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BSc ADS Part 2 English Notes

1) Damned Human Race By: Mark Twain
2) The Last Lesson By: Alphonse Daudet
3) Bromides and Sulphites By: Gelett Burgess
4) How to Live to Be 200 By: Stephen Leacock
5) Open Window By: H. H. Munro
6) Place of Science in liberal Education By: Bertrand Russel
7) On a Common Cold By: Osbert Sitwell
8) Emotional Meanings By: Robert H Thoules
9) Secret Life of Walter Mitty By: James Thurber
10) Where Do the Bright Ideas Come from? By: Lancelot Whyte
11) Right and Wrong By: Lewis
12) END OF THE ROAD By: Muhammad Asad
13) How Do the Poor People Die By: George Orwell
14) The Lost Childhood By: Grham Greene
15) The Gray Beginning
16) The Nature of Science
17) 17, August 2026, There Will Come Soft Rain
18) In My Day
19) The Marvel of Insects
20) TV Addiction By: Marie Winn

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Damned Human Race

By: Mark Twain
Q1. Damned Human Race is a satire on human traits and human nature. Do you agree?

Q2. Human hasn't changed and still considered as irrational animal, do you agree?

Q3. Damned Human Race is a criticism on human foibles and follies. Elaborate.

Q4. "The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven."

Q5. Explain with the reference of short essay, "Damned Human Race".

"Damned Human Race" is a satire on human nature and characteristics. The writer has used
irony and hyperbole to expose the foibles and follies of human beings. The writer seems to be
pessimistic but in fact he wants to correct human beings. He suggests that man should avoid all
the bad traits in order to make him really a higher and evolutional animal. Human nature hasn't
changed overtime. Man has been committing atrocities and injustice in the name of religious,
ethnic, political, ideological and sectarian conflicts. He has been lecherous, greedy, wanton, power
drunk, irrational and unreasoning. He exercises his power in his domain. Power and wealth are
two corrupting factors in his life. His faculty of moral sense and to justify oneself right have been
the cause of many vices. Man can control his emotions. Traits of human beings, Comparison and
contrasts of higher and lower animals have lowered human beings. Mark Twain has rightly
concluded that man has made himself so much lower than the present condition of man does not
allow him to call himself the crown of creature. Damned Human Race" is a criticism on human
traits which mark him ironically lower animal. These traits are compared and contrasted with
animal traits. Twain has made his assertion of descent of man through scientific method. He uses
observations, comparisons and contrasts, and experiments in London Zoological Gardens to make
his point of view authentic. He rejects Darwin's theory of ascent of man. Man has descended due
to his certain attributes of having cruelty, injustice, lechery, greed, moral sense of justifying his
wrong actions, irrationality of learning a lesson from the past, lack of tolerance in accommodating
other's ethnic, social, religious and sectarian differences, abuses of powers and collective warfare.

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All these traits are absent in so called higher animals. Twain exposes human weakness ironically
to correct him. Human nature is potentially aggressive and destructive and potentially orderly and

The Last Lesson

By: Alphonse Daudet
Q1. Do you agree with the writer that the loss of language can be the destruction of a society?

Q2. Franz as a representative of common French. Elaborate.

Q3. Describe the last lesson of a school teacher with the reference of the short essay, "The
Last Lesson".

The Last Lesson is a satire on imperialism/colonialism. The story is also a sharp criticism on the
importance of language which the people have forgotten. They have totally neglected their culture
and civilization. Language is a national pride for the natives of a country but unfortunately the
citizens of that society have started to neglect that culture. Franz is a representative of common
French. Carelessness of the society and the importance of time have been emphasized by the writer
"The Last Lesson" is about national pride and regret of the French over their loss of two states.
This is also a criticism on imperialism of Germany. "I wonder if they are going to compel them to
sing in German too!" The loss of language is great disaster for any society. First person narration
is used to show the regret of a school boy who represents the whole nation. Every character realizes
his mistake and regrets his inaction and irresponsibility. Franz, Hamel and the villagers have
gathered to remorse their inability to keep freedom and own language. Language is not mere a
source of communication. It is the reflection of culture, tradition, customs, social identity, cultural
inheritance and national pride. Everyone is responsible for the demise in the society. The parents
neglected their child's education. The children wasted their time in useless activities. The teachers
taught carelessly. The high ups never visited the school and neglected the foundation of a great
society. The French language is a romance language. It had been the sweetest and strongest
language in the history. In the Last Lesson through the character of Hamel the writer has created
an idealized teacher. A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. Hamel

