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Phrasal Verbs with Up

Technical Problems and Repairs

Phrasal verbs often Be aware that many of
include another these phrasal verbs
preposition if they take also have other
an object. meanings.

Phrasal Verb Mix and Match

Connect each of the phrasal verbs below with the correct definition.

1) back up a) to do or make something badly

2) botch up b) for liquid to accumulate and freeze

3) clog up c) to lubricate

4) freeze up d) to make a secure copy

5) grease up e) for software or electronics to suddenly stop

6) heat up f) to be blocked by something and stop working

7) ice up g) to increase the temperature

8) patch up h) to fill to maximum capacity

9) play up i) for moving parts to stop moving or working

10) rust up j) to strengthen by adding support

11) seize up k) to oxidise

12) shore up l) to perform, behave, or function very badly

13) soup up m) to repair superficially or temporarily

14) spruce up n) to consume or completely finish a supply or resource

15) tighten up o) to increase the volume, speed, quantity, or rate of something

16) top up p) to make something that is loose firmer or more stable

17) turn up q) to configure or alter something to be more powerful or efficient

18) use up r) to make more attractive or tidy


When up is used in phrasal
verbs, it often means some kind
of increase or completion.
Phrasal Verbs with Up
Technical Problems and Repairs
back up botch up clog up freeze up grease up heat up ice up patch up play up
rust up seize up shore up soup up spruce up tighten up top up turn up use up

Insert the phrasal verbs that fit best into the gaps in the sentences below.
You will need to conjugate them appropriately.

1) The cogs seem to be a little dry on that machine over there. Perhaps that is why it runs so slowly.
Maybe we should __________ it up more often to make sure it is sufficiently lubricated.

2) That screw is very loose. I am going to __________ it up before it causes a problem.

3) I think that generator has some kind of leak. It __________ up fuel far too quickly.

4) Once we have fixed the leak in the generator we need to __________ up the fuel so that we can see
how long a full tank can last.

5) I need to install more memory on my PC. Every time I use my word processer, it __________ up after
about 15 minutes and I have to reboot.

6) The wall at the back of the fridge keeps __________ up. I think we need to raise the temperature a

7) The unusual humidity has affected the air filtration system. The damp dust has __________ up the
filters and obstructed the free flow of air through the ducts.

8) The central heating relies on the air pressure to pump the water through the radiators. If the pressure
drops too far, we can __________ it up with the blue button on the panel.

9) This machine needs a better cooling system. It __________ up too much and can get very hot.

10) Before we format the hard disk, we need to __________ everything up on an external drive.

11) The team that were working on that drainage system really __________ up the job. There have been
constant problems ever since the work was completed. We might have to do the whole thing again right
from the start.

12) The wall around the house has started to lean dangerously because of soil subsidence. We need
some trusses to __________ it up and prevent collapse.

13) He left his bicycle outside while he was on holiday. He came back a month later and saw that the
chain and cogs had __________ up because of constant exposure to the rain.

14) She had an old PC that she bought second hand. However, she __________ it up by adding a better
mother board, more memory and a faster processor.

15) There was a hole in the window which we __________ up with polythene. The glazier came the next
day and repaired it properly.

16) We rented a commercial unit in a side street. After we had __________ the place up with a lick of
paint and serious cleaning, it started to look like a real shop.

17) I think I need to buy a new TV. Mine keeps changing channels unexpectedly and turning itself off
randomly. It is __________ up far too much and needs to be replaced.

18) He hadn’t oiled the machine for months and all the components just __________ up when he
pressed the start button.
The Right to Repair
Insert the phrasal verbs that fit best into the gaps in the story below.
You will need to conjugate the verbs appropriately.

