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Ana Isabel Moro Vicente

The Conditional Exercises for Bachillerato


EXERCISE 1. Complete the table.

First conditional Second conditional Third conditional

I'll do it if I have the time. I would do it if I had the time. I would have done it if I had had the

If I see her, I'll tell her. ______________________ __________________________

If she doesn't try, she won't ______________________ __________________________


Will you do it if I ask you? ______________________ __________________________

________________________ I'd buy it if you gave me a __________________________


________________________ ______________________ If I had been ill, I would have stayed

at home.

________________________ If I knew the answer, I would tell __________________________


What will you do if the bus ______________________ __________________________

doesn't come?

________________________ ______________________ I would have been sorry if she had


________________________ I wouldn't stay in this job if I __________________________

could find another one.

________________________ They would get wet if it rained. __________________________

Ana Isabel Moro Vicente
The Conditional Exercises for Bachillerato

EXERCISE 2. Match the sentences halves.


1 I'd have gone climbing ... a if she had shouted.

2 If my keys had been on the table, ... b I would talk to her more.

3 We would have heard her ... c I wouldn't have bought it.

4 They'd never have seen her ... d if the weather hadn't been so bad.

5 If I'd known it was stolen, ... e if she hadn't been wearing a red scarf.

6 If she were more friendly, ... f I wouldn't do it.

7 If you'd reminded me, ... g I wouldn't have forgotten.

8 If it was dangerous . ... h I would have noticed them.


1 If I pass my driving test, a will you pay for the meal?

2 You'll learn English more easily if b we find somewhere to live.

3 Will you give her these flowers when c you study a little every day.

4 If they don't give him the job, d you don't water them.

5 I'll marry you as soon as e we'll send them to you.

6 Your plants won't grow well if f I'll buy a car.

7 If I buy the champagne, g I don't know what he'll do.

8 As soon as we get the tickets, h you see her?

EXERCISE 3. Choose the correct form.

1. If I miss / I'll miss the bus this afternoon, I'll get a taxi instead.

2. We'll have to go without John if he doesn’t arrive / won't arrive soon.

3. They won’t refund / didn't refund your money if you haven't kept your receipt.

4. If I make some coffee, do you cut / will you cut the cake?

5. Did you work / Would you work harder if you were better paid?

6. If you don't complain / didn't complain so much, you might be more popular.

7. Weren't my friends / Wouldn't my friends be envious if they could only see me now?


1. If we sneak out quietly, nobody _______________ (notice)

2. If we _______________ (know) about your problem, we would have helped you.

3. If I _______________ (be) you, I would not buy that dress.

4. We _______________ (arrive) earlier if we had not missed the bus.

Ana Isabel Moro Vicente
The Conditional Exercises for Bachillerato

5. If I didn't have a mobile phone, my life _______________ (not be) complete.

6. Okay, I _______________ (get) the popcorn if you buy the drinks.

7. If I _______________ (tell) you a secret, you would be sure to leak it.

8. She _______________ (go) out with you if you had only asked her.

9. I would not have read your diary if you _______________ (not hide) it in such an obvious place.

10. Unless he _______________ (sell) more he won't get much commission.

11. If I lend you £10, when _______________ you _______________ (repay) me?

12. Unless you are more careful you _______________ (have) an accident.

13. My father would have died if the doctors _______________ (not operate) on him straight away.

14. Don't worry. If you _______________ (miss) the last bus, I'll give you a lift in my car.

15. My friend _______________ (get) better marks at school if she did more homework.

16. If she doesn't have much time, she normally _______________ (have) a sandwich for lunch.

17. I _______________ (wear) some warm clothes today, if I were you. It's quite cold outside.

18. You _______________ (not have) the accident if you'd been more careful.

19. If you _______________ (wait) for a few minutes, I'll come into town with you.

20. I would have told you if I _______________ (know)

21. I _______________ (speak) to my boss about my holidays today if I get the chance.

22. If he _______________ (make) a promise, he always keeps it.

23. I'd go to the cinema more often if it _______________ (not be) so expensive.

24. If you eat all those cakes, you _______________ (make) yourself sick.

25. If you _______________ (ask) me, I would have helped you.

26. If I had more money, _______________ you _______________ (marry) me?

27. He wouldn't help you if he _______________ (not like) you.

28. You _______________ (find) the machine is quite simple to operate if you look at the manual.

29. _______________ your parents _______________ (not be) proud if they could see you now?

30. If I _______________ (not revise) thoroughly, I may fail my test.

31. If you wanted to buy someone a really good present, what sort of thing _______________ you
_______________ (look for)?

32. You'd have a lot more friends if you _______________ (not be) so mean.

33. How _______________ you _______________ (feel) if you were in my position?

34. Would you change your job if you _______________ (can)?

35. I'm sure you _______________ (enjoy) the film if you _______________ (see) it.

36. If we _______________ (leave) now, we _______________ (not be) late.

37. If we _______________ (miss) the bus, we _______________ (take) a taxi.

38. What _______________ she _______________ (do) if she _______________ (fail) the exam?
Ana Isabel Moro Vicente
The Conditional Exercises for Bachillerato

39. If you _______________ (need) any help, _______________ you _______________ (tell) me?

40. If Simon _______________ (not apologize) to me, I _______________ (not speak) to him any more.

41. If you _______________ (go) away, you _______________ (write) to me, won't you?

42. Unless house plants _______________ (water) regularly, they _______________ (die) quite quickly.

43. What noisy neighbours you've got! If mine _______________ (be) as bad as yours, I _______________
(go) crazy!

44. You're late again! If you _______________ (be) late again tomorrow, your pay _______________

45. I often eat meat, but I _______________ (not like) it if it _______________ (undercook).

46. If I _______________ (be) you, I _______________ (talk) to a doctor before going on a diet.

47. If you _______________ (try) the grilled chicken, I think you _______________ (like) it, but you
insisted on steak, as usual.

