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The Science of the Total Environment 257 Ž2000.


Transport of traffic-related aerosols in urban areas

´ a, , E. Rokitaa,b, W. Maenhautc
A. Wrobel
Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian Uni¨ ersity, Reymonta 4, 30-059 Krakow,
´ Poland
Regional Laboratory of Physicochemical Analyses and Structure Research, Jagiellonian Uni¨ ersity, Ingardena 3,
´ Poland
31-060 Krakow,
Instituut ¨ oor Nucleaire Wetenschappen, Uni¨ ersiteit Gent, Proeftuinstraat 86, B-9000 Gent, Belgium

Received 8 September 1999; accepted 9 May 2000


This study was undertaken to assess the influence of traffic on particulate air pollution in an urban area, and to
´ a city
characterise the short-range transport of the aerosols generated by traffic. The study was conducted in Krakow,
located in southern Poland with a population of approximately 800 000. Aerosol samples were collected using
automatic sampling equipment at five sites located at different distances from the main road in Krakow,´ ranging from
5 to 1500 m. The sampling set-up allowed standardisation of the results due to continuous determination of the
meteorological parameters Žtemperature, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction, rainfall and humidity..
Aerosol particles were separated according to aerodynamic diameter into two size fractions: ) 1.9 ␮m Žcoarse
fraction.; and 1.9᎐72 ␮m Žfine fraction.. The concentrations of 27 elements were measured in both size fractions ŽNa,
Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Zr, Ba, Pb.. The multielement
analyses were performed by Particle-Induced X-ray Emission ŽPIXE. spectrometry. Traffic contribution to particu-
late air pollution was determined on the basis of 13 elements which were present above the detection limit in all
samples ŽMg, Al, Si, P, S, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb.. It was found that the traffic contribution in the coarse size
fraction was approximately 80% up to 150 m from the road; it dropped abruptly by a factor of 2 over a distance of
150᎐200 m and declined further to 20% at 1500 m from the road. Traffic contribution for the fine particle
concentrations of individual elements was 50᎐70% in the close vicinity of the road Ž5 m.; then there was a decrease,
followed by an increase at a greater distance from the road. Possible explanations for this behaviour of the fine
particles are given. 䊚 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Traffic-derived particulate air pollution; Elemental composition of aerosols; Short-range aerosol transport; Motorway
emission; Vehicle

Corresponding author. Tel.: q48-12-633-93-76, ext. 5697; fax: q48-12-633-70-86.
´ ..
E-mail address: ufawrobe@cyf-kr.edu.pl ŽA. Wrobel

0048-9697r00r$ - see front matter 䊚 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 4 8 - 9 6 9 7 Ž 0 0 . 0 0 5 1 9 - 2
200 ´ et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 257 (2000) 199᎐211
A. Wrobel

