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Environ Monit Assess (2010) 166:347–357

DOI 10.1007/s10661-009-1006-6

Heavy metal contamination in water, soil, and vegetables

of the industrial areas in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Jasim Uddin Ahmad · Md. Abdul Goni

Received: 19 November 2008 / Accepted: 17 May 2009 / Published online: 12 June 2009
© Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2009

Abstract Concentrations of Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr, Cd, vegetables were quite distinguished for almost all
Fe, and Ni have been estimated in soils and veg- the elements examined.
etables grown in and around an industrial area
of Bangladesh. The order of metal contents was Keywords Trace elements · Plant uptake ·
found to be Fe > Cu > Zn > Cr > Pb > Ni > Bioconcentration factor · Wastewater irrigation
Cd in contaminated irrigation water, and a similar
pattern Fe > Zn > Ni > Cr > Pb > Cu > Cd
was also observed in arable soils. Metal levels Introduction
observed in different sources were compared with
WHO, SEPA, and established permissible levels Heavy metal pollution of agricultural soil and veg-
reported by different authors. Mean concentra- etables is one of the most severe ecological prob-
tion of Cu, Fe, and Cd in irrigation water and lems on a world scale and also in Bangladesh. The
Cd content in soil were much above the recom- food chain contamination is the major pathway
mended level. Accumulation of the heavy metals of heavy metal exposure for humans (Khan et al.
in vegetables studied was lower than the recom- 2008). Industrial or municipal wastewater irriga-
mended maximum tolerable levels proposed by tion is a common reality in three fourth of the
the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food cities in Asia, Africa, and Latin America (Gupta
Additives (1999), with the exception of Cd which et al. 2008). Wastewater from industries or other
exhibited elevated content. Uptake and transloca- sources carries an appreciable amount of toxic
tion pattern of metal from soil to edible parts of heavy metals which create a problem for safe ra-
tional utilization of agricultural soil (Yadav et al.
2002; Chen et al. 2005; Singh et al. 2004).
Long-term use of industrial or municipal waste-
water in irrigation is known to have significant
J. U. Ahmad
contribution to trace elements such as Cd, Cu, Zn,
Department of Chemistry, Jahangirnagar University,
Savar, Dhaka, 1342, Bangladesh Cr, Ni, Pb, and Mn in surface soil (Mapanda et al.
e-mail: 2005). Excessive accumulation of trace elements
in agricultural soils through wastewater irrigation
M. A. Goni (B)
may not only result in soil contamination but also
Department of Chemistry, Bangladesh University of
Engineering & Technology, Dhaka, 1000, Bangladesh affect food quality and safety (Muchuweti et al.
e-mail: 2006; Sharma et al. 2007). Some trace elements
348 Environ Monit Assess (2010) 166:347–357