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was an experienced teacher and central character of the story. He was very strict teacher and
punished his students. He kept a ruler under his arm. He was a traditional school teacher. He always
maintained decorum and discipline in the class. He believed in the use of force. The villagers
respected him for his forty year service. He regretted his flaws in his last lesson and speech. He
was a good orator. He used language effectively to realize his audience. He invoked patriotism and
love for French language among his students and villagers. He reproached himself for his
carelessness. He used to send his students to water his garden. He gave holiday to the students
when he wanted to have trout fishing. He can't be a good teacher because he was careless about
the future of his nation. He ignored his duties and set his students to do personal work. He didn't
realize that a teacher is very important factor of a society. If a building falls due to ignorance of an
engineer, it is a material loss. If a person dies due to ignorance of a doctor, it is a great loss. But if
a nation spoils due to a teacher, it is a disaster.

Bromides and Sulphites

By: Gelett Burgess
Q1. Who is the better, Bromides or Sulphites? Elaborate.
This essay is about two sentiments of life, which are characterized by the behaviors of two
elements. Bromides and Sulphites are two bents of mind. They are named according to the
behavior of bromides and sulphites. They are opposite in their approach and action. Bromides are
typical, orthodox and blind followers of set norms, customs, traditions and social practices. They
remain with the mob. They behave in accordance with society. They are not imaginative and
creative. Everybody likes them because they like others. They don't do unusual things and practice
according to others' expectations. They make certain rules in life and follow them strictly. They
do not think deeply. Their actions and thoughts are predictable. They are found in majority.

Bromides are typical while sulphites are radical, creative and innovative. Sulphites are
revolutionary. They oppose others in actions and thought. They appear suddenly and do something
unusual. They contradict social norms, customs, values, practices and traditions. Their arrival is
blasting. They can't be expected regarding their behavior and thoughts. Sulphites are very

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important and much needed in the society because they bring change. Only change is enduring in
the world. The evolution in the human society is due to them. All the great writers, artists and
scientists were sulphites because they thought different from others and brought innovations. Their
behavior was un- predictable as they didn't follow the set norms, customs, beliefs and social
practices. They were rebels in the society. Hamlet opposed the king and made him realized his
guilt. He was unorthodox and a having sulphitic qualities in himself. Becky Sharp in "Vanity fair"
by Thakeray is also unusual and imaginative character. Thus she has characteristics of sulphites.
American president, Roosevelt was also a sulphite in politics while Merie was sulphite in writing.
GB Shaw, a great revolutionary writer was a sulphite. Some writers may contradict in their ideas
and life. Sulphites are necessary for the society. If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't
grow, we aren't really living.

How To Live To Be 200

By: Stephen Leacock
Q1. Highlight the criticism on Jiggins' habits?

Q2. What was the health mania and typical exercise/food/diseases mania of Jiggins.