1. Introduction The main goal of this research was to de-

termine the contribution of traffic to the particu-
Particulate air pollution can be generated by late air pollution and to characterise transport of
natural and anthropogenic sources. Anthro- aerosols in urban area in close vicinity of a road.
pogenic sources are classified as stationary and For this purpose, elemental concentrations were
mobile ones. In recent years, a general downward measured in aerosol samples collected at several
trend in aerosol emission from stationary sources distances from a road with high traffic intensity.
has been observed in most of the developed coun- The work was designed as a pilot study constitut-
tries. It has been estimated in highly industri- ing a basis for future, more specific investigations.
alised countries that the traffic-related aerosol air It is obvious that the more elements andror
pollution constitutes more than 50% of the total species are determined in aerosols, the more ef-
particulate air pollution ŽEnvironmental Protec- ficient and unequivocal the characterisation of
tion Year-book, 1996; Harrison et al., 1996.. Since the particulate pollution sources is. Therefore, we
the reduction of heavy industry output the intro- used the multielement technique Particle-In-
duction of new technologies is now common prac- duced X-Ray Emission ŽPIXE. spectrometry to
tice in Poland. It may be expected that the traffic measure the elements.
component will also dominate in the near future.
An increase in the traffic component is particu-
larly compelling in urban areas. 2. Aerosol collection
Air pollution is a cause of serious concern for
the public, especially inhabitants of heavily popu- At each sampling site, aerosol samples were
lated regions ŽWilliams and McCrae, 1995.. These collected separately during the day and night.
authors indicate that hazards associated with ve- ‘Day’ and ‘night’ sampling hours were defined
hicle-derived air pollution are considered to be taking into consideration traffic intensities. Dif-
comparably as important as unemployment, law ferences in ‘day’ and ‘night’ elemental concentra-
and order, and rising prices. A similar trend is tions were used as a measure of traffic impact on
also observed in Poland, manifested mainly as particulate air pollution. The sampling time was
opposition of citizens against planned highway 24 h, so each individual sample was collected for
construction in the vicinity of residential areas or 2 consecutive days or nights. A total of 30 coarse
new transit roads in the cities. and 30 fine aerosol samples were collected using
A number of articles and reports have been a stacked filter unit wNorwegian Institute for Air
published regarding the contribution of traffic to Research ŽNILU. type ‘open face’ filter holderx
total air pollution ŽKuhler et al., 1994; Harrison with two 47-mm diameter Nuclepore polycarbon-
and Jones 1995; Harrison et al., 1996; Janssen et ate filters Ža coarse Apiezon-coated filter with a
al., 1997; Hitchins et al., 2000.. There are some pore size of 8 ␮m and a fine filter of 0.4-␮m pore
literature data on behaviour of emissions gener- size.. At the flow rate used Ž2.3 m3rh., the coarse
ated by traffic at increasing distances from the filter has a cut-off point Ž d50 . of 1.9 ␮m equiva-
road which include principally the studies of lent aerodynamic diameter ŽEAD. ŽHeidam, 1981;
gaseous emissions ŽKuhler et al., 1994. and mass Lodge et al., 1981.. Thus, the coarse filter col-
concentrations ŽHitchins et al., 2000. while the lected the particles larger than 1.9 ␮m, whereas
present study attempted to evaluate traffic impact the fine filter collected the particles smaller than
on the basis of elemental concentrations. 1.9 ␮m.
The studies were conducted in Krakow, ´ a city The stacked filter unit constituted a part of the
located in southern Poland with a population of sampling set-up, consisting also of a vacuum pump
approximately 800 000. The city lies in a valley and a flow meter. The sampling set-up was con-
and its centre is highly built up, so disadvanta- nected to a weather station allowing the record-
geous phenomena connected with air pollution ing of the following parameters: wind direction
are especially significant. and velocity, temperature and humidity of air,
´ et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 257 (2000) 199᎐211
A. Wrobel 201

