Narrative 1

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The rays of sunlight pierced through my blind acting as a savior rescuing me from

my gruesome dream. I snapped from the disturbing nightmare that was so realistic
that it broke me out in a cold sweat, leaving my body trembling in fear as I woke
up. I looked at the time and it was just 8 in the morning. I quickly got ready
realizing that I had forgotten to set the alarm clock the night before. I rushed to
the office in hopes that I could make it in time.

Luckily I had made it in time. As soon as I walked in to the office, the telephone
rang BEEP! BEEP! I answered the phone, ‘’ hello officer,there is a dead body on the
4th lane of Ganesh nagar and I'm calling to report it “ said the female on the phone
with a shakiness in her voice . This was weird as our regime was usually
crimeless ,so this was out of the blue for us. So we comforted the person on the
phone and told her we'll be on our way soon. As soon as I took one look at the
crime scene I couldn’t believe my eyes as this was the exact scene I saw in my
dream, I fell down to the ground shocked. This was the EXACT SAME GIRL
thought to myself, how can such a coincidence happen? I was then suddenly called
by my boss, when my mind was wondering to some other place. He called me to
collect the evidences and samples. Originally, I couldn’t find any samples but when
I recalled my dream, I knew that the samples were in a trash bin nearby. So I
checked all the trash bins nearby and surprise, surprise…it was there.

Even the murder weapon used was exactly the same as my dream, but we couldn’t
find any fingerprints or anything that we could use to determine the killer. While
investigations were going on, I got a similar nightmare again except with a
different victim and a different site. This continued for 2 more murders, I was
going insane, I thought I was going crazy. I began to crack from within, not
knowing what to do, what was the solution to this problem ,that was driving me
crazy from within. I mean I couldn’t handle seeing people die knowing that, I can’t
even do anything about it. That was the case until finally at the 4th murder ,we
found fingerprints …it was of my brother ,I couldn’t believe it .All of this time I was
trying to find out what was the killer and why did he kill 4 unrelated people? And
the killer happened to be my own brother. I was filled up with frustrations and
finally the dreams stopped coming. All my coworkers felt bad for me but little did
they know.

I was the director, screenwriter and the actor behind this whole play. Was it me
killing all those people? No. It was my split personality developed by the years of
abuse I had endured from my family. Was this not the first murder I had
committed? Could I have left no evidences like the previous times? But did I want
the people who wronged me to suffer…


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