back up botch up clog up freeze up grease up heat up ice up patch up play up

rust up seize up shore up soup up spruce up tighten up top up turn up use up

The Right to Repair is perhaps the fastest growing consumer pressure group you have never heard of. And if
some companies get their way, it will continue in this manner for some time to come. Whether it be the ability to
_________ up an old PC in order to make it able to run modern software, or even something really basic such as
_________ up a loose screw on a car, many people already know that being able to fix things nowadays just isn’t that
easy anymore.
With the environment being on so many minds nowadays, one would think that we should be moving away
from the throw-away society of the 80s and 90s. The truth is, we now throw away more than we ever have. And quite
often, it’s simply because we have no way to repair something that is broken. OK, certain mechanical objects can still
be fixed quite easily, and a whole industry and community exists to drive that. If your bicycle has been left in the rain
and it hasn’t been properly _________ up, resulting in the chains and cogs _________ up, it doesn’t take much to buy
and replace the parts yourself. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for many modern cars or even agricultural
If you own a hybrid or electric car which then starts to _________ up and give you problems, fixing it yourself
is beyond difficult, even if you are technically minded enough to understand what the problem is. And farmers in the
US were initially denied the right to access the source code to digital devices attached to their agricultural machines
which meant they could only _________ up machinery if they took it to specially trained, and expensive authorized
repair services. Even _________ up their fuel tanks was becoming a problem until US law forced a better
standardization for the design of fuel pipe nozzles and attachments.
Similar problems were faced by car drivers in many states in the US until landmark legislation forced the
automobile manufacturers to make repair manuals available to owners as well as spare parts. If a part in an engine
breaks or becomes faulty and in turn causes the engine to _________ up, in most states in the US you now have the
right to demand the plans for the car as well as the desired spare parts to make those much-needed repairs. The EU
has introduced similar laws to get car manufacturers and tech companies to cooperate.
Sometimes it’s just the manner in which things are designed that annoys us. In bygone days, we could change
the things we own in some way, if we wanted to, but nowadays there seems to be some kind of software that stops
us having fun because of health and safety concerns. Some MP3 players or media players on our phones won’t allow
us to _________ up the volume too high because the software is trying to protect our hearing. Some printers won’t
allow you to use recycled printer cartridges when you have _________ up the ink on the previous ones unless it
comes from the same manufacturer or a licensed dealer. The hardware companies often claim that this is to protect
us from unscrupulous recycling companies that have a habit of _________ up the recycling process which in turn
could ruin our printers. I suspect it’s more to do with squeezing a few more bucks out of the customers, though.
IT is quickly starting to become the area where the consumer faces the biggest headache. People in the IT
community prefer to assemble their own PCs than buy off-the-shelf PCs with particular brand names. The PC in our
office recently started _________ up when the fan inside broke. When we asked the IT technician to fix it we were
told that fans could not be bought and installed into that make of PC unless they were produced by the same
company. It then turned out that particular model did not make any parts available to customers. In effect, we would
have had to buy a new PC, if our technician had not been able to find a way around the problem and repair it himself.
He managed to get the PC to work again although it still _________ up now and again when the memory overloads
with certain software. Nonetheless, every week we _________ up the hard disk from that particular PC on the cloud
and on two external disk drives, just in case.
On the other hand, we sometimes prefer that only the professionals should be fixing things for us. My
neighbour recently decided to _________ up his house by indulging in a little DIY. The result was pretty disastrous for
everybody. He first started on the plumbing as the sewer pipes from his house had a bad habit of _________ up with
effluent and causing very unpleasant overflows into his garden. His resulting handiwork meant that the wall between
our two properties was in danger of collapse and had to be _________ up with jacks and trusses until a proper team
of builders could be hired to sort the problem out. And his attempts to adjust his air conditioning system resulted in
the outlets and ducts _________ up, even in the middle of summer! Well, in some cases, it seems that the
corporations are right. There are certain repairs that should only be handled by authorised professionals. I think there
is no doubt about that.
Right to Repair Debate
Read the memo below and then read your personality card. After that, attend the
meeting and debate what the board should do next regarding the issue at hand.
Each person should spend at least 1 minute stating their opinion and a further 5
minutes debating what should be done once everybody has had their say. A vote
must be taken at the end of the meeting.

Indicate which word or expression is correct in the memo below.

Sometimes both options are possible.

