Written Assessment - (Draft Outline)

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You are tasked to write an academic essay on “The Impact of Digital Footprints on
Privacy and Security”. The article is one of the sources you found related to the topic.
Review the article to determine whether it is suitable to be included as one of the
sources for your essay.

INTRODUCTION In an era dominated by digital interactions, our online

activities create a trail of digital Footprints, shaping the
dynamics of privacy and security. Exploring the profound
implications of these footprints on privacy and security has
become imperative. This essay delves into the consequential
effects of these footprints on the delicate balance between
privacy and security. Understanding the intricate interplay
between our virtual presence and the protection of personal
information is essential in "Unraveling" which refers to the
process of untangling or deciphering something complex or
confusing. the complexities of the digital age.
Identify & List Key = Digital footprint, digital identity, digital foodprint awareness,
Ideas Digitized learning
How has our digital footprint impacted us, and how has it
expanded over time?
Write the Initial Throughout our lives, we actively maintain a digital footprint
summary that can trace and identify us across various online platforms.
In certain situations, we may be required to share some
personal information, but being careless with our data and
privacy could leave us vulnerable to cybercriminals and online
fraud. It's important to take safety precautions to avoid falling
victim to cybercrime. Experts advise on various measures that
can be taken to protect ourselves and our sensitive information.
Revise and Refine the Digital footprints, which encapsulate online behavior, have a
Summary profound impact on privacy and security. These footprints form
a complex web that facilitates user identification and tracking
across virtual realms, exposing individuals to a range of
privacy and security challenges.
Your Final Version of The continuous gathering and analysis of user data raises the
the Summary risk of cyber attacks, putting individuals in danger of data
breaches and identity theft. As a user of this sophisticated
platform, it is crucial to be aware of its benefits and drawbacks.
We should take every precaution and be careful while sharing
personal information on social media platforms. By doing so,
we can contribute to creating a safer community.
Identify & List Key

Currency The article is written in 2023 and focuses on the digital world.
Alina BIZGA and her team conducted thorough research to
produce the article. Therefore, we can confidently say that the
information presented is current and up-to-date.
Relevance Evaluating the relevance of a source material is crucial. After
examining the information presented in this excerpt, I can
confirm that the article is indeed relevant to the subject matter
that I am studying. Alina presents a comprehensive discussion
on modern digital footprints and their impact on privacy and
security in the context of writing an article on "The Digital You
in 2023".
Authorship Establishing the credibility of a work involves considering the
authorship. Alina's profession as an author and her extensive
experience studying digital make her the perfect candidate to
write about this topic.
Accuracy Although the author is accomplished, the work needs to
provide strong evidence to support its claims. This is where the
impact of accuracy comes into play. To evaluate the evidence
in this work, I examined the sources cited by Alina to support
her argument, and I found that the article is indeed well-
Purpose Let's discuss the aspect of Purpose in Alina's article. We can
observe that she intends to inform and caution us about the
privacy and security risks associated with digital technology.
She has no hidden agenda or personal gain in writing this
CONCLUSION The blog we found could serve as a great source for our essay.
It has some valuable information that we can use. I didn't find
any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors in the original text

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