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1. Do you like traveling? Why or why not?

o Yes, I love traveling because it gives me a chance to explore new cultures, meet new
people, and learn about different ways of life. It’s also a great way to take a break from
the daily routine and recharge my batteries.
2. Who do you usually spend your holidays with?
o I usually spend my holidays with my family. We like to go on trips together and explore
new places. It’s a great way to bond and create lasting memories.
3. Have you traveled a lot?
o Yes, I have traveled quite a bit. I’ve been fortunate enough to visit many different
countries and experience different cultures. It’s been an amazing journey so far.
4. What kind of places have you visited in your life?
o I’ve visited a variety of places, from bustling cities to quiet countryside towns. Some of
my favorite destinations include Paris, Tokyo, and Bali. Each place has its own unique
charm and beauty.
5. When you visit new places, what do you like to do?
o When I visit new places, I like to explore the local culture, try new foods, and learn about
the history of the place. I also enjoy taking in the natural beauty of the area, whether it’s
hiking in the mountains or relaxing on the beach.

I would like to talk about a trip I took to HCM city, Vietnam in the summer of 2022. I
was traveling with my family, and we had planned to stay there for a week. However,
due to unforeseen circumstances, our trip ended up taking much longer than we had

It all started when we arrived at the airport and found out that our flight had been
delayed by several hours. We were already tired from the long journey, and this delay
only added to our frustration. When we finally arrived in HCM city, we were exhausted
and just wanted to get some rest.

The next day, we decided to explore the city and visit some of the local attractions.
However, we soon realized that there was a lot more to see and do than we had initially
thought. We ended up spending more time than we had planned at each place, and this
caused our trip to extend beyond the original one-week duration.

To make matters worse, we encountered some transportation issues during our trip. We
had planned to take a train to our next destination, but the train was delayed by several
hours. This caused us to miss our connecting flight, and we had to spend an extra day in
HCM city.

Despite these setbacks, we tried to make the most of our trip and enjoy our time in
HCM City. We visited some amazing places, such as Notre Dame Cathedral,
Independence Palace, and Nha Rong Harbor. We also tried some delicious local food
and met some friendly locals.

In conclusion, my trip to Hanoi took much longer than expected due to flight delays,
transportation issues, and our desire to explore the city in more depth. However, despite
these challenges, we had a great time and made some unforgettable memories.

1. How do most people in your country travel to work?

o In my country, most people travel to work by motorbike. This is because they are
affordable, easy to park, and can navigate through traffic easily. However, some people
also use public transportation such as buses or trains, especially if they live far away
from their workplace.
2. What is the impact of vehicles on people’s life?
o Vehicles have a significant impact on people’s lives, both positive and negative. On the
positive side, they provide a convenient and efficient way to travel from one place to
another. They also create job opportunities for people who work in the transportation
industry. However, on the negative side, vehicles contribute to air pollution, traffic
congestion, and accidents. They also require a lot of resources to manufacture and
maintain, which can be harmful to the environment.
3. Do people in your country prefer to walk or to take a car for short trips?
o It depends on the distance and the weather. If the distance is short and the weather is
pleasant, many people prefer to walk or ride a bicycle. This is because it is good exercise
and helps reduce traffic congestion. However, if the distance is long or the weather is
bad, people tend to take a car or public transportation.
4. How can big cities deal with the problem of having many people crowded in the same
o There are several ways that big cities can deal with the problem of overcrowding. One
way is to improve public transportation systems, such as building more subway lines or
bus routes. This can help reduce traffic congestion and make it easier for people to get
around. Another way is to encourage people to walk or ride bicycles by building more
bike lanes and pedestrian-friendly areas. Additionally, cities can implement policies to
reduce the number of cars on the road, such as congestion charges or carpooling

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