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At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a) identify the roles of instrumentation in mathematics;
b) discover the benefits of using instrumentation in mathematics;
c) discover the mathematician contributed to the instrumentation in mathematics;
d) know the importance of instrumentation.


Topic: Instrumentation in Mathematics


Materials: Laptop, LED TV




a) Prayer
Everybody, please stand up. (Students will stand up)
Ms./Mr._________, please lead the prayer. Heavenly Father, as we gather here today, we
invite Your presence into this classroom. Lord,
bless every student here, as well as our teacher,
as we embark on another day of learning.
Please give us clear minds and open hearts to
grasp the knowledge and lessons set before us.

b) Greetings
Good morning, Class!
Good morning, Ma’am!

c) Classroom Management
Before taking your seats, please check and
arrange your chair and remove all the trash (Students will arrange their chairs and pick up all
under it. the trash under it (if there’s trash))

You may now take your seats.

Thank you, Ma’am

d) Checking of Attendance
Ms./Mr. Secretary, is there any absent today?

Great! It’s nice to hear that all of you are present None Ma’am!

e) Review of the Previous Lesson

Yesterday, we discussed the “Mathematics
Curriculum Framework”. Let’s recall our topic (Students will raise their hands)
yesterday, based on the Singapore Mathematics  Skills
Curriculum Framework, what are the five  Concepts
interrelated components that support the  Attitudes
development of problem-solving abilities?  Process
 Metacognition
Very good!
And, the K-12 framework is supported by what
underlying learning principles and theories?  Discovery and inquiry-based learning
 Experimental and situated learning
 Reflective learning
 Constructivism
 Cooperative learning
Yes, that’s correct!
I’m happy that you understood our topic

f) Motivation
before we proceed to our topic for today, I have
a task for you first, I have here a photo and you
will guess it by completing the words above. Are
you ready? Yes, Ma’am!


Well done class!

So, class, what do you think is our topic for
Yes, very good!
Today, we will discuss the instrumentation in


Before we start our lesson let’s play first. I have
here a jar, and inside the jar, there’s a piece of
paper, the paper indicates the number. I will play
music, and when the music stops, the one
holding the jar will get one paper indicating the
number, representing what question will be
asking of you. Also, I will ask you “PASS or
PLAY”. Do you understand?

Okay, let's start! Yes, Ma’am!

(Music Play)

1. What is Mathematics
2. What do you think is the use of mathematics
in our daily lives?
3. What benefits you may take while
studying/mastering mathematics?
4. Can you give 2 mathematicians?
5. What is the use of instrumentation in

Okay, since you are ready and have a proper
understanding of mathematics, let’s make it
deeper by discussing the use of instrumentation
in mathematics.

Mathematics… Please read Ms/Mr. ________

Mathematics is the study of numbers, quantity,
structure, space, and change. It is a
fundamental discipline that provides a
framework for understanding and describing the
world around us through logical reasoning and

And also, mathematics plays a crucial role in our

daily lives in various ways. Like counting money,
calculating grocery expenses, decision making,
recognizing patterns, modeling, and to our
logical and critical thinking.

Mathematics is not just a subject taught in

schools; it is a tool that empowers us to navigate
the complexities of the world, make informed
decisions, and appreciate the beauty of patterns
and structures that surround us. Its applications
are diverse and pervasive, impacting almost
every aspect of our daily lives and contributing
to human progress and development.

Let's have some history of mathematics

Instrumentation has been a driving force in the

advancement of mathematics, providing
mathematicians with the means to explore
mathematical phenomena, conduct experiments,
analyze data, and develop new theories and
methods. By leveraging instruments and
technology, mathematicians have been able to
push the boundaries of mathematical knowledge
and make significant contributions to the field of
mathematics throughout history.

Let’s explore the contributions of Euclid,

Pythagoras, and Isaac Newton in
instrumentation in mathematics.

Euclid (circa 300 BC)

He is also known as the “Father of Geometry”.
Euclid's geometric constructions and proofs laid
the foundation for the use of instruments like
compasses and rulers in geometry. His
systematic approach to geometry and the use of
instruments for geometric constructions
influenced generations of mathematicians.

Pythagoras (circa 570-495 BC)

Founder of “Pythagorean Theorem”
Pythagoras's work on geometric relationships
and the Pythagorean theorem had a profound
impact on the use of instruments for measuring
and calculating geometric quantities. His
theorem led to the development of geometric
tools for measuring lengths and calculating
areas in triangles and other shapes.

Isaac Newton (1643-1727)

Renowned for his work in “Physics,
mathematics, and astronomy”.
Newton's development of calculus and his work
on mathematical principles of natural philosophy
laid the groundwork for the use of mathematical
instruments in physics and engineering. His
mathematical formulations and laws of motion
provided a theoretical basis for the design and
use of instruments in scientific research and

The evolution of mathematical instruments from

ancient civilizations to modern times.

Ancient Civilizations –
Invention of Counting Tools:
- Mesopotamia and Egypt: Ancient civilizations
like Mesopotamia and Egypt developed early
counting tools such as the abacus and tally
marks to perform arithmetic operations and keep
track of quantities. The abacus, a simple
counting device with beads on rods, allowed for
efficient calculations and served as a precursor
to modern calculators.