rainfall, and barometric pressure. The station was 3. Area description

controlled by a microprocessor SAB80C537 ŽSie-
mens.. The control unit allowed recording of me- To study the short-range aerosol transport, the
teorological data and air flows, and enabled sam- main transit road in the city of Krakow ´ was
pling according to a pre-established schedule; for selected on the basis of traffic intensity measure-
example, variability ranges of meteorological ments ŽTurzanski,´ 1997.. This road is charac-
parameters could be defined. To make measure- terised by a traffic density of 2500᎐3000 carsrh
ments more flexible, a portable sampling set-up during the rush hours. The traffic density remains
was used. A detailed description of the sampling around this range from 07.00 to 19.00 h, and
set-up is given elsewhere ŽWrobel ´ and Rokita, decreases to 200᎐500 carsrh in the night. The
1998.. traffic densities on neighbouring streets during
Previous experiments revealed a strong depen- the day are shown in Fig. 1; the night traffic on
dence of the measured elemental concentrations these streets is - 50 carsrh. These traffic density
on selected meteorological parameters, namely data determined the sampling schedule at each
wind speed and direction ŽHarrison and Williams, site, i.e. ‘day’ samples were collected from 07.00
´ et
1982; Sharan et al., 1995; Sharan, 1996; Wrobel to 19.00 h and night samples from 19.00 h to
al., 1999. as well as rainfall ŽOrlic et al., 1999; 07.00 h.
The five selected sampling sites ŽFig. 1. were
´ et al., 1999.. The other measured meteo-
rological parameters Žtemperature, barometric located in an area of Krakow ´ where the transit
pressure, and humidity. had a smaller influence road is expected to be the main source of particu-
late air pollution. There were no other major
on the results in late spring and summer, when
aerosol sources in their close vicinity. Obviously,
the tests were conducted. Based on the results of
it would have been preferable to conduct the
the test experiments, the following ranges of sam-
collections at sites where the air flow from the
pling parameters were established having the
transit road is not hindered by any obstacles, but
sampler activated in the current study: tempera-
it is impossible to find such places in the city
ture 9᎐22⬚C; barometric pressure 999᎐1006 hPa;
centre. Therefore, the sampling sites were located
absolute humidity 7᎐9 grm3; and wind direction
along a street with traffic density of - 500 carsrh
SW to NW, wind speed 0᎐3 mrs. Furthermore, during the day. The sampling sites were similar
our previous studies ŽWrobel et al., 1999. have with regard to the influence of other emission
shown that rainfall could decrease the atmo- sources and degree of sheltering, and they were
spheric concentrations of the elements by as much located at the following distances from the transit
as 50% in the coarse size fraction, the collections road: 5, 150, 200, 270, and 1500 m.
were made only during dry weather.
It is obvious that sequential sampling at dif-
ferent sites under exactly the same weather con- 4. Multielement analysis
ditions is not possible. Therefore, a simple stan-
dardisation was made with regard to wind speed To assess the contribution from traffic to the
and direction, as described in detail elsewhere particulate air pollution, the aerosol samples were
´ et al., 1999.. Briefly, as the concentration
ŽWrobel subjected to multielemental analysis by Particle-
at a particular sampling site is inversely propor- Induced X-Ray Emission ŽPIXE. spectrometry.
tional to the speed Ž ¨ . of the wind component The PIXE analyses were undertaken at the Uni-
from the source to the site ŽJuda and Chrusciel, versity of Gent and at the Institute of Nuclear
1974; Sharan et al., 1995; Sharan, 1996., with the ´ Details of the PIXE set-ups
Physics in Krakow.
source in our case being the road, all concentra- and the procedures used in Gent and Krakow ´ are
tions were multiplied by ¨ r ² ¨ :, with ² ¨ : the given elsewhere ŽMaenhaut et al., 1981, 1987;
average wind speed for the whole sampling pe- ´ et al., 1996..
riod. The PIXE technique was selected because it
202 ´ et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 257 (2000) 199᎐211
A. Wrobel

´ with location of the main transit road ŽMickiewicza Str.. and of the five sampling sites. Different line
Fig. 1. Map of part of Krakow
patterns are used to indicate different daytime traffic densities.

enables analysis of samples with very low mass Žof much higher levels in the samples than in the
approx. 0.1 mg.. This low mass requirement al- blanks Žfor Fe over 1000 times higher, and for Mn
lowed us to reduce the size of the sampling set-up and Cu approx. 100 times higher., so that the
and to make it portable. Furthermore, the filter blank correction was small. For Cr, Ni, and Br,
samples Žor sections thereof. are directly bom- however, the levels in the blank filters approxi-
barded as such in PIXE, and neither dissolution mated those in the samples wCr: ; 4 ngrm3
nor another chemical sample preparation proce- Žfine. ᎐40 ngrm3 Žcoarse.; Ni: ; 0.1 ngrm3
dure is required. Concentrations of up to 27 ele- Žfine. ᎐; 1 ngrm3 Žcoarse.; Br: 4 ngrm3 Žfine. ᎐
ments Ži.e. Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, ; 8 ngrm3 Žcoarse.x. Therefore, the atmospheric
Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, Rb, concentration data for these elements were not
Sr, Zr, Ba, Pb. could be determined with a 15-min retained for further examination.
PIXE bombardment, with detection limits down
to 0.1 ngrm3. For the coarse size fraction, each of
the 27 elements was above the detection limit in 5. Results and discussion
at least one sample, but for the fine fraction, four
elements Ži.e. Ge, Sr, Zr, Ba. were always below In the present study, evaluation of traffic-
the detection limit. derived air pollution was based on elemental con-
Examples of PIXE spectra for a coarse filter centrations determined by Proton Induced X-ray
sample and a blank filter are shown in Fig. 2. In Emission ŽPIXE.. This method has been widely
the blank filter, the following elements were de- used in aerosol studies all over the world, e.g. in
tected: Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, and Br. There were the United Kingdom ŽHarrison and Jones, 1995.,
only trace amounts of Fe, Mn, and Cu in the Italy ŽPrati et al., 1999., Chile ŽArtaxo et al.,
blanks. Moreover, these elements were present at 1999., USA ŽCahill, 1990., India ŽBandhu et al.,
´ et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 257 (2000) 199᎐211
A. Wrobel 203