C onsumers A P O gainst lanned bsolescence

To: All members and activists

From: Chair
Date: 08/05/2019
Re: The future

Dear Members,

Many of us are in some doubt as to the next course of action to take now that Brexit is a
realty/reality. Previously, we have worked very hard with the EU and the local MEP on the fight
against Planned Obsolescence which has borne/born fruit to a reasonable degree. We are all aware
of the EU directive which obligates manufacturers of electronic goods to build their products to last
longer and to make the appropriate spare parts disposable/available to the consumer as from the
year 2021. But there is now uncertainty as to whether/weather or not the UK will sign up to this
ruling even though the country was originally a signatory/signature to this legislation.
As such, given the previous difficult relationship/relation we have had with the local MP in
comparison to the very cordial association/membership with the local MEP, we need to decide how
to proceed next. Our task/work with the local EU representative was much/many more than cordial,
in fact. It was an affiliation based/baste on collaboration. However, the local Member of Parliament
has not liked/enjoyed the same kind of interaction with us and there still exists a grade/degree of
hostility. We need to decide how we can make this work to our advantage. Do we engage in a more
productive, and thereby a more collaborative acquaintanceship/apprenticeship, or do we adopt a
more confrontational tone with the local elected representative? Which course would profit/benefit
our group and the wider society as a whole?
The meeting will take place next week on Monday morning at the group’s offices.

Yours sincerely
Jill Lee

Planned obsolescence, or built-in obsolescence, in

industrial design and economics is a policy of
planning or designing a product with an artificially
limited useful life, so that it becomes obsolete (i.e.,
unfashionable, or no longer functional) after a certain
period of time.
Source: Wikipedia
Phrasal Verbs with Up
Technical Problems and Repairs
back up botch up clog up freeze up grease up heat up ice up patch up play up
rust up seize up shore up soup up spruce up tighten up top up turn up use up

Insert the phrasal verbs that fit best into the gaps in the story below.
You will need to conjugate the verbs appropriately.




















Right to Repair Debate – Personality Cards

You are a consumer rights activist and You are a consumer rights activist and
have been so for many years. You think have been so for many years. You voted
that a relationship with the local MP for Brexit although you had a good
should be as distant as possible. You used relationship with the local MEP. You think
to work for the local MP at his company the EU directive on manufacturing and
many years ago and found him to be spare parts does not go far enough. You
dishonest, corrupt and aggressive. You do have met the local MP and believe that he
not understand how this person got has the same ideas as you do on the
elected to parliament in the first place. subject. You foresee a fruitful relationship.

You are a consumer rights activist and You are a consumer rights activist and
have been so for many years. You stood have been so for many years. You have
against the local MP in the recent known the local MP since you were a child.
parliamentary elections and were subject You don’t agree with his politics but you
to dirty tricks by the local MP’s team. False have always found him to be a rational and
rumours about your private life were practical person. He is often
circulated that have damaged your misunderstood by people because of his
marriage. You want as little to do with this job and the public rhetoric that he has to
man as possible. You advocate a use. You are certain that, on a private
relationship of confrontation and protest. level, a relationship could be productive.

You are a consumer rights activist and You are a consumer rights activist and
have been so for many years. The local MP have been so for many years. The local MP
is your neighbour and has given you is a cousin of your and you have always
nothing but problems. He built a had a good relationship with him. You
swimming pool in his back garden which both disagree on Brexit but as far as you
directly affected the foundations of your can see, his motivations, although
house. You had to take him to court and mistaken, are well-intentioned. You
won the case but since then he has tried to strongly advocate a close relationship with
make your life difficult. You do not the local MP. You think this would be the
advocate a working relationship with him. most productive way forward.

On the surface, you are a consumer rights On the surface, you are a consumer
activist, but in reality you work for a large, rights activist, but in reality you work
and unscrupulous, manufacturing for the local MP. He has paid you to try
company in the local area. You have been and foster a more positive relationship
sent to infiltrate the group and see if you
with the MP to improve his public
can damage their public image. You think
image. As such, you always try and
that a hostile relationship with the local
MP will turn the public against the group argue in favour of extending a
and damage the cause. collaborative attitude to the local MP.

Phrasal Verbs: Bingo Game
Cut out and place the definition slips in a cup or envelope. Cut out the bingo cards and give to the students. Take a definition
slip from the cup one at a time and read the definition. Students tick off the corresponding phrasal verbs. Once a student has
crossed out 5 words on a card they shout “bingo” and the round starts again with fresh cards. Repeat the process 3 times.