Q3. Pieces of advice given by the writer, are these measures practical, how can one live long

There are a lot of people in this world who spend so much time watching their health that they
haven't the time to enjoy it. Humorous is the fundamental part of this essay which is actually satire
on those people who have obsession of health. The writer has used exaggeration and irony to
criticize their habits. They are very much conscious of their health, exercise and food. They make
their life difficult, miserable, monotonous and boring. They don't enjoy their life and behave like
a silly person. They walk on dew drops, hunt for ozone. They try as much as possible to eat
hygienic things to make their life the best. They behave like a machine as Jiggins do in this essay
and eventually die unexpectedly. All the measures like exercise, diet and extra health mania do not
prolong their lives. The persona of the essay is Jiggins whose mania is laughed at. He is obsessed
about his health. He takes cold bath and hot sponge every morning. He breathes in fresh air, does

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Sandow exercises, passes his break time in exercise at office, and attends a gym in the evening.
He walks before sleeping and after awakening. The obsession of health and food consciousness is
the thing which encircles the people toward death. Life passes with enjoyments and peace of mind
can be easy and prolonged. The writer suggests that man should enjoy sound sleep, get up at
appropriate time and not take tension about health and work. He should avail fresh air and do
exercise if time is available. He should avoid cold bath and hot sponge. He should get over the fear
of germs and diseases. He shouldn't be fearful of bacilli and other germs. He should eat whatever
he finds and how much he gets. One who is very sensitive and conscious about the selection of
food makes life difficult. One should get other's services to accomplish his tasks. He should enjoy
his life. Eat, drink, play and be merry.

Right and Wrong

Q1. Recapitulate Lewis's series of reasons for believing that there is a "Law of Nature" that
there is "real Right or wrong".

Q2. What are his reasons for believing that the moral law is not simply an instinct?

Q3. Is it right or wrong to cheat in the examination?

Lewis tells us that every person is aware about right and wrong and wants to follow this standard
behavior on every cost. Either any person follows this standard or not, he bears in mind this
standard and expects it from other persons. He also utters that there is no need to teach this standard
to any person. To show the presence of real right and right, writer provides lot of examples from
the real life. We listen that people are quarrelling with one another on different issues and they
complain one another on the breaking of standard of behavior which is agreed among them. A
person appeals some kind of standard of behavior but other reply, "to hell your standard" therefore
the very person does not follow the standard at that time when he is said to behave in the same
way. The people break the law of morality and rules of nature but teach others to follow these
rules. If a footballer does not agree on these rules, then here will be no sense in saying that a
footballer had committed a foul. The idea was that, just as falling stones are governed by the law

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of gravitation and chemicals by chemical laws, in this way, man also had his law. Great difference
is that "the stones could not choose whether it obeyed the law of gravitation, or not, but a man
could choose either to obey the law of human nature or to disobey it." The idea of decent behaviour
is obvious to everyone. A nation may say that treaties have no importance, but next moment, they
spoil their case by saying that the particular treaty which they broke was unfair one. The writer
insists if there is no concept of right or wrong, then what is difference between fair and unfair
treaty. C.S. Lewis points out that moral law is very essential in every society and it is present in
every society. There is no need to tell anyone about the moral law, because, he is aware about it
by his nature. Everyone knows it by common sense, experience and observation of life. If someone
is educated or uneducated, he is much familiar about the standard of behaviour with the people in
the society. Moral law is a matter of choice. A person has choice to follow it or abandon it. It
depends upon a person what he wants. In failure of moral law, we use excuses and pretexts.
Examinations are a test of our knowledge and through cheating one shows that he is a better scholar
than those who are not cheating and they are, in fact, better scholars than he. We cannot assess the
actual abilities and capabilities of a person properly if he cheats in examinations. So cheating
produces wrong results. Now nobody likes wrong results for oneself. Cheating in examinations
discourages hard-working. By cheating in examination, illegal people come up. Cheating also
promote class-distinction. Cheating in examination is moral-corruption and against the standard
behaviour of human beings and no one accepts it against oneself; therefore, it is wrong, unjust and

Open Window
By: H. H. Munro
Q1. What are the themes of the essay the open window?

Q2. Do you agree the basic themes of the essay are appearance and reality?

Q3. Highlight the mental illness or confusion, irony and suspense in the essay.

Q4. Draw a character sketch of Vera/Ms. Sappleton / Mr. Nuttel.

