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Fantasy Beer

Name Generator


thomas james (order #15679706)

Fantasy Beer Name
This generator is designed to allow the GameMaster to create distinctive names for the
beers and ales that players find in the various inns and taverns that they frequent.
These names are aimed at a fantasy setting, but they are just as appropriate for
others, such as modern microbrews which often have equally odd names. Rather than
having to roll on a specific table, followed by another table and so on, this name
generator is a bit more freeform.

How to Use the Tables

There are seven tables in total, the final one being various types of brewed drinks, and
it is recommended to roll on at least two of them ­ as rolling on a single table will not
result in anything remotely useful or distinctive ­ or several tables or even all of them,
GM's choice You could even roll multiple times on the same table, discarding
duplicates, although this is less likely to work. Pick and choose which tables you want
to use for the name, roll the results and then rearrange them as needed, adding
connecting words and plurals as necessary

Written by Adrian Kennelly
or changing the tense to get the name of a
beer. Given the number of tables and
potential results, and that the names can be
shuffled, a vast number of different names
Internal images by Adrian Kennelly can be created rapidly.

Cover and page backgrounds by Lord

Zseze Works
Published by Azukail Games, a trading
style of eGDC Ltd
Copyright Information
The contents are copyright © 201 6
Azukail Games. All rights reserved. As a
purchaser of this product your are
entitled to print one copy for personal
use. Reproduction, re-selling and
redistribution of this work are strictly and
expressly forbidden without written
permission from Azukail Games.
This product is designed to be system
agnostic and usable with any pen and
paper fantasy role playing game system.

thomas james (order #15679706)

As well as naming the beer, you can use the supplementary tables to describe the
flavour of it, if desired. One or both supplementary tables can be rolled on and, rather
than combining the two into a name, the beer will just be said to contain those

Here's an example from rolling on two of the name tables:

Table 1:


Table 2:


This gives an easy result of "Black Dragon" for the beer.

Here's a more complicated example from rolling on four of the name tables:

Table 1:


Table 2:


Table 4:


Table 6:


This can give "Ferret's Best Amber Gem" as a beer name.

Here's an example from rolling on every name table:

Table 1:


Table 2:


thomas james (order #15679706)

Table 3:


Table 4:


Table 5:


Table 6:


Table 7:


Rearranged, this can give "Green Elf Rascal's Bones of the High Tor Bitter."

If nothing remotely sensible ­ and "sensible" is a rather flexible term when it comes to
beer names ­ can be made from the results, either reroll or discard one or more words.

The two supplementary tables give various different tastes that beers can have. Roll on
one or both of them, so that a flavour can be described for a beer if players decide to
taste one.

As an example, rolling on the two supplementary tables gives the result "Hoppy" and
"Caramel" so this beer could be said to have a hoppy flavour with caramel tones.

thomas james (order #15679706)

Table 1
Roll Result 25 Raven
1 Amber 26 Sheep
2 Black 27 Swan
3 Blonde 28 Troll
4 Blue 29 Wolf
5 Brown 30 Wyvern
6 Gold/Golden
7 Green
8 Orange
Table 3
9 Red
Roll Result
10 Silver
1 Archer
11 White
2 Bishop
12 Yellow
3 Damsel
4 Duke
Table 2 5 Farmer
6 Gardener
Roll Result 7 Gunner
1 Boar 8 Hunter
2 Bull 9 King
3 Cow 10 Knight
4 Crow 11 Lord
5 Dog 12 Queen
6 Dragon 13 Ranger
7 Dwarf 14 Rascal
8 Elf 15 Sailor
9 Ferret 16 Soldier
10 Fox 17 Sorcerer
11 Ghost 18 Trooper
12 Giant 29 Witch
13 Goat 20 Wizard
14 Goblin
Table 4
17 Hobgoblin
Roll Result
18 Ogre
1 Age/Aged
19 Orc
2 Best
20 Peacock
3 Big
21 Pig
4 Champion
22 Rabbit
5 Cold
23 Ram
6 Dark
24 Rat
7 Double

thomas james (order #15679706)

Table 6
8 Extra Roll Result
9 Extra Strong 1 Autumn
10 Fusty 2 Axe
11 High 3 Bells
12 Imperial 4 Berry
13 Old/Olde 5 Blueberry
14 Pale 6 Bones
15 Peculiar 7 Crossroads
16 Pride 8 Drop
17 Pure 9 Dust
18 Strange 10 Ear
19 Warmth 11 Finger
20 Wild 12 Gem
Table 5 13
15 Nectar
16 Poppy
Roll Result
17 Rings
1 Beach
18 Ruby
2 Castle
19 Ship
3 Cliff
20 Snap
4 Crag
21 Snow
5 Dale
22 Spring
6 Duchy
23 Stone
7 Empire
24 Summer
8 Fortress
25 Sunset
9 Hill
26 Sword
10 Keep
27 Tap
11 Kingdom
28 Watch
12 Moor
29 Wheat
13 Mountain
30 Winter
14 Ocean
15 Peninsula
Table 7
18 Tower Roll Result
19 Tundra 1 Ale
20 Vale 2 Bitter
3 Cider
4 Lager
5 Mead
6 Mild

thomas james (order #15679706)

Supplementary Table 2
Roll Porter
Name Notes Roll Result
93 Stout
Servane That is Servanne,1 Vanou
respectful. 2 Apricot
94 Sève Forest. 3 Banana
Supplementary Table 1
95 Seza Free or 4
Sezaig, Soazic,Bread
Soazick, Soazig, Soisick,
French. Soizic, Soizick,
5 Soizig
Roll Result
96 Solena Formal. 6 Cherries
1 Acidic
97 Trestana Revolt or 7 Chocolate
2 Alcohol uproar. 8 Clove
98 Bitter
Tuala Purple or Tualenn,9Tualez, Tudala, Tudalen,
4 Bear value. Tudalenn,10Tudalez
99 Citrus
Venaig Sky. 11 Coffee
6 Clean
100 Vougay Nun. 12 Cracker
7 Crisp
13 Grapes
8 Dank
14 Green Apple
9 Delicate
15 Hazelnut
10 Dry
16 Nutmeg
11 Earthy
17 Peaches
12 Esters
18 Pear
13 Floral
19 Pepper
14 Funky
20 Pine
15 Fruit
21 Plums
16 Herbal
22 Resin
17 Hoppy
23 Rose
18 Malt
24 Rye
19 Oak
25 Toast
20 Peaty
26 Toffee
21 Phenols
27 Vanilla
22 Roasty
28 Wheat
23 Smoky
29 Whiskey
24 Sour
30 Yeasty (Brett)
25 Spices
26 Spicy
27 Sugars
28 Sweet
29 Tart
30 Woody

thomas james (order #15679706)

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