Fig. 2. PIXE spectra for a coarse filter sample and a blank filter ŽApiezon-coated Nuclepore polycarbonate filter, 8 ␮m pore size..
X-Ray intensity is plotted against X-ray energy ŽE, keV.. NrQ is the number of counts per channel per unit charge. The inserted
table gives the concentrations of various elements Žngrm3 ., determined on the basis of this spectrum.

2000., Brasilia ŽGerab et al., 1998., Atlantic Ocean in crustal rock and soil; the group of heavy metals
ŽMaenhaut et al., 1981., Singapore ŽOrlic et al., contains metals with atomic number ) 25 which
1999.. It is characterised by high sensitivity if are frequently included in environmental moni-
small samples are to be analysed. toring programs ŽMn, Cu, Zn, Pb., while the
In this work, elemental concentrations were remaining elements were classified as minor ele-
determined in two aerosol fractions. The coarse ments ŽTi, V, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Zr, Ba..
fraction, equivalent aerodynamic diameter ŽEAD., Table 1 presents the elemental concentrations
resulting from flow rate ranged from 1.9 to 72 Žbefore applying the normalisation for wind speed
␮m, it contained PM10 particles and black smoke. described in Section 2. in the samples collected at
Such a definition of the coarse fraction was ex- 5 m from the road. In the coarse size fraction, two
pected to reveal distance-related differences in elements dominated, i.e. Si and Ca, whose maxi-
traffic-derived particulate air pollution. The fine mum concentrations exceeded 1 ␮grm3. Concen-
fraction ŽEAD- 1.9 ␮m. consisted of the inhal- trations of Na, Mg, Al, S, Cl, K and Fe were in
able particulate fraction, the most hazardous for the range of several hundred ngrm3, while P, Ti,
human health ŽHarrison et al., 1996.. Ba and heavy metals concentrations ranged from
To present elemental concentrations for the 10 to 100 ngrm3. As to the minor elements,
aerosol fractions, the elements were divided into concentrations of coarse V, Sr and Zr fluctuated
three groups: major elements, heavy metals, and from 1 to 10 ngrm3, while those of Ga, Ge, Se,
minor elements. Most of the elements included in and As were approximately 0.1 ngrm3. Elemental
the group of major elements ŽNa, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, concentrations in the fine size fraction were con-
Cl, K, Ca, Fe. are present in high concentrations siderably different from those in the coarse frac-
204 ´ et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 257 (2000) 199᎐211
A. Wrobel

Table 1
Average day and night elemental concentrations ŽAvg., in ngrm3 , and associated standard deviations ŽS.D.., based on up to four
´ and respective values measured in Arnhem ŽJanssen et al., 1997. and London
samples, at 5 m from the transit road in Krakow
ŽHarrison et al., 1996.

Element Fine size fraction Coarse size fraction

Krakow Arnhem ´
Krakow London
Range annual
Day Night Day Night
Avg S.D. Avg S.D. Avg S.D. Avg S.D.