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This essay is full of suspense and irony in which a young girl of fifteen, Vera makes Mr. Nuttel
fool. She is very clever and manipulating. Though she is fifteen years old, yet she is more
authoritative and cunning than she should be. The appearance, conversation and manners of a
village girl are ironical. She looks much mature than her age. Her actions and conversation are
constant source of suspense. She is a keen observer of others' habits and routines and uses them in
her fabricated story told to Mr. Nuttel. She uses Nuttel's ignorance to countryside, mental illness.
She tells him story with fabricated minute details of habits and manners of her aunt and her uncle
coming from snipe shooting. This blend of reality and imagination is ironical, a source of suspense
and dilemma of present man. This is another theme of this fiction that man wavers between illusion
and reality. It is difficult to differentiate. When it exposes, it causes severe mental illness. The
symbol of open window is the exposition of reality. The deception of the young girl is another
feature of modern life. There is a little difference between sanity and insanity. "A sick thought can
devour the body's flesh more than fever or consumption." Mr. Nuttel is fooled. He visits the
countryside to seek better mental health. He suffers from an undisclosed nervous ailment. He
brings a letter of introduction to Mrs. Sappleton in order to make her acquaintance for his stay in
her village. While he waits for Mrs. Sappleton to appear, her niece keeps him company and tells
him a story about why a window in the room has been left open. He is a representative of modern
man who has a confused state of mind. He is unable to differentiate appearance and reality.
Framton Nuttel is a passive person who thinks that strangeness will improve his health but he gets
frightened when he finds it. He believes Vera's story of open window that Mrs. Sappleton's dead
husband and brothers will return one day. When Nuttel looks out the window and sees figures
matching the descriptions of the long-dead hunters in the niece's story, he suffers a mental
breakdown and flees the house. Irony is the gaiety of reflection and the joy of wisdom. Thus the
writer through the foolish character of Nuttel and cunning role of Vera discloses the ironical
behavior of the people.

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Place of Science in liberal Education

By: Bertrand Russel
Q1. Enumerate the benefits of science?

Q2. Highlight the values of science education vs classical education?

Q3. What are the benefits of classical education, science and literature and art?

Q4. What are two merits of science in contrast to Literature and art and the suggestion of
good use of science?

Science has revolutionized human life. It has reduced distances, controlled the forces of nature,
brought changes in wireless telegraphy and changed the world into a global village. The real end
of science is the formation of rational and intellectual outlook on the world. It trains mind, makes
well informed and gives impersonal point of view. Science does a little nourishment of mind.
Science is inferior to classical education and literature because science is not taught with the same
spirit. It is concerned with present and future. Though literary education has a lot of passive things
yet it is not as much fruitful as is science. Science has two merits in contrast to art and literature.
It takes an objective view of life. It has no place for human passions and subjectivity. Secondly it
grows scientific attitude whether the actual theory is right or wrong. Darwin's theory of natural
selection and Malthus' theory of population are erroneous; however, they have created a scientific
method and mode of inquiry. In science, mostly creative theories are applied by the average
scientists. The real genius is that who invents for the first time. But in art and literature, the work
is always creative. The real outlook of life is projected through the works. This scientific method
is not present in philosophy. Philosophy looks at the world as a whole. If science develops this
universalism, it will be excellent because philosophy can't get solid results as science does. It
provides happiness in the passionate this planet. Bertrand has a different view of education. His
focus is on the development of creativity. The true end of education is innovation rather passivity.
It widens personal outlook. The writer criticizes the inherent weakness of classical education.

