Question Answer of Going Places

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lieve in his

(v i) ~ o, I do no t th in k th at Ge of f will be
's active
~1ster. be ~a us e he is aw ar e of his sis ter
1mag1nat1 on .

Short A n sw er Type Q u estion s

1. W hy di d So ph ie lo ng for he r br ot he r's aff
CBSE 2023

f mo re· tha n an y
or W hy di d So ph ie lik e he r br ot he r Ge of India 201 o
· · All
ot he r pe rso n.
d int o Ge.o ff s
or W ha t di d So ph ie? W an t to be ad mi tte India 20 10
af fe cti on s?
ed fo r he r br ot he r's affections be ca us e sh e
An s. So ph ie lo ng
d wa nt ed hi m to
wa s je al ou s of he r br ot he r's sil en ce an
ab ou t th in gs an d
co nf id e in her. Sh e th ou gh t he kn ew
to an d thi s
ha d be en to pl ac es sh e ha d ne ve r be en

re ab ou t th es e
fa sc in ate d her. Sh e lo ng ed to kn ow mo
ed fo r his
th in gs fro m he r br ot he r and, thus, cr av
tak e .he r to tho se
af fe cti on , ho pi ng th at he wo ul d th en
pl ac es wi th him .
ke s it
2. Th e sto ry is wr itt en in a ma nn er th at it ma nn y
t Da
di fficu lt to po in t ou t cle ar ly if So ph ie me
ns for su ch
Ca se y or no t. Su gg es t po ss ib le rea so
CBSE Question. Bank 2021
wr iti ng .
at it ma ke s it
Ans. Th e sto ry is wr itt en in a ma nn er th
me t Da nn y
di ffi cu lt to po in t ou t cle ar ly if So ph ie
se y or no t. Th e re as on be hi nd thi s is to hig hli gh t
w in ten se ly yo un g ch ild re n an d tee na ge rs start hero
wo rshipp in g the ir ido ls.
-• ~Oph·
le felt a tight .
look for her broth enGing_in her throat. She went to Ans. Sophie was dreaming of opening_a boutique. When
d" er eoff " I h . .
iscuss the relatio h . · ? t e light of this quote, Jansie told her that it would reqmre a lot of money
. ns tp Sophie shared with Geoff. he would say that she would become a manage .'
s h b . r til)
Ans. The ive CBSE Question Bank 2021 then to save the money for er outtque.
g n sentence indicates that Sophie liked her
b rother Geoff m th · a. Sophie fl its from one dream to another.
. .
What tr .
ore · an any other person in the world. her character is brought out by th1s action? All Ind'
G eoff would speak 1· • . IQ 2Q]! '
tr b very ittle and his silence always A,is. Sophie was a dreamer who enJoyed creatmg her
ou led Sophie. But Geoff was always the first with . . . O\Vn
fantasy world using her own 1magmatton. She w
class status y pursuing th~~ 1
w~on_i she always shared her secrets. She had a strong . b
to change her workmg
f~i~h m Geoff. Like every other sister, she dreamt of .
ambition of a fashion designer or an actress. She e I
ndmg behind her brother to places. She wanted to be 1
wanted to date a young football prodigy. This shoa so 1
more affectionate with her brother.
that Sophie was immature and lived in her own W s I
To Sophie, Geoff was bold, smart, tall, promising and unrealistic world. She chose to ignore the reality of i
helpful. She was certain that he would never let her her economic background and lived in a fantasy world !
9. What was Sophie ' s ambition in life? How did she
4. Why is Jansie so critical of Sophie? CBSE 2020 hope to achieve that? Delhi 2017
Why did Jansie discourage Sophie from entertaining Ans. Sophie's ambition in life was to become either an
thoughts about the sports star, Danny Casey? actress, a fashion designer or a boutique owner. She
All India 2011 wanted to do something sophisticated. She hoped to
Ans. Jansie was critical of Sophie because she was a realist achieve her ambition by being a manager at a
and not a daydreamer like Sophie. She discouraged boutique to start with and then save enough moneyto
Sophie from having dreams that were wild and have her own boutique. I
impossible. Such dreams, according to her, could also
10. Why did Jansie discourage Sophie from having
lead to depression or low self-esteem.