are essential in plant nutrition, but plants grow- guiding further activities aimed at preventing ex-
ing in the nearby zone of industrial areas display posure of humans through monitoring and control
increased concentration of heavy metals, serving of irrigation water and/or amelioration of uptake
in many cases as biomonitors of pollution loads to vegetables.
(Mingorance et al. 2007). Vegetables cultivated
in soils polluted with toxic metals due to indus-
trial activities take up heavy metals and accumu- Materials and methods
late them in their edible and non-edible parts in
quantities high enough to cause clinical problems Study area and sampling
both to animals and human beings consuming
these metal-rich plants because there is no good The present study was carried out from January
mechanism for their elimination from the human 2005 to February 2006 in and around Dhaka Ex-
body (Arora et al. 2008; Alam et al. 2003). Trace port Processing Zone (DEPZ), which is a large in-
elements are very harmful because of their non- dustrial area comprised of a good number of local
biodegradable nature, long biological half-lives, and foreign industries like fabric printing and dye-
and their potential to accumulate in different body ing, food processing, textiles, electric cables, phar-
parts. High concentrations of trace elements (Cu, maceutical, chemical, etc., located at about 25 km
Cd, and Pb) in vegetables and fruits were related away from the capital city Dhaka of Bangladesh.
to high prevalence of upper gastrointestinal can- Most of the industries discharge their effluents
cer (Turkdogan et al. 2002). without any prior treatment, through open drain
In Bangladesh, more than 90 vegetables and 60 and contaminates water, soil, and vegetables of
fruits are being grown in the country (Alam et al. the adjacent areas.
2003). Major vegetable crops include brinjal (egg Different kinds of vegetables such as brinjal
plant), chilli, lady’s finger, potato, tomato, etc. In (egg plants) (Solanum melongena L.), chilli (Cap-
an average Bengali home, the main meal would sicum frutescence), radishes (Raphanus sativus),
consist of boiled rice served with some sort of etc. are grown in the area throughout the year
vegetables. There have been a number of studies and are used for home consumption and mainly
which reported the deposition of heavy metals in for selling to residential areas of Dhaka. Sam-
soil, crops, and vegetables grown in the vicinity of ples of soil and five vegetables [brinjal (egg
industrial areas (Yang et al. 2004; Grytsyuk et al. plants), chilli, lady’s finger, tomatoes, and green
2006; Mingorance et al. 2007; Khan et al. 2008). cabbage] were collected randomly in triplicate
However, there are very few published reports from effluent-contaminated agricultural land lo-
from Bangladesh for heavy metal contamination cated beside Dhalai beel (a lake in which all
in soil and irrigation water and its transfer to the complex industrial effluents from DEPZ are
vegetable crops grown in the vicinity of industrial disposed).
areas. For each plant sample, 10–15 vegetable plants
This paper investigates the level of Cu, Zn, Pb, of the same species were collected at random from
Cr, Cd, Fe, and Ni in irrigation water, soils, and in the fields of the sampling sites by hand using vinyl
vegetables from agricultural land near Dhaka Ex- gloves, carefully packed into polyethylene bags,
port Processing Zone, which is one of the largest and the whole plant body was brought to the labo-
industrial complexes located at Savar in Dhaka ratory. The cleaning (removal of soil) of vegetable
of Bangladesh. The aim of the work was to high- plant samples was performed by shaking and also
light the contamination status of heavy metals in by means of a dry pre-cleaned vinyl brush. Then
edible portion of vegetables grown in industrially the whole vegetable plant bodies were divided
polluted soils in Bangladesh and to identify the into different parts and non-edible portions were
interactions between soil and crops metal con- removed as per normal household practices. The
centration. The concentrations of heavy metals in edible parts of the vegetable samples were washed
soil, vegetables, and water were compared with with tap water several times and subsequently
the established safe limit. This provides a basis for dipped in 0.01 N HCl acid for 5 min followed
Environ Monit Assess (2010) 166:347–357 349