48. If you _______________ (go out) with us last night, it _______________ (cheer you up) a bit.

EXERCISE 5. Gaps with clue

1a. They are not releasing the prisoner next month because there was so much public opposition to his

1b. But, they _______________ (release) the prisoner next month if there _______________ (be) so much
opposition to his parole.

2a. The hotels filled up months in advance because the festival is going to include jazz artists from
around the globe.

2b. But, the hotels _______________ (fill) up months in advance if the festival _______________
(include) jazz artists from around the globe.

3a. We are not worried about the recent string of robberies in the neighborhood because the police have
started regularly patrolling the area.

3b. But, we _______________ (be) worried about the recent string of robberies in the neighborhood if
the police _______________ (not start) regularly patrolling the area.

4a. Tom is not going to come to dinner tomorrow because you insulted him yesterday.

4b. But, he _______________ (come) if you _______________ (insult) him.

5a. Marie is unhappy because she gave up her career when she got married.

5b. But, Marie _______________ (be) happy if she _______________ (not give) up her career when she
got married.

6a. Dr. Mercer decided not to accept the research grant at Harvard because he is going to take six
months off to spend more time with his family.
Ana Isabel Moro Vicente
The Conditional Exercises for Bachillerato

6b. But, Dr. Mercer _______________ (accept) the research grant at Harvard if he _______________ (not
take) six months off to spend more time with his family.

7a. Professor Schmitz talked so much about the Maasai tribe because she is an expert on African tribal

7b. But, Professor Schmitz _______________ (not talk) so much about the Maasai tribe if she
_______________ (not be) an expert on African tribal groups.

8a. I am unemployed because I had a disagreement with my boss and I was fired.

8b. But, I _______________ (not be) unemployed if I _______________ (not have) a disagreement with
my boss and I _______________ (not be) fired.

9a. Nicole speaks Chinese fluently because she lived in China for ten years.

9b. But, Nicole _______________ (not speak) Chinese fluently if she _______________ (not live) in China
for ten years.

10a. I will not help you study for your test because you have spent the last two weeks partying and
wasting time.

10b. But, I _______________ (help) you study for your test if you _______________ (not spend) the last
two weeks partying and wasting time.

11a. Eleanor and Ben are not going skiing with us this year because Eleanor just had a baby.

11b. But, Eleanor and Ben _______________ (go) skiing with us this year if Eleanor _______________ (not
have just) a baby.

12a. I am completely exhausted, so I will not go with you to the movies tonight.

12b. But, if I _______________ (not be) completely exhausted, I _______________ (go) with you to the
movies tonight.

13a. She is not worried about the conference tomorrow because she is not giving a speech.

13b. But, she _______________ (be) worried about the conference tomorrow if she _______________
(give) a speech.

14a. Frank is not going to the graduation ceremony because he broke his leg snowboarding last week.

14b. But, Frank _______________ (go) to the graduation ceremony if he _______________ (break) his leg
snowboarding last week.

15. Eat your soup. If you _______________ (not hurry) up, it _______________ (get) cold.
Ana Isabel Moro Vicente
The Conditional Exercises for Bachillerato

16. There are mice in your kitchen. If you _______________ (have) a cat, the mice _______________
(disappear) immediately.

17. The passengers at the front of the plane were all killed, but Alice, who was sitting at the back,
survived. If she _______________ (be) nearer the front, she _______________ (die).

18. We're penniless because our holiday cost so much. You should have listened to me. If we
_______________ (go) where I wanted to go, it _______________ (be) a lot cheaper. And we
_______________ (have) some money in the bank now.

19. She was badly hurt when the car in which she was a passenger hit another car. If she
_______________ (wear) her seat belt, she _______________ (not hurt) so badly.

20. Give me that message for Peter. If I _______________ (see) him this afternoon, I _______________
(give) it to him.

21. Mmm! This meal's delicious! If I _______________ (can) cook as well as this, I _______________
(open) a restaurant.

22. My wife and I met on a cruise. I was on it because I was recovering from an illness, and she was the
ship's doctor. Just think! If I _______________ (not be) ill, and if she _______________ (not be) the
doctor, we _______________ (not meet), we _______________ (not get) married, and our children
_______________ (not be) born! What a thought!

23a. I can't take much exercise because I don't have enough free time.

23b. If I ______________________________ more free time, I ____________________________.

24a. Many people didn't realise that smoking was dangerous when they were young. Now they are
middle aged they are having serious health problems.

24b. If people ____________________, they _____________________ now they are middle aged.

25a. Hardly anyone was concerned about pollution in the 1960s. The first motorways were built then.

25b. The first motorways __________________ if more people _________________ in the 1960s.

26a. The schoolchildren sowed some seeds, but they forgot to water them so they didn't grow.

26b. The seeds _________________________ if the schoolchildren ________________________.

27a. It's important to protect wildlife now or there will be nothing left for future generation.
Ana Isabel Moro Vicente
The Conditional Exercises for Bachillerato

27b. If we ________________________, there ________________________ for future generations.

28a. People don't realise how important it is to conserve energy, so they do nothing about it.

28b. If people ________________________, they ________________________ something about it.

29a. Many poor farmers are encouraged to grow crops to sell instead of food. This means they have
problems feeding their families when prices fall.

29b. If poor farmers _______________________ instead of food, they _______________________ feeding

their families when prices fall.

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