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Grade 9 Natural Science

March 2017 60 marks

Examiner: X. Bronkhorst 1 hour

Read the following carefully before answering the questions:
1. Answer ALL the questions in SECTION A, B and C.
2. Number the answers exactly as the questions are numbered.
3. ALL drawings should be done in pencil and labelled in ink.
4. Calculators may be used.
5. Write legibly and neatly.
6. Draw a right hand marking margin.
7. The diagrams in the question paper may not necessarily be drawn to scale.
8. Write your name and the subjects’ teacher’s code on each page: Roos (Rs),
Smith (Sm), Wright (Wt) or Bronkhorst (Br).


Question 1.1.
Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions.
Choose the correct answer and write only the letter (A to D) next to the
question number on your folio paper.
1.1.1. The site for cellular respiration and responsible for releasing energy in plant
and animal cells.
A) Golgi body
B) Cell membrane
C) Mitochondrion
D) Chloroplast

1.1.2. A group of cells that all have the same structure and perform the same
A) Organ
B) Tissue
C) Organ system
D) Molecules

1.1.3. Female reproductive organ that makes eggs and produces oestrogen.
A) Fallopian tube
B) Vagina
C) Uterus
D) Ovary

1.1.4. Which statement is incorrect:
A) Cells are the basic structural and functional unit of life.
B) Cells are made up of different organelles.
C) Cells are macroscopic.
D) Cells have a nucleus which contains genetic information.

1.1.5. What level of organization does the following picture

A) Organism
B) System
C) Organ
D) Cells

[5 x 1 = 5]

Question 1.2.
Give the correct scientific term for each of the following statements. Write only
the term next to the relevant question number.

1.2.1. Fusion of one egg and one sperm cell.

1.2.2. Jelly-like substance where all chemical reactions take place in a cell.
1.2.3. Stage in the human life cycle when the sexual organs mature for
1.2.4. Organism that consist of a single cell.
1.2.5. Type of reproduction where there is only one parent and the offspring is
identical to the parent.
[5 x 1 = 5]

Question 1.3.
Each of the following questions consist of a STATEMENT OR
DESCRIPTION in the first column and two ITEMS [numbered (a) and (b)]
in the second column. Consider which item(s) relate(s) to the statement
or description. Write your choice next to the relevant question number by
using the following codes:

 A only - if only item (a) refers to the statement or description.

 B only - if only item (b) refers to the statement or description.
 Both A & B - if both items (a) and (b) refer to the statement or description.
 None - if neither of the items refers to the statement or description.
a Regular shape
1.3.1. Animal cell
b Cell wall
a Sperm cells
1.3.2. Gametes
b Egg cells
a Organ
1.3.3. Kidney
b System
a Hollow with a thick muscular wall.
1.3.4. Uterus Muscular tube that opens to the outside
of the body.
a Made up of cellulose.
1.3.5. Cell wall
b Provide support and protection.
[5 x 1 = 5]

Question 1.4.
Read the statements below and identify those that are true or false.
Write down the letter “T “if the statement is true or a “F” if it is false next to the
number of the question. Re-write all false statements to read as true.

1.4.1. Fertilization takes place in the uterus.

1.4.2. An organ is made up of a group of different tissues that perform a single
1.4.3. A sperm cell is made up of three parts: the head, middle piece and the tail.
1.4.4. The cell membrane is completely permeable to all substances.
1.4.5. Hormones are chemicals that are made by glands and they speed up or slow
down the activities of an organ.
[5 x 1 = 5]


Question 2
Use the diagram below to answer the questions that follow:





2.1. What type of microscope is this? (1)

2.2. Name one other type of microscope. (1)
2.3. Provide labels for A and H. (2)
2.4. Define a ‘wet mount slide’. (2)

Question 3
Use the diagram below to answer the questions that follow:

3.1. Does this picture represent an animal or a plant cell? Give a reason to
support your answer. (2)
3.2. Provide labels for A and E. (2)
3.3. What is the function of part A? (2)
3.4. Name the pigment found in G as well as the role it plays in
photosynthesis. (2)

Question 4
Read the article below to answer the questions that follow:

Researchers Use Human Embryonic Stem Cells To Kill Cancer Cells

Undifferentiated human embryonic stem cells can be used
to make blood cells like natural killer cells or red blood cells
Credit: Image courtesy of University of Minnesota

For the first time, stem cell researchers at the University of

Minnesota have coaxed human embryonic stem cells to
create cancer-killing cells in the laboratory, paving the way for future treatments for
various types of cancers (or tumours).
Researchers generated "natural killer" cells from the human embryonic stem cells.
As part of the immune system, natural killer cells normally are present in the blood
stream and are play a role in defending the body against infection and against some
"This is the first published research to show the ability to make cells from human
embryonic stem cells that are able to treat and fight cancer, especially leukemia and
lymphomas," said Dan Kaufman, assistant professor of medicine in the Stem Cell
Institute and Department of Medicine at the University of Minnesota and lead author
of the study.
"We hear a lot about the potential of stem cells to treat conditions such as
Parkinson's disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease. This research suggests it is
possible that we could use human embryonic stem cells as a source for immune
cells that could better target and destroy cancer cells and potentially treat infections,“
Kaufman added.
Adapted from Science Daily (2005).
4.1. What are stem cells? (2)
4.2. In the article embryonic stem cells are mentioned. Name two other types
of stem cells that you know of. (2)
4.3. Give one example of a disease that potentially can be treated with stem
cell therapy. (1)
4.4. In a two year period, numerous patients have been treated with stem cell
therapy for various conditions at an international institution. Use the table
below and draw a bar graph to represent the data. (6)

Number of patients treated

with stem cell therapy
Alzheimer’s disease 95
Parkinson’s disease 240
Stroke 320
Diabetes 15



Question 5
Use the diagram below and write a short essay to explain the male reproductive
system. Use the following sub-headings to guide you:
 The purpose of reproduction. (1)
 Define sexual reproduction. (2)
 What sex hormone is produced when puberty occurs? (1)
 Explain two secondary sexual characteristics that this hormone brings about
in puberty. (2)
 Name and provide the functions of three different parts that form part of the
male reproductive system. (6)

You will also be marked on the following:

Layout of your essay (2)
Neatness (1)



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