Na ᎐ ᎐ 72.6 41.4 25᎐420 172 95 143 24

Mg 16.7 a ᎐ 16.4 10.4 107 63 67.9 4.0
Al 13.9 6.7 13.5 1.1 355 247 185 40 456 b
Si 46.5 27.0 89.8 51 9᎐164 1614 1176 817 168
P 7.38 a ᎐ 7.14 2.41 42.7 9.8 37.6 24.6
S 406 202 771 521 297᎐4321 293 67 277 116
Cl 6.52 1.19 10.7 6.4 172 107 145 32
K 40.5 22.2 93.6 23.1 46᎐471 206 122 143 43
Ca 32.0 19.0 32.6 5.6 1149 653 671 127
Fe 39.2 19.4 56.0 29.2 120᎐367 749 443 459 77 913
Mn 1.34 0.39 2.20 0.97 7᎐40 15.7 9.3 9.99 1.12 15
Cu 1.77 0.75 2.24 0.78 6᎐61 16.9 8.6 8.27 1.14 24
Zn 11.0 2.7 32.8 16.9 18᎐174 49.5 36.2 44.1 21.0 65
Pb 16.3 7.5 28.8 11.0 29.6 16.2 20.4 9.4 99
Ti 1.38 0.21 1.17 0.31 43.9 27.8 21.3 3.6
V ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ 2.19 a ᎐ 0.67 0.07 15
Ga ᎐ ᎐ 0.34 0.22 0.87 0.38 0.41 0.05
Ge ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ 0.58 0.23 0.35a ᎐
As ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ 0.86 a ᎐ 2.65 b
Se ᎐ ᎐ 0.36 0.21 0.77 a ᎐ 0.33a ᎐ 2.0 b
Rb 0.55a ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐
Sr ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ 3.45 2.69 2.14 0.32
Zr ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ 5.89 3.46 1.83a ᎐
Ba ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ 11.9 7.0 5.86 1.93
Detected in one sample.
According to AEA-Technology Trace Element Survey.

tion. Sulfur was the dominant element in the fine aerosols Že.g. Thurston and Spengler, 1985; Har-
fraction, with concentrations exceeding 500 rison et al, 1996; Artaxo et al., 1999; Orlic et al.,
ngrm3. Concentrations of all other major ele- 1999; Prati et al., 1999; Bandhu et al., 2000..
ments Žwith the exception of Cl and P. as well as However, direct comparison with the literature
these of two heavy metals ŽZn and Pb. fell in the data is hindered by the fact that particulate ele-
range 10᎐100 ngrm3, while fine Cl, P, Mn, Cu, mental compositions depend strongly on particle
and Ti were present at 1᎐10 ngrm3. The concen- size under analysis. Therefore, the data obtained
trations of fine Ga and Se were less than 1 in the present study were compared with those
ngrm3. The average concentrations, after normal- which analysed similar particulate fractions col-
isation for wind speed, for the three groups of lected in European urban areas. Elemental levels
elements in the day and night samples at two in the fine fraction were compared with their
distances from the transit road Ž5 and 1500 m. are respective values measured in the samples ŽPM2.5 .
displayed in Fig. 3. collected at Arnhem 0.5 m from a street Ž15 000
A number of studies have been published carsr24 h. ŽJanssen et al., 1997.. Coarse fraction
concerning elemental concentrations in urban data were related to the results obtained in Cen-
´ et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 257 (2000) 199᎐211
A. Wrobel 205

Fig. 3. Average elemental concentrations Žngrm3 ., normalised to wind speed, in the coarse and fine aerosol size fractions in the
samples collected at 5 and 1500 m from the transit artery.

tral London since in the latter study the samples lytical methods, and the results from London are
were not size fractionated ŽHarrison and Jones, for annual averages.
1995.. The perusal of Table 1 indicates that gen- The main objectives of this study were to evalu-
erally the data are comparable. The largest dif- ate the contribution from traffic to the particulate
ferences were noted in the lead levels in the air pollution and to describe the short-range
coarse fraction which was three times higher in aerosol transport. For this work we only retained
London than in Krakow. ´ Literature data indicate the elements Ži.e. Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti,
that aerosol lead concentrations show wide dif- Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb. which could be determined
ferences in different cities, e.g. in ngrm3: in the Žin the coarse size fraction. at all sampling sites
coarse fraction, 0.53 in Birkenes, Norway, 19.81 in during the day and night in at least three repli-
Lund, Sweden ŽCornille et al., 1987., 610 in Hus- cates, and we used the concentrations that were
ton, USA, 1225 in Chandigarh, India ŽBandhu, normalised for wind speed and direction. Normal-
2000., and in the fine fraction 3.3 in Birkenes isation for wind direction was applied earlier by
ŽCornille et al., 1987., 31 in Singapore ŽOrlic et Harrison and Williams Ž1982. with respect to
al., 1999., ; 100 in Santiago, Chile ŽArtaxo et al., long-range transport of cadmium, lead and zinc.
1999., which may result from different traffic den- Hitchins et al. Ž2000. demonstrated strong effect
sities, population, topography, etc., in various of wind speed and direction on short-range
cities. It should be taken into account that the transport of traffic-related aerosols ŽPM2.5 or less..
compared data were obtained using different ana- Therefore, in our work we used normalisation for
206 ´ et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 257 (2000) 199᎐211
A. Wrobel