Table 1 Wavelength and detection limit of each heavy

by thorough washing in distilled and deionized metal measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer
water to remove airborne pollutants. Then the (model—Perkin Elmer AAnalyst 300, USA)
samples were cut into 2-cm pieces and dried in a Element Wavelength Detection limits
hot air oven at 70–80◦ C till the constant weight (nm) (μg L−1 )
was achieved. The dried samples were ground in Cu 324.8 0.006
a stainless steel blender and then passed through Zn 213.9 0.005
a 2-mm-size sieve. Soil samples from the surface Pb 283.3 0.04
soil to a depth of 15 cm around each plant root Cr 357.9 0.01
zone were collected simultaneously from the field Cd 228.8 0.016
Fe 248.3 0.05
with the plant. The soil samples were air dried at
Ni 232.0 0.015
room temperature, finely powdered, and sieved
through a 2-mm nylon mesh to remove large
debris, stones, and pebbles. Then the samples
(500 g of soil) were dried at 105◦ C for 2 h to Trace elements concentrations in water, soil,
remove all the moisture content and ground to and in vegetable samples were estimated by an
pass through 60 mesh sieves and homogenized for atomic absorption spectrometer (Perkin Elmer
analysis. The dried samples were wet digested. AAnalyst 300). The limits of detection of dif-
For water sampling, three replicate polythene bot- ferent heavy metals are given in Table 1. Blank
tles (acid washed) of capacity 100 mL were im- samples were analyzed after seven samples. Con-
mersed one by one at an interval of 15 s into centrations were calculated on a dry weight ba-
the water of Dhalai beel that was being used for sis. All analyses were replicated three times. The
irrigation purposes, and immediately after filling, precision and analytical accuracy were checked
1 mL of concentrated HNO3 was added to the by analysis of standard reference material, NIST-
water and the bottles were brought back to the SRM 2709 for soil, NIST-SRM 1570 for water,
laboratory and digestion was completed within and NBS-SRM 1573 for plant samples. The results
a week. were found to be within 2% of certified values for
every heavy metal. To assess the contamination
Analytical procedure for heavy metal analysis level of heavy metals, mean, median, minimum,
maximum, and standard deviation of water, soil,
Fifty milliliters of mixed effluent-contaminated and vegetable samples were performed using Mi-
water sample was digested with 10 mL of concen- crosoft Excel (version 2000).
trated HNO3 at 80◦ C until the solution became
transparent (APHA 1985). The solution was fil-
tered through Whatman no. 42 filter paper and Results and discussion
the filtrate was diluted to 50 mL with distilled and
deionized water. Heavy metal concentrations in irrigation water
One gram each of soil and vegetable samples
were digested (wet acid digestion) with 15 mL Out of seven elements examined in effluent-
of concentrated HNO3 , H2 SO4 , and HCIO4 in contaminated water used for irrigation in DEPZ
5:1:1 ratio at 80◦ C until a transparent solution area, concentration of Fe was highest (5.53 mg
was obtained (Allen et al. 1986). The digested L−1 ) and for Cd it was lowest (0.02 mg L−1 ).
samples of water, soil, and vegetables were fil- Copper concentration ranged from 1.35 to 2.88
tered through Whatman no. 42 filter paper and mg L−1 which was lower than the values (0.07–
the filtrates were diluted to 50 mL with distilled 6.30 mg L−1 ) reported by Gupta et al. (2008).
and deionized water. All samples were stored at Maximum Pb concentration in water was 0.30
ambient temperature before analysis. mg L−1 and Cd concentration varied from 0.02 to
All reagents used were Merck, analytical 0.08 mg L−1 which were in good agreement with
grade (AR), including standard stock solutions of the previous findings of Sharma et al. (2006) (0.02–
known concentrations of different heavy metals. 0.04 mg L−1 ).
350 Environ Monit Assess (2010) 166:347–357

