumbledores ankles that couldn’t be avoided. Dumbledore
screamed and fell back, his feet separated a few feet from him. Hadrian summoned
Dumbledores wand and snapped it, throwing the pieces behind him he made his way to
Dumbledore and looked down at him, his wand glowing green as it was pointed at

“Any last words?”Hadrian sneered.

“The Greater Good will always win,”Dumbledore gasped. The injuries that he had been able
to push away during the battle made themselves known as blood soaked his robes.
Dumbledore looked past Hadrian and made eye contact with someone standing slightly
behind everyone. New order members ran from the entrance and sent spells to the people
frozen by battle. Spells flew through the air as fighting started up again quickly. Adam and
Siobhan moving away from Draco to fight those around him, Marvolo and Sirius joining
them. As the fighting became more intense Queen Siobhan released a scream that Hadrian
felt in his soul. The world seemed to stop as Hadrian spun around and made eye contact with
Draco who’s eyes were wide as the killing curse came flying to him directly from his left.
The foreboding feeling that had been tickling the edge of Hadrians senses now slammed into
him with enough force almost take his breath away and Hadrian knew. The knowledge that
had been kept from him as to not risk fate. Somewhere int he back of his mind he heard
Lunas soft voice.

Draco knew there was no where to go. The spell that was coming at him would be there
before he would be able to blink let alone dodge or try and move. He didn’t dare blink. He
would die but his last sight would be Hadrian. Draco stared into Hadrians green eyes before
he felt his bracelet warm and those eyes were so much closer. Draco watched in horror as
those green eyes that he loved so much dimmed as the air around them glowed a bright green
and the spell hit Hadrian in the back.

Hadrians body fell to the ground.

His eyes opened and unseeing.

Chapter End Notes

I'm sorry....
I'm also very thankful none of you have my address.
Surprises in Death
Chapter Summary

Draco surprises everything with what he has learned under Hadrians learning.

Chapter Notes

…Heyy…How are you guys…I hope your good!

I won't say much about this chapter other then...ENJOY!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Draco couldn’t breath. It felt as if his body just ceased to function as he stared at Hadrians
body. He kept waiting for Hadrian to get up, to be furious at Dracos almost death, to pull
Draco into his arms thankful that he was okay.

But he didn’t.

Draco fell to his knees and reached out with a shaking hand and placed it over Hadrians
heart. There had to be a heart beat.

Hadrian couldn’t be dead.

He promised.

He promised they would make it. He promised they would have their wedding in just a few
months. He promised to never leave Draco. They were suppose to grow old together, raise
their kids while shaping the world into a place where their children would grow and be

He promised.

Hadrians body was cold, his heart no longer beating under Dracos hand, his chest still with

Draco couldn’t stop the scream if he tried.

The battle came to a screeching halt as Dracos heartbreaking scream was heard over the
sounds of battle. Marvolo and Sirius spun around, their eyes searching for Draco and Hadrian
as their hearts pounding in their chest. Sirius made a wounded noise and grabbed onto
Marvolos arm as he finally saw them. Draco had dropped to his knees and had laid his
forehead on Hadrians chest as sobs wracked his body. The L’obscurite took a knee behind
Draco as they mourned their Prince and Lord. Adam, Drake and Siobhan stood next to Draco,
keeping him safe as they had failed to do with Hadrian. Marvolo wrapped his arm around
Sirius waist and kept him straight as they made their way too Draco.

Marvolo and Sirius stumbled to a stop as Draco lifted his head and let out another scream.
The ground started to shake as the newly dead bodies of the order members started to glow,
wisps of white smoke circling them before entering them. Everyone watched in shock as the
previously dead bodies sat up and looked around, their movements smooth. Hadrians inferi
picked themselves up off the ground where they had fallen as their magic failed and helped
their new brethren up.

“Bloody hell,”Sirius said quietly, his eyes wide as he watched the bodies straighten, “Did you
know he could do this?”

Marvolo could only shake his head as he watched his sons betrothed take command of the
army. Draco stood calmly, his eyes seemed to glow with the power that was seeping form his
pores as they looked to his army. Marvolo felt a shiver run down his spine, it wasn’t the
power that worried him but the calmness in Draco. Draco was a drama queen, always had
been, for him to be calm? That was some scary shit.

“Kill them,”Draco said quietly, “Kill them all! Except him!,” Draco pointed to Dumbledore
who had been trying his best to crawl away.

New screams erupted over the grounds as the newly raised inferi lunged to their previous
comrades. Only a few were lucky enough to get away but the others had no such fate. Godric
and several of his soldiers quickly made their way to Dumbledore and grabbed him, holding
him tightly in their grasps. Draco looked over at Pansy and held out his hand to her. Pansy
choked as an invisible hand tightened around her throat and she went flying too Draco. The
hand held her up and she whimpered as she stared into Dracos eerie glowing eyes. Pansy had
spent years watching Draco, trying to catch his eye, but she had never seen them like this. His
eyes shined with devastation and rage as his magic swirled around him. Sirius and Marvolo
felt their stomach drop as they caught sight of Dracos eyes, shinning with Black Madness.

“I’m impressed,”Draco said softly, “I didn’t think you had it in you to case the killing curse.
You must have practiced for months.”

Pansy struggled for breath as the hand tightened just a bit more as she tried to speak. Draco
let out a soft laugh, “Oh my bad. You can’t answer me can you? Well no matter. It doesn’t
matter how you learned all that matters is that you did.”

Draco reached out and ran the back of his fingers along her cheek, as if he was comforting a
child, “You killed Hadrian. I know you are a daft bitch but even your tiny brain should have
realized that would be an extremely stupid decision. You know what I’m capable of. You
know what I did to Volkoff and that was only because he couldn’t keep his goo-goo eyes
away from Hadrian. What I did to him will be Childs play to what I do to you Pansy.”
Pansy whimpered and tried to fight against the invisible hand harder in her panic. She
shouldn’t have listened to Dumbledore but she was desperate to hurt Hadrian and Draco as
they had hurt her and Dumbledore promised she would be safe. He said he had a safe guard
to protect her and a sure fire way to win the battle.

“I see,”Draco said softly, “You were a Slytherin. You know Dumbledore is a blubbering old
goat. Trusting him for anything was…stupid. Don’t worry though, you will have plenty of
time to think on your mistakes.”

The hand holding Pansy threw her to the ground roughly. Pansy took deep gasping breaths as
she rubbed her throat.

“DRAKE!”Draco demanded.

Drake appeared next to his Lord Consort immediately, “Lord Consort.”

“Take her to a dungeon. I don’t care which one but you will keep her alive until I come for
her. Drink from her, torture her, maim her if you like but you will keep her alive.

Drake gave a deep bow, “Of course Lord Consort.”

Drake grabbed the girl roughly by the hair and gave her a grin, “We are going to have so
much fun,” Drake disappeared in a cloud of black smoke a moment later.

Draco rolled his shoulders before turning to Dumbledore who was staring at him in horror.
Draco grinned and made his way to him, stopping to quickly grab a ring from Hadrian and
slipping it onto his finger.

“Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore,”Draco said quietly, “I have always wondered
why your parents gave you such a long name. It is truly a tragedy really, it’s not even a cool

Dumbledore held his head up, “I was named after great men in my family. Men of light.”

“Your father tortured three muggle boys,”Draco said flatly, “I know the spells he used and I
can assure you they were not ‘light’.”

“I will not speak on my father,”Albus said with a slight glare, “Neither should you. He was a
great man.”

“He’s interesting,”Draco agreed, “Hadrian liked him. Hated your mother however, she was a
bit of a bitch.”

Dumbledore stared at Draco in confusion.

“Oh right! You don’t know Hadrians true power do you? It is a pretty well kept secret outside
of our armies. Allow me to give a demonstration shall I?”
Sirius gripped Marvolos arm as Narcissa let out a small gasp. All of them praying he didn’t
mean what they thought he did.

Draco lifted his hand up and watched at Dumbledores eyes zeroed in on the ring, “Recognize
this? You have been searching for it for years I know. How infuriating it must be to know it’s
been under your nose for the last year. Of course Hadrian wore it not me but he did teach me
how to use it.”

Marvolo swore quietly and shared a look with Lucius who was glaring at Sirius as if it was
his fault that Hadrian shared his learnings.

“It damages the soul,”Dumbledore said quietly, “Not only yours but whoever you bring.”

“It can,”Draco agreed before giving him a smug grin, “But I’m not using it as it normally is.
Now I don’t have all of the skills that Hadrian does, my abilities come from generations ago
in my family and only on my mothers side, but I have enough magic to do some things.”

Lucius leaned over to Narcissa and Sirius, “You have Necromagic in your line?”

Sirius frowned and shared a look with Narcissa before replying, “I have no idea. If we did it
has been centuries since someone was born with it.”

“Hadrian must have found out from someone,”Sirius murmured.

Marvolo frowned in contemplation before his eyes widened, “Do you remember that orb that
Draco broke years ago?”

Narcissa shivered at the reminder, “Yes.”

“Hadrian said it had latched onto Draco but I didn’t ask anymore questions because of his
feelings at the time but it’s possible it latched on because it felt the magic,”Marvolo said

Narcissa grasped her husbands forearm tightly, her nails digging into his sleeve, “Can he
handle this? Without being pulled in?”

Marvolo grimaced, “I don’t know what Hadrian taught him but he wouldn’t have taught him
anything he couldn’t handle.”

Their conversation was cut off as a ghostly figure started to take shape next to Draco.

Draco used the ring as Hadrian had taught him, a ping of pain went through his heart at the
thought of his love but he pushed it away and focused on his magic. Using the ring as a focal
point he sought out the soul that he needed and used his own magic to pull the soul through.
Dumbledores eyes widened in horror as the ghostly figure took shape into Ariana

Ariana looked at her brother briefly before turning too Draco and putting her hand on his
arm, “I’m sorry Uncle Draco.”
Draco gave her a sad smile, “You will help me avenge him.” It wasn’t a question nor did it
need to be.

Ariana gave a tinkling laugh, “Of course. Anything for the Masters Consort.”

Draco frowned slightly at that. Since Hadrian gathered the hallows they have brought souls
over but they had never called either of them ‘Master’ anything.

“Ariana…”Dumbledore gasped as his eyes searched his baby sisters face.

“Brother,”Ariana said, her voice cool and eyes showing her displeasure, “You made a mistake
today. Not that I’m surprised, you have always taken after mother and her delusions of

“That-thats not true,”Dumbledore said sadly, “I have not done anything that didn’t need to be
done. I’m trying to save the world.”

“No,”Ariana said sharply as she walked closer to her brother, “You are trying to save your
idea of the world. You always have been. Walking around the house and halls of Hogwarts.
Superior and thinking you know best. Muggles have a phrase for it, Narcissism.”

“NO!”Dumbledore shouted, “I am doing with is right! For the Greater Good! None of this is
my fault it’s Voldemorts fault! He is the one who turned people away from the light! He is the
one who made it harder for me to spread the goodness of the light! I did nothing but help!”

“And your original plans to take over the muggles yourself? The plans that you created.
YOU,”Ariana said pointing her finger at Dumbledore.

“Gellert seduced me into thoughts that were not my own! I never would have done anything
of the sort without him whispering in my hear! You know this!”

Ariana hummed quietly. A dark sort of melody that their mother used to sing to her when she
would brush Arianas hair and calm her after an attack. Dumbledore flinched back as the song
reached his ears. He hated that song as a child. It meant his sister was doing something she
shouldn’t have been and that another room in the house was probably destroyed. Their
mother never sung it to him.

“You killed me,”Ariana said quietly but with conviction,” You can try and blame whoever
you want to Albus but you killed me. My own big brother. You can convince yourself it was
an accident. That the spell missed the intended target but we know the truth. You aimed for
me. You hit me.”

“I didn’t,”Dumbledore said with a panicked shake of his head, “I didn’t do it on purpose it

was an accident!”

“Tsk,”Draco said from the side of Ariana, “How dare you accuse her of being a liar. Ariana
has always been nothing but honest Dumbledore. You should really be ashamed of yourself.”

Dumbledore glared at him, “You know nothing! Your nothing! Harry died because of you!
Because you wouldn’t let him fulfill his destiny! His death is on YOUR HANDS!”
Dracos laughter echoed through the grounds as if he was using a soronus spell. Cruel and
with an edge of insanity that made the living people on the field flinch back. Some ducked
and shifted until they were hidden from sight completely.

Draco leisurely walked to Dumbledore, a skip in his step as he made his way directly in front
of the wizard.

“Hadrian,”Draco purred, “died for me but not because of me. There is a difference,”Draco
ran his hand along Dumbledores hand smiling as he pulled the life from it. The hand slowly
turned a deep red before black started at the tips of his fingers and made its way slowly to his
wrist. The skin slowly broke open, puss and blood falling out onto the ground as the hand
slowly shriveled until it was almost mummified before it fell off, the wrist it was connected
to closed itself, a sore red nub left where the hand had been. Dumbledore screamed as he felt
deep pain in his hand but was unable to see it from where he was being held.

Draco shushed Dumbledore in a comforting manor before his stroking fingers went to
Dumbledores forearm. Marvolo, Sirius and Lucius were staring in horror at what they were
witnessing, Narcissa had turned into Lucius and hidden her face in his robes. They had seen
and done some horrible things but this was a level they never expected. Especially from

“Did you know he could do that?”Sirius whispered to Marvolo.

“I didn’t even know Hadrian could do that,”Marvolo whispered back his tone impressed
against his will.

Draco continued his trail all the up to Dumbledores shoulder before continuing on his other
arm. He hummed a haunting melody as he made his journey over the parts of Dumbledore
that he wanted gone. Once both arms were gone Draco focused on Dumbledores legs before
crossing holding his hands behind his back and focusing his magic on a more..personal area.
The scream that Dumbledore let out as he felt his dick shrivel up and die was more pained
than they had heard before.

Draco smiled at Dumbledore as he finished, he was being held up completely by the inferi
now, the only limb attacked to him was his head. Draco patted his head and laughed as
Dumbledore flinched back, expecting his head to start leaving just as his legs and arms did.

“Don’t worry,”Draco cooed, “I’m not going to kill you yet. You haven’t learned your lesson.”

“I do not fear death,”Dumbledore spat at him.

“I know. But you will be wishing for it for years before I’m done with you,”Draco said darkly
before turning to Siobhan, “Can you take him to Gellert? Let him know that Dumbledore
must be kept alive but other than that he can do what he pleases.”

Siobhan gave Draco a toothy grin before agreeing and grabbing him, taking him directly to
where he needed to be.

“Adam,”Draco called out.

“Consort,”Adam said as he appeared next to them and dropped to a knee, “When Drake is
finished get with him and let the others know to go back to what they need to do. I will call
them when I am able to,”Draco said before frowning, “Make sure I have a list of every
member we lost, we will hold a banquet for them at a later date.”

“Of course,”Adam said with a bow of his head.

Draco turned to the Godric, “You may go back to your lake. Take your new brothers with you
as well and induct them.”

“Consort,”Godric said with a bow before sending the order.

Draco met Madam Delacours gaze over and gave her a nod. She knew her duties and would
handle the giants, Veelas and goblins.

Dracos family watched with relief as the magic that had been induing Draco left. Ariana gave
them all a wave before slowly fading from view as her connection ended.

“Draco,”Marvolo said softly as he walked to him, “Are you with us son.”

Draco turned to him and his face fell, “Marvolo”He whispered.

Marvolo let go of Sirius and allowed Draco to fall into his arms as sobs broke through. The
next moment found Lucius and Narcissa breaking from their shock and running to Draco,
throwing their arms around him tightly.

“I want him home,”Draco said hoarsely, “I want him at our home. I want my dragons.”

No one was going to argue with Draco in this moment. Lucius and Narcissa brought Draco
into their arms and activated their portkey to the island. Marvolo picked Hadrian gently off
the ground and waited for Sirius to wrap his arms around them he gave Severus and Regulus
a look before they portkeyed out as well.

“Let’s get everyone situated,”Severus said softly, “Once that’s done we can join them.”

Regulus nodded and took a deep breath to gain his control. A glint of silver caught his eye
and he bent down, his breath caught in his chest as he lifted Dracos bracelet from the grass.
He held the bracelet in his hand tightly before slipping it into his pocket.

Severus cleared his throat and stood up tall. He would keep it together while he finished
everything here. Later, when he was with Regulus alone in their rooms he would fall apart.


“I’m worried for Draco,”Narcissa said quietly as she sat in the family room with Lucius and
Sirius. All three of them had red rimmed eyes, Narcissa and Sirius especially had been crying
more than anything in the last few days. Lucius held himself together more but was obvious
in his sadness. Marvolos reaction however had surprised them all. He was stoic and cold.
Some Ministry workers had lost their lives when they irritated him but he wasn’t going on the
war path everyone had expected. Even now Marvolo was at the ministry sorting out the
building and organizing his Death Eaters where they needed to go and sending them out to
capture anyone who was able to escape the blood bath that happen when Draco took control
of the inferi. It was truly a blood bath. Hadrians death and Dumbledore falling had caused a
ripple of shock through the field and had paused the fighting. No one had anticipated Dracos
next move, the inferi he brought back were quick in their killing. When they finally got
around to collecting and separating bodies those that were attacked where the hardest to..well
get all the pieces off. Torn off limbs were spread out, some near their bodies and some
thrown far away. Putting the bodies together was like a fucked up game of Tetris.

Marvolo had never been so proud of Draco and happy to call him son.

Marvolo had also barely been home since they arrived with Hadrians body. He was working
himself ragged but the longer he worked the longer he could put off his pain for just a little
longer. Regulus and Severus had volunteered to help at Hogwarts for the same reason. They
locked themselves up at Hogwarts with a group of goblins getting the school settled and
wards brought up.

“He hasn’t left him,”Lucius said quietly, “Since we brought them back.”

Draco had curled up next to Hadrians body the moment they put him in the bed and had not
moved. To the surprise of the house the Inferi had come from their lake and were now
walking around the grounds and refusing to leave Draco. Drake and Adam had also returned
after giving they orders and were now currently standing guard outside of Dracos room.
Siobhan was perched on the balcony that connected to the room to keep further watch.
Marvolo had to know what was going to happen and placed the body in a strong stasis before
given both Hadrian and Draco a kiss on the forehead and leaving the room.

“What should we do?”Sirius asked with a frown, his eyes were red and glossy, his normal
smooth and silky hair was thrown up into a tie to hide the tangles, “Do we make them
separate? We need to do the rites on Ha-Hadrians body.”

“The wolf and vampire would never allow it,”Narcissa said quietly with a glance to the door.
Dracos ownership of the L’obscurite was concrete and they vowed to protect him as their
Lord. Dracos word was law and he made it very clear he would not be separated from

Sirius groaned and dropped his face into his hands.

Narcissa sighed and adjusted herself before taking a long drink of her tea, she set the cup
down with a light clatter and cleared her throat, “Draco believes Hadrian isn’t truly gone.
Until he is positive Hadrian will not come back we will not move him or attempt to separate

“It’s not healthy Cissy,”Lucius said quietly to his wife.

Narcissa glared at her husband, “We will not attempt to separate them. I swear to the gods
Lucius if I find out you did attempt to separate them Marvolo will be the last of your worries.
Draco needs this time. Do you understand?”

Lucius swallowed, “Of course love.”

“Should we give him this?”Sirius asked holding up the bracelet that Regulus had slipped to

“Give it to me,”Narcissa said holding out her hand.

Sirius handed it over to her and watched her leave the room before looking over to Lucius,

“We can start with that,”Lucius said.


Narcissa nodded to Adam and Drake as they opened the door for her. They had been
standoffish to the men in the house but had treated her with nothing but respect.

Narcissa paused when she entered the room. Draco was sitting up against the headboard. He
ran his fingers through Hadrians hair as he stared down at him, willing him to wake up.

“Draco?”Narcissa said quietly as she came up to him.

“Hello maman,”Draco said not taking his eyes from Hadrian, “He will wake up.”

“I believe you,”Narcissa said assuredly. The others may think Draco was lost but Narcissa
knew better. Draco was the only one who knew just how far into Necromagic Hadrian had
gotten and there were many ways to preserve your life. Narcissa knew that there was a
chance she was mistaken, that Draco truly was wrong but she refused to think on it.

“Why are you here?”

Narcissa held out the bracelet and placed it gently in Dracos hand, “I thought you would want
this dear.”

Dracos hand closed around the bracelet and brought it to his chest, “Thank you maman.”

Narcissa ran her fingers through Dracos hair and gave him a kiss on the forehead, “Call the
elves if you need anything my love.”
Draco waited for his mother to leave before looking down at the bracelet in his hand. When
Hadrian slipped the bracelet on his wrist that night Draco had no idea what it truly meant.
Hadrian told him once, years ago, that he chose Draco not just because he was beautiful but
because he had felt the power that Draco had hidden inside of him. He knew instantly that
Draco would be his and he would do whatever was necessary to keep him but he never made
Draco feel forced. Everything was on Dracos schedule, even When Hadrian was more than
ready he let Draco control everything.

Obviously Hadrian missed the part where Draco should have been in control of when he died

Hadrian had spent the last seven years convincing Draco of his love and devotion. He bought
him presents, took him on trips, gave him an island and allowed him to fill it with whatever
animal caught Dracos fancy. Hadrian trained Draco, taught him magics that had been long
forgotten and ensured that no one would be able to question Dracos place at his side.
Everything Hadrian did was for Draco and their future children.

Children Draco may never see.

Draco closed his eyes tightly and shook his head to dispel the thought. Hadrian would never
leave him like this. It had taken him hours to calm down enough to realize that truth but those
first hours were the worse of his life. He barely remembered losing control. When Hadrian
realized that Draco had Necromagic he spent months learning Dracos boundaries and training
him in it. Draco had never really used the power before and had only trained in it just in case
he needed to use it. In all honestly it creeped Draco out but with the pain it was instinctual to
grab onto it and use it. Hadrian must have known at some point Draco would have felt that

Draco sighed and slipped the bracelet on around his wrist, wincing as he felt a stab of pain as
nothing happen. The magic of the bracelet had broken the moment Hadrian took his last
breath. Their contract had burned to ashes and Draco was free to accept a new one.
Something that some families had already thought of and he had received a few betrothal
requests just a few hours after Hadrians death. Draco sent the L’obscurite to give those who
sent the contracts his refusal.

Draco curled up laying his head on Hadrians chest, his eyes were closed tightly but it
couldn’t stop the tears.


“When are you going to send me back,”Hadrian asked Death with his arms crossed.

When Hadrian took the curse for Draco he didn’t expect to go back. He had left no tethers to
the mortal world, unwilling to damage his soul in anyway. His only thought was to keep
Draco alive.
He didn’t expect to meet a smug death standing in a crude looking oval room.

“When your training is complete,”Death said smoothly, “You are almost finished. I will allow
you back at that time.”

When Hadrian took the Elder wand from Dumbledore he thought it would make him the
Master of Death, whatever that was suppose too mean, but he was wrong. There was one
final step, to meet death unafraid and ready to accept his fate. The moment his soul left his
body Death took it and they started training. Time stopped in Deaths domain. You never
tired, never grew hungry or thirsty, your body was in a constant state of perfection. It felt like
Hadrian had been there for both years and just a few hours.

“Draco is going to kill me,”Hadrian groaned.

“If he does you can go back,”Death said with a crude imitation of a shrug.

Hadrian sent him a glare and threw himself in the chair that materialized behind him.

“Can’t I finish training another time? It’s been days for Draco, “Hadrian said with a worried
frown. His chest hurt at the thought of Draco waiting for him in the mortal world, and he
was positive Draco would be waiting for him. But even hope gives out sometimes and
Hadrian wouldn’t blame him for letting him go.

Death threw his hands up in frustration, “Fine! But I will be calling you again soon to finish!
I’ll leave you to get back.”

Death mumbled some things under his breath as he left in a cloud of smoke. Hadrian shook
his head and chuckled. It was no wonder his father and grandfather got along so well with

Hadrian took a calming breath and reached out with his powers. The world around him sunk
away as he followed the tether that connected his soul to his body and allowed himself to get
pulled back to life.


Draco was dozing against Hadrians chest when he felt fingers running through his hair. He
didn’t think much of it, both his mother and Siobhan had taken to doing it every chance they
had. Draco sighed lightly and shifted closer to Hadrian. It had been almost three days since
he took the curse and as much as Draco wanted to keep faith and hope it was becoming
harder with every hour he was gone.

The hand that was stroking his hair left and there was a shift before Draco felt his bracelet
move. Dracos eyes shot open as he felt the bracelet warm up and before his eyes a golden
contract formed before falling lightly onto the bed next to him. Draco sat up quickly and
found himself looking into Hadrians green eyes.
“Hello precious,”Hadrian said softly.

Draco let out a sob and thew himself fully into Hadrians arms, Dracos own arms wrapping
around Hadrians neck. Hadrian wrapped his arms around Draco tightly and pulled him
against him as he hurried his head into Dracos neck and breathed him in. Hadrian and Draco
sat there for a long moment just holding each other both overwhelmed with feelings as they
got as close as they could. Draco pulled away with a sniffle and Hadrian looked at him with a
ping in his heart. Dracos eyes were red rimmed, his hair was a complete mess and Hadrian
had never seen Draco in clothes so wrinkled.

“Draco,”Hadrian said softly, “I’m-“

Hadrians head snapped to the side as Dracos hand connected with his cheek, the slap echoing
around the silent room. Well he probably deserved that. Hadrian cracked his jaw turned back
to face Draco wincing at the look on Dracos face.

“You-you-you bloody bastard! How dare you jump in front of a bloody killing curse for me!
Do you know what I have been through in the last two days? I had to take control of the
L’obscurite and I was not prepared!”

Hadrian stayed quiet as Draco yelled at him. Hadrian groaned on the inside as Dracos voice
raised with his words, his eyes gleamed with anger as his movements became more intense.
An infuriated Draco was very appealing to Hadrian but he didn’t think now was the right
time to say anything.


“I’m not finished! My bracelet came off and our original contract burned into bloody ashes! I
had people send me betrothal contracts! CONTRACTS HADRIAN! Do you know how upset
our families are! Marvolo has barely been home and Sirius just walks around like a pathetic
doll! Maman was devastated! You better make it up to her Hadrian Marvolo Gaunt-Black-

Hadrian swallowed tightly as Draco said his full name. His real full name.

“Well!”Draco said putting this fisted hands on his hips, “What do you have to say for

“I am so inlove with you,”Hadrian said staring at him with wide adoring eyes.

Draco snorted and punched Hadrian in the chest as he ignored the heat that licked up his
spine at the look in Hadrians eyes, “You bloody prick. That will not get you out of

“I know but I haven’t been able to say it in a while and I needed too,”Hadrian said with a
light shrug.

Dracos eyes softened, “I love you too you bastard.”

Hadrian moved his hand behind Dracos neck and pulled him in for a soft kiss. Draco
whimpered as he shifted closer. The past few days of thinking Hadrian was gone hit him.
Days of not knowing if he would ever feel Hadrians lips on him. If he would ever feel
Hadrians hands as he worshiped Draco and pulled him apart. If he would hear the soft words
of love and devotion that fell so easily from Hadrians lips.