Ancient Greeks –
Development of Geometry:
- Euclid and Pythagoras: Ancient Greek
mathematicians like Euclid and Pythagoras
made significant contributions to the
development of geometry. Euclid's work
"Elements" laid out the foundational principles of
geometry, including the use of compasses and
straightedges for geometric constructions and
proofs. Pythagoras's theorem revolutionized
geometric relationships in right-angled triangles,
leading to the use of geometric tools for
measurements and calculations.

Modern Mathematicians –
Invention of Calculus:
- Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz: In the 17th
century, Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz
independently invented calculus, a branch of
mathematics that deals with rates of change and
accumulation. Newton developed his method of
fluxions and infinite series, while Leibniz
introduced the concept of infinitesimal calculus.
Their groundbreaking work in calculus
revolutionized mathematical analysis and
provided powerful tools for solving complex
problems in physics, engineering, and other

Benefits of instrumentation in mathematics:

1. Increased Accuracy:
- Precision: Instruments such as calculators,
graphing tools, and measurement devices can
provide highly accurate results that are
challenging to achieve manually. This precision
is crucial in mathematical calculations,
experiments, and data analysis, ensuring that
accurate conclusions are drawn from
mathematical investigations.

2. Time-Saving:
- Efficiency: Mathematical instruments can
perform complex calculations and tasks rapidly,
saving valuable time for mathematicians,
researchers, and students. By automating
repetitive or intricate mathematical processes,
instruments streamline workflows and allow
individuals to focus on higher-level problem-
solving and analysis.

3. Enhanced Creativity:
- Focus on Concepts: Instruments enable
mathematicians to concentrate on conceptual
understanding and higher-level thinking rather
than getting bogged down in tedious
calculations. By offloading routine tasks to
instruments, mathematicians can explore
creative solutions, develop new theories, and
innovate in their mathematical research.

4. Visualization and Exploration:

- Graphical Representation: Graphing
calculators and software tools facilitate the
visualization of mathematical functions, data,
and relationships. This visual representation
allows mathematicians and students to explore
mathematical concepts graphically, gain insights
into patterns and trends, and make connections
between different mathematical ideas.

5. Experimental Analysis:
- Data Collection: Instruments for data collection
and analysis enable mathematicians to conduct
experiments, gather empirical data, and test
mathematical hypotheses. By using instruments
to collect real-world data, mathematicians can
validate mathematical models, refine theories,
and make informed decisions based on
empirical evidence.

6. Interdisciplinary Applications:
- Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration: Mathematical
instruments play a crucial role in interdisciplinary
research and collaboration. By integrating
mathematical tools with other scientific
disciplines, such as physics, engineering, and
computer science, mathematicians can apply
mathematical concepts to solve complex real-
world problems and drive innovation in various

As you can see we discuss the history of
instrumentation in mathematics, what do you The purpose of instrumentation in mathematics
think is the purpose of instrumentation in in teaching and learning is to help students
mathematics in teaching and learning? understand math better, make learning more
fun, improve problem-solving skills, cater to
different learning styles, speed up calculations,
and show how math is used in real life.

Very good!
Thank you, Ms./Mr. for your answer.
Now can you differentiate the evolution of In ancient civilizations, they developed early
instrumentation in mathematics from ancient counting tools such as the abacus and tally mark
civilization up to modern mathematics? to perform arithmetic. In ancient Greeks, they
developed geometry they used a compass and
straightedges for geometric construction and
proof. In modern mathematics, a wide range of
sophisticated mathematical tools and
instruments, including computers, graphing
calculators, and software applications to
enhance and practice mathematics in various

Good job everyone!

Always remember class, that the use of
instrumentation in mathematics offers numerous
advantages, including increased accuracy, time-
saving capabilities, enhanced creativity,
visualization opportunities, experimental
analysis, and interdisciplinary applications. By
leveraging mathematical instruments effectively,
mathematicians can enhance their problem-
solving abilities, deepen their understanding of
mathematical concepts, and make significant
contributions to the advancement of
mathematics and related disciplines.

Do you understand?
Yes ma’am!
Is there any question or clarification, class?
None ma’am!

Now, I will group you into Five (5) groups, I will
give you 5 minutes to do this activity.

(The students will themselves into 5 groups)

Direction: On a bond paper, use mathematical
instruments to draw a house using shapes and
measure it using your ruler. You will present the
width, and length and compute its Area. Make it
more creative and present it in front of the class.

Yes ma’am!
Okay, are you ready, class?
Yes we are!

Go to your respective groups and assign one

member to present your work.

(Students will do their group activity)

(Students will present their group activity)

Excellent work class!

Give yourself around of applause!
(Students will applause)
IV) Assessment
Direction: In one-half crosswise, answer the following question in essay-type form. 3pts.
1. What are some benefits of using instrumentation in mathematics teaching and learning?
2. Why is instrumentation important in mathematics education?
3. How has the evolution of instrumentation in mathematics changed over time?
4. Which ancient civilization used basic tools like rulers and counting devices for mathematics?
5. How does instrumentation in mathematics benefit students in their learning and understanding
of mathematical concepts?

V) Assignment
Direction: Reflect on your own experiences with instrumentation in mathematics. Share how
tools like calculators, graphing software, or online platforms have influenced your learning and
understanding of mathematical concepts.

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