Ni contents ranged from 0.13 to 0.29 mg L−1 limit. This result suggests that heavy metal-based
and Cr was found to be 0.29 to 0.53 mg L−1 . industries such as fabric printing, battery, paints,
The mean concentration (mg L−1 ) of seven heavy and cable manufacturing in and around the DEPZ
metals Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr, Cd, Fe, and Ni found in area using heavy metals such as Cd, Cu, Cr, Pb,
water samples was 2.17, 0.95, 0.21, 0.43, 0.06, 4.94, Fe, Ni, and Zn in colors, pigments, electroplat-
and 0.19, respectively (Table 2) in which Cu, Cr, ing, and metal surface treatments are the main
and Cd concentrations were higher than the mean sources of elevated heavy metal concentration in
metal concentrations of irrigation water in Tita- wastewater.
garh, West Bengal, India (Gupta et al. 2008) and
also more than the metal concentrations of wa- Heavy metal concentration in soil
ter in suburban areas of Varanasi, India (Sharma
et al. 2007). The concentration of heavy metals (mg kg−1
The higher standard deviation observed for dry soil) in agricultural soils of the study area
heavy metal Cu, Zn, and Fe in waste water sug- (Table 3) ranged from 31.35 to 45.16 for Cu,
gests that these metals were not uniformly distrib- 103.20 to 123.49 for Zn, 44.31 to 52.21 for Pb, 33.89
uted in the study area which is reported by Sharma to 67.58 for Cr, 6.21 to 16.11 for Cd, 1,054.82 to
et al. (2006). The data obtained for heavy metals 2,214.18 for Fe, and 36.03 to 74.16 for Ni. Besides
in water from the present study varied more or Fe, the mean highest concentrations recorded in
less regularly with the findings of the other authors soil was for Zn followed by Ni, Cr, Pb, and Cu,
(Khan et al. 1998; Al-Nakshabandi et al. 1997). and the minimum concentration was observed for
This variation might be ascribed to a variety Cd which conforms with the result reported by
of industries discharging their treated and/or un- Gupta et al. (2008). Highest deposition of Fe in
treated waste water into the Dhalai beel which soil might be due to its long-term use in the pro-
was the source of water used for irrigation pur- duction of machine tools, paints, pigments, and
poses. The concentrations of heavy metals in in- alloying in various industries of the study area that
dustrial effluents also depend on the process of may contaminate soil and change the soil structure
product manufacturing and raw materials used and thus make it less fertile for cultivation. The
in the industries (Sharma et al. 2006). In com- extent of metals observed in agricultural soil of
parison with the standard guideline of irrigation the industrial areas in the present investigation
water (Pescod 1992), it was found that the mean exceeded the permissible levels reported by dif-
concentration of Cu, Cr, Cd, and Fe was 10-, 4-, ferent authors like Kabata-Pendias and Pendias
6-, and 2-fold higher than the recommended per- (1992) (except Pb and Cr), Bowen (1966) (except
missible level while Pb, Zn, and Ni concentra- Zn and Pb), and Temmerman et al. (1984) (except
tion of wastewater samples were within the safe Pb and Cr).

Table 2 Heavy metal concentrations (mg L−1 ) in effluent-contaminated water used for irrigation in and around DEPZ,
Dhaka of Bangladesh (n = 49)
Metal Safe limita Present study
Mean Median Minimum Maximum S.D.
Cu 0.2 2.17 2.24 1.35 2.88 0.46
Zn 2.0 0.95 0.98 0.49 1.69 0.40
Pb 0.5 0.21 0.19 0.14 0.30 0.05
Cr 0.1 0.43 0.43 0.29 0.53 0.08
Cd 0.01 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.08 0.04
Fe 2.0 4.94 4.90 4.13 5.53 0.45
Ni 0.2 0.19 0.17 0.13 0.29 0.05
n: number of samples
a Safe limit of toxic heavy metals in irrigation water for agricultural purpose (Pescod 1992)
Environ Monit Assess (2010) 166:347–357 351

Again, the comparison of mean concentra-

tions of heavy metals in soil of the study area
with the official Indian standard (Awashthi 2000)

Max. and maximum allowable concentration (MAC)
of elements in agricultural soil in China showed
that only the concentration of Cd was found
Contaminated soil (present study)

to be 3-folds higher than the threshold level of




India and 19 times higher than China standard.

The result of the present study revealed that

the level of heavy metals in soil was lower than


those reported in Titagarh, West Bengal, India

Table 3 Concentration of heavy metals in wastewater irrigated soil (mg kg−1 dry soil) in industrial areas of Bangladesh (n = 45)

(Gupta et al. 2008) but higher than the re-

sult observed in Varanasi, India by Sharma
et al. (2007). However, Cu concentration (31.35–

45.16 mg kg−1 ) in soil was also lower than the

previous result obtained by Tandi et al. (2004)
(2.5–133.3 mg kg−1 ) and of Mapanda et al. (2005)

