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Materi ini mencakup beberapa kategori kata yang umum digunakan, disertai dengan contoh


1. Kata Benda (Nouns)

a. Places (Tempat)
- Library : The library is a great place to read books.
- Hospital : The hospital is open 24 hours a day.
- Airport : We arrived at the airport two hours before our flight.

b. Objects (Benda)
- Chair : He sat on the chair near the window.
- Computer : She uses her computer for work every day.
- Bottle : The bottle is filled with water.

2. Kata Sifat (Adjectives)

a. Descriptive (Deskriptif)
- Beautiful : The garden looks beautiful in the spring.
- Old : This house is very old.
- Bright : The room is bright and sunny.

b. Opposites (Kebalikan)
- Hot - Cold : The tea is hot, but the ice cream is cold.
- Big - Small : The elephant is big, but the mouse is small.
- Happy - Sad : She felt happy yesterday, but today she is sad.

3. Kata Kerja (Verbs)

a. Actions (Aksi)
- Run : He runs every morning.
- Read : She reads a book before bed.
- Eat : They eat lunch at noon.
b. Daily Activities (Aktivitas Harian)
- Wake up : I wake up at 7 AM.
- Work : She works from home.
- Study : The students study for the exam.

4. Kata Keterangan (Adverbs)

a. Frequency (Frekuensi)
- Always : She always arrives on time.
- Sometimes : He sometimes goes to the gym.
- Never : They never eat fast food.

b. Manner (Cara)
- Quickly : He finished the task quickly.
- Carefully : She drives carefully.
- Happily : They played happily in the park.

5. Kata Sambung (Conjunctions)

- And : I like apples and oranges.
- But : She wanted to go, but she was too tired.
- Because : He stayed home because he was sick.

1. Buat Kalimat Menggunakan Kata yang Baru
- Pilih lima kata dari setiap kategori dan buat kalimat sederhana.
- Contoh: “The library is quiet and peaceful.”

2. Sinonim dan Antonim

- Cari sinonim dan antonim dari kata yang dipelajari.
- Contoh: Sinonim dari “happy” adalah “joyful”, dan antonimnya adalah “sad”.

3. Cerita Pendek
- Tulis cerita pendek menggunakan minimal 10 kata baru.
- Contoh: “Every morning, she wakes up early and runs quickly to the park. The park is
beautiful in the morning.”

Memperbanyak vocabulary membutuhkan latihan dan repetisi. Gunakan kata-kata baru dalam
kalimat, bacalah buku atau artikel, dan cobalah menulis cerita pendek. Dengan cara ini, Anda
akan lebih mudah mengingat dan menggunakan kata-kata baru dalam percakapan sehari-hari.
[29/5 14.14] Ademi Sandy Puray Djanan: Berikut adalah teks reading yang menggabungkan
beberapa vocabulary yang telah dibahas:

A Day in the Life of Emily

Emily wakes up early every morning at 6 AM. She quickly gets out of bed and heads to the
kitchen for breakfast. She likes to start her day with a healthy meal, so she usually eats fruit
and oatmeal. After breakfast, Emily reads a book for about half an hour. She loves reading
because it helps her relax and prepare for the day ahead.

After reading, Emily goes for a run in the park near her house. The park is very beautiful in
the morning, with bright flowers and green trees. Emily runs for about an hour. Running
makes her feel strong and happy . Sometimes, she meets her friend, Sarah, in the park. Sarah
is always happy to join Emily for a run.

When she returns home, Emily takes a shower and gets ready for work. She works from
home as a graphic designer. Her computer is on a big desk in her room. Emily loves her job
because she can be creative and design beautiful things.

Emily usually works until noon, then takes a break for lunch. She likes to eat a sandwich
and a salad. After lunch, she continues working until 5 PM. Sometimes, she has to work late,
but she doesn’t mind because she enjoys her job.
In the evening, Emily relaxes by watching her favorite TV shows or reading another book.
She always tries to go to bed early so she can wake up early the next day. Emily believes
that staying healthy and happy is very important, so she makes sure to take care of herself
every day.

On weekends, Emily likes to do different activities. She often visits the library to find new
books to read. The library is a quiet and peaceful place where she can spend hours lost in a
good book. Sometimes, she goes to the airport to pick up her friend who travels a lot. She
also enjoys going to the museum to see new exhibits.

Emily’s life is filled with many activities, but she always makes time for her friends and
family. She believes that being kind and generous to others is very important. Emily is
always willing to help others and is known for her loyalty and honesty .

Vocabulary Questions:
1. What does Emily do after she wakes up?
2. Where does Emily go for a run?
3. What does Emily do for a living?
4. How does Emily relax in the evening?
5. Where does Emily like to go on weekends?

Comprehension Questions:
1. Why does Emily like to read in the morning?
2. How does Emily feel after running in the park?
3. Why does Emily love her job?
4. What activities does Emily enjoy on weekends?
5. What are two characteristics that Emily is known for?

1. Kata Benda (Nouns)

a. Abstract Concepts (Konsep Abstrak)
- Wisdom : Wisdom comes with experience and learning from mistakes.
- Justice : The citizens demanded justice for the victims.
- Freedom : Freedom of speech is a fundamental right.

b. Professional Terms (Istilah Profesional)

- Entrepreneur : The entrepreneur launched a new startup.
- Architect : The architect designed a modern building.
- Philanthropist : The philanthropist donated millions to charity.