Draco moved his arms around Hadrians neck and pulled him as close as he could as he
shifted until he was fully straddling Hadrian and kissed him harder. Hadrian groaned and
slowly moved his hands down Dracos back to his hips grasping them tightly as their kiss
grew in passion and intensity.

Hadrian pulled back slightly as air grew a necessity, “Draco,”Hadrian said roughly, “I have
things to tell you.”

Draco grabbed his wand from the side of the bed and taped his thigh, his clothing
disappearing from his body and appearing neatly folded on the chair. Hadrian smirked and
brought Draco closer as he vanished his own clothes.

They could talk later.


Draco laid across Hadrians chest his breathing heavy as he tried to catch his breath. Hadrian
had one hand behind his head and the other lightly stroking Dracos damp back.

“So what happen?”Draco finally asked.

Hadrian hummed before speaking, “I will be honest I didn’t know if I would come back but I
knew I couldn’t let the spell hit you. The bracelet brought me to you like was meant to if you
were ever in grave danger.”

“Instead it could have brought me to you,”Draco said with a glare.

“I know but there was more at work than just the bracelet precious.”

“What do you mean?”Draco sat up next to Hadrian and stared at him in confusion. Hadrian
sat up as well and rested against the headboard.

“You know me and Luna have been feeling something since that morning in France,”Draco
nodded, “It was your death. What was suppose to be your death.”

Hadrians hands tightened into a fist from their position in his lap. Draco reached over and
pulled Hadrians hands to him and covered them with his own. Hadrian smiled and brought
the hands up to kiss them.
“We were wrong about the Hallows. It didn’t make me Master of Death when I had them all I
also had to die and be prepared for death.”

Draco swallowed, “So they made sure you would die.”

“Pretty much but it was really for the best. Death had to get me into his realm to teach me
properly and the only way to get there was to die. So I died and ended up there. Time is
frozen so I honestly have no idea how long I was there but I had to learn a lot,”Hadrian
sighed and pulled Draco to his chest laying his head against the top of Dracos, “I came back
as soon as I could. I actually have to go back at some point to finish training but I didn’t want
you to wait any longer.”

Draco tensed in his arms, “You have to die again?”He asked in a small voice.

“No,”Hadrian assured him with a shake of his head, “Part of the training was learning how to
get there and back without dying.”

“Good because your not allowed to die again.”

Hadrian let out a weak chuckle, “Yeah..about that..”

Draco sat back up and looked at him suspiciously, “What?”

“I can’t die anymore. I can be killed but I will just come right back,”Hadrian told him.

Dracos jaw dropped, “Your immortal?”

“We,”Hadrian corrected him with a kiss, “We are immortal. I pretty much demanded it.”

“But-but-I didn’t agree to that!”

Hadrian raised an eyebrow, “If it’s unpleasant to you it can be changed my love. I have the
ability to control your death if you ever want to move on you just have to let me know.”

Draco slapped Hadrians chest, “How dare you tell me I can move on! It will be a cold day in
hell before I leave you alone up here!”

Hadrian rubbed his chest, “You have gotten very abusive while I’ve been gone and I didn’t
say I wanted you to move on just that you could.”

Draco crossed his arms and his bottom lip jutted out in a pout, “Well you could have asked.”

Hadrian internally rolled his eyes, “Draco. My love. My precious. Will you like to live as
long as I do?”

“Yes,”Draco sniffed, “Thank you for asking.”

Hadrian snorted and pulled Draco back to him, “Stop trying to leave my arms. Your not
allowed to leave my arms for the next year.”
Draco smiled and curled into Hadrian before his face dropped, “Hadrian what about our

“They have options,”Hadrian said, “But like you I can control their souls. Plus the sorcerer's
stone is hidden in Dumbledores office so they can also use that.”

“What has happen since I’ve been on my vacation?”Hadrian asked cheerfully. “Vacation?
That’s what we are calling it?,”Draco snorted, “Dumbledore is locked in the dungeon under
vampire guard with Pansy. Who was the one who shot the killing curse.”

“Pansy? Really? I’m kind of impressed. I had no idea she had it in her,”Hadrian mused.

“Neither did I but apparently she did. She was much more involved with everything then we
could have thought,”Draco said with a frown, “She’s been feeding Dumbledore information
since Christmas and since he escaped the ministry Dumbledore has been polyjuiced as Pansy
while she was hidden away in a order house.”

“I should have killed that bitch,”Hadrian snarled.

“Lesson learned,”Draco agreed, “Nymphedora is still locked up in the dungeons because I

didn’t know what to do with her and I think Marvolo forgot about her.”

“How is everyone?”Hadrian asked softly.

Draco sighed, “Not good. Like I said Marvolo has been holding up at the ministry since we
brought you here. Sirius thinks he is trying to work himself to death. Sirius isn’t handling it
much better either but he was always more emotional than Marvolo. Father acts as if he’s fine
but has been getting drunk with Sirius. Maman pretty much hasn’t stopped crying since the
battle. Regulus and Severus I actually haven’t seen since that night, they gave their
condolences and then left for Hogwarts to fix the school up but Dobby tells me they are
mourning in their own way.”

Hadrian tightened his arms around Draco, “what about you?”

Draco let out a pained noise and pressed closer to Hadrian, “I felt broken. You dying was my
worst nightmare and I didn’t know what to do. I was so angry at you for breaking your
promise then felt horrible for being angry at you.”

“I’m sorry,”Hadrian said quietly as he pressed his lips to the side of Dracos head.

“I never gave up hope though,”Draco whispered, “I never gave up hope that you could come
back to me. I didn’t know how but I knew you would.”

Hadrian held Draco close as they sat quietly basking in them being together again. After a
few moments Hadrian sighed, “We should probably go let everyone else know I’m alive.”

Draco nodded, “I guess I can share you. But you don’t leave my side!”

“Of course precious.”


“I’m hallucinating,”Sirius said as he stared at the figures in the doorway, “What the bloody
hell is in this scotch.”

Lucius stared at the doorway in shock, “If you’re hallucinating then so am I.”

Hadrian chuckled and entered the room, his arm locked around Dracos waist, “I’m not a

Sirius cup fell from his fingers as he stood up on shaky legs. He slowly walked to Hadrian
and poked him lightly in the chest to make sure he was real. When his finger met Hadrians
chest he poked him even harder until Hadrian caught his hand.

“Papa it’s really me and your going to give me a bruise. You have very bony fingers.”

Sirius let out a cry and threw his arms around Hadrian tightly whispering ‘Thank Merlin’
over and over again. Hadrian wrapped his free arm around him tightly.

Sirius pulled away and slapped Hadrians chest, “Don’t you ever do that again!”

Hadrian pouted as he rubbed his chest, “Why does everyone keep hitting me?”

“You deserve it,”Draco said sending him a small glare before looking at his own father in
concern, “Father? Are you okay?”

Hadrian and Sirius looked over to Lucius who was staring at them with wide eyes. He opened
and closed his mouth a few times before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and his
body went limp. Sirius caught him just in time and shook his head as he dropped him on the

Hadrian cursed under his breath and slipped Draco five gallons.

“What is going on here?”Narcissa asked with a frown as she came in from outside. A
blinding smile appeared on her face as she spotted Hadrian and she was across the room
before he could blink.

“Finally,”Narcissa said as she held Hadrians face in her hands, “You kept Draco waiting for
far too long. I will ask you to never do that again.”

Hadrian gave her a soft smile, “Never again maman.”

Hadrian pulled Narcissa into a hug, “I’m sorry,”He whispered into her ear.

Narcissa patted his cheek lightly, “Your forgiven. Now wait here I will get Marvolo to the
manor. Someone wake up my husband.”
Narcissa quickly made her way from the room to the closest floo. She would get Marvolo
here if she had to drag him from the ministry herself.

Lucius groaned as he sat up, “I had the weirdest dream.”

Hadrian squatted in front of him, his hand staying on Dracos waist and smiled at Lucius,”
Please tell me all about it.”

Lucius spluttered before reaching out and poking Hadrian on the cheek, “Bloody hell.”

“I really wish people would stop poking and hitting me,”Hadrian mumbled before standing
up and pulling Lucius up with him and giving him a tight hug.

“Thank you,”Lucius said quietly his eyes flicking to Draco, “Thank you for coming back to

“It would take more than death to keep me away from him,”Hadrian said quietly, “I don’t
know if you have noticed but I’m kind of obsessed with him.”

Lucius let out a weak chuckle and pulled away, his hands on Hadrians shoulders as he looked
over him, “You look rested.”

“I don’t feel it,”Hadrian said warily, “I was not resting I can promise you that.”

“What were you doing?”Sirius asked with a raised eyebrow, “Other than Draco of course.”

“I’ll explain when everyone is here,”Hadrian said ignoring the last part of Sirius sentence.

“When exactly did you wake up?”Sirius asked as he stared at them.

“Why?”Hadrian asked.

“Draco has a suspicious mark on his neck that he didn’t have this morning and unless he’s
getting up to things with that wolf I’m assuming it’s you.,”Sirius said amusingly.

Hadrian smirked, “It sure as hell wasn’t Adam.”

Adam and Drake received quite the shock when Hadrian walked out of the room with Draco.
After they got over their shock and congratulated him on being alive Hadrian sent them off to
let the rest of L’obscurite know of his good fortune.

The sound of footsteps too light to be Marvolo or Narcissa had them turning to the door
curiously. Their curiosity was quickly squashed when Luna came bursting through the door
with Viktor and Fleur running behind her slightly out of breath. Luna wasted no time in
throwing her arms around Draco and Hadrian with a bright laugh.

“I’m so glad your back! I expected you to be gone longer,”Luna said with a smile as Hadrian
and Draco wrapped their arms around her.
“I didn’t want to keep Draco waiting any longer. He said you haven’t been around?”Hadrian
asked with with a slight frown.

Luna shook her head ,”One look at Dracos face and I would have revealed things I couldn’t.
It was best for me to wait.”

“I see,’Hadrian said with a nod, “Good thinking. They get testy when information is given at
the wrong time.”

Luna nodded in agreement as they shared a look. No one would truly know the afterlife as
Luna and Hadrian did.

Hadrian grunted as Viktor and Fleur joined into their group hug and squeezed.

“Your a bastard Hadrian!”Fleur said with a sniffle.

“I agree,”Viktor said with a nod.

Hadrian laughed, “I’m glad your all okay.”

Luna suddenly pulled Hadrian down and whispered something into his ear that had Hadrian
raising an eyebrow before he whispered something back. Luna gave a slow nod and kissed
his cheek. Draco looked between them but didn’t ask, Hadrian would tell him when he could.


Marvolos quiet voice interrupted the group and at once Luna, Fleur and Viktor let go of
Hadrian and quietly made their way out of the room. Marvolo was staring at Hadrian as if he
had never see him before. Draco let go of Hadrian for the first time since he had woken up
and pushed him forward a little. That was all Hadrian needed. Hadrian sprinted across the
room and into his fathers arms that clapped around him as a vice. Marvolos body was racked
with shivers as he held his son in his arms and allowed it to wash away the pain that had been
soul deep.

Marvolo pulled away and cupped Hadrians face, “I knew you would come back.”

Hadrian gave him a smile, “Did you really.”

“Draco knew and that was enough for me,”Marvolo said quietly, “Now tell me how you did it
because I might need to know sometime.”

Hadrian let out a deep laugh and gave his father another hug before grabbing Dracos hand
and pulling him back to him, “I would like to tell Reggie and Severus while I’m at it.”

“Good thing I got them then,”Narcissa said cheerfully as she walked into the room with the
two men.

“Bloody hell,”Severus said as he stared at Hadrian.

“Thank Merlin,”Regulus said pulling Hadrian into a hug and clapping his back, “You scared
us kid. I thought I was going to go find a new kid in a cave and they don’t happen as much as
you think.”

Hadrian rolled his eyes and pushed Regulus away, “Haha funny.”

“Yes your both funny now sit down. I want to know what happen,”Marvolo said impatiently.

Hadrian sat down in his normal seat and pulled Draco into his lap. Draco curled up and laid
his head against his shoulder as they waited for everyone to sit down.

“So as we all know I died,”Hadrian paused as everyone flinched he probably could have put
that better, “Moving on. As well all know I had all three of the Hallows in my possession
once I was able to get the Elder wand but that wasn’t the end of it.”

“You had to die,”Marvolo said quietly.

“Yes. I had to be prepared to die peacefully. Once I did death kidnapped my soul and trained
me to be a proper Master of Death and voila! I’m back.”

Marvolo sighed and sat back in his chair, “Well that won’t help me.”

Hadrian gave him a sly grin, “Did I mention that I now have control of when souls pass?
Mine, yours, random people on the street. If something happens and you die all I have to do
is yank you back.”

Marvolo sat up quickly and looked at Hadrian with gleaming eyes, “Really?”

“Yep,”Hadrian said, “Of course I wouldn’t make you stay. If you want to stay dead that’s
your choice.”

“Excellent,”Marvolo said clapping his hands together with a gleam in his eye. Since he had
absorbed his Horcruxs he had been searching for a new way to live, even going as far as
trying to recreate the sorcerer's stone. Hadrian having this power sent relief through Marvolo
he would live as long as he wanted to.

Sirius gave Marvolo a side eye, “What if I want to die?”

“It is your choice but I’ll have to remarry,”Marvolo said with a straight face.

Sirius’ eyes got large as he stared at his husband before looking at Hadrian, “If your father
ever tries to move on from me, dead or not, you are to kill them.”

Hadrian gave him a salut, “Yes papa.”

Draco smiled as he settled more into Hadrian and the chair. As much as Draco wished the last
two days had never happened he couldn’t help but be relieved at the outcome. He didn’t fear
death as Marvolo did but he also never wanted his time with Hadrian to come to an end.

At least not anytime soon.


The L’obscurite were impatient as they waited in the ballroom of Nottingham. Rumors had
been floating around that their lord had come back but none of them had felt his call. Consort
Noir had been the one to call them this time to the surprise of them all. Their Consort had
done them proud after the death of their Lord and his mate. They had expected him to be
distant from them for weeks after the death of his mate and they all knew the pain of losing a
mate but he didn’t. Given he didn’t give many orders but he gave more then they thought he

The room quieted down as black smoke swirled in front of them on the dais. Hope filled them
as it started to fade away to show two figures wrapped around each other. Cries of joy filled
the room as they caught side of their Lord and his consort standing there.

Hadrian held up his hand stopping the sound instantly, “I wish to offer my condolences to all
those who we have lost. I know our numbers were in the few but every life lost is a life that
we will treasure and remember as war heroes. We will all take knee and pay respects to our
fallen soldiers.”

As one the group took a knee and bowed their heads. Names were called out by their leaders
as they gave blessings for those they lost. Hadrian and Draco stood at the front using their
wands to guide the blessing to the gods. After everyone was called Hadrian called them to
come to a stand.

“I would like to say that I am proud of each and every one of you. You fought with valor and
humility. Your attentions to healings were one of the reasons our losses were not as bad as
they could have been. I would also like to show my approvement of your treatment of my
Consort the minute I was unavailable. You treated him as you should and protected him
fiercely. This time next week we will have a grand meal in celebration! I will have my
generals prepare for each group to ensure we all have something!”

The crowd all cheered and clapped as the announcement was made. It had been so long since
they had a proper celebration with everyone and they were always the highlight of the year.

“We must bid you all adieu, unfortunately we can not stay but I wanted to express my
gratitude and assure you all,”Hadrian called over the crowd, “Now go home all of you and
relax. Our battle is over!”

Harry sighed as he dropped onto the couch by the fire and allowed Draco too curl into his
side. It had been a long day. Between coming back to life, explaining everything to his family
and meeting with his army Hadrian was exhausted.

“You do to much,”Draco said with a frown, “You should have been resting today.”

“I will rest tomorrow,”Hadrian assured him with a light kiss, “I have only done things I had
to do. But I promise tomorrow I will spend all day in bed with you for company.”

Draco smiled and shook his head, “Not all day. You need to go see the dragons and we need
to wake up Row.”

Hadrian grimaced. Between Rowenas hibernation and the fact that he had been separated for
her so long his bond had been stretched further than it had ever been before. Not to mention
he cast a sleeping spell on her to ensure she didn’t follow him into battle.

She was going to be pissed.

“Err maybe you can wake her up,”Hadrian said pleadingly.

“Nope,”Draco said with a smirk, “I am most defiantly not going to be the one to wake her up
and deal with her fit. That is all you. It was your idea to have her spelled anyway.”

“She’s going to eat me,”Hadrian groaned.

Draco shrugged, “She’s not big enough yet.”

“Unless she eats me in pieces,”Hadrian grumbled.

Draco laughed and pulled Hadrian into a deep kiss, “I will never allow that.”

Hadrian brushed his lips against Dracos, “I love you.”

“I love you too,”Draco said before curling into his side.

Hadrian ran his hand through Dracos hair and said quietly, “Who did we lose.”

With everything else going on he had yet to find out the casualties on his side apart from the
members of L’obscurite and that was only because he had a connection with them all.

Draco sighed, “Percy Weasley, Shacklebolt, Crabb and Goyle Sr, Barty, both Lestrange
brothers, Lord Flint, a few low level Death Eaters who’s names I never bothered to learn

“And?”Hadrian asked.

“Theo,”Draco said quietly, “We lost Theo.”

Hadrian closed his eyes and ran a hand through his hair, “How is Daphne?”
“Not good. She’s staying with Luna and won’t leave her room,”Draco said. He blinked his
eyes a few times to try and avoid the tears, “Other than that I don’t really know. Some
students and ministry members but none of the people that mattered to us.”

Hadrian pulled Draco fully into his lap and held him tightly. Their losses were nothing
compared to the light but Hadrian knew the loss of Theo hit Draco hard. They had grown up
together and were as close as friends could be when it comes to Slytherin. Most people in
Slytherin, and even Durmstrang, were mostly acquaintances, not many real friendships
developed in the schools but Theo was different.

“Are you okay?”Hadrian asked softly.

“No,”Draco said closing his eyes as he allowed the tears to fall, “I knew it was a chance but I
didn’t really think we would lose anyone. Is there anyway you can..”

Hadrian shook his head, “No precious. People go when it's their time to go. We are different,
we were meant to be immortal since the beginning of time. It was Theo time.”

Draco let out a sob and curled fully into Hadrian, his fingers curled into Hadrians shirt
tightly. Hadrian didn’t say anything and just held Draco tightly as he cried. With everything
that happen and waiting for Hadrian to wake up Draco hadn’t had time to fully come to terms
with everything that happen and who he had loss.

Hadrian arranged Draco into his arms and stood up before taking them to their room.
Crawling onto the bed with Draco in his arms he rested against the headboard and just held
Draco until he fell asleep. Hadrian looked down at Draco face and brushed his hair from his
face. For a brief moment Hadrian thought he would ever see Draco again, that he would
never have this. Hadrian knew his obsession with Draco had always been borderline
unhealthy but it would be nothing compared to how he would be now. He wanted to raise the
war wards on the island and kick everyone, family included, off to spend the next year just
secluded with Draco but he knew he couldn’t. The war may have been over but the next
weeks would be full of work while everything was settled down. For now however…

Hadrian shifted until he was laying in the bed, Draco tightly in his arms as his head rested on
Hadrian’s shoulder. Hadrian took a deep breath and closed his eyes allowing himself to fall
into a calm sleep that he hadn’t experienced in months.

Chapter End Notes

I rewrote this three times until I got it to where I wanted to but it was worth it and I hope
it makes up for the devastation.
Aftermath Pt. 2
Chapter Summary

A look into the thoughts of some of our favorites and some explanations.

Chapter Notes

Heeeyyy Friends!
Quick PSA: My Gals, Guys, Gays, Theys(all other Neo pronouns) and nonbinary dudes
(I live in Cali, everyone is dude).
When you have a UTI get that shit fixed or end up in the hospital with a kidney
infection. Oops.
Also, while recovering I started playing Skyrim again and have spent the last week
buying, building and furnishing every house in the game. Sooo this is a bit late.
WARNING:Talks of MPREG but not normal MPREG, I know some HATE mpreg for
various reasons but you have made it this far, trust me.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The day after Hadrian woke up was spent in bed with Draco. Neither of them wanted to leave
each other for even a moment as they made love over and over again. For just a moment
longer they could enjoy each other and rejoice in the fact that they were together before they
had to leave and rejoin the world. Severus had sent Kreacher into the room with multiple pain
potions and a note that let them know no one would be interrupting them until they came out
themselves. Which is why neither of them expected a knock on the door before it slowly

Hadrian quickly waved a hand, dressing them both, before sitting up and giving the door a
glare. The glare quickly faded when he saw Luna pop her head in the room before making
her way to the bed and ignoring the rumpled bedding she climbed in-between the boys and
curled up. Hadrian and Draco shared a look over her head before they laid on either side of
her, both wrapping an arm around her waist. They laid in silence for a while, both waiting for
Luna to break the silence.

“She is very upset with me,” Luna finally said, her voice quiet and soft, “I think…I think she
blames me. She hasn’t said it but I feel it in the air…she keeps talking about their children as
Hadrian closed his eyes and pulled Luna closer, “It’s not your fault Luna. You know you're
not infallible. Your visions are not guaranties and Daphne knows that as well. She’s just
hurting right now.”

“I don’t understand. The vision was so strong,” Luna whispered, “I was positive this one was

“Something must have changed,” Hadrian murmured, “What exactly did you see?”

Luna closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she pulled up the vision in her mind.

“A tent in winter….flowers….a large cake…tables with ice blue and white cloths…

“Do you see Theo?,” Hadrian asked soothly.

Luna frowned as she searched, “No…I don’t? But I know the children are his.”

“I have a vial of his blood,”Draco said suddenly from her other side, “I have a couple
actually. For him and Blaise.”

Lunas eyes snapped open and her and Hadrian looked over to Draco.

“They were the last of their family and wanted to ensure their bloodline will continue
regardless of what happens,”Draco explained. It wasn’t uncommon for the last of the line to
give blood in case something happen but normally it was held by family.

Luna tilted her head, “Do you have a vial of blood floating around Draco?”

Draco flushed, “I do. I believe Marvolo has it as he has Hadrians.”

“You can destroy it,” Luna said softly, “You will not need it. Life has already started.”

Hadrian choked from behind her, “What?”

Draco stared at her with wide eyes as his hand floated down to his stomach, “But I am a man
and I don’t have the parts! And we have tried everything to try and make it so that I could
have the parts and nothing has worked.”

“A gift from the gods,”Luna said softly, “It will only be Draco.”

“I thought you would be having our children love?”Hadrian asked her softly.

“I will carry one to carry on my gift through your blood, “Luna assured him.

“Uh can we get back to the ‘life has started’ thing,”Draco squeaked, “Because I can not be
pregnant. We aren’t married! I have school!”

Luna giggled, “I apologize. I mistook my words you are not pregnant Draco but you will
Draco frown slightly as a slight pang of disappointment hit him. He didn’t really want to be
pregnant right now but…he did?

Hadrian gave his betrothal a look as if reading his thoughts, “If you want to be pregnant we
can work on it love. I have no problem trying.”

Draco reached over and slapped Hadrian’s shoulder, “Don’t you dare! In fact we aren’t doing
anything until I make sure I don’t get pregnant. Uncle Sev will have to figure something

Luna giggled in-between the, “A normal potion for women will work dear.”

“Good,” Draco said with a nod, “But nothings changed physically I mean I am a bloke,”
Draco said with a wave to his dick.

“I told you. A gift from the gods. No one else will have the ability not even your
children,”Luna told him looking just past him, “It is not natural for men to have children
which is why potions have never worked. You are just a special case.”

“Uhh…Luna how will it come out?” Draco asked looking at her in fear, “Because I will not
be pushing anything out of the holes I do have down there!”

Luna shrugged, “I believe it will be cut out. We will know more when we get closer to it.”

“Weird,”Draco mumbled with a smile on his face. He loved Luna and was thankful for her
offer to help them have children but knowing he would carry his and Hadrian’s babies

“Weird,”Hadrian agreed, “We have gotten off topic however. So Daphne will have children,
who aren’t Theos, but we will complete a blood adoption for them?”

Luna nodded slowly, “That’s what it seems like..”

“We can worry about that later,” Hadrian said before he grabbed the blanket and put it over
them, “Let’s take a nap. All this talking has made me tired.”

Luna giggled and curled up between the boys as they all drifted off to sleep.


Daphne was curled up in the window seat of the bedroom she had been staying in. It was a
place she had found herself in consistently since she had been told of Theos death. She felt so
lost. So many questions ran through her mind mixed in with the regrets that she felt burned in
her heart. Her and Theo thought about breaking the contract before the battle, if they made it
out they could still be married but not bonded and that would have been enough for them.
She regretting not breaking it now. Theo had died and she had never truly felt him.
Daphne brought her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them as she buried her
face into them. She understood how Draco could have lost himself when Hadrian died. How
his pain and grief had taken over his thinking, his magic, the pain and suffering that he
pushed out of himself and onto everyone else. Unlike him however Daphne knew Theo
wouldn’t be coming out of a deep sleep and alive.

There was a brief knock on the door before it opened and Hadrian walked into the room. His
hands were held behind his back as his eyes scanned the room before they landed on

“Daphne,”Hadrian said quietly as he made his way over to her and squatted next to t he

“Hadrian,”Daphne said her voice hoarse from crying.

Hadrian reached out and gently took her hands holding them tightly between his, “I’m so
sorry Daphne. I should have had him safe as I did you.”

“He wouldn’t have stayed,” Daphne said with a sniff, “He never would have let you guys
fight alone.”

Hadrian gave her a soft smile, “That’s true. He was a brave brave man.”

“I don’t understand,” Daphne said quietly, “Luna said…she saw..”

“Visions are never definite,”Hadrian said standing up and sitting next to her and allowing her
feet in his lap, “There are a handful of moments that are concrete in fate. A handful of lives
that are set on a path that they will not be turned from. The rest? It ebbs and flows like a tide,
the smallest thing can change any part of the future. And Lunas vision wasn’t completely

“What do you mean? Theo is..gone and we…there is no way I’m carrying a babe.”

Hadrian rubbed her ankle, “We will talk about it when you're feeling better.”

“You have a plan.”

Hadrian reached out and brushed Daphnes hair out of her face, tucking it behind one of her
ears before cupping her cheek, “I have many plans my dear. The first plan is to get you
somewhere you can properly grieve. Somewhere with no reminders of Theo or anyone else.”

“I don’t blame you,”Daphne said with tears coating her voice, “I know it wasn’t your fault.”

“You have to blame someone and it’s natural to blame others,” Hadrian told her gently, “I
know you blame me. You blame Draco. You blame Luna. You blame every person in the
wizarding world and that’s okay. When you are ready we will be here for you bur until then
you hate us and blame us all you need.”

Daphne threw herself into Hadrians arms and held onto his robes as she sobbed on his
shoulder. Hadrian wrapped his arms around her tightly and held him to her as she cried and
allowed herself to feel the anger and hatred for everyone that she tried to hide behind her

Daphne didn’t know how long she cried for before she pulled away and frowned at Hadrian’s
robes, “I have ruined your robes.”

Hadrian laughed softly, “I have a million more. Now are you ready?”