(7–145 mg kg−1 ) in Zimbabwe but more than

Uncontaminated soil





those of Wong et al. (2002) in agricultural soil of




This variation of result might probably be due

to the variations of heavy metal concentrations


in irrigation water and other agronomic practices




of the respective area. The higher standard de-

viation reveals higher variations in heavy metal
Safe limit

distributions from the point source of emission


to the adjacent areas. The low concentration of


heavy metals in the soil may be ascribed to its

Environmental Protection Agency of China, GB 15618, 1995

continuous removal by vegetables grown in the

Threshold of elements in natu-

designated areas. Among the seven heavy metals

examined in soil, concentration of Fe was maxi-
mum (2,214.18 mg kg−1 ) and variation of its con-
ral background soil in

centrations was several times higher than those of

Kisku et al. (2000).
In Bangladesh, the agricultural soil is contami-
nated with heavy metals through the repeated use
e Source: Kabata-Pendias and Pendias (1992)

of wastewater from industries and other sources




in irrigation as well as application of chemical

fertilizers and pesticides. Heavy metals occur in
MAC of elements in ag-

d Source: Temmerman et al. (1984)


effluents of industries and in many fertilizers and

ricultural soil in

Awashthi (2000)

Cd, for example, is found in wastewater and

c Source: Bowen (1966)

also in phosphatic fertilizers due to the presence

of Cd as an impurity in all phosphate rocks. On
many of agricultural soils, with the use of effluent-


contaminated water in irrigation, heavy doses of

a National

phosphate fertilizers have been applied for over

b Source:

50 years, and all of the heavy metals found in these




sources keep accumulating in soils. The amounts

352 Environ Monit Assess (2010) 166:347–357
Conc. (mg/kg d.wt)
West Bengal, India (15.66–34.49 mg kg−1 ) (Gupta
Cu et al. 2008) but lower than the Cu content in
vegetables (61.20 mg kg−1 ) from Zhengzhou city,
10 Pb
China (Liu et al. 2006).
However, the variation of Cu concentration
Egg plant Chilli Tomato Lady's Cabbage
finger in vegetables in the present study was strongly
Vegetables supported by the findings (5.21–18.2 mg kg−1 )
of Arora et al. (2008) and also in good agree-
Fig. 1 Mean heavy metal concentration (Cu, Zn, and Pb)
in vegetables of industrial areas, Bangladesh ment with the values observed in Varanasi, India
(10.95–28.58 mg kg−1 ) by Sharma et al. (2007).
Maximum Cu concentration (37.73 mg kg−1 ) was
found in tomato whereas the mean value was
now present are becoming more and more toxic 15.03 and 14.25 mg kg−1 for lady’s finger and
(Alam et al. 2003). cabbage, respectively, which were lower than the
mean value 32.74 and 36.41 mg kg−1 , respectively,
reported by Sharma et al. (2008) for the same
vegetables in India. In addition, Cu levels in veg-
Heavy metal concentrations in vegetables
etables showed good agreement with the mean Cu
concentrations in leafy and non-leafy vegetables
The average per capita consumption of leafy
15.5 and 8.51 mg kg−1 from Samata village, Jes-
and non-leafy vegetables is 130 g person−1 day−1
sor, Bangladesh obtained by Alam et al. (2003).
(Alam et al. 2003). This is considerably less than
The higher Cu levels obtained in vegetables from
the recommended amounts of 200 g person−1
present study than those of above author reveals
day−1 from a nutritional point of view (Hasan and
the elevated uptake of the heavy metals in plants
Ahmad 2000). The heavy metal concentrations
grown in industrial areas of Bangladesh. Concen-
in edible parts of vegetables grown in industrial
trations of Cu in vegetables were within the safe
areas around Dhaka, Bangladesh are shown in
limit of WHO and other authors except for lady’s
Figs. 1, 2, and 3. The range and mean concentra-
finger as recommended in SEPA (2005).
tions of heavy metals (mg kg−1 dry weight) in leafy
The highest concentration of Zn was found in
and other vegetables are presented in Table 4.
cabbage (42.06 mg kg−1 ) followed by lady’s finger
In leafy vegetables (lady’s finger and cabbage),
(34.70 mg kg−1 ). The mean concentration of Zn
the concentration of heavy metals (mg kg−1 dry
(19.54–42.06 mg kg−1 ) in vegetables from DEPZ
weight) ranged between 9.66 and 20.67 for Cu,
area of Dhaka was very similar to the vegeta-
16.54–67.06 for Zn, 9.88–26.34 for Pb, 2.28–11.84
bles from Beijing, China (32.01–69.26 mg kg−1 )
for Cr, 1.03–4.65 for Cd, 108.57–450.70 for Fe,
(Liu et al. 2005), as also from Rajasthan, India
and 3.05–26.63 for Ni (Table 4). The mean Cu
(21.1–46.4 mg kg−1 ) (Arora et al. 2008), but sub-
content in vegetables (8.63–27.94 mg kg−1 ) was
stantially lower than the Zn concentrations (3.00–
very similar to the result reported in Titagarh
171.03 mg kg−1 ) in vegetables from Titagarh,
Conc.(mg/kg d.wt)