dreams? All India2017
5. Why didn't Sophie want Jansie to know about her or Why does Jansie discourage Sophie from living in a
meeting with Danny Casey? • CBSE 2020 world of fantasy? Delhi (C) 2013;All lndia2011
or Why did Sophie not want Jansie to know anything. Ans. Jansie discouraged Sophie from living in a world of
about her meeting with Danny Casey? All India 2012
fantasy as her dreams were wild and impossible. She
or Why didn' t Sophie want Jansie to know about her told her that they belonged to a poor family and were
story with Danny? Delhi 2011 earmarked to work in the biscuit factory after passing
Aris. Sophie didn't want Jansie to know about her meeting . from school.
with Danny Casey-because Jansie could not keep a ·11 . How are Jansie and Sophie different from each other1
secret. The moment she knew someone's secret, the · · Delhi (CJ 201'
whole neighbourhood would get to know of it. Sophie or Though Sophie and Jansie were good friends, how
didn't want this meeting to reach her father 's ears or were they basically different from each other?
else she would be in trouble. All India (C) 2012 !

Ans. Although Jansie and Sophie are good friends, they '
6. Why is Sophie attracted to Danny Casey? CBSE 2020 have contrasting characteristics and an altogether
An\'. Sophie ~ as a school going teen~ger filled with different approach towards life. Jansie is quite
fantasies and desires . She fantasised about Danny . practical and her feet are grounded in reality whereas
Casey, an Irish footballer, whom she had seen playmg Sophie is a daydreamer and lives in an imaginaIY world
in innumerable matches. He was a popular loca~ 12· Did Geoff keep up his promise? How do you kll_ow~13 )
celebrity and hence Sophie was fascin_ated by ?1m. All lnd102
She was attracted to him because of his c~leb~ty or Did Geoff keep his promise to Sophie? How do ~00 11
status and because she had a tendency to imagme know? oelh1 2°
unrealistic scenarios. A_ns. Geoff didn't keep his promise to Sophie. She told 1

Geoff about her meeting with Danny Casey at the 't.

7 Why was Sophie's first choice of job after_ compl~ti~g Royce's and requested him not to tell anyone abo~t;is /
ool? How did she hope to succeed m her aim.
her SC h · CBSE 2020 ~ owever, Geoff told this to Frank who in turn 101 1

sister, Jansie. /
13. WhY was Sophie jealous ofG
BJn wmmJ..P tfl ii •tdi
or What are Sophie's
eofr s sile
~~~~ 7
- - - 213
feel· .
ings tow dia 201 3
. Long Answer T
or Sophie is both jealous ards her b 1 • . ype Questions
and adrniring of h rothen Why,
. SThe1r mother sighed.
i , Geoff never spoke much er brother. Wh"l ophic watched her hac
"11.,, anct ti ·
ponder over the areas of his . 11 s lllade So . ' wondered at the in k ~looped over the sink a
talked about. His world hfe Which 11 Phte fastened her apron ~'l~~~uit,y rif the delicate bow : tch
re1nai e nev Th gs.
her. She felt that when he nect a fascinat· er e prose selection G , P
.d Was not ton for comment about So~hie~~ng · /hace.v include!4 this tel ling
0110 was away at some UnkJ speaking h.
felt jealous of his silence 10
Wn place anct ts 1n Armt Jennifer·~ T' mot er.
· so she 'Th . . tgers , we are told that -
4, What is unrealis e massive weight of U I '
1 tic about So . Sits h ·1 nc e s wedding band
future life? Ph1e's dreams of her I _eav1 y upon Aunt Jennifer's Hand.'
magme a conversation b tw
471s. Sophie ":as b~m in a poor farnil Delhi (C) 2013 Aunt Jennifer. Create thise e een Sophi_e's mother and
to work m a biscuit factory ft Y and was bound two extracts given ab xchange with reference to the
school. However, she drea at erpass1ng
d . m about h . you may begin the conversation like this
money an ownmg a boutiqu Th. avmg a lot of Sophie's moth • y • ···
unrealistic about her dream e. is Was love tigers? er. our embroidery is so beautiful. Do you
15, How do we know that Sophie' f: . .
poor circumstances? . s amity hved in ~o~ Mtfll fflN
All India (C) 2013 Fhor getting maximum marks, following value points can be included in
Ans. We know that Sophie' s family r d . t e answer
· · ive m poor
crrcumstances as her father work d • Art as th e aunt's means of expression
d h l' d . e as a labourer • Sop h.,e's mother not having time to indulge
an t eyh1ve m a small, cramped and suffocated
• Both of them being extremely busy taking care of family and home
house. T e. house was very small 10
r the number • Both of them getting no appreciation for all they do
of people m her family. • No change in their situations ·

16. ~ow did Sophie' s father react when Geoff told Ans.Sophie's mother Your embroidery is so beautiful. Do you
hlID about her meeting with Danny Case~elhi 2011 love tigers?