“Where am I doing?” Daphne asked quietly as she stood and waved her wand to collect
everything important into her trunk.

“Paradise,”Hadrian said with a grin, “Your own paradise. I think I’m going to name it

Daphne laughed for the first time since Theos death and shook her head, “I will never allow
you to name it that!”

“Then you will have to think of something else,”Hadrian said with a smile as he wrapped his
arms around her. With a single word they disappeared.


Hadrian paced in front of the large cave hidden in the corner of Dracos island while Draco
watched with a smirk as he leaned against a tree. Hadrian ran a hand through his hair and let
out a groan as his eyes flicked to the cave.

“You have to do it eventually,”Draco said with a grin, “might as well get it over with.”

“Easy for you to say,”Hadrian mumbled, “She’s not going to bite you.”

Draco shrugged, “You will survive.”

Hadrian gave his betrothal a glare, “Maybe I should change my will before I do this. I don’t
think I want to leave everything to you if you want my death.”

Draco smirked and sauntered up to Hadrian. Draco rested his hands on Hadrians chest,
Hadrian wrapped his arms around Dracos waist and pulled Draco against himself.

“You can’t die my king and even if you did change the Will Marvolo will ensure I get
everything anyway,”Draco said softly as he kissed Hadrians neck softly.

Hadrian groaned and tightened his arms around Dracos waist, “I’ll wake her up but I want
something first.”

“What?”Draco asked against Hadrians neck as he gave a small nip.

Hadrian let go of Dracos waist and moved his hands down Dracos arse to his thighs. Draco
let out a small sound against Hadrians neck as Hadrian grasped his thighs and pulled him up.
Draco wrapped his legs around Hadrian automatically and groaned when he felt his back hit
the stone that surrounded the cave. Hadrian held one hand under Dracos arse to keep him up
and slowly slid the other over Dracos hip and slipped it inside of his robes. Draco own hands
slipped into Hadrian’s hair and pulled him into a harsh kiss.

Penelope and Marcus let out low growls in announce before they turned their backs to the
mating couple.

*They will be having younglings the moment they graduate. They are worse than Dragons
during mating season* Marcus grumbled as he got comfortable.

*Good. The children need friends* Penelope said pleased as she curled her tail around her
and leaned into her mates side. Marcus let out a grumble in his chest that vibrated the ground
around them. The children did need friends but he didn’t need to see the younglings mating.

Hadrian helped Draco fix his robes before straightening his own, “Marcus and Penelope think
we will be having children as soon as Hogwarts is finished.”

“We will be,” Draco said primly, “I fully expect to be pregnant at graduation.”

Hadrian coughed, “Don’t I get a say in this?”

“You will let me know if it’s not something you want,” Draco said with a shrug, “You know I
would never make you do something you don’t want.”

Hadrian kissed Dracos forehead and gave him a sweet smile. Frankly the thought of children
scared the hell out of him but at the same time he knew he wanted them. If Draco wanted
them as soon as possible Hadrian had no problem giving them to him.

Hadrian took a deep breath and ignored Dracos laughter as he straightened his shoulders and
made his way into the cave. The sounds of a large snake slithering around hit Hadrians ears
before the snake in question popped into front of him.

*Finally! It has been so boring,* the large snake that Hadrian had liberated from under
Hogwarts, hissed at Hadrian, *You are waking Rowena up…yes?*

*Yes* Hadrian hissed.

The snake gave a mocking hiss and slithered away into a hidden hole. Hadrian frowned at the
large snake. Why did everyone want him to do this on his own? Cowards. All of them.
Hadrian made his way deeper into the cave, jumping off a small ledge at the back he landed
on his feet in a crater. Laying in the middle of a leafy bed and surrounded by a light blue
shield was Rowena locked in a deep sleep. Hadrian bounce don his feet a few times as he
looked at the sleeping snake in worry and dare he say it..fear.
Ever since she saved him as a child it formed a bond that was closer than a normal familiar
and wizard bond. Sirius and Marvolo may have been his dads but in many ways Rowena was
his mother and she saw him as her hatchling. And boy was she going to be a pissed off

Hadrian grimaced and rolled his shoulders before waving his hand over the shield. The dome
melted away from the top and after a few moments Rowena started to shift as she came out of
her sleep. Hadrian resisted the urge to run from the cave as Rowenas body started to move
more and she unraveled herself. Her tongue flicked out as she tasted the air around her before
her head swirled so fast it would have broken the neck of a man and her eyes landed on
Hadrian. Hadrian took an involuntary step back at the look in her eyes.

* smell…different. What did you do?*

Hadrian sent her a charming smile *I..uh..well I became Master of Death! I also defeated

*Hatchling…* Rowena slithered from her nest and to Hadrian. Her body slowly wrapped
around him as she circled his legs *You are keeping something from me…I can smell it in the

*I…uh…okay well I died. But only briefly!*

Rowena reared back with a dark hiss and brought her head to his, face to face. *Briefly!
Briefly he says! And where was I!*

*I couldn’t risk you so I..err…put you to sleep?*

Rowena hissed again and wrapped her body around his chest tightly, she moved her face until
it was closer to Hadrian’s and flicked her tongue out against his nose *You put me to sleep!
Your own familiar! You own MOTHER!*

*I couldn’t risk you* Hadrian said with a slight whine in his voice *It was safer for you to
stay here! Draco knew how to get you out if anything happen to me so you wouldn’t have
been here forever!*

*Draco! Hatchling you will bring me to him now! And we will be having words about your

Hadrian let out a breath of air in relief before turning to make his way from the cave.

*You will not be leaving my site for the next year* Rowena hissed *Obviously you can not be
trusted on your own and how dare you put me to sleep! Unacceptable! Both of my hatchlings
out there fighting on their own..I could have protected you! If anything happen to my darling
Draco we will be having more then words! By himself!*

Hadrian wisely kept his mouth shut as Rowena ranted. Soon enough she would hear the
entire story and hopefully she won’t be in a position to kill him when she did. The moment
Hadrian stopped out of the cave and Draco came into vision Rowena let out a loud
*YOUNGLING!* and seemed to fly from Hadrians shoulders to Draco where she quickly
climbed up his body, taking time to flick out her tongue in random places and ensure hew
was safe.

Draco giggled when she hit sensitive spots and wrapped his arms around her large body as
she settled over his shoulders and started to groom his hair.

*He taste of sadness…but happiness..I smell no injuries…*

*Draco had no injuries Row. He was perfectly safe* Hadrian told her before taking a step
back when she hissed at him.

Draco laughed and stroked Rowenas flume gently, “Maybe you should give her some time

Hadrian nodded in agreement and they made their way back to the manor, Hadrian keeping a
healthy distance from the angered snake.


Marvolo sat in his study quill in hand, his wand laid next to a large glass of scotch neat that
was sat next to piles of paperwork that Marvolo needed to finish up to complete the take over
of Hogwarts and the Ministry. Marvolo couldn’t concentrate on the paperwork however every
time he tried his mind wandered off to the knowledge that of what Hadrian was.

The Master of Death.

Marvolo sighed and dropped the quill. Leaning back in his seat he picked up his glass and
took a long drink before curling it in his hand and holding it to his chest. Hadrian had been to
see him earlier in the day to discuss fully what his title meant for not only Hadrian but the
rest of the family as well. After years of searching immortality…and that unfortunate
situation with the horcruxs that will never be brought up again. Marvolo couldn’t help the
shutter that went though him when he remembered how insane they had made him, there
really should have been some type of warning in that blasted book. especially knowing he
didn’t even need to too that in the first place. His immortality had already been granted
without his knowledge.

Marvolo pushed his chair away from the desk and made his way to the window to look out
across the grounds. Hadrian informed him later, when it was just them, that their immortality
and their families immortality had been set since the beginning of time. It was set in the
fabric of the universe but had one anchor point that had to be reached for everything to fall
into place. Hadrian had to take the death that had been meant for Draco. If he hadn’t, if Draco
had died instead, then the path that had been set would have never been. It was a fate that
nobody would want. Dracos actions after Hadrians death would be Childs play compared to
what Hadrian would have done. Marvolo didn’t even think they would have been safe from
his anger and vengeance. Thank Merlin that was neither here nor there and they would never
have to fear that again.

Marvolo looked out to the beach where Hadrian and Draco were taking a walk along the
shore. Draco tucked into Hadrians arm as they slowly made their way across, letting the
water brush over their feet as the tide came higher. When Hadrian told him of Dracos
new..ability Marvolo had been shocked and couldn’t stop the shiver that came from thinking
of any man delivering a child. Draco was ecstatic however and took his slowly changing
body in stride as he adjusted his robes and other clothing to fit his new slightly wider hips.
Marvolo snorted as he remembered the fear in Hadrians eyes when he told him of when
Draco wanted a child. Marvolo had no doubt in his mind that Hadrian would be a great father
even if the thought was daunting and filled Hadrian with uncertainty. When Marvolo first
found out about Hadrian he had been full of the same thoughts and it worked out for the best.

“Love?”Sirius voice had Marvolo turning from the window and giving his husband a smile.
Marvolo beckoned him over and wrapped an around around Sirius waist as they both looked
out the window.

“Are you okay?”Sirius asked taking his eyes from the children and looking up at his

“Yes. Just thinking about what has happen,” Marvolo told him with a light smile, “I can’t
seem to concentrate on paperwork.”

Sirius wrinkled his nose, “Don’t try and push it off on me. I already helped Reggie and I
refuse to look at anymore for the rest of my life.”

“It’s a good think I wasn’t planning on asking,” Marvolo said warily. Sirius came back from
Hogwarts ranting for a good two hours about paperwork and how his hand was sore. Marvolo
had no want to listen to that again.

“What do you think about the pregnancy thing,”Sirius asked Marvolo as his eyes found
Draco and Marvolo.

“I’m thankful it’s just Draco,” Marvolo said honesty, “I’ve told you before we were never
able to find a way because it’s not meant to be for men.”

“Your probably right,” Sirius agreed, “Draco hasn’t stopped talking about it to Cissa since he
found out. I know he wants to wait for Graduation but I wouldn’t be surprised if it happen

“I wouldn’t be surprised if he was already pregnant,” Marvolo chuckled, “Severus put him on
a bi-weekly potion because he ‘forgot’ two daily doses.”

“Cissa would kill him,” Sirius mused, “She gave him a very long talk about why he needed to
wait for school to end. Not to mention the heart attack Lucius would have.”

Marvolo gave Sirius a smirk and a relaxed quiet fell over the couple as they watched Hadrian
pick up Draco and run him into the ocean. Dracos aggravated face was obvious as he
launched himself at Hadrian and tired to push him under the water. Hadrian caught him and
held him tightly before kissing him. Sirius groaned as he turned his back from the window
and stalked to a chair in front of the fire. Marvolo watched for a few more minutes until
Dracos hands went to the buttons of Hadrians shirt before Marvolo turned away with a

Marvolo took the chair next to Sirius and snapped his fingers. A full tea appeared in front of
them, “Did you have a reason for finding me?”

“Oh yes!” Sirius snapped his fingers, “Lucius needs the boys at the manor. Pansy was
brought to their dungeons apparently and he is tired of the Vampires in his house.”

Marvolo snorted into his cup, “Terrified you mean.”

“Cissy said they have taken to jumping out at him to hear him scream like a baby mandrake,”
Sirius said with a grin, “I think that’s the only reason they chose the Malfoy Manor to be
honest. Lucius hasn’t exactly been discrete about his fear.”

“He should know better,” Marvolo mused, “Hadrian would never allow anything to happen to
him. I will send a patronus when the boys come back to the house. You couldn’t promise me
enough to go down there and get them now.”

Sirius got up from his chair and straddled his husband, Marvolos hands instantly went to his
arse and pulled him closer. Sirius ran his hands up his husbands chest and into his hair, “I
have the perfect thing to help pass time.”

Marvolos answer was a hard kiss before he waved his hand and activating the wards around
his study.


Pansy was not in a good condition. Her long hair that had been sleek and silky was matted
around her face, large pieces were shorter then others where they had been cut off to hear her
cries (the girl was really vain, captured by vampires and she cried over hair) her clothes were
torn and stained with blood and other bodily fluids. Her neck was red and inflamed from
where the vampires had taken her blood, her wrists were bloody and bent in unnatural angles
as they were held in shackles that were used to hoist her body when needed. As for now her
body was on the floor, her back against the wall as she stared at the iron bars that held her in
the small room. She wasn’t sure how long she had been locked in the small room, it could
have been hours, days or weeks. Meals came randomly there was no daylight coming from
anywhere. Sometimes the vampires would come multiple times and sometimes it would seem
like they were gone for days before coming back with grins that sent chills down her spine.
They were sure to never take to much and when they did a potion bottle was shoved down
her throat until the sweet darkness of unconsciousness took her over.
This was not what she had been promised. When Dumbledore found her crying in a hidden
corridor of the school she had been terrified to go to his office with him. She was a Slytherin
and promised to be a death eater while he was a champion of the Gryffindors and ‘light’. But
on that walk to his office she realized he could be her only hope for revenge. Maybe her plan
to break up Draco and Hadrian wasn’t the wisest but what they did, what they made her do,
was beyond the pale. It wasn’t until after her father died that her mother told her the truth to
them and their twisted relationship. Pansy had seen them at school Hadrian trailing behind
Draco, glaring at anyone who dared give him more than a glance. She had assumed it wasn’t
love, it didn’t seem like love, it seemed like obsession. In her eyes (and many other eyes that
followed the couple around) Hadrian didn’t love Draco truly, he was obsessed by him and
viewed him as a possession and Pansy knew all obsessions could be broken with the right
motivation but she had been wrong. Her mother told her that there were hundreds of people
that fell to the end of Hadrians wand for just looking at Draco the wrong way. Hundreds more
that were lost to their insanity that Draco caused when they walked a little to close to
Hadrian. Her mother told her quietly (after her fathers funeral when they were drinking his
favorite scotch in his study) that to outsiders it was unhealthy but she believed their love and
possessiveness of each other was unmatched by the gods themselves. She hated them for
what they had made Pansy do but she also understood them on a deeper level that Pansy
never could. Even now Pansy didn’t think it was love. She didn’t know what it was but she
knew it wasn’t love.

Which is exactly what Madam Parkinson meant when she said Pansy would never
understand. Pansys view on love was fairy tales, it was romance and fine dinning,
relationships that most people would consider normal and ‘healthy’. She had seen none of
that from Hadrian and Draco.

So when she finally made it to Dumbledores office and he suggested the plan she jumped to
accept and help him. No one suspected her of course. She had company of other Slytherins in
the halls and classes but it was a farce. Inside the common room she had nobody. She was
shunned for her actions. As hurtful as it was it made getting information that much easier. It
made switching out with Dumbledore a simple task, no one would know because no one
watched her anymore. It went off without a hitch. Pansy was hidden away in some safe house
and Dumbledore was acting as her in the castle. The moment she received the patrons about
the battle it was finally time. Draco was right, she had spent weeks learning how to cast the
killing curse and she planned on using it the moment she could.

Pansy shifted and whimpered as her ribs protested the movement. Resting her head against
the wall she couldn’t help the small smile that crossed her lips. She knew she would die but at
least she was able to kill Hadrian.

The sound of soft footsteps coming close to her cell had Pansy lifting her head slightly before
letting it fall back in disinterest and closing her eyes. It didn’t even matter at this point who
was coming for her, it couldn’t get worse than it has been. A loud clink sounded in the air
followed by the sound of a metal door scraping across the ground as it opened. Pansy waited
patiently for whoever it was to start her torture or feed from her. She couldn’t stop her flinch
as she felt someone squat down to her level and the back of a finger run across her cheek.
The softness of the action scared her.

“Pansy,”a voice cood softly.

Pansy eyes shot open at the voice. It couldn’t be..

Bright green eyes met hers. Pansy eyes widened as she took in the face staring back at her.

“Your dead,”Pansy gasped, “I killed you.”

Hadrian smirked, “You did but as luck would have it I came back.”

“No,”Pansy whispered, “This is a trick. Nothing but a trick.”

Hadrian ran his hand over Pansy in a quick motion. Pansy gasped in pain as her bones
snapped into proper place, a burning sensation passed through her body as the wounds she
was suffering from healed. By the time it was over Pansy felt amazing physically but
mentally she was screaming. She was well aware there was only one person powerful enough
to do this.

“Yep,” Hadrian said cheerfully knowing her thoughts, “You know I’m actually impressed
with you. I never thought you would be able to cast the killing curse, if it wasn’t against me I
might have even bought you a little something.”

Pansy had nothing to say. She couldn’t get her thoughts in order to put a sentence together.

“I did decide to gift you in a way however,” Hadrian said with a twisted grin that sent a
shiver of fear down Pansy spine, “ You will find yourself stronger than ever. Your body will
hold up much better than before, bones are stronger, blood will fill quicker, you might even
feel a boost in your magic.”

Pansy nodded slowly. Hadrians stood up and before Pansy could notice Hadrians book
connected with her ribs in a sharp kick that knocked the breath out of her. She expected the
pain of her rib cracking but breathed out in confusion when that didn’t happen. Her side only
felt bruised.

Hadrian nodded pleased, “Your welcome. Now I have decided to release you from these

Pansy eyes widened hopefully.

“Lord Drake instantly helped Draco take his proper place when I died and then refused to
leave his side while I was unavailable. He has done me a great service in protecting my
Consort,” Hadrian said conversationally, “He has asked for a boon and I find myself very
happy to provide it. You see he has grown fond of your blood.”

Pansy breath started coming faster as she realized where he was going.
“He has asked for you. Now I can’t give you to him completely, after all I deserve my own
retribution, but I have agreed to let him have you for five years. Don’t worry though I have
visitation rights and will be seeing you quite frequently. Now when your five years are up he
will bring. You back to me and then we will have fun after that until I’m bored with you.”

“Please no,”Pansy whimpered, “Just kill me. Please.”

“Death is to good for you,”Hadrian sneered, “You will be as long as I want you to be. Drake
will be by to collect you in a moment and will take you to your new home. I hope you enjoy

Pansy stared at him in horror as tears streamed down her face. Of all the torture she has
endured since she was locked up the feedings were the worst. Not only was the bite
excruciating in a way she didn’t even know existed but the feeling of her blood leaving felt as
if fire was scraping her veins and left her wishing for death every time.

Hadrian patted her head and whistled as he started to the door of the chamber. Hadrian
snapped his fingers and turned to her quickly as he reached the door, “Oh! I thought you
would like to know about your mother and your family. I’m afraid there was a horrible
accident and the entire Parkinson manor burned down with everyone inside of it. Quite tragic
but don’t worry. Madam Parkinson signed the heirship over to Draco so your family name
won’t be lost.”

With those final words Hadrian left the cell as he whistled a jaunty tune. Pansys screams and
cries cut off as the door slammed shut behind Hadrian. Hadrian nodded to Drake as he made
his way out of the dungeon with a skip in his step. He was a little upset that he didn’t get to
start with Pansy but he really couldn’t deny Drake. He showed his loyalty to Draco and
refused to leave his side when he was at his most vulnerable. That alone meant more to
Hadrian than Pansy Bloody Parkinson.


“What are you going to do about Dumbledore,” Marvolo asked as they all sat in the sitting
area of the library. Hadrian looked up from the conversation he was having with Regulus
about options for the school. Draco was curled up into Hadrians side petting Row who was
wrapped around his waist, her head laying on the small pouch that had appeared low in
Dracos pelvis. She had refused to leave him even for a moment since she awoke and found
out that he would be able to have children (or her grand snakelings as she called them).

“Grindelwald has requested to spend time with him until his death,” Hadrian said with a
shrug, “Grindelwald only has a few months left. I figured why not.”

“You know I expected much more violence from you when you came back,” Sirius mused
from his place on the ground as he leaned against Marvolos legs.
“Me too, “Hadrian admitted with a wary grin, “But I have all the time in the world with them
now. Plus this gives me time to plan some great things.”

“I have a question, “Lucius said as he sat up in his chair and gave Hadrian a light glare,
“When exactly did you teach my son Necromagic.”

Hadrian laughed and shifted until he was fully facing Lucius, he wrapped his arm around
Dracos waist and pulled him closer, “Couple years ago but we practice every summer.”

“Is there anything else you have taught him that we should know about?”Lucius said with a

Hadrian gave him a devilish smirk, “Well I did teach him to do this thing with his hips when

Dracos hand slapped over Hadrians mouth as his cheeks turned pink, “I think he means
magic wise Hadrian.”

“But it is magical,”Hadrian said muffled under Draco hand.

“I want to know what it is,” Sirius said giving his son a leer.

Hadrian gave him a wink and slight nod. Draco sighed and shook his head as his hand
dropped, Hadrian really was to close to his parents sometimes.

“I haven’t taught him anything else that you don’t know,” Hadrian told Lucius seriously,
“What you saw is the only hidden talent my love has and the extent to his powers as well. He
will never be a full necromancer if that’s your concern.”

“Not really a concern,” Lucius mumbled.

“Could we learn anything?”Sirius asked out loud.

Hadrian shook his head, “I already scanned you and Narcissi when I realized Draco had the
gift. Neither of you have it.”

“Probably the inbreeding, “Marvolo said as he rubbed his chin, “The gifts have come out
when new blood is introduced.”

“Gifts!”Hadrian said sitting up quickly. He ignored the glare Draco threw at him from being
jolted, “Where is Tonks?”

Marvolos eyebrows raised, “She’s in the dungeons where we left her.”

“Right,”Hadrian said standing up and rubbing his hands together, “I’m going to take care of

“Will she be..”Narcissa couldn’t finish her sentence.

“No,” Hadrian said with a sigh, “She’s a bloody idiot but she was scared and had no time to
ask us for help but it all worked out in the end.”

“But she will be punished,” Marvolo said sharply looking at his son, “She needs to be
punished for her actions.”

“She will be,” Hadrian said giving his father a look. Hadrian glanced at Draco and left the
room knowing he was going to follow.


Apparating outside of the Burrow Hadrian took a moment to stare at the monstrosity of a
building. His hands twitched with the need to pull a single strand of magic and watch the
building crash down but he refrained. Glancing around at the admittedly pretty property
Hadrian made his way to the door and knocked. Sounds of dinner instantly stopped as the
low whisper of arguments floated through the shut door. Hadrian put his hands in his pockets
and rocked on his heels as he waited for them to decide who they wanted to open the door to
the unknown person on the other side.

Bill was the unlucky winner as he slowly creaked the door open and peaked outside before
his face broke out into a wide smile and he opened it the rest of the way, “Hadrian!”

The sounds of silverware clattering got the table and plates hitting the ground was followed
by chairs quickly being scrapped back and people running to gather around the door. What
was left of the Weasleys looked at him in shock and amazement as Hadrian waved to them.


“Bloody Hell!”Charlie choked before pushing past his siblings and bringing Hadrian into a
tight hug. Hadrian had gotten close to most of the Weasleys in the last few years but Hadrian
met Charlie when Charlie had been straight out of Hogwarts and felt Hadrians death deeper
then anyone else in the family. Hadrian hugged him back and didn’t comment on the sound of
the choked sob that escaped Charlie before he pulled back and put his hands on his shoulders,
“You bloody bastard.”

“I came as soon as I could,” Hadrian offered, “Draco wouldn’t let me leave the island until

“How is he?”Bill asked over Charlies shoulder, “He was bloody scary at the end there.”

“He’s good,” Hadrian assured them as he walked through the door and sat with them around
the table, “He’s working on wedding plans now so I’ve been banished.”

“I see,” Arthur said with a small smile.

“How are you guys,”Hadrian said quietly as he looked at the only members of the family

“Decent,” Bill said just as quiet, “It’s..weird. The house seems so..”

“Empty,” Charlie finished for him when Bill couldn’t.

“I would imagine,” Hadrian said with a nod and glance around the room, “I have a
proposition for you guys. All of you.”

Charlie, Bill, Fred, George and Arthur all looked at him curiously.

“I want to send you guys away until the wedding. It’s in a little over two months but I think it
will do you good,” Hadrian explained as he pulled out a piece of parchment from his pocket,
“I have already sent Daphne to an island. You can go to an island of course or anywhere you
would like to really. You can also take whoever you would like to take.”

“Why?”Arthur said as he scanned the parchment.

Hadrian blew out a breath, “You lost family. Regardless of how you have felt about said
family you still lost them. Being somewhere where you are constantly reminded of them will
do more bad then good and to be honest I need most of you to be at the top of your game.”

Bill sent him a wary smile, “You want us to heal so we don’t suck at our jobs?”

“Well when you put it like that it it just sounds uncaring,” Hadrian scowled.

“Because you are uncaring,” Charlie said with a grin, “But we like you anyway.”

“What about our jobs?” Bill asked, “I don’t know if the goblins will let me take more time.”

“Or the Ministry,” Arthur agreed, “It’s been very busy.”

Hadrian looked at them with a raised eyebrow before jerking his thumbs to himself, “You
guys realize who you’re talking to right? The Goblins are fine with you taking time off,”
Hadrian said to Bill, “I’m your boss and I’m making you take time,” Hadrian said to Charlie,
“I will be temperarily taking over your department in your absence,” Hadrian said to Arthur
who’s eye brows raised, “and you don’t have jobs,” Hadrian finished with the twins.

“Hadrian is your boss?”Fred asked Charlie in confusion.

“He owns the reserve,”Charlie said with a shrug, “Vic is in charge but Hadrian is boss boss.”

“Also by the time you are back I will have Dumbledore back and you can all have your
revenge,” Hadrian said with a blood thirsty grin.

“Where is he now?”Bill asked curiously.

“Somewhere,”Hadrian said waving him off, “So what do you say?”

The Weasleys looked at each other and seemed to be speaking without words before they
looked at Hadrian as one and nodded.

“Excellent! Just tell me where you want to go,” Hadrian said before glancing around the
house, “Oh while your gone I’m going to fix this house up as well. If that’s okay.”

“Me and Molly built this house together as our family grew,” Arthur said as he looked around
in sadness, “But I think it’s time for a fresh start.”


“It’s not enough of a punishment,” Marvolo grumbled as he sat under a large umbrella on the
beach. Sirius had dragged him down to the beach for what he considered quality time in the
sun. Marvolo thought it was just an excuse to play in sand as Sirius was in the middle of
building an impressive sand castle.

“Hush love,”Sirius said as he glanced up at his husband, “Hadrian did torture her and now
she’s house bound until the wedding. That’s going to be a whole new level of torture for

“She should be killed,” Marvolo hissed, “Hadrian is going soft.”

Sirius snorted, “He killed that Romanian diplomat yesterday for watching Draco during a
meeting. He’s not soft. He values family and power. Tonks may not be the most powerful
witch but she brought back the gift and Hadrian wants it replicated.”

“I needed that Diplomat to,” Marvolo groaned, “Draco is no longer allowed to attend

“I agree,”Hadrian said airily as he sat next to Sirius on the sand, “Draco agrees as well. He
thinks they are boring anyway.”

“Did you talk to the minister?” Marvolo asked.

“Yes. He said the man was a menace and good riddance. Paid me 20,000 gallons for the job
as well,” Hadrian said with a smirk.