25 Fe
Conc.(mg/kg d.wt)

20 Cr 400
15 300
10 200
5 Ni
0 0
Egg Chilli Tomato Lady's Cabbage Egg plant Chilli Tomato Lady's Cabbage
plant finger finger
Vegetables Vegetables

Fig. 2 Mean heavy metal concentration (Cr, Cd, and Ni) Fig. 3 Mean Fe concentration in vegetables of industrial
in vegetables of industrial areas, Bangladesh areas, Bangladesh
Environ Monit Assess (2010) 166:347–357 353

West Bengal, India (Gupta et al. 2008), Harare,



Zimbabwe (1,038–1,872 mg kg−1 ) (Tandi et al.

2004), and also the vegetables of Varanasi,
limitb India (59.61–79.46 mg kg−1 ) (Sharma et al.




2008) and from Delhi, India (46.7–91.9 mg kg−1 )

Table 4 Heavy metal concentration (mg kg−1 dry weight) in vegetables grown in and around industrial areas of Dhaka, Bangladesh: mean and (range)

(Rattan et al. 2005). The maximum concentra-


tion of Pb was exhibited by cabbage (22.09 mg


5 kg−1 ) followed by lady’s finger (15.72 mg kg−1 )
which exceeded the acceptable tolerance level of
290.73 (110.29–450.70)
42.06 (16.54–67.06)
22.09 (17.35–26.34)

23.68 (10.48–26.63)
WHO for Pb by four times and three times, re-
14.25 (9.81–20.67)

7.58 (6.10–8.74)
2.05 (1.05–3.10)

spectively. Pb concentrations in edible portions

Cabbage (13)

of all the vegetables examined in the present

study were above the permissible levels recom-
mended by WHO, India (Awashthi 2000), and
China (SEPA 2005). The mean Pb content in veg-
etables (11.97–22.09 mg kg−1 ) was lower than the
values reported in Titagarh, West Bengal, India
196.25 (108.57–322.75)

(21.59–57.63 mg kg−1 ) (Gupta et al. 2008) but

34.70 (28.35–45.13)
15.03 (9.66–17.95)

15.72 (9.88–24.65)
6.64 (2.28–11.84)

10.86 (3.05–19.49)
2.81 (1.03–4.65)
Lady’s finger (11)

comparatively higher than the Pb level reported

in China (0.18–7.75 mg kg−1 , Liu et al. 2006; 1.97–
3.81 mg kg−1 , Liu et al. 2005) and in Varanasi,
India (3.09–15.74 mg kg−1 ) (Sharma et al. 2007).
However, it was significantly lower than the mean
concentration of Pb (409 mg kg−1 ) reported in
vegetables from Turkey by Turkdogan et al.
350.28 (149.15–560.44)
27.94 (17.35–37.73)
28.98 (11.43–46.49)

(2002). Cr concentration was varied from 3.70

14.15 (7.89–20.54)
9.03 (7.67–10.39)