Ans. When Geoff told his father about Sophie's chance Aunt Jennifer Yes, I do. They reflect what I have always
encounter with Danny Casey, he expressed disdain . wanted in life. My art is my means to express her
and rubbished her story. He changed the topic and deep-down desires and feelings.
warned Sophie that such made up stories would Sophie's mother Oh, that is amazing! You are so lucky to
land her into trouble some day. have time to give to your art. I, on the other hand, don't
have any time for myself. In fact, I find the 24 hours of
17. What was the only occasion when Sophie got to see . the day less to complete my daily chores. All my time is
Danny Casey in person? All India 2011 spent in taking care of my husband and my three children.
Ans.The only occasion when Sophie got to see Danny Aunt Jennifer Don't feel bad because my life is same as
Casey in person was when she went to watch the yours. My husband hates my embroidery and I don't get
match with her family. Sitting amongst the to do it much often as I also have to take care of the daily
spectators, Sophie saw Casey from a distance. needs of iny husband and children. It is as if I do not have
any other identity other than being a wife or a mother. ·
18· What did Sophie tell Geoff about her meeti~g Sophie's mo~her You know what hurts more is the fact
With D C ? All India 2010
anny asey. that our families don't consider us important. We don't
~ns,Sophie told Geoff that she met Danny Casey at have any say in the family matter and they even don't take
Royce's and said that she asked him for an us out to enjoy anything that the rest of the family does.
autograph but neither she nor Danny had a pen
Paper. She also said that Danny promised to mee
I'll give you an example- they all went to witness Danny
Casey's football match while I was to stay at home. No
one even asked me if! wanted to go.
her next week.
214 Chapte rwise CBSE Solved Papers : ENGL!
- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - S~C0~

Sophie : Yes, Just like any other teenager I h

Aunt Jennifer What is even worse is the fact that worship ~ed ~ou. Not that I do not appreciateero 5be 1
there is no likeliho od of any change in our status. One You n,,
but now ,ts different. I know how to keeP reali1,, "'
statement against the servility that we do and we will ·, a~ ber b
dreams apart.
be branded as immoral women . Ratb 1

Danny: Good for you I guess . to pr,

Sophie's mother True! Sophie : Anywa ys, do you like something in .
bour1 anotl
Imagine Sophie 's father finds out about Sophie ' s Danny : J am going to bring _my mother here. ~ so Io
· going to the canal to meet Danny Casey which leads collecti on is good and her birthda y is comin 'fhe cana
him to think that she has lied to everyon e about the her with whatev er she wants ..It 's a request. g up.¾ kJ)OV
whole affair. He is infuriated and prohibi ts Sophie sad.
from going anywhe re except to school. As Geoff, Sophie : Always . Don ' t worry.
6.Jt is :
write a diary entry disappr oving of your father's Danny: Thanks , Bye!
punishment by citing your reasons for being
Why was Sophie attracte d to Danny Casey? How . Com
· her father rea~t on hearing about her meeting Wi~~
sympathetic to Sophie. 4
You may begin this way:
Monday , 2nd Septem ber, 1940
Dmey ~ey.
Ans. Sophie
was a school going teenage r filled with
fantasies and desires. She fantasis ed about Dann
- For •
• 5,
I cannot get myself to stand with father in his tirade Casey,_an Irish footbal ler, whom she had seen pl; • • Ir
against Sophie. Sure, she is not the most. .. in innume rable matche s. He was a popular local YID!