Sirius rolled his eyes but didn’t comment on his sons hit wizard like status. He liked to
pretend that his child wasn’t an assassin, “Is there a reason you are interrupting our date?”

“Draco is in panic mode about the wedding and needs help. I offered my services but he
called me a ‘tasteless ape’ and pushed me out the door,” Hadrian said with a laugh.

“He’s not wrong,” Sirius mumbled, “You and Marvolo have absolutely no taste.”

“I thought all the plans for the wedding were already made,” Marvolo said confused.
“They are,” Hadrian agreed, “But..well it’s Draco.”

Marvolo and Sirius both snorted. Draco will be stressed about the wedding until it's over and
done with.

Sirius stood up and brushed the sand off his swim trunks, “I’ll go and calm your fiancé

“Thank you Papa,”Hadrian said with a beaming smile.

Sirius smiled and leaned down to kiss the top of Hadrians head, “Anything for my boys.”

Marvolo waited for Sirius to be out of ear shot before he turned to his son, “What’s the real
reason you came out?”

“Well partly because of Draco but also because I need your help and papa wouldn’t approve,”
Hadrian said before quickly explaining his plan to Marvolo. Marvolos mouth slowly turned
into a smile as Hadrian told him what he wanted. He had always wanted to go tomb robbing.

Chapter End Notes

So, incase it wasn’t clear, Draco will be the ONLY man to be able to have children and
that’s only because the Gods made it possible. His body has changed to be able to
handle actually being pregnant-Hips have widened, he has a uterus now, etc. So not
common MPREG and in this story it won’t be. I hope that doesn’t disappoint to many
and I hope it doesn’t turn off those of you who hate MPREG.
The Wedding
Chapter Summary

The wedding of the century is finally here!

Chapter Notes

Finally the WEDDING!

I actually took most of the wedding script from my cousins wedding, which was a
traditional hand fasting. It was also done in Norwegian so I may have messed up the
translations a bit but it’s the gist of it-also the magic is new. Obviously.
—Also, this is the only part of the wedding I remember. It was a Nordic wedding and
we tried to honor our viking ancestors by drinking and merlin did we.
Fun fact-If you lose the sword people get testy but I still say it was my cousins fault, she
was the one who wanted to get into the lake.

**The latin I picked up from Google Translate sooooo very much might be wrong!

Getting the Wizarding World fully under Marvolos control was depressingly easy. The
Ministry was already full of his people, department heads, secretaries even the cleaning crew
belonged to him. The Wizengamot was full of his supporters, with very few outliners. With
one word Fudge announced his departure from the post of Minister of Magic and just weeks
after Lucius was sworn in. Surprisingly to everyone the people who were firmly in
Dumbledores camp didn’t lose their jobs and were allowed to stay. They were however
watched very carefully and Marvolo waited eagerly for someone to step out of line.

Severus was officially the Headmaster of Hogwarts with Regulus as Defense against the Dark
Arts teacher and Deputy Headmaster. They were the only change in teachers, Mcgonagall
didn’t like the new status quo but refused to leave her students to the clutches of Death
Eaters. The other teachers for the most part didn’t mind Severus as Headmaster, or rather they
didn’t mind the raise that was provided when he took over, the wards were fixed and stronger
then ever. Hundreds of old students came to the castle in the following weeks after the battle
and took part in rebuilding the few parts of Hogwarts that had fallen in battle. Oliver Wood
took great offense to the Quidditch stadium and refused to leave until it was back to it’s glory.
Thankfully other than the stadium only the courtyard and some classes that connected to
them took most of the damage. Other than the grounds themselves that were being tended to
by Professor Sprout and Neville.

There was now a calmness through the Wizarding world, a calmness that hadn’t been seen in
many years.

The same could not be said for those on Dracos Island.


“What if he decides he doesn’t want to marry me!”Draco exclaimed to his mother and Lilly
as they stood calmly infant of the fireplace. His hair was tousled from where he had been
running his hand through it, he hadn’t changed into his robes and his pajamas were wrinkled
from where he had been twisting them in his hands all morning.

“That won’t happen,” Lily said with a smile, “He loves you.”

“He hasn’t even helped with the wedding!”Draco said throwing his hands up, “He didn’t
even pick out his own robes!”

“You kicked him out of the room whenever it was time to plan,”Narcissa said as she resisted
the urge to roll her eyes at her son.

“He could have tried harder!”

Narcissa sighed and walked up to Draco, she took his hands in hers and held them tightly,

Draco stopped his pacing and looked at his mother with a sniffle.

“Hadrian tore apart a man just last night at the rehearsal dinner because he put his hand on
your arm. Every time we walk into a room with you two in it there is a seventy five percent
chance I will see something no mother wants to see. We are currently on an Island that he
purchased, full of animals that you wanted, some that you mentioned in passing. He refused
to accept a dowry for you and he paid for this entire wedding and refused to accept any
money for us at all. He buys you surprise gifts that you will love, surprises you with
weekends and weeks in your favorite countries to see you smile. He loves you more than I
have ever seen anyone love another.”

Draco felt his eyes fill with tears as he listened to his mother. He knew he was being
ridiculous but he couldn’t help it. The wedding was in six hours and it just hit Draco that
morning that Hadrian would be stuck with him forever. What if Hadrian changed his mind?
What if he realized he deserved better than a spoiled over dramatic man? What if he wanted a
Sirius snorted from his seat on the bed as if reading Dracos thoughts. Narcissa and Lily both
gave him a glare that quieted him down as he raised his hands. It was probably best he stayed
out of this one.

“He deserves better maman,”Draco whispered as a tear fell from his eye, “He has done all
that for me but what have I done for him? Nothing!”

“Your kidding right?”Lily said as she came to stand next to Narcissa, “Draco. Darling. You're
an idiot.”

Draco made a sound of offense as he stared at Hadrians mother. Narcissa also glanced at her
in confusion, how was that going to help?

“Hadrian doesn’t value material possessions as you do Draco. Yes he provides you anything
you want but that’s only because it’s what makes you happy. If flowers made you happy he
would provide you a conservatory of flowers and probably buy you fields. If time was
important to you he would have been at Hogwarts with you regardless of what going to
Durmstrang did for him. If acts of service was important to you he would do anything for
you, I’m talking slave status. He doesn’t buy you things because you want them he does it to
make you happy. As for you? You allow him to take care of you. Draco you trust him
immensely. You never worry about his plans or actions because you trust that he knows his
worth and his limits. Even Marvolo questions his actions at times. You never push for
anything that you know he wouldn’t want to do. For someone in your positions, with Hadrian
willing to do anything, keeping Hadrians own wants and feelings at the forefront is not
something many would do.”

Draco opened his mouth to say something but Lily placed her finger against his lips and gave
him a look. Draco quickly closed his mouth.

“You also take care of him. You give Hadrian a place for him to let go of all of his stress and
worries over everything going on. You make him take breaks. You don’t care what he’s
doing, you will go in and stop him from working and make him do something with you to
relax. You make sure he is in top form and doesn’t overwork himself. You're not afraid of
him. You have no problem telling him off or slapping him in the back of his head when he’s
being an idiot. Beyond that you love Hadrian for everything that he is and everything that he

Draco wrapped his arms around Lily and laid her head on her shoulder. Narcissa wrapped her
arms around both of them, her head laid on Dracos shoulder. Sirius quickly got up and
wrapped his arms around all three of them with a large grin. Lily pulled away slightly and
placed her hands on Dracos cheeks, careful of Narcissa head.

“The most important thing to remember is that Hadrian loves you and you love him.
Relationships take work. Hard work. It’s tears and hard conversations, it’s love and romantic
moments, it’s nights spent in different rooms because you can not stand the person you
married and then breakfasts full of forgiveness. It’s arguments and compromise. It’s being so
annoying you want to slap them and the next moment it’s looking at them and realizing how
in love you are with them. No one, no relationship is perfect but you and Hadrian? You're
pretty damn close. Now get your arse into the shower so we can start getting you ready.
Merlin knows you're going to need every second of the next six hours.”

Draco beamed at Lily and kissed her cheek before running into the bathroom to start his
shower. His heart beating in his chest for a new reason. Instead of anxiety and doubts about
himself he was full of excitement. He had been waiting for this day for seven bloody years
and it was going to be one of the best days of his life. He would kill anyone who tried to
interfere. If his mother and Sirius didn’t get to them first.


“Draco is panicking,” James said amused as he laid sprawled out on the Settee in Hadrians

Hadrian had already been pacing his room for an hour much to the amusement of the men in
the room. James, Marvolo, Regulus and Lucius were all sitting in different areas of the room
while they put together the final touches on Hadrians outfit and jewelry. Marvolo was
studying the surprise that he and Hadrian had…liberated from a tomb of an ancient Egyptian

“He’s panicking? I’m the one that should be panicking! Have you seen him! How the bloody
hell am I suppose to keep his attention for the rest of eternity!”Hadrian exclaimed as he ran a
hand through his hair before groaning and throwing himself backwards on the bed and
staying at the canopy above him.

Marvolo rolled his eyes from his seat and went to sit by his son. He brushed his hair away
from his forehead and stared down at him, “Hadrian. Draco has been yours since you
protected him from Dolohov and he stared at you like you were Merlin himself.”

“Not to mention you spoil him more than anyone I have ever met,” Regulus drawled before
jerking his thumb to Lucius, “More than this one is even spoiled and I didn’t even know that
was possible.”

Lucius slapped Regulus thumb away and sniffed, “I am not spoiled. I know my worth and
expect to be compensated for it.”

“Hadrian you know damn well that you and Draco are it. You have known since you saw him
and claimed him as your precious. Not to mention he would have never been given the gift to
bare your children if the Gods thought for one moment it wasn’t right,” James said seriously
as he sat up, “Trust me. They haven’t shut up about it since it was given. Honestly I’m
concerned with how excited they are for you and Dracos children.”

“They will be powerful,” Marvolo mused.

“Probably terrifying as well, “Regulus said with a chuckle.

“Good. Keep unworthy people away from them, “Hadrian said before he sat up quickly with
wide eyes, “Bloody Hell. They are going to get married someday.”

The men shared a look before they broke down in laughter. Hadrian watched them with an
offended look but couldn’t stop the twitch of his lips as he fought a smile.

“It’s not funny!” Hadrian whined.

“They aren’t even born yet. You have many many years before you have to worry about
that,” Marvolo said with a shake of his head.

“It better be many years,” Lucius said sending a glare to Hadrian.

Hadrian shrugged but didn’t comment. Hadrian already had a conversation with Death about
what they could expect with any of Dracos pregnancies. According to him it would run the
same course as a female pregnancy which meant Draco could perform magic until his ninth
month baring any unforeseen problems.

“Hadrian,” Marvolo said giving his son a look, “It will be many years. Right?”

Hadrian smiled nervously and bit his lip, “Well..uhh.”

“No,” Regulus said staring at him before he burst into laughter.

“Is Draco…”Lucius swallowed harshly. He closed his eyes for a moment and steeled himself
to ask the rest of the question, “Is Draco pregnant?”

“So I’m going to take a shower,” Hadrian said jumping up, “I think I’ll wear normal robes
until we are closer to the ceremony.”

Marvolo flicked his wand and shut all the outside doors that lead to the outside the rooms
with a quick ward so Hadrian couldn’t escape. Glancing at the other men in the room he
grabbed Hadrians shoulders and looked at him.

“Hadrian,” Marvolo said softly, “Is Draco with child?”

Hadrian bit his lip nervously before his face broke out in a wide smile, “Of course not.”

Lucius whimpered and covered his face while Marvolo raised his eyes to the ceiling and
counted too ten. Regulus and James held themselves together until they made eye contact and
lost themselves in laughter.

“That wasn’t funny,” Marvolo said, “Go get in your shower. Brat.”

Hadrian laughed as he made his way to the bathroom and closed the door with a snap.
Hadrian leaned against the door for a moment and shook his head. They were so easy

Getting in the shower Hadrian was lost in thought. He was both nervous and excited. The two
emotions were clashing inside of him like tidal waves on the sea during a storm. Draco
panicking was unsurprising. After so many years of being together his moments of insecurity
were far and few but they did happen. Especially on big occasions and their wedding was the
biggest occasion they had so far. Hadrian finished his shower and got out of the shower
wrapping towel around his waist. With a flick of his wand the steam from the shower
dissipated as the mirror cleared. Hadrian looked a himself in the mirror and couldn’t help the
grin that came to his face. He had been waiting for this day since he stole the bracelet out of
his papas study. It was finally time.


Hadrian stood to the side of a large arch that was made of twisted dark wood and had ivy and
flowers wrapped around. The yard was full of silver and wood chairs that were wrapped in
ivy and dusty blue fabric. A pathway of white stone went down the middle of the chairs
separating each side, candles were lit and placed in crystal and silver holders on either side of
the train creating a light glow that made the path sparkle. The willow tree that they stood
under had fairy lights dangling from the branches and wrapped around some of the long
limbs of leaves. Orbs of soft white and peach light hung low in the sky above the seats,
Hadrian flicked his fingers and some of the orbs dropped down into the hands of the children
that were staring at them in wonder and trying to reach them.

Marvolo stood behind him in deep green robes as he re-read his part of the ceremony with
Rowena resting over his shoulders. She couldn’t be on Hadrian or Draco due to the magic of
the bonding but had refused to not be apart of it. There had been a few discussions on who
would marry them (anyone that was unknown was absolutely out of the question) but they
still had quite a few people to choose from. It was Dracos decision in the end to ask Marvolo
to do the honor of bonding them as it was his actions that lead them to this point. Draco was
positive that without Marvolo killing Lily and James he and Hadrian would have never gotten
together (Hadrian thought that was ridiculous because regardless of who raised him Hadrian
would have picked Draco regardless). Marvolo simple blinked at them when asked and
agreed instantly. Since then Marvolo had been researching and double checking the bonding
they would be using and the correct words. Hadrian thought this was in nerves but Marvolo
insisted he just wanted to make sure it was perfect and when Hadrian pointed out his eidetic
memory Marvolo glared and walked away.

Hadrian rocked on his heels slightly as he watched the solid silver chairs fill with people.
While the wedding was the event of the season Hadrian and Draco refused to allow people
they didn’t care about to attend their wedding. Instead of the hundreds of people that had
expected an invitation there was a little over one hundred not counting members of the
L’obscurite. Family, friends and close acquaintances all came dressed to their best. To the far
right was a group of chairs that mismatched the rest of them, made of white wood they held a
large group of werewolfs. Behind them under the shade of the manor, and reenforced with
darkness spells, sat the Vampires in absolute stillness. The Banshees were floating gently and
sitting on various places around the manor itself. Mixed in with the crowd were the Veelas,
Goblins and Giants in the back where they wouldn’t be in the way. At the edge of the pond
that was yards away form the other chairs were the Inferi in their own seats. A low grumble
had Hadrian looking behind him at Penelope and Marcus as they tried to control their brood.
Hadrian gave them a large smile and waved a hand creating a small warded fence around the
children to keep them in place. Marcus gave what could only be construed as a grateful look
and laid back down.

As soon as the last person sat down Hadrian felt a light breeze before Lily and James were
behind him to his opposite side with Sirius directly next to Hadrian. The lights pulsed once
before light music started and flowed through the yard. As if a silencing spell had been cast
the yard went silent and the guests all stood as one and turned to the entrance of the willow
that had been opened and held on either side by off with silk ribbon. The nerves that Hadrian
had been ignoring all day seemed to slam into him like a train. He fought the urge to fidget
with his robes or run a hand through his carefully done hair. Sirius must of known his internal
struggles because Hadrian felt Sirius squeeze his arm lightly in comfort. Hadrian released a
slow breath and straightened himself up as the music raised in volume and the sounds of
footsteps hit his ears. The breath that Hadrian had just taken was knocked out of him as he
got his first glance of Draco.

Dracos hair had been lengthened, it twisted at his temple and was pulled back and pinned
with silver and pearl pins. The rest of his hair was braided with ivy and small garlands, pieces
of curled hair fell from the braid and around him and fell around him. The tiara that Hadrian
had gifted him with sat on his head and twinkled in the light more than it had ever. His robes
were a pure white, a corset encrusted with pearls and colored diamonds was gave him a
perfect hourglass shape, the corset perfectly changed to perfectly tailored pants that were
tight around his legs and fit into knee-high boots made of Antipodean Opaleye with a sharp
Stiletto heel. Over the outfit he wore a long robe that was connected with a small button and
brought the fabric just in at the bottom of the corset but left it fully open in wide V shapes on
the top and bottom. Where the robe met his hips it flared out just slightly and down brushing
against the ground as he walked. The back of the robe formed into a large train that slowly
had jewels added until it hit the very bottom that was encrusted.

Draco met Hadrians eyes and sent him a beaming smile as he slowly made his way down the
walk way with his parents on either side of him. Hadrian paid no attention to them. His entire
world narrowed down to Draco as he made his way to Hadrian. The world could be falling
down around them and Hadrian wouldn’t have noticed. Draco paused at the end of the chairs
and accepted the kiss on his cheek by his mother before taking his place to stand in front of
Hadrian. Narcissa and Lucius took their places behind him as Hadrians parents did and they
all shared a small smile.

It took Hadrian a few moments, and a smirk from Draco, to realize that Marvolo was trying
to get his attention.

Marvolo gave him a smile before looking out at the crowd.

“Welcome all!”He said, his voice amplified with a sonorous charm, “We have received the
privilege to be here and see the bonding of these two souls. They have chosen to bond Comes
A gasp went though the crowd before whispers started. Only a handful of witches and
wizards chose to bond through Comes Animae. The bond itself wasn’t dangerous. It was a
powerful bond and if used between powerful wizards could help them feel each other in a
new sense, but it was truly until “Death do us Part”. When one died the other would die right
after, it didn’t matter where in the world they were, didn’t matter if they were pregnant,
nothing at all mattered. Death was death. There was no separation or divorce, you could
never marry or bond with anyone else. They could never be with another, any sexual contact
with someone who was not their bonded was felt by both people. None of this was a problem
with Hadrian and Draco of course. They had chosen this bonding because it was the most
powerful bond there was and that’s what they wanted.

Marvolo cleared his throat and the crowd instantly quieted down. Giving them a wary smile
Marvolo continued, “This bond will carry them on in this life and the next. Their love and
commitment for each other has been clear for all to see since they first met and decided they
belonged to each other.”

Hadrian and Draco shared a smirk at the words. Belonged to each other not just together.

Marvolo reached into his pocket and pulled out a long cord made from spun silks of red,
blue, green, brown and black. Hadrian and Draco reached out with their left hands and softly
grasped the wrist of the other.

“Hadrian, Draco, “Marvolo said strongly, “Do you swear on your magic to honor this
commitment that you make infront of us all?”

“I do,”Hadrian and Draco said.

“Do you swear on your magic to remain faithful in mind, body and spirit until the end?”

“I do.”

“Do you swear on your magic to share in joy and pleasure of your life together?”

“I do.”

“Do you swear on your magic to always be by each other side through health, sickness and

“I do.”

Marvolo ran the cord through his hand, his magic causing the cord to glow for a moment
before it faded into the strands of silk. Carefully Marvolo wrapped the cord around Hadrian
and Dracos wrist before tying it under neath. Hadrian and Draco stared into each others eyes
as Marvolo chanted the spell that started the bonding. Hadrian and Dracos magic joined
Marvolos as it flowed through them. A soft glow started as the magic gathered. As more
magic was added the glow became stronger brighter causing many to shield their eyes.
Marvolo watched with wide eyes before shielding his own eyes from the sight. In a flash of
light that shined through the trees and startled the house elfs in the house the light dissipated
but the magic was still strong and thick in the air.
“Bloody Hell,”Sirius whispered as his eyes opened and locked onto the cord that was
glowing as if it was made of moon light.

“That was remarkable,”Marvolo said quietly before he raised his voice, “The bond has been
started! To Hadrian and Draco Prevelle-Guant-Black-Malfoy!”

Cheers and music erupted from the seats as every stood and clapped for the couple. The
Dragons roared and shot fire into the sky, sounds of the other animals stomping their feet and
making their own calls came from the forest behind them. Draco grabbed Hadrians robes
with his free hand and brought him in for a hard kiss that quickly turned passionate as
Hadrian placed his free hand on Dracos lower back and pulled Draco against him and took
control of the kiss. Draco pulled away first and looked up at Hadrian with wide eyes and a
beaming smile.

“Your mine forever now,” Draco whispered.

Hadrian gave him a light kiss, “As if I wasn’t already.”


The cord stayed wrapped around Hadrian and Dracos wrist for the next hour until it melted
into their skin leaving behind permeant golden runes.

“I didn’t know it did that,” Sirius said as he held up Hadrians hand and looked at it curiously.

The reception had been moved to Nottingham Manor as the manor on Dracos island wasn’t
large enough for the party. That and Hadrian and Draco would be heading there for the
Honeymoon and they didn’t want to deal with everyone leaving then. At the front of the table
was a table that had seats for Hadrian, Draco, their parents and Luna, Draco on the left and
Hadrian on the right with their parents next to them. Hadrian and released James and Lily
right after the ceremony after their blessings. Rowena was laying over Dracos shoulder and
was nosing his hair as she hissed happiness and grumbles that her younglings were officially

“It doesn’t always,” Hadrian said with a smirk, “Only for powerfully bounded couples.
Normally it fades completely into the skin.”

Sirius snorted and dropped Hadrians hand, “You nearly blinded me with that bloody light. A
warning would have been nice.”

“I didn’t know it was going to be that bright,” Hadrian admitted with a small smile, “We
expected it to be bright of course but nothing like that.”

“It was like looking into the sun,” Marvolo said as he took a seat next to Sirius and Hadrian
at the head table.
Draco was next to Hadrian, his free hand twisted with Hadrians as they rested onto of the
table but in a conversation with is mother as she examined his own markings.

“So there are no rings?”Sirius asked Marvolo.

“Different part of the ceremony,” Hadrian said giving Sirius a look, “Did you even glance at
the book that we gave you?”

Sirius shrugged, “I read the first page.”

Hadrian snorted and left Marvolo to explain as he was pulled into a conversation with Draco
and Narcissa.

“Well?”Sirius asked Marvolo.

“It’s done in a private ritual,” Marvolo told him, “It is the next step to sealing the bond.”

“How many parts to this are there?”Sirius asked with a shake of his head, “Our bonding was
nothing like this.”

“It wasn’t the same type of bond,” Marvolo reminded him, “There are four parts. The hand
fasting, the ring ritual, the physical bonding and the mental bonding. They will be staying in
a ritual room for the next three days while the bond solidifies.”

“I really need to read that book,” Sirius mumbled as he took another drink from his cup.

Hadrians attention was pulled from Draco as he caught site of Daphne sitting in a corner with
a drink held against her. Luna and Blaise were on either side of her speaking quietly. Hadrian
stood up and pulled Draco with him as they made their way across the room. Luna was the
first to notice them and sent them a wide smile as she shifted away from Daphne allowing
Draco to take the seat next to her. Hadrian stood behind Dracos seat and rested his hands on
Dracos shoulders as Daphnes hands were caught in Dracos.

“Would you like to leave?” Draco asked Daphne quietly.

Daphne hesitated for a moment, “It would be disrespectful to leave before the festivities

“Nonsense!” Draco exclaimed, “Would you like a room here or did you want to go
somewhere else?”

“Draco,”Daphne said quietly, “My parents won’t be happy.”

Draco frowned, “I don’t give a bloody hell what your parents think. It’s my bloody wedding
and what I say goes. Right Hadrian?”

“Right,” Hadrian agreed with a smile, “Marvolo will handle your parents Daphy. If they dare
to say anything anyway,” Hadrian said warily as he looked at Draco. Draco was glaring
across the room to Daphnes parents who quickly looked away from where they had been
watching the scene with small frowns.

“I will take her to my home,” Blaise said suddenly from her side, “We need to catch up.”

Hadrian looked to Blaise carefully before giving a single nod, “If that is Daphnes wish.”

“I think it would be good to not be alone,” Daphne said quietly.

Draco leaned forward and kissed Daphnes cheeks before giving her hands a gentle squeeze
and taking a stand. Luna stood with him and looped her arm through his right arm. Now that
Hadrian and Draco were bonded it was the hight of impropriety for her to be on his left side.
The only people who would be allowed on that side anymore was Hadrian and Dracos

Hadrian leaned down to Dracos ear and whispered“How much longer do we need to be
here?” His lips brushing against the top of Dracos ear slightly.

Draco shivered and looked over at him with a seductive smile, “It wouldn’t be proper to leave
until the end my love.”

Luna suddenly laughed and released Draco with a quick kiss to his cheek before bringing
down Hadrian and doing the same to him. Giving them both a wink she reached out and
allowed Rowena to move to her shoulders (Luna was on Rowena duty before it was time for
Draco and Hadrian to leave for their honeymoon) before quickly made her way to the head
table to take Hadrians seat. Hadrian smirked and grabbed Dracos left hand and twirled him
onto the dance floor. Draco laughed in delight as he landed directly into Hadrian’s arms
before they smoothly moved into the waltz that was currently happening on the floor.
Perfectly in rhythm with each other they made their way around the dance floor. Dracos smile
seemed to brighten the room as he gazed up into Hadrians eyes.

“Five…Four…”Fleur started counting down from her place between Bill and Viktor as they
watched the newly bonded couple, “One.”

Hadrian pulled Draco in for an intense kiss before they disappeared in a vortex of black and
white smoke from the hall itself.

“You owe me twenty gallons,” Fleur said cheerfully as he held out her hand.

Bill and Viktor both groaned quietly as they passed the gallons over, both thought they would
last a little bit longer. Charlie came bounding up to them and passed over his own gallons
with a pout.

“How did you know?” Charlie asked her.

“All of the traditions have been done,” Fleur said giving the boys a look, “Why would they

“It’s traditional to stay,” Charlie pointed out still unhappy with the loss of his gallons.
“It’s also traditional to consummate the marriage and we all know how they love to do that,”
Bill said with a laugh before turning to Fleur and dipping into a bow, “May I have this

Fleur beamed and took his hand allowing Bill to pull her to the dance floor. Charlie and
Viktor shared a look before shrugging and going to the floor themselves joining the others in
the waltz.

“Bloody Hell,” Marvolo said pinching his nose as he watched Hadrian and Draco disappear,
“It wasn’t time for them to leave.”

Luna giggled, “It could be worse. They could have left right after the ceremony.”

“Let them be,” Sirius said with a grin, “Remember how excited we were to leave our
reception? If I recall correctly we found ourselves in a closet on the second floor.”

Marvolo gave him a leer. Marvolo had been all for leaving their reception early but Sirius
insisted on staying to please his parents. They had only lasted two hours after the ceremony
before Sirius was dragging Marvolo into a closet to release some of the tension.

“I’m to young for this,”Lucius whined from beside his wife. He hid himself slightly behind
one of the centerpieces so no one could see him as he lost his composure. He had tried for
years to ignore the fact that his son was active but there was no ignoring it now. Not that he
was bonded. Lucius groaned again as he dropped his head into his hands.

“You good Lucy?”Sirius asked with a grin well aware of the thoughts that plagued Lucius.

“Of course,” Lucius said with a sniff as he sat up straight.