Definition Slips
back up = botch up = clog up = freeze up = grease up =
to make a secure copy to do or make to be blocked by for software or to lubricate
something badly something and stop electronics to
working suddenly stop
heat up = ice up = patch up = play up = rust up =
to increase the for liquid to accumulate to repair superficially to perform, behave, to oxidise
temperature and freeze or temporarily or function very
seize up = shore up = soup up = spruce up = tighten up =
for moving parts to stop to strengthen by adding to configure or alter to make more to make something
moving or working support something to be more attractive or tidy that is loose firmer or
powerful or efficient more stable
top up = turn up = use up =
to fill to maximum to increase the volume, to consume or
capacity speed, quantity, or rate completely finish a
of something supply or resource

Bingo Cards Bingo Cards

top up seize up
back up clog up
botch up
botch up
ice up freeze up
spruce up soup up

freeze up soup up
patch up play up
ice up
seize up
spruce up
play up spruce up
shore up

shore up heat up
play up patch up
turn up
freeze up
botch up seize up
seize up grease up

back up grease up
heat up turn up
clog up
rust up
shore up tighten up
botch up ice up

turn up patch up
freeze up clog up
play up
shore up
back up shore up
heat up back up

ice up rust up
ice up play up
grease up
soup up
patch up clog up
seize up freeze up

grease up turn up
patch up turn up
heat up
rust up clog up ice up
back up botch up

botch up
seize up rust up
use up
back up
tighten up
tighten up spruce up
soup up top up

Phrasal Verb Mix and Match

Connect each of the phrasal verbs below with the correct definition.

1) back up a) to do or make something badly

2) botch up b) for liquid to accumulate and freeze

3) clog up c) to lubricate

4) freeze up d) to make a secure copy

5) grease up e) for software or electronics to suddenly stop

6) heat up f) to be blocked by something and stop working

7) ice up g) to increase the temperature

8) patch up h) to fill to maximum capacity

9) play up i) for moving parts to stop moving or working

10) rust up j) to strengthen by adding support

11) seize up k) to oxidise

12) shore up l) to perform, behave, or function very badly

13) soup up m) to repair superficially or temporarily

14) spruce up n) to consume or completely finish a supply or resource

15) tighten up o) to increase the volume, speed, quantity, or rate of something

16) top up p) to make something that is loose firmer or more stable

17) turn up q) to configure or alter something to be more powerful or efficient

18) use up r) to make more attractive or tidy

1) = b)
2) = d)
3) = f)
4) = e)
5) = c)
6) = g)
7) = b)
8) = m)
9) = l)
10) = k)
11) = i)
12) = j)
13) = q)
Transitive = a verb that takes an object 14) = r)
Intransitive = a verb does not take an object 15 = p)
16) = h)
17) = o)
18) = n)

1) The cogs seem to be a little dry on that machine over there. Perhaps that is why it runs so slowly.
Maybe we should grease it up more often to make sure it is sufficiently lubricated.

2) That screw is very loose. I am going to tighten it up before it causes a problem.

3) I think that generator has some kind of leak. It uses up fuel far too quickly.

4) Once we have fixed the leak in the generator we need to top up the fuel so that we can see how long a
full tank can last.

5) I need to install more memory on my PC. Every time I use my word processer, it freezes up after about
15 minutes and I have to reboot.

6) The wall at the back of the freezer keeps icing up. I think we need to raise the temperature a little.

7) The unusual humidity has affected the air filtration system. The damp dust has clogged up the filters
and obstructed the free flow of air through the ducts.

8) The central heating relies on the air pressure to pump the water through the radiators. If the pressure
drops too far, we can turn it up with the blue button on the panel.

9) This machine needs a better cooling system. It heats up too much and can get very hot.

10) Before we format the hard disk, we need to back everything up on an external drive.

11) The team that were working on that drainage system really botched up the job. There have been
constant problems ever since the work was completed. We might have to do the whole thing again right
from the start.

12) The wall around the house has started to lean dangerously because of soil subsidence. We need
some trusses to shore it up and prevent collapse.

13) He left his bicycle outside while he was on holiday. He came back a month later and saw that the
chain and cogs had rusted up because of constant exposure to the rain.