Fig. 4. Traffic contribution to the particulate air pollution at different distances from the transit artery for the coarse ŽA. and fine
ŽB. size fractions. Difference between day w cŽ d .x and night w cŽ n.x elemental concentrations normalised to the concentration at 5 m
from the road w cŽ dy 5 m.x wi.e. p s 100 = w cŽ d . y cŽ n.xrcŽ d᎐5 m.x plotted against distance from the transit road ŽD..

both these parameters to be able to compare whereby the sampling time was restricted to have
results of measurements conducted at different fairly constant meteorological conditions during
locations and times. it.
For coarse Cl, the variation with distance from With the exception of Cl, the daytime concen-
the road differed substantially from the changes trations of all elements in the coarse size fraction
of all other coarse fraction elements, which sug- were approximately two to five times higher at the
gests that coarse Cl originated from sources not site at 5 m from the transit road than at 1500 m
connected with traffic. Therefore, the further from this road ŽFig. 3.. In the fine size fraction,
analysis of the traffic impact is based on 13 ele- concentrations of most elements decreased by a
ments. For several elements concentrations were factor of approximately 2 over the distance from 5
below detection limits in most of the samples ŽNa, to 1500 m; the concentration of fine sulfur de-
V, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Zr, and Ba in the creased by a factor of 3.
coarse fraction, and the same elements plus Mg, To describe the short-range transport of the
P, and Cl in the fine fraction.. To be able to traffic-related aerosol component, the differences
measure these elements consistently, a longer between the daytime and night-time elemental
sampling time would be necessary. However, a concentrations were adopted as a measure of the
longer sampling time involves the risk of larger traffic contribution ŽFig. 4.. This assumption is
changes in weather conditions during the collec- justified by the fact that the traffic density was
tion. So, a compromising approach was adopted 6᎐10 times higher during the day than in the
´ et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 257 (2000) 199᎐211
A. Wrobel 207