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Science has revolutionized human life. It has reduced distances, controlled the forces of nature,
brought changes in wireless telegraphy and changed the world into a global village. The real end
of science is the formation of rational and intellectual outlook on the world. It trains mind, makes
well informed and gives impersonal point of view. Science does a little nourishment of mind.
Science is inferior to classical education and literature because science is not taught with the same
spirit. It is concerned with present and future. Though literary education has a lot of passive things
yet it is not as much fruitful as is science. Science has two merits in contrast to art and literature.
It takes an objective view of life. It has no place for human passions and subjectivity. Secondly it
grows scientific attitude whether the actual theory is right or wrong. Darwin's theory of natural
selection and Malthus' theory of population are erroneous; however, they have created a scientific
method and mode of inquiry. In science, mostly creative theories are applied by the average
scientists. The real genius is that who invents for the first time. But in art and literature, the work
is always creative. The real outlook of life is projected through the works. This scientific method
is not present in philosophy. Philosophy looks at the world as a whole. If science develops this
universalism, it will be excellent because philosophy can't get solid results as science does. It
provides happiness in the passionate this planet. Bertrand has a different view of education. His
focus is on the development of creativity. The true end of education is innovation rather passivity.
It widens personal outlook. The writer criticizes the inherent weakness of classical education.

On a Common Cold
By: Osbert Sitwell
Q1. How has the writer used irony, exaggeration, humor created effects of a common cold?

Q2. Do you think the writer has appeal of the essay on matter rather than subject matter?

The essay on a common cold is a humorous account of the effects of common cold. The writer
creates appeal in his essay through the subject matter. It is replete with irony and exaggeration
which create humor, interest and fun. Irony is the difference of appearance and reality while
exaggeration is a boastful description. The title is ironic. Though it is a common cold yet it affects
drastically in the essay. The three aspects of the common cold, which are symptoms, its effects on

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the patient and its historical role are ironic and exaggerated in this essay. The effects of the
common cold are many and drastic according to the essay. The writer has described them through
the series of daily experiences. A common cold has many symptoms. It affects human beings in
many ways. It brings changes not only in physical health but also in manners and habits. It causes
sneezing and coughing. It causes pain in teeth, limbs and the roots of hair. The description of

"Pains in teeth and roots of the hair",

"A common cold alters the very existence of him who suffers from it",

"Pathos, together with a slightly hysterical Humour" and "alters the spirit, the very nature
of the person it attacks"

are ironic and exaggerated. Moreover, the attitude becomes perverted. The person suffering from
it does unusual things. He meets those whom he dislikes. The writer gives the example of his
cousin who meets him in common cold. The lonely person starts visits theatre, lectures and concert
halls. All these changes are exaggerated and ironic. The role of the common cold is historic.
England is blessed with it. Napoleon was defeated due to common cold. The defeat of Hitler and
Caesar is also nominated to the common cold in the essay. All these accounts are ironic,
exaggerated and humorous. It arouses the interest of the reader. Common cold brings pathos and
hysterical Humour. It had played havocs in the human history. It is the descendent of plague which
claimed millions of deaths in the past. It was called Black Death. It spread throughout the
community. In the same way, common cold resembles its ancestral disease, plague. It has a long
history. Even it is referred in Elizabethan poetry. "And the cold, too, has played a noble part in
world events." Napoleon was defeated by the common cold at Waterloo. This success is attributed
to Duke of Wellington and Blucher. It was common cold that played significant role in the
accession of Roman Empire by Julius Caesar. Moreover, it has always stopped the generals of
British Army to give command for a great war through sneezing. Thus common cold has become
common in the recent times in the shape of Corona Virus. The description of common cold has
been exaggerated by the writer.

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Emotional Meanings
By: Robert H Thoules
Q1. Elaborate the difference of emotional and objective meanings?

Q2. Highlight the difference of moral and scientific judgment?

Q3. Count down the difference of objective and subjective meaning? How do the words
matter a lot?