Luna reached over and patted his hand, “It will be okay. Draco told me Hadrian is an
exceptional lover. Draco will be taken care of.”

Lucius made a wounded noise and quickly stood from the table, “I’m getting a drink. Excuse

Narcissa lips twitched as she tried not to laugh. Sirius and Marvolo had no qualms and were
laughing themselves sick on their side of the table. Luna simply smiled at them before
standing up and making her way to her own betrothed who was spinning Charlie Weasley on
the floor. Stopping briefly to grab a women named Natasha from where she had been sitting
with other members of the Romanian diplomats.

“May I cut in?”Luna said as she came up to them.

“Of course!”Charlie said as he pulled away from Viktor.

“Charlie this is Natasha. Natasha this is Charlie, he’s a dragon tamer,”Luna said pushing
Natasha to Charlie, “Dance together.”
Viktor shook his head and pulled Luna away and onto he dance floor. Always the


“Our fathers are not going to be happy,” Draco gasped as Hadrian pulled away and fell to the
side of him before pulling Dracos sated body into his arms.

“Sirius and mother will handle them,” Hadrian said with a shrug, “It was leaving or I was
going to take you on the dance floor. They should be thankful I waited as long as I did.”

Draco laughed and pulled himself up keeping himself up on his elbow as he looked down to
Hadrian, “I thought you were going to take me to bed after the ceremony.”

“I almost did,”Hadrian said as he stroked down Dracos back, “You were a vision in your
robes precious. When I saw you I forgot out how to breath. My words failed me. My heart
stopped. I was ready to destroy every person there who dared to lay their eyes on you.”

Draco leaned down and kissed Hadrian lightly, “It’s a good thing you did not my king. It
would have ruined the ambiance,” Draco paused and looked at Hadrian in suspicion, “In fact
we seem to be missing a few guests. Do you happen to know where they went?”

Hadrians grin was cruel, “Dungeons. Their thoughts about you were…displeasing.”

“Hadrian,”Draco scolded lightly.

“Draco,”Hadrian teased, “Don’t think I didn’t notice those two girls who disappeared mid

Draco shrugged unabashed, “You would like people would be more respectful at a wedding.”

Hadrian chuckled before sitting up and shifting Draco so that he was straddling his lap, “It’s
almost midnight precious.”

Draco shifted in excitement before the hands on his hips tightened and stopped his

“Precious I’m going to forget all about the rings if you keep doing that,”Hadrian said tightly.

“You will not be forgetting my ring Hadrian! Have some control,” Draco exclaimed to his
bonded as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“You like when I don’t have control,”Hadrian mumbled before patting Dracos hip,”Let’s got
to the circle.”
Draco and Hadrian got up from the bed and made their way to the circle that was already
drawn onto the dais of the ritual room. Two pillows sat across from each other in the middle
of the circle, both made of red silk. Hadrian helped Draco kneel on the pillow before he took
his own place on the other. Hadrian reached down next to his pillow and pulled out a blood
red velvet pouch tied together with golden string. Undoing the string he opened the pouch
and allowed a golden and silver ring to fall into his hand. Draco sucked in a sharp breath as
the magic of the ring permitted the air and brushed against his bare skin.

“Hadrian,”Draco breathed, “What is that?”

“You know the story of Cleopatra and Marc Anthony, “Hadrian said quietly, “Their love story
transcended the ages. It inspired a Shakespearian play. Regardless of their differences, and
spouses, they found love so true and pure that they would rather have been dead than be
without each other.”

Dracos breath caught as he looked at the ring with a closer eye. Anthony and Cleopatra was
one of Dracos favorite plays, he had seen it no less than thirty times and still would take
every chance to go see it again.

“History does leave out one important piece of information as you know my love,” Hadrian
continued, “While they were powerful leaders in their own rights they were also powerful
magically. Cleopatra, said to be the most powerful witch of her time and Marc Anthony
who’s skill with charms and defense is still unmatched to this day. When they reunited after
Marc Anthony married Octavia he came with a gift. A gift to show Cleopatra who the true
wife of his heart and soul was. He came with this.”

Hadrian picked up the ring and held it between his thumb and forefinger. The ring, made of
pure bold and silver, twisted around in a braided patters until each side met and flattened to a
flat surface. At first glance the surface look rough, with grooves and indents but when looked
closer you could see many tiny runes that were placed around in a circular pattern before
meeting in the middle.

“He spent all three years they were apart creating this ring. Each rune was placed in a specific
order to maximize the power. It is embedded with a protection so strong that it’s said to be
able to shield from even the killing curse. It also gave him the ability to have a feel for her,
emotional and physical health though his magic. When I picked it up my magic flared against
his and won. His magic is still in the ring as he was the creator but it’s connection is now to
me. It was buried with Cleopatra and Marc Anthony in Cleopatras true mausoleum hidden
deep within the sands of the Egyptian desert.”

“How did you get it?” Draco asked raising his eyes to meet Hadrians.

“I went digging,” Hadrian said with a smirk, “I took Marvolo with me of course.”

“Of course,” Draco said with a light laugh.

“I did ask permission,” Hadrian informed him, “Which I might add was not easy to get. I had
to hunt down a completely different underworld before I could even find them.”
Draco looked at him startled, “You mean the underworld is actually split?”

“Different pantheons and gods,”Hadrian reminded him, “Not everyone who dies goes with

“I am so glad I married you,”Draco said impressed before holding out his hand.

Hadrian grabbed his hand lightly and slipped the ring on his finger with a quiet whisper of
“aeternitas”. The ring glowed brightly for a moment before shrinking to perfectly fit Dracos
finger, where it would never be removed from. Draco laughed shakily as he felt the mix of
Hadrians and Marc Anthonys magic envelope the ring. Draco reached for his own pouch and
with shaky fingers removed the ring he had chosen for Hadrian. The ring was black as night
and a solid smooth surface, almost as if made by obsidian.

“Marcus helped me with this,” Draco said as he brought Hadrians hand to him, “Created
from his fire and my magic. It lacks the protection spells that mine has but it does allow me
to also have a feel for you.”

Draco slipped the ring on Hadrians finger and watched as a shiver worked its way through
Hadrian as Dracos magic rushed through the ring. As it did with Dracos the ring glowed for a
moment before shrinking to fit Hadrian perfectly. Neither ring would ever be removed.

“It’s beautiful precious,”Hadrian said as he examined the ring, “Your power has also grown.
You're close to me I would say.”

Draco laughed, “It’s the bond. You gave me a bit of a power boost.”

Hadrian gave him a look, “Not that much of a boost precious. Are you ready for the next?”

“More then,” Draco said allowing Hadrian to help him off his knees and into a sitting
position. Hadrian took his own place infant of Draco and they held each others wrists.

“See you tomorrow,”Hadrian said with a grin.

“Tomorrow,”Draco replied.

Eyes meeting they both lowered their shields and allowed the magic of the bond to carry
them deep into each others mind.


“I think I slept with the Minister of Spains daughter,” Fred groaned as he collapsed at the
table where breakfast was being placed.

“I know I slept with the Norwegian ministers daughter,” Charlie countered as he dropped to
the seat across from him.
“I slept with no one,” George pouted next to Fred, “What kind of wedding was this?”

“A great one,”Bill said cheerfully as he helped Fleur into her seat across from Fred and sat
next to her, “Also didn’t you disappear with that Vampire?”

George blushed to the tips of his ears, “Well yes but we just talked and snagged a bit.”

Luna sat next to George with a light hum, “He showed respect to you. Respect is very
important to the vampires. I’m sure you will have your chance to sleep with him soon.”

George perked up a bit, “Really Luna? Please tell me more.”

“Do not tell him more,” Marvolo said as he walked into the room and took a seat, “I have no
desire to hear about your bedroom exploits or lack of them.”

“I want to know,”Sirius sang as he sat next to his husband, “We must have tea later and find
out all about it.”

“We will,” Luna said cheerfully.

“Where are the newly bonded couple?”Fred asked looking around the room.

“They will not be joining us until tomorrow morning. I will warn you all now to keep your
eyes firmly away from Draco when they do show up. Hadrian will be especially possessive
for the next few days,” Marvolo warned before taking the tea Sirius handed him.

“He can get more possessive?”Bill asked raising his eyebrows, “I didn’t think that was

“I will be staying away from Draco,”Luna said as if that answered all questions.

Which really? It did.

“Well this has been a blast but uhh I think I will leave after breakfast,” Fred said with a
nervous laugh.

George, Charlie and Bill all nodded their heads in agreement. They may have been
Gryffindors but they weren’t stupid.

“But what about our tea?” Sirius said with a pout, “You will be fine until after dinner. They
won’t even be out until the morning.”

“You will stay until after dinner,” Marvolo told them with a leveled look.

All four Weasleys instantly nodded. One they didn’t want to get on the bad side of Marvolo
and two as long as they were gone by tomorrow morning it didn’t matter to much.

Marvolo leaned back in his seat and drank his tea as he watched the rest of the table fill and
listened to the various conversations. His mind drifted to the bonding that had been started
yesterday. He knew that Hadrian and Draco would have a strong bond, nothing else would
make sense, but he had no idea it would be as strong as it was. There had no mention of a
light that strong in all of the research they had done. Marvolo and Hadrian had gone through
hundreds of books on bondings, including books in other languages and ancient texts. Then
again as far as they knew their had yet to be a bond with the Master of Death and it was
entirely possible that was the reason it had been so strong.

Marvolo glanced over to Sirius and held in a grimace, he had to tell him about the ring before
Hadrian and Draco showed back up. It wasn’t the technical tomb robbing that was going to
upset him, it was the fact that they did it themselves and not with a team. Sirius really was a
mother hen, not that Marvolo would ever tell him that.

Unfortunately Marvolo didn’t have a chance to break it gently to his husband.

“Oh Marvolo,” Bill said looking down at the table to him, “Did you hear that someone broke
into Cleopatras tomb?”

Marvolo stiffened minutely before forcing himself to relax. Sirius however felt it and paused
before he took a drink. Slowly placing the cup down onto the saucer Sirius looked at Bill

“Was anything taken?”

“We don’t know,”Bill said with a frown, “They think so. No one has actually cataloged the
tomb but some of the protections were no longer in the tomb but it couldn’t be pinpointed.”

Sirius slowly turned to Marvolo, “Love. Is there something you would like to tell me?”

Bill snapped his mouth shut and sunk into his seat.

“What makes you think I had anything to do with it?”Marvolo drawled, “There are other
powerful wizards out there.”

“Marvolo Gaunt don’t you dare try and get out of this,” Sirius said pointing his finger at his
husband, “If it was anyone else you would have told me about it yourself. You didn’t. Which
meant it was you and you were trying to keep it from me.”

Marvolo sighed and put his cup down, “It was Hadrians idea.

“Excuse me?” Sirius asked with wide eyes, “Don’t you dare try and blame my son for this.
Even if it was his idea you are his father! You could have done something!”

“I went with him!”Marvolo defended, “Hadrian is your son. You know how bloody stubborn
he is. He was going with or without me!”

Sirius paused at that, Marvolo was right. Unfortunately.

“What was so important that you went into that tomb! I don’t even want to know the
protections in that tomb,”Sirius said.
“Hadrian wanted something special for Dracos wedding ring,” Marvolo said, wisely not
mentioning the protections that were on that tomb. If they weren’t immortal it would have
been a problem, “apparently Marc Anthony gave Cleopatra a special ring. Hadrian wanted

“I thought that was a rumor,”Bill muttered from his seat.

“What?”Sirius asked him turning his furious eye son him.

Bill swallowed, “Well…uhh…rumor has it he gifted her a ring that he worked on for years
but no one ever found it or really any information on it.”

“Three years,”Marvolo said with a twitch, “ Hadrian honestly didn’t tell me much about it.
He wanted Draco to know first.”

“I-I- I can’t believe you!”Sirius said throwing his arms up into the air, “First he gives him a
bloody tiara that was created by Slytherin and now this? What’s next! Attila the Huns

“You would have to ask Hadrian,”Marvolo quipped before flinching back at Sirius glare.

“You better hope the boys allow you to stay at their manor because you are banned from ours
until further notice! How many times do I have to tell you two that you need a team for
things like this! Or I don’t know don’t break into the final resting places of historical

“It’s only been two,”Marvolo said weakly. Okay maybe it was more than two but Sirius
didn’t need to know about those.

“Two to many! I can’t believe you,”Sirius said before standing up and walking out of the
room mumbling under his breath.

“Err..”Bill said rubbing the back of his neck, “Sorry about that.”

Marvolo turned his glare on him, “I suggest all of you find somewhere else to be today before
I decide to forget you're under Hadrians protection.”

That was all the permission they needed to get up and almost run from the table into different
directions. Bill at the lead in his rush to get as far from Marvolo if he could. But really, how
could he have known!


Hadrian came back to consciousness first. Groaning he stretched his arms and gingerly got up
from where he was sitting. He flinched as he felt the soreness in his legs and back from being
in the same sitting position for so long. Hadrian grabbed the pain potion that had already
been placed by the fire and drank it quickly, he signed in pleasure as his aches and pains
quickly disappeared from his body.

The mental connection had taken much longer than he thought it would but he wasn’t
surprised. So far everything about this bond was different then what they thought it would be
and he wasn’t even sure what would happen now. Normally the mental connection is just a
connection, you can feel what the other is feeling but no actual thoughts or speaking. Hadrian
looked down at Draco and cocked his head, flashes of..something..where running through his
mind. A dream that he had not dreamed.

“You share a mind,”a dark voice said from behind Hadrian causing him to jump and spin
around. Death stood behind him, suit perfectly pressed, hands held behind his back.

“What does that mean?”Hadrian asked with a raised eyebrow.

“As your bond settles you will be able to communicate with your thoughts and see glimpses
of what the other sees,”Death explained.

“That wasn’t in the manual,”Hadrian mumbled as he ran a hand through his hair.

“Of course it isn’t. It's a gift,”Death said, his voice took on a lit that sounded like possible
amusement, “Your bond is extremely powerful. The connection would have naturally been
stronger than any connection had been I just..gave it a small push.”

“Why? I thought Draco being able to have a baby was the gift,”Hadrian said confused. Death
wasn’t a bad guy or anything but he had made his feelings on mortals and their ‘petty
feelings, thoughts and squabbles’ quite clear.

“That was a gift from the fates. This a gift from me,”Death said carelessly as he waved a
hand in a dismissing manner, “You and your bonded are destined for…great things…you will
bring a new peace and magic will flourish under you. I just…gave you something to make

“We can control the thoughts right? It would really ruin present ideas if Draco could just pop
them out of my head,”Hadrian said with a glance to the man in question.

“Of course,” Death said. Hadrian knew if he could be offended he would be, “this will be the
last gift you are given.”

“Thank you,”Hadrian said with a bow of his head, “It is appreciated.”

“I know,”Death said before he faded from the room.

Hadrian shook his head as Death left the room. It was still hard to wrap his head around the
fact that Death and Fates existed. More than Death and Fates as he had recently found out
when he went hunting for Anubis and Osiris. Even in a world of magic and rituals Gods
seemed to be a stretch.

Hadrian leaned down and picked up Draco pulling him into his arms and holding him tightly.
Draco let out a mumble and curled into Hadrians chest before stiffing and letting out a

“Shh,”Hadrian shushed Draco. Moving quickly he placed him gently on the bed and
summoned a pain potion that he carefully put to Dracos lips. Draco didn’t hesitate and drank
the potion, his body relaxing as it worked through him.

“That hurt,”Draco said, his voice rough with sleep.

“I know,”Hadrian said as he climbed into the bed next to him and pulled him into his arms, “I
didn’t expect us to be out for so long. It should have only taken a few hours.”

“Hmm,” Draco said before stretched his body out against Hadrians and freezing as he felt
something brush across his mind that he knew wasn’t him but still felt comfortable,

“That’s me,”Hadrian told him. Hadrian brushed Dracos hair out of his face and smiled down
at him, “We have received another gift.”

“Really? Can you have babies now to?”Draco asked hiding his grin into Hadrians chest.

Hadrian made a noise and shivered at the thought of being pregnant, “No precious. That will
be all you.”

“Shame,”Draco drawled, “It would have been a sight to see.”

“You don’t even top,”Hadrian said looking down at him, “How would I get pregnant?”

Draco had topped exactly one time in their relationship and immediately after told Hadrian it
was to much work and it wouldn’t be happening again.

“I could make an exception,”Draco said before wrinkling his nose, “Well maybe not. But we
could have figured something out.”

Hadrian rolled his eyes and pushed Draco onto his back before he climbed on top of him and
straddled his hips, “Back to what I was saying. Our mental connection is going to be a bit
stronger than we thought.”

“How much stronger,”Draco asked before he focused his attention on rubbing his hands over
Hadrians thighs.

Hadrian grabbed Dracos hands and pinned them above his head, “You know I can’t
concentrate when you do that. We will ‘share a mind’ according to death. Soon enough we
will be able to communicate and see some of what the other sees. Maybe more. Death wasn’t
exactly forth coming with the information.”

Draco looked up at him under his eyelashes and didn’t say anything. Hadrian groaned as his
mind was suddenly full of images and feelings of lust and want. Leaning down Hadrian
kissed Draco hard before transferring his wrists to one of Hadrians hands and using the other
to slide down Dracos body.
They would figure the rest out later.


Waking up the next morning was an intense experience. The final part of the bonding was the
physical bonding and in many ways that was the easiest part of the bonding but also the most
tiring. It was as Draco so eloquently put it was a shag fest with some fancy words thrown in
and he wasn’t wrong. For the last 24 hours the bond has pushed them to reclaim each other
over and over again, only stopping for food and potions. And water. Lots of water. Draco was
still asleep against Hadrian, his body littered with bite marks, small brushing from Hadrians
mouth and bruises in the shape of Hadrians hands on his hips and thighs. Hadrian wasn’t
much better, scratches covered his back that he could feel with every movement of his
shoulders and he could see places Draco left marks on his thighs and he knew there would be
some on his neck as well. All in all it was a good night.

“Draco,”Hadrian said softly giving Dracos shoulder a light kiss, “It’s time to wake up.”

“Don’t wanna,”Draco mumbled as he cocooned himself further into the blankets.

“Okay but we are going to miss out on presents,”Hadrian said with a grin.

Draco poked his head out, “Presents?”

“The wedding brunch,”Hadrian reminded him.

Normally it was the morning after the ceremony for everyone to gather and enjoy breakfast
together and give their presents and congradeuatlions. Theirs had been pushed back for
obvious reasons but it was still tradition.

“Yes!”Draco said before he pushed the blankets away and hopped out of bed, “What time is

“Twenty till ten,”Hadrian told him as he followed him into the shower and admired the marks
he left on Dracos body. In the beginning of their relationship he had attempted to heal them
but Draco had absolutely refused to allow him to and if Hadrian was honest he didn’t really
want too.

“We barely have enough time then,”Draco said.

“We have over an hour?”Hadrian said with a raised eyebrow.

Draco looked at him from over his shoulder, “We won’t after we get done in the shower.”

What? Oh.
Hadrian pushed Draco into the bathroom and closed the door with a snap behind them as he
herded his bonded into the shower.


“Finally!”Sirius exclaimed as Hadrian and Draco appeared infront of them.

Staying for brunch had not been a good idea. Hadrian killed three people as they made their
way to the dining hall and tortured two more people with in the first two minutes. It had
quickly been decided that Hadrian and Draco would go on their honeymoon sooner than later
and they left in the middle of brunch. Since then they had been locked away on the island as
they promised and not even a floo or letter had been exchanged.

“Papa,”Hadrian said pulling the man into a hug.

“My darling Draco,”Narcissa said as she held Dracos face in her hands, “You look amazing.”

“Thank you maman,”Draco said with a grin.

“Did you have fun?”Narcissa asked as she looped her arm through Dracos and started leading
him to the family room.

“Oh yes! Hadrian finally stopped being a caveman last week and has taken me to my favorite
places to make up for it,”Draco said throwing Hadrian a wink.

“Finally?”Marvolo asked Hadrian.

Hadrian grimaced, “Yes. I wouldn’t even let him near the animals for the first week. It was
bloody ridiculous.”

“Why did it even do that?”Sirius asked as they started making their way to the family room
behind Draco and Narcissa.

“The bond is delicate in the beginning,”Hadrian told him, his eyes firmly on Dracos arse as
they walked behind them. Amusement and smugness was wafting from Draco in waves as if
he knew what Hadrian was doing, which he probably did, “It pushes the dominate to protect
the submissive until the bond is fully established.”

“Yours was very strong. It’s no surprise it took longer,”Marvolo said with a pleased smile.

He knew his son and son-in-law were powerful but the level of power that was shown at the
bonding was well worth boasting about and boy had Marvolo been boasting.

“You just got back from your honeymoon,”Sirius mused as he noticed where his sons gaze
“Not by my choice,”Hadrian said giving his father a sly look, “If I had my way it would have
lasted much longer.”

Draco kissed his mothers cheek and helped her into her seat before wandering to Sirius and
pulling him down to his level.

“I’m glad we are back. I don’t think my arse could have taken much more,”Draco whispered
to his father-in-law.

Sirius laughed and hugged Draco tightly before taking his normal seat.

“What did you say to him?”Hadrian asked him suspiciously. He escorted Draco to their seats
and helped him sit down before he took his own seat.

Draco kissed Hadrian softly, “Nothing of importance love.”

Hadrian pouted but let it go. Draco would tell him eventually.

“We were able to get all of your supplies for school. All that’s left is your robes,”Narcissa
told them. Lucius had finally came into the room and Narcissa gave him a smile before
shifting over so he could have a seat as well.

“Welcome back,”Lucius told the boys happily, “It’s been quiet without you here.”

“Based off what Draco told me they wouldn’t have left the bedroom much anyway,”Sirius
quipped smiling at Lucius innocently.

Lucius stiffened slightly, “Well yes. Getting used to marriage and all.”

Sirius opened his mouth to say something but the elbow in the gut from Hadrian stopped him.
He looked at his son with a pout but didn’t make the comment he wanted to. It wasn’t his
fault Lucius was so easily rilled up in regards to his sons sex life.

“Where are Regulus and Severus?” Draco asked to move the conversation far away from his
sex life.

“Enjoying their own last minute honeymoon,”Sirius said, “They will be back for the

“Good for them,”Hadrian said. When they got married they didn’t have a chance to have a
proper honeymoon. Dumbledore would have never let Severus out of his site for longer than
a couple days and Severus couldn’t use his wedding as an excuse.

“Yes good for them. Now tell me about the last week,”Narcissa said. She didn’t need
information on their time on the island but she was curious at how Hadrian made it up to

Marvolo looked out at his family as Draco started explaining what they had gotten to do. His
wands moved exuberantly while he explained, Hadrian staring at him with fondness and love.
Marvolo glanced to his own husband who turned and caught his eye. In that moment
surrounded by his family and friends, in his own manor and having almost completely
control of the ministry, Marvolo was more thankful than ever for his husband. Not only did
he bring his sanity back but he gave Marvolo a son. A son that Marvolo would have never
expected, or wanted, but ended up the best thing that had happen to him.

Inspo pictures for Dracos wedding outfit.

Imagine white-the corset and pants. Well all know what stiletto boots look like.
Snippets of life
Chapter Summary

Snippets of life for our favorite bonded couple...and maybe a few surprises.

Chapter Notes

….This is the second to the last chapter.

There will be time skips throughout this, I didn’t want to write their entire final year but
I felt like we would all like to see some things they get up to and a surprise.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Hogwarts is boring,”Hadrian said as he threw himself onto the sofa in front of the fire in the
Slytherin common room.

Draco rolled his eyes, “Your just mad you can’t come and go as you please.”

“Well it was nice,”Hadrian said wistfully.

“But unneeded,”Draco said giving his bonded a glare, “You promised me a year with no
interruptions. The only reason you needed to leave before was to build alliances and your

Hadrian sighed. He did promise Draco an uninterrupted year and he had meant it when he
said it, he just didn’t know it was going to be so boring staying at a school and only doing
school work. The only silver lining was that he was able to spend everyday with Draco and
not have to worry about them being separated because they had to go back to school. They
also had their own dorm, thanks to their bonded status, not that they kept their activities
strictly to their dorms. Draco had a lot of fantasies it turned out and Hadrian was his willing
slave to fulfill all of them.

“I know,”Hadrian told Draco, “It’s just weird not having other things to do.”

“Well,”Draco drawled, “I suppose you could take this weekend to go cause havoc

Hadrian sat up quickly and looked at Draco hopefully, “Really?”

“You must be back by Sunday night and bring me back a present,”Draco told him.
“I will! Merlin I love you. Let's go to our room,”Hadrian said standing quickly and pulling
Draco up with him.

“The potions classroom is empty,”Draco said as he followed Hadrian easily.

“Potions classroom it is.”

Blaise and Daphne shared a look as they left the room.

“They better not on my desk,”Blaise said with a shiver, “It’s bad enough they ruined that

“I think their goal is the teachers desk,”Daphne said with a giggle.

“Thank Merlin for that,”Blaise mumbled getting back to his homework.

Daphne laughed again before trying to get back to her work with her mind miles away. It
took her months to truly laugh again. To find humor in life. To find the ability to be happy
again. Daphne spent most of her summer on the Island Hadrian had sent her too, other then a
brief stunt at the bonding and the following weekend at Blaise manor. Hadrian arrived the
night before school was set to start with a new trunk, full of everything she would need, and
an option of not going back to school. She almost took it but she knew it wouldn’t help.
Being alone all those months it helped her work through the devastation and anger she felt
from Theos death but it was also lonely.

Daphne twisted the ring that sat on her ring finger, the Nott bonding ring that had been given
to her by Lord Nott when he visited her near the end of her stay. Theo was his only child, the
heir to the Nott line and without him the line was set to end with Lord Nott but he wouldn’t
have that. Daphne had been given the Nott heirship with promises of help in anyway she
needed. It broke her heart all over again but it also helped heal that final part of her heart that
she had thought would never heal. Daphne knew she would never marry, her parents had
nearly disowned her when she announced it and only Marvolos influence had stopped them.
Astoria was now Heir Greengrass and would be responsible for marrying a second son and
carrying on the family name. Daphne had no thoughts on that, her decision had been made
and was final. Theo was it for her.

“Are you going to sign the contract?”Daphne asked Blaise as she shook herself from her

Antony had sent an official contract at the beginning of the year and asked for a response by

Blaise smiled softly, “Yes but not until Christmas. He’s still trying to convince me and I’m
enjoying the effort.”

“As you should,”Daphne said with a nod, “It will make a good present as well.”
“You will still be joining us for Christmas right?”Blaise asked her as he finished his essay
and taped it with his wand to dry it quicker.

“Of course.”


Grindelwalds death was second page news for most of the Wizarding world but for others it
was a reason to smile.

Hadrian made his way to Numengard with a skip in his step and a smile on his face.
Grindelwald had lasted until two weeks before Christmas, much longer than Hadrian thought
he would have. Spite must have kept him alive. Nodding to the people that he passed Hadrian
made his way directly to Grindlewald cell. The cell had been emptied of everything that had
belonged to the deceased wizard, Hadrian knew he would find it all in his vault soon enough,
the only thing left was a stone bed with a raggedy blanket and Dumbledore who had been
propped against the corner of the room.