• N
CBSE Question Bank 2021 • F
celebrity; hence, Sophie was fascinated by him.She
Ans. Monday, 2nd Septem ber, 1940 9 PM was attracte d to him becaus e of his celebrity status Ans.sop )
I cannot get myself to stand with father in his tirade and because she had a tendenc y to imagine unreatis~ worl
against Sophie. Sure, she is not the most incredulous and scenarios. urge
illogical girl. She is a typical teenager who is hero G~off informs his father that Sophie had a meeting
to a
worshipping Danny Casey. I understand that sometimes drea
with Danny Casey. He turns his head on his thickned man
she goes overbroag but this does not mean we can stop
to look at her ih disbelie f. His expression is one of cone
her from living her life.
disdain . He ignores the news and goes on to talk aim reali
Dad's decision of prohibiting her from going
. T?m Finney. He hopes that Danny will be like Tom she ,
anywhere but school is not correct. I do not feel it is
Fi~ney one day. When Sophie says that Casey is reali
the way to deal with Sophie. I believe that it is just a
gomg to buy a shop, he reacts sharply, "This is Initi
sta~e that all of us face in our life. She will grow out .
ano th er of your wild stories." heq
of 1t a~d realise for herself how wrong she had been.
she :
There is no need to punish her like that. I have to talk 5. "S_op ' s dreams and disappo intment s are all inhe!
to dad about it. CBSE{CJ,c,
mmd." Justify the stateme nt.
Geoff or Mam · · a balance betwee n one's fantasies and~
· t ~mmg
3. Imagine Sophie meets Danny Casey after several ;orl~ 1~ key to the surviva l. Give your opinion on l she ;
years. . CBSE Question Bank 20 21 ophie s charact er in the light of the above stateJOetlll Ieve
. cesE saP~
Wnt~ a d1alo~e exchange between them where PeoI
Sophie explams what that meeting mear.s to h or Sopknhie lives in a world full of dreams which shed:! 7
er. I not ow she cannot realise. Comme nt. Alf Indio
Ans. Sophie: Danny Casey. Am I dreaming?· Ofcourse, am. B:o\l\
D .N or Attemp t h aD ~1
ann_y . . o, you are not dreaming. It is indeed me . . a c aracter sketch of Sophie as a worn 91l o-,. It is
1ives m her dreams Delhi 201 ,
Sophie: I am so sorry. I am surprised that such a .
Ans Sophie ha b · portray · cter~
successful player is standing in my ho ut·1que. · th s een ed as the central cbara ,1o1
Danny: Why? Can 't I enjoy a normal life? · Places '. She perfectl y represeotsw
e story ·'Gomg J o.,. Wha
g1r1s of her dr aJJ'.l w · You
Sophie: Ofcourse ' you can'· To be honest ·.1t is funn drea . . age. Sophie always lives in a e of~ 4,i 8 ~
th . . y
at some years back I would have bee .' storyming imposs ible things. The opening scellb \, ~Op}
meeting you and so on. n imagmmg ·
c1early ct ep1cts · Se
15 WorJ
react what sort of girl she · d.00~
Danny: Oh really. and ~ to accept the reality of her family's col1 l Urge
reams of h avmg · a boutiqu e of her Own· to a

.. ___

(llakes up the story of meeting D 2 15

Sb~...,,ing and upcoming football Nanny Casey, a
cb1t1•-- fu er. obod b
ut she re ses to accept
bef b b . .
that 1 1s her faY elieves
•t . ~ia~ager or a boutique o wner. She e ven drea mt of
er she starts ehevmg that sh h ntasy. atmg Danny Casey, a famou s foo tba ll player,
Rath ' h . e as
ove that s e 1s telling the truth h met h.un and although he was much above her fin a nc ia l s ta tu s .
to pthrer story that she has fixed a d , ts e ?1akes up However, both her dreams were unreali stic as th ey
ano cir
lost in her earns that she actuall a e With hi S .
m. he 1s Were far removed from reality. She could never ha ve
so ~I and waits for him. Danny doesy goes to the the money to become a boutique owner, th e
c;3ll.. ·11
ws that he w1 not come but still not show u Sh sophistication to become an actress or the education to
h P- e
JalO h
sad. such is the c aracter of Sophie. s e becomes become fashion designer or a manager. Further, a
sports star such as Danny Casey would never befriend
6·It l·s good dto dream ·
big, but one must have
· Sophie, a girl who was socially well below his level.
plans andt etermmation to turn dreams intoconcretereality , She was totally different from Jansie, who was more
..-.rnen. .