night. From Fig. 3 it appeared that the elemental of the different elements at any particular site are
concentrations were substantially higher during much closer to each other for the coarse size
the day than in the night for both size fractions. fraction than for the fine fraction, except for the
The day᎐night difference is particularly pro- site at 150 m from the main road. When averag-
nounced for the coarse size fraction. ing the p-values of the various elements at each
As the absolute concentrations of the different of the sites for the coarse size fraction ŽFig. 4a.,
elements differ by up to two orders of magnitude, the highest standard deviation was obtained at
a normalisation was performed in order to facili- 150 m from the road Ž31%. and the lowest at 5 m
tate a comparison of the results for the different Ž5.0%.. This suggests that the various elements
elements. This was accomplished by setting the are either associated with roughly the same aero-
daytime concentration at 5 m from the transit sol particles or otherwise with particle popula-
road at 100% for each of the elements. The data tions of rather similar size distribution and source.
in Fig. 4 then present the normalised distance- The aerodynamic diameter determines the parti-
dependent change in the traffic contribution for cle settling velocity; for example, for particles
the various elements. with aerodynamic diameters of 1 and 100 ␮m the
As seen from Fig. 4a, the contribution from settling velocities in still air Žat 0⬚C and 1 atm.
traffic at 5 m from the transit road ranges from are 10 mmrs and 25 cmrs, respectively.
89% for coarse Al to 71% for coarse Pb. The The average p-values for the coarse fraction
traffic contribution to coarse particle air pollution elements can be considered as the traffic compo-
for the various elements Žwith the exception of nent of the coarse particle air pollution. These
Cl. drops to 25% ŽCu. ᎐55% ŽCa. at 270 m from average p-values and the variability ranges in p
the road, and it declines further at 1500 m from are shown in Fig. 5. This figure suggests that the
the pollution source to values from 6% ŽP. to transport of the traffic-related coarse particles
38% ŽMg.. It is noteworthy that an abrupt drop in has two distinct components: a short-distance
the coarse fraction elemental concentrations Žap- component, with a rapid decline in concentration
prox. a factor of 2. is observed over a distance of up to 150 m, and a long-distance component with
between 150 and 200 m from the transit artery. a much smaller decrease beyond 150 m.
The difference between the patterns of distance- It is necessary to emphasise that the combus-
dependent change in the various elements, may in tion of gasoline and diesel fuel in motor vehicle
part be due to differences in the aerodynamic engines gives rise to particles with aerodynamic
diameter Žand thus dry deposition velocity. of the diameters ranging from less than 0.1 to 2 ␮m
particles with which the elements are associated. ŽLodge et al., 1981; Harrison et al., 1996.. Conse-
Assessing the traffic contribution for the fine quently, the traffic-related aerosol should espe-
size fraction is much more complex than for the cially be seen in the fine size fraction. The
coarse fraction because of the longer atmospheric traffic-related coarse fraction aerosol consists
lifetime of the fine particles. From Fig. 4b it can predominantly of resuspended road dust. The road
be seen that the approximate contributions from dust is composed of particles of natural, indus-
traffic at 5 m from the road are in the range trial, andror municipal origin, and it is repeatedly
53᎐68% for most elements Ž39% for Zn.. Fur- introduced into the atmosphere by moving cars.
thermore, although the contributions from traffic The elemental composition of the coarse fraction
at any particular site differ markedly for the aerosol appeared to be rather similar to that of
different elements, the patterns of change with soils and dust emitted by power plants and steel
distance from the road are rather similar: a drop works in the Krakow ´ area ŽManecki et al., 1981;
at 150 m, an increase at 200᎐270 m, and a slow ´
Turzanski, 1996.. Thus, the traffic resuspends
decrease over the distance to 1500 m from the coarse particulate air pollutants from a variety of
pollution source. sources, but this effect remains limited to a rela-
From a comparison of Fig. 4a,b it is evident tively small area.
that the traffic-related percentages Žparameter p . The transport of the fine aerosol is quite dif-
208 ´ et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 257 (2000) 199᎐211
A. Wrobel

Fig. 5. Traffic component of the coarse particulate air pollution. Average p-value Žsee Fig. 4 and text for explanation of parameter
p . and associated standard deviation plotted against distance from the transit road. Boundaries of the grey area indicate the
variability range in p Žminimum and maximum values..

ferent from that of the coarse aerosol. The low phenomenon may help to explain why the highest
settling velocity of the fine particles and, conse- concentrations of fine fraction elements were not
quently, their longer atmospheric lifetime have observed close to the road Ž5᎐150 m. but further
the effect that the fine aerosol is a mixture of away Ž200᎐270 m, see Fig. 4b..
particles from a large area and from various Aerosol studies widely utilise models which are
sources. Furthermore, fine particles are more sub- aimed to determine the contribution of individual
ject to turbulence and atmospheric mixing emission sources to total air pollution Žreceptor
processes than coarse particles are, which makes modelling. or to establish patterns of the propa-
the atmospheric transport of the former more gation of particulate air pollution on the basis of
complicated. Also, fine particles are constantly basic physical parameters and laws of hydrody-
formed inside the atmosphere from various namics Žanalytical models..
gaseous species by gas-to-particle conversion Receptor modelling consists basically in the
Žnucleation .. The emissions from motor vehicle determination of elemental composition of partic-
engines permanently supplement the atmosphere ulate fractions and identification of particular pol-
with primary fine particles and with various aero- lution sources by factor analysis ŽKeiding et al.,
sol precursor gases. The introduction of the parti- 1986; Dillon and Goldstein, 1984.. However, to be
cles and gases into the atmosphere is subject to able to apply these statistical techniques, it is
local turbulence Ždepending on the speed of ejec- necessary to perform many sample collections. It
tion of combustion gas and local temperature is assumed that such analysis is valid if n q 50
gradients., which causes rapid rise and dispersion samples were collected, where n is a number of
of the fine particles, so that they do not settle in the determined elements ŽThurston and Spengler,
the close vicinity of the pollution source. This 1985.. Therefore, if sampling time is 24 h and
´ et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 257 (2000) 199᎐211
A. Wrobel 209