2. Kata Sifat (Adjectives)

a. Advanced Descriptions (Deskripsi Lanjutan)
- Innovative : The company is known for its innovative technology.
- Resilient : She remained resilient despite the challenges.
- Meticulous : His meticulous attention to detail impressed everyone.

b. Emotional States (Keadaan Emosional)

- Ecstatic : She was ecstatic when she heard the good news.
- Apprehensive : He felt apprehensive about the upcoming exam.
- Melancholic : The melancholic music made everyone reflect on their memories.

3. Kata Kerja (Verbs)

a. Complex Actions (Aksi Kompleks)
- Negotiate : They had to negotiate a fair deal.
- Implement : The company plans to implement new policies.
- Anticipate : We need to anticipate potential problems.

b. Academic and Professional Actions (Aksi Akademik dan Profesional)

- Analyze : Scientists analyze the data to draw conclusions.
- Facilitate : The teacher facilitated the discussion among students.
- Synthesize : The report synthesizes information from various sources.

4. Kata Keterangan (Adverbs)

a. Degree and Frequency (Derajat dan Frekuensi)
- Profoundly : The experience profoundly changed her perspective.
- Infrequently : He infrequently visits his hometown.
- Consistently : She consistently performs well in her job.

b. Manner and Condition (Cara dan Kondisi)

- Effortlessly : He solved the problem effortlessly.
- Deliberately : She deliberately avoided the question.
- Reluctantly : He reluctantly agreed to the plan.

5. Kata Sambung (Conjunctions)

- Although : Although it was raining, they went for a walk.
- Despite : Despite his efforts, he couldn’t finish the project on time.
- Therefore : She studied hard, therefore she passed the exam.

1. Buat Kalimat Menggunakan Kata yang Baru
- Pilih lima kata dari setiap kategori dan buat kalimat kompleks.
- Contoh: “The entrepreneur was known for his innovative approach to business.”

2. Sinonim dan Antonim

- Cari sinonim dan antonim dari kata yang dipelajari.
- Contoh: Sinonim dari “resilient” adalah “strong”, dan antonimnya adalah “fragile”.

3. Cerita Pendek
- Tulis cerita pendek menggunakan minimal 15 kata baru.
- Contoh: “The architect meticulously designed the building, anticipating every detail.
Despite initial apprehensions, the project was implemented successfully, earning him
widespread acclaim.”

Memperbanyak vocabulary tingkat lanjut membutuhkan latihan yang lebih kompleks dan
penggunaan dalam konteks yang tepat. Cobalah membaca artikel atau buku yang lebih sulit,
menulis esai, dan berlatih berbicara menggunakan kata-kata baru ini. Dengan cara ini, Anda
akan semakin mahir dalam menggunakan vocabulary lanjutan dalam percakapan sehari-hari
dan konteks profesional.

The Journey of an Innovative Entrepreneur

James was an entrepreneur known for his innovative approach to business. He had a knack
for identifying opportunities and implementing unique solutions. Despite his young age,
James possessed a wisdom that came from years of learning from both successes and failures.

One of his most notable projects was the creation of a tech startup focused on sustainable
energy. The idea came to him after analyzing the growing demand for eco-friendly solutions.
He meticulously planned every detail, from the initial concept to the final product launch. His
resilient nature helped him overcome numerous challenges, including securing funding and
navigating complex regulations.

James’s meticulous attention to detail was evident in every aspect of his business. He
believed in the importance of freedom and autonomy for his team, fostering an environment
where creativity could thrive. His ability to negotiate effectively allowed him to form
strategic partnerships, which were crucial for the company’s growth.

Despite his success, James remained humble. He often shared his experiences, hoping to
inspire others. He understood that wisdom and justice were not just about personal gain but
about contributing positively to society. His work as a philanthropist further demonstrated
his commitment to making a difference.
James’s journey was not without its emotional ups and downs. There were moments of
ecstatic joy when milestones were achieved, as well as times of melancholic reflection
when things didn’t go as planned. However, he always approached each situation with a clear
and deliberate mindset, ensuring that every decision was well-thought-out.

His ability to analyze and synthesize information from various sources made him a strong
leader. He facilitated discussions within his team, encouraging diverse perspectives and ideas.
This collaborative approach often led to groundbreaking solutions that set his company apart
from the competition.

In his personal life, James was equally dedicated. He consistently made time for his family
and friends, understanding the importance of balance. He believed that maintaining strong
relationships was crucial for personal well-being and professional success.

James’s story is a testament to the power of resilience, innovation, and wisdom. It shows that
with the right mindset and approach, one can overcome challenges and achieve remarkable
success, while also making a positive impact on the world.

Vocabulary Questions:
1. What approach is James known for in his business?
2. How did James’s resilient nature help him in his startup?
3. What role does James play as a philanthropist?
4. How does James facilitate discussions within his team?
5. What emotional states did James experience during his journey?

Comprehension Questions:
1. What inspired James to create his tech startup focused on sustainable energy?
2. How did James’s attention to detail contribute to his success?
3. What was the significance of freedom and autonomy in James’s team?
4. How did James’s ability to negotiate impact his business?
5. Why does James value strong relationships in his personal life?
This text incorporates advanced vocabulary terms, providing a context in which they are
used. The questions at the end help readers understand the text and practice using the new

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