Cou.,.••...iiiiiiiiiiii•• - - -- - --
=Q: Value Points
All India 2019 practical, down to earth and realistic. Jansie, being
mature and sensible, always reminded Sophie that
they were earmarked for working in the biscuit factory
For getti~g maximum marks, following value points can be after passing out from school and that wild dreams
included in the answer
• Sophie as a big dreamer but no plans
were not befitting their low financial status.
• importance of concrete plans, determination and hard work S. Unrealistic dreams often lead to a great deal of
• Need to ground oneself in reality unhappiness. Justify the statement on the basis of the
• Facing multiple difficulties by Sophie story 'Going Places.' CBSE SQP 2019

.W,Sophie was a dreamer who created her own fantasy Ans.This statement is true because unrealistic dreams are
world using her fertile imagination. She displayed her not fulfilled, leading to unhappiness. Sophie belongs
urge to transcend her status from a working class girl to a lower middle class worker 's family. However, she
to a higher level o f sophistication by pursuing her dreams of opening a boutique or becoming an actress
dream to become an actress, a fashion designer, a or a fashion designer without thinking of what resources
are required for such careers. She has no :f inancial
manager or a boutique owner. But she needed to have
support. In fact, her father expects her to buy a decent
concrete plans, determination and perseverance to
house for the family when she gets some money.
realise her dre am s , instead of just fantasising about
she wanted to become. She should understand her Next, Sophie fantasises about meeting the football
reality that she is from a middle class working family. sensation, Danny Casey, although she has only seen
him playing a football match. Thus, she has started
Initially, she w ould face many difficulties because_ of living her dreams and has got disconnected with
her poor financial condition but after she starts working, reality'. When Danny did not come to meet her near
she should save her earnings and try to improve her the canal, which she had fantasised, reality dawns on
education so that sh e could take up better jobs. her. It causes her great d isappointment and sorrow.
This requires her character to be determined a nd Sophie gets heartbroken and worried about how she
bard-workmg . . stead o f bemgJUS
m . · t a daydreamer that would convince Geoff about Danny being her boy
' ·
she is now. Gradually, she can raise · her sta tu s to the friend . Her sadness was a hard burden for her to cany.
level when she w ould b e able to attract successfull1 9-Every teenager has a hero/heroine to admire. So many
lleople Sl\ch a s D anny Casey, t h e &-.1 am ous foo tba er. times they become role models for them. What is
7,\1n. ·t unrealistic ? wrong if Sophie fantasies about Danny Casey and is
"'nat was Soph ie ' s d ream? Ho ~ v;_,a s 1 Delhi 20 19 ambitious in life? All India 2016
flow was she diffe rent fro m Jansie ·
or It. 1·s r."'mn Dear Students, the question is asking you to
not unusual for a lower m 1"ddl e c la ss girl to dream
h, o
g. now unrealistic w ere Sop h ie · ' dreams?
s All India 201 s
~ how being ambitious is a positive thing but being
over-ambitious Is a negative thing and thus has negative
or 'Wb impact.
fu e? Why would
at Were Soph ie ' s p lans for her tur · lhi 2014
You caII her dream . • ?· 0e A11ss ophie was a g irl having unrealistic d reams. She felt
s unrea hstic
s~Oph· d her own fantasy that she would become either a bcutique owner, sho p
ie was a dreamer w ho crea~e d . Iayed her m anager, actress or a fashion de signer, tho ug h h er
; ortd using her ferti le imagination. Sh~- ispclass girl
friend Jansie realised that w ith their background and
rge lo transcend her status from a wor in~ her
to a b1· · by pursuing education, they would just become workers in a
&her level o f sophistication . biscuit factory.