n s 10, then sampling time at one sampling site the street depends on inflow wind and street
should be 120 days. Application of receptor mod- canyon geometry. The model was tested using the
elling was not necessary in the present work since data from the experiments carried out in Japan.
its main goal was the measurement of traffic The above-mentioned models can be applied in
impact at the defined site in the city. Receptor future for explaining the behaviour of both aero-
models have been used to identify sources of air sol fractions observed in the present study.
pollution in different cities, e.g. in the USA in Besides model development, traffic-related
Los Angeles and New York ŽHenry and Hidy, aerosol transport was studied in terms of horizon-
1979., Boston ŽHopke et al., 1976; Thurston and tal distribution of elemental and particulate con-
Spengler, 1985., Salt Lake City, St. Louis ŽHenry centrations. The study of Janssen et al. Ž1997.
and Hidy, 1982., in the UK in Belfast, Birming- demonstrated 1.3- and 2.6-fold decreases in PM2.5
ham, Bristol, Edinburgh, Leeds, Liverpool, Lon- and black smoke, respectively, and a two- to sev-
don, Newcastle ŽHarrison et al., 1996.. The stud- enfold drop in Si, Fe, Cu concentrations, at a
ies in the UK report the percentage contribution background site in compression with a location
of each identified source to total concentration of near the road. They also showed significant posi-
each component of total suspended particles and tive correlation between elemental and particu-
traffic-related fraction of PM10. Although for late concentrations for most elements. The study
obvious reasons caution should be exercised in of Hitchins et al. Ž2000. investigated the changes
comparing the data obtained in the present work in the concentration of particles with the fol-
and the data resulting from multivariate analysis lowing EAD: 0.005᎐0.9 ␮m, 0.5᎐20 ␮m and 2.5
in the above-mentioned study, it is interesting to ␮m ŽPM2.5 . over a distance 15᎐375 m from a
major road in Australia, dependent on wind di-
note that the contribution of lead Žone of the
rection. The conclusion of the authors is: ‘ex-
markers of vehicular source. was estimated in the
posure to submicrometre particles is significantly
latter at 60% while in the present work Žthough
increased within the distance from 15 to 150 m
obtained by different method. it was 70%, 1500 m
from a major road.’ The results for PM2.5 and
from the road.
larger particles were similar. Therefore, the find-
The studies concerning analytical modelling of
ings of the aforementioned authors agree with
the transport of particulate air pollutants utilise a
the results of the present work regarding the
number of models describing behaviour of aero-
coarse fraction. Differences in the behaviour of
sols in air. Literature contains reports on ad- the fine fraction between these two studies can be
vanced models, e.g. of Davidson and Slawson explained by the various topography of the study
Ž1982. that calculated effective source flux
area and seasons of sample collection.
parameters for use in the analytical plume rise
model, which describes transport from point
source. Spatial and temporal distribution of vehic- 6. Conclusions
ular pollutants from line and area sources was
modelled by Hao et al. Ž2000. in the urban area in The main findings and conclusions of the pre-
Beijing, in dependence on traffic intensity. This sent study are:
study was based on the investigations of Sharan
ŽSharan et al., 1995; Sharan, 1996. who developed 䢇 The traffic component of coarse particle air
the model for the dispersion of air pollutants in pollution was estimated at approximately 80%
low wind conditions in relation to distance, which up to 150 m from the road, ; 40% at 200᎐270
could be described by Gaussian-shaped curve. m, and ; 20% at 1500 m.
Moreover, Huang et al. Ž2000. constructed a two- 䢇 The region up to 150 m from the road is at the
dimensional air quality numerical model in an highest risk of contamination with coarse par-
urban street canyon which showed that the con- ticles from resuspended road dust; further-
centration distribution of pollutants emitted from more, the coarse particle air pollution from
210 ´ et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 257 (2000) 199᎐211
A. Wrobel

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䢇 Transport of fine aerosol particles is much sulphate and other air quality variables by principal compo-
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