"The wound of cut heals but the wound of tongue never heals". It is doubtless that the use of
words is very important in our life. They point out some idea associated with them. Language is
arbitrary and there is no connection between words and their meanings. They are set socially and
traditionally. There are two layers of associated ideas with the words. One is objective meanings
while the other is emotional meanings. The objective meanings are also called scientific,
denotative and impersonal meanings. They are unprejudiced, unbiased and impersonal. They are
acknowledged on a wider scale. Mostly they are same across the cultures. They are free of colors,
likeness and dislikes of the individuals. They don't raise any conflict among their users. They create
scientific judgment. On the other hand, emotional meanings are subjective, personal and mostly
culture specific. They vary from person to person and society to society. They have some
associated ideas with the objective meanings. They are driven by conventions and norms of the
societies. They arouse conflicts and differences. The people set certain likeness and dislikes with
the words. They create moral judgment among the users. The ideas associated with the set norms
are considered good. The violation of those set standards will cause variation, conflicts and
differences. They are very necessary to create beauty in the speech. The poetry loses its charms, if
there are no emotional meanings. Because according to Keats. "Heard Melodies Are Sweet, but
Those Unheard Are Sweeter". Many social, cultural, religious and political differences cause
due to difference of emotional meanings. The word "dog" means an animal while "Mongrel" is
used for negative connotations. The words "firm" and "obstinate, pigheaded" are same in objective
meanings but different in emotional meanings. The word "Martyr" and "assassinated" mean killing
but former is sacred and latter is not. It can be concluded that the use of words should be made

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carefully because their emotional meanings can bring disasters. Emotional meanings are conceived
meanings other than objective meanings. They are subjective and personal and vary from man to
man. They are abstract.

Secret Life of Walter Mitty

By: James Thurber
Q1. What is the fantasy of Mitty?

Q2. The story of Mitty is the Story of every man, Do you agree?

Q3. Elaborate the role of Mitty, difference of imagination and reality, dissatisfaction of Mitty
with his life and escapism of Mitty?

Q4. What are the most important theme of the essay?

The man who has no imagination has no wings. Through the character of Walter, the writer has
portrayed the theme of imaginations and reality. Walter Mitty and his wife run errands and Mitty
has suffered from the plague of day dreaming. The whole story is full of his fantasy world. Mitty
escapes into an imaginary world from the reality of the world which is dominated and bullied by
his wife. She treats him as a child and immature person. He is dissatisfied with his life. He wants
to get rid of his problems. He only takes refuge into his imaginations. He takes his romantic and
ideal flight to the fantastic world. He consoles himself by performing the different roles in his
imaginations. He is a true human being in this regard. Every person of this world is imaginative to
some extent. While driving, he imagines being a pilot of an eight engine Navy hydroplane. He
shows bravery, unusual skill and daring performance. He controls the hydroplane in his
imaginations but his wife is out of control. Mitty gets his unfulfilled desires through his
imaginations. He drives past a hospital and starts another fantasy. This time, he's a famous surgeon
doctor trying to save a millionaire named Wellington McMillan. He is praised by others but he is
often admonished in his real life. He reaches the court and confesses to be a killer when he hears
a boy shouting Waterbury trials. He waited his wife in the hotel lobby where he read a magazine
with the pictures of German bombers. This takes him to the fantastic world of imagination. He

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fantasizes himself an air captain. He is willing to sacrifice for his country. His dream is interrupted
by his wife. But when she went to drug store, he again imagines himself to be facing firing squad
bravely. It can be concluded that Mitty is brave, risky, patriot, dominant on others, an expert
surgeon, pilot, naval captain, sharp-shooter and praiseworthy person in his imaginative world. But
he is opposite in his real life. He is fearful from his wife. He takes the flight of his imaginations to
reach his imaginative world. He enjoys his dreamy world. The difference of husband and wife also
project the theme of misfit relationships. The theme of matrimonial difference is very sound. The
good relations demand mental harmony of husband and wife. The relationship of Mr. and Mrs.
Mitty is ironical. The exietence of Mitty is actually the escape of a man from reality.

Where Do The Bright Ideas Come From?

By: Lancelot Whyte
Q1. Express the ideas of creative thinkers and their striking activity of creativity and sources
of ideas?

