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Daniel Setiawan Siboro

9 Seteran Tengah Street

Semarang, ID 50134


Subject: Ready for the New Semester in Professional Writing

Dear Prof. Drs. Yosep Bambang Margono Slamet, M.Si., M.A., Ph.D,

I hope you are always in good health.

I am Daniel Setiawan Siboro your student at the University of 17 August 1945 majoring in
English, 2nd semester. I am ready to take the Professional Writing course this semester. I
am also ready to do all Professional Writing assignments.

As a student I need to prepare myself. Please, I would like to know what books I need to
help me in your class. I also want to know what the midterm exam format is like.

Thank you for your time, attention and help. Hopefully you are always in good condition.

Best Regards,
Daniel Setiawan Siboro

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