9.44 (7.12–12.32)
2.39 (0.89–3.70)

to 9.03 mg kg−1 and found to be in the order:

tomato > cabbage > lady’s finger > egg plant >
Tomato (13)

chilli. The mean level of Cr in vegetables in the

present study were significantly lower than con-
a FAO/WHO standard (Codex Alimentarious Commission 1984)

centrations reported in Titagarh, West Bengal,

India (34.83–96.30 mg kg−1 ) (Gupta et al. 2008)
146.29 (110.91–245.26)

and also less than those of Sharma et al. (2007)

19.54 (16.29–22.72)

(5.37–27.83 mg kg−1 ) in Varanasi, India. How-

11.18 (8.76–14.31)

13.81 (9.12–18.55)

10.79 (7.44–14.29)
3.70 (2.94–4.61)
2.18 (1.27–3.50)

ever, it was very close to the result obtained by

Liu et al. (2006) (0.08–15.38 mg kg−1 ) in vegeta-
Chilli (10)

bles in different parts of China. Accumulation of

Cd was highest in egg plant (2.91 mg kg−1 ) fol-
lowed by lady’s finger (2.81 mg kg−1 ) and tomato
b Indian standard (Awashthi 2000)

(2.39 mg kg−1 ) which exceeded the WHO limit by

335.38 (218.59–460.18)

approximately ten, nine, and eight times, respec-

22.76 (17.55–28.08)
11.97 (2.17–21.14)
6.27 (1.19–11.47)

tively. The present study revealed that the mean

8.63 (7.16–10.3)

2.91 (0.82–4.85)

4.62 (2.41–6.72)

Cd level (2.05–2.91 mg kg−1 ) measured in veg-

Egg plant (12)

n: number of samples

etables from DEPZ area, Dhaka was lower than

Plants (n)

the vegetables from Titagarh, West Bengal, India

c SEPA (2005)

(10.37–17.79 mg kg−1 ) (Gupta et al. 2008) and the

vegetables from endemic upper gastrointestinal
cancer region of Turkey (25 mg kg−1 ) (Turkdo-