“Did you have fun?”Hadrian asked Dumbledore with a wide smile.

Dumbledore stared at him in horror, “What did you do my boy.”

“No one told you I was alive?”Hadrian asked amused.

“You have done something horrible,”Dumbledore croaked, “It’s not too late. Just feel
remorse and you will be free.”

Hadrian brushed him off, “Nah. Now hold on tight we have a bit of a trip.”

Hadrian and Dumbledore landed in a cell deep in the Romanian manor where Hadrian had
grown up. With Lucius firmly in control of the Ministry Marvolo and Sirius had taken up
residence fully in the manor and only went to England when needed.

“This will be your home for a while,”Hadrian said cheerfully as he levitated Dumbledore
onto a chair in the middle of the room and started to place black orbs around the room, “I
promised Draco that I would have a nice year at Hogwarts so I’m going to take my leave. The
houselfs will ensure you are fed and have plenty of liquids.”

Waving his wand the orbs glowed before ghostly figures came from them. Dumbledores jaw
dropped as his parents, his sister, James and Lily all appeared staring at him in different
levels of anger.

“These orbs allow souls of my choosing to come and go as they please,”Hadrian explained as
he shut the door to the cell behind him, “They all asked to spend some time with you. I will
see you in a few weeks!”


Draco sighed as he shifted on the bench that he was relaxing on in the middle of the Malfoy
Gardens. The family had decided to spend Christmas here as Lucius couldn’t be away from
the Ministry for long enough to go to anywhere else. Hadrian and Marvolo were locked up in
the dungeon with Dumbledore doing merlin knows what, Hadrian had blocked Draco so he
wouldn’t experience anything, and would be down there until tonight probably. Draco
wouldn’t say it out loud but he was thankful for that because he was in full panic mode and
he didn’t want Hadrian to know.

Draco woke up two weeks ago and promptly ran to the bathroom and throw up everything he
had for dinner the night before. Hadrian had been in the living room already up and working
on paperwork so Draco was able to hide the action quickly. It had happen several times since
then and Draco had a feeling he knew exactly why it was happening. Before coming to the
manor he tracked down Luna, or more specifically she showed up in his bedroom, and had
her do the spell. Then he had her do the spell three more times to verify the results.

Draco was five weeks pregnant as of this morning.

He wasn’t upset exactly but he was very, very nervous. They had planned to be pregnant for
graduation of course but that was months away and he thought he would only be a few
weeks, maybe a month or so pregnant at that time and instead he would be hitting his sixth
month. Part of the reason they wanted to wait was because Dracos new found ability was
going to be a well kept family secret and to anyone else Luna would be the one having the
baby. Not him. Obviously that plan flew out the bloody window now. He would be showing,
soon, and the entire school would know. Which would lead to questions. Which would lead
to everything falling apart and the world knowing what he could do.

Draco groaned and rubbed his temples in aggravation.


Draco jumped slightly and looked up to find Sirius standing in front of him and looking at
him in concern.

“Are you okay?” Sirius asked as he took a seat next to him and wrapping an arm around him,
“Did Hadrian do something? Because I will ground him until next year.”

Draco weakly giggled and leaned into Sirius, “He did something alright.”

Sirius arm tightened around his shoulders.

“I’m pregnant,”Draco whispered. They were alone in the garden but he feared if he didn’t
whisper then it would be announced to the world.
“Congratulations?”Sirius said unsurely and in confusion. Draco wanted children so Sirius
wasn’t sure why he sounded so..sad.

“It isn’t time,”Draco explained hearing the confusion in Sirius tone, “We were going to wait
until we were closer to the end of the year so Luna could ‘deliver’ during summer.”

“Why can’t that happen now?”

“I think people will notice a pregnant man walking around school,”Draco said dryly.

“Glamours,”Sirius reminded him, “Plenty of witches use them when they find themselves in
trouble before the wedding.”

“It’s safe for the baby?”Draco asked looking at Sirius hopefully.

“Of course,”Sirius said smiling down at Draco before shifting to face him and wrapping his
arms around him fully, “I’m going to be a grandfather!”

Sirius suddenly froze and jolted himself back and looked at Draco in panic, “Oh Merlin I’m
going to be a grandfather! I’m to young to be Grandpa! That’s for old men with gray hair and

“You do have some gray hair,”Draco said mischievously as he eyes Sirius hair.

Sirius’ hands went straight to his hair before catching Dracos smile and pouting at him, “That
wasn’t funny. You're suppose to be nice to me as my favorite son.”

Dracos smile faded and he looked down, “Do you think Hadrian will be displeased with me?
This throws off so many plans.”

“I think Hadrian will be over the moon,”Sirius told him honestly, “Somethings will need to
be adjusted but things happen. Besides Hadrian can’t let off your arse for a moment and I’m
surprised you didn’t get pregnant on your honeymoon.”

Draco laughed and pushed Sirius away from him.


“Will you tell me what’s wrong?”Hadrian asked later that night as they laid in bed. Draco had
been almost avoiding him since Christmas break started, they ate meals together and slept in
the same bed at night but other then that he made himself scarce. Hadrian wasn’t sure what
he did wrong but whatever it was needed to be fixed. Now.

“I’m pregnant,”Draco said softly. His face was hidden in Hadrians chest as to not see his
reaction but he felt Hadrians chest tense up.
“Your pregnant?”Hadrian said with a squeak that he would deny until his last breath. Hadrian
pulled Draco up so that he was laying on his chest and held Dracos face in his hands, “Your

“Five weeks,”Draco breathed, “Luna did the test four times right before break started.”

“Pregnant,”Hadrian said faintly. He was not panicking. He wasn’t. He was just surprised.

“Your not mad are you?”Draco asked softly.

Hadrians eyes snapped to him, “Of course not! I told you that you could go off the potions
whenever you wanted to precious. I’m just scared of babies.”

Draco laughed with a touch of relief before shaking his head and staring at Hadrian with an
adoring expression that had Hadrian melt, “I didn’t go off of the potions my love. They aren’t
one hundred percent effective. Apparently.”

“We will have to ask Severus,”Hadrian mused before grabbing Draco to his chest and sitting
them both up. He maneuvered Draco until he was in his lap and Hadrian placed his hand on
his stomach. Pushing his magic out he smiled as he felt an answering magical signature, faint
but bright.

“Your pregnant,”Hadrian breathed before letting out a whoop and removing Draco from his
lap before jumping out of bed, “We need to get a nursery. And furniture. Toys. We need
books! How do you even feed a baby? I don’t think I have ever seen a baby before.”

Draco leaned back on his hands and watched as his bonded paced the floor and started listing
off things they needed. His heart swelled with love for the man that he bonded and he
couldn’t help but feel a little ridiculous for his earlier fears.

“We have time,”Draco said above Hadrians panicked words.

“Only eight months!”Hadrian exclaimed, “That’s barely any time at all! There is so much we
need to do. So much we need to figure out!”

Draco got out of bed and wrapped his arms around Hadrians waist. Draco laid his head on
Hadrian’s chest, “Boy or Girl?”

“Either,”Hadrian said instantly, “It can be a boy, girl or anything in-between. Just healthy.”

“With your eyes,”Draco said.

“Your hair,”Hadrian said before pausing, “What if it’s twins?”

Draco pulled back quickly and glared up at Hadrian, “If you got me pregnant with twins
you're sleeping on the couch for a year!”

“I only felt one signature,”Hadrian assured him, “Now let's get back to bed and celebrate.”

The presents had been opened and everyone was sitting around the family room drinking Hot
chocolate and Eggnog when Hadrian stood up with Draco. The room quieted down as the
adults looked up at them, Sirius with excitement as his eyes subtlety went to Lucius.

“Draco is pregnant,”Hadrian said smugly.

Marvolo and Lucius both stared at them with their jaws dropped. Narcissa squealed and
threw her arms around the boys holding them tightly. Severus had an eyebrow raised in
surprise but not as surprised as Regulus who was gripping Severus arm in an effort to not
laugh at the look on Marvolo and Lucius face. Neither Marvolo or Lucius knew if they
wanted to join in the celebrations or cry. For Lucius personally crying seemed like it was
going to win out.

“How?”Marvolo exclaimed after a few moments.

Hadrian smirked at him, “Well you see when two people love each other very much..”

“You know what I meant!”Marvolo said sending a stinging hex to his son that was dodged.

“No idea,”Hadrian said happily, “Seems the potions failed.”

“Impossible,”Severus said with a frown, “I brewed them myself and they are full proof.”

“Obviously not,”Draco drawled.

“How far are you?”Severus asked.

“Five weeks.”

Severus thought quickly to five weeks ago, “You mean when you took your potion a day late
but was positive you couldn’t have gotten pregnant?”

Draco blushed brightly, “Was that five weeks ago?”

“Yes,”Severus said pleased. He knew he didn’t mess up a bloody potion.

“Oops,”Draco said sheepishly. He had forgotten about that. Hadrian had gone for the
weekend to work with Adam and when he came back Draco had teased him so much over the
weekend he took him against the door to their rooms. Draco realized the next morning that he
hadn’t taken the potion but honestly didn’t think anything about it.

“Lucius? Are you going to say something?”Narcissa asked with her lips pursed.

“Congratulations,”Lucius forced out with barely a hint of a sob.

Regulus couldn’t take it anymore and burst out laughing holding onto his husbands arm for
dear life.

This was the greatest Christmas ever.


“What about Octavian?”Draco asked.

It was valentines day and while most of the students spent the day in Hogsmeade having a
dates in the pubs and romantic walks in the show Hadrian and Draco had spent it hold up in
their room just enjoying each other.

“I don’t think so,”Hadrian said with a shake of his head, “In fact we should stay away from
anything Roman.”

“It’s tradition,”Draco reminded him.

“Malfoy tradition. This baby will be a Preverell and you're named after a star so tradition is
already broken.”

“What’s wrong with Malfoy traditions?”

Hadrian paused, “Nothing is wrong with them. How about when we have the Malfoy heir we
will pick a Roman name?”

Draco suddenly laughed and looked up at his nervous bonded, “I’m kidding love. I don’t
much like Roman names myself plus all the good ones have already been used by a million
people in my family. Do you know how many Lucius’ we have had?”

“I lost count,”Hadrian said dryly. He wasn’t lying either, there seemed to be a Lucius every
generation or every other at least.

“Is there a Preverell tradition?”Draco asked as he shifted closer. Hadrian moved his arm so
that his hand was rested on Dracos stomach. Since Draco announced his pregnancy Hadrian
took every opportunity to feel for the babies magic. They had discussed the possibility of
squibs of course and both agreed magic or no magic no child would be sent away.

“I don’t think so,”Hadrian said with a frown, “at least one that I haven’t been told and you
know what a chatterbox Ingots is.”

“So we are starting new?”

“Sort of,”Hadrian said brushing his thumb against the bump under his hand.

“Sort of? Do you have an idea?”Draco asked as he placed his hand over Hadrians.
“Maybe a flower if it’s a girl,”Hadrian said softly, nervously.

“I could like that,”Draco murmured, “I have always been partial to Hyacinths.”

“Hyacinth Peverell,”Hadrian said testing out the name.

Draco smiled up at Hadrian and kissed his jaw, “I like it.”

“Hyacinth is is,”Hadrian said.

Hadrian gave Draco a light kiss that quickly turned into more as Draco turned on the couch
and climbed into his lap.



The sound of smashing glass followed Dracos shout and had the others in the living room
flinching. Hadrian quickly made his way out of the door and shut it behind him before giving
them a strained smile.

“Sorry bout that.”

“What did you do?”Daphne asked with a glance to the closed door. She had never heard
Draco so enraged before. Certainly not at Hadrian anyway.

“I told him I didn’t want to wear the green robes,”Hadrian said as he pinched the bridge of
his nose.

“Seriously?”Blaise asked with a laugh.

“Seriously,”Hadrian said deadpanned.

Hadrian loved almost every aspect of Draco being pregnant. His changing body, the way he
couldn’t keep his hands to himself once he hit his forth month, even the way Draco made him
get up at three am for some disgusting concoction that he had to have but this aspect was
bloody horrible. Draco had always been a bit of a drama queen but it paled in comparison to
how he was now. The smallest thing would set him off and Hadrian never knew what it
would be because it changed every bloody day.

“Yesterday he cursed me with an impotence curse because I gave him the wrong chocolate
bar,”Hadrian groaned as he dropped to the floor in front of the fire.

“I will be far away from you when you are pregnant,”Blaise told Daphne.
Daphne smiled and shook her head. She had agreed to have children for Blaise and Antony
and in return they would help her have a child that she would blood adopt with Theos and her
blood. It would still be years away but it gave Daphne hope for a future. She lost the love of
her life but she would gain the fruit of their love.

“You can’t get far enough away. Trust me,”Hadrian mumbled into the carpet.

“What is that suppose to mean!”Draco asked as he threw the door open, “Do you want to get
away from me!”

Hadrian jumped up quickly as the end of Dracos sentence turned into a sob.

“Of course not precious! I never want to be away from you!”Hadrian assured him as he
quickly but carefully made his way to Draco and held out his arms.

Draco quickly went into them and sobbed onto Hadrians shoulder. Hadrian glanced at his
friends and nodded to the door. Angry Draco turned into sad Draco which quickly turned into
horny Draco and none of their friends needed to see that. Draco didn’t even notice their
friends leaving before he leaned back and slapped Hadrian on the chest.

“How dare you say that! You are the one who got me pregnant! You are the one who made it
possible by becoming the bloody Master of Death! This is your fault!”

“I know precious,”Hadrian said soothingly. He prayed to Merlin he didn’t say anything

wrong again.

“Because it is your fault I will allow you to make it up to me,”Draco said imperiously before
he turned and made his way into the bedroom.

Hadrian threw a ward at the door ensuring it was locked and happily made his way into the
room with his bonded.



Hadrian jumped up and threw down his paperwork as Dracos called him from the bedroom.

“Is everything okay?”Hadrian said as he caught sight of Draco standing in front of the mirror.
Draco had taken to spending at least ten minutes a week just looking at his stomach.

“Come here,”Draco said holding out a hand.

Hadrian gave him his hand and looked at him curiously. Draco placed the hand on the side of
his stomach, “Give it a minute.”
Hadrians confusion soon gave way to joy as he felt a light bump against his hand. Dropping
to his knees Hadrian put his other hand on the other side of Dracos stomach and laid his
forehead against it. The small kick he felt was stronger the second time.

“I thought you would want to be the first to feel,”Draco said, his voice coated in tears.

Hadrian got up and kept one hand on Dracos stomach and used the other to hold the side of
Dracos neck.

“You are magnificent,”Hadrian breathed before giving Draco a hard kiss. The kiss ended
quickly with a laugh as Hadrian felt the kick against his hand again.

“Your child is using my body as a bloody football field,”Draco mumbled grumpily but the
large smile on is face gave way to his true feelings.

“I’m sorry precious. The minute you have him we will ground him,”Hadrian told him
sincerely giving him another light kiss.

“I’ll hold you to that,”Draco breathed.


“Lucius is crying again,”Sirius said as he sat next to Narcissa at Dracos baby shower. It was
Easter break and Luna had her ‘baby shower’ the day before. Today was all for Draco.

“Yes,”Narcissa said distractedly, “He’s struggling with the fact that there is proof that Draco
had sex and with being a grandfather. He’s extremely pleased and devastated all in one.”

“Marvolo isn’t much better,” Sirius said with a snort, “He hides it better of course but I
caught him having a very panicked conversation with Adam and Drake about being a
grandfather over some scotch.”

Narcissa rolled her eyes, “These are the men that control our world.”

“They will forget all about it when that baby is in their arms,”Sirius said softly.

Narcissa looked over to where Draco was sitting next to Hadrian and playing with a gold
rattle that someone had gifted. He was just over five months now and there was no hiding his
condition. His small bump was accentuated by the type of robes he chose for the event.
Hadrians hand had barely left Dracos stomach since they sat down for the party and every
once in a while he would look down at Dracos stomach and a completely lovestruck look
would come over his face.

“I don’t think I have ever seen them happier,”Narcissa said as she stared at her boys.

“Not even on their bonding day,”Sirius agreed.

“Maman!”Draco called as he stood and quickly made his way to her. Hadrian followed
behind him with his hands slightly up as if afraid Draco would fall.

“Yes darling?”

“Feel!”Draco said catching her hand and placing it on his stomach.

“I haven’t got to feel yet!”Sirius whined from her side, “When do I get to feel?”

“Maybe never,”Draco snapped at him.

Sirius held up his hands, “I will wait patiently. I’m sorry.”

Hadrian caught Sirius eye from behind Draco and gave him a expression of apology.

“Oh!”Draco exclaimed before grabbing Sirius hand and placing it on the front of his
stomach. The next moment a kick hit his hand and Sirius broke into a wide smile.

“My grandchild certainly has a kick!”

“Yes he does,”Draco sniffed, “He has made my insides black and blue. Where is father?”

“In his study with Marvolo,”Narcissa told him with a roll of her eyes.

Draco frowned and looked over at Hadrian, “Get them!” He commanded.

Hadrian didn’t waste anytime almost running out of the party and to the study.

“What are you two doing?”Hadrian asked as he made his way in and stared at the men who
were sitting in front of the fire, a large bottle of scotch in front of them.

“Celebrating,”Marvolo tried.

“Draco just noticed you're not at the party and I very much suggest you get your arses
back,”Hadrian told them before leaving the room.

“One more drink?”Lucius said holding up his cup.

Against his judgement Marvolo agreed and filled their cups again. Before the cups could be
filled they heard Dracos voice.


Dropping the cups the men jumped up and ran from the room, neither of them wanted to deal
with a pissed off Draco.

Draco held a hand under his stomach and the other on top as he looked at himself in the
mirror. At six months his stomach seemed to pop and was now twice the size it was the week
before. A few months ago Draco would have been in a panic about being fat but now he just
felt joy every time he grew a little more. Well mostly. There were moments he cried about his
body and needed reassurance that he was still desirable and wanted but they were far and few.
Draco flinched when he felt a kick to what could only be his kidney. His mother had warned
him about the football field his body would become but he had brushed her off. It couldn’t be
that bad, right?

Draco snorted. His past self was an absolute idiot.

Even with the pain, the hormones, the need to pee every five bloody minutes Draco wouldn’t
change it for the world. Every movement he felt, every time he caught Hadrian staring at him
with an awed expression, every time he imagined holding his child in his arms made
everything worth it.

He had always known Luna would give birth to their children and it wasn’t something had
would be able to do. He was as okay with it as he could be. Part of him never really got over
the fact that he couldn’t have his own children. He had never said anything but Hadrian knew
anyway and tried for years to figure something out to no avail. Draco wasn’t sure if it was
because he wanted to have the children or if it was something Hadrian wanted as well and it
was a question he never asked. If it was because Hadrian wanted Draco to carry them Draco
knew he would feel guilt over the fact that he couldn’t and if it was because Hadrian knew
Draco wanted to Draco would be hurt that Hadrian didn’t want him to carry the children. It
was just never worth it.

When Hadrian woke up from death ( something Draco still hadn’t fully forgave him for, the
prat) and Luna told them that Draco had the ability so many things crossed his mind. Terror
that he had to give birth. Worry about how Hadrian would take it. Fear at the fact that he had
to finish school and didn’t know if he was ready to have a baby. Joy at the fact that he would
be able to have children. A dream that he tried to never think on to much was now a reality
and Draco had never been more excited. When Luna left and it was just him and Hadrian
laying in bed Draco tentatively asked him how he felt about it. Hadrians answer was to offer
to try that moment and take him slow and passionately. The fact that he didn’t get pregnant
that day truly was a miracle.

Draco ran his fingers along the top of his stomach once more and smiled as he felt the flutter
of his child moving inside of him. Boy or girl this child was going to be the most loved baby
there ever had been. Plenty of people said that about their kids but this was different because
this was Draco and Hadrians child. A child of a Dark Lord and his Consort, the L’obscurite
had not stopped celebrating since the news broke. The next generation was on its way, safely
growing inside of Dracos womb. Drake had assigned two guards to watch Draco at all times,
even inside of Hogwarts, and Adam had done the same for every time Draco was out of the
castle or on the grounds in the sun. If it was any other time Draco would have been annoyed
at the actions but he understood them. To weres and vampires children were blessings from
the gods and would be protected from anyone and anything. Draco was positive all of their
children would have guards all of their lives.
“Draco?”Hadrian said as he came into the room. He wrapped his arms around Draco, laying
his hands low on Dracos stomach and looked at them in the mirror, “I never understood how
men were obsessed with their pregnant wife before but now I do. You're hot as fuck.”

Draco rolled his eyes, “It’s the alpha in you proud that you knocked me up.”

“Probably,”Hadrian agreed, “Still true.”

Draco leaned against Hadrian and placed his hands over his, “I’m going to have a baby.”

“You are,”Hadrian said softly, “Our baby. Our perfect, beautiful, hell raising baby.”

“Our baby will not be a hell raiser!”Draco said glaring at Hadrian in the mirror.

“Whatever helps you sleep at night,”Hadrian joked.

Draco turned in Hadrians arms and placed his own around Hadrians neck, “Do you know
what helps me sleep at night?”

“I have an idea,”Hadrian said, his voice lowering as his hands slowly moved to Dracos hips.

“Ice cream! Chocolate. With Anchovies. Oh! Custard and fish fingers as well.”

Hadrian dropped his hands with a groan, “I’ll call Dobby.”

“Good. If you're a good boy maybe I will ride you after I eat,”Draco said patting Hadrian’s

Hadrian ducked his head down and bit Dracos neck lightly, smirking at the moan that Draco
let out.

“Or. You can ride me now and really work up an appetite,”Hadrian said lowly as he nibbled
and kissed up Dracos neck.

“That works,”Draco breathed pushing a laughing Hadrian back to the bed.


“Can’t someone polyjuice me and walk for me?”Draco whined as he got into his graduation
robes. He was was now seven months pregnant and the thought of walking that far did not
sound even remotely fun for him.

“We talked about this Draco,”Hadrian said as he fixed his hair, “Once this is over we can
leave and you will spend the next two months doing absolutely nothing.”

“You will wait on me hand and foot,”Draco said.

“Yes I will.”

“Get me whatever I want whenever I want.”


“Won’t tell me no at all.”

Hadrian hesitated at this, Draco had some very strange request the last few months, “With in

Draco huffed and sat on the bed, “Fine. But I am not happy!”

Hadrian kneeled in front of Draco and helped him put on his boots, “I know precious. If I
could have someone else walk for you I would have.”

Draco reached out and lightly touched Hadrians face, “I’m sorry I threw that book at you.”

“It’s already forgiven,”Hadrian said as he grabbed Dracos hand and kissed his palm.

“Oh!”Draco grabbed Hadrians hand and put it on his stomach. Hadrian smiled as he felt the
baby move. They didn’t know if it was a boy or girl yet, they had decided to wait until it was
born. The nursery was done in neutral colors but could easily be changed once they knew if

“Your child is vicious,”Draco scowled, “He keeps abusing me.”

“Don’t blame that on me,”Hadrian teased him, “You are much more violent than me.”

Hadrian got up and helped pull Draco to his feet.

“Are you ready my love?”

“Almost,”Draco said before he glanced around the room, “Where is Row?”

As if called Rowena appeared and quickly slithered up Dracos body, she draped over his
shoulders and rested her head onto of his bump. She had been hibernating when Draco found
out he was pregnant and the moment she found out she refused to leave him even for a

“Now I’m ready.”


Draco was now nine months pregnant and hated and loved Hadrian in turns. Hadrian never
knew which one it was going to be.
“Help me up you bastard,”Draco spat at Hadrian as he held his hands out.

Hadrian carefully helped his bonded up from the couch and dutifully followed behind him
Draco waddled to the bedroom. Draco got into bed and slapped Hadrians hands away when
he went to help. Wiggling to the middle of the bed and relaxed against he headboard and
started at Hadrian expectantly.

“What can I get you love?” Hadrian said softly.

“The healer,”Draco said calmly, “The baby is coming.”

Hadrian froze. His jaw moved but no sounds came out. It wasn’t time! Draco wasn’t due
for…for..two weeks!

“Hadrian!”Draco snapped, “The healer! And my mother.”

“Right,”Hadrian said snapping out of his shock, “The healer and your mother. Right. Healer.
Mother. Got it.”

Draco smirked as Hadrian stumbled out of the room to get the necessary people. Hadrian had
been calm, cool and collected for the past several months. Positive that he wouldn’t be one of
those fathers who panicked over the arrival of the child. Draco knew he was full of it. A pain
radiated up his side and Draco whimpered quietly as he held the side of his stomach that it
came from. His mother had been in labor with him for twenty-six hours and Draco prayed to
Merlin that his wouldn’t last as long.

“They are coming!”Hadrian gasped as he ran back into the room, “Any minute now. Dobby
will show them in.”

“Good,”Draco said, “Now get over here and hold my hand.”

Hadrian hurried to his bondeds side and took his hand not flinching when Draco squeezed it
tightly. It was a good thing a healer was coming.

“I don’t really think you're a bastard,”Draco said through gritted teeth as another contract
ripped through him, “Well not all the time at least.”

Hadrian kissed the side of Dracos head, “You can call me any name you want to precious.”

Draco smiled up at him, “Oh I will be.”

Dracos smile was wiped off his face as another pain ripped across him and caused him to cry
out. Having children bloody hurt! Draco sent a silent apology to every women he thought
was being over dramatic.

“Draco!”Narcissa called as she came running into the room and took her place on his other
side, “How are you darling?”

“Brilliant!”Draco said excitedly through his pain.

Narcissa grabbed the bowl of water and towel that had just been delivered by dobby and
patted Dracos head, “How long have you been in labor?”

“Couple hours,”Draco panted as another contraction hit, “I thought it was just cramping but
it’s gotten very painful maman.”

“I know darling,”Narcissa said comfortingly to her son.

“This is all Hadrian’s fault maman,”Draco said sending a glare to his bonded, “He did this to
me! I’m going to let father test that spell he wanted to use.”

Hadrian cleared his throat, “I would gladly take any spell you want someone to use on me

“Do you see what I have to deal with! He’s all willing to suffer and…and…perfect!”Draco
huffed, “I’m trying to be pissed at you!”

“I’m sorry,”Hadrian said with a look to Narcissa who was trying to hide her smile.

“I’m here!” Severus said as he walked into the room, “How far are your contractions Draco?”

“Uh,”Draco let out a shout, “Bloody hell! Five minutes apart.”

“That’s good,”Severus said running his wand over Draco and looking at the readings.

“I would disagree,”Draco snarled.

Severus blanched at both Dracos tone and the glare that Hadrian was giving him over his
head, “The closer they get the closer you are to delivery.”

“I want him cursed Hadrian! He wants the contractions closer!”

“After the baby is here. He has to deliver them first,”Hadrian told Draco squeezing his hand

Draco huffed and his response was lost in a scream of pain.

Marvolo and Lucius sat stiffly on the couches in Hadrian and Dracos living room as Dracos
scream broke through the quiet.

“Scotch?”Marvolo asked.

“Scotch,”Lucius agreed with a wince.