The process of creative thought is complex and arbitrary. Mostly it is associated with unconscious.
The working of unconscious is unknown and uncontrolled. Thus, it is difficult to bring it within
the domain of consciousness. According to Lancelot Whyte a creative thought is "Leap in
thought." The thinkers and great writers remain unaware of the process of their creativity. Mostly
it is considered as divine revelation. The poetic creation as well as scientific discoveries is brought
forth by some mysterious process. It is an intuitive process. This process of sudden exposition is
common in religious mysticism, philosophy, art, literature, science, mathematics and technical
inventions. The writer has supported many examples from the life of great thinkers and minds.
They went through the similar way. Richard Wagner was a great musician. He got his prelude to
"Rhinegold" in a trance like state. The writer says about it, "The conscious mind at the moment
of creation knew nothing of actual processes." Henri Poincare was a great mathematician. He
got knowledge about "Fuchsian" function at night after taking black coffee in his sleepless night.
Descartes presented his philosophy in his dream. Mozart music was also discovered while its
creator was playing billiard. Hamilton got his new mathematical method while walking in the

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street of Dublin with his wife. Walter Scott always got his ideas while resting and sleeping at night.
It is called "Sleeping on it." He says, "Never mind, I shall have it at seven o" clock tomorrow
morning." Blake says, "I have written the poem, without premeditation." Darwin says, "Ideas
and beliefs are not voluntary acts." All these examples show that creativity is involuntary action.
Human conscious has no role in this sudden action. However, it is not known how it happens.
There is not sufficient information on mental working. However, Whyte concludes that
unconscious activity is necessary for creativity. Conscious has certain limitations. It sticks to the
problems but unconscious is a boundless sea of extra ordinary powers. Human mind has a great
potential in unconscious, which is yet to be explored. It is revealed through the process of creation
by many great minds of the world. So the creative people have brought innovations in certain fields
of interests. Secondly, it requires rest and relaxation.


By: Muhammad Asad
Q1. Present the picture of the Holy Kaaba.

Q2. Kaaba is the simplest structure yet holy, why?

Q3. Describe the experiences of the writer on the road?

Q4. What is the experiences of a European as a Muslim.

Muhammad Asad gives the holy picture of Kaaba in his essay "End of the Road." He is a converted
Muslim from Judaism. After embracing Islam, the writer travels toward the Holy Kabbah. He is
accompanied by different Asian people belonging to different ethnic groups. This is the journey
from the west to the east. He compares two civilizations. One is characterized by modernism and
materialism while other is traditional and poor. He forgot Europe and carried himself to the Middle
East. Then he draws the picture of Jidda. The streets of Jidda are fascinating. Iran and Egypt are
better than any other country of Europe. Asad also narrates the difficult journey for the pilgrims.
Some of them died on the way The Arabian cities are the show of cultures of the whole Muslim
World. The houses are different. They people from all over the Muslim world gather and recite
"Labbayk Allahumma, Labbayk!" He describes about the Holy Kabbah as "The goal of longing

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for so many millions of people for so many centuries". It is small and squire building. "It was
apex of their desires". It is a perfect cube. It is covered by black brocade. It is in the centre of the
Mosque. It presents a quiet picture of art. The writer says, "Much quieter than any other work
of architecture anywhere in the world". It was built by Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S). Many times it was
rebuilt. It is the sign of "Man"s humility before God." It is the simplest three dimension form.
The writer says about its structure "Could ever do justice to the idea of God" The writer doesn't
find its majestic qualities even in the mosques of North Africa, The Dome of the Rock in
Jerusalem, majestic buildings of Istanbul and buildings in the other parts of the world. It is "The
complete renunciation of all beauty of line and form." The picture of Kaaba drawn by the writer
is mostly spiritual and emotional. It has religious associations. According to the writer, Islam is
religion of peace which has many parts and all of its parts are harmoniously conceived to
complement and support one another. The days are very hot. The sand is burning. There is a lot of
difference between both the civilizations. The civilization of Makkah joins the different people all
over the world and makes them a family. It was a great shift from Judaism to Islam. Islam
propagates brotherhood. Thus experience of the writer is the experience of brotherhood.