gan et al. 2002) but higher than the vegetables

354 Environ Monit Assess (2010) 166:347–357

from China (0.03–0.73 mg kg−1 ) (Liu et al. 2005), and that in the corresponding soil (all based on dry
and significantly more than the vegetables from weight) for each vegetable separately (Liu et al.
Egypt (0.002–0.08 mg kg−1 ) (Dogheim et al. 2004), 2006).
whereas it was very close to the findings of Sharma BCF or PCF = Cplant / Csoil , where Cplant and
et al. (2007) (0.5–4.36 mg kg−1 ) in vegetables from Csoil represent the heavy metal concentration in
Varanasi, India. Mean Fe concentrations varied extracts of plants and soils on a dry weight basis,
from 146.29 to 350.28 mg kg−1 which was in good respectively. The BCF or PCF value ranges were:
agreement with concentrations (111–378 mg kg−1 ) Cu 0.22–0.71, Zn 0.16–0.36, Pb 0.24–0.44, Cr 0.07–
observed in vegetables by Arora et al. (2008). 0.16, Cd 0.18–0.25, Fe 0.08–0.20, and Ni 0.07–0.41.
Maximum uptake of Fe was in tomato (350.28 mg The BCF value for Cu (0.71) of tomato was the
kg−1 ) followed by egg plant (335.38 mg kg−1 ) and highest among all considered heavy metals which
cabbage (290.70 mg kg−1 ), whereas the levels of was supported by the observation of Liu et al.
Fe in all the vegetables were above the prescribed (2006). The trends of BCF for heavy metals in
safe limit of WHO. The upper concentrations of different vegetables studied were in the order Cu
Fe in vegetables were also found very similar to > Pb > Zn > Cd > Ni > Fe > Cr, which were
the values (2.11–336.9 mg kg−1 ) reported by Kisku more or less similar to the result reported by Khan
et al. (2000) for vegetables irrigated with mixed et al. (2008) in Beijing, China. Although Cu con-
industrial effluents in India. The data obtained for centrations in soils of the study area were below
Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd in cabbage and lady’s finger the threshold levels of WHO and other authors,
were very comparable with the result reported the highest mean BCF value of Cu in vegetables
for the same vegetable species by Sharma et al. might be attributed to the exceedingly high con-
(2008) in India. Maximum concentration of Ni centration of Cu, 2.17 mg L−1 , in irrigation water
shown by cabbage, 23.68 mg kg−1 , was 15- and 2- of the study area (Table 2). Moreover, the ex-
fold higher than the recommended safe limit of changeable and carbonated bound Cu, which were
PFA (Awashthi 2000) and of China (SEPA 2005), considered readily and potentially bioavailable,
respectively. Mean Ni concentrations in vegeta- accounted for <10% of the total Cu in crop soils in
bles varied from 4.62 to 23.68 mg kg−1 which general (Wong et al. 2002). Therefore, enrichment
were lower than the data reported for vegetables of vegetable for Cu might also be another pathway
in Titagarh, West Bengal, India by Gupta et al. except absorption from soils.
(2008). However, it was very similar to the findings Of the five vegetable species, tomato (for Cu,
of Sharma et al. (2007) (1.81–7.57 mg kg−1 ) in Cr, and Fe), cabbage (for Pb, Ni, and Zn), and
Varanasi, India and also of Rattan et al. (2005) egg plant (for Cd) showed highest metal accu-
(8.78–21.5 mg kg−1 ) in Delhi, India. The exhi- mulation. Vegetables differed in their ability to
bition of spatial and temporal variations of all accumulate and concentrate metals in their edible
the heavy metal concentration might be ascribed parts; differences between them were significant
to the variations in heavy metal sources and the which was well supported from the studies carried
quantity of heavy metals discharged through out by Sharma et al. (2006). The variations in
the effluents and sewage in irrigating water of heavy metal concentrations in vegetables were
the study area. due to variations in their absorption and accu-
mulation tendency. Soil properties such as pH,
organic matter, cation exchange capacity (CEC),
redox potential, soil texture, and clay content may
Heavy metal transfer from soils to vegetables also affect the heavy metal uptake (Overesch et al.
2007). The interaction between different heavy
Bioconcentration factor (BCF) or plant concen- metals occurs at root surface and also within the
tration factor (PCF) is a parameter used to de- plant, which ultimately affects the uptake and
scribe the transfer of trace elements from soil to translocation of heavy metals (Sharma et al. 2006).
plant body. It is calculated as the ratio between the The accumulation of heavy metals also depends
concentration of heavy metals in the vegetables on plant age and plant parts (Liu et al. 2007).
Environ Monit Assess (2010) 166:347–357 355

Conclusions Bangladesh. It is clear that an elevated level of

metal accumulation in edible parts of vegetable
There is no established tolerable/safe limit avail- plants is mainly from their growth media like
able for heavy metal in water, soil, and food water and soil. Long-term consumption of these
crops of Bangladesh. Therefore, the level of heavy metal-contaminated vegetables can cause differ-
metals found in different sources of the present ent diseases like thalassemia, dermatitis, brain and
study were compared with the prescribed safe kidney damage, and cancer in the human body.
limit provided by WHO (1996), SEPA (2005), Regular monitoring of these toxic heavy metals
and other authors. The mean concentrations of from effluents and sewage, in vegetables, and in
heavy metals in soil and water were within the safe other food materials is essential to prevent their
limits. However, Cu, Fe, and Cd concentrations in excessive build up in the food chain.
irrigation water were above and for Ni it was equal
to the safe limit set for the agricultural purpose
Acknowledgements The authors would like to place on
by WHO (Pescod 1992). Concentrations of all record sincere thanks to Dr. Didarul Alam and Dr. Abdul
the metals (mg kg−1 dry weight) in the studied Mtalib for their valuable help. The authors wish to ac-
agricultural soil were below the permissible level knowledge the financial assistance of the Prime Minis-
of Indian standard. The comparison of mean con- ter’s Research Fund, Government of Peoples Republic of
Bangladesh for carrying out this research.
centrations of heavy metal in examined soil with
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(Bowen 1966) revealed that wastewater applica-
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