Dobby appeared with the required drinks before leaving just as quickly to help the other elfs
get everything ready. Hadrian came out of the room with a stumble and gave them a grin.

“Father, Lucius. Fine night we are having.”

“Have you been kicked out?”Marvolo asked with a grin.

“Draco is mad that I won’t curse Severus for him,”Hadrian said with a shake of his head.

“Ah,”Marvolo said with a nod.

Hadrian sat next to his father and bounced his leg.

“Hadrian? Would you like to talk about something?”

Hadrian was quiet for a moment, “What if I drop the baby? What if it’s hungry? How do you
know when to feed it? What if I starve them? Oh merlin I don’t know how to change a
diaper! It’s early! Is the nursery ready? Do we have everything? How do I give them a bath?
What if I drown them on accident! Or roll over them when they are in bed with us!”

Marvolo grabbed Hadrians arms that had started swinging as he became more
panicked,”Hadrian. Breath.”

“It’s scary,”Lucius said with a small smile, “It’s terrifying actually but it will become second
nature after a few days. The nursery has been ready for a month and you will not drown them
or roll over on them.”

“Diaper changes!”Hadrian squeaked, “How do you change a diaper!”

“I will teach you if Cissy doesn’t,”Lucius promised.

“Where is papa?”Hadrian asked looking around, “Why isn’t he here?”

“He’s coming in a moment. He had to help Regulus finish Severus potion,”Marvolo said

“What if the baby hates me?”Hadrian said looking up at his father, “What if the years I spent
with the Dursleys ruined me for children and I’m horrible.”

Marvolo frowned and pulled Hadrian into his arms. Hadrian had been to many mind healers
as well as muggle therapists to heal from the trauma that he had been through as a child and
Marvolo naively assumed this wouldn’t come up.

“You would never be like them. Even if you didn’t get away, even if you grew up with them
until Hogwarts, you would never be like them,”Marvolo said fiercely, “That child is going to
be the most love child on this earth. You already love them and I swear to you, you're going
to be an amazing father. How can you not be? You have me as a father and I did a excellent
job raising you.”

Hadrian let out a shaky laugh and hugged his father close, “Thank you Father.”

“Hadrian! Please come back! I’m sorry I made you leave!” Draco yelled from the room, the
pain and tears obvious in his voice.
“Coming!”Hadrian called back before he ran into the room, the door slamming shut behind

Draco had been in labor for three hours and Hadrian had been kicked out no less than seven
times only to be called back by a remorseful and sobbing Draco. Sirius and Regulus had
started a betting pool that the twins, Bill and Charlie gleefully entered when they arrived.

*I want to be in with my youngling!* Row demanded of Marvolo.

*You will go in as soon as the child is born, it’s to dangerous for you right now* Marvolo told
her. Again.

Rowena pouted as only a giant snake could and curled up by the fireplace, her hisses of
displeasure being heard by everyone.

“It will be soon,”Luna said softly as she sat next to Row and petted her.

“How long as it been?”Fleur asked as she glanced to the door to another scream.

“Six hours,”Lucius said his voice strained, “We have been here for three and he had already
been in labor for three hours before that.”

“I’m surprised he was able to wait that long before letting anyone know,”Regulus said, “I
expected him to be demanding pain potions with the first twinge.”

“He didn’t want to worry Hadrian anymore than he had to,” Luna said looking up at the


Regulus flinched at the scream that was heard through the thick door. Charlie patted his
shoulder, “I have a few guys that might be available.”

Bill punched his brothers arm, “Shut up you git.”


Fred and George choked on the drinks they had just taken and fell over in laughter, Charlie
and Bill joined them shortly after unable to help themselves. Marvolo shook his head but the
twitch of his lips gave way to his amusement.

“It’s time Draco,”Severus said calmly.

“Thank Merlin,”Draco panted, he squeezed Hadrians arm and looked up at him, “I didn’t
mean any of those things I said. I love your cock. I love sucking your cock. I would never do
anything to it.”

Narcissa blushed and looked away from the boys. She didn’t need details.

Hadrian smiled and gave Draco a kiss, “I know precious. Now let's have our baby.”

“You will feel a tugging sensation. Okay Draco?”Severus said as he applied the last of the
potion to Dracos stomach and readied his wand.

“Okay,”Draco whispered his eyes not leaving Hadrian.

Draco flinched and whimpered when he felt the tugging on his already sensitive stomach, he
was ready for this to be over with and thankful that he didn’t have to push it out of anything.
The sound of a crying baby broke through the room and Hadrian and Draco both turned their
heads quickly to the pink and white wailing thing in Severus hands. Severus quickly handed
the baby to Narcissa who laid them onto Dracos chest. Draco stared at the baby in wonder,
ignoring the blood and amniotic fluid that was coating his chest.

“Here Hadrian. For their face,”Narcissa said quietly as she passed over a gently cloth.

Hadrian took it gratefully and slowly cleaned the baby..his babies..face.

“They are beautiful,”Draco whispered, “a little gross though.”

Hadrian chuckled, “Just a little. I think they have your hair.”

“She,”Severus said as he finished closing Dracos wound, “It’s a girl.”

“She,”Draco said looking down at his daughter, “It’s a she. I wanted a she. I would have
loved a he of course but I wanted a she.”

“You did so good precious,”Hadrian whispered. He laid his hand on the babies back and
shifted so that his arm was behind Draco, “It’s a good thing she’s a girl. We never did pick a
boy name.”

“It was meant to be,”Draco whispered.

“We need to clean her Draco,”Severus said, “Can I have her so I can clean her?”

Draco tightened his grip slightly and looked at Severus with narrowed eyes, “Mother will
clean the baby.”

“Of course,”Severus said bowing his head.

Narcissa smiled as she gently took the baby from her sons hands and took him to a basin they
had prepared for this moment. Severus carefully followed her and ran a series of tests to
make sure everything was okay before giving Narcissa a nod.
“I will go tell everyone the baby is here,”Severus said.

“Don’t tell them the sex,”Hadrian told him.

Severus nodded and left the room.

“Dobby,”Narcissa called as she wrapped the newly cleaned baby girl up in a blanket.

“Yes mistress.”

“Change Dracos sheets and put him in a night shirt please.”

Dobby snapped his fingers twice and Draco winced as he felt the new sheets.

“You will be sore for a few days,”Narcissa told him, “Potions will help of course but still be

“Yes maman,”Draco said before holding out his hands, “Can I have her?”

Narcissa gently placed the baby into Dracos arms and gave him a kiss on the forehead. She
did the same with Hadrian before quietly leaving the room.

“I can’t believe you did that Draco,”Hadrian breathed as he ran a finger across the babies
head, “You are so bloody amazing. I’m buying you another island. Hell I’m buying you a

“I can’t believe I did it either. It bloody hurt,”Draco said with a glance to Hadrian, “I would
do it again in a heartbeat.”

“Maybe a few heartbeats love. She hasn’t even been out for ten minutes,”Hadrian said dryly.

Draco rolled his eyes, “Of course not now you prat.”

“We will talk about it later. We have to see how this one goes first, we may not even want
another one.”

Draco slapped Hadrian being careful not to jostle his daughter who was fast asleep in his
arms, “I just had your daughter. Don’t upset me.”

“Of course precious.”

Draco handed Hadrian their daughter after a few moments and Hadrian lost whatever breath
he had left in his body. She was so small and pink, she fit perfectly into Hadrians hands and
all at once Hadrian fell deeply inlove with he and knew that if anyone laid one finger print on
her he would torture them without mercy for the next hundred years.

“Your right. Let's have another,”Hadrian said softly as he brought her to his chest and held
her against him. Narcissa had him remove his shirt shortly before Draco gave birth, skin to
skin contact helped form a connection according to her.

“Later,”Draco said sleepily, “Go show them the baby and then come right back. I’m tired.”

Hadrian kissed Dracos forehead and adjusted the baby so that she was laying carefully in his
arms. Giving his daughter one last glance he pushed the door open and smiled. The room
instantly quieted down as all eyes turned to Hadrian and the bundle in his arms. Marvolo,
Lucius and Sirius instantly got up and walked over to him.

“It’s a girl,”Hadrian said softly, “A perfect, perfect girl. Hyacinth Athena Peverell ”

“She looks like Draco did as a baby,”Lucius said softly.

“She looks beautiful,”Sirius breathed, “You guys make cute babies.”

Marvolo didn’t comment, his eyes locked on the babies face, his eyes roamed her face as if to
commit it to memory.

“Do you want to hold her father?”Hadrian asked Marvolo softly.

Marvolo gently took the baby and held her close. His finger traced a light path across her
forehead, down her nose and over her cheeks. Marvolo had loved so very few people in his
life and he would never admit this, but he worried that he wouldn’t care about the child. He
would care because his husband and children did but he didn’t know if he could make that
connection with another child. Those ideals were blown away at the face of the child that was
a product of his sons love for each other and much like Hadrian, Marvolo was lost.

No one commented on his tears.


“Give me Hyacinth!”Fred said to George, his hands on his hips, “You have had her for ten
minutes already!”

“Both of you be quiet!”Luna said with a frown as she came up and took the baby, “It’s my
godchild. I will take her!”

Hyacinth cooed as she looked up at her Godmother, her little fist coming up as her large blue-
green stared up. They had thought she would get Dracos gray until the green started peaking
through. As for hair, so far it looked like that would be Dracos.

Hadrian shook his head, “I don’t think she will ever be put down.”

“Your one to comment. You went to put her to bed and I found you three hours later still
holding her,”Draco said as he gave Hadrian a look.
“I didn’t want her to wake up,”Hadrian defended himself. He really didn’t want her to wake
up and if that meant he had to hold her for a little longer it’s not his fault.

Draco laughed and leaned in closer to him. Hadrian held him close as he looked out at the
living room. The house was full for Hyacinths introduction, their parents were in the corner
arguing on who’s house Draco and Hadrian would stay in. The weaslys were with Luna and
Viktor as they took turns holding Hyacinth and arguing about who loved her more. Adam,
Drake and Siobhan were holding court in the corner as they discussed Merlin knows what.

Hadrian sighed.

“What’s wrong?”Draco asked looking up at him.

Hadrian smiled and gave Draco a kiss that seared through him, “Nothing precious. Nothing at

Chapter End Notes

Next chapter will be an Epilogue!

We will get a look into all of the characters and where they are in the future.
Until next time.
Chapter Summary

We take a look into the lives of our favorite people after the final battle.
Did Draco and Hadrian have more children?
Did Daphne actually get happiness after heartache?
What happen with Dumbledore?
What does the future hold for Pansy?
Where are the Weasleys now?

Chapter Notes

This was the HARDEST chapter I have had to write and many tears were spilled. There
was so much I wanted to write for you guys, to give these characters that we have fallen
in love with a proper send off and I think I have done a decent job.
At least for now.
I appreciate everyone of you who bookmarked, commented, kudos and followed the
story. I started off writing this for myself, to release a story that had been building in my
head but I ended up writing it for you guys as well.
So from the bottom of my soul.
Thank you.

Now excuse me while I cry into a gallon of cookie dough ice cream.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Theo! Blair! What did I say about going near the cake!” Daphne shouted as she ran after her
four year old twins.

Luna laughed from Viktor side as the kids quickly made a turn and ran in the opposite
direction. Soon they were joined by a girl with flowing white blond hair and silver eyes, a
laughing little boy with messy black hair and silver eyes right behind her.

“Please tell me Marc and Hyacinth nothing to do with whatever is going on,”Hadrian said as
he came up to the laughing couple holding his daughter Ivy whose head was on his shoulder.
Their only child that was carried by Luna and the only child that seemed to get her
grandmothers deep auburn hair along with her green eyes.

“They joined after,”Luna said with a grin, “Come here Ivy.”

Ivy smiled and reached out for her godmother, quickly settling on her hip she started to
babble to her, a few words coming here and there.

“The worst part of being pregnant is morning sickness, which is not morning sickness,
bloody liars,”Draco said as he came up to them with a frown. Draco was just over a month
pregnant and had been hit with morning sickness the week before. That was also when they
found out Draco was pregnant.

“I agree,”Luna said with a small laugh. To the delight of all Luna was pregnant with her and
Viktor first child, matching perfectly with Draco.

“Mum,”Ivy said at Draco voice, lifting her head up from Lunas shoulder she made grabby
motions to Draco.

“If I told one child I told them all not to call me mum,”Draco mumbled as he took his almost
two year old from Luna, “Where are the others?”

“Causing havoc with Blaire and Theo. I saw all three of them early today with Fred and
George whispering in a corner,”Hadrian said dryly.

“We have got to monitor their conversations,”Draco said with a roll of his eyes.

Hadrian shared an amused look with Luna. To Dracos dismay both Hyacinth and Marc had
inherited the marauders spirit of pranking which was spurred on by the twins and Sirius.

“Guilty,”Draco said with a grin. Other then Luna and Viktor no one had known about this
pregnancy yet as Hadrian and Draco didn’t want to take away from Luna and Viktor wedding
or their own pregnancy announcement. In fact the only reason Luna knew is because she was,
well Luna.

“Merlin. You guys really want a number four?”Bill joked only half serious.

“And five,”Luna hummed.

Hadrian frowned and did a quick count before turning to Draco,“This is number four right?”

Luna laughed delightedly before taking Viktor hand and skipping away. It only took another
moment for them to realize what she had meant.

“No,”Draco whispered in horror before lookin at Hadrian accusingly as if it was all his fault.

“Blimey,”Bill said as he stared at them. Hadrian looked like he didn’t know whether to laugh
or cry and with the way Draco was looking at him he might be dead before Hadrian could do

“She’s kidding right? Right Hadrian?”Draco said turning to his bonded.

“I don’t know,”Hadrian admitted, “I haven’t felt for the baby yet.”

Draco stared at him for a moment before walking away and quickly making a beeline directly
to Luna for her to tell him it was a joke. It had to be a joke.

“Can I crash on your couch? Or porch? I’ll even pitch a tent in your back yard,”Hadrian
asked Bill desperately.

“And face Draco? Pregnant Draco? Your own your own,”Bill laughed as he clapped
Hadrians shoulder and walked away.

Hadrian groaned quietly and went to look for his father. Maybe he could stay at their manor.


“I hate you both so much right now,”Daphne said to a grinning Blaise and Antony.

“I’m sorry,”Antony said, only just sounding like he meant it.

“I thought you liked being pregnant?”Blaise asked confused.

“Not this part!”Daphne said as she sat back from the toilet and accepted the potion from the
house elf Zippy.

Daphne was just over two months pregnant with Blaise and Antonys first child. When they
first made the agreement for her to be the bearer of the children it was decided that the first
child Daphne had would be for her and Theo. It was just her luck that it ended up being
twins. Blaise and Antony were far from being ready to be parents but had graciously allowed
her to live in their manor to raise her children. They were without a doubt Theo and Blaires
favorite uncles and the only father figures the children had. The situation was strange too
many but it worked perfectly for them. Three months ago they decided to end their Jetsetter
ways and settle down to have the grandchildren their parents begged for. Daphne was more
than happy to help them.

Daphne washed out her mouth and accepted Antonys help up and they made their way back
to the sitting room to relax. The excitement of the wedding was too much for the twins and
they were passed out on Daphnes bed where they would sleep until morning. Merlin willing.
Accepting her cup of tea from Blaise Daphne curled up in the large chair that sat next to the
fire and allowed the warmth of the flames to relax her. It had been a long and hard day.

Grief was like a ballon in a box. Sometimes the balloon was so big that the smallest thing
would have it touch the box and she would feel pain and grief for Theo like never before.
Other times the ballon was the size of a grape and when it hit the sides of the box it was a
bittersweet memory of their time. Important days, like today, the balloon always seemed
bigger than ever.

“Is there anything you need?”Antony asked as he peered at her. During her last pregnancy
Antony had become a mother hen and made it his life mission to make sure Daphne had
everything she needed or wanted. It was shaping up to the be same way this time around.

“Thank you but no. I’m just thinking,”Daphne said giving him a soft smile.

“Theo would have been hidden away in the library,”Blaise said with a fond smile, “He
always hated big things.”

“The twins would have put bets on how long he would have been able to last with
everyone,”Daphne said, a sad smile tugging at her lips.

“Have you seem him recently?”Blaise asked hesitantly.

Daphne looked into the fire, “No,” She said quietly.

It wasn’t because she didn’t want to. Hadrian would pull Theo for her whenever she wanted
him to but she tried to keep it to major life events only. The birth of the twins, their adoption,
their birthdays, her birthday, Christmas. When Hadrian first offered it to her she took him up
on it weekly at least but soon it became obvious to her that it was doing more harm than
good. Seeing him was amazing and in so many ways helped but it also hurt. Seeing him but
being able to touch him, have him hold her, to truly be apart of her life was a new kind of
torture. So she asked Theo if he would be upset if she didn’t see him as much and reserved it.
He seemed to know the question was coming and told her he just wanted her happy and to
move on. So she made sure to only see him when it really mattered.

That however wasn’t why she hadn’t seen him recently. Guilt. Guilt was the reason. When
Theo died Daphne thought that was it. He was the love of her life and in so many ways he
was. She would never love anyone with the fierceness and completeness that she loved Theo.
That fact was indisputable. But recently Daphne came to a realization that she could love
again. It was a love that was strong enough to knock the breath from her lungs but it was a
different love then she shared with Theo. This realization sent her spiraling into a see of guilt
and anguish. She didn’t want to see Theo. She didn’t want to look into his eyes and have him
know she loved another. It was irrational. Theo wouldn’t care, he would be happy that she
moved on, Daphne knew this to the bottom of her soul but she still felt scared.

Daphne closed her eyes and pulled her knees to her chest to lay her cheek on them. Antony
and Blaise watched her with concerned eyes but knew better than to say anything to her. They
knew that just their presence would comfort her far more than any words could. It was no
wonder she fell in love with them.

Daphne found Hadrian sitting on her ottoman that was placed at the front of of her bed gently
touching a dark bruising that had appeared on his cheek.

“What happen?”Daphne asked as she reached into her cabinet to pull out bruise paste.
“Draco is pregnant with twins,”Hadrian told her. He tilted his head and let her apply the paste
before continuing, “He’s not exactly thrilled about it.”

“Did he hit you?”Daphne asked in concern. While Draco would sometimes do it in jest she
didn’t think he would do it in anger.

“Oh no. He lost control of his magic and a book flew into my face, he doesn’t even know he
did this. I left before he could see.”

“You came here for healing so he wouldn’t know?” Daphne said as she closed up the paste
and put it back. Her children weren’t in her bed and when she glanced into their room she
saw them sleeping peacefully in their beds.

“I moved them,”Hadrian said answering her silent question, “They are completely out. Didn’t
even twitch.”

Daphne hummed, “I’m sure yours are the same tonight.”

“The boys and Ivy. Hyacinth is with Severus practicing how to prepare ingredients,”Hadrian
said with a wrinkle of his nose. Hyacinth got her fathers love of potions and Hadrians love of
mischief. It didn’t make for a very good combination.

“I see.”

Daphne knew Hadrian came for a reason and knew the conversation that was waiting for her
wasn’t one she wanted to participate in. Instead she started getting ready for bed, changing
into her night clothes, removing her make up and charms. It was when she started organizing
her creams that Hadrian spoke up.

“Theo contacted me,”Hadrian said as he leaned back and placed his elbows on the bed.

“Did he?”Daphne said quietly not allowing her eyes to stray to his face in the mirror.

“He was pretty insistent. Almost shattered my mothers orb,”Hadrian said conversationally,
“Do you want to know what was so urgent?”

“You will tell me.”

“Have I ever told you what afterlife is like?”Hadrian said instead.

“No,”Daphne said finally turning to face him in her confusion at the change of topic.

“You know those who leave us can look down on us, watch us as we go about our days. They
have feelings as they did when they were alive. It’s life but in a paradise.”

“What is your point Hadrian,”Daphne said tiredly.

“Theo knows about your feelings for the idiots,”Hadrian said sitting up and rising his
forearms on his knees, “As do I. Draco. Luna. Viktor. The twins. Marvolo-“
“I get the point,”Daphne snapped at him, “Everyone knows what a bloody idiot I am!”

“The only people who don’t know are the idiots themselves,”Hadrian continued on, “What
the rest of us don’t know is why you haven’t said anything.”

“What should I say Hadrian? I know you're suppose to be like my gay brothers but my heart
didn’t get the owl and I’m in love with you!”Daphne burst out as she stood and started pacing
in front of Hadrian. She wrapped her arms around herself, “We have a good arrangement
Hadrian. They let me live with them and raise my boys and I give them the children they
can’t have. The boys are doted on by loving uncles. I have my best friends.”

“But you want more,”Hadrian said softly. He stood up from the ottoman and grasped her
arms, stopping her in her place.

“It’s not worth the risk,”Daphne whispered as she looked past Hadrian and into her children
bedroom, “I won’t risk what I have with them Hadrian. I refuse.”

“What if you're depriving yourself of something amazing,”Hadrian said quietly lowering his
head until he was face to face with her, “Blaise and Antony can’t see the love you have for
them just as you can’t see the love they have for you.”

“Your wrong,”Daphne said, refusing to let the bubble of hope she felt raise.

“I don’t know when it happen Daphy but they do love you. Also neither of them is gay,
Blaise is Bi and Antony is Pansexual. Which you very well know.”

Daphne sighed and rested her head on Hadrians chest, “Your an arse Hadrian.”

“Oh yeah I am,”Hadrian agreed, “So much so that I didn’t tell you that Blaise and Antony
have been listening to this entire conversation.”

Daphnes head shot up in horror and she spun around. He had to be lying. He had to be bloody

He wasn’t lying.

Blaise and Antony were standing in her bedroom doorway looking at her in shocked silence.
Underneath the shock however was something that caused Daphnes heart to race and palms
to get sweaty and that pesky hope to try and come up again.

“Well thank you for the paste! Gotta go. I have an angry bonded and he always gets
deliciously needy after his anger. See ya!”Hadrian said giving them all a wave before the
apparated out of the room.

The loss of Hadrians warmth quickly brought Daphne to her senses.

“Go,”Daphne said pointing to the two standing in her doorway, “Go away. Right now.”

“Daphne,”Blaise said softly as he came into the room carefully. Antony followed him and
with a flick of his wand closed the door to the children room.
“No. No. I’m not doing this. I refuse. Go.”

“It’s too late for that Daph,”Antony said just as softly as Blaise did, “We need to talk about a
few things.”

Daphnes eyes searched the room for an exit. Not finding one she considered Apparating out
of the room. There were wards of course but if Hadrian did it surly she could too.

“You will splotch yourself,”Blaise said dryly as if reading her mind.

“Well it’s better than this!”Daphne exclaimed, “You were not suppose to hear any of that and
I am going to murder that man!”

“I’m sending him a fruit basket,”Blaise said as he made a quick move and caught Daphnes
wrists before she had the sense to run.

“Maybe some flowers,”Antony agreed as he came up to Blaise.

“Poisonous flowers and fruit,”Daphne mumbled as she tested Blaises hold on her wrists.
Antony moved behind her and his his hands went to her waist.

“Do you really want us to go?”Blaise asked loosening his grip on her wrists, behind her
Antony did the same, his hands barely touching her waist now.

Daphne hesitated. Part of her wanted them to leave so she could take her children and escape.
Draco would gladly give her a place to stay and she could avoid this entire conversation. The
other part of her however figured since they already know they might as well have the

In for a knut in for a Gallon.

“We can talk but you two will stay on your side of the room,”Daphne said firmly.

Antony and Blaise install let her go and took a few steps away from her. Taking deep breath,
and pulling all of the Gryffindor courage that she truthfully didn’t have, she told them

“Did it work?”Hadrian asked Theo as the man shimmered infront of him.

“Yes,”Theo said with a soft smile, “It worked.”

Hadrian smiled and released Theo with a wave of his hand. Hadrian felt no guilt at tricking
Daphne as he did. The pinning from all three of them was annoying Draco and while Hadrian
didn’t really care he wouldn’t allow anything to annoy Draco.
Well, Harry thought as he put away Theos orb for good, maybe he cared a little bit.


“How are babies made?”

The question had Severus freezing over his cauldron. Severus looked down to his side he saw
blinking green eyes looking back at him. What made Hyacinth ask the question was minimal.
What made Hyacinth ask him the question is what he wanted to know.

“You will have to ask your parents,”Severus said turning back to his potion.

Hyacinth wrinkled her nose, “But I asked you. You said I could always ask you questions.”

“That is a question that I cannot answer my dear,”Severus said evenly before looking back to
his potion.

Hyacinth was quiet for a moment before a soft ‘oh’ was heard and she grabbed his hand,
“Let’s go.”

“Where?”Severus asked automatically placing a stasis charm on his potion.

Hyacinth just gripped his hand tightly and started dragging him from the dungeons. As they
got closer to Hadrians study the more confused Severus got.

“Papa!” Hyacinth asked as she burst her way through the door with a confused Severus.

“Yes flower?”Hadrian asked looking up from his papers. Marvolo sat in one of the chairs
infront of his desk working on his own paperwork and looked over as well with a raised

Hyacinth dragged Severus over and pushed him into the available chair before climbing into
her grandfathers lap.

“Me and uncle Severus don’t know where babies come from. Can you tell us?”

Hadrian dropped his quill and stared at his daughter in shock before his eyes flicked too
Severus. Severus had one elbow on the arm of the chair and was covering his face with his
hand, this was not what he meant. Marvolo coughed to conceal his laughter as he leaned back
into his chair pulling Hyacinth closer eager to see what his son had to say.

“Why do you want to know that?”Hadrian asked. Ignoring the small squeak in his voice.
Why was it always him who got these questions? Draco got the fun questions about colors
and weather. Him? Questions about babies and why her little brother had something sticking
out of him and did it need to be cut off. Was hers cut off?
“I want another sister,”Hyacinth said as if it was obvious.

“You have Ivy,”Hadrian told her, “Why do you want another?”

“Aunty Angie said there was too much testy tones and we need more girls in the
family,”Hyacinth said with a firm nod of her head.

“I’m going to murder that witch,”Hadrian mumbled under his breath before raising his voice,
“It’s testosterone and Angie only said that because she only has boys.”

It seemed the Weasley boy curse was strong in George, four children and not one girl.

“Oh. Can you still tell us where they come from?”

Hadrian closed his eyes and counted to five before opening them and standing up, “Come on
flower. We are going to find Draco so we can talk about it together.”

“What about Uncle Sev?”Hyacinth asked concerned.

“Grandpa will explain it to him,”Hadrian told her soothing her concerns.

Hyacinth gave a nod and kissed Marvolos cheek before hopping off his lap and doing the
same to Severus.

“Don’t worry Uncle Sev. Grandpa is really good at explaining things,”Hyacinth whispered
loudly before taking her fathers hand and allowing him to guide her out.

Once out of earshot Marvolo couldn’t hold in the laughter anymore and laughed until his
stomach hurt.

“Why did she think you didn’t know?”Marvolo asked when he finally calmed down.

“I told her I could not answer the question. She drew her own conclusions,”Severus said
waving a hand, “Now excuse me. I must go finish my potion.”

“She wants to know what?”Draco whisper yelled to Hadrian.

Draco was found in his own study down the hall. Hadrian had Hyacinth sit in a chair before
dragging Draco to a corner and telling him the question.