<irea &-. hion designer, a
1ll to beco me an actress, a ias

9 W g
C ha pt er w is e CB
L ik e ev e_ry yo un SE So lv ed Pa pe
g girl, So ph ie al rs : ENGUst-t C
of kn ow m g th e so ha d a st ro ng de si
un kn ow n, se ei ng
th e un se en and
re Ja ns ie , on th e ot o~~
da tin g fa m ou s pe ev en he r ha nd , is ve ry
op le lik e D an ny he r feet firmly pl an gr ou nd
vi si te d th e pe rf
ec t pl ac e for lo ve
Casey. So, sh e te d on th e gr ou nd ed. She h
rs an d ar e both 'e ar m ar and know as
so lit ar y w oo de n sat on th e ke d for th e bi sc
be nc h un de r th e
tr ee w ai tin g for kn ow s big th in gs re ui t fa ct ory' . Sh 8 they
D an ny bu t th er qu ir e bi g m on ey and
e w as no si gn of w hi ch th ey lack
bu rd en ed w ith him. So, sh e be
ca m e de sp er at e 1y. She d . experieence
sa dn es s. Th is ki se ns ib le an d no a vises Sophi
le ad to de pr es si nd of fa nt as is in
g m ay
t en te rt am .
·1d d
am s. Sophie ea to~'
on am on g te en ag Ja ns ie 's te m pe ra I
am bi tio ns ar e no er s, as th ei r life m en ts di ff er grea .
t fu lf ill ed . It is 's sh ar es he r dr ea m tly . While Sop:d JJ:l pl
am bi tio us in lif no t w ro ng to be s on ly w ith he r br ot he 1, gOO l
e. H ow ev er, be on th e ot he r ha nd . Sh t k r, Geoff Jte .
So ph ie le ad s to in g ov er -a m bi tio 1s no se y. .
e a es an interes' ans1e
fa ilu re an d fr us us lik e le ar ni ng ne w th t in caois
on e sh ou ld se t pr tr at io n in life. H in gs ab ou t ot he
ac tic al go al s in en ce , st or ie s in th e w ho le rs an d ca n spread be }OI
10 . Te ac on e' s life. ne ig hb ou rh oo d.
he rs al w ay s ad vi 12. H as So ph ie (i) ~
se th ei r st ud en ts m et D an ny C as
Y et, th e sa m e te to dr ea m big. m ee tin g w ith D an e~ ? W ha t details of her (ii ) 1
ac he rs in yo ur cl ny C as ey di d sh
w ith So ph ie w he as sr oo m s fi nd fa e na rrate to her (:
n sh e dr ea m s. W ult br ot he r?
So ph ie 's dr ea m ha t is w ro ng w ith or D id Sophie re (1
s? ally m ee t D an ny Delhi 20
or So ph ie w as a C as ey ? 14
dr ea m er . Th e le Delhi 20 16 A ns. N o, So ph ie ne (iii) V
ss on 'G oi ng Pl ac ve r re al ly m et D an ny (~
re m in ds us th at es ' ju st se en D an ny C as ey. She had
m er e dr ea m s w C as ey on
ac co m pl is h an yt ill no t he lp us to th e fi el d w he n she we (c
hi ng . W ha t qu al w at ch te am 'U ni nt to
w ou ld he lp So ph iti es , do yo u thin te d' pl ay a fo ot ba
ie to re al is e he r k, w as on e of th e sp ll m at ch. There, she (iv ) D
dr ea m s? Foreign ec ta to rs an d co ul
Ans . So ph ie liv es 20 14 on ly fr om a di st d se e Casey playin
g (v ) \\
in a w or ld of dr an ce . H ow ev er ,

reality. It is no t ea m s, w hi ch is im ag in ar y w or ld . C as ey So ph ie liv ed in an
un re as on ab le to far from
ha ve hi gh ho pe s w as a yo un g sp
am bi tio ns fo r on an d So ph ie w or sh ip or ts ta r an d
e' s fu tu re bu t su pe d hi m as he r
ju st if ie d on ly w ch dr ea m in g ca n C as ey w as
he ro . H er meetin
g with 2. I w en t
he n on e is pr ep be ju st an ot he r of he w hi te ,
re al is e on e' s dr ea ar ed to w or k ha so en gr os se d in r w il d fantasies.
m s. So ph ie to o rd to he r da yd re am s She was
ac hi ev e he r dr ea ne ed s to w or k ha se em ed re al to he th at w ha t she im I ha d r
m s, in st e~ d of ju rd to r. agined
an d su cc es sf ul fu st im ag in in g a br So ph ie to ld he r ch es t . .