How Do The Poor People Die

By: George Orwell
Q1. Describe the pathetic picture of French hospitals?

Q2. Compare and contrast the French Hospitals with English hospitals.

George Orwell gives the pathetic and critical pictures of French hospitals and poor human
condition through his personal experiences. The writer got admitted into a general ward French
Hospital X when he fell ill. It was a general ward. He gives his feelings and reactions. "I lay down
again, humiliated, disgusted and frightened". The author has drawn a subjective and objective
picture at the same time. He observes the other people on the ward, i.e., doctors, nurses, patients,
visitors. The poor scene makes the writer full of pity, sympathy and sorrow for their suffering. The
pathetic account has strong feelings of pity, sympathy and sorrow. The treatment he was given
there was inhuman and painful. Before starting treatment, he had to pass through a detailed

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interview at reception. He was unable to stand but he had to do it. Then he was given bath after
questioning. He was treated with the ancient method of cupping after it. He was treated as animals.
The attitude of nurses was very bad. The food served there was of poor quality and unhygienic.
The method of checking and knocking his body was very painful. It was the most disgraceful that
the patients were called out by their bed numbers. The scene of death of No. 57 was very sad.
"This business of people just dying like animals, for instance, with nobody standing by,
nobody interested, the death not even noticed till the morning." The ward was full of foul
smell and poor sanitation. Orwell presents the realistic picture. The writer has presented many
literary references about the condition of hospitals in the past. The condition of the English
hospitals was much better than it. The writer has drawn contrast of both the countries after his
experience in a French Hospital. He observed and presented the first hand information. The death
of the patients was not considered a routine matters. The English hospitals were cleaned. The
hygienic conditions were good. But the French hospitals were dirty and unclean. The writer has
used irony and humor to expose the attitude and treatment of the doctors and nurses. But the overall
atmosphere is gloomy and pathetic.

TV Addiction
By: Marie Winn
Q1. Why has the writer called TV viewing as an addiction? Elaborate.

Q2. What are the difficulties and problems TV has created in our life?

Addiction is the excessive obsession of some activity. TV viewing has also become an addiction.
TV addiction is similar to drug and alcohol addiction. The addict of TV feels discomfort without
it as an alcoholic and drug addict do. He can't live without it. He remains "Hooked on TV". It
becomes difficult to get rid of both TV addiction and drug addiction. The heavy addict says, "I
find television almost irresistible." The life without TV is passive and inactive. TV addiction gives
pleasure and happiness to its addicts. He feels relaxed. He doesn't feel normal without TV. The
man who has no imagination has no wings. So TV makes a person imaginative and he flies the
flight of thoughts when he watches TV. The addict doesn't want to face reality and idealizes

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himself into an escaped world. He consoles himself with series of idealized imaginations. The
addicts of both TV and drugs want to do it again and again. Both the addictions waste the sense of
time. The addicts forget that time and tide waits for none. They remain stuck to TV and don't play
role in their actual life. The television habit distorts the sense of time. It reduces their social
interactions. The addicts don't get opportunity to communicate with others. The addiction of TV
makes it addict lethargic. The writer has used exaggeration in the description of TV as it is less
harmful than drug addiction as the addict leads a damaged life. The drug and heroin addicts suffer
from health problems. But TV addicts don't have such problems. The writer says it "Cookies
addicts". Mostly they face emotional problems. It can be concluded that TV addiction is as
dangerous as drug addiction. It harms social and personal life of an individual. Excess of
everything is bad. TV watching for a suitable time is not bad. It is the source of entertainment.
Moreover, it is very necessary in this globalized world. However, its use by the students and
women create a lot of problems.

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