“You heard me.”

“Bloody hell,”Draco groaned, “We can just tell her I’m pregnant. Maybe she will forget the
Hadrian gave him a droll look, “Our daughter? I think not.”

“This is worse then explaining anatomy to her,”Draco mumbled before looking accusingly at
Hadrian, “That’s why you came here isn’t it! To make me explain!”

“I came so we can both explain,”Hadrian said straight faced. Draco was right of course but
Hadrian wouldn’t admit it.

“Bastard,”Draco hissed before sighing and making his way to the couch infront of the chair
his daughter was on. Hadrian followed and sat next to his bonded before wrapping and arm
around his waist. When it wasn’t brushed off he relaxed.

“So?”Hyacinth asked looking between them. She was very much Hadrian and Dracos
daughter and when she asked a question she expected a response. Thankfully she had yet to
torture anyone who gave her one she didn’t like. Yet it was really only a matter of time, she
was truly a bloodthirsty child.

“We will answer what we can but part of the answer will have to wait until you are
older,”Hadrian told her thinking fast. Draco and him had talked briefly about what they
would say when this question came up but had assumed it wouldn’t be until much later. You
know what they say about assuming things.

“How old?”

“Eleven,”Draco answered her, “Before you got too Hogwarts.”

“Deal,”Hyacinth said leaning back in the chair as serious as a six year old could be.

“Children are created by a man and a women-“

“But mum had babies and he’s a boy,”Hyacinth said with a frown.

“Mum got the ability because of a gift he received.”

“From Uncle Death,”Hyacinth said with a nod.

“From Uncle Death,”Hadrian confirmed, he still thought it was hilarious that all of his
children referred to death as an uncle. Death themselves had no idea what to do about it and
quickly made himself scarce whenever the children were around, “So he’s special. Normally
it’s only common that can have babies.”

“But Uncle Phil had a baby.”

“Uncle Phil is special in his own way,”Draco told her, “That way will be talked about when
you are eleven. Now back to your original question. Babies come from an action that is done
by men and women and it results in a baby inside the women stomach where it grows until
it’s time to be born.”

“So it’s not from a plant like Tommy said?”Hyacinth asked.

“It’s not from a plant but don’t tell Tommy that. It’s something that his parents have to tell
them. Not us,”Hadrian told her sternly. The last thing he needed was for her to start the sex
talk between all the cousins.

“Okay. I still want another sister.”

“We will think about it,”Draco promised.

“Okay! I’m going to go play with Ivy,”Hyacinth said happily before running out of the room
in search of her sister.

“How long until Marc asks,”Draco said tiredly as he leaned against his bonded.

“He doesn’t want anymore siblings so hopefully longer than a year,”Hadrian said with a
chuckle. Marc was only four when Ivy was born but he made it very clear he didn’t want
anymore babies.

“He’s going to be pissed when he finds out there are two more coming,”Draco said with a

“Is he the only one?”Hadrian asked looking down into Dracos face.

Draco moved and swung a leg over Hadrians lap and settled in comfortably, “Only one. I’m
nervous of course but also excited. Twins will certainly be a different experience, I just wish
it was an experience that Luna had and not me.”

Hadrian laughed and pulled Draco in for a kiss. Lunas pregnancy with Ivy was a breeze for
her, something Draco grumbled about every time he thought about it compared to his own.
Draco didn’t have bad pregnancies physically but he even he would admit his over dramatic
nature was even worse where Luna stayed calm and collected. Viktor didn’t get one vase
thrown at his head, which to Hadrian was very unfair.

“Hadrian,”Draco said softly as he started kissing Hadrians neck.

“Yes?”Hadrian breathed.

“Sirius is watching the kids.”

Hadrian didn’t need another word. A quick wave of his hand locked down Dracos study and
another move had them laying on the carpet by the fire. Both extremely thankful their bodies
stopped aging at twenty one and such acts were still easy.


Albus didn’t know how many years it had been since he was put in the dark dungeon with
only ghosts of his past as company. He lost count of how many times he had begged for
death, how many times he had pushed and pushed praying that they lost their patience with
him and ended his life. Albus shivered as he remembered the last time he had been visited. It
was a relatively light ‘session’ but it was who was with Harry that caused him consternation.
It was the young girl who had skipped into the cell behind Hadrian. It was no wonder who’s
child she was with her green eyes and white blonde hair. Albus was sickened upon the
realization that Harry would allow his children to see dark and wicked things. Allow them to
indulge in such violent and cruel acts that had been committed upon his person.

To his horror Harry used him to teach his daughter the magic. The girl, who’s name was
never given, didn’t use the magic to his relief just watched with observing eyes as she
listened to the words that were told to her. The poor child. Albus knew Harry had more
children as well, it was mocked to him by the guards and Ariana. The wonderful life Harry
was able to live after being able to trick the world into thinking he was a good person. Albus
knew the truth. After all these years he had learned nothing but the truth. He had been right
all along and the others were fools for not seeing it.

“Hello,”Hadrian said as he walked confidently into the cell that held Dumbledore, Draco
trailing behind him.

Dumbledore didn’t respond and kept his gaze straight ahead. They did not deserve a

“How disrespectful,”Draco said with a tsk, “After all those years of you telling us to respect
each other.”

“Each other not him,”Hadrian said with a smirk, “No one said he had to respect anyone.”

“True but I think this means we should change our plans for today,”Draco said a cruel smirk
working its way onto his face.

“I agree! To think we were going to kill him.”

Dumbledores face snapped to Hadrian. The hope that he thought he had stomped out of him
coming up again. Hadrian smiled at the look and shook his head slowly.

“Can’t change it now. Maybe a few more years you obviously haven’t learned your lesson.”

“There is no lesson to learn,”Dumbledore rasped, “Your evil.”

“He’s not wrong,”Hadrian said with a shrug looking at Draco, “But I think I have mellowed
out a bit with age.”

“You…brought…a child,”Dumbledore spat, “Evil man and horrible father!”

Hadrians calm face quickly turned into rage as magic gathered around his hands, “Did you
just call me a bad father? You?”

“YES!”Dumbledore said. Had he found it? The way to his death.

“Hadrian,”Dracos soft voice called, “Don’t.”

Hadrian took a deep breath before releasing his magic, “I see what you tried to do. Almost
worked! Thankfully I have my precious to keep me inline.”

Dumbledores body sunk.

“As for my daughter, yes I did bring her in. She has the gift and her magic seems to be just as
strong as mine was at her age and needs to learn control. Can’t have her bringing a army of
dead creatures into the house,”Hadrian said amused.

“It’s depraved,”Dumbledore said looking straight at him, “Letting a child know those things.
It was banned for a reason Harry.”

Hadrian shrugged, “In England it was banned. Other places it was celebrated, we just brought
England to where it needed to be.”

Draco came to stand next to Hadrian, “England now has one of the most progressive magical
communities in the world. Hogwarts is the number one Magic school on the continent, some
graduates are fought over for apprenticeships and jobs. Our crime is down, our satisfaction
rates are up, there is no longer prejudice against muggle borns, well mostly. Werewolfs are no
longer feared and live peaceful lives with jobs and wolfsbane is available to everyone who
needs it. Paid or unpaid. Everything you promised to the world we delivered.”

Dumbledore closed his eyes and moved his head away. He didn’t believe them. It may look
good on the outside but underneath it was death and decay. His only hope are those who were
loyal to him. Someday, someone, would stand up for what’s right. Stand up for the light.

“They are all dead,”Hadrian said softly, Dumbledores thoughts were broadcasted into his
mind, “Every follower you had is dead. The ones that tried to run were hunted down. The
ones you had hidden, disappeared. I took great pleasure in killing more than a few of them.
The only ones alive, who were loyal are the Weasleys and they are living lives that most only
dream of.”

Dumbledore knew they were alive. He had the pleasure of their company several times over
the years. Especially the twins. The blasted twins.

“So anyway,”Hadrian said wrapping an arm around Dracos waist and leading him from the
room, “We shall visit you later and maybe if you're nice and respectful I’ll give you the death
you beg for. In a few years.”

Dumbledore screamed into the empty room. Tears of pain and anger falling down his face
unbridled. Nothing he had done deserved this life. Nothing.


Pansy life was a little different.

Hadrian kept his promise and came for her five years after she had been given to the
vampires. To his surprise found a completely different person. She was quiet, meek, her eyes
never lifted above Hadrians shoulder and the most surprising, she apologized and she meant
it. She apologized for her actions, for the hurt and pain she had tried to cause Draco. She
apologized for her part in the rouse that Dumbledore concocted. She even apologized for
being a creepy, stalking fangirl in regards to Draco. Her time with the vampires was good for
her apparently and it put Hadrian in a strange position.

He wanted her dead. Draco wanted her dead. Over the years however they had realized
something about her. She was a child when she cast the killing curse, not yet seventeen and
had been promised a life of wealth and privilege by her parents. She didn’t live the life that
Hadrian and Draco did, she wasn’t privy to the real and gritty world. She had been sheltered
within the walls of her manor and later Hogwarts never knowing true consequences for her
actions. How did they punish her when her transactions were those of a naive, stupid child.

“I have someone who would like to keep her,”Drake offered later that night as they lounged
in his study.

“As what?”Hadrian asked swirling the tumble of scotch in his hand.

“A food source and possible wife,”Drake admitted.

“Possible wife? I don’t want her happy,”Draco said with a glare to Drake, “She killed my
bloody boyfriend!”

Drake inclined his head in knowledge. The only reason he was requisition this was because
the person requested it had served him long and faithfully.

“Who is it?”Hadrian asked before Draco could get started.

“Michael,” Drake told him. He studiously avoided Dracos glare and prayed to his gods that
he didn’t do anything else to incur the blonds wrath.

“Hmm,”Hadrian frowned down into his drink, “She did try and kill me and she caused my
precious unnecessary pain. We can’t just let that go. But…”Hadrian trailed off and looked
over to Draco, “She is the reason we are able to live the way we are now.”

Draco sighed threw up his hands,“Drake!”Drake instantly gave Draco his full attention,
“What do you think?”

Drake hesitated.

“You can be honest,”Draco mumbled, “You know we value your opinion. We wouldn’t have
made you Marcs godfather if we didn’t.”

It was also because he delivered Marc but that was a story for another time.

“Michael has been an excellent and trusted warrior for me for many centuries and has never
asked for anything. I would like to honor his request to show my gratitude. I also feel like
there may be something else to his request but he’s not telling me.”
Hadrian sighed and leaned back in his seat. He watched as the candle light flickered across a
crystal vase that sat in the corner. He knew whatever his decision would be Draco would
accept it, he may not be happy about it but he would accept it, but Hadrian didn’t want to
dismiss Dracos feelings and wants in that way. Above all Draco was most important.

“We will give you the answer tomorrow,”Hadrian said finally, “We need to talk about it

“Hadrian,”Draco whined as he paced the floor of their room, “I don’t want to give that bitch
anything! She KILLED you! Who knows what she did with my body when she was

“I am aware.”

“I do like Michael though. He did take that curse for me that one time,”Draco mumbled
before releasing a great sigh and pushing Hadrians paperwork away and straddling his lap, “I
want to kill her.”

“Then we will kill her,”Hadrian said with a shrug as his hands settled on Dracos arse and
started massaging it.

“You disagree,”Draco said quietly.

Hadrian wrapped his arms around Draco and pulled him close, “You know I do and deep
down you do to. It’s easy to say she should have known better but is that the truth? She knew
what she had been taught and Dumbledore has manipulated much older and wiser people
then she.”

“But what about the polyjuice thing.”

Hadrian smiled that cruel smile that never failed to turn Draco into a puddle. Draco wrapped
his arms around Hadrians neck and shifted closer while is arse pushed back into his hands,
eager for this conversation to be over.

“I have an idea.”

“We have made our decision,”Hadrian said the next morning. They were once again in
Drakes study with Michael in attendance this time, “I’m going to take her magic. She will be
a squib and she is not to be turned,”Hadrian directed this to Michael, “In seventeen years you
may come to me and if your argument is good enough, and if Draco agrees, I may allow you
to turn her. But it better be a damn good argument. Understood?”

“Yes my Lord. Thank you,”Michael said standing and taking a knee, “I am more grateful than
I can express.”

“Ah,”Draco said suddenly, “She’s your mate. That’s why you want her?”

“Yes Lord Consort.”

“How romantic!”Draco exclaimed.

Hadrian bit back a groan. Draco chose the worst times to find things Romantic. Merlin.

“I want to change the punishment,”Draco told Hadrian.

“As you wish precious.”

“Her magic will still be taken and she will be a squib. Regardless of how much she has
changed that will hurt her and I do like a good emotion hurt more than a physical one. In
seventeen years you may change her without question. If you change her before then you
both die. Understood?”

“Yes Lord Consort.”

Draco in the end had been right about Pansy reaction to having her magic taken away. She
had cried, screamed and begged Hadrian not to do it. To bind it, to keep her locked up, to kill
her even, anything but taking her magic from her. The satisfaction Hadrian got from her pleas
and heartbroken cries was well worth allowing Michael this boon. As was the fact that she
did not share Michaels affections and the knowledge that she now belonged to a vampire sent
her into another fit. Draco was happy with the outcome. She wasn’t dead but she sure as hell
wasn’t happy.


Hadrian grunted as he felt the weight of two small bodies land on him and pair of small hands
pulling at his cheeks and hair. Cracking his eye open he was met with Ivys large green eyes
and bright smile. Ivy giggled as she saw her father waking up and proceeded to pat his
cheeks. Hadrian playfully nipped at her fingers before looking down at the other two children
laying onto of him in a pile. Hyacinth had her head on top of her hands where they rested on
his stomach, sitting on her back was Marc who’s chin was rested on Hyacinths head.

“Can I help you?”Hadrian asked, his voice still rough with sleep.
“It’s Saturday,”Hyacinth said matter of factly, “Which means it’s family day.”

Hadrian waved a hand to check the time and groaned when he read it, “It’s six am. Family
day doesn’t start until ten.”

Six months after Hyacinths birth Draco came to him upset that he hadn’t seen his parents in
weeks and it caused Hadrian realized quite abruptly that he hadn’t seen his parents in over a
month. Running the Wizarding world and two separate armies took up much of Hadrian,
Marvolo and Lucius time even now that things were settled and completely in their control.
With Regulus and Severus were busy at Hogwarts and Narcissa spending much of her time in
the social scene, having brunches and teas, planning events a parties it was hard to get
everyone together. Draco was the only one of them who technically didn’t have a job and
stayed at home with the children (Which Hadrian considered a full time job, he had done it a
few times when Draco had his weekly day off and frankly Hadrian had no idea how he did it)
or helped in the reserve when there was problems with the Dragons, Giants or Rowena(who
was officially to big to stay in the house and had taken up residence in the closest cave
available. Hadrian also turned one of the ballrooms into a space for her to enter as well). It
was then that Hadrian and Draco called a emergency meeting and announced Saturdays were
family days and everyone had to come. The only person to try and miss one had been
Marvolo when Draco had been pregnant with Marc. Draco brought him to the manor by his
ear after a quick round of cruciatous. No one dared missing after that.

“Ivy idea,”Marc said sitting up and crossing his arms over his chest.

“It was Ivys idea to wake me up at six am?”Hadrian asked rinsing and eyebrow. He turned to
look at Ivy who had been twist her hands in his air for the last few minutes, “Was this your

Ivy hissed something that was unintelligible even in Parsletoung that had Hadrian chuckling.
All three of his children had the ability to converse in Parsletoung and it seemed to be the
first language they learned to converse in. It made things exceptionally hard for Draco until
he begged Death for just one more gift. Grabbing Marc off of his sister he put him to the side
next to him and lifted Hyacinth up until she got the memo and sat up crossing her legs. Ivy
went into Hadrians lap where she stayed for just a moment before deciding she needed to
crawl up Hadrian like a tree.

“Where is mum?”Hadrian asked as he kept Ivy from using his eye as a grasping point.

“He’s working on a potion. He wouldn’t let me help,”Hyacinth said with a pout.

“Some potions are to dangerous for you flower,”Hadrian reminded her softly, “Uncle Severus
will be over tomorrow and he has a potion he’s going to teach you.”

Hyacinth perked up, “Awesome!”

“Awesome!”Hadrian repeated before grabbing Ivy and holding her in his lap after an
impressive knee to the nose, “Well since we are up what should we do?”

“Grammy!”Hyacinth, “It’s family day!”

“Well let’s go get her then,”Hadrian said with a smile. Hyacinth and Marc jumped from the
bed and took off across the room before running down the hallway in excitement to Hadrians

“Ready?”Hadrian asked Ivy. Putting her on his hip he quickly followed his kids to his study
before Hyacinth decided to try and use the orb by herself.

Hadrian stood behind Draco with his arms wrapped around his waist, his chin resting on the
top of Dracos head as they looked out at their family. Sirius was chasing around Marc in his
padfoot from, Hyacinth sat with Severus and Regulus as they taught her common spells and
ingredients to use while creating potions. Sitting a few feet behind them on a blanket were
Marvolo and Lucius, Ivy between them as they taught her the ABCs, or tried to at least. Ivy
was more distracted with trying to catch a butterfly than her grandfathers.

“Don’t let her get the butterfly! She’s going to try and eat it,”Draco called out to his father as
the butterfly flew closer to Ivys small hand.

Lucius quickly reached out and brushed the butterfly away. Ivy stared at him with large eyes
and pouting lips before turning and crawling to Marvolo. Crawling into his lap she started a
stream of hissing that Marvolo was only able to half understand.

“I’m sorry he’s so mean,”Marvolo said seriously to Ivy, a smile pulling at his lips, “How
about this.”

Marvolo moved his hand in a circular motion before opening it. Laying in his palm was a life
like monarch butterfly made of spun sugar, with a small pulse of magic the candy flew from
his palm and started flying around Ivy. With a giggle she wiggled from Marvolos lap and
stood up to chase the candy butterfly around the blanket.

“That’s cheating,”Lucius hissed.

Marvolo shrugged, “Dark Lord grandpa.”

Draco snorted and looked up at Hadrian, “Should we tell them Sirius is the favorite?”

“Never,”Hadrian denied with a laugh, “that would ruin their fun and mine.”

“Favorite Grandfather he may be but I will always be the favorite Grandmother,”Narcissa

said coming up next to them.

“Of course maman,”Hadrian said leaning over and giving her a kiss on the cheek,
“Everything okay with the wedding plans?”
Arthur had tried to stop Narcissa from planning the wedding but no one could stop Narcissa
from planning a social event. They had yet to tell him they were also paying for the wedding,
they could have that argument when it was done.

Narcissa pursed her lips, “We had to get a new caterer.”

“Why?”Hadrian asked pulling away from Draco and turning more to his mother-in-law.

“The one we hired has a problem with Weres,”Narcissa said before producing a piece of
parchment, “The name and address.”

Hadrian took the paper from her and gave it a scan before slipping it into his pocket,” We
won’t have any other problems with anyone else?”

“Correct. This was the only new company we were using,”Narcissa assured him.

Hadrian nodded turning his attention back to Draco. He tightened his arms and pulled Draco
in closer, “I’m going to give this to Adam. I will be right back.”

Draco nodded and gave him what was suppose to be a quick kiss but Draco couldn’t help
slipping his hands into Hadrians hair and making it a tad longer then appropriate before
pulling away out of breath, “Don’t be long. It’s almost time for dinner.”

Harry gave him a smoldering look that promised punishment later and left without another

Narcissa wrapped an arm around Dracos waist as soon as Hadrian was out of sight, “When
were you planning on telling us?”

Draco gave his mother a side eye, “I have no idea what you are talking about maman.”

“I am your mother dragon. I can always tell.”

“Next month,”Draco admitted with a smile, after his first pregnancy his mother had hit the
nail on the head when he was pregnant with Marc and surprisingly when Luna was pregnant
with Ivy, “We didn’t want to take anything from Lunas wedding and pregnancy.”

“I will not say a word,”Narcissa swore before squeezing his waist lightly. Narcissa would
always regret not being able to give Draco siblings and have a large family. Each time her
family grew larger with every new grandchild Narcissa felt like a small part of her heart
healed. There was nothing compared to watching her grandchild take their first breath in the
world, seeing the love her sons had for the small baby that would be given to them. They had
secretive on how many children they planned on having and, while Narcissa knew it was
ridiculous, she couldn’t help but hope for many more. They had forever after all.

Draco fully turned to her and bit his lip lightly before releasing it, “It’s twins,”He said

Narcissa choked on her breath. Twins? Bloody hell.

“That’s surprising,”Narcissa managed to say.

“Your telling me,”Draco snorted, “Hadrian spent the night on the couch when I found out.
Well for a few hours anyway. I don’t see why I should suffer by sleeping alone when he
caused the problem.”

Narcissas laugh was quiet, “I’m not surprised my Dragon. I don’t think you two have not
shared a bed while together since you were eleven. Drove your father mad.”

Draco and his mother shared a look before looking over at Lucius who was in a heated debate
with Marvolo about favoritism, both of them creating candy bugs for Ivy to capture and eat.

“Ivy is spending the night with you,”Draco said flatly as he watched his daughter with one
candy wing in her mouth and her small hands fishing two other butterflies.

“Ivy is spending the night with Lucius,”Narcissa corrected. Normal Ivy was hyper, Ivy after
candy was a hurricane.

Draco and Narcissa stood where they were until Hadrian came back and Draco pulled him
away to help with ‘something’ that ‘needed’ to be done. Narcissa simply laughed and went to
join her husband and Marvolo. She had no worries that she wouldn’t have many


“We have an announcement,”Draco said as he and Harry stood infront of everyone during a
family day in late February. Draco was about to hit twelve weeks and would soon be unable
to hide the baby bump that had formed much quicker than his last two pregnancies.

Narcissa sent them a beaming smile as she sat up straighter in excitement and ignored the
look Lucius gave her. Marvolo, Sirius, Regulus and Severus all stared at them expectantly as
Hyacinth and Marc looked at them in curiosity. Ivy smiled and held out her hands from her
place on Lucius lap calling out ‘Mum!’.

“I’m pregnant,”Draco said with a beaming smile, “With twins!”

Narcissa let out a squeal of excitement even though she had known and ran to the boys,
throwing her arms around them. The men all stared at Hadrian and Draco with dumbfounded
looks on their faces before Sirius and Regulus started laughing as they held on to eachother to
stop the other from falling. Severus rolled his eyes in fond exasperation at them before
catching them both, his mind already running through potions he needed that would help
Draco. Hyacinth was frowning and mumbled “I only wanted one,” While Marc cried that he
didn’t want any and give them away. Ivy was the only child excited as she clapped her little
hands and stared at the adults.

“Father?”Hadrian asked Marvolo, who had not uttered a single word.

As if hearing the word broke him and Lucius from their shock they quickly turned to each
other and started arguing about whose house they would stay in after Draco delivered. It was
now tradition that they would chose a family house to stay in for three months after the child
was born, both for help but also just to be around family. It didn’t matter whose manor it was,
the entire family ended up moving in but Marvolo and Lucius couldn’t help the argument.

“I don’t think Hyacinth will ever forgive us,”Hadrian whispered to Draco.

Draco snorted, “Forget Hyacinth, look at Marc.”

The children in question were both sitting on the couch with their arms crossed and identical
glares as they looked at their parents in displeasure. Twins truly wasn’t on anyones list.



When Arthur started volunteering at a wolfsbane center no suspected he would meet a

women who he would one day marry. Linda had been bitten in her twenties and for years was
a rouge, staying in the muggle world and locking herself up in warded rooms on the full
moon. The change of government meant that she could actually take her place in the
wizarding world however she was still hesitant. She had gone to the wolfsbane center on a
whim, even with a new job in the wizarding world the cost of wolfsbane was expensive, she
got so much more than she was looking for.

Linda was full of spirit and joy, she loved the muggle world and loved to take Arthur out and
spend days with him there. She showed him how to use phones, to take trains and busses,
theme parks and movies. She fell in love fast and to her happiness so did Arthur. His kids
were nervous for their father and didn’t want to get hurt but after meeting Linda they knew
their fears were unfounded.

The wedding was just friends and those they considered family. Hadrian paid for their
honeymoon as a wedding present and right after the wedding brunch they left, eager to start
their new life together.

Bill went on to marry Fleur in a Veela bonding ceremony a year after the final battle. It was
the largest wedding any of them had, the guest list hitting over five hundred people as Veela
and humans flocked to the large manor that had been chosen for the ceremony and
receptions. Nine months after that they welcomed their first child Victoria, soon to be
followed by their son Louis. They turned down the offer of a manor by Fleurs family and
decided instead on a small cottage by the seaside where Fleur stayed home to raise their
growing family. Bill was officially the lead (human) curse breaker for Gringotts bank and
now found himself working in an office more than going out in the field. While he missed the
adventure of field work he couldn’t deny he loved coming home to his family every night

Charlie and Natasha (who was the Norwegian Ministers daughter) had a whirlwind romance
that ended in a elopement just three months after they met. They settled down on the Reserve
where Charlie took over as Head of the Reserve when Vic decided he was ready for
retirement while Natasha settled in to help work the diplomatic side of things. To their
parents displeasure both decided they did not want children and would remain childless.

Fred and Georges business boomed after the war. With in three years they had stores in 25
countries and were currently working on opening on in America. Sirius had joined them as an
official partner when they first looked into expanding and with all three of them together the
ideas never stopped.

To no ones surprise George married Angelina and they welcomed four boys, Davie, Oliver,
Noah and Jack before Angelina put her foot down and refused to have anymore children.
While Angelina complained she didn’t have a girl she wouldn’t have changed her boys for
the world.

Fred ,to everyones surprise, married Penelope Clearwater a few years after the final battle.
No one really knew what happen between them but they were happy that after everything
Penelope was able to find happiness. Few years after the wedding Penelope came out as
Philip. Fred didn’t even blink and took his husband on a shopping trip to update his wardrobe
to whatever style Philip wanted. When they went to change the documents at the Ministry
they had refused to update their wedding certificate and a few other things that brought a
problem to light that no one had foreseen. Hadrian and Marvolo quickly rectified that
problem and it was released in the papers that anyone in a similar situation was to go to
Philips new office to get it handled. The only part Hadrian didn’t fix for them was their
marriage certificate and instead Fred and Philip had a new wedding as their true selves.
Philips father didn’t take it well but he disappeared shortly after the second wedding and no
one asked many questions. They welcomed one child into this world, Percy Weasley and that
was more than enough for them.


Luna sung softly to her daughter. Pandora Krum was every bit her mothers daughter except
for the eyes, she had inherited her fathers brown eyes much to his disappointment. Luna had
commented they could always try again with a wink and he knew he was in trouble.

Luna looked away from the woods that surrounded her house and down to her sleeping
daughters face. The world was at peace. It wouldn’t last forever but she knew her daughter
would grow up in a world of love and acceptance. She was destined to be a powerful witch
with a loving husband who will look at her with stars in his eyes and give her the world.
What more could a mother want.



*~*It wasn’t the last time*~*

Chapter End Notes

This is the end but not goodbye. There is so much of this story still untold that I want to
bring to life.
Keep a look out friends.
Thank you.
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