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Thirumurugan Salai, Thirumurugan Nagar, Chitlapakkam, Chennai – 600064

LESSON PLAN 2024 – 2025



Core objective:To enable the students to acquire knowledge about the No. of periods: 4
availability of resources,its types and the importance of conserving them.

Value aim: Need to conserve the resources at present and for our future Date:June
generation From: 4.6.24
To :7.6.24
SMART ELOs: Students will be able to
(for the whole lesson)
1. Define resources and its types( U)
2. List the Classification of resources, on the basis of origin, on
the basis of use and development.(Apl)
3. Describe the different types of resources on the basis of
availability and on the basis of distribution.(R)
4. Explain human - made resources with examples.(E)
5. Describe human resources with examples(R)
6. Explain the need for Conservation of resources.(E)

NAME OF THE LESSON : Geography- Ln: 1- Resources

ELO: Students will be able to

● Define resources and its types
● List the Classification of resources, on the basis of origin, on the
basis of use and development.

● Types of resources
Subtopic & Content ● The Classification of resources , On the basis of origin ,On the
basis of use and development
● Name some resources that we use in everyday life?
● What are the examples of natural resources?
ICT usage or other
teaching aids
Interactive methodology- The Mentor will motivate the students to
share their knowledge about the meaning of resources. Teacher will
Strategy for
facilitate the students to draw the flow chart on the classification of
teaching (for
natural resources in the classwork. Then the mentor will explain the
the whole period
classification of resources in detail by showing PPT on the smart
board.(Graphic Organiser)
( Creative and critical thinking- 21st Century Skills)
Name some natural resources.
Monitor & Adjust
What are biotic and abiotic resources?
Guided practice for ● How are human-made resources different from
reinforcement – natural resources?
Classwork /Activity ● How potential resources can be actual resources?
Summarizing Flow chart on the classification of natural resources
● How do humans add value to a product? (HOTS)
Open ended
● How do humans add value to a product? (Open
ended questions)
Independent Prepare wall hanging on all 3 types of Resources (SEA)
Practice (Home

ELO: Students will be able to

Period:2 1.Describe the different types of resources on the basis of
Date: availability and on the basis of distribution.
2.Explain human - made resources with examples.
● Classification on the basis of availability, on the basis of
Subtopic & Content distribution.
● Human - made resources.
● Name some minerals that are available in India.
● Name some power resources.
● Is that all resources can be renewed again?If no. Why?
● Name some metallic minerals.
ICT usage or other
teaching aids
Explanation methodology
The Mentor will motivate the students by asking a few questions and
Strategy for explain the flow chart on the classification on the basis of availability
teaching (for and distribution, human- made resources by showing PPT and the
the whole period mineral products in hand (Ex: Coal, water, plant, metals.Then the
briefly) students will be made to identify the difference between Human-made
resources and Human resources by real life examples.(
Contextualization)(Social and Life Skills- 21st Century Skills)Con
Why are metals non- renewable resources?
Monitor & Adjust
Name any two human made resources.
Guided practice for ● How are renewable resources different from non- renewable
reinforcement – resources?.
Classwork /Activity
Flow chart - Classification on the basis of availability , On the basis of

Open ended Why are resources distributed unequally over the

questions/HOTS earth?HOTS

Independent Draw are the types of resources on the basis

Practice (Home of availability.
ELO: Students will be able to
● Describe human resources with examples
● How to conserve resources ?
Human resources, Conservation of resources.
Subtopic & Content

● Who converts the raw materials into the finished products?
● What are the different types of skills?
ICT usage or other
teaching aids
Flipped classroom: Student talk on Human resources & its
Strategy for
importance. The students will be motivated to present the topic
teaching (for
Human resources with examples.The mentor will facilitate with more
the whole period
key points at the end of the session by showing the PPT.
(Communication skills- 21st Century Skills)Id
Monitor & Adjust How can humans become more efficient and productive?

Guided practice for ●What are the differences that you will make at present to
reinforcement – save the resources for the future?
Classwork /Activity ● How can we conserve resources?
Summarizing Human resources,Conservation of resources.
Open ended Do you think humans are a resource in a society? If yes,Justify your
questions/HOTS statement ? (HOTS)
Which according to you is the most important human-made
Practice (Home
resource in the last 10 years? How did it make our life easier?

ELO: Students will be able to

Period:4 Explain the need for Conservation of resources.

Sustainable development, Golden R’s

Subtopic & Content

What are the basic needs of humans?
In what ways can we conserve resources?
ICT usage or other
teaching aids
Strategy for Interactive methodology
teaching (for Mentors will motivate the students by asking a few questions and
the whole period describe the importance of conservation of resources through
briefly) interactive methodology.
Monitor & Adjust List the Golden R’s.

● What are 4 golden R’s of conservation ?

Guided practice for
● What are the consequences that the earth may face if we don't
reinforcement –
practice four golden Rs of conservation?
Classwork /Activity

Summarizing Sustainable development, Golden R’s

Open ended
Why do we need to follow sustainable development? HOTS
Poster Making: Conversation of manmade and natural resources
through 4 resources.
Practice (Home

To be filled once for the whole lesson

Extended Learning if
any (Field trips/ -
● Prepare wall hanging on all 3 types of Resources (SEA)
● Poster Making: Conversation of manmade and natural
Assignment if any
resources through 4 resources.

Assessment for
learning (Multiple -


ELO that was not

achieved with

What excited me

What disappointed
⮚ The effectiveness of the strategies (if any) should be attached along with the
lesson plan
⮚ State the following using the given abbreviation wherever applicable.
Contextualization- Cz, Collaboration- Col, Constructivism- Con, Inter
⮚ State the level of Bloom’s taxonomy along with the ELO.
Remembering -R, Understanding -U, Applying -Apl, Analysing-A, Evaluating-E
and Creating- C.
⮚ State the 21st century skills that have been addressed wherever applicable.

PREPARED BY : Mrs. V.Veena



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