tu re fo r he rs el f, ig ht br ot he r G eo ff th
he r m ee tin g w ith or -f an tasising ab ou t R oy ce 's. A s sh e at sh e m et Casey ne Skinn)'
D an ny Casey. Sh w as lo ok in g at ar
re al ity th at sh e be e sh ou ld ac ce pt ca m e an d st oo d be si de th e cl ot he s, Casey (i) We
lo ng s to a m id dl th e
family_ In iti al ly e class w or ki ng her. Sh e w an te d
, sh e w ou ld face au to gr ap h fo r he r
yo un ge r br ot he
to take his (ii) W1
be ca us e of he r po so m e difficultie of r D er ek , but neith
or fi na nc ia l co nd s th em ha d a pe n or pa pe r. er (ii i) W1
pe rs is ts with-sin iti on lrut if sh e th ey co ul d m ee t C as ey th en sugg
cere de vo tio n, sh ag ai ested that (a )
ra is e he r status to e co ul d ce rt ai nl y n ne xt w ee k, an
th~ le vel fr om w also gi ve hi s au d th en he would
he re sh e w ou ld to gr ap h. (c)
ac tu al ly ha ve th 13 . D ra w a ch ar
e co m pa ny of su ac
D an ny C as ey. B cc es sf ul pe op le lik te r sk et ch of So ph (iv ) Th(
es id es , w ith be tte e or D es cr ib e th e ie 's father. Delhi
qu al ifi ca tio ns , in r ed uc at io na l ch ar ac te r of So 2012
cr ea se d op po rt un pl ay ed by hi m . ph ie 's fa th er an (a);
more savings, sh iti es , ha d th e role
e co ul d ev en ow rd w or k an d (v) W h
n a bo ut iq ue in fu A ns. So ph ie 's fa th Delhi 2010
l . H ow different ture. er is a ha pp y- go
is Ja ns ie from So H e do es no t ap pe -l uc ky an d carefre (vi) W h:
Jr Ja ns ie is ju st as ph ie ? ar to be ei th er so e man.
All India 20 15
ol d as So ph ie bu so ph is tic at ed . H ft or ev en 3. D ur in g<
from her. B ri ng t sh e is ve ry di ff e is a he av y br ea
ou t th e co nt ra st er en t th in g m an
friend s ci tin g re be tw ee n th e tw o us ua lly si ts in hi s ve . He the fu rn ,
le va nt in st an ce s st at th e ta bl e. So
'G oi ng Pl ac es '. fr om th e st or y, fe ar s hi m . H e do es no t be ph ie , it ap pe ars , th en on e
li ev e in hi s daug
All India 20 10 st or ies an d so he ig no ht er 's wild Pe rs pi ra t
So ph ie an d Ja ns re s he r co m pl et
ie w er e cl as sm at w at ch te ely and prefers to (i) W ha
Th ey bo th be lo ng es as w el l as friend le vi si on th an lis te n
ed to lo w er m id s. G to her. E ve n w he
B ut th at is w he re dl e- cl as s fa m ili eo ff te lls hi m th at So n hi s son (a) Pi
th eir sim ila ri ty es . ph ie ha d m et th
en ds . D an ny C as e Irish prodigy,
st ri king co nt ra st Th er e is a ey, he co m pl et el (c) Fi
be tw ee n th eir ch ex tr em el y in te re y ig no re s it. H e
da y-dr ea m er an ar ac ters . So ph ie st is (ii ) B ow
d Ja ns ie is pr ac tic is a ed in fo ot ba ll an
al . So ch ild re n, d lik e all his
vo rl d of dr ea m s ph ie liv es in a he al so ad or es D an ny (a ) B,
an d do es no t w an C as ;y.
'airyla nd . Sh e is
av in g a bo utiq ue
an in cu ra bl e es ca
t to co m e ou t of
pi st an d dr ea m s
th is
H e is a m id dl e- cl
bi cy cl e to ce le br
as s m an w ho go
es to th e pub on
... (c )
(111) \11 B;
, be co m in g an ac of
at e hi s te am 's vi ct or y an
d th
C 1
YV na t
tr as ey e fac t

!Signe r. es s or a fa sh io n ha d sc or ed a se co nd that iv ) Corni:
do m in at in g pe rs go al . H e is a rath
on an d a ty pical er
re pr es en ta tion of ( .........
lower middle-cl ass family of that tbe
time. (v~)) G iv e,

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