14) She had an old PC that she bought second hand. However, she souped it up by adding a better
mother board, more memory and a faster processor.

15) There was a hole in the window which we patched up with polythene. The glazier came the next day
and repaired it properly.

16) We rented a commercial unit in a side street. After we had spruced the place up with a lick of paint
and serious cleaning, it started to look like a real shop.

17) I think I need to buy a new TV. Mine keeps changing channels unexpectedly and turning itself off
randomly. It is playing up far too much and needs to be replaced.

18) He hadn’t oiled the machine for months and all the components just seized up when he pressed the
start button.

The Right to Repair is perhaps the fastest growing consumer pressure group you have never heard of. And if
some companies get their way, it will continue in this manner for some time to come. Whether it be the ability to
soup up an old PC in order to make it able to run modern software, or even something really basic such as tightening
up a loose screw on a car, many people already know that being able to fix things nowadays just isn’t that easy
With the environment being on so many minds nowadays, one would think that we should be moving away
from the throw-away society of the 80s and 90s. The truth is, we now throw away more than we ever have. And quite
often, it’s simply because we have no way to repair something that is broken. OK, certain mechanical objects can still
be fixed quite easily, and a whole industry and community exists to drive that. If your bicycle has been left in the rain
and it hasn’t been properly greased up, resulting in the chains and cogs rusting up, it doesn’t take much to buy and
replace the parts yourself. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for many modern cars or even agricultural
If you own a hybrid or electric car which then starts to play up and give you problems, fixing it yourself is
beyond difficult, even if you are technically minded enough to understand what the problem is. And farmers in the US
were initially denied the right to access the source code to digital devices attached to their agricultural machines
which meant they could only patch up machinery if they took it to specially trained, and expensive authorized repair
services. Even topping up their fuel tanks was becoming a problem until US law forced a better standardization for the
design of fuel pipe nozzles and attachments.
Similar problems were faced by car drivers in many states in the US until landmark legislation forced the
automobile manufacturers to make repair manuals available to owners as well as spare parts. If a part in an engine
breaks or becomes faulty and in turn causes the engine to seize up, in most states in the US you now have the right to
demand the plans for the car as well as the desired spare parts to make those much-needed repairs. The EU has
introduced similar laws to get car manufacturers and tech companies to cooperate.
Sometimes it’s just the manner in which things are designed that annoys us. In bygone days, we could change
the things we own in some way, if we wanted to, but nowadays there seems to be some kind of software that stops
us having fun because of health and safety concerns. Some MP3 players or media players on our phones won’t allow
us to turn up the volume too high because the software is trying to protect our hearing. Some printers won’t allow
you to use recycled printer cartridges when you have used up the ink on the previous ones unless it comes from the
same manufacturer or a licensed dealer. The hardware companies often claim that this is to protect us from
unscrupulous recycling companies that have a habit of botching up the recycling process which in turn could ruin our
printers. I suspect it’s more to do with squeezing a few more bucks out of the customers, though.
IT is quickly starting to become the area where the consumer faces the biggest headache. People in the IT
community prefer to assemble their own PCs than buy off-the-shelf PCs with particular brand names. The PC in our
office recently started heating up when the fan inside broke. When we asked the IT technician to fix it we were told
that fans could not be bought and installed into that make of PC unless they were produced by the same company. It
then turned out that particular model did not make any parts available to customers. In effect, we would have had to
buy a new PC, if our technician had not been able to find a way around the problem and repair it himself. He managed
to get the PC to work again although it still freezes up now and again when the memory overloads with certain
software. Nonetheless, every week we back up the hard disk from that particular PC on the cloud and on two external
disk drives, just in case.
On the other hand, we sometimes prefer that only the professionals should be fixing things for us. My
neighbour recently decided to spruce up his house by indulging in a little DIY. The result was pretty disastrous for
everybody. He first started on the plumbing as the sewer pipes from his house had a bad habit of clogging up with
effluent and causing very unpleasant overflows into his garden. His resulting handiwork meant that the wall between
our two properties was in danger of collapse and had to be shored up with jacks and trusses until a proper team of
builders could be hired to sort the problem out. And his attempts to adjust his air conditioning system resulted in the
outlets and ducts icing up, even in the middle of summer! Well, in some cases, it seems that the corporations are
right. There are certain repairs that should only be handled by authorised professionals. I think there is no doubt
about that.
Extra Bingo Cards
back up spruce up
use up
ice up freeze up

patch up play up
top up
spruce up shore up

use up shore up
top up
seize up rust up

top up patch up
spruce up
botch up ice up

top up clog up
shore up
heat up use up

rust up patch up
soup up
seize up freeze up

tighten up use up
rust up
soup up top up

patch up use up
tighten up
shore up top up
C onsumers A P O
gainst lanned bsolescence

To: All members and activists

From: Chair
Date: 08/05/2019
Re: The future

Dear Members,

Many of us are in some doubt as to the next course of action to take now that Brexit is a
realty/reality. Previously, we have worked very hard with the EU and the local MEP on the fight
against Planned Obsolescence which has borne/born fruit to a reasonable degree. We are all aware
of the EU directive which obligates manufacturers of electronic goods to build their products to last
longer and to make the appropriate spare parts disposable/available to the consumer as from the
year 2021. But there is now uncertainty as to whether/weather or not the UK will sign up to this
ruling even though the country was originally a signatory/signature to this legislation.
As such, given the previous difficult relationship/relation we have had with the local MP in
comparison to the very cordial association/membership with the local MEP, we need to decide how
to proceed next. Our task/work with the local EU representative was much/many more than cordial,
in fact. It was an affiliation based/baste on collaboration. However, the local Member of Parliament
has not liked/enjoyed the same kind of interaction with us and there still exists a grade/degree of
hostility. We need to decide how we can make this work to our advantage. Do we engage in a more
productive, and thereby a more collaborative acquaintanceship/apprenticeship, or do we adopt a
more confrontational tone with the local elected representative? Which course would profit/benefit
our group and the wider society as a whole?
The meeting will take place next week on Monday morning at the group’s offices.

Yours sincerely
Jill Lee

Born is the past participle of the verb bear only

when it's used in the sense of birth. It is also
used as an adjective in the same sense. Borne is
the past participle of the verb bear in all senses
except the one related to birth.
Technology: PV with Up FCE Practice Reading and Use of English
Part 4
For these questions complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between TWO and FIVE words, INCLUDING the word given.
Here is an example (0).
0 His doctor advised him to stop smoking.
His doctor told him ________________________________cigarettes.
The gap can be filled with the words “to give/pack up,” so you write:

Example: 0 TO GIVE/PACK UP
Write only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

1 The new machines consume way too much fuel to be economical.

Too much fuel has been _________________________ new machines to make them economically viable.

2 There is a constant build-up of ice on the machine and we need to have it repaired.
A fitter needs to look at the machine because it__________________________________________.

3 A new cooling device should stop this from getting too hot.
This machine would not ____________________________ much if we installed a better cooling system.

4 The drain becomes blocked easily in the autumn because of organic debris from the surrounding foliage.
In the autumn, the leaves have a habit of ___________________________________________ drain.

5 He forgot to make a secure copy of the data and consequently lost everything when the PC broke down.
He did not ____________________________________________ disk and lost everything when the PC broke

6 For maximum efficiency, we recommend adequate and regular lubrication of this apparatus.
We strongly suggest that the machine is ______________________ a regular basis for optimal performance.
1 The new machines consume way too much fuel to be economical.
Too much fuel has been USED UP BY THE new machines to make them economically viable.

2 There is a constant build-up of ice on the machine and we need to have it repaired.
A fitter needs to look at the machine because it KEEPS ICING UP.

3 A new cooling device should stop this from getting too hot.
This machine would not HEAT UP SO much if we installed a better cooling system.

4 The drain becomes blocked easily in the autumn because of organic debris from the surrounding
In the autumn, the leaves have a habit of CLOGGING UP THE drain.

5 He forgot to make a secure copy of the data and consequently lost everything when the PC broke down.
He did not BACK UP HIS/THE HARD disk and lost everything when the PC broke down.

6 For maximum efficiency, we recommend adequate and regular lubrication of this apparatus.
We strongly suggest that the machine is GREASED UP ON a regular